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4 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
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2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Sierra Finley

Location: Camelot, Pub
Skills: N/A

"Well everyone decided to run so that obviously would be why they would all see you and try and capture you." Gretel said rubbing the bridge of her nose slightly and sighed as she cracked her neck slightly. Hansel sighed and rolled his eyes towards his sister, as the two of them looked around there werent any guards right now as far as the two of them could tell. Sierra rubbed her arm slightly as she got some dust off of her looking over towards Merlin. "I agree lets get going." Sierra said she wanted to get as far away from the city as soon as possible to.

"It shouldnt be to far." Merlin said as he looked at everyone else and motioned for them all to follow him, Sierra nodded slightly as she stretched slightly and followed shortly behind Merlin again. Red remained pretty close to Rose as she looked around keeping alert on their surroundings. She didnt hear anyone or anything yet either from the city so it seemed like they were in the clear right now which was still good.

Layla Hood

Location: Camelot, Pub
Skills: Knife Throwing

Layla gave her sister a slight nudge and looked at her to see if she was alright or not, before looking at Merlin and nodded slightly the sooner they could get back to the tower the better. She made sure that she had enough throwing knives on her, since she had used one on the guard not to long ago to save Sierra. She followed shortly behind Merlin as well to, Lucky would poke his head out of Rosalia's bag and looked up at her and started to lick her hand and parked at her for attention clearly.

Merlin looked at Megan for a moment and shook his head, he didnt think that Rumple would actually do that to his son and knowing him he had something up his sleeve and probably wanted him alive. "I don't think he will do that to Jack, he most likely needs him for something or using him as leverage." Merlin informed her, as they reached the clearing and they all could see the tower again, Layla stared at it for a moment before making her way towards the door as Merlin went and opened it.

"Do you have anything of Jack's Megan?" Merlin asked her as he started to gather some ingredients for something as Layla entered the tower and went to sit down on a nearby chair.

Rumple's Hideout:

Outside Jack would be able to see a lone servant tending to a small garden in front of the large building, she turned to look at Jack for a moment before quickly looking down. The guard behind Jack wasnt to far behind him either spear in hand, as he watched Jack like a hawk to make sure that he wouldnt do anything. Jack would start to feel a few small rain drops coming down as it started to lightly rain now, the guard looked around. "Don't take to long and don't do anything stupid either i'll have my eye on you." The guard warned Jack.

Camp Barrier:

The pain would start to feel worse for Leandra and she would feel like she would start to pass out due to the poison coursing through her body now, and pulling out the spike she would be bleeding quiet a bit as well to. "We need to get you to the Apollo Cabin and get you patched up." One of the legionaires said offering to help out Leandra. A few seconds later Chiron came trotting up to the group, not in his usual wheelchair that he was always in.

"Is everyone alright?" Chiron asked the campers at the barrier nodded towards Chiron as he looking over at Stella seeing a new face coming into camp, and seeing that Mary was hurting quiet a bit as well seeing the blood on her back. "You should get to the Apollo Cabin as well to, and get treated." Chiron suggested to her as he turned his attention back to Stella.

One of the campers from Camp Half-Blood went over to where the manticore was it had burst into some dust leaving behind a manticore tail, and went over to hand it to Mary since she was the one to kill it. "Here you go." The camper said giving Mary a smile, as Chiron spoke up introducing himself to Stella. "I am Chiron, welcome to Camp Half-Blood you are safe here. Follow me, and get a bit warm to." Chiron said motioning for Stella to follow him.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Kiera watched as her girlfriend quickly ate all of her food without any kind of issues which still amazed her quiet a bit. "I slept pretty well." Kiera said as the other kids of the Iris cabin were all talking while they were all eating rather quickly as well to, Kiera smiled and shook her head slightly at Leda. "Not at all, if you are hungry you are hungry." Kiera said as she ate some more of her breakfast and leaned back slightly. "Need any help tending to the shrines today?" Kiera offered her girlfriend, which she would occasionally help out with as well to with her from time to time.

Juan the head counselor for the Hermes Cabin came up to him and laughed slightly having a carrot in his hand and handed it over to Zeke as a bit of a joke. "Just so you know I had nothing to do with that, but it was totally hilarious." Juan said to Zeke giving him a pat on the shoulder before joining back at the table with the other Hermes kids eating their breakfast as well to.

Kiera finished eating the rest of her breakfast only leaving a small portion for her father and headed over towards the nearby brazier and shoved it inside saying a silent prayer to him, she still had no real clue what was going on with the gods right now either. She remembered that Mr. D hadnt been at camp for the last couple of days since the winter solstice visit before joining her girlfriend back at the Iris Table.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"I'm doing well thanks." Isaac said to Janelle as he went and continued to eat some more letting out a slight yawn and stretched looking back at her. "So doing anything today?" He asked, unlike most of the other kids at Hypnos' Cabin he wasnt all that tired all the time or lazy either. Spending some of his time helping out at the infirmary in the Apollo Cabin to or training as well to, while most of his cabin mates spent most of their time sleeping.

Kristin didnt really care for the other kids at Ares cabin were glaring at her, and just brushed it off as her attention turned towards Jason. "I'm used to the cold as well to, growing up in South Dakota the weather tended to act really weird to somedays it's nice and warm while other days it could get snowy." Kristin said as she ate her breakfast some more. "Also my family had a cabin out in Alaska to and we would spend some winters there to." Kristin said, sighing slightly remembering the last time she saw her cousin when she was alive and she hadnt gone back there since. "Anyway whats for breakfast?" Kristin asked looking over at Jason.

Lauryn was finishing up eating her breakfast as she turned to look up at Demetri coming up to her table tilting her head slightly as he asked her if he could get some help building something. "Sure, though gotta tend to some maintenance on the Argo III, your welcome to help out to, and I can see about helping you, what did you need help with anyway?"

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Roman Side, Cohort Tent -> Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"Joanie is still adorable though." Madalyne said to Nancy as she scratched the baby dragon under the chin, it letting out a cute little sound sounding something like a baby dinosaur from Jurassic Park. She turned to look at Niah when she didnt answer her question and frowned slightly. "You can crash in our tent if you want to." Madalyne whispered to Niah she didnt like that her friend who was pretty much a sister to her sleeping uncomfortably in a tent with the others.

She had a bit of an idea for the War Games tonight, anyway and she wanted to run it by Nancy and Niah as well to and it would be interesting as well to. "Lets get to the dining pavilion and get some food and we can plan on it there." She suggested, as Niah's fellow Centurion nodded and headed off to go about his own duties, the other members of the legion were getting ready to head out as well to.

Madalyne headed out shortly afterwards and made her way over to the dining pavilion and seeing some greeks were there as well to and some legionaires were eating some breakfast as well to. She sat down at an empty table after grabbing herself a plate of food as some bacon and hard boiled eggs appeared on her plate along with a glass of milk to.

Nadia Petrova

Location: Helheim
Skills: Sword Fighting

Nadia started to think for a moment as she looked over again seeing Klara from where she was or at least the top of her head that is, sighing slightly as she looked over at Runa. "I'll distract the gatekeeper guy, you go and get Runa and i'll catch up to you guys alright?" Nadia suggested, it was the only idea that she could think of right now and they needed to make sure that Klara would be alright as well to. "On three we get out alright?" Nadia said as she made sure she had her sword ready, and started to count down while looking at Runa, when she got down to one Nadia quickly got out and ran forward.

"Hey big ugly!" Nadia yelled as she grabbed a small rock and quickly threw it managing to hit him in the head, the giant quickly turned it's focus on Nadia and grinned at her. She charged forward and swung her sword at the giant's legs, causing the giant to stumble backwards, and tried to swing at her. Nadia managing to roll out of the way just in time, seeing what the thing could do to a pillar she didnt want to get hit by that massive thing. She just hoped that Runa would be able to get to Klara and help her out of her spot and get to where they needed to go.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

"Alright then lets go with my plan then." Arnora said as she started to make her way through the forest, feeling and hearing the snow crunching under her. She didnt mind the cold at all really since she was the daughter of Skadi the cold didnt really bother her to much, though the horse couldnt hold all four of them which was a bit of a bummer. As they started to get a bit closer Arnora could see a large river coming into view as she looked over towards the others.

She had a feeling that it would be closer to a larger body of water. "Lets keep going, we should follow the river." Arnora said as she paused for a moment feeling the ground starting to shake. She looked up and saw a group of giants talking amongst themselves as they were heading down stream as well to luckily they werent spotted yet.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Hawkeye's Homestead - Missouri -> Quinjet
Skills: N/A

Cassandra looked at Sparky for a moment and nodded towards her, she needed to be able to see fully and having literally half of your vision was more of a hinderance. Though she wasnt super thrilled having her eye being poked and prodded at really, it was kind of getting annoying now to but she needed a replacement eye. "That works for me, and I can be more helpful with you guys there anyway." Cassandra said, as she gave Hawkeye a slight smile as she watched three kids hugging him. She looked at Matt for a moment and gave him a smile, she hadnt thought about having kids to much.

She laughed slightly seeing one of the kids grabbing Goose' tail seeing the cat jumping up into the rafters. "I'll go and meet you guys at the Quinjet then and we can get started." Cass said as she got up and looked over at Matt gently rubbing his shoulder and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as she grabbed her plate, she trusted that the group wouldnt have to much of a hassle with some alien cats like Goose. She went and sat her dishes down into the sink, and made her way out of the house and towards the Quinjet's medical area.

Evelyn Holder

Location: Hawkeye's Homestead - Missouri -> Hawkeye's Truck
Skills: N/A

"I'll go on the cat hunt then." Evelyne said as watched as three of Hawkeye's kids came running in and hugging him which was kind of cute to see. Goose was being a cat and knocking some stuff off of the table when one of Hawkeye's kids grabbed and yanked his tail, hearing Goose yowling and jumping up onto the rafters in the ceilings and spider-man grabbing him. She watched as Cass stood up and putting her dishes away and made her way towards the quinjet.

Evelyne did the same as well to grabbing her plate and setting them into the sink and made her way towards the truck. Seeing the truck Evelyne climbed onto the back of the truck sitting in the bed of hit. She was pretty sure that by sitting in the truck bed it would draw a bit of attention to themselves.

Maria Novikova

Location: Skrull Prison Ship -> Bridge
Skills: N/A

Maria looked towards Princess Anelle and nodded slightly, completely ignoring Flynn's first comment though they would need to come up with a plan just in case the other skrulls wanted to talk to Criti Noll person. "We'll make sure that the others won't harm anymore of your people Princess." Maria said trying to reassure her that they wouldnt kill another skrull. She just hoped that the other skrulls won't attack them if she failed at impersonating one of them as Maria stood up and made her way back towards the bridge.

Maria looked over at the others who were on the bridge. "How are things going on up here?" Maria asked looking at all of them for a moment seeing the bodies of the other skrulls that were killed and winced slightly. She just hoped that whatever plan that Hope had in mind would actually work out for all of them.

Bethany Bell

The Kyln
Skills: Clairvoyance

Bethany closed her eyes again after Runa asked for her to look for Lance, she hadnt used this power this much before really as she tried to track down where Lance was before sighing. "All I know right now is that he isnt on the floor we are right now." Bethany said as she continued to walk forward and attempted to try and find Lance again, but she wasnt able to this time. She decided to try it at least one last time, only to get the same result as Beth turned to face Runa again and shook her head slightly.

"Sorry for not being much help really." Bethany said to Runa as she walked and spoke to her friend, Beth wasnt paying much attention as she bumped into a rather muscular looking guy with a bunch of weird markings. She quickly backed up slightly and glared at him. "How about you watch where you are going?" Bethany said sounding really annoyed right now, but she didnt make a move to attack him knowing that it probably wouldnt be a smart thing to do either.

Callie Johnson

Location: Washington DC, Lincoln Memorial
Skills: N/A

Callie went through the portal with the others after disarming the second to last bomb, she looked around seeing the Lincoln Memorial in front of her and X-Cutioner in front of her. She listened to Casper for a moment, apparently X-Cutioner had strapped the last bomb to himself, sighing slightly it wasnt a good thing then. Callie looked at Sunshine and shook her head slightly, killing him right away would be way to easy he probably had a failsafe in case he was killed before the time limit was off.

"I'd imagine he'd have a failsafe, maybe a deadman's switch or something like that if we kill him it might set the bomb off." Callie said, as she thought for a moment if Zari could disarm it with her powers then it would help them alot. "If Zari can't disarm the bomb and it goes off, Veil maybe you could create a forcefield around him it could contain the explosion, and Sapphire could freeze the air within the field and then Max can portal the remains out into space or wherever he wants it to go." Callie suggested to Veil and Sapphire looking over at the three of them, it was the only plan that she could come up with in her mind.

Kristina Smith

Location: Washington DC, Lincoln Memorial
Skills: N/A

Kristina was still feeling really sore but she was really glad to be alive still she looked over towards Sapphire for a moment grateful that she saved her from bleeding out, and for Max healing her. She didnt blame the SHIELD agents for shooting her, or what had happened in the last mission with everyone else. Kris looked around the area she had gone on a few walks with some friends from time to time or during the late nights and wanted to get some fresh air.

She stared at the back of the X-Cutioner he hadnt spotted them yet which was a good thing then as she looked at Callie for a moment coming up with a plan that might work if the bomb did go off. If they could contain it from going off it would be a good thing then, she thought about calling her sister to let her know about what was going on. But after being seen with the others by other SHIELD agents that would paint a target on all their backs as well to. "Just tell me what you guys want me to do." Kris said looking over at everyone else, she wasnt sure if using her laser vision on him would cause the bomb to get damaged and going off wasnt a good idea in her opinion either.

Camp Barrier:

A mixture of campers from Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter were now alert as they heard the roars coming through, and then noticed a manticore in the distance as well. And then drew back their bows and fired off a few arrows just as Mary managed to attack the manticore as a snow leopard. Leandra managed to land one shot on the manticore's back, the manticore turned around and used it's massive tail and swung it, hitting Mary with a spike and knocking her into a tree. And then used it's tail and fired off and a spike impaled itself into Leandra's shoulder.

Some poison would start to seep into the two of them, and they would start to feel intense pain coming from it, luckily though the poison wasnt deadly. "Hurry up it's not that far." The Satyr said as he grabbed Stella's hand and quickly dragged her through the camp's barrier, monsters wouldnt be able to enter the barrier luckily either.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood Poseidon Cabin -> Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

As Zeke made his way towards the Dining Pavilion, he would see a few rainbows were running around him in circles, and then suddenly a huge bucket of snow was dumped all over Zeke's head covering him in snow. And then a few snowballs were thrown at Zeke's head, a few younger kids from both Iris and Hermes cabins were laughing satisfied with their little prank as they all ran off to do other things in the camp.

Kiera stopped for a moment seeing the whole thing happen and started to laugh a little bit, it was kind of funny to see Zeke covered in snow. "Well thats a nice look for you." Kiera said with a slight laugh as she helped brush some of the snow off of him and then looked over towards the dining pavilion. "Lets get you some hot chocolate or something." Kiera said as she made her way over towards the dining pavilion and grabbed herself a mug and then some hot chocolate appeared inside of it and made her way over towards Zeke. "Here you go." She said handing it to him before heading back inside.

She noticed her girlfriend and made her way over towards Leda and gave her a kiss on the cheek and smiled. "Good morning, you look great today." Kiera said as she noticed the makeup looked amazing grabbed herself a plate of food as well as some bacon and scrambled eggs appeared onto her plate. "Did you sleep well?" Kiera asked, as she grabbed some forks as well and started to eat a bit.

Issac White the head counselor to the Hypnos Cabin came over and yawned slightly as he went and sat down next to Janelle looking over towards her and smiled a bit. "Good morning, how are you?" He asked her as he started to eat some of his breakfast, as he looked over and laughed a bit seeing Zeke covered in snow.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Athena Cabin -> Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Kristin looked over towards Jason and got up after she finished eating her breakfast and made her way over towards him. "Hows it going Jason?" Kristin asked Jason, as a few of the Ares kids gave her a slight glare. The Ares and Athena cabins always had a bit of a rivalry towards each other. She looked over towards Zeke for a moment and tried not to laugh a bit seeing him covered in snow was kind of funny to see in her opinion before looking away.

Though they had been on two quests together it was still funny to see that look on him, as Kristin sat down next to Jason. "Got any plans for today?" Kristin asked looking over at Jason, she didnt really have anything big planned other than doing some War Games with the Romans tonight since it was their night now to host something from what she knew what Madalyne had planned to help train the two camps. Other than that she was probably going to work at the arena or help Lauryn and Alannah on the Argo III that was floating just off of the beach.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Roman Side, Praetor Tent -> Cohort Tent
Skills: N/A

Joanie quickly perked up after being petted by Nancy and quickly climbed onto Nancy's shoulders curling around the back of her neck slightly, as Madalyne laughed slightly seeing it making itself comfortable there. "Joanie will be to big to do that." Madalyne said as she grabbed herself a jacket and then some blue jeans as well and stretched again slightly. "I'm ready to get out of here, lets get Niah and some breakfast so we can plan for War Games tonight." Madalyne suggested as she headed out of the tent and made her way down to the largest tent where all five cohorts were bunking. Each row of bunks were assigned for each cohort, as Madalyne looked around and spotted Niah and waved towards her.

"Hows it going Niah did you sleep at all?" Madalyne asked, she felt bad that one of her best friends had to sleep in a large tent with everyone else while she and Nancy had a tent to themselves. "Want to go and get some breakfast and plan for the War Game tonight?" Madalyne asked looking over at Niah. A few members of the legion were heading out and getting some breakfast as well and getting ready to do their duties for the day as well to.

Sierra Finley

Location: Camelot, Pub
Skills: N/A

Merlin silently started to curse to himself as some of the others quickly started to bolt off towards the main gate exposing everyone else right now, he started to chant a small spell as he ran towards the main gate as well. Sierra quickly bolted off towards the main gate as well to, her and the others managed to get out of the gate in time. Merlin used his magic and created a barrier to block off the guards from leaving the city. There were a few other guards who were outside as they continued to chase after the group, Red ran forward and managed to tackle a guard to the ground and stole his weapon, and knocked him out rather quickly.

Sierra managed to get a couple of feet before she was tackled to the ground by two of the guards, and started to struggle as they managed to tie her hands. Sierra continued to struggle against the bindings as the two guards started to haul her up, she started to look a bit worried as she was being dragged back towards the city.

Layla Hood

Location: Camelot, Pub
Skills: Knife Throwing

Layla managed to get out of the city gates as well to, as she turned around seeing Sierra getting tackled by two guards who were outside of the gates. Seeing the barrier that Merlin had made, Layla took out two of her throwing knives and threw it at the two guards both knives hitting their legs and causing them to let go of Sierra. Layla quickly ran forward and helped Sierra back up to her feet and used her knife to cut her hands free. "Hurry up." Layla told her as Sierra nodded and continued to run, the guards were limping now which was a good thing they needed to get away quickly.

Eventually the group entered the forest and the city was out of view now as well to, as Merlin looked around for the others he couldnt see some of them and started to worry abit and started to try and do a tracking spell to find the others. Hansel, Gretel and Red were close by as well to. Layla walked over towards her sister, glad to see that she was okay and gently patted her on the shoulder, while Sierra was rubbing her wrist slightly.

Rumple's Hideout:

Rumple gave a slight shrug as he grabbed himself some food and started to eat it, and went back and sat down across from Jack as he looked at his son for a moment. "Merlin probably won't be able to protect Megan for long either, it would be better if you have her here under my protection trust me." Rumple persisted, as he stood up slightly and stretched when he heard a knock on the door and groaned slightly as he stood up and made his way over towards the door. Seeing a guard was just outside and whispered to Rumple for a moment and looked back over at Jack. "I have a few things to do for Maleficent, you are welcome to walk around the place if you wish just don't leave the grounds." Rumple said to Jack as he left the room and closed the door behind him.

Nadia Petrova

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

The giant gatekeeper started to turn towards the group, and started to sniff the air around him and started to grin some more as he started to search around. "I told you shouldn't be here daughter of Balder, and it seems you brought some friends with you." He said as he started to actively search around, he had spotted Klara not to long ago but couldnt see her now. Nadia could see where Klara was from where they were, and then looked over towards Runa. "Are you okay Runa?" She whispered to Runa, she didnt know that she had fallen on her way up the ladder.

The giant gatekeeper swung its massive weapon destroying a nearby pillar, causing some debris to fall to the ground some of it nearly hitting Klara. Nadia drew out her sword as she contemplated on attacking, or not she hadn't fought something this huge before really as she tried to figure out what to do. She looked further down the span of the bridge thinking where they should go, there was occasional cover stretched out across the bridge.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

"I'll be okay don't worry about me." Elizabeth said looking over at Lara for a moment and gave her a slight smile as Arnora thought for a moment, she could freeze the ship in place and nodded. "If i'm deep enough under water I could freeze the surrounding water under the ship to prevent it from moving for awhile. You guys just need to watch my back and hold them off while I do that though." Arnora said, she knew that ice bergs were much larger underneath the water.

She looked around there wasnt any sign of the undead right now which was a good thing still as well to. "If your horse can fit all four of us we could use it as our escape route to if that works." Arnora said as she held out her axe for a moment looking at them. "Anything else you think we should do?" Arnora asked them both.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Hawkeye's Homestead - Missouri
Skills: N/A

Cass looked at Sparky for a moment as she snapped at Kwassi and shook her head slightly, she was the best when it came to tech as well. "Sparky, you should take point on the tech side of things, pick and choose whoever you think is the best to help you with making those dampening watches, while the rest of us will go on the cat hunt." Cass said, she didnt really argue with Raynor wanting to stay by her side right now either really and he was probably recovering from his injuries to.

She looked towards Matt for a moment and smiled slightly when he asked who Alcie was. "Like Alex said, she's his daughter and a mutant as well to." Cassandra told him, she had known Alex when he was the head of OMEN at the time before he became president, though she had never met her before either at the time. "How is she and Jade doing anyway?" She asked looking over at Alex, and nodded towards Captain America as she reached for a plate and started to grab herself some cereal as well.

"The sooner we eat the quicker we can head out and get the details of the mission done with." Cassandra said as she took another spoonful of her cereal when she heard some kids running around upstairs and looked over at Hawkeye for a moment.

Evelyn Holder

Location: Hawkeye's Homestead - Missouri
Skills: N/A

Evelyn grabbed herself a bowl of cereal as well to and started to eat as she leaned back listening to the others going on with the details of the mission. "I'll go on the cat hunt then." Evelyne said she wasnt a techie and wouldnt really know where she would be useful with that as she looked at everyone else. "Unless you guys need me somewhere else." She said.

Giving a bit of a shrug as she continued to eat her breakfast and got up to pour herself a glass of water. Evelyne looked over to where the stairs were as she could hear some kids squealing and yelling daddy running upstairs was kind of cute as she finished up eating the rest of her breakfast.

Maria Novikova

Location: Skrull Prison Ship
Skills: N/A

"Well whoever is in control of the ship then." Maria said shrugging slightly, she looked towards The Wasp for a moment as she asked the princess about skrull detection or if they had any way to tell. She was surprised though that the princess didnt object to her idea of impersonating one of their own it was better than killing all of them anyway.

She wasnt sure what they wanted to do with the Kree but if it was a way to help detect other skrulls back home it could be useful. "So whats the plan then?" Maria asked looking at Hope for a moment seeing that she had something in mind. "I impersonate this Criti Noll person and then what?"
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