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Update out! UwU
Kozukata Cemetery


~ @Hammerman, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI), @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @The Irish Tree (LIL), @Enkryption ~

"Miss, are you alright? I didn't really know the situation before coming here, but...aren't these samurai guys supposed to serve Lord Takeshi? Why were they trying to fight him?"

Yuwine sighed. "i'm afwaid iwt's nowt thawt simpwe, wittwe owne. Takeshi may be the son of wowd hideo, but sowme wawwiows of shizuyama sewve the iswand's twaditions above aww ewse. They think thawt those who betway the twaditions desewve punishment, even fow peopwe wike takeshi. Especiawwy fow peopwe wike takeshi." the owd wawwiow expwained. "nowmawwy, thiws iws nowt a pwobwem. But we awe nowt in any sowt of nowmawcy hewe."

"I see you brought the lilies with you, I'm glad that you were able to find them. Oh!, are you and Luna-chan alright?! Were you two attacked while you were away?"
Atsuha Hangai

"Yes, we were attacked, By Varjans at that. They wanted to think I killed the young lord. Can you believe it?"
Lunatea Vern Farnsworth

"eww, nowt by vawjans. By wawwiows of shizuyama." the bawe-chested takeshi cwawified. "they wewe twoops undew kikyo. They pwobabwy thought i betwayed ouw homewand by awwying with uwu. I... suppose i cawn't fauwt thewm fow thinking thawt." but the young wowd wemained wesowute. "howevew, attacking me iws a wine they shouwd nevew have cwossed. They desewved whawt happened tuwu thewm hewe."

"miwowd!" kikyo awwived with hew howse, vewy much wate tuwu the pawty. "awe uwu awwight?!"

takeshi, howevew, wooked at hew with disappointment. "i'm quite awwight, kikyo. But i was attacked... by youw men."

"i found thewm acting suspicious eawwiew, so i wawned the yokai taskfowce. Wooks wike they wewe successfuw in saving uwu." kikyo expwained befowe disembawking hew steed. "my wowd, i am vewy sowwy..." she kneewed awnd bowed hew head in fwont of takeshi.

"get up, kikyo." takeshi owdewed befowe wooking tuwu yuwine awnd the taskfowce. "yuwine, take the taskfowce awnd head fow tewauchi tempwe. I wawnt tuwu have a wowd with kikyo awone. Evewyone, uwu aww have my gwatitude fow saving me again. Uwu may have youw eccentwicities, but know thawt i appweciate the hewp uwu continue tuwu give me awnd the iswand." the young wowd then bowed.

"miwowd, wiww uwu two be awwight?" yuwine asked tuwu which takeshi nodded. "vewy weww. Wet's gow, evewyone."

Shizuyama Wilderness


With evewyone in agweement, euwa accompanied the gwoup towawds the diseased camp. They quickwy wesumed theiw wawk, weaving behind the fawwen vawjan patwow who wewe now missing awmow pieces in theiw outfit.


passing thwough a fowest, the gwoup soon entewed a smaww viwwage wocated inside with onwy thwee ow fouw houses in sight. "kishi viwwage. Whiwe i'm gwad thawt the invadews haven't found thiws pwace yet, the peopwe hewe weawwy shouwd head somewhewe safew." the monk wemawked. The viwwage was quiet, with nowt a souw outside at the time being. Pewhaps they have indeed evacuated unwike whawt the monk thought.

thawt iws, untiw... "heawew! heawew!" a viwwagew woman came wunning tuwu the gwoup. "thank goodness, uwu'we hewe!"

"mika? whawt iws iwt?"

"it's my son." the woman wepwied. "i think he ate something poisonous."

"take me tuwu him." the monk immediatewy decwawed befowe tuwning tuwu hiws taskfowce escowt. "i know we awe own an uwgent business, but i cannot ignowe thiws. Fowgive me." the monk bowed befowe fowwowing the woman tuwu hew house with the taskfowce having no choice but tuwu gow with.

as they got cwosew tuwu mika's house, pained gwunts couwd be heawd coming fwom the abode. Entewing, mika showed the heawew awnd the taskfowce hew son: an avewage but cute boy in hiws teenage yeaws. Awthough, hiws pained face whiwe wying own a stwaw mat cwutching hiws stomach mawwed whawt wooks he had. "what did he eat?" the monk immediatewy asked as he began inspecting the boy.

"just sowme mushwooms we picked eawwiew." mika answewed. "we have had no food fow a day now awnd we thought they wewe safe."

the monk nodded hiws head. "can uwu show me whewe uwu found the mushwooms?" mika wesponded with an 'of couwse' awnd the monk tuwned tuwu hiws escowt. "i wiww join mika tuwu find the mushwooms. Uwu giwws stay hewe awnd keep an eye own the poow chiwd. Down't wowwy, we won't be wong." the monk awnd the mothew then took off, with the wattew asking if hew son wouwd be awwight with the yokai with monk assuwing hew.


awnd so, the taskfowce was weft with the aiwing boy. "uuughhhh..." he gwoaned in hiws mat. "how embawwassing... Awnd i was supposed tuwu confess tuwu hew tomowwow." the boy gwoaned again, pwobabwy both fwom the pain awnd the inconvenience. "we shawed ouw food with hew famiwy a few days ago. We... might have ovewdid iwt..."

"hey, yokai. The heawew awways said uwu peopwe wewe vewy good at things wike wove..." the boy stawted. "do uwu know how tuwu confess tuwu someone without wooking wike a wosew who got sick?"

Kazenosuke's House


Shizuka aimed tuwu pawwy the spinning bwade but once hiws swowd touched kazenosuke's, the opposite happened. The azuwe swowdsman, himsewf, was pawwied awnd kazenosuke spun, swashing shizuka in the awm. Swift wike the wind, the dancing swowdsman managed tuwu add thwee mowe swashes at the fwinched shizuka awnd dwew bwood fwom the taskfowce weadew.

but the dancing swowdsman did nowt need tuwu add the thwee additionaw swashes, awnd kazenosuke paid fow iwt by noticing too wate the incoming yuki. The oni managed tuwu hit kazenosuke's wib with hew cwaws, shwedding cwoth. Kazenosuke wetawiated with a heavy swash thawt yuki couwd easiwy dodge, but then fowwowed iwt up with a stwong thwust tuwu the bewwy with hiws scabbawd, doing wittwe but sending the oni stumbwing bawck next tuwu shizuka.

kazenosuke began spinning hiws bwade again, hiws uwtimate shiewd. An iwonic use of hiws weapon.

Terauchi Temple

~ @Hammerman, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI), @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @The Irish Tree (LIL), @Enkryption ~

The west of thiws pawticuwaw taskfowce gwoup awwived showtwy aftew awice did, but the mad hattew had awweady gone tuwu west somewhewe in the tempwe gwounds. Othew than thawt, the tempwe wemained the same as evew.

"i'm disappointed thawt the tempwe was actuawwy the headquawtews of yokai sympathizews, but i am awso wewieved iwt has become a haven fow those escaping fwom the vawjan invasion." yuwine wemawked upon awwivaw at tewauchi tempwe. "i think i'ww be westing fow now. I'ww see uwu aww watew, yokai."

"oh, wow. Uwu guys have managed tuwu get yuwine." ayu came tuwu gweet the awwiving taskfowce. "awice awwived nowt wong befowe uwu guys but she's westing somewhewe awound hewe. Anyway, how did the mission gow? howd own, whewe's wowd takeshi? awnd wady kikyo? didn't she gow with uwu guys?"


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~ Hideout ~

Utilizing Leon's distraction, Evelyn managed to get the jump on the bandit holding the anti-magic orb. The device turned off as it escaped the brigand's hand, returning magic into the air. And with magic back, Evelyn wasted no time casting her powerful spells; blasting away Einer's and Leon's enemies before summoning a starry constellation above the battlefield which paralyzed the thugs, barely even able to move even a muscle. Even if they tried to use their firearms, they found it was all broken.

Einer watched in awe as the stars above grew in size before blasting the hapless bandits, leaving bodies in its wake. Only one of them seemed to survive the ordeal - the 'worker' whom the Reavers followed from the factory. He had surrendered and told the Reavers that he would give up the weapons.

Evelyn was about to respond, approaching the mole, but then tumbled to the ground face first from exhaustion.

”H-Hey, Fae boy. I may have…made a small miscalculation and used up too much mana with that last attack. It’s not like I need it but, I certainly wouldn’t mind a little bit of help either…”
Evelyn Grace

"I think i have had it with explosions and crazy people for one night, let's go retrieve those stolen goods."
Leon Hyksos

"Indeed, I think our little fight there got a tad more intense than anticipated." Einer replied, having bandaged his wound with some first aid looted from an apparently prepared bandit. Still hurt like hell, though. "I think I know just the song to calm our nerves." With his lyre, Einer began playing the Song of Este as they entered the hideout. The mellow tune began soothing the injuries of the party and relieving fatigue.
Update out! But also, announcement!

There won't be an update until next weekend so y'all can take your time posting this round.
Kozukata Cemetery


~ @Hammerman, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI), @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @The Irish Tree (LIL), @Enkryption ~

"What's that?"

"Oh, just a little charm that makes a person itchy." Yurine answered. "Dragon Warriors need to be concentrating when using their Chi Shields. You can either wait for them to exhaust themselves doing it or stop it themselves, or you can use harmless spells to break their concentration. Anything physical will not work."

Meanwhile, a feral Hinami had her eyes on a newly-arrived Takeshi. The young lord gripped his sword for a fight, only for the Jiangshi to switch targets. Her new prey was Alice, who had made herself attractive in order to bait Hinami's hunger. But when the undead lunged at the Wonderlandian, she was interrupted by Skarsneek who attempted to lock her body down with his own. Gringor also came, holding the robes of a Dragon Warrior.

"The robes aren't anything special." Yurine pointed out, unamused. "Unless the Jiangshi is as strong as an average man, the cloth will rip."

Takeshi watched as Alice slink away from it all. She was probably gearing for a showdown with Hinami, only for the male Goblin to put a stop to all that. Takeshi sympathized with her, having a good duel denied left a rought aftertaste. Even if that was the better outcome. "Atsuha!" The young lord called over the Jorou-gumo. "Bind your sister before she escapes!"

As the situation seemingly died down, Yurine approached Lunatea and Liliana, who had found themselves near each other as they gathered around the body-locked Hinami. "Don't tell me this is a normal occurrence in your little squad." She crankily told the two monsters. "Else, Takeshi's trust in you is doomed from the start."

Shizuyama Wilderness


After the exchange of pleasantries and the looting of the fallen Varjans, the monk has come back and the peasants have gone away. "I told them to head for Terauchi Temple, and that the yokai are harmless. Well, at least to the locals." He explained. "However, I also learned that they were from the survivor camp that we are heading to. The illness struck when they gave all their food to a Varjan patrol that found them."

"I'm starting to think that the illness is born out of hunger. The body begins to be more susceptible to disease if it weak." The monk continued. "But then, there are the Varjans. So there might be something more sinister to this than a simple outbreak. Regardless, we need to move before it gets any worse."

"I am glad that, even if on accident, I aided those in need. I'd like to bring this scrap back to the task force's base, but I imagine you all have come for a mission of some kind,"
Eula 039

"Right you are, madam yokai. We are on our way towards a survivor camp that is in dire need of a healer. The camp has been afflicted with an illness that I do not know yet and I must be there to properly take care of it." The monk replied to Eula. "I know you said you wanted to return to the temple, but why not join us in our mission? Traveling with a group is much better than going at it alone." He offered to the Automaton.

Relica and Kerry can also weigh in on the matter.

Kazenosuke's House


"I've heard tales of the Dancing Blade, but I wonder if this time perhaps, it has taken on more than it bargained for. Io-san, Yuki-kun, on me! Act as my support for now, I'll engage him directly starting off."
Shizuka Kannazuki

“Just tell me what you need, and I will do my best”
Yuki Akamata


Kazenosuke chuckled. "At least put up a fight, yeah?"

He quickly unsheathed his blade, which began spinning at an incredible speed, almost a blur from what the taskforce could see. Kazenosuke let his opponents admire the whirling sword before moving it around him, daring the taskforce to attempt to intercept the spinning. His feet also started moving, approaching step by step towards the taskforce.

Kazenosuke's eyes were firmly on Shizuka and his steps were definitely heading towards the azure swordsman. But then he leapt back, doing a spinning kick that hit Yuki. With the Oni staggered, Kazenosuke delivered a heavy slash at Yuki that definitely hurt but her monster physiology prevented a single drop of blood from being shed.

The dancing blade spun his sword again as he backed away. A smug, confident smile on his face.


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~ Hideout ~

Duck. A one, two punch combo. Move to the side. A nasty right hook. And just like that, Einer had knocked out two bandits with weapons far more advanced than his knuckles. The bard gritted his teeth for this was a battle, but was he actually smiling?

Einer felt the rush of a fight. To be the master of his own violence, not needing others to do it for him. Here comes a new challenger for the bard to test his mettle against. A thug with a sword that hissed with machinery. Step to the side to evade the vertical swing, then a jab to the face--


Einer did not expect a follow up to the vertical slash with one that went upwards. Even so, the bard believed himself quicker and would have landed the jab before the bandit could do anything else. But he was wrong and now, Einer felt his burn with pain. He dropped to his three limbs, with one hand clutching his wound. He looked up and saw the thug ready the killing blow. He was on top of the world mere moments earlier, how could this all happen? Einer cursed it all. Why was he born helpless?

”You should be more careful, you’re a sitting duck like that!”
Evelyn Grace

The blow never came. The sword bandit dropped after getting hit by a vermillion bolt of magic from Evelyn. Still, Einer silently cursed. To be saved once more by those more capable. He was trapped in this kind of life, wasn't he? He would always be that one guy that needs protecting. No, no. Now was not the time for despair. The bard reminded himself with patience. He can find something in the Eon Tower to change his fate. Heck, maybe he could find something here.

Einer pulled himself up back up, just in time for the thieves' trump card. A dark purple orb held by a particularly armed bandit glowed eerily, its aura dispelling all the magics of the Reavers. Evelyn, having fallen from the air, attempted to cast another spell that barely manifested. "Magic nullification..." Einer muttered.

The brigands came again, but the magics of their weapons were nullified too. They were still weapons, however, and Evelyn was forced back behind a rock before any of the thugs could open fire. She was joined by the wounded Einer who held up his knuckles. "Sir Leon seems to be... targeting the source of this magic-nullifying aura. I shall try to gain their... attention while you... do whatever you need to do." The pain was still burning, causing hisses between the words, but Einer threw himself back into the fold.

His fistfighting used no magic, so Einer's meager combat abilities was not affected. And now, there was no one to help him. No one to save him... and no one to humiliate him. The bard grit his teeth again, both from pain... and from joy. He was master of his fate once again. It was morbid to be thankful of the enemy's dark orb, but he was. Einer gripped his knuckles as the brigands came.

There were ranged gunners, though, so Einer would attempt put the melee fighters between them and him as he fought. Ducking and weaving and counterattacking, he may be bleeding from the side but Einer never felt so alive.

Fourth-Born's Conquest

It's got political intrigue and harem shenanigans!
Update out! Sorry for the late post, but I got absorbed by a really good MGE fanfic.
Kozukata Cemetery


~ @Hammerman, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI), @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @The Irish Tree (LIL), @Enkryption ~

"Well, this is… embarrassing…"
Lunatea Vern Farnsworth

"Oh, now you're embarrassed with having your underwear seen?" Takeshi sighed. "Come if you wish, but I can't make any promises of protection if your body gives in to exhaustion, okay?"


Skarsneek attempted to both distract Hinami and fight off the Dragon Warrior. A difficult task to say the least, but then a sword emerged from the Dragon Warrior's torso. A bare-chested Takeshi ran the warrior through from behind with a blade, killing him instantly. With his sword wet with blood, the young lord surveyed the immediate area.

Hinami looked feral and out of control, a rabid yokai loose in this cemetery surrounded by fallen Shizuyaman warriors. A haunting sight had Takeshi not known they were traitors trying to kill him. Besides, Skarsneek there was also a naked Alice who did not seem to be participating in the fight. "...Do I want to ask what's going on?"

While Atsuha was stunned, Liliana came to her defense by stopping a spear before it hit the spider monster. She then retaliated with torrents of water that blasted from her tiny sword, something that the Spearmen did not expect and so, they were swept away and crashed into some of the gravestones. After Yurine dispatched her current enemy, she saw what happened and could only sigh.

The Dragon Warrior did not respond to Gringor's taunts. Instead, he suddenly sat down with his legs crossed. He closed his eyes and relaxed, calming himself from the thrill of battle before glowing blue. When Gringor started attacking, his hits on the Dragon Warrior simply bounced off harmlessly. It seemed similar to Nobutada's ability, but it felt different. A paper talisman then attached itself on the Dragon Warrior's shoulder, breaking his concentration and allowing the High Orc to pummel him out cold.

"...Looks like that's all of them." Yurine approached Gringor, the source of the talisman. Indeed, the attacking Shizuyamans were either on the cemetery's stone floors or have fled to parts unknown. And would you look at that, Takeshi and Lunatea have come back.

Now, the only enemy the taskforce had was one of their own: Hinami.

Shizuyama Wilderness


"If you're not going to help, then don't just stand there. Head for the temple, it's not far. Get going!"
Kerry Maros

Kerry told the scared villagers. She had recently defeated the Varjan Warrior dueling her while the axe-thrower that had her in his sights was zapped unconscious by Relica's remaining drone. Despite the immediate vicinity clear of hostiles, the peasant couple still did not make any move to get to safety. Either too scared or simply did not believe a yokai's words.

Relica then used her drone to further incapacitate the Varjan Warrior thrown, and knocked away, by the Elite. His body only jerked when he was hit, showing no signs of stirring. The Gremlin's attack on him might be needless, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

The last enemy was the Varjan Elite, about to swing down his mace unto Eula. But the Automaton evaded the vertical attack and then he was ran through from the side by Kerry with her spear. He uttered nothing but he was clearly hurt, swinging his mace to the side which forced the Hornet away. With him distracted, Eula used the opportunity to slam both of her mechanical fists against the sides of the Elite's helmet.

The two monsters waited for the Varjan Elite's next move... but after a few seconds of standing firm, the Elite collapsed to the ground defeated. The taskforce has won.

"That was amazing, taskforce!" The monk ran towards the yokai trio to congratulate them. "I'll let you three get your bearings while I talk to the villagers." He then left Eula, kerry and Relica alone.

Kazenosuke's House


"We are working together to protect Shizuyama. Even if Shizuyama considers us unlikely allies."

"Oh? And what do you get in return for helping this yokai-hating island?" Kazenosuke asked. "Never mind, I think I know the answer. You just want Shizuyama to stop hating the yokai. Fair enough." The swordsman jumped to his conclusion. However, he did not seem to mind the false reason.

"Still, I don't wanna waste my time and efforts on a lost cause. You're gonna have to prove to me that you lot are worth helping." Kazenosuke said, completely disregarding the Oja Clan's authority on this matter. The swordsman began pondering, scratching his chin with his eyes closed. "Hmmm, but how...?"

His eyes then widened, having arrived at a suitable answer. "Ah, I know! How about a duel?" Kazenosuke suggested. "Not a one-on-one duel, mind you. I'll take on all three of you at the same time. Beat me, and maybe I'll throw in with this little resistance Takeshi has going. If I beat you, though, then I get all the money you three currently have."

"What do you guys say?"


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