Terauchi Temple
"Get back, Takeshi!"
Takeshi heard Io's callout and rightly rolled away from the two Varjan Elites who had the Lich's electrified mist envelop and shock them, sending both the attackers to the ground. Convulsing, but no other movement.
While the Varjan Warlock was distracted by Skarsneek, Takeshi moved in for a surprise attack. The young lord rammed his blade into the Warlock from behind, the katana punching through all the way to the other side. The Varjan spellcaster screamed in pain and lost his grip on his staff, but he was far from dead.
The Warlock, with a sword in his gut, threw Takeshi over his shoulder and gave the young lord a kick to stun the latter. The Varjan then began pushing Takeshi towards the one of the still-burning pile of bodies, intending to set the young Oja in flames as his last desperate move. Takeshi attempted to push back, was still reeling from the stun to put up a sufficient resistance.
Hama Island
"Then, answer me this. What the hell did you do to me!?"
Ian sheepishly raised his hands at Carroll. "...I may have gotten swept up in my emotions and forgot that you were not the oar. Err, honest mistake. Won't happen again, I promise!"
"Also, didn't you look different just hours before?" It took a long moment for the rainbow knight to realize what the real question was about. "Ohhh, that was your question." Ian then sheepishly shrugged. "Uhh, I don't know? I don't really know you or how you work so I can't give a definitive answer. Your previous form seemed... favorable to Shizuka over there, so maybe you take the favored form of the person who holds you? Who just happened to be me a few minutes ago?"
"Although, I prefer a more girly look." Ian took a more closer look at Carroll. "Then again, I get into a lot of trouble with girly girls so maybe, subconsciously, I started liking girls who look like they can kick my ass."
"W-Why's Carroll all different and not slithery now?" Oh, and Mr. Shiny, I only have one question! What's your armor actually made out of? It makes me hungry for oysters."
"Just regular steel, I'm afraid! No seafood involved!" Ian happily answered this more innocent question. "I just painted it with multiple colors since... why not?"
"Actually, there is a 'why'. Did you know that in order to cover mistakes in the armor, people would paint it over? So yeah, this armor's more for show than for protection. And I'd say it's done a pretty good job at 'showing' since you guys have been talking about it ever since we met." The rainbow knight finished, spinning to show off more of his bright, multi-colored, but apparently weak, armor.