Avatar of Omega Man


Recent Statuses

16 days ago
Current Been without good wifi for a couple weeks since the hurricane. Will get back to RP's and iChecks soon...
2 mos ago
Working on a new iCheck for a Justice League Unlimited revival. The new comic series has me feeling ten kinds of inspired rn....
3 mos ago
What happens when you combine the Titans and the X-Men to make a new Amalgam Universe? Come find out... roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 mos ago
Been too long since I've RP'ed....
10 mos ago
"I hope when I die it's early in the morning so I don't go to work that day for nothing..." - Me


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Hello out there! My name's Mason. I like a lot of random stuff like comics, Masters of the Universe, M*A*S*H, X-Files, conspiracy theories, as well as a good superhero themed role play! I'm more of a DC freak than a Marvel zombie but I did grow up on mutants and 3rd string heroes. Once in awhile I'll make a few micros in MSPaint for my RP's because I love designing heroes as much as I do writing/reading about them. I'm about to try and get another Amalgam Universe themed game off the ground, if you're interested gimme a shout!

My top RP's on the Guild:

Young Justice 2020
Justice League Unlimited
Titans of Gotham
Champions of Engine City
Marvel Reborn
Legion of Superheroes Return [stat based]

Top Characters:

Ditto - Young Justice series
Bulleteer - Justice League Unlimited
Leviathan - Titans of Gotham
Fastlane - Champions of Engine City
the Thing II - Marvel Reborn
Ultra Boy II - Legion of Superheroes Return

I've been RP'ing for awhile. I mostly RP to keep my writing skills up to par, and I generally RP between Casual and Advanced. I've been a member of the guild for quite a bit, pre Guildfall even. Ninety percent of the time you'll find me in some superhero themed RP or something based off of another fandom like MotU or Power Rangers. Currently in the process of developing my own comics!

Favorite DC heroes (I won't go into villains to save space) in no order: Aquaman, Hawkman, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Superboy (the clone), Swamp Thing, Starman, Animal Man, the Ray (90's era), Impulse, Captain Atom, and Batman Beyond.

Favorite Marvel heroes list: Human Torch I & II, Capt. Mar-Vell, Black Bolt, the classic Destroyer, Havok, Multiple Man, classic Scarlet Spider, Spiderman 2099, Nova, and Colossus.

OTHER FAVORITES: Space Ghost, Haunt, the Maxx, Shadowhawk, Green Hornet, Madman, Doctor Star/Andromeda, the Phantom, He-Man, and Zorro.

Most Recent Posts

@PapaOso Sacrifice has an interesting power. Looking forward to see what you do with him. APPROVED.

And while I'm not bringing three more players into this, two is actually doable. So...

@Zaibatsu While this is the type of character I'd LOVE for a Justice League Europe spin-off, Gravitas also fits the Titans like a new pair of jeans. APPROVED.

That's the team peeps. I'm finishing off the rules and the rest of the IC post right now, and the first group is gonna be able to hit the ground running with episode 1!

EDIT: HUGE thanks to everybody who took time to drop in and show interest in this. I'm super hyped for what's coming next!
I'm going over all of the sheets and weighing in the options. My goal for tonight is to finalize the roster, finish my opening post for Ep. 1 and get the IC going, and begin writing Ep. 2 to be dropped sometime tomorrow. Tried giving everyone as much time as I possibly could but tonight's it.

Along with the IC drop y'all will see who the Co-GM is going to be as well.
I have to try and mow my lawn before it comes another thunderstorm. So whomever it may concern... you have time. IDK how much, but the clock is ticking...
Anybody that wants to apply can have till around 5pm EST tomorrow (Friday) to submit something. I can't believe all of the interest, as well as new members to the site. Y'all are coming out of the woodwork. @YourNameHere's character Apparition has already been pre-approved as I've been working with them on their character for the last few days. So there is still only the one spot left to fill.

And trust me when I say I'm throwing in some other students (as NPC's) for padding and giving everyone more options with what they can do in the academy setting.

I may also take on a Co-GM just to make things easier on me in the long run if this thing goes on for awhile (and I'm hoping it does). Already talking with somebody and we've worked some awesome games together in the past. I just wanna get the cast finalized and the IC rolling before I make more long term plans. Thank you again to everybody that's shown interest or submitted character sheets. @Zaibatsu came in strong with that CS today but seeing everyone else ask about the last spot is exciting. It's like the Bachelor with superheroes LOL

So anybody that wants that last spot has till 5 pm EST Friday to submit a character sheet. No need to keep asking, the last slot is CURRENTLY still freed up. The IC will begin some time Friday evening or early Saturday morning.
@rocketrobie2 You already knew you were gonna be accepted and that sheet was everything we talked about and then some. Post that in the Character tab homie, this just got a lot more interesting.

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@Ravyn of Light Since you're new I'm just gonna give you some notes cause it's late and I should've been in bed for work 2 hours ago. Shadow based powers are cool, but the sheer amount of them for somebody who's supposed to be inexperienced and in an academy took me by surprise. And then there was the bit about additional powers. Many of them were overlaps of what's already been accepted, however there were a few you could do something with if you're willing to compromise. With the sample post, it's long enough and has dialogue but is it possible to get it from a 3rd person point of view? Most people on the site usually don't write from the 1st person perspective, unless maybe in the 1x1 section. It's kind of jarring to read mostly the same format when reading a few posts at a time and then get hit with something from another perspective.

@Bright_Ops When I saw 'Jester' I was hoping you were going for a remake of one of my favorite golden age D-Listers. Wasn't expecting the Ghost Rider vibes LOL. I just feel like Jester is the wrong alias for this guy. Warden of Hell sounded rad af. The 'Reckoning' power seems like it might be effected by the sins of various teammates' past while out fighting crime. Give him a different moniker and let's see a sample post. Suggestions for a name: Reckoner, Sin Eater, Shepherd, and Penance.

I get off work around 5 EST, that gives the two of you plenty of time to rework some areas if you're game. Thanks for the interest!

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The OOC is up people!
the Shield
"I'll take your best shot."
Alexander 'Alex' Mason May 1st, 2002 ( 20 ) Straight Male Neutral Good

Mentor: Cyborg Status: Full Time Experience: Six Months

⦿ P O W E R S:

Alexander has the metahuman power to project force fields made of yellow solar energy. Not unlike a Green Lantern’s constructs, the force fields and shields are based on his willpower and ability to focus. He generally creates a personal shield that some say resembles a police badge. Alex also possesses enhanced strength (around a five ton cap) and uses the extra muscle to super leap from rooftop to rooftop when on patrol.

⦿ W E A K N E S S E S:

Alexander has the same limitations as any average human. His costume can protect him from most small arms fire, but he can still die from bullets or anything that can kill people. Alex has no formal training and is at best decent at hand to hand comabt.

⦿ P E R S O N A L I T Y:

Resourceful, Trustworthy, and Patient

⦿ Brief Bio:

Alexander was your average kind of kid growing up in the Eastside slums of Midway City. When a fire erupted in his parents’ apartment building his metahuman power kicked in and the high school sophomore was able to protect his family from the flames. Three years later he would not be so lucky when his parents were in a car crash that took both of their lives. For several months Alex was aimless and lacking direction. A chance encounter with members of the Justice Society during the grand opening of a Hawkman museum left the young man in awe and he knew what he wanted to do. Rather than continue to hide his metahuman abilities, he used part of the life insurance money he’d received to get a suit made and began patrolling Midway City. In his brief time in the superhero community he hasn’t done much aside from stopping a few purse snatchers and rescuing several people from a burning building. The only time he came across an actual supervillain was when he tried stopping Copperhead from stealing something from STAR Labs. The goon for hire handed him a beating, however the meeting eventually put Alex on Cyborg’s radar.

⦿ N O T E S:

Eventually Alex will meet Jim Harper and the helmet of the Guardian will be passed on to him at some point.


The world had seen better days. The Justice League was dealing with an international incident and in talks with the UN about the formation of a Justice League Europe. The Teen Titans had just fallen apart and there were several heroes who’d fell in between the cracks of the last big crisis. Two long-time friends who’d seen time with both the Teen Titans and the League decided to get together and do something about the superhero shortage. Maybe the younger heroes had given up. Perhaps the slightly older heroes had fallen on hard times. Wally West (aka the Flash) and Vic Stone (Cyborg) pitched the idea of an academy for younger heroes in need of training to a few billionaire friends. After deciding against the name ‘Justice University’ the pair of heroes and their backers decided on the obvious name… Titans Academy.

Setting up shop in Midway City after a spike in metahuman crime got national media coverage, Cyborg and the Flash took a different approach with their ‘school’. They took in young metahumans between the ages of 16-25, and there were part time and full time members each with a different mentor. The Flash already protected Central and Keystone City, so he’s part time. Cyborg tackled the full timers and relocated to the Midway branch of STAR Labs while his team lived at the academy. It was pitched to the mayor of Midway City as a police academy of sorts for the next generation of superheroes.

Midway City was once the stomping grounds of Hawkman as well as the Doom Patrol. Regular metahuman threats included more savage individuals like Lion-Mane, and there’s talk of Robotman losing his mind and wrecking a local bar. However the boys may get some help in the form of another old friend…


Here’s a list of the accepted heroes divided between the Full-Time and Part-Timers:

Cyborg’s Full-Time Titans

GM @Omega Man – the Shield (M) force field projection - APPROVED
@Lord Wraith – Blitzkrieg (M) werewolf powers - APPROVED
@Mistress Dizzy – Origami (F) paperkinesis; enhanced speed - APPROVED
@PatientBean – Oracle (F) precog; invisibility - APPROVED
@Blizz – Shattercrash (F) kinetic energy manipulation – APPROVED
@Damo021 – Flamebird (F) fire powers; flight – APPROVED
@WXer – Dragonson (M) hydrokinesis, marine telepathy - APPROVED
@YourNameHere - Apparition (F) smoke transformation and manipulation - APPROVED
@PapaOso- Sacrifice (M) ability enhancement;healing factor - APPROVED
@Zaibatsu - Gravitas (F) gravity manipulation - APPROVED

Flash’s Part-Time Titans

@Birdboy – Shuriken (F) enhanced attributes and vision - APPROVED
@Hillan – Accelerate (M) super speed – APPROVED
@rocketrobie2 - Chemaxzord (?) slime powers - APPROVED

For this RP I’m going to go back to an episodic type of format that worked pretty well with a larger cast in an old Justice League Unlimited RP. Essentially I’m gonna post a few episode summaries to give everyone an idea of what’s going on, split into two teams, and work two ‘missions’ or ‘lessons’ at a time building towards certain plot points. We’ll say every third episode the whole team will come together to face a mutual enemy or have the same lesson assignment (since this IS supposed to be an academy). Everyone will eventually get their time to shine, and there WILL be character centric episodes to further specific plots. So don't worry if you don't get much action every now and again. I’ll post who’s in which episodes as well as other details when the IC goes up. Usually with these kinds of formats I suggest post caps (usually 3 or 4 posts per player per episode) so that trivial interactions don’t become too long winded. I just don’t want a five minute ride on a sky cruiser to turn into a fifteen post conversation about something. Every post should matter. For better interactions between players I’d suggest working on collaborative posts with PM's or in the Discord since it’s generally not cool to use somebody else’s character. You could also leave posts open ended to leave openings for others to come in and pick up where you may have left off. Right now we have nine players, and I’m going to put a cap on recruitment at ten. With a couple players already in contact to fill some spots we’ve really only got room for one additional player. Just depends on the quality of the sheet and if it was made for this RP or just recycled from another game. I’ll post the first few episode summaries below as well as links to our Discord and the Interest Check if any interested parties need additional information.

Discord Link: discord.com/channels/1008368373823971…

Interest Check Link: roleplayerguild.com/topics/188696-tit…


Episode List:

Ep: 1 – Magnetic Monster – A scientist studying magnetic fields at STAR Labs has an accident in his lab that fractures his mind and Doctor Polaris is born. After Cyborg is ripped apart, it’s up to the new students at Titans Academy to save the other scientists and civilians. But will they be enough to stop him from escaping?

Team: Blitz, Oracle, Flamebird, Shattercrash, Accelerate , Sacrifice, with Cyborg

Ep: 2 – Additional Adversaries – When a young metahuman with the ability to become multiple individuals attempts to rob a department store the Titans get the call…. from one of their own inside the store! Is the team experienced enough to locate and contain them all? And just how many Billys are there? Numerous.

Team: Shield, Origami, Dragonson, Shuriken, Chemaxzord, Gravitas, Apparition

Ep: 3 – The War Room – After there was more collateral damage than expected in and around STAR Labs, the Flash decides to introduce the team to the holographic training area and holo-droids of the War Room. However, heroes can get hurt and this is no video game. And what will the team think of their newest teacher... the man called ARSENAL?

Team: Everybody!

Ep. 4 – Burn Out or Fade Away- After a lecture about supernatural opponents and artifacts with Raven, the team gets a tip that Fadeaway Man has been spotted on the east side of Midway City after committing a heist in Delta City days earlier. After an assist from the Titans vet, the team is introduced to Arsenal’s uncle… the WWII era hero called Guardian. Why did he stop by, and what interest does he have in Alexander?

Team: TBD

Ep. 5 - Dark Flash - When Wally West is corrupted by the darkness of the Negative Speedforce, the Titans travel to Keystone City to save his enemies! The Dark Flash attacks Iron Heights Metahuman Prison and a riot ensues. If not for Captain Cold finding his cold gun and slowing down the speedster, the Titans wouldn't stand a chance. But who can contain the Negative Speedforce power?! [XLR8? Blitz? Shattercrash?]

Team: TBD

Ep. 6 - Apokolips How - Intergang, opens up a portal to Apokolips and Brimstone happens. Over twenty feet tall, spitting fire, and just two blocks away from a sold out baseball game. Which Titan got a power up enough to do some damage to something so high tech? And what will be discovered in the 'post credits' scene of the first 6 episode arc?!

Team: Everybody!


GM Notes 10/19/22 – Episode 3 is up!!! Everybody on deck for this one!

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