Avatar of OliveYou


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4 days ago
Current I don’t know if I’ll get used to hearing Nero’s voice in Dante’s body, but I’m confident that Johnny will do a good job!
10 days ago
Updated my interest check!
5 yrs ago
sorry for all the late replies, coming up on finals week and trying not to fail
5 yrs ago
*rises from the grave* haha school is cancelled so i can rp
6 yrs ago
finally home and at my computer - ready to get replying and gm-ing again!


Older, wiser, and hopefully cooler.

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I'm looking for a few casual (or advanced?) rp partners that reply regularly and stay consistent with their writing.

Nothing +18, would rather fade to black. I usually play MxF. Paragraph count is anything from 2-6. Or more.

Hit me up in the PMs if you're interested! I'll add more ideas as they come...
@Metamore it's fine~ hope you don't have too much trouble fitting in. can't wait to rp with you!

Lalisa watches as her words begin to impact Feine in curious ways--first, the boy grabs ahold of his shirt pocket, which signals that he's shaken. She supposes she upset him somehow, without meaning to. How impolite of her. This conversation thing is harder than it seems. He stays quiet for a moment, and Lalisa wonders whether she should apologize for not hearing of his books. But, it's not like she could've changed that somehow; Grandmama is a very overbearing parental figure, and Lalisa mostly just reads what she's given. She'll have to do research on Feine Rither once she can access the Academy's library, or maybe their computer system--she'll need help with that.

And then, surprisingly, Feine gasps. It surprises Lalisa, at least, because he seemed such a cool-headed figure. His entire countenance changes; excitedly, he begins to rave about Shakespeare's works, all coolness forgotten. Lalisa finds it a bit cute, actually. And he accepts her cookie! He seems so eager to taste it, too...

"I completely agree! Shakespeare was a genius, easily one of the best authors to ever live. His characters and tragedies are so... beautiful!" Lalisa can't help but fangirl a bit, too--after all, Shakespeare gave her much comfort during the long afternoon hours of silence. She loves books, and anyone who agrees, well... they can't be that bad. And the way he describes his writing! Amazing. Lalisa decides she likes this Feine, after all. And she should check out his books.

He's laying it on a little thick, though. Her cookies aren't that good. She hands him one. "Chocolate chip," she explains. "I made them to hand out to other students. I hope you'll like them... they aren't that good, really..." She laughs, a bit embarrassed at the amount of praise she's been getting. It's overwhelming. "I'm not sure why they were fighting, though. If you can even call it that. I think Ashley just doesn't like boys, for some reason. Anyway, I mustn't gossip..."

"Good morning, Rei, Hel," Violetta says politely, grabbing the broom to sweep up the pieces of glass. Rei is hard to puzzle out--both of them are, really--but she sees no reason to not treat them like any other. "Pancakes today. Half of the kids are already outside. Are you going back to your room after breakfast?" It's a silly thing, but Violetta hopes that one day, she might be able to break Rei out of the shell's she made for herself. Maybe they could even become friends?

It's silly, and she should really keep those thoughts to herself, but...

"A-anyway. Good morning. Did you... sleep well?"
@pandapolio okay, that's fine.

Lalisa, in the middle of deciding on whether to break up Ashley and Mikale (or not), shifts her focus to the... student who has suddenly appeared, introducing himself so majestically it's hard to miss him.

First of all, his scarf is blowing in a building, which just looks strange, and he's got white hair, which is weirder. Lalisa has never seen anybody like him, but then again, she hasn't seen a lot of people. Furthermore, Lalisa has never heard of a Feine Rhiter, and the way he's talks sounds... condescending. Is he a prince? No, she probably would've heard of a Prince Feine, they get the press daily... He's got a seriously high opinion of himself, that's for sure. And all that talk about 'inspiration'...

Oh, he's a writer. That's alright. Lalisa wonders if he reads, like her. Shakespeare! She likes Shakespeare, so he must not be all bad.

"I've never heard of your books," Lalisa says innocently, eyes wide. "I love Shakespeare, though. My favorite of his is A Midsummer's Night Dream, what's yours?" She pauses. "You... don't look like him, though... I fail to see any resemblance... Oh!"

She offers him a cookie. "You were talking about how interesting my cookies were, so would you like to try one?"
@Canidae yessir. I think everything's winding down anyway. also, @Metamore hasn't joined yet, so I wanted to give them a chance to do so.

"I understand the feeling." Violetta clears the plates of those that have already finished, setting them by the sink for washing. Her fingers shake, letting one of the glasses slip through her fingers. She hisses, diving to catch it, but it's too late. The glass shatters on the floor, and Violetta blushes.

Her hands are acting up again, it seems.

"I'm sorry... watch out for the glass, Mrs. Claus, I'm going to get a broom."
Violetta sets the plate of pancakes out on the table, along with butter and syrup. Looking at the amount of people coming into the dining room, she's rather worried if she made enough, but Mrs. Claus is a better cook than her, anyway. She sits down in her chair, folding her hands gently in her lap. Counting the number of people, she recognizes most. Where is that new boy? Are Rei and Hel coming? They must have heard the bell...

The sight of so many people makes her feel full, in a way she never felt with the crowds of gypsies from her past. A family. That's what they are, right? Bound by the same thread of fate, all following different paths but led to the same end, this orphanage. What a wonderful thought. She only hopes the others feel the same.

"Alex, you really shouldn't smoke at all, you know it's bad for you," she says softly. She worries about everyone in the orphanage, of course, but Alex is always causing some sort of trouble... They all cause trouble, though, so what's the difference? Jasper, the loner. Jazzy, who always wants new playmates. Hel and Rei... enigmas. They've all had such horrible pasts, but now they are free to be different. She shouldn't be the one to discourage this freedom.

"Good morning, everyone," she greets. Good morning, family.
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