Avatar of Nallore


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4 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Kiera Donovan

Location: New Rome
Skills: N/A

One moment she was holding off the fire with her water ability the next moment she was now in some random coffee shop in New Rome sitting in a hair with a tea cup in her hand. Looking a bit confused for a moment before looking over at her girlfriend and smiled towards her, glad that she was able to get them out of there quickly. She looked down at her arms they had some blisters on them from holding up the water shield and the heat from it must have burned her slightly. "Thank you love." Kiera said giving her a smile and stood up giving her a kiss on the cheek when Terminus came over and entered the shop.

"The city is falling, I suggest you three leave right now." Terminus said as Kiera took a few steps over towards the stone looking god for a moment. "What about you?" Kiera asked looking at him for a moment. "I'll hold them off while the rest of the legionaries retreat." He said to her as Kiera turned to look over at Leda and Mary, they needed to get back to the Argo III then. "We need to get back to the Argo III." She said, as she watched the greek fire bombs still hitting the ground as the legionaires in the city started to retreat now as well to.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Jupiter, Fields of Mars
Skills: N/A

During the battle Alexandra had fallen back to the Senate building, Nancy would see her gathering as many bags containing scrolls, books, maps, records anything that they had. Most importantly she was holding the Sibylline Books books the Roman's book of prophecies, she turned to look at Nancy. "Could you help me with these?" Alexandra asked Nancy, these were important to New Rome and needed as many records that they had as possible to she had a few shoulder bags and backpacks set up as well with them all stuffed inside to.

Gryf squawked at Andy as he flew through the air and landed safely on the top deck of the Argo III, Alannah turned to look at Niah and nodded towards her. "I'll land us so we can pick up as many people as we can then, just have to hold them off a bit longer." Alannah told Niah as she moved the ship. Landing in the clearing that Nancy had made with her loud scream, some legionaires immediately started to climb up the rope ladder as soon as it was pulled down.

Madalyne was backing up sweat coming off of her forehead seeing the flares going up, her home had fallen and she was more mad at herself more than anything. She quickly climbed up the ladder as well, until she was on the top deck, the legionaires quickly started to manually take control of the ballistae firing them off at the monster army as well to.

"That would be the Fates job." Ariadne answered Waverly as she started to head deeper into the Labyrinth and made a few turns as they got closer the group would be able to hear a voice giving orders the figure on the other side of the room wore dark shadowy like robes and stood about twenty feet high. In the room were several barrels of greek fire as well to. The giant turned his attention to the goddess and three puny demigods and quickly brandished it's stygian iron sword. "Clytius it's nice to see you again." Ariadne said as the goddess pulled out a celestial bronze sword looking at Waverly and Emily. "Find something with fire please." She requested as she ran forward, and the goddess and giant were fighting now.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Houston Space Center
Skills: Spear fighting

"You aim like a stormtrooper Zeke." Kristin teased Zeke as she swung her spear aiming for it's tail, and managed to cut through it's tough hide and cut the poisonous tail off. She quickly took a step backwards to avoid getting swiped by the monster's massive claws, it breathed out a wall of fire into the air as it howled in pain.

She turned her attention towards Janelle for a moment seeing that she had taken out some more of the monsters by putting them to sleep. "Janelle try putting the chimera to sleep." Kristin suggested as she rolled out of the way from another swipe from the chimera while Echidna watched the scene unfolding before her smirking to herself.
So whats the point of this thread just spam the word 'Advancement' over and over again?

Sierra Finley

Location: Camelot, Pub
Skills: N/A

Rumple turned to look at both Rose and Megan as they went for their weapons and rolled his eyes at the two of them, and used his magic to fling Rose' bow and arrow out of her hands. When Meg went in and attacked her, managing to graze the side of his cheek missing where she had intended to hit, drawing a bit of blood. "Well this isnt how you should treat a customer." Rumple said with a slight laugh as he took a handkerchief from his pocket and whipped some of the blood off of his cheek.

Sierra watched as Rumple went and easily disarmed Rose and then getting hit by Megan, she was about to get up and try and attack Rumple when he used his magic and flung her across the room knocking Sierra onto her back letting out a slight groan as she slowly sat back up looking at Rumple. Taylor thought that it was best right now to avoid attacking the guy, as she watched what Rumple was going to do next

"Now i'll need to have a few words with my son privately." Rumple said as he appeared in front of Jack and laid a hand on his shoulder, and the two of them were gone in an instant. The next thing Jack knew he was now in a rather nice looking room with a large couch and a fireplace that was roaring. Rumple walked over to a nearby bar and filled himself a drink turning to look at Jack and smiled some more, as he poured a second glass. "Would you like one?" He offered Jack.

Layla Hood

Location: Camelot, Pub
Skills: N/A

Layla watched as Matt went in and kissed Colby and visibly made a gagging motion to her sister, why he decided to do it in the first place was way beyond her. They were being attacked by a group of murderous birds. She went over to both Colby and Matt and flicked both of their ears looking a bit annoyed. "If you two are done tongue wrestling and trying to get into each others pants." Layla said shaking her head slightly as she turned to look over at Merlin for a moment. She was also a bit curious why the crows would even come in and attack them in the first place as well to, they needed to get going with what was going to happen next.

"I'm not sure but it was somehow related to magic." Merlin answered, as he stared at Layla and shook his head slightly, he then gestured to the group to head back down stairs. "You can bring or take your pets with you, some of us are heading back to my tower to contact the rest of your parents." Merlin said as he headed back down the stairs.

Nadia Petrova

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

"What did the gatekeeper guy say then?" Nadia asked looking over at Runa for a moment wondering how she even gotten to Helheim in the first place. She looked over at the undead and shuddered slightly, she really, really didnt want to be here at all but they had a task that they needed to do and prevent Ragnarok from happening. "Lets get going the sooner we get out of here the better." Nadia said as she started to walk further down as they approached a bridge she noticed a rather large gate in the distance.

Nadia suddenly froze as she came face to face with an undead looking soul, she started to breathe heavily and backed up slightly bumping into Runa slightly. She reached for her sword, trying her best to stay as calm as possible, Runa would see the massive gatekeeper standing at the entrance to the gate. Slamming it's massive weapon on an occasional soul that he didnt deem worthy of entering Helheim causing the ground to shake violently.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

Elizabeth was still asleep but her breathing had stabilized which would be a good sign to her as Arnora turned to look at Lara and nodded towards her. She had to make a decision and if they didnt do anything then the Draugr would end up overrunning them and they would most likely be dead. She looked around the cave for a moment noticing that the cave led much deeper, and thought about going deeper than dealing with a herd of the undead. "When Elizabeth wakes we should explore the cave, maybe it will be a shortcut to the Ship of the Dead?" Arnora suggested, when she heard some tapping.

"The undead are really dumb and would be banging usually." Arnora said when she heard a woman's voice on the other end, and instantly waved her hand slightly creating a small opening for Astrid to come through. "You are a Valkyrie right?" Arnora asked looking at her and recognized the cloak that she had on her. "Wouldnt mind the help either."
@kittyluna45 She's good to move over. :)

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground - Casper & James' Room -> Sewers
Skills: N/A

As soon as Max opened a portal she stepped on through it and onto the other side, she looked around seeing all of the rubble, she thought for a moment that Max had gotten the location completely wrong. It seemed that both Ben and Waverly had everything secured for now, but she wasnt sure for how much longer that they could handle it. She turned to look over at James the only one who had any real experience with engineering, she was a mechanic and knew her way around a car engine but nothing when it came to structures. "Whats your play, is it safe to move anything?" Callie asked looking over at James for a moment, she knew that time was of the essence but they could end up killing the others or even end up trapping themselves.

From the sound of it Veil was still alive from what she heard from Jack as he shrunk down and managed to get into a few cracks in the rubble. Casper also confirming that he didnt see Veil's ghost at all yet which was a good thing then, she didnt really want to become the full time leader of the underground.

Bethany Bell

In Space
Skills: N/A

"Well we did fire back at them, they could easily just blame us for that and that would be their reasoning to arrest us whether it was for self defense or not." Bethany said turned to look at Mary for a moment that was her reasoning for why they would arrest them right now, Beth really didnt like the idea of going to jail at all right now. As Beth went to sit back down for a moment when she started to feel heat coming off of Iris and quickly turned around her eyes going wide as she watched Iris literally lighting herself on fire. Beth knew that the girl was eccentric but she didnt think that Iris would actually set herself on fire.

She watched Iris moving towards Ed and winced as she caught his sleeve on fire, before Pietro instantly took action and went to remove Iris putting her into an airlock and then ejecting the girl out into space. Bethany wasnt sure how to actually react at all as she stood there speechless and all. Just as the ship shook again as the Nova Corps fired on their ship again destroying the engines.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Hawkeye's Homestead - Missouri
Skills: N/A

Cassandra had fallen asleep on the floor next to Matt, though it was a bit uncomfortable and the pain in her eye had started to come back as well to she didnt get to much sleep after they made it to Hawkeye's little hideout. She slowly groaned as she heard Hawkeye knocking on the door and slowly stretched out, Cass cracked her neck slightly. She rubbed her good eye as her vision cleared up some more she looked down at Matt and gently nudged him and then gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Time to get up love." Cass said to Matt as she stood up and made her way out of the room and into the kitchen of sorts.

Seeing just about everyone was up now at this point some were eating some cereal that was set up, Cass then froze for a moment seeing Nick Fury there holding Goose. She wasnt expecting to see him at all there, but it was actually good to see the former director there before her now as well to. Hearing Nick Fury addressing Bonnie for a moment, she wasnt sure what he actually meant by that as she walked over to Bonnie. "Whats he talking about?" Cass whispered to Bonnie.

Evelyn Holder

Location: Hawkeye's Homestead - Missouri
Skills: N/A

During the flight Evelyn took the time to explain more about her power, she had over time she had learned some marital arts, but most recently she had learned how to properly handle handguns. Though she did prefer to use swords over guns, they were a bit to loud in her opinion. But she did like the range and accuracy as well over just simply using throwing knives to, she was willing to let Matt try and use one of her swords if he ever did ask.

Evelyn had slept rather peacefully throughout the entire night, as she slowly woke up and stretched slightly, after she heard Hawkeye knocking on the door waking everyone up. She slowly left the room and met with the others seeing just about everyone was eating some breakfast. "Good morning everyone." Evelyn said as she went and fixed herself a bowl of cereal to eat.

Maria Novikova

Location: Skrull Prison Ship
Skills: (Flynn's fire manipulation) Hand to hand combat, Kickboxing

Maria turned to hear Princess Anelle screaming and crying to stop killing her people, she closed her eyes for a moment and sighed slightly she wasnt sure if any of them were innocent since they were here keeping them prisoner on this ship. But a part of her wondered if they had families somewhere on these ships as well to. She was married and had a child on the way as well to, as Maria looked at the skrulls that they were fighting. "Try and not kill them if you guys can." Maria said deciding to get up close and personal with the skrulls instead as she charged forward to the closest skrulls.

Maria had some hand to hand combat skills, as she managed to land a few good punches on two of the skrulls closest to her knocking them out with ease. Her attention turned to another skrull as it managed to land a punch hitting her in the nose, and stumbled back slightly feeling her nose bleeding slightly. She went in for another hit, only to accidentally hit her forehead against the skrull and stumbled back again looking at the skrull and glared at it.

Sierra Finley

Location: Camelot, Pub
Skills: N/A

"There were some support beams or rafters whatever you wanna call them, my idea was to tie some rope to their pants and underwear, then hoist them up into the air giving them a wedgie that they wont ever forget. Find something sticky like syrup and some feathers and throw it at them." Taylor whispered to Rosalia, she was the only one who was able to hear the plan she paused for a moment as she heard some cawing in the rooms above. "Whats that exactly?" Taylor asked, just as Cassi came down. It took Merlin a moment as he closed his eyes and sensed that there was some kind of magic going on. "Nothing good at all." Merlin said as he quickly bolted up the stairs.

"Our house at the time was on fire, I couldnt find you but a wolf managed to find you somehow just as we found you to." Red answered Rose giving her a bit of a smile, just as she heard the comotion going on as well to and quickly followed behind Merlin as well along with Hansel and Gretel.

Sierra watched as the adults went to go and investigate pretty much, just as she heard a door opening and a man entered, he was just by himself by the looks of it as he waved his hand and the door shut behind him. He turned his attention towards Jack and started to grin at him, seeing his son there for the first time in years. "Ahhh, so good to see you again Jackie." Rumple said grinning at him as he stared at the group, seeing how young they all were but his attention was mostly on Jack right now.

Layla Hood

Location: Camelot, Pub
Skills: N/A

"Really this is how you guys handle some stupid birds?" Layla said seeing the crow that Matt was holding like a weapon of sorts, the crow turned around managing to move it's head enough and bit into Matt's hand rather hard forcing him to let go and drawing some blood as well to. Layla quickly would snatch up a pillow and would shove it into the broken pane of glass in a way to board up the window as Layla turned to see the others had come up and Merlin stepping into the room. He used his magic to suddenly make the crows disappear. "Grab whatever you can and get out of the room right now." Merlin instructed everyone.

"You don't have to tell me twice." Layla said as she quickly bolted out of the room, just as more glass broke and more crows flew into the room, Merlin used his magic to get both Matt and Colby out of the room, along with their cats and immediately backed up, closing the door and made sure that it was locked. Layla could hear the birds hitting at the door, even one managed to jam it's beak through the door leaving a small hole.
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