Avatar of PapaOso


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7 days ago
Current Take me with you
15 days ago
I love Princess 😘
2 yrs ago
Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
1 like
3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


Help, it's again!

Most Recent Posts

As more students began flooding in Nathan recognized each of them. Even though he wasn't one to make waves or be in the spotlight, normally at least, he had always been good at observing others and was typically aware of his surroundings; social anxiety and cynicism came with their perks after all it seems. Every student there was familiar yet unknown to him and despite trying not to Nathan couldn't help but feel as though he was surrounded by strangers. Professor Everose had referred to them as his "new team", something that still hadn't really set in. He wondered exactly what that meant and what all today would entail, but mostly he hoped that he didn't somehow end up screwing everything up or looking like a complete idiot for the millionth time in his life. This was an opportunity for him to be anyone that he wanted to be and so he began wondering why the hell he was being the same old thing that he had always been. 'Not today... Not anymore'. He thought to himself before doing something that he knew he would regret.

"Hey everyone." He spoke awkwardly in an almost too quiet voice. "I guess we're supposed to be a team now. My uh...my name is Nathan and I look forward to, uh, getting to know all of you guys?". It was a question. It wasn't meant to be a question but it sure came out like one. 'Oh God why did I say it like that?' He pondered internally while forcing an awkward smile.
@Shard I promise once everyone does their initial post things will pick up XD.
@Heathen you're more welcome to.
@Shard I agree 100%.
So obviously it makes sense to let everyone post before moving on because they wouldn't continue until the whole team has gathered. Who all still needs to post?
@Damo021 Jump on in here with the rest of us dweebs lol :).
@Rhapsody I wouldn't mind some back and forth while we're waiting at all. I guess my only request is that for that stuff just keep it short enough and don't flood the IC with it. After a few "back and forths" wait for at least one post in between if that makes any sense lol. So short, sweet, and within reason :D. If we understand that I say go for it. This applies to always btw not just while we're waiting this time.
The posts so far are awesome guys! I'm loving it :D.
Lol I finally get it up and everyone disappears...Story of my life lol xD....wait that came out wrong...
The IC is up boys and girls!!!!
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