Avatar of nightmare medx


Recent Statuses

5 hrs ago
Current What’s wrong with 7/11 doughnuts?
2 days ago
I once got paged out for a prison guard who had been stabbed and he was like “this is my first stabbing” (ever, not like, of him specifically) and I was like “aw yeah me too!”
3 days ago
I have this vague recollection of like… nuts and maybe dried fruits mixed into something at Arby’s where you wouldn’t be expecting it
3 days ago
Driver licensing. Why tell me to show up at 8:25 for check in when you don’t open until 8:30
1 like
4 days ago
Well now I need to find an appropriate place to advise people not to pet a burning dog and see if anyone notices


the writer

  • I was a theatre kid!
  • non fluent polyglot
  • paramedic
  • B horror film lover
  • Dogs are life.

the role player

  • I like most genres.
  • But I really love superheroes, apparently.
  • I'm big on character driven stories and all the twists and turns that come from that.
  • I tend towards darker, grittier stories, or lighter stories with liberal amounts of dark humour. There is little you can do to throw me off.
  • I enjoy writing explicit scenes, but they are not an essential ingredient. I'm here for the story first and foremost.
  • I will try my best to give you what I get in terms of post length.
  • I reuse my characters, settings, and plot points with different people sometimes. You are welcome to do the same.
  • In the words of a GM I admire, your spot at the table's secure. Whenever you're up to participating, grab your seat and jump in. (If I love the story we've been writing I don't care how long ago it was since you last posted- if you're ready to get back into it I'll be waiting!)
  • Check out my 1x1 interest check if you want to see what I'm specifically looking to role play right now. That being said, pitch away if you think I might like it.

Most Recent Posts

Telepathy. Supposedly, she had this ability. And yet… she had no memory of it. Had no idea how to access it.

Their first session, Xavier had taken Jean through some of her memories, trying to find something to jumpstart the flow of others, but nothing was sparking the recollection or use of any of the powers she had been told she had.

Today, he had walked her through some of his. And still… nothing. No memory. No ability.

She let out a sigh heavy with frustration as Xavier studied her with his intense eyes. “I just... even though I don’t remember, something feels… off. Like a part of me is missing.”

He nodded. “I can imagine. I think we’ve done enough for today, but we’ll try again tomorrow. What are you thinking about today’s session?”

She paused, pursing her lips and glancing down to the floor. “I… I notice that my memories of you are hazy. I… you showed me some of the, uh, the X-Men-“ apparently she was one too. “-using their their powers. It seems like my memories of anyone using… any kind of power have been wiped. And then there’s… Scott.”

Xavier had told her she was in a relationship with Scott, but she had absolutely no recollection of him.

“I have a lot to think about today,” she said as she stood up to take her leave. She headed to the heavy wooden door.


She turned back.

“We’ll get you sorted out.”

She gave a nod and smile, but right now she wasn’t so sure. With that, she left the room, the door left open as she exited.

Speak of the devil.

“Hey, Scott,” she said with a smile. “Uh… what’s going on?”
@Elite Minor Can you do up a character sheet? The template is available under the Characters tab.

@AntiRpRP Looks good!
@ParadoxShark Cool! Drop it here when you get a chance for me to approve :)

How is character creation going?
@Baphomini @Xandrya Your characters look good, feel free to drop them in the characters tab!

@AntiRpRP This is set in modern day.
Yep, just going back and forth with Atalanta- were at 1430 words as of her last update and it looks like we should be getting to the point of a cohesive point soon :)
1. They aren’t essential for this game, so just throw something in. Can also be a place other than on earth, or “prefers not to disclose” or “unknown” if that works better for your character!

2. Here first, please!
I have edited the first post to explain the mechanics. Thank you to @POOPHEAD189 for allowing me to use their work.
@Baphomini Yes, those can both be items your character has. Anything in a set is counted as one item.

@AntiRpRP The items are for narrative purposes, not gameplay purposes, so they will not be used (unless it happens to be a manner of death for a lynching).

You can have more than 5 items if you want. I will edit to show this.
I just realized I didn’t put up the how—to-play that I thought I did. I will do that later because I’m trying to get to bed :P
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