Avatar of NoriWasHere


Recent Statuses

11 mos ago
Current That was the worst three months of my life. Health is close to normal again. Here's to making the insurance company cry!
1 like
1 yr ago
"Your copay today is $20,000" How about no.
3 yrs ago
Well, the "I am but an ally" to "queer af" pipeline is real.


I have gone by many names over my life, and the one I go by here is Nori.

I am a non-binary individual who has a love of participating in these stories and creating my own. I am incredibly chronically ill. If my illness flares up too much I may be pulled away.

Most Recent Posts

To those not apart of it yet, I do have a discord for general communication. discord.gg/yDwnSW I may not respond to questions on this platform so a message here is still the most sure-fired way of reaching me.
@Black Alice

Glad to have you! As a head's up I have added one cool dude as our CO-GM in Rultaos, show him some love when he turns up.
@Black AliceAccepted!
@Mistress Dizzy

I sent you a PM!
S’venia Dalamor






Dark Elf


S’venia stands at a height of five feet five inches tall with a lithe frame that is filled with a toned muscular build. She has long, slight unkept, hair that falls down just above the midsection of her back. She has a face that appears to be innocent enough until you catch a glare from her piercing golden eyes. Her armor, as well as every aspect of her clothing, is very sleek and to the point; with very few fancy frills thrown in.


Cold, calculating, and brutally honest. S’venia is a woman who has spent her whole life dedicated to the Goddess Rofella. She is rarely caught with a smile, instead a near permeant frown is always found on her face as if she is perpetually disappointed in one thing or another. When she enters a room, her eyes are constantly scanning, her ears constantly listening, and she is always ready to act if the situation demands it. Brutally honest when asked question, S’venia responds with ill-regard for how the truth with handled once given.

Though as negative as she can seem, she is not without her redeeming qualities. For one, she has one of the better tactical minds that the Kingdom of Aurr has produced in decades. While she is not as experienced as the other commanders, she has the ability to draw up ferocious assaults on the fly and is relentless in her pursuit of victory. Secondly, she values the lives of not only her soldiers, but her potential enemies as well. If peace is an option, she will explore it until it’s taken out of her control. She is constantly training and preparing those under her for battle while teaching them the ways of diplomacy.


S’venia was born during an intense snowstorm in one of the many fortress cities to a poor family who was ill-equipped to raise a daughter in this harsh landscape. At the young age of five, S’venia was taken to the temple after her parents disappeared in the jagged landscape. For most of her adolescent years, she was taught the history of the Kingdom, the worships of Rofella and the art of war. Eventually it was discovered that she had a natural affinity for combat, particularly tactical decisions, and was further trained by the military.

By the time she reached thirty years of age, she had risen through the ranks and was given her first command over a small force that patrolled the mountains. Her patrol, though clever tactics and numerous success was increased in scale and scope and renamed the Snow Leopards. For the next fifteen years, S’venia and the Leopards protected the Kingdom from bandit threats and from the Wild Ones as well. Often when they discovered a bandit camp, S’venia would approach and sue for a peaceful disbandment of their force while the rest of her army, camouflaged against the snow backdrop, maneuvered for the battle. If they accepted the peace, S’venia would allow the bandits to live and instead take them back to the towns to work out their sentence. If they denied the peace, her Leopards would pounce and end them quickly.

When the Council of Seven called for war, the more veteran commanders answered their call. When the Council of Seven called for a search for the missing god, Rofella, S’venia was selected. She was given Rofella’s weapon, the Sword of Ruin, and tasked with taking a small force to aid in the search.


Sword of Ruin - The sword used by Rofella herself, the Sword of Ruin is a simple arming sword in appearance with an edge sharper than any blade known thus far. Perfect in every category, it is a sword wielders dream to use. It does, however, call out for it's mother. The sword want's to be reunited with Rofella herself and as such, it gives it's wielder clarity on what direction to travel to find the Goddess.


-Plate armor chest

-Armored sleeve


The cobblestone surface of many roads that snaked across the seven Kingdom’s groaned with exhaustion as the strain of bearing the full might of the mortal races. All across their length, cracks and potholes formed that threatened to swallow the unlucky soldier whole. This damage was unseen of in the modern day and age as conflicts between the Kingdoms have subsided with the Council of Seven overseeing the realm, which meant that mobilization of forces never damaged the roads. All along the road marched the combined armies of the Seven Kingdom’s towards the Breach.

Separately, and far away from the travels of the main army, camp was being set up by S’venia and her Snow Leopards who eagerly awaited the arrival of the other representatives.

- - - - - - -

The Basic idea for this story:

The gods of our story:


History: War of the Breach



Current information of our enemies is scattered at best. The reports from the front have spoken of monsters of flesh and metal, with varying descriptions. Our enemies seem to be sentient, and unique in their actions. Though the history books have the information in the temple at Intebunie, Yamthurr has yet yielded those books to scholars or tactians.

How magic works in this RP

Magic works on a similar system to that of strength in this RP in the sense that the more training one has the more powerful they can become; and on the same note, there are rare prodigies that are naturally good. The magical talent would reveal itself to the mage at a young age in a way that is reminiscent of their magic. A fire mage would create sparks or accidentally burn something while a force mage would levitate something. Early on the power of the mage would be highly unstable so seeking out proper training is a must for any would be mage.

Magic use drains stamina. Prolonged use of magic in a short period of time will tire out the mage much like a warrior in battle. Furthermore, over-casting is a real problem that mages are taught to avoid. A mage can break through the exhaustion and keep using the magic but it comes with the aforementioned risk of over-casting. Over-casting is a fatal condition where the magic of the user consumes them, often detonating in a grim explosion in relation to their power (a fire mage would be consumed by flames, a force mage would be crushed into the ground, and so on and so forth).

Some races are better conduits for the magic granted by Ardur. If you are creating a custom race, and want them magical in nature, we can figure out where they stand as magical users and set their stamina arc


1.) No controlling another players character in any shape or form. Pretty standard but it has to be said.
2.) Combat is usually free form, meaning that you can write your character killing most enemies. Sometimes I will throw out specific or special enemies that you can not kill so simply. We can either write a collab post or possibly roll a dice to determine the success of the fight and/or action.
3.) Stupid decisions can lead to bad results. Don't charge at the enemey alone. Your character can die if there are repeated offenses!
4.) Our enemies called you stupid, are you gonna take that? Write me your response when you post your CS so I know you have read these
5.) No arguing in the OOC, take it to a PM or to discord.
6.) Have fun!
7.)Swer your vows to our watch.
Night gathers and my post begins,
it shall not end until the GM decides it so,
I shall take no risk nor take obvious bait,
and I will not act impulsively.
I shall not be over-powered
and not fight among my fellow RP'ers,
I shall live and die by the post.
I am a sword that faces the darkness,
I am a shield that guards our realm,
I am the watcher of events to come,
I pledge my life to the story,
for this post
and all posts to come

Post away!
Alright, OOC will go up soon. I was going to write a bit more into it but I want to see what type of Kingdoms you guys create if you decide to go that route!
Very much a WIP but I am posting to get this CS format to you guys.

Delete this, wrong post.
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