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Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


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Can provide more detail and background later but using Fallout style stats to display for now

Love it!

We can definitely flesh everything out and fill the CS in before we start. I'll PM you the Discord link so you can take a look at the Rules PDF and everything like that :).
@KiwiTime I love that little concept. You can go in so many directions with it and the moment if / when they finally get their hands on some power armor could be a great payoff.

Regarding what I've done with the system using D&D, I have a full PDF write up that I'll share privately with everyone once we move forward. Yes it uses the foundation of D&D 5e (d20, advantage/disadvantage, leveling up, etc.) but honestly it stands on its own in more ways than it's similar. I've replaced the class system with a "build your own character by selecting perks" system that is more akin to using Feats in D&D and things like that. The guts are there because they are a solid foundation...but I've put a lot of effort into making it feel like Fallout and make sense. Once I stopped overthinking it things became so obvious and smooth and just fell into place.

The rules are lighter than 5e, easier to remember, and fit nicely in the background of the most important thing...which is the stories we tell :D.
I definitely think that addresses some of the concern, so thank you. You obviously have put a lot of thought into this character and seem to really want to bring him to life. I will PM you with a deeper question that could potentially be seen as spoilery here.
@Valornor I like Val quite a bit actually. He reminds me of the many characters and almost mythical NPCs that you run into during the course of the games. However, that's not really the feel that I'm going for in this game. He's a little bit too mythical and progressed for what I'm going for if that makes sense. This is going to be more of a ground level game of personal stories and harsh survival. He seems like the type of legend that the characters would talk about over a campfire, but not really the type of character that would fit as a PC. If I was putting this into D&D terms he seems like a level 10 instead of a level 1.

Really cool concept, but not accepted as of yet. Let me ruminate on it a bit.
I haven't set a defined date yet, but not too far after the events of New Vegas. Close enough in time for those events to matter and still be talked about, but thankfully Texas is so big and it's far enough away from New Vegas that it hasn't had a huge effect on our own area.
Out of curiosity, how did New Vegas end in this version of Fallout?

Good question. Would you prefer I define that myself, or would it be kind of neat to decide that as a group?

"War...War Never Changes."

This is a Fallout TTRPG utilizing a system I've built that uses the guts of D&D 5e. I call it Raiders & Radroaches. Our story will be set in the ruined remains of the Lonestar State, Texas. We will be telling the tale of a newly formed community, called Independence, that is trying to survive and find its place in the harsh, dangerous, and politically tense New Republic of Texas. This broken world is full of wonderful and equally broken characters.

This is going to be sandbox style RP where player characters, relationships, and choices really make a difference in the story of the primary community and the greater setting in general. Together we will shape the community known as the Tower and watch as our story sees it rise to greatness or fall to the dangers of the Red Wastes.

Please take the time to look over the lore information below and compose a character concept that you feel would be interesting to play. The approved races are Humans, Ghouls, Robots / Synths, and (with GM Approval) Supermutants.

Feel free to write up a guard, bartender, trader, mercenary, radio DJ, Doctor, Chem Dealer, or anything else that you feel would fit in this type of gang. Don't worry about game mechanics or anything like that at first...just come up with something you will enjoy and we will go from there.

You will be invited to the Discord once your concept has been approved. This is where you will find the Raider's & Radroaches PDF Rules, Character Sheet, and other resources for the game.
@Valornor Hey there! I'll take a look at everything here in a bit (at work currently) and will get back to you :).
@Pilatus I couldn't have said it better myself. This RP, through all of it's versions with this core group, has been the exception to every rule I had previously learned from this hobby.

When I came back to this site it was solely with the intention to run a Fallout game that I had been cooking for over a year. I had heard that this game was struggling, and had the urge to try and help it thrive, but I didn't know if I could manage two games, this wasn't my game anymore, and I didn't want to step on anyone's toes...so I stayed away. When I saw that it had been revitalized with you in the driver's seat I couldn't help my excitement. You and I kind of passed each other like ships in the night as you were coming in to fill your limited role as I was saying goodbye. But Alma had spoken so highly of you and I watched as the two of you took everything to greater heights than I could. So...the hook worked its way into my cheek lol.

Regarding my explanation of Nathan's mutation. It was pointed out to me that it came off as patronizing. I didn't see that at first, as that was not intentional at all, but after re-reading it 30+ times I definitely see it now, and I'd like to apologize for that. In my head it was this fun, educational post that I felt highlighted something that I feel gets forgotten often in this hobby. In reality it come off as condescending and my tendency to over explain did not help its overall tone.

I love this group, I love this game, and I very much love the character of Nathan. I thank you for giving your approval for the character and apologize for not initially fleshing his abilities out in the CS as I should have when transitioning him from an NPC to a PC. It was presumptuous of me to simply assume that it wouldn't be necessary.

I'm realizing that perhaps this new version of the game was meant to simply thrive without my involvement. I feel like the moment I jumped back into the group I unintentionally caused tension and that sucks. I'm probably over thinking the shit out of this (I wonder where Nathan gets it from lol) but maybe the game being marked as "Full" was a sign that The New Era is transitioning into a new era (ha, wordplay) where I am just not part of it. We are all grown ass people with lives and responsibilities...and we don't have time for tension or weird feelings about the things we love. If feel as though I caused tension and that definitely gave me weird feelings. I genuinely don't like the vibe I put out throughout all of this and so I think I'm just going to walk away from the project out of respect for you guys (which I consider legit friends) and put my energy into building something new. If ever the time comes that I am truly needed to return to this RP in some capacity we'll see what happens, but for now it is in such good hands and has progressed so much since my time here that it has simply outgrown me. Much love to all of you guys.
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