Avatar of nightmare medx


Recent Statuses

14 hrs ago
Current Caffeine is a drug. As such, I take my caffeine in pill form so I can accurately dose it thank you very much
14 hrs ago
Oh, you were talking about you. And you’re military! So you understand. Anyways I’m sure your time here will be fantastic
1 like
14 hrs ago
I’m sure it’ll be fine, being afraid of the paramedics is like, one of the only things police and fire agree on
19 hrs ago
I feel like the period at the end of my last sentence adds a whole lot of weight to my joke that I don’t want to be there but alas
1 like
19 hrs ago
…ah, so you are not just police, but the spelling police.


the writer

  • I was a theatre kid!
  • non fluent polyglot
  • paramedic
  • B horror film lover
  • Dogs are life.

the role player

  • I like most genres.
  • But I really love superheroes, apparently.
  • I'm big on character driven stories and all the twists and turns that come from that.
  • I tend towards darker, grittier stories, or lighter stories with liberal amounts of dark humour. There is little you can do to throw me off.
  • I enjoy writing explicit scenes, but they are not an essential ingredient. I'm here for the story first and foremost.
  • I will try my best to give you what I get in terms of post length.
  • I reuse my characters, settings, and plot points with different people sometimes. You are welcome to do the same.
  • In the words of a GM I admire, your spot at the table's secure. Whenever you're up to participating, grab your seat and jump in. (If I love the story we've been writing I don't care how long ago it was since you last posted- if you're ready to get back into it I'll be waiting!)
  • Check out my 1x1 interest check if you want to see what I'm specifically looking to role play right now. That being said, pitch away if you think I might like it.

Most Recent Posts

It is definitely okay! I'm trying to figure out how to get everyone to meet up, so being in Sears makes my job that much easier :) The door to the back is a great touch.
@Unknown100 No, we are not going by the map. My apologies for not making far clearer.
For the record: this is my first time GMing on this particular site, so there are functions and customs I'm not familiar with. I'm open to constructive feedback :)
A loud clanging noise echos through the mall.

@IAmKnight @Blazion
The glass door closed quietly behind Sam. There was a flash of movement off to her left, in the food court. Not dead- that was a real, live person over at the McDonald's. No sign of the dead here, not yet.

@The Abyss @KatKook
The walk to the mall is uneventful. There are a couple of corpses, a collection of bullet holes to be seen in their heads. Fortunately no sign of movement- wait. There. Underneath a derelict SEARS sign, Norm and Chris see someone slipping inside.

Inside the store, it is dark. Taeyeon can hear one of the dead groaning. Not too close, but definitely in the area.

It was Leo's lucky day. Tucked into the pocket of a pair of legs (no torso to be seen) was a keycard. When he enters, there is no movement in the small loading area, nor down the long concrete hallway, but he can definitely hear something- or someone- moving around up ahead.
@Unknown100 We are not still accepting at the moment with the exception of anyone who was invited prior to me switching status to Full.

@Blazion Apparently I do too! Thank you all for your patience, I forgot about the usual holiday family gatherings going on this weekend (with accompanying drama). Please thank my boss for the use of his computer and triple screen set up on company hours :D And thank you all for your patience.

@Frenzy Sad to see you go, but I hope your finals went well!
@IAmKnight Is he one of yours?
@Blazion Looks good!

@alexfangtalon That would be lovely!

And for everyone... I will try to get a post up by tonight, but the tablet I normally use is done for so I'm working off my phone until I'm home.
Oh yes, of course.
@IAmKnight Still yours (players, I mean, not you you). Waiting to see if anyone else has a reply to anything.

For the record, if you have a situation like we do now where there’s only a couple characters in one place, you can for sure go ahead and go back and forth for a few posts while waiting on others to post, but I’m going to say limit it to two each.
@Blazion The closing it off was more to prevent more people from seeing it pop up and applying, but it’s totally up to you. I’ll put you on my list either way.
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