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Object permeance is overrated.

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I've got my eye on this.

The drive to the bar was uneventful. No matter how much he could pimp his ride--a vehicle truly worthy of a dog bounty hunter--it could not beat the most fundamental force of the city: traffic. Unless he lifted his truck enough to crush every car in his way, he was still only as fast as the eldest of drivers. In fact, the drive was probably a few minutes slower, judging by how many people in the city wanted to tailgate and cut off his crime on wheels in spite of the very one-sided damage that would occur from any collision.

Thankfully, the cops were restrained enough to not do anything in a moment of road rage.
11:10 AM, Ricky's.

The bar certainly wasn't a looker. Then again, neither was the entire neighbourhood. The destitute were openly resting in the streets. Most other parts of the city kept such people out of view. But this was a hovel of those without means. A set of streets of no value. It was a place of zero interest to any party, be they bureau, gangster, or businessman.

It was pretty obvious from the outside that it was a mixed business and residential--even if it wasn't zoned for habitation. Where as the city typically used bright neon and light panels for signage, Ricky's instead had the name painted above the door--not well, of course. It seemed to have been painted with whatever paint could be acquired. Dozens of layers on top of each other with whatever brush could be found.

Judging by the sign hanging on the door, the bar was closed. Considering the dust that had been gathering on the sign, it hadn't been flipped in some time. But when did a sign have any authority? The lights were on and the doors were unlocked. Kelly and Al could let themselves in.

The inside was clean, at least.

There was no bartender behind the bar. The only two people in the building were a human and a demon beside each other. The human sat on a bar stool with a glass of spirits in front of him--in spite of his condition. He was missing a leg, half an arm, an eye, and a few fingers. Scars covered his face. Though, he wasn't saying much beyond the stare at the two detectives who had let themselves in. Kelly knew that this was Sato Kurodoji--the last heir to his family.

Beside him was a small sheep-like demon that looked at the detectives with a significantly less accusatory look. Her style seemed different for the city, especially from this haunt. It was considerably more reserved and expensive. While the man had been covered in some level of oil and filth, the sheep-like demon was an almost unnatural level of a cleanly white. Though rather than porcelain or feathers, the two detectives felt the white was more akin to bone. Beyond anything else, she seemed polite--a far cry from the battered man who seemed ready to whip a glass if they stepped to close.

"Fuck d'you want?" Sato said.

The sheep demon remained still at his side, unperturbed by his language.

11:02 AM, The Paradise.


The Paradise was a nightclub just outside of the Floating District. Just like its location, the place was just one step away from all of the connotations of a red-light district. It was not a place where the good-hearted nightlife went. Like all gang-controlled nightclubs, the place was half fortress and half place of business. Thankfully, the fact that they came near noon meant that was only two things inside: janitors and gangsters. They wouldn't have to deal with any drunken ravers. Unfortunately, that meant they were going to be beset by a locked door that seemed nigh indestructible.

Or that's what they would have seen if they had arrived thirty minutes earlier.

Immediately outside the entrance, the concrete sidewalk had been shattered as if a heavy weight had been dropped from the sky. The impenetrable front door and its associated door frame was missing, a door-sized hole in its place.

Inside the nightclub was as expected. There were probably two dozen gangsters inside, all some varying degree of injured. Despite this, they were cleaning up the mess inside. Plastic plants were smashed, fake dirt spilling across the floor. Light fixtures were detached and embedded into walls. Railings had noticeable gaps as if something had been thrown through them. Bar stools that had been bolted down were torn out of the floor. The door sat in the middle of the lobby, a miracle there was no squashed gangster underneath.

"Feckoff," a battered man wearing a purple suit said as the two entered. His eye was black and swollen from whatever took place. An underling wrapped up his hand, his shaking arm making it difficult.

"First that bitch shows up, now you two?"

While it looked like they wanted a fight, it was apparent that they were apprehensive to do so.
In SPIRITUM 26 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Justice couldn't really be angry at this point. Whatever happened from here on out was going to be a mess. Really, she should have just accepted it. Live and revel in the chaos. But that would be to ignore every consequence in the aftermath. They weren't blinded by the flashbangs and that was enough for now, Justice would suppose. It was really the only thing stopping her from breaking down in a fit of violence, really.

Thankfully, a cold wave of wind washed over her. It was the mist coming back. That brief moment of unnerving peace across her skin slowly faded as whatever they used ran out.

She took an airborne rifle and some spare magazines. It would be good enough.

"I know I said anything, but don't try to kill them." Justice said as she had a brief moment to collect herself in the chaos. "I don't want to file paperwork when this is all over."

She thought to herself for a brief moment as she recognized the basics. Of course, if they took the fall for a diplomatic crisis, then that would be the most troublesome. There was no way they weren't going to take the fall for whatever was happening. Might as well disrupt their plans and just figure out what to do after.

"It should be simple. Stay alive, get the princess, and get Dirk to ask him a few questions"
Armand listened as the detectives gave their thoughts.

Marty's conclusions summarized most of it. For someone who got a job because of endless persistence and (unbeknownst to the fly guy himself) a bet, he did a pretty good job in connecting the dots. Of course, Armand wasn't going to smile and give Beelz his roses. At least, not in this environment. Especially when you considered his ego. For the sake of everyone at the Easy Runner, an egoless Beelzebub would not experience Miksi jumping over the bar's countertop to pummel him for his audicity. Frogs and flies--truly, they were the worst of enemies.

"It could be assumed that it's connected. Violence, fear, insects. It looks like the perp was rather moody." He said as he stroked his stubble.

Yam's thoughts were a good starting place for a perp. Though, it was always risky to case out a perp before a motive was established. Assumptions could easily poison the well just as easily as they could connect distant threads.

"It's a safe thought. But don't get too hung up on it. Strange things have happened in the city."

When Dezzie brought up the issue of respect, Armand didn't speak up. He wouldn't defend his detectives nor admonish them. They were grownups who could solve their own issues, after all. Though, it was probably more likely that he didn't care if his detectives got into fist fights with either each other or other sections.

He did, however, pipe up when the topic of curses and restrictions.

"A contract can--at most--fulfill what a demon is currently capable of. As far as those go in New Helle, if a human is capable of doing it with a contract, then a demon would be able to do it."

As much as he wanted to say something about sniffing around a room with people turned to viscera and goo, Armand did little more but watch as Kittyan sniffed out a clue. Of course, his comments on the scene were pretty astute.

"Multiple perps always makes it a pain. Though, not really. They usually fall like dominoes, but finding the first perp is something that I don't want to deal with."

His face shifted as Kittyan showed him the baggie. While the chief was usually some mixture of annoyed and exhausted, the more astute detectives--especially Beelz--could feel a shift in the air. Something was definitely afoot.

"I'll take this to the lab myself." He said without elaborating further. Usually, he would say something more about it.

Immediately, he inspected the snub nose with greater fervor. He pushed open the cylinder to empty a round onto his hand. His thumb roughly rubbed against the copper of the bullet. The copper rubbed away as if it were merely paint. A bone white exterior.

"It seems that the Saniwa had some great support." He mused. Again, he didn't elaborate further as he emptied the cylinder and placed the bullets in his jacket pocket. A great deal of care was put into not following evidence procedures. But it didn't quite matter when New Helle's justice system was so malleable beneath the surface.

Still, the chief didn't run off in a panic. There was nothing good that would do, after all. He was still listening to the rest of the detectives.

Armand replied to Barbatos as he brought up the familiar face.

"That's a good place to start, if you like conducting interviews. Harass women, red light district gang."

Lorelei's appearance seemed to brighten Armand's mood--even if it was just by a slight amount. Taking his regular, he quickly began sipping it. His usual was, of course, a peppermint white chocolate mocha. It seemed uncharacteristic of him, but hey, it's what he always had. When asked about it, he would always reply it had enough calories and tasted good.

After taking the manila folder, he thumbed through a few files to at least glance at them.

"Good work," he said rather autonomously. "Rumours and urban legends tend to be more truthful than not."

He didn't add much beyond that.

While all of those conversations were going on, he gave the occasional glance at Al to watch him. Having someone who could perceive something else was, of course, something that Armand couldn't do.

He affirmed the others thoughts. What was new was the final clue.

The room was silent as he unveiled his final piece. Uncomfortably silent, but only for a second before Armand gave out a "hm."

"An eye..." He said as he rubbed his stubble once again.

What insight could the great chief have?

"Never seen it before," he unceremoniously said. "No demons or humans I know have eyes like that."

He rose from his knee and stretched with hands on his back. The other detectives could nearly hear the cracking and creaking of a man who had knelt for too long.

"Well, there's not point in sitting around here. Photos were taken, what little there was of import has been bagged. I'll call preservation to fully secure this place."

He walked began to walk towards the exit before stopping as if remembering something he overlooked.

"Dezzie--you're a ride-along today. Technically, you're a suspect. You're also a survivor, which means whatever did this might want to finish the job. I'm sure you'd prefer sitting around with some real detectives instead of returning to an office that has a rat that sold out your little audit to gang members. Welcome to the team."

Dezzie knew from her handbook that the Section 7 chief's words superceded whatever duties she currently had.

He then addressed the rest of the team.

"Here's some suggestions for you detectives. Check out the Floating District. Ask around in some soaplands and hostess clubs there--there's probably a few florists nearby. Kick down the door of their back offices in their businesses. Talk to their heads and enforcers. I'm sure they're sitting around in fear since news of this place got out. Or you can follow up with the survivor. See what he has to say--though, four years ago was a long time ago. Or just go off and follow your hunch. I'm going to go confirm these since I am now in a rush. If they are what they think I are..."

He didn't finish the thought.
10:52 PM, Saniwa Family Estate


"What the fuck was that?"

"Shut up! Let me think." The large gangster paced as he desperately rubbed his face. "What about that section 6 bitch who came by? Tell her to call the pigs."

"Went to get coffee." The short oni-like gangster replied, his breathing ragged and deep as he tried his best to calm himself.

"Shit!" The large gangster kicked a chair across the dark room. "What if we..."

The large gangster and the short oni continued to think and rebuke each other's plans.

The tall oni-like gangster kept whispering to himself as he hid in the corner of the room. Prayers that he won't die. With each second passing, his prayers being more desperate. His hands clutched his head as he tightly gripped and pulled at his face.

Crick. Crack.

His face contorted and tore as skull and flesh had expanded and shorn to form the shape of a lantana.

"Fuck!" The large gangster said as blood splattered onto him.

"B-brother!" The short oni said as he ran to his brother's lifeless side.

The door creaked and the light from the hallway cleaved the room.

"Fuck this!" The large gangster said and he drew his sword.

With knuckles white and nails cutting into his palms, the large gangster thrust his sword into the opening of the door. The sound of falling sand came from beyond. The blade he carried crumbled into rust from tip to hilt. The gangster simply thrust his blade harder and deeper towards what was on the other side of the door.

He only stopped when flesh, blood, and bone was naught but dust.


porcelain, flowers, and the malice we hold

10:02 AM, Saniwa Family Estate

It was never a good sign when Armand was on the scene. To the detectives of Section 7, that usually meant the case would never be easy. Then again, when were they ever? Section 7's raison d'être was to handle the cases the other departments refused to investigate. It was even worse that he was working at 10 AM. That was, for all intents and purposes, a new one for him.

The Saniwa were new blood to the city. Expats of a Japanese crime family that had quickly found themselves taking over various soaplands, hostess clubs, and other such ventures in the north's red-light district. Their treatment of the red-light district was the same as how they took it over: violent. Despite their affiliation with Gehenna, they weren't interested in the old ways or honour. No, they cared more about profit beyond anything else. They were only affiliated with Gehenna due to the familial relationship their leader had with someone associated with Gehenna leadership.

Their estate was opulent. In spite of their detachment to the old ways, it was a large manor styled on traditional Japanese architecture. The traditional garden outside had quickly fallen to disrepair. Trash littered the stone pathway. Grass was overgrown and uncared for. The cherry blossom trees were marked with slashes from swords and the occasional bullet hole. Were it not for the police tape outside, one could easily imagine the manor as merely abandoned.

The outside of manor was more cared for--if you could call it that. There were no holes in the shoji nor blemishes on the framing. Though, most of that was likely from the protective talismans that covered the wood framing.

The inside of the house was dire. No talisman used in construction could stop what went on inside. The remnants of battle filled the inside. Bullet casings, scorch marks, and blades slashing the inner doorways littered the house. While the occasional loose weapon could be found, there seemed to be a lack of weapons beyond the ornaments on the walls. Definitely not 30 gangsters worth. The western half of the manor appeared to be significantly more damaged.

The corpses were in a dire shape. Despite an estimated thirty members inside--a number given by Desdemona, a Section 6 investigator conducting an audit on scene--only eight corpses could be identified. The rest had been reduced to a mixture of blood splatters and overlapping stains on the paper walls and tatami mats. That made things difficult to count exactly how many victims there were.

In addition, there were supposed to be five Section 1 officers accompanying Dezzie. They are nowhere to be found, but it could be assumed that they have been turned into stains on the tatami mat. Any attempt at radioing them has resulted in nothing.

As far as the detectives could tell, there wasn't much in common between the identifiable victims beyond their affiliation and how they died. If there was a message the perpetrator was trying to display, it was an obtuse one.

Each of the eight identifiable victims had died in a similar way--at least, one would assume. Their head seemed to split, shatter, and bloom into the form of a flowering lantana. If death wasn't instantaneous, it would have certainly been painful. Each victim seemed to be some mixture of fleeing or hiding. Only one seemed to hold any weaponry, but a few had small arms and blades hidden on them. The one with a weapon held an unused pistol in his hand in the middle of a room. A human-shaped stain remained in the doorway while another "bloomed" victim sat in the corner. There was a chair against the wall that had obviously been kicked or thrown across the room.

As for identification of the victims, there wasn't much commonality between them beyond their obvious affiliation to the Saniwa. A handful of higher-ups. A handful of goons. Some demons. Some humans. Mostly men. A few women--though, Desdemona did say that they were mostly men before it all happened.

The air was stifling. The smell of rust and dust wasn't overwhelming, but it was certainly noticeable.

"So," a kneeling Armand said as he picked up and inspected one of the few loose weapons on the ground: an unfired 5-shot snub-nose, "would anyone care to speculate?"

Of course, Armand already had his own thoughts on what happened. If his leadership wasn't democratic, it was at least socratic.
@ERode You can put Lorelei in the character tab. Though, I'm not sure me rejecting her was ever in the cards. Literally hit every single one of my weaknesses with that one.
First arc gonna be a Laughing Man kinda problemo, eh?

Kinda inverted.

She gets grabbled by Section 7 because she was almost a victim, not the perpetrator.
Well, it's now Sunday, and as I said, the first round of acceptance things.

@BurningCold@Lemons@Yankee@Bartimaeus@McMolly@SilverPaw You lot can put your characters in the character tab.

As for your connections, tell me how comfortable you are with me controlling/making stuff up regarding them. Keep in mind, the more input/control you want for them, the more questions I'm going to ask you. If you have plot ideas (which would probably more come up when the IC is up), send those to me too.

If you're name isn't on the list, you can DM/PM me and we can talk about it.

If you haven't displayed your interest at some point and/or haven't told me about your delay, then this is probably the time to close new characters. So even though the RP is now listed as full, feel free to continue to work on your character and post them if I am aware of it.

IC will be at some point during next week. Please use this time to fix up any missing bits and establish relationships with others (for the most part, they're all coworkers--your characters should at least be aware of each other).

Well, there's no point in delaying it--especially when @s get messed up when we go beyond 10 (unless they fixed it).

If you missed shooting your shot in this interest check, you're not missing out on the opportunity--feel free to post your character in the OOC or show up in the Discord to ask some questions.

As for character acceptance and deadlines, I'll look over them more deeply some time next week. If I see something lore breaking or that doesn't work before the deadline, I'll let you know. Initial deadline will maybe be Saturday where I'll assemble an arbitrary number of people to form the cast to start our first case. It's very much not a first-come first-serve basis.

I don't have the time or ability to make a 1998 era anime teaser, but but imagine this playing while the commercial shows partially melted and/or cut-up Yakuza with their heads transfigured into flowers, porcelain dolls, your character looking at the sunset on a windy rooftop, snippets of dialogue that don't really have any context but sound really cool, a memorial in an empty lot hidden within the alleyways, a mysterious figure in the distance, and a zooming out shot of an uneaten slice of lemon cake with a candle on it.

There's also tentatively the chief there as an NPC for characters to understand who their boss is. But it is tentative--I might completely scrap that design and do something else. Probably not, though. Sloppy middle-aged men who are good at their jobs and are more than they appear are my kryptonite.

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