Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Riley Walker

Location: Riley's Bed & Breakfast (Her bedroom)
Interacting With:@twannyman Gabanre, @rivaan Valencia & @Zhaliora Patricia, @Vicier Syleste, @BlackPanther The Twins, @Caits Cody & Cassandra Quinton & Abigale , @ChaoticFox Echo, @Metronome Yoska & @Damo021 Miranda.

(Since I didn't get a clear reply from where the hell you all are at i'm just tagging it anyway so yeah your still tagged.)

Riley looked towards Sylest and smiled at her. "I'm doing alright thanks." Riley said with a soft smile as she watched her friends suddenly just up and leaving the café she sighed softly as she ran a hand through her hair. Riley she took her cup of coffee as she started to drink it down she looked towards Val and smiled at her. "Well i'm going to go and get the RV, you want to come with me?" Riley asked as she finished up her drink and looked towards Patricia as well giving the older woman a soft smile. "You are more then welcome to join as well." Riley said as she got up and grabbed her own car keys which she had in her pocket.

Riley started to leave the café and started making her way back towards her house as she made it back to her car she opened the door and got inside. She waited until Valencia was in and then Riley started to drive off towards the outside of town where a family friend was there who owned the RV that she always used. Riley made her way up towards the door and dug into her wallet pulling out 100 dollar bill that she agreed to use for the RV for the next few days.

Riley knocked on the door as an older man opened the door to see Riley out there he gave her a smile and then hugged her. "Good to see ya again Riley." He said as Riley handed him the money and smiled. "Good to see you as well." Riley smiled back towards him as she was handed the keys to the RV. "Take care of my ride?" He nodded and smiled at her. "Shes all filled up with gas, enough for a warm shower, and electricity to last ya and your friends for the next couple of days." He said Riley smiled happily as she shook his hand glad that the plan was already set up, she took out her phone and decided to text all of her friends.

[quote][color=lightgreen][I]"Guys got the RV for tomorrow meet at my place tomorrow afternoon 12:00PM sharp, see you all later. :)[/color][/I][/quote]
@Caits Well hurry it up then ya? :P I'm not going to do it in this post.
Working on a post now sorry guys. Also i'll be doing a timeskip very soon so get your last posts up now.

Location: Grand Continental Hotel

Lauren gently wrapped an arm around Aziza's shoulder to try and comfort her friend as she looked at her friend seeing the look in her eyes she didn't know what any of it meant either which wasn't reassuring to her. She looked over towards Harry as the light faded from his hand she leaned forward and gently took Aziza's necklace in her hand. "May I take a look at it?" Lauren asked as she started inspecting the piece of jewelry running her hand over the hieroglyph. Lauren didn't know what it said either being only in Egypt for a short time she didn't know any other languages other then English and Gallic.

Lauren nodded slightly as she got up and headed over towards one of the cabinets searching for a glass of booze until she found one and pulled it out. "Lets go first thing in the morning then sound good?" Lauren asked as she looked over towards Harry for a moment. "Are you okay there Harry?" Lauren asked softly as she shifted slightly and then opened the bottle and took a drink out of it.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Police Station

Riley looked towards Roxane and nodded slightly at her comment but she didn't feel like saying anything as she turned to her sister she got up and moved over to pull Tuesday into a hug. She rarely ever saw Tuesday breakdown even when growing up, she gently rubbed Tuesday's back as she watched Marc standing up and then storming out of the room, she felt bad for what she said. She knew that Marc was doing his best to try and protect everyone here. Then Tim started speaking she avoided eye contact with the officer she simply nodded slightly she stood there awkwardly quiet. "I know Marc and you are doing your best, and i'm sorry for snapping. But having a target on your back you can understand i'm stressed the fuck out." Riley said softly as she went over and sat back down on the seat.

Riley's eyes wondered towards Tim as he started grabbing some files and started pinning them up onto the board she leaned forward for a moment before standing up. "I'll be right back i'm not leaving the station." Riley stood up and headed out of Tim's office as her eyes wondered around the police station until she found Marc with Cynthia. She gently patted him on the shoulder and looked towards Marc. "Hey uhm, just want to say sorry for what I said back there. I didn't mean to, question or argue with you I want to get this guy as soon as possible and protect my friends as well."
I'll have a post up tomorrow. :)

Kristina Smith

Location: Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street -> Building E (Room 2 Kristina's)

Kristina smiled towards Miss Sally and gave the elderly woman a soft nod, as she stood there for a moment and watched as Black James started moving the cooked deer off of the smoker and onto the food cart. She noticed a piece of smoked meat fall onto the pavement and watched as Schrodinger suddenly pounces on the meat and trotted off with it. It reminded her of her own cat whenever a piece of food ended up falling onto the floor. "I'm going to go to my place and lay down for a bit if anyone needs me." Kristina said softly as she grabbed her crutches off of the cart and started making her way up Gilbert Street. Kris would smile softly at some of the people as she walked past them and eventually made her way onto Lagrange Street, there she saw her place as Kristina made her way into it.

Once she had made it into her room Kristina closed the door laying the pair of crutches on the side of the wall close to the door, letting out a slight groan as she limped her way towards her bed. Kris plopped herself down on the bed and grabbed one of the pillows from behind her. She laid it in front of her resting her sprained ankle onto it, closing her eyes for a moment as Kris eventually lets out a soft yawn she looked over towards her bedside table a book rested next to it.

And next to it was the old picture of her family one that Maria always had on her, she reached for the necklace that her sister always wore as well. She really did miss her family and Lorna closing her eyes for a moment and sighed quietly, Kristina then grabbed the book off of the bedside table it was The Hobbit. She remembered reading it back in high school as a school assignment, sadly she didn't have any other good things to read at the moment or anything else to do for the day.

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia gave Niesha a soft smile it seemed interesting how a simple plant could actually help people, though it was something she didn't have any knowledge of before things had started. She gently ran a hand through Niesha's hair as she watched her continue with mixing up the plants to make the meds. Sophia would look over her shoulder as some of the people were finishing up their meal and started cleaning and putting away some of their dishes. She looked over towards Niesha for a moment and then started to feel her stomach starting to growl slightly she started to feel hungry. "I'll be right back i'm going to get us some food." Sophia said as she left the kitchen and headed out to grab herself a tray. She smiled at the people who were still handing out some dinner, she awkwardly grabbed one tray in her arm and headed back into the kitchen where Niesha was. "Here you go." Sophia said to Niesha.

She then turned back and grabbed her own tray coming back with it Sophia set the tray down next to her and pulled herself back up to sitting on the counter. Sophia grabbed a fork and started to quickly dig in only having a peach from earlier this morning as she started eating. "Sooo when your done with this would you want to go and see the little show Miss Sally announced?" Sophia asked it had been awhile since she had seen a performance. Before things happened Sophia was way to busy with her work working over twelve hour shifts some days if construction was behind schedule. "Or did you just want to head back to our place when you finish making meds?"

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 Rec Center

Meg sighed slightly when she didn't get a reply back from Ashton, she turned her head and watched Tatiana and Bazhooli for a moment as she continued to set up the Rec Center for the people of Newnan. Miss Sally did have a pretty good idea, maybe she could convince Ashton to try and make these things more common just to try and give this place a little bit of normalcy. It did feel like it was just work, work and more work all the time, though she knew why just to keep this place up and running. Meghna turned around to see Tatiana approach her and smiled at the shy little bird in front of her asking if there was any form of music here.

"Follow me into the back, theres quiet a bit of stuff to search through." Meg said as she gently wrapped an arm around Tatiana she looked over her shoulder at the guard still watching over Baz. "I'll be just in the other room if you need me alright?" Meg said as she started walking towards the door.

Meg started sifting through various boxes found from various runs in the past she wasn't really sure what everything was as Meghna searched through box after box. "So how are you liking Newnan so far Tatiana?" Meg asked as she searched through another box.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Despite losing a leg an all and aside from the intense pain that he was feeling Ray felt pretty good all things considered, he listened to Tiffany as she spoke he frowned slightly at what happened to her mother. "So how much money would I be able to get from the bastard that bit me?" Raymond asked jokingly as he drank more from the water bottle that was there. "Sorry for that happening to your mother. I lost my mom to cancer, despite everything we had done for her she eventually passed away." Raymond said he however remembered meeting his girlfriend at the time when he would buy flowers for his mother during the various courses of chemo.

"She died when I was thirty. My dad took it hard, but the two of us made it through though." The last time Ray ever spoken to his father was when things were going down his father wanted to stay put until things passed. Raymond wanted him to get into one of the safe zones set up by the military.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor

Riley looked towards Roy as he spoke about drug addicts it reminded her a little bit about Tuesday, even though her sister didn't do anything to hurt her she just wanted to make sure that Tuesday didn't end up getting herself killed if some drug deal went wrong. She had been trying to convince her sister to go clean for years now, but she just simply gave up now after her second time spent in prison. Riley rolled her eyes slightly at Ronnie and smiled slightly she was talking to Roy and not him about that question. "Been hitting to much weed lately?" Riley said jokingly as she turned her attention back towards Roy as he mentioned his relation towards Danica, she sort of got the feeling that he didn't know her personally that much. "I was just mainly curious since you arrested my friend here and her as well." Riley said softly as she leaned herself up against the counter in the kitchen.

Riley then heard a knock on her door and instantly recognized his voice it was of course Marc she didn't really think he would actually come and visit her since he was just here on something to do with the murders here in Justice. Riley then stood up and made her way towards the door and opened it, she smiled as she pulled Marc into a friendly hug. "Well if it isn't Marc, you never call or write anymore." She said jokingly she hadn't seen him since the shitty murder reunion in Grimm. Then she saw Tuesday and smiled as she hugged her sister as well. "How are things Tuesday?"

Riley looked towards Felix a man she wasn't to familiar with personally and gave the man a soft smile as she opened the door further to offer the three of them into her apartment. "So what brings you over here Marc?" Riley asked as she gestured towards Ronnie and Roy. "This is my friend Ronnie and Roy." She introduced the two other men towards Marc. [color-cyan]"Can I offer you guys anything?"[/color]
@Ambiguity At first I thought it was Carl to, since Negan referenced him before the S6 finale when Negan used the bat. Glenn did die in the comics just like they did in the show. Abe was suppose to die instead of Denise in S6 if I remember what the wiki said in the comics to.
@Ambiguity I know I miss Glenn so much and Abraham I was expecting just Glenn to die but I really wasn't expecting Abraham to get killed off either.
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