Avatar of NoriWasHere


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11 mos ago
Current That was the worst three months of my life. Health is close to normal again. Here's to making the insurance company cry!
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1 yr ago
"Your copay today is $20,000" How about no.
3 yrs ago
Well, the "I am but an ally" to "queer af" pipeline is real.


I have gone by many names over my life, and the one I go by here is Nori.

I am a non-binary individual who has a love of participating in these stories and creating my own. I am incredibly chronically ill. If my illness flares up too much I may be pulled away.

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The post will be going live tomorrow. The pace will go up from here so be ready for some "fun" adventures..."fun" yes ;)
Alright, guys! Try and get your posts in by Sunday. I will be moving along the story if we do not get everyone in regardless, so if you have anything to add please do so now.
@Trainerblue192 Those are the character names.

I am fine with whatever race/class combo you wish to bring to the table! Though I will look at mages a lot more critically than not, and may not accept mages outright because we have quite a few. My character, River, Halek, Genthok, Lillianna, and Aradeyr. Five characters out of 11 is quite a few ;)

We have a decent ensemble of characters already, though I think we have enough Mages for sure. I can't really think of what's needed per say but I'll let you have the freedom to choose what you'd like.

We still have 1 slot.
Act: I

Giants of the north

All around the battlefield numerous spears were pulled from their hosts. One by one the roots swelled up against the shafts of the spears and removed them from the corpses; though unlike before the strange red glow did not dissipate off the spear, instead it seemed to glow a slight bit brighter than before. The giant noticed this, with a quick tilt of his head from side to side as it observed the shamans work. It seemed to be indifferent about the spears this time, however, and his attention quickly returned to the small man with the big spear in front of him, at least until River's magic hit him. The torrent of water crashed hard against the breastplate of the monster causing the all-too-familiar red-lightning like lines to arch out and destroy the oncoming water magic; except for the red-hot area that was hit with the caustic acid already. There the armor groaned and buckled until numerous small cracks formed causing small sections of the armor to break apart and fall away. The creature roared in defiance as it watched as its once perfect armor now cratered inward as steam continued to pour upwards from the spot. "You," the creature pointed at River, "I kill you-" the creature paused as a blast of lightning crashed into its ankle, though it was absorbed by the magical property that the armor seemed to possess.

"Stupid magic beings I stronger than that," the creature groaned as he pointed towards Lilianna, "you die ne-" the creature started before being interrupted by the illusion magic of Aredeyr. It eyed the phantom creatures before it before it returned its gaze towards the shimmering outline that was Gilead.

"Stupid magic, silly creatures, I see you still! I champion, I strong, I-" the creature started once again but was, this time, interrupted by a monstrous Inquisitor.

"Let's see just how strong you are," Kharne shouted as he grabbed hold of the creatures back as he pushed the monster forward.

"I stronger than-" the creature was rocked off balance by a spear of fire magic conjured by Ardur that dug deep into the exposed section of armor. A cloud of smoke and broken metal surged forth into the air as the monster roared once again with the sad moan of a creature in pain. The armor cratered inward even further at the spot now, pushing nearly several inches deep at the deepest spot, The creature fell backwards and flayed his arms enough after the strike to throw Kharne off his back, before he caught his balance moments before a second fire spear struck the beast; though this time the aim was off and it instead crashed into the right breastplate, being negated by the magical armor.

"Inquisitors," Ardur groaned as he gripped his side with his hand, "that beast is resistant to our magic attacks," he paused as he pointed towards the cratered remains of what was the left side of the breastplate, "except for that area. Focus your magic there," he paused as he turned towards the soldiers, "keep your distance still," he paused as he turned his attention to Kharne, "Kharne, do that again and Gilead get ready for your window," he finished shouting as he turned his attention back towards Lilianna, "all hands on deck for this mission, the Inquisition needed all her members," he paused as he turned his attention back towards the beast. "espically with an enemy as unknown as this, your skills will prove most useful," he finished with a smirk.

His Inquisitors had fumbled in their initial exchange with the beast but they had created a very real weak spot for them to exploit. It seemed the caustic acid from Kharne had neutralized whatever magical barrier the beast employed. While some Inquisitors had fumbled with their own discovery of this, Ardur knew that it was just a matter of time before they felled the monstrous beast and claimed victory this day.
@HowlsOfWinter One more than I think I will be closing the RP for new characters.
As Gil grabbed the spear and pulled it free from its 'sheath', the red glow dissipated from the spear and fell on the corpse below in the form of a mist like red substance. A few tense seconds passed as the red substance began to cause the corpse to begin to glow an ominous red glow, much akin to the one the spear itself had. Brighter and brighter and brighter the glow grew, until in one hectic final second it vanished. The corpse did not move, nor were there any signs of any foul purpose the spear may have served. Indeed, to the untrained eye the removal of the spear was in no shape or form anything significant; but to the creature it was.

"You," the creature roared louder than ever, "you curse prayer" the beast finished as it took off in a sudden sprint towards Gil; narrowly avoiding the full brunt of Kharne's strike as the blade only cut an inch deep as it hit. As the beast neared a short distance away from Gil the beast threw back it's arm and readied a punch, aiming not for Gil but the ground some ten feet in front of him. The heavy strike landed powerfully on the ground below, causing the earth itself to heave under the creatures' strength. Cracks shot outward for many feet, surging forward in a cone-like fashion that ultimately ended up underneath Gil himself; and not much further. Gil would find his balance compromised and would either lose it and risk falling prey to the fist or foot of the creature, or he would find enough strength to backtrack and try and escape the reach of the beast.

Gil would not have long to decide as the beast again let out a mighty roar and charged once again in the general direction of Gil. Gil would need help, and fast.
Act: I

Giants of the north

The massive iron warrior surged forth through the thick maelstrom of arrows unfazed; not slowing down nor making a single move to either block or move away from them. It stormed forward with unnatural speed and grace that seemed unique to a monster this size; that is until the Draconic Acid hit him in stride. Caught off guard by the attack, the iron monster raised its ax up in a defensive maneuver, allowing the blade and the hilt to absorb most of the acid. The weapon hissed in agony as the metal and wood alike began to dissolve under the chemical assault, but not breaking under it. Though the weapons suffered it had done its job as only a small amount of the acid made its way past it and onto the armor; hissing all the same under the weight of the acid. A small, inch and a half in depth, section of the armor fell inward with jagged edges and smoking corners revealing the effectiveness of the dragons' attack while splashed across the rest of the breastplate lay other affected areas, smaller in size, that signaled a weakness. A moment later, an arrow flew in; catching the hilt of the weapon in the same spot where the acid did. In a quick motion, the weight of the ax itself combined with the structural damage caused by the acid and arrow caused the hilt to snap, forcing the ax head to fall from the grip of the creature and onto the ground.

The beast roared again in anger, louder than its first, as his right arm shout out as it charged, extending a finger towards the half-dragon as it did. "Fly," it's voice full of bass that sounded like it reverberated through the armor before exiting, "I break you in-" it started to speak before it was caught off balance by Genthok's magic. The beast did not notice the signs that a spell was incoming and it was blissfully unaware of the blue, lightning-like, lines in the ground ahead of him moments before. Instead, it greeted the now-uneven terrain with a heavy, flat foot. Stumbling to find its balance, the monstrous enemy soon found itself unable to keep itself upright and it fell, momentum carrying it forward still, to the terrain below with a thunderous clap. It skidded across the surface of the ground for a moment before coming to rest some twenty feet away from the main body of soldiers.

"Inquisition soldiers, spread out," Ardur shouted, "surround the creature, keep your distance and its attention while we probe for further weakness," Ardur paused as he further focused his magic into his hand, engulfing it even further in the red hot flame, "River, ready your magic," Ardur spoke as he pulled his arm back, pausing for a second as he let out a roar of his own, as he shot his arms forward letting his magic lose as he did, allowing the full force of his inner fire to be released.

A pillar of fire erupted from his hand, scorching through the air for a brief moment before colliding with the right-side breastplate of the beast. The fires consumed the flesh that draped the beast without much hesitation, burring them away while also causing smoke to billow from all over before being disintegrated entirely. Ardur pushed harder with his magic, causing the burning red flame that enveloped his hand to spread upward, covering the bottom half of his arm with the red crackling fire. The pillar of fire that shot out of his arm grew in size and intensity, with the fire spreading to cover the whole front side of the creatures' armor; including the section that was damaged by the acid.

The creature suddenly roared once again, though this time the tone of the roar was strangely different; more natural and higher pitched than before. Through the flames, one could make out the shape of the creatures' arm reach up and absorb most of the fire magic while it's back arm and shoulder dipped to the ground below; to brace itself against the fire magic no doubt. Feeling more confident at this sight, Ardur began to speak. "River, you will see your opening here soon, get read-," Ardur paused as he watched the creature take a mighty step forward while it drove its arm through the motion of a throw, "oh n-" Ardur tried to continue but was stopped by a fast flying rock that collided with his chest armor, causing him to fly back some distance all the while his fire magic continued in its relentless torrent; narrowly missing his fellow Inquisitors and soldi s alike. As he collided with the ground, and started to roll across the fields, he pulled his fire magic from his hands and rolled until coming to a stop some fifteen feet behind the rest of his group. The chest armor was dented inward, though not far enough to signal fatal damage. It was clear that he would have some broken ribs and a fight against internal bleeding, however.

Ardur struggled to pull his head up enough to get a look at the damage his fire magic had done to the beast, frowning slightly at the sight. All across the armor danced lines of red lightning, signaling that the armor may be enchanted against fire magic, or against magic in general. The red lightning danced everywhere the eye could see, everywhere except for the where the acid had hit. In the many small splotches of dissolved metal, and the one rather large spot over the beasts left breast, were signs of red-hot metal. The acid attack seems to have had a much more pronounced effect than seen initially, especially when combined with fire magic. Though now the groups' fire mage was likely out of commission, save for any quick healing done by Lillianna, that weakness could all be unexploitable. "That's a few broken ribs," Ardur muttered under his breath as he tried to pull himself on to his feet, "oh that beast is strong,".

Though the group had many options open to them, two soldiers in their hubris decided now was the time to charge. "The beast is wounded, charge," they shouted as they broke formation. Ardur tried to muster a yell but was only greeted by a cough. The duo charged in with a pincer strike in mind with one heading to the front while another flanked around behind, with their shields up and spears out, towards the beast who responded with a soft chuckle. The first soldier in reared back his arm in an effort to strike, aiming for the hot metal on the left side of the creatures' chest armor but was quickly greeted by a strike from the fist of the creature; impacting the soldiers shield causing it to cave inward with such force that the soldier immediately fell down backwards with blood already in his mouth. The soldier had nary a moment to shout before the thick metal boot of the creature came crashing down on top of his exposed chest, killing him in an instant. The other soldier attempted to strike the creature from behind but was quickly dispatched by the swift backhand of the creature, causing the soldier to be knocked off his feet and onto the ground below before he was booted across the field by a strong kick. The now dead soldier flew for many feet before it collided with one of the many spears that littered the field, wrapping slightly against the spear itself but otherwise not affecting the completely vertical nature of the weapon.

The beast roared in celebration and turned towards the Inquisitors, arms wide in celebration; with the sections of its armor still strangely glowing as red as initially. While some weaknesses were learned, many more would need to be found before this battle was won.
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