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Her CS has been updated!

Defense penetration that only works for the attack in question.
Here's my tentative Silver upgrade. Let me know if the Special is a little too overpowered/not situational enough.

Connie and Gaia could only listen as Justine and Sonia engaged in a tense conversation, and with their attention firmly fixed on the unfolding drama, the two friends were only vaguely aware of the dejected grumblings Sann directed their way. A moment later, however, the dark valkyrie’s actions gained a far more significant importance, as she swooped down upon Justine and her sister, before promptly warping herself and her two captives out of existence.

“W-What just h-happened?!” Connie gasped, placing her trembling hands over her mouth.

“I am not entirely sure, little sister,” Gaia conceded with a frown as she watched an equally confused Sonia also teleport away. “But I think our new winged acquaintance has proven that she is not to be trusted…”

No sooner had she given voice to this concerning observation, than the verdant maiden’s phone began to buzz. Although she normally didn’t like taking it with her when she went on patrol, since she’d started becoming more connected to the various members of Penrose’s magical community, she’d reluctantly begun bringing it along. Retrieving the device from the folds of her cold weather robe, the Daughter of Mother Earth smiled when she saw that it was a text from her boyfriend, asking if she and Connie were all right.

“We’re both fine, thank you for asking,” she texted back. “All the wendigos at the bank have been dealt with, but there was a bit of drama afterwards. I’ll tell you more later. Stay safe for me, okay?”

With that done, she turned to face Valerie and the twins.

“So, I don’t suppose any of you know where they just went, or better yet, have any way of following them?”

MDP was happy when Roxanna apologized, but her frown returned a moment later when the goth girl accused her of talking down to people and not treating them with respect. “But, like, Magical Dream Princess isn’t wisn’t talking down to you, Roxanna Wanna!” she insisted, once again sounding rather distraught. “She super duper pinky winky promises womises she isn’t! Like, she’s super duper sorry worry if the way she soundy woundies bother wothers you, but like she told you beforesie, she just can’t helpy welpy herselfy welfy! Like, Magical Dream Princess wishes Pastel-chan were heresie weresie…” the whimsical girl pouted. “She’s, like, lots better at explaining waining this stuffy wuffy than Magical Dream Princess is… But, like, she had to go bye bye, because Magical Dream Princess did something womething super duper dumb, and she wasn’t even Magical Dream Princess when she did it…”

The poor girl was looking as though she might cry once more, when Roxanna asked about something, just as said thing gently tapped her shoulder. Upon seeing just who it was, the childish girl squealed in delight, her typical bubbly demeanor fully restored. “Snoopy Woopy~! (giggle!)” MDP cheered, before giving the small drone a hug. “When did you get heresie weresie~?! Like, did Penny Wenny send you to make sure Magical Dream Princess was okie dokie~?! Like, you’re such a good little Snoopy Woopy~” she cooed while gently nuzzling the robotic scout. “Yes you aresie~ Yes you aresie~ (giggle!)”

As the “discussion” between Roxanna and MDP wore on, the Angel was beginning to feel increasingly troubled. A part of her fully empathized with the goth girl’s annoyance and confusion in the face of the bizarre Princess of Dreams, but another part of her felt moved with concern for the childish girl’s clear distress.

(Sigh…) I should probably say something to try and clear up this clusterfuck…

However, before she could speak, MDP’s frighteningly fickle attention was drawn to the small drone, which had begun hovering nearby.

The fuck? She knows that thing? And where the hell did it even come from? Oh, but regardless, I am so very glad its presence has allowed the poor darling’s joy to be restored once more!

A moment later, the Angel’s attention was drawn away from the wholesome sight, when she felt something tug her wing. Turning around, the Angel was greeted by a small girl with a crystalline theme, who proceeded to express her confusion at the current situation and inquire if she could have some help in understanding it.

Join the club, kid…

“Oh, my deepest apologies, little champion,” she told the girl with a submissive bow. “I did not notice you at first. But, yes, I would be more than happy to assist you, although I must regrettably confess that I, too, have only recently arrived in this fair metropolis, and thus, am also at something of a loss as to its current state of affairs. Indeed, all I truly know is that a pack of monsters most foul has just been defeated, after attempting to visit great misfortune upon the populace of this noble city. If this humble servant may be permitted to be so bold, perhaps the most advantageous way to learn more would be to converse with the various noble champions gathered here?”

After all, better them than me…

Olivia frowned upon hearing Wilhelmina’s distress, the kindhearted beauty completely clueless as to why her friend was so freaked out by Xolys’s efforts to protect them. “Creepy?” she echoed. “I-Is darling Xolys holding you a bit too tightly?” she inquired, her tone a mixture of concern and puzzlement. “I know you’re just doing your best to ensure Helmi won’t fall again, darling,” she added while smiling up at her eldritch companion’s misshapen head. “But could you perhaps loosen your grip ever so slightly?”

“Of course, my sweet,” Xolys replied. “I do apologize, Captain,” he told his terrified passenger. “I know you may still be somewhat uncomfortable, but please be assured that I intend you no harm. Indeed, all I do is with your continued safety in mind.”

Realizing the rudeness of her words, Captain Goodhope quickly apologized to her nightmarish protector, before asking that they focus their full attention on the Pageless.

“There is no need to apologize, Captain,” Xolys reassured her. “Your reaction towards me is perfectly understandable, although I thank you for your generous compliment,” he added. “You are truly a kind soul, much like my dearest Olivia.”

“Oh, darling!” the azure-clad beauty giggled, while a blush colored her cheeks.

Meanwhile, as they had steadily drawn nearer to the sky borne Pageless, an interesting aspect of its nature rapidly became apparent. Its “eyes” were actually nothing of the kind, merely clusters of glowing specks. Was this creature some form of bizarre gestalt consciousness, Olivia wondered, or was it perhaps just a distraction to conceal their foe’s true form? As it happened, the mysterious creature would soon provide an answer as it moved to attack Nessie. Thankfully, the redhead’s increased alertness, coupled with the creature’s noticeably slower speed, meant that she was able to dodge the attack, although not without getting a few scratches on her broomstick in the process. The Pageless then proceeded to swipe at Captain Goodhope. The shadowy creature was swift, but Xolys was swifter still, and thus was able to place one of his own twisted appendages between Goodhope and the creature’s claws. The Pageless vanished into the clouds soon after, but the eldritch monstrosity and the two Magical Girls that rode upon him still had time to make out just what they were facing, a spectral being with two clawed arms emerging from its cloaked form.

“Goodness!” Olivia exclaimed. “He’s quite fast! And he looks a bit like a wraith, or maybe a shade… Oh, but I just love his tattered cloak! It makes him look very mysterious!”

The creature darted at them a second time, but a luminous barrier blocked its attack, causing it to pull back into the clouds once more.

“My thanks, Miss Lumiere,” Xolys told their angelic team leader with a small nod.

A moment later, the glowing motes that composed the Pageless’s “eyes” dispersed in a brilliant flash. Under cover of this blinding light show, the vile fiend once again attempted to strike at Nessie, but as with Wilhelmina, Lumiere’s obelisk wings shielded the Lady of the Lake with a protective energy barrier. The angelic girl then gave the order to attack, and Xolys responded by firing a crackling beam of unreality at the cloud into which the Pageless had retreated. However, although the cloud was utterly unmade, the cloaked form of the Pageless was able to narrowly avoid the blast. Indeed, it seemed far too agile to target, although perhaps a greater volume of fire would leave it unable to maneuver? That said, Lumiere seemed perfectly content to allow the rest of the team to deal with this threat, and while the Lady of the Lake and the Master of Xhar’doth both possessed the ability to unleash powerful ranged attacks, those attacks didn’t have the greatest rate of fire, and there were still only two of them. If only Captain Goodhope’s offensive capabilities weren’t so lacking… Then again, perhaps there was a way in which she could contribute…

Having apparently come to the same conclusion, the maritime maiden shakily noted that she could call upon the aid of her ghostly crew, but only if they had something, or someone to bare them aloft.

“Captain,” Xolys intoned, his strong voice resounding in both her ears and her mind in an effort to cut through the howling wind and roaring thunder. “If you wish to summon your spectral sailors, I shall be most pleased to provide them with protected positions from which to fire upon our elusive foe,” the Master of Xhar’doth told her, even as his shifting form enlarged and reshaped itself to create the shielded depressions that would hold and guard Goodhope’s conjured crewmen.

“Oh! That sounds like a wonderful idea!” Olivia agreed. “Don’t you think so, Helmi?!” she asked her friend with eager excitement, once again completely unaware of the terror said friend was probably experiencing…

Okay, sounds good!

I'll hold off until then.

Xolys would be more than happy to, if Wilhelmina asked.

Although if you'd like me to post first, I can have him offer.
@Ponn Come to think of it, how large is Thyerg? Would Wilhelmina's sailors be able to find steady footing on him to pelt the Pageless with their bullets from afar?

Well, he can shift his size quite a bit, but at his largest, he could probably grow to perhaps something like this size.

That said, he can also morph his body to create foot/hand holds, raised barriers, and other such things, on his back, for the sailors to make use of (he could also hold a few in his hands/tentacles).

I'm actually working on an Olivia post now, but if you'd like to post for Wilhelmina first, I don't mind waiting.

It wasn’t long after Ashley healed Breacher and the pair had moved to a more defensible part of the room that a large figure emerged from the far hallway. It was Billy, and although he looked badly injured, he was apparently still a formidable enough threat that their ghostly foe decided to make a quick exit. While she was thankful that they wouldn’t have to endure the specter’s continued assault, Ashley’s heart sank at the absence of Binky. Had she been killed by Justin? Was she still fighting the vampire even now? Had Billy turned against her? All these possibilities rushed through the young agent’s head, but before she could give much thought to any of them, the green-haired esper in question stumbled out of the darkened passage. “Binky!” (this is spoken out loud) Ashley gasped when she saw the blood streaming down her comrade’s face. However, while the veteran agent was clearly injured, she seemed all right for the moment, much to Ashley’s relief.

And then a surprisingly chipper Dr. Moller made her appearance…

The director of G.E.M.I.N.I. operations in Pax Septimus proceeded to go on a bit of a rant, mostly at the freelancers’ expense, concluding with an ultimatum for the mercenaries: Leave, or be considered accomplices to a known terrorist. Still, that wasn’t the part that had gotten Ashley’s attention and held it in a vice-like grip even as some of the freelancers made their way to the exit.

Justin had escaped. (italics employed to convey emphasis)

They had failed…

No… N-No… A-After everything we went through… I-It couldn’t have all been for nothing… (italics employed to denote internal thoughts)

No… It wasn’t for nothing… Dr. Moller had said it herself. There was another threat to be eliminated here: Billy Black, infamous leader of Maverick Alternative. A terrorist, a monster who tricked and brainwashed otherwise good people with empty promises, just to further his own twisted agenda. He was no different from Justin! Merely another otherworldly abomination who sought to enslave innocents in his vile pursuit of power. The director was right, even if Justin had temporarily eluded their grasp, they could still rid the world of at least one monster today…

To that end, Ashley tightened her grip on her instrument and infused the techno-wand with the glowing energies of a melody, slowly but inexorably increasing its destructive potential to the greatest possible extent her current abilities allowed. From her place crouched down beside Breacher, and obscured by her ally’s greatshield, along with her own, the Knight of Tomorrow prepared to ensure that Billy Black wouldn’t see another…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)


[Silver Beam][Piercing][Powerful][Charge][Damage X] = -216 mana


At the sound of Connie’s plea, Ronin raced over to heal the fallen Caroline, with Miko following close behind. Meanwhile, the mysterious winged young woman moved swiftly to stand before Connie, fixing her with an intense stare, which the timid girl found more than a little unnerving (what was it with creepy people getting so close to her today?). Gaia’s grip on her weapon tightened a moment later when the strange girl reached out to touch Connie’s mask, only to relax slightly when the girl merely wiped away her friend’s tears. Giving voice to a startled gasp, Connie’s trembling body instinctively flinched at the unexpected, yet surprisingly gentle touch. Her shock only grew when the winged girl reassured her that she could indeed aid in healing the two fallen combatants. A moment later, the girl (who was apparently a “Chooser of the Slain”, whatever that was), called forth an explosion of restorative power, one which even managed to replenish much of Gaia’s nearly depleted mana reserves, to the verdant maiden’s clear surprise.

“You have my most sincere thanks for your assistance,” the Daughter of Mother Earth bade the mysterious young woman with an elegant curtsy.

“Y-Yes, t-thank you!” Connie added, once she’d gotten over her shock.

Of course, the winged young woman then had to go and make a not-so-subtle insult at Valerie’s expense, causing Gaia’s opinion of her to significantly sour. This was followed by Ronin speaking up in defense of Sakura, and although she made several good points, the verdant maiden was disinclined to accept that Sakura’s decision to impulsively engage in battle was the right one. Still, the Daughter of Mother Earth chose not to address these matters, and indeed, even had she wished too, she would soon find herself faced with a far more pressing concern…

What…? She wants us to eat with her? (sigh…) Why am I not surprised…

In light of recent events, and taking into account how little they knew of the winged young woman, Gaia was understandably hesitant to accept, thus in a surprising turn of events, it was actually Connie that replied first.

“U-Umm, t-thank y-you f-for t-the o-offer,” she told the winged young woman, her voice little more than a meek whisper. “B-But, u-umm, w-we’ve a-already h-had d-dinner…”

“Yes, I am afraid that my dearest Connie is correct,” Gaia concurred, gently placing a hand atop her friend’s shoulder once more and giving the trembling girl a soothing massage. “Although I, too, would like to convey my gratitude for your most kind and generous offer.”

Before the girl had a chance to respond, Sakura chose to make her exit, but not before giving a few parting words, including one spoken by her hand, or rather, finger.

What an ass… Gaia seethed, although her serene countenance betrayed no hint of her annoyance, save a slight narrowing of her eyes as she watched the serpentine maiden slither away.

And then…


Whirling around to face the distant rooftop where, sure enough, Justine’s former maid was standing, Gaia instinctively readied her weapon and pulled Connie close. The botanical beauty knew firsthand that Sonia was capable of teleportation, so it was all-too-likely that they could be embroiled in combat in the blink of an eye. And even though it appeared that she and Connie were mere bystanders to the unfolding drama, the Daughter of Mother Earth refused to take any chances when it came to protecting her dearest friend…

MDP’s happy smile rapidly dissolved into a confused frown with each new word Roxanna said. “Baby waby talk?” she echoed, tilting her head. “Not cutesy wutesy? Like, that’s not a very nicey wicey thingie wingie to say, Roxanna Wanna!” she admonished, giving the goth girl an indigent scowl, while placing her hands on her hips. “Like, Magical Dream Princess thinky winkies she soundy woundies super duper adorable worable, b-but, like, even weven if she didn’t widn’t, t-that’s, like, no reason to say such meanie weanie thingy wingies to her!” she added, her watery eyes looking as though they might burst into tears at any moment.

Thankfully, Lily soon appeared and attempted to defuse the situation. Although the green-haired girl might not have been the greatest diplomat, her arrival gave MDP something new to focus her painfully limited attention on.

“Lily Wily~!” MDP cheered, before giving the new arrival a big hug. “Like, Lily Wily is, like, totally wotally right~! (giggle!)” the whimsical girl added, while turning to face the Angel and Roxanna. “Magical Dream Princess is, like, super duper ditzy witzy, but, like, only when she’s Magical Dream Princess~! (giggle!) Like, when she’s her normal wormal selfy welfy, Magical Dream Princess is, like, super duper different wifferent, but when she’s Magical Dream Princess, she has to acty wacty all cutesy wutsy and adorable worable~! Like, she just can’t helpy welpy herselfy welfy~! (giggle!) So she’s, like, super duper sorry worry if she bother wothered you, Roxanna Wanna, but, like, that still doesn’t make it okie dokie to be so hurtful wurtful, especially wecially to somebodywody who just wanted to be friendy wendies, cause, like, Magical Dream Princess wuvs being Magical Dream Princess, and if she didn’t talky walky like Magical Dream Princess, then, like, she wouldn’t be Magical Dream Princess anymoresie~! (giggle!)”

Although her kindly countenance gave no evidence of it, the Angel breathed a mental sigh of relief when MDP’s attention shifted to her gothic companion.

Shit on a stick… Someone gave this bitch waaaaay too much sugar…

If there was any bright side to the situation, it was that Roxanna seemed to be equally put off by the hyperactive chatterbox, and unlike the Angel, she actually had the ability to voice her discomfort. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this caused MDP to become rather upset. Indeed, it almost appeared as though she might start crying her eyes out at any minute, and despite her less-than-favorable opinion of the Princess of Dreams, the Angel couldn’t help but feel a sense of regret well up inside her at the sight of the childish girl’s distress.

Fuck… I didn’t think she’d take it this badly… I mean, I know she talks like a little kid, and she totally deserves it, what with how she’s been acting, but… Greatly does it pain my heart to witness an innocent soul in such anguish!

Against her better judgment, the Angel prepared to give the distraught girl a comforting hug, when a new arrival made their presence known with almost as much bubbly exuberance as MDP. She could only watch in stunned silence as ‘Lily Lightning’ was glomped by a suddenly far more cheerful MDP, who went on to note that while her annoying behavior was simply a result of her transformation, she truly liked acting that way, and that people really shouldn’t be made fun of for how they talked.

“This humble servant fully agrees, my whimsical champion,” the Angel felt compelled to announce. “If only more people could simply learn to accept one another’s differences, then I believe this troubled world would finally know true peace and happiness.”

Yep, that came out as cringey as I expected… I can’t imagine how anyone forced to play such an embarrassingly stupid role could actually enjoy it… Seriously, who is this girl?
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