Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

*@Morose secretly hides a saw behind my back ready to saw off Ed's leg* :P
@AshleyGroundie Your very welcome! :) Just ask away.
@AshleyGroundie Hi there and welcome to RPG! :D Feel free to send a PM and ask any questions you may have and i'd be willing to help out also if you want to RP feel free to ask! :)
Ill have a post up later today.

Location: Alf Leyla Salah at Opera Square

"I'm only messing around love." Lauren tried to hold back a smile she was just messing around like she always did with her customers and friends, she ran a hand through her hair as she listened in on Aziza and Harry Walsh speak to one another. So the man that Aziza was talking to was in the war she assumed, luckily she didn't know anyone personally who ended up having to fight in a war. She turned to look back at Aziza and thought for a moment, she also did have some questions and wanted to at least know more about Egyptian history. "Do you mind if I tag along with you?" Lauren asked.

She looked over her shoulder as someone spilled one of their drinks, Lauren reached under the bar counter and grabbed a cloth and went over and started to wipe it off. She looked over her shoulder at Aziza and Harry for a moment, Lauren did want to also explore a little bit more one of the reasons why she decided to come to Egypt other then to stay low. Once she finished cleaning up the mess she went back towards the two of them and leaned up against the bar.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 1 (Lobby --> Infirmary)

"I remember I used to read those books growing up, they were pretty good." Kristina said as she heard Astrid's voice over the radio and sighed softly to herself hearing that Zoie was stable now. She then turned her attention back towards Niesha and shook her head she didn't think going out to the Mess Hall right now would be a good idea when she didn't even know if the shooter was still there or not. "I think Miss Sally has the food making under control, we just need to stay put until we are given the all clear." Kristina suggested she was slightly antsy herself and having to stay still until the all clear was announced.

Kris then heard the door open and the familiar sound of hooves as she saw Bridgette the resident foul mouth already clad in her armor she rolled her eyes slightly at Bridgette's comment about touching Cadence. "Don't worry i'm not going to touch him, not going to get anywhere near a horse anytime soon." Kristina said as she gestured her head towards the office where some of the radios were being held. Then a few seconds later Black James came rolling in she gave him a smile and then looked towards Niesha and then the children that were gathered up in the lobby. "Shaken up a bit, but we are doing alright." Kristina answered as she brushed some hair out of her face. "Is there anything else we can do to help out?"

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall).

Sophia looked towards Tatiana as she asked if there was anything that she could do to help, she wanted to help as well but she was still trying to adjust doing things one handed which would take sometime for her to adjust. She turned her attention back towards Bazhooli and then Jack. "I've actually never been to a circus before growing up." Sophia said and then smiled slightly at his next question as she thought about her past work. "I'm Sophia Harris, before the shit happened I worked as a construction foreman. I used to also operate heavy machinery and the like." Sophia answered.

She didn't mind getting to know the new comers they seemed pretty nice to her so far though Sophia didn't trust them yet completely the timing was a little bit off with the shooting that had just happened. "So uhm where were you guys when things started to happen?" Sophia asked, shuddering slightly at her first encounter with a walker after waking up in the plane wreckage.
I shall have a post up later today.
I shall have a post up later today.

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Vanessa's Restaurant
Interacting With: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa @rivaan Natasha, @BlackPantherGage & Aron & @Caits Cassandra

"Well I don't mind hanging out with the three of you if you'd like to have me around that is." Anastasia said as she looked over towards Natasha and gave her a soft smile and nod, she remembered seeing the B&B while she was driving through a week ago and thought for a moment as she knew that the girl that was living there was another of the wolf attack victims. Anastasia stood up and looked towards Vanessa and gave the woman a friendly smile and wave. "I should actually get going myself I need to finish writing my next book."

Anastasia then turned to look over at Cassandra and took out a small note pad as well as a pen and wrote down her phone number and handed it towards Cassandra. "If you want to hang out or whenever you have the little get together tonight i'll be over pretty quickly." Anastasia said as she started to make her way towards the front door.
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