Avatar of NoriWasHere


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11 mos ago
Current That was the worst three months of my life. Health is close to normal again. Here's to making the insurance company cry!
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1 yr ago
"Your copay today is $20,000" How about no.
3 yrs ago
Well, the "I am but an ally" to "queer af" pipeline is real.


I have gone by many names over my life, and the one I go by here is Nori.

I am a non-binary individual who has a love of participating in these stories and creating my own. I am incredibly chronically ill. If my illness flares up too much I may be pulled away.

Most Recent Posts

The post is live.

PSA: Combat regarding the type of enemy I have posted about IC will be as followed.

If you engage the creature directly, you can write it two different ways. You can leave it open-ended in the post and have me respond directly to it in my next IC post or you can ask me how a certain situation will resolve via discord or by PM. You will not disable the creature so easily, however. I have a few weaknesses planned for it but make sure you do not charge in without thinking about the consequences.
Act I:

Giants of the North

As Ardur listened a very faint yet very smug smile danced across his face as the Inquisitor Kharne answered the questions in a much politer fashion than Ardur would have. The questions varied from rude, asking what to do for two hours on a scouting mission, to the outlandish, asking why they were scouting a city with the sun at their back. One even suggested doing a forward scouting mission. The suggestion itself was a bold, yet equally risky, one when faced with an unknown enemy; and Ardur was going to remind them.

"Kharne is more or less correct," Adur spoke as he crossed his arms, "I have sent out a request for reinforcements from the main army," Ardur continued, "they will arrive by horseback per my request and the return journey shall take them less than an hour after the messanger arrives," Ardur continued, "in the meantime we will spread out again, and watch the walls and surrounding areas. There are clues to who we are facing, clues that aren’t very well hidden it seems," Ardur nodded in approval at River Fontaine, "good work Inquisitor," Ardur said with a genuine smile, "take Rivers' example going forward, even if you don't have their magic," Ardur finished as he turned his attention towards Cyterius.

"Cyterius, a bold suggestion given the circumstances but denied all the same," Ardur paused as he turned his head towards the city walls, "if it were the Blight I may have approved of it; however, we are faced with a new, even more brutal and cunning enemy than our age-old one," Ardur paused as he turned his attention back to Cyterius, "the enemy could be watching us right now," Ardur paused as he shook his head from side to side, "until we have further reinforcements we must all stick together, and limit the risks we take, at least until we know more about what happened here," Ardur paused as he placed his hands back on his hips, "alright, everyone spread back out, and if you see anything that may be important bring it to my attention," Ardur finished.

As the group began to dissipate and fall back in hidden spots along the tree-line, Ardur turned his head towards River Fontaine, "except you, River, I have something I would like you to inspect," Ardur paused as he looked around, "find a spot, and examine those spears," Ardur continued, "there is something too perfect about how they are symmetrically pointing upward," Ardur paused, "try and figure out why."

2 hours later

Far back in the forest the sounds of mounted units approaching alerted the scouting party that their reinforcements were approaching. Within a minute, a dismounted force of nearly thirty soldiers had made their way through the thick forest and found themselves situated around Ardur. The soldiers themselves were well armed and armored, with full plate mail armor complemented by their tower shields and long spears; some of these soldiers were future Inquisitors in the making in both their skills and their mental fortitude. The thirty soldiers were primarily human, with a few dwarfs and elves splashed in for good measure.

"Where is my sister," Ardur asked the leading soldier, a towering Dwarf.

"She be leadin' da army forward, Inquisitor. Lass stayed behind to make sure they get 'ere nice and quick," the dwarf responded.

"I see," Ardur responded as he placed his hand on his chin, "spread out the soldiers evenly along the line, we will move forward on the city shortly," Ardur paused as he motioned for Cyterius to come close, "Cyterius, prepare your friends, as the main body of soldiers approaches I want your unit to find a way onto those walls, stay hidden and be ready to strike if need be, go" Ardur spoke as he sent Cyterius away, "Genthok, Karne come he-"

"Finally," a mysterious voice interrupted Ardur while it pierced through the minds of all the Inquisitors and the soldiers. The voice felt like it could shake the ground with its power alone, with a raspy and dead-like tone that suggested the source of it was otherworldly; though the sound of the voice was not heard, it was felt in the mind. Ardur quickly drew one of his blades while the soldiers instinctually formed into a defensive circle formation all the while the other Inquisitors quickly readied themselves. "Come, now, soldiers of the Inquisition," the voice bellowed through the minds even louder than before, "step out from the shadows and into the light," the voice continued but this time it was nearly silent, almost whisper-like in sound, "let me see those who offer their prayers to me," it whispered again.

Ardur looked around at the group as he motioned for the newly arrived soldiers to spread out amongst the Inquisitors. They all heard the voice, he could tell, though he worried about its source. Very few magic allowed one to speak telepathically, fewer yet that could do so to a group as large as theirs. Old magic was at play here, Ardur feared, and the implications it brought made Ardur shake.

"Inquisition," Ardur shouted as his head turned towards the city, "move out," he finished as he took the first step towards the edge of the tree-line. A wind picked up from the side, causing all the blue cloaks to fly sideways, as the forty-some soldiers and inquisitors left the tree-line and into the fields of decay. The soldiers themselves were spread out nearly evenly with a ten-foot gap separating one soldier from the next while the Inquisitors themselves filled in the gaps in between them

"Good, good," the mysterious voice returned to the heads of the soldiers, still sounding like a whisper, "my champion awaits your prayers," the voice bellowed, suddenly loud, "may your prayer beckon louder than his," the voice whispered once again.

*thud* *thud*

The sound of metal slamming down on cobblestone streets greeted the Inquisition, bring the whole unit to a halt. "Weapons ready," Ardur shouted as he pointed towards the gate. His mind raced with possibilities as his eyes scanned the ruined structure. The sound originated from just beyond the gate or so his ears told him, and it echoed with such intensity that it

*thud* *thud*

Ardur focused his magic into his hand, engulfing it in flame while his other hand held his sword at the ready.

*thud* *thud* *thud* *thud*

The sound grew louder in intensity as the sound of metal plates grinding against one another joined the fray. This time, however, the Inquisitions eyes could see what was coming to them. Emerging from the ruined portcullis, as smoke billowed around it while its helmet just barely scrapping underneath the midsection of the structure, came forth a monstrous being of monstrous proportions that was covered from head to toe in black as night plate armor with no obvious weak points to be observed. Anywhere one could look there was armor; as if the monster was made of iron itself. The armor was covered in what appeared to be the flesh of the citizens of the City of Ash, with some portions still dripping blood onto the streets below. It was armed with a massive ax that required both of its hands to use, with the blade being taller than the tallest man. The creature slowed to a momentary stop as it scanned the Inquisition forces that stood many paces in front of it before it let out a blood-curdling roar before charging in.
here you go... this took a little longer than i thought it would.

You guys post a lot faster than I expected lol! I will be working hard on my second post over the next few days as best I can, though I do have a rough few days ahead of me with some IRL events and work schedules. I say you can expect it no later than Tuesday night!

All good! I am still working on my second post still so no rush.
Alright! Working on my second post, hopefully have it before the end of tomorrow.

Would there be any tracks left by whatever attacked the city either coming or going?


The fields would be quite trampled in front of the city.

I have created a Discord channel for this RP!

Yes, just pm me and we can figure it out.
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