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~ @Hammerman, @AzureKnight (ATS & HIN) ~

"Miss, please, do not fear. We have to intention to harm you or your husband. We simply wish to have a chat with him."
Lunatea Vern Farnsworth

Sorae released Kana from her grip and allowed Lunatea to try her hand at extracting information. Alas, even the Wererabbit's unflinching gaze and soft touch were not enough to open the wife's secrets. "I-I really don't know. I don't know what I can do or say to convince you of that."

"We can't take too long here. Reinforcements, or Varjans, might come." Sorae interrupted the interrogation. With a sigh, she gave her orders. "Take her to Terauchi Temple, where it's safe, and continue questioning her there. I'll stay here and look around some more. Don't worry, I'll be long gone before anyone else gets here."

"I'm entrusting her safety to you, yokai. Don't disappoint.."

And with that, this mission was over. The trio should probably escort Kana back to the temple, and take measures to make sure she does not escape. Or, the taskforce could go somewhere else if they want. They will just need to keep an eye on Kana in the meanwhile.

Shizuyama Wilderness

(Currently in collab)



~ @AzureKnight (SHI), @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

Shizuka had spotted the tracks of the bandits that fled the scene and suggested to chase them at once, but Eula might have other ideas for now. Perhaps even take a moment to enlighten the azure swordsman about the powerful weapon wielded by a lowly bandit.

Or maybe it was a good idea to simply take a breather first. The footprints weren't going anywhere, after all.

Terauchi Temple

Yuki and Kerry opted to take a break by soaking in the warm waters in the nearby hot springs. After their talk with Gringor, they would find the warm pool in a secluded area just outside Terauchi Temple. They passed by two villager women on the way, however:

"If I was his son, I'd let him rot with the Varjans."
"Mei Mei! How could you?!"
"Think about it, the only thing in the way of Lord Takeshi becoming Lord of the island is his father!"
"And the Varjans..."
"All Lord Takeshi has to do is stay alive long enough for the other islands to come help Shizuyama repel the Varjans."
"You're too cynical."
"That's how they think! They're not like us, they want to conquer the heavens and make the earth tremble."
"I just want my family to live through this..."


Meanwhile, the other taskforce members continued to converse with one another.





Hmm, we can actually have another update once Rezod posts.
Update out since I'll be busy over next week.


~ @Hammerman, @AzureKnight (ATS & HIN) ~

"Dearie, no one here is going to hurt you. But, perhaps you could tell us what exactly you're doing here?"
Atsuha Hangai

The scared woman did not respond, at least not immediately. Her eyes dilated, her gaze fixed directly at Atsuha's arachnid half. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!"

The bloodcurdling scream rang throughout the sawmill, and even into the surrounding forest. So much so that some of the birds were spooked, startling flocks of them into flight. A recovered Sorae immediately came to see what had happened, but her eyes narrowed at the sight of the frightened villager. "Kana. Now what is Sogen's wife doing here?"

The villager woman Kana recoiled as Sorae approached, clearly recognizing the Tokinomiya. "My husband is innocent! The Varjans killed your family!"

"Where is he?"

"I don't know..."

Sorae did not believe the answer. She seized Kana and pinned her against a wall. "You're lying!"

It was obvious that Kana was indeed lying, but perhaps there are better ways to coax the truth out of her.

Shizuyama Wilderness

(Currently in collab)



~ @AzureKnight (SHI), @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

"Afternoon, sir. Me and my associate here are simple passerbys, and it recently came to our attention that you and your comrades had slaughtered the family that used to live here and ransacked their home. Unfortunately, it seems your friends rudely ran off before we could question them about the matter. Would you be kind enough to lead us back to your hideout so they can weigh in on the situation? Also, I'm a bit curious and would much like to learn more about that glass blade you were so dead set on running away with."
Shizuka Kannazuki

"I would listen to my human friend here. If you cooperate, I can at least guarantee that he will not behead you. But if you take too long... He has been known to start from the thumb."

The bandit groaned in pain as he was kicked so hard, he was sent flying against the wooden wall of the house he was previously looting. Realizing he was cornered, he attempted to bring up his weighty glass sword but Shizuka already had his sword at his neck. He gulped as the two taskforce members interrogated him regarding his gang.

But instead of answering, his fear and conflicting goals broke the bandit and he recklessly swung his glass sword despite death looming over him. "Ragh!"

The sudden attack caught Eula and Shizuka by surprise and with the Automaton's hands on the bandit's, they were the first... and only targets. The glass blade shattered quite explosively upon contact with Eula's arms, sending shards of it flying everywhere. Some of them blew towards Eula and Shizuka, the former being protected by her metal body while the latter was not so lucky, being stabbed and pricked by a few bits. The bandit was the unluckiest, numerous glass shards hit him and instantly killed him.

But that was not everything, the glass sword had left a deep wound on Eula's arm. Somehow, the magical but unstable blade was able to rend the Automaton's steel skin, exposing circuitry and even cutting a couple. This glass sword was no joke.

With their only lead gone, the taskforce duo were left with nothing. Or were they? The moist soils of the Onrai region meant that it was easy to leave behind footprints. They could follow those, or maybe they would investigate the house more first?

Terauchi Temple

"It.... Let's just say getting there early would've made a world of difference. Also, did I hear you right? Kyouko's coming? Here?"
Kerry Maros

"Err, well not right now." Ayu scratched the back of her head. "I'm fairly sure Lady Kyouko's still readying some stuff back in Otomo Port. And with the Varjan blockade surrounding the island and the major ports occupied, it's gonna be hard for her to come here with her forces. Uhh, sorry for getting your hopes up if I did."

"But she'll definitely come once she gets the opportunity to do so. Not really sure why she's very involved with Shizuyama's affairs, but I trust her." Ayu continued. "Anyway, you all can take a breather first before heading out. I believe we even have some hot springs near here if you wanna take a dip."





Update out. Robot artillery 2spooky4bandits
House By The River


The villager said nothing more to the taskforce, even after their parting words with him. He simply broke down crying in front of the bonfire where his family was lost.

The taskforce, meanwhile, made their way back to their homebase with their newest Varjan prisoner still unconscious and would not wake up in the immediate future.



~ @Hammerman, @AzureKnight (ATS & HIN) ~

"My sister and I will handle these cretins! Luna-chan, please save Sorae-san!!"
Atsuha Hangai

Atsuha's flurry of sakura blossoms immediately took down two of the Wako bandits. Meanwhile, the remaining brigands were taken by surprise by the sudden summoning of Hinami's club weapon. This momentary hesitation was all that the Jiangshi needed to close the distance and hit one of the bandits right in the face with the club. The last bandit scrambled for a counterattack, but his movements could not keep up with Hinami's and received a painful heel to his head for his trouble.

Meanwhile, Lunatea dashed for the bandit about to execute Sorae. With a spinning kick backed by the strength of a yokai, the Wako was knocked away and out cold. Sorae was then carried out of the battle by the Wererabbit and was administered some quick, magical first aid. The retreat was not needed, though, as the fight was over with that bandit's defeat.

"...I saw someone peeking at us from that small shack over there..." The paralyzed Sorae mentioned to the yokai. "And quit with the healing magic, rabbit. I'm not gonna die to some paralyzing poison. I'm a Tokinomiya." She scolded Lunatea, simultaenously with a boast.

The person in the shack was a villager woman. She was plain, unremarkable and young. Not that pretty either, especially compared to the yokai. She cowered at the corner of the shack, and will begin crying at whoever would approach her. "Please! Don't hurt me! I don't know anything!"

Shizuyama Wilderness


~ @Restalaan (GRI) ~

The student warriors watched patiently as Gringor broke through the Varjans surrounding him with an unfortunate Varjan as a bludgeon. The remaining Varjans pulled back, signalling to their Shizuyaman allies that it was their turn on the rampaging High Orc again.

But Gringor took the initiative, he charged at the student warrior seemingly recklessly. He had drawn plans and considered the options he would take regarding the student's actions--


He was stopped by the technique, but not from the student he was charging, but from another student to Gringor's side. Fortunately, it was still not enough to break skin--


Then another came, from yet another different student. This time, Gringor felt blood dripping from his body.


Then another.


Then another.

With Gringor heavily wounded, the student warrior in front of him now made his move. Confident that whatever scheme the male High Orc had created, it was impossible to put it into action now. The Shizuyaman disappeared... and Gringor felt another powerful slash at his body. One that forced him to go down into the dirt.

The male High Orc witnessed the student warriors calm down, assume relaxed stances. The Varjans, meanwhile, approached him like vultures upon a dead prey. Their weapons bared, ready to finish the job.

Still, Gringor was not of a relatively weak race of monsters. He had strength still, but perhaps it was wiser to use that for an escape.

Shizuyama Wilderness

(Currently in collab)



~ @AzureKnight (SHI), @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

"Bandits of Shizuyama, you have been accused of ransacking, looting, murdering, destruction of property, and general misconduct. Turn yourselves in peacefully or I will be forced to use maximum force!"

The barrage of energy bullets from Eula hit virtually none of the bandit Swordsmen looting the homestead, who took cover in the debris while the bolts rained down around them. Still, the sudden and quite flashy assault did scare the wits out of the thugs.

The Swordsmen panicked and screamed and sobbed, immediately attempting to run to the wilderness, and probably back to their hideouts, once the barrage was over. They stumbled from their covers, a couple of them abandoning their swords and not one of them even sparing a glance at their attacker. The battle was over before it even began. Eula's distraction proving more effective as an intimidation tactic.

"Guys! Don't leave me behind! Guys!" One Swordsman bandit lagged behind, the one with the glass sword. He did not abandon the weapon, likely too valuable to simply leave behind. Unfortunately, it seemed to be also heavy which meant he was easy pickings for the duo.

Terauchi Temple

While Io and Liliana conversed, other members of the taskforce arrived from their mission. Namely, Kerry, Skarsneek, Yuki and Samael. And with them was an out-cold Varjan Warlock.

The arriving party was quickly greeted by Ayu. "Welcome back! And it looks like you've brought a friend." She remarked sarcastically about the unconscious Kalaj. "We'll put them with the other prisoners. I admit, their lips are pretty sealed so far so I only have them helping out the temple with odd jobs. But once Lady Kyouko gets here, I'm sure she has some idea on how to get some info from them."

"Judging from these results, I assume things went pretty well?"





Hey guys! I thought I could get the update done in time but I simply can't. Too much stuff needs to be done and my birthday's around the corner.

Sorry for the delays.

Sure, I'm game. Just send your post in a PM and we'll go from there. I admit, I haven't gone over Alice's move list yet but I assure you I'll get to that pronto.
Update out! Random bear attack!

I'll also add more tales soon, and probably polish the post too. They're looking too short for my liking.
House By The River


The sharp kick from Kerry knocked Kalaj out cold. His incessant laughter instantly gone. He was then dragged to the river by Skarsneek. As he was unconscious, he was unaware that his life dangled on a thread, on a river that might be his ultimate tomb. His fate will have to be decided without his input. At least, the male Goblin need not struggle to keep him from escaping.

"...He's right, you know?" The villager started. "I should've stayed and fought. For my family, and for my home. I am a coward." He turned around and approached the bonfire where his family was put into. It seemed he no longer cared if Kalaj lived or not, leaving the taskforce alone on how to deal with the unconscious Warlock. Falling to his knees, he stared hard at the fire. "...Thank you, yokai. I know you failed but... you came to help. That matters."

Fishing his pockets, the villager took out a small scroll and tossed it absentmindedly at Yuki. "I am privy to the location of a sacred artifact of Shizuyama. That map will lead you to its location... but I heard it is locked by a complex mechanism. You will have to ask for its legend if you want a clue on how to unlock it."

"Now then, can you all leave me alone? I need time for myself."

The taskforce's mission here was over. They can either go home, or go somewhere else if they so wish.



~ @Hammerman, @AzureKnight (ATS & HIN) ~

The fighting continued, Sorae and the taskforce gaining ground with seemingly little effort. Some of the bandits began to flee, knowing that they had not the ability to stand not only against yokai, but a renowned warrior of the Tokinomiya Clan as well.

Soon, only the Wako bandits remained. There were about five of them still fighting but Sorae, ignoring Atsuha's warnings, overextended in her rampage and one of them managed to shoot a point-blank poisoned bolt into her lower limb. The Tokinomiya warrior pulled out the bolt, but soon found herself unable to move a muscle. The five Wako bandits were about to descend upon Sorae when one of them stopped. "You idiots! Don't turn your backs on the yokai! Go after them! I'll take care of the Tokinomiya woman!"

The four Wako thugs went after the Hangai sisters and Lunatea, shooting their arm crossbows at the yokai while charging with their battle sickles. Meanwhile, the last Wako bandit loaded his crossbow and aimed it at the immobilized Sorae.

Shizuyama Wilderness


~ @Restalaan (GRI) ~

With one powerful swing, Gringor repulsed the Varjan Brigands and sent them to the ground. He then charged at the student warrior who had landed a hit on him, but the Shizuyaman did not fall for the male High Orc's bait. Instead, the student warrior deftly rolled away from Gringor's attack.

More Varjans came at Gringor, while the student warriors hung back. A Varjan Warrior charged recklessly at the male High Orc with his axe. An attack easily defended from, but then Gringor felt a nasty slash upon his body again... and a student warrior suddenly appeared on his side. The slash still did not draw blood, but it allowed the Varjan Warrior to tackle the monster to the ground.

More Varjan Warriors surrounded the fallen Gringor, who then received numerous kicks from armored boots. Meanwhile, the Shizuyaman warriors continued to stay back. These were patient men.

Shizuyama Wilderness

"...I'm sorry that all that happened to you. Perhaps I could brew you some of this island's finest tea, though." Takeshi offered his sympathies as they rode. "Although, I am a bit confused. Who's Carroll? Your axe weapon?" He guessed, correctly.

But before their conversation could continue, the duo reached a large wooden hut on the edge of a forest. The abode was still standing, but debris littered its vicinity "Here we are, but it looks like the place is ransacked and abandoned." Takeshi released a deep sigh and disembarked his horse to take a closer look. "Still, we should take a look inside. Maybe there's still something left that we can use."

Upon joining the young lord, Alice and Takeshi entered the potions hut to find it had indeed been ransacked... Or at least, simply messed up. "Look, mana potions." The Oja pointed at several bottles of concentrated spirit energy scattered on the soil floor. Some were broken and empty, but most were still strangely intact. "These may be common, but they are still valuable. Why... were these left behind? In fact, I see other potions still sitting on their shelves..."

The strange situation had Takeshi wondering, imagining what could have happened for a seemingly-looted potions shop to be still filled with loot. The answer soon came crashing through a wall.


Takeshi was flung away when a large, black bear burst forth from a wall. The bear then bit into the fallen Oja's foot and toyed him around a bit before flinging him away again, sending him through a wall and to the outside.

The angry bear then turned its bloodthirsty gaze unto the Mad Hatter, charging at her not shortly after.



~ @AzureKnight (SHI), @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

Joining forces, Eula and Shizuka made their way to the devastated home of the villager woman. It was close to sunset when they reached their destination.

Their travels took them to a ruined homestead by the side of a cliff with a shallow river nearby, a burnt cart to the side while miscellaneous items lie scattered on the ground. A small group of four bandit Swordsmen occupied this desolate home. It appeared they were the ones who attacked this abode and were now busy looting it clean. These were no Varjans, but they were just as wicked.

The Swordsmen have not seen either Shizuka or Eula coming, too busy in their spoils. However, the duo did spot one of the Swordsmen holding his blade sheatheless. A blade made of pure glass.

Terauchi Temple

(Still letting y'all continue~)





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