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2 yrs ago
Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


Help, it's again!

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@TheTwistedOne Soon enough :D!!!!!! I can't wait to see them in action lol

@GhostReaper Let me guess you have a Chromebook too :(???? Lol
@Wisp It works in a pinch but it's certainly not ideal lol. I laughed hysterically when I read the words "Scroll & zoom & scroll again" :D.

@TheTwistedOne I have responded in all of Nathan's awkwardness lol :).
CRASH!!!..... The impact was sudden and, well, rather intense as Nathan felt something smack into him, Immediately he was filled with rage, pure instinctual rage, and it showed as he turned to face whatever had just "attacked" him his face had an angry intensity to it akin to the way a wolf looks when its teeth are bared, ready to pounce on its next victim. Then he saw her. As fast as his rage had come it was gone and his face quickly transitioned from that of a rabid wolf to something more along the lines of an ashamed puppy dog. Nathan held eye contact with her for a little too long and the awkwardness became clear to him as he stared into her honey eyes. Quickly he looked down and away and began stuttering some words in desperation to change the tone of this strange interaction.

"I am...I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking." He spouted, speaking almost too quickly. "I'm such an idiot...I hope you aren't hurt are you okay?" He asked, looking back up to her for less than a second before awkwardly breaking eye contact again. It was a long enough look to see the nausea in her face. "Again I'm so sorry, I...uh...cut myself". He said weirdly, partially showing her his clenched fist. "You didn't ask anything about it...I don't know why I even mentioned it. I uh...yeah...well. Sorry." He said one final time before forcing himself to become silent. His rather pale skin was blood red in a blushing state at this point and the embarrassment of this whole situation had fully sat in as a brief moment of silence felt like eternity to him as he waited for some kind of response.
@Wisp You're not lying!!!!! I've had to do it a lot in the past and it's a chore for sure.
@Wintergrey Feel free, just run what their powers are by me first if you're going to reference them at all. That way nothing conflicts with NPC's I have planned :)
I'm at work but I should have some free time here soon so I'll post here in a bit :)
@TheTwistedOne Lol I'm 6'6" in real life too! I frequently hit my head on fans and when getting in and out of cars ._. :)
@TheTwistedOne I'll give others a chance to post and respond in awhile :).
Nathan let a frown slip through despite his best intentions when he realized his shitty attempt at a joke, asking his cousin why he speaks Spanish, fell utterly and absolutely flat. 'Why would that have been funny?' He thought to himself...'Why do I even try?' He followed his cousin's eyes to look at a few of the students who were entering the room. Like everyone else they seemed friendly enough, and Nathan momentarily contemplated waving at them; though he didn't know why the thought even crossed his mind and nixed the idea as soon as it came. Then he heard his cousin's words, suggesting he find himself a "girlfriend"...It's not like the thought hadn't crossed his mind before, in fact he thought about it all the time; he pondered what it would be like to have that kind of relationship. Before now he never would have been able to do anything like that because of his mother. As soon as he thought about her his cousin said it: "...you finally escaped your mother." His cousin truly had no idea how true of a statement that was; he knew that Jason had his own suspicions and thoughts about what went on in their home but he didn't know the half of it...no one did.

All of this caused Nathan's anxiety to spike intensely, he'd say it had reached a 9...maybe even a 10, it was as though the room around him began to spin and he closed his eyes tightly to get things under control, to fight the urges that erupted inside him. "See you at the banquet", Nathan managed to squeeze out as his cousin made his leave. He was alone again and it was probably for the best, but at least he was beginning to calm down a bit. As his anxiety lowered he realized that he had been clenching his fist hard...so hard that a few drops of blood began trickling down his hand. He had dug his fingernails so hard into the palm of his hand that he had broken the skin. 'Great just one more God damned thing to worry about.' He thought to himself as he stood and cautiously made his way towards the bathroom where he could clean the cut up and hopefully stop the bleeding before anyone noticed how fucking weird he was.
@Wintergrey For sure, there are about 50 students here so feel free to include the occasional side character/NPC, just don't go to crazy with them lol.
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