Avatar of Omega Man


Recent Statuses

15 days ago
Current Been without good wifi for a couple weeks since the hurricane. Will get back to RP's and iChecks soon...
2 mos ago
Working on a new iCheck for a Justice League Unlimited revival. The new comic series has me feeling ten kinds of inspired rn....
3 mos ago
What happens when you combine the Titans and the X-Men to make a new Amalgam Universe? Come find out... roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 mos ago
Been too long since I've RP'ed....
10 mos ago
"I hope when I die it's early in the morning so I don't go to work that day for nothing..." - Me


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Hello out there! My name's Mason. I like a lot of random stuff like comics, Masters of the Universe, M*A*S*H, X-Files, conspiracy theories, as well as a good superhero themed role play! I'm more of a DC freak than a Marvel zombie but I did grow up on mutants and 3rd string heroes. Once in awhile I'll make a few micros in MSPaint for my RP's because I love designing heroes as much as I do writing/reading about them. I'm about to try and get another Amalgam Universe themed game off the ground, if you're interested gimme a shout!

My top RP's on the Guild:

Young Justice 2020
Justice League Unlimited
Titans of Gotham
Champions of Engine City
Marvel Reborn
Legion of Superheroes Return [stat based]

Top Characters:

Ditto - Young Justice series
Bulleteer - Justice League Unlimited
Leviathan - Titans of Gotham
Fastlane - Champions of Engine City
the Thing II - Marvel Reborn
Ultra Boy II - Legion of Superheroes Return

I've been RP'ing for awhile. I mostly RP to keep my writing skills up to par, and I generally RP between Casual and Advanced. I've been a member of the guild for quite a bit, pre Guildfall even. Ninety percent of the time you'll find me in some superhero themed RP or something based off of another fandom like MotU or Power Rangers. Currently in the process of developing my own comics!

Favorite DC heroes (I won't go into villains to save space) in no order: Aquaman, Hawkman, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Superboy (the clone), Swamp Thing, Starman, Animal Man, the Ray (90's era), Impulse, Captain Atom, and Batman Beyond.

Favorite Marvel heroes list: Human Torch I & II, Capt. Mar-Vell, Black Bolt, the classic Destroyer, Havok, Multiple Man, classic Scarlet Spider, Spiderman 2099, Nova, and Colossus.

OTHER FAVORITES: Space Ghost, Haunt, the Maxx, Shadowhawk, Green Hornet, Madman, Doctor Star/Andromeda, the Phantom, He-Man, and Zorro.

Most Recent Posts

*Hit That Theme Music*

Night Vision... Orphan... Ice Beast... Gridlock... Kid Cannonball... Marauder... Darkbird... Reactor... Spellbinder...

Years ago Scott Grayson was the original Sparrow of the hero called Dark Claw, until his meta-mutant powers kicked in. After years of training with the violent vigilante as well as a chance encounter with Dr. Strangefate, Grayson went on to form the Titan X (10). Shortly after, Grayson took the name Night Vision and the team evolved over the course of roughly nine years. Members of the team would come and go, dozens of heroes it seemed like. The group even had an off-shoot, the Teen Titan X, that had several iterations as well. Now during a time of crisis, the remaining members of both groups have banded together to stop mutual enemies.


Its been too long since I've had time to RP, so I've been cooking up this idea for a few weeks now. Amalgam Comics style universe with a twist, just creating characters combining heroes from the Titans/Teen Titans with the X-Men. I chose to only incorporate a handful of the established Amalgams from previous universes because I didn't wanna step on too many toes in what you fine folks have to play with. There's no Amazon flying around so Storm is free to use in a new Amalgam character. This whole idea stemmed from a Titan X concept I saw somewhere on the internet recently that had the Night Vision Amalgam leading a squad. I came up with a backstory and connection to previously established Amalgams and here we are LOL.

Who on Earth could mutants like Gambit and Morph combine with from the Titans universe? Maybe Gambit and Arsenal could be merged to create Wildcard? If I could do it justice I would totally combine Kid Devil and Nightcrawler to make Hellcrawler. What would a combination of Wonder Girl and Jean Grey's Marvel Girl be called? Prodigy? Girl Boss?

Like the majority of my RPs, I'll be looking for around 7-11 players. We're still just a player or two shy of where I'd like to be numbers wise. The only requirements are that characters are based on combinations of Marvel and DC heroes affiliated with the X-Men and Titans franchises. Here's a list of previously established Amalgams, as well as the 'original villains,' and accepted players' Amalgams in a separate list...

GM Notes 8/18/24 --- Chapter 2 is under way!!! New additions to the various lists are now in yellow! Still looking for a few good players if anyone is thinking about joining!
Was gonna say F it and go ahead and move forward with Night Vision, cause I just couldn't do the justice I felt Hellcrawler deserved, then I got a surge of inspiration and came up with a couple more Amalgams. Azreal (the 'space angel') + Angel to make the Earth Angel or maybe I'll go with Kid Flash + Cannonball to make Kid Cannonball.

I think I'm going with Kid Cannonball, but I'm gonna go ahead and do a write up for an IC opener while I've got the right headspace. Gotta try and get my 2.8 year old down for a nap soon though...
@Half Pint I'm glad you came back, look what I finally found on the internet again...

I'm gonna get the OOC/IC up over the weekend. I may switch to another character and make Night Vision the mentor type of character. Probably go with Hellcrawler. That'll give us at least one more on the roster of heroes.

Across the vastness of space, evil flourishes in the darkness between the stars. With territories spread far and wide across the Galactic Federation, pirates and hijackers have ransacked these distant colonies with cruel disregard for the innocent scientists living within them. Yet there is a cosmic vigilante who metes out justice across the spaceways, bringing vengeance to those who prey upon the defenseless. They call him the Space Ghost...

Battling interplanetary evil in their star cruiser the Condor One, three officers in the Galactic Patrol were transformed into the Galaxy Trio after being exposed to an unknown energy in the Omega System. Now the Trio report directly to the Galactic Federation Council. They've taken down slave traders, drug smugglers, and weapons dealers... now the Federation wants them to go after someone acting outside of the law. The Galaxy Trio have been tasked with bringing in the one called 'Space Ghost.'


That's it. A crossover nearly sixty years in the making!

I've mentioned this almost every day for at least a week... but the new Space Ghost series from Dynamite Entertainment is just that mf good. I love the idea of the HB heroes all being in a shared universe, and I know that its a bit more niche than Marvel or DC themed RPs, but something I've wanted to see since I was a kid watching reruns of all the old Hanna Barbera stuff was a crossover between Space Ghost and the Galaxy Trio. The Galaxy Trio was introduced as the companion cartoon in the middle of the Birdman show. Vapor Man, Meteor Man, and Gravity Girl worked alongside 'Galactic Patrol' to police the galaxy. While 'Galactic Patrol' is mentioned in both Space Ghost and the Galaxy Trio they're never seen to any real degree and the closest thing fans got was the Future Quest event years ago putting ALL of the HB heroes in a shared universe.

And that's the bare bones of it. I need three additional players for arguably one of the smallest RP's I've done in years. I'm going back and watching all of the episodes of both shows cherry picking villains and finding potential connective tissue between the franchises. I've also got some micros I'll share if we get this thing going. I've got ideas to work in SG's sidekicks as well as the Teen Force if people wanna do a larger game with the other space faring heroes of the HB universe.

Are there any other Hanna Barbera fans out there? Anybody read that Future Quest series a few years back from DC Comics? Will any of you answer the call?!
@Silver Carrot Damn good CS!

I *think* that puts us at 4 or 5 players... still need a couple more if anybody else is watching!
@Omega Man

Ooh, I like the Rogue/Ravager idea! I think I'll develop that! Given the meanings of both 'rogue' and 'ravager', and the fact she temporarily steals powers, I'm thinking 'Marauder'

Edit: Besides Terminator, what would the supporting Amalgms in this backstory be? An Amalgam with Mystique? Should she have initially been a villain to Titan X?

If it were me, I'd make her mom a combo of Lady Shiva and Mystique and call her Lady Mystique. And you could make her a villain originally who joined the group at some point in it's nine year history. The name Marauder works well too!

<Snipped quote by Omega Man>

Ohhh shoot I missed that. I'll just change him to Psimon Sinister! Unless you had other plans for the kind of villain he is? Or in this case, if it would break it timeline-wise?

Psimon Sinister is still mostly Mister Sinister just with the added bonus of having telepathy and telekinesis as well as part of his brain exposed similar to Psimon. I think he still fits with what you were shooting for...


Anybody else out there watching this?
I'll respond this evening to everyone! Been a weird work week with the 4th coming up...
@Polaris North Looks good, only thing to note is I've got Sinister already used in Psimon Sinister.

@Crimson Flame Love it!

@Half Pint This is DOPE!


Am currently considering an amalgam of Terra + Polaris who's Terra side of her powerset comes from manipulating the minerals in earth and rock

Also, that Hellcrawler idea sounds cool.

I'm trying to think of who would go well with Rogue too

Rogue could combine with somebody like Bombshell and use the name Shellshock. Or she could combine with Ravager and be the daughter of our Deathstroke/Punisher combo the Terminator... idk what to call that one though. She could combine with Supergirl and as a play on the Super Soldier Amalgam you could call her Girl Scout. Totally just shotgunning ideas now...
I'll give everything a closer look after work today. At first glance everything looks good.

EDIT: I'm looking at stuff now (9:52 pm my time) while also cooking a late stir fry dinner LOL
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