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Upon making her inquiry, Silhouette confirmed that he did indeed require healing. Taking a closer look at the nightmarish esper, Ashley gasped upon noticing that her ally’s hands were so badly injured that he couldn’t even carry his weapons. She was just about to move over to him, when a bright flash exploded to her left. Although she quickly turned her head away, dark spots still covered much of her vision. Blinking her eyes in an effort to clear them away, Ashley soon found her feet being kicked out from under her. Thankfully, she was already crouched down, and so she didn’t have far to fall, but she still wound up with her butt on the floor. W-What just happened…? she wondered, her head spinning from both flash and fall. After taking a moment to reorient herself, Ashley saw that Silhouette was nowhere to be found…

W-Where did he go?! He can’t fight in his condition, so why would he run away from the only person who can heal him?!

Ashley’s answer would have to wait, as an exceptionally creepy ghost chose that moment to reveal himself.

If there was any bright side to the bizarre being’s appearance, it was that it seemed to unite the battling espers against a common foe. No sooner had the strange specter finished his lispy introduction, then a missile launched from the opposite side of the chamber struck the statue of Justin, which the ghost was protruding out of, blasting the disgusting sculpture to bits. While Ashley was glad to see such an affront to the eyes meet its end, the ensuing shower of rubble severely pelted the nearby Breacher. Even with her massive shield, the draconic esper was still clearly injured by the pummeling, and Ashley couldn’t help but feel a pang of concern for her wounded comrade. “Breacher!” the young esper called out as she cautiously rose to her feet. However, before she could take a single step, dozens of white flames shot out of the ghost and entered nearly every inanimate object in the room. Naturally, said objects didn’t remain inanimate for long…

As the various suits of armor, couches, tables, armoires, and gargoyle statues came to life around them, the lights began to flicker and die. Hurriedly casting her gaze around the rapidly darkening room, Ashley saw Valkyrie sprinting away from three animated suits of armor, while Breacher continued to lay in the center of the chamber, which was conveniently also the one place that was still somewhat illuminated. Unable to see the possible trouble the rest of her teammates were in, the Knight of Tomorrow resolved to help the only one that she knew needed her assistance.

Ducking to avoid a flying table, Ashley snapped off a shot at one of the three nearest suits of armor, before dashing over to Breacher, employing her shield to deflect the various pieces of flying rubble as best as she could. Upon reaching the draconic esper, she knelt down and placed a glowing hand upon her ally’s wounded shoulder. “Are you okay?” she asked, her voice tinged with worry. “Here, let me help you.”

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)


[Bronze Touch][Heal] = -48 mana


After a moment of stunned silence in the the wake of her unexpected arrival, Noah was the first of the pinned down squad to greet Dana, before instructing the cheerful Norban to shoot a bandoleer of magitech grenades, which he hurled towards the advancing drones with all of his considerable strength.

“You got it!” Dana replied with a grin and a mischievous wink.

Tracking her target until it was directly over the center of the drones’ formation, the smiling sharpshooter snapped off several energy bolts in quick succession, hitting each of the silver spheres in turn. With the mystical power in her bolts supercharging the grenades’ already considerable destructive potential, their ensuing detonation was several times stronger than what would normally be the case. After shielding her eyes from the dazzlingly bright explosion, Dana took a moment to look over the sparking wreckage of the drones’ mangled forms, before jumping up and punching the air in triumph.

“Woohoo! Nice teamwork, Noah!” she cheered, giving the burly young man and his fellow cadets a victory sign. “So, uh, that portal leads to the roof of a nearby building,” the energetic Ars Magi noted, pointing her thumb at Cordelia’s shimmering mirror. “You guys wanna head to higher ground, or are ya good with stayin’ down here?” she asked. “Personally, I’m fine either way. Oh! And if anyone’s injured, just let me know and I’ll patch ya up!” she added with a friendly smile.

“Oaths?” Olivia echoed. “Hmm… Let’s see… Let’s see… Oh, I know!” she exclaimed happily. “I, Magical Maiden Ethereal Rose do solemnly vow to keep my dear friend Wilhelmina safe during the upcoming conflict!” the azure-clad beauty declared with a confident smile as she placed a reassuring hand on the maritime maiden’s shoulder.

“And I, Thyerg’Xolys, Master of Xhar’doth, do solemnly vow to ensure the abominable foe before us is thoroughly vanquished!”

“Are those acceptable?” Olivia asked with a hopeful expression.

A moment later, Lucette, or rather Lumiere, declared that they would be engaging the towering Pageless in the air, noting that Wilhelmina could either ride upon Xolys or Nessie’s broomstick. Of course, neither of these options seemed like they would be particularly pleasant for the maritime maiden. The broomstick looked rather small for two people, while Xolys had already proven to be rather terrifying to poor Wilhelmina. Still, Olivia’s eldritch companion would perhaps be the safer choice, and so Captain Goodhope had reluctantly agreed to allow the Master of Xhar’doth to serve as her transport.

Although it would certainly be safer for the maritime maiden to be carried in Xolys’s arms like Olivia, the otherworldly beast did not wish to give the clearly horrified girl any additional psychological trauma, and so he allowed her to ride atop his massive shoulders instead, even going so far as to use his spines and chitinous carapace to form a staircase of sorts in order to facilitate her passage. Once he had ensured she was secure, Xolys coiled his many tentacles beneath himself and sprung up into the turbulent sky. Where normally, his twisted wings only permitted mere gliding, thanks to the additional power flowing through him from Goodhope’s blessing, the Master of Xhar’doth found that his mighty pinions were now strong enough to permit full flight, and it wasn’t long before he was soaring through the air alongside Lumiere and Nessie.

As they approached the colossal Pageless, the glowing, unblinking orbs that counted for its eyes briefly flickered. An instant later, and a mighty wind blast struck Goodhope, knocking the maritime maiden off of Xolys, and sending her hurtling to the ground below.

“Helmi!” Olivia cried in alarm.

Immediately, a dark tendril shot forth to wrap securely around the plummeting maiden, before reeling her back in to where Olivia herself rested in the relative safety of Xolys’s bosom.

“Do not worry, my love,” the Master of Xhar’doth reassured the azure-clad beauty. “As promised, I shall allow no harm to come to either of you. Still, this is very peculiar…” Xolys noted, his calm voice sounding somewhat perplexed. “This is the first time a Pageless has shown hostility to one in such close proximity to you, my sweet Rose,” the eldritch being added. “I fear this foe may prove to be a truly exceptional challenge indeed…”

“Goodness, darling, you’re right!” Olivia gasped. “But don’t worry, Helmi,” she hasted to add, while wrapping her arms around her friend in a protective embrace. “My darling Xolys and I will make extra sure that fascinatingly large and powerful Pageless doesn’t do that again!”

“Indeed,” Xolys agreed, before turing his attention to Wilhelmina. “And although I know you find being in my presence somewhat unnerving, Captain, please allow me to fully shield you from that vile fiend’s predations.”

Not waiting for a reply, the eldritch beast raised an additional pair of hands up to cover the two maidens, while numerous smaller tendrils wrapped around their bodies, ensuring they were firmly secure.

“See, Helmi?” Olivia asked with a smile. “Dearest Xolys will keep us safe and snuggly! Oh, but, um, if you happen to have a flying ship, then this might be a good time to summon it…” she added as she glanced up at the gargantuan Pageless, which seemed to be growing even larger as they approached.

And once again, its eyes were beginning to flicker…

“Please brace yourselves,” Xolys instructed his passengers as he prepared to take evasive action. “Things may get a bit rough…”

Shit… Gaia swore as she watched Sakura and Caroline make short work of her spores. Her annoyance only grew when Caroline sliced off one of the pink-haired moron’s horns, causing the deranged blonde to giggle in manic glee as a fountain of blood shot from the wound.

“M-Miss Sakura!” Connie cried in alarm, before giving voice to a startled gasp, as the draconic girl emitted an ear-piercing shriek, causing roiling thunderheads to gather above them. Lightning crackled, thunder boomed, and a swirling vortex formed around Sakura, before crashing into Caroline with stupendous force. Upon dissipating, and to the timid girl’s great horror, Connie saw that Caroline lay unmoving, while Sakura was sprawled out some distance away, visibly hurt.

The kindhearted girl was so shocked by this, that she barely noticed the arrival of a strange winged girl, who promptly wrapped Ronin and Miko in her feathery appendages. This new arrival was quickly followed by a distraught Justine and an annoyed android girl, who asked if Ronin and Miko could help heal the wounded girls.

“Y-Yes, p-please!” Connie added, the robotic girl’s inquiry breaking through her horrified paralysis. “P-Please h-help t-them!” she begged the twins, her trembling hands clasped over her chest, while black tears streamed down the cheeks of her mask.

Meanwhile, Gaia couldn’t help but empathize with Valerie’s annoyance. This whole debacle was all the result of Sakura’s mindless aggression. The verdant maiden had fervently hoped that after seeing the ruinous consequences her policy of ‘act first, don’t even bother with thinking later’ had already caused, the pink-haired girl would have amended her ways by now. Sadly, that didn’t seem to be the case, and now she and Connie were left to tend to the aftermath of the latest clusterfuck Sakura had caused.

With that in mind, the botanical beauty turned to address the winged girl with Ronin and Miko.

“Although we have yet to become formally acquainted, if you possess any healing abilities, I would be most grateful if you would employ them to save these two misguided souls,” she requested, gesturing to the fallen combatants.

With any luck, we’ll be able to save them both, and this will actually have a peaceful resolution, Gaia mused. Although, sadly, I wouldn’t bet money on it…

To the Angel’s considerable delight, things at the Industrial District seemed to be winding down. This allowed Roxanna, well, the original Roxanna the opportunity to turn her full attention towards her angelic ally. She proceeded to stammer out her thanks, as well as her concern for the angelic beauty’s apparent exposure to the elements.

And her face was as red as a tomato…

Holy shit… I-Is she… crushing on me…? I mean, it’s not all that surprising with a body like mine, but still… Ew…

“Please do not worry yourself on my account,” the Angel told Roxanna, while beaming down at the nervous-looking girl. “Despite what appearances might suggest, my abilities provide me with ample protection from the evening’s chill,” she explained. “And even if they did not, your most generous words of concern and gratitude would surely be more than sufficient to warm this humble servant’s heart,” she added, treating the goth girl to a radiant smile.

However, before the lovestruck Roxanna could reply, a sickeningly sweet and irritatingly high-pitched voice herald the arrival of an incredibly cute and whimsical young woman…

“Hiiiieee~!” MDP announced cheerfully as she bounced up to the Angel and the original Roxanna and gave them a playful wink and peace sign salute. “Like, wowie zowie, you look super duper pretty witty, Miss Angel Wangel person worsen~! (giggle!)” Turning to Roxanna, she added, “And even though you look kinda winda gloomy woomy, Magical Dream Princess thinkie winkies you’re probably wobably a super duper good person werson insidey widey, ‘cause, like, you’re helpy welpying to fight the meanie weainie reindeer weindeer thingy wingies, and keeping Miss Angel Wangel person werson safey wafey~! (giggle!) Would you two like to be Magical Dream Princess’s friendy wendies~?! Would you~?! Would you~?! Would you~?!” she asked excitedly, while jumping up and down, inadvertently causing a deluge of glitter to fall upon her two potential new friends in the process.

Holy fuck… This bitch looks like she was puked up by a Lisa Frank catalogue… And could that voice possibly be any more annoying?

“Salutations, whimsical champion,” the Angel greeted the new arrival warmly. “This humble servant thanks you from the bottom of her heart for your most generous complement. Truly, you are the sweetest and most innocent soul this humble servant has ever encountered, and I would be only too happy to count you as a friend.”

“Yaaaay~!” MDP cheered, jumping up and giving the Angel a big hug. “Magical Dream Princess made another new friendy wendy today~! (giggle!)” Releasing the surprised Angel, the delighted Princess of Dreams conjured a pair of pompoms and began a silly little dance. “Friendy wendies~ Friendy wendies~ Yaay~! Yaay~! Yaay~! Friendy wendies~ Friendy wendies~ Hip, hip, hoooraaay~! (giggle!)” she sang, before jumping up into the air as small fireworks exploded and even more glitter rained down.

I-Is this girl for real…?

“So, like, what’s your namey wamey, Miss Angel Wangel person werson~?!” MDP asked, looking up at the Angel with an expectant smile.

“My name is not important, sweet champion,” the Angel replied. “I am merely a humble servant of the light, but if you wish, you may call me the Angel of Hope, or simply Angel, if you prefer.”

“Okie dokie, Angel Wangel~!” MDP acknowledged with another peace sign salute. “Magical Dream Princess will, like, totally wotally do that~! (giggle!)”

A moment later, the whimsical girl realized she had been neglecting her other potential new friend in the dark dress, and immediately moved to rectify the situation.

“Oh~! And, like, Magical Dream Princess would, like, super duper wuv to know your namey wamey, too~! (giggle!)” she told Roxanna, blissfully oblivious to how much she was invading the other girl’s personal space.

I know Goodhope would be very reluctant to do so, but since the latest GM post has her deciding to be carried by Xolys, is it okay to assume she just pushed through her fear?

Just wondering, since I'm working on an Olivia post and I wasn't sure how to word things.

Ashley had just finished patching up Wukong when she heard Breacher call her, the draconic esper clearly astonished that she had survived her trip through the portal. However before she could begin to tell her ally about her horrific ordeal, Binky’s voice sounded from the entrance. A moment later, the green-haired esper made her appearance, noting that they needed to get moving as time was of the essence. Still, that need for urgency didn’t stop Valkyrie from giving a small motivational speech, or Leroux from stepping forward to offer herself as fuel for additional blood magic assistance from Lada.

Ashley honestly had no idea what to make of the armored young woman. At first, she had thought her an intelligent and experienced agent, but then that opinion had changed to one of annoyance at her thoughtless flippancy and almost suicidal tendency to rush into danger without any thought for her own safety. But now, seeing her express a genuine desire to guard against future blood magic attacks, and willingly offering herself as a means to ensure that they would have such protection, the Knight of Tomorrow couldn’t help but feel somewhat jealous of her ally’s courage and tenacity. After all, this was a woman who’s entrails had been spilled out on the floor only a short time ago. What Leroux suggested may have been crazy, but it was also somewhat commendable, at least as far as Ashley was concerned.

After an alarmed exclamation from Breacher, Binky quickly nixed Leroux’s idea, explaining that not only would such a plan simply not be viable for espers like themselves, but also that Lada had been promised she wouldn’t be placed in any potential danger. With that out of the way, the team proceeded further into the sinister mansion…



After making their way through a labyrinthian maze of corridors, the assault team found themselves in a large chamber. Ashley took a quick note of the hall’s ostentatious decor, including the repulsive sculpture which dominated its center. Although she was familiar with the concept of “heroic nudes” from her art history classes, the high-tech heroine couldn’t help but feel disgusted by this particular piece. Indeed, she had half a mind to shatter it apart with a well-placed energy blast. However, as much as she wished to destroy this crime against fine art, her attention was soon drawn to the small group on the far side it. The small group lead by a large monster… This was obviously the Maverick contingent, Ashley realized, which meant that towering figure had to be Billy Black. The Knight of Tomorrow’s grip on her instrument tightened as she watched Binky and Billy approach each other and have a short conversation, one which, surprisingly enough, didn’t end in a battle, as they both seemed to agree that removing Justin was the most important thing. Still, that left their forces alone in the chamber, and it was only a matter of time before conflict began…

As it transpired, Breacher was the first to act, taking up position behind the statue and firing a few suppressive rounds at the Maverick espers. One of the latter, dressed in a colorful harlequin getup, responded by diving for cover, before popping up briefly to shoot a volley of playing cards of all things at the draconic esper. Meanwhile, Valkyrie moved to place herself opposite the Maverick harlequin. A moment later, her massive railgun sounded forth three times in rapid succession, promising to make a mockery of any cover the enemy esper chose to hide behind. Ashley, on the other hand, wasn’t nearly as eager to engage fellow humans, even ones tricked or brainwashed into following a monster. Thankfully, as her team’s only healer, she had other tasks to perform besides direct combat. The real question was, who should she assist first? Neither Leroux nor Wukong’s injuries had been fully healed, and while Silhouette’s condition was unknown, he seemed more than little beaten up. Still, from what little she knew of these three, it was Leroux who had proven to be the most reckless, and thus, the one in most need of her assistance.

Placing a glowing hand on her armored ally’s back, Ashley filled the impetuous young woman’s body with another pulse of restorative power, hopefully mending any lingering internal injuries she might have sustained from her earlier disemboweling. That accomplished, the Knight of Tomorrow took up position behind the armoire next to Valkyrie, from which she used hand signs to inquire if Silhouette required healing as well.

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)


[Bronze Touch][Heal] = -48 mana

Alright, posted! Let's go, girls!

@Ponn: I'm not really sure if Xolys is capable of flight or not, I erred on the side that it could for my post, but if this is inaccurate, just tell me and I'll edit the post accordingly.

Well, he does have wings, although up until now all he's done is a little gliding.

However, if the GMs are okay with it, I have no problem with him having full flight capability.

Even if that's not normally the case, we could just say it's a boost received from Goodhope's blessing.

Either way works fine for me.

As the battle at the Industrial District progressed, the Angel of Hope continued to provide healing and enhancement to her immediate trio of companions. Although, through the use of duplication, that trio had now grown into a small army.

Looks like we’re making good progress on these fuckers, Angela noted. And at least this goth chick knows to protect the healer, she added, upon noticing how Roxanna had deployed her clones to shield her from the brunt of the fighting.

“You have this humble servant’s most sincere gratitude, noble champion,” the Angel told her with a warm smile. “Truly, it fills my heart with such great joy to be in the company of such a kind and thoughtful soul!”

Finn then announced that he was heading to find the ‘source’, before dashing off towards a nearby factory.

Where the fuck is that emo edgelord going? Angela wondered as she watched the bandaged magical boy depart. And what the fuck did he mean by ‘the source’? Does he think there's some kinda spawn point nearby? She pondered that possibility for a moment, before quickly dismissing it. Nah, he’s probably just having some chuuni delusion… I mean, why else would someone dress like that?

“May fortune be with you on your quest, brave champion!” the Angel called. “Please know that this humble servant even now prays that you shall find what you seek, whatever it may be!”

She had barely finished speaking, when a mighty thunderbolt crashed into the midst of the wendigos, heralding the arrival of a magical girl of truly astounding power. Seeming less a magical girl and more an unbridled force of nature, the new arrival swiftly set about butchering the antlered monstrosities with terrifying efficiency…

“Good heavens…” the Angel gasped, her eyes widening in a mixture of awe and horror.

Who the fuck is that?

Despite the great speed of her multicolored mount, MDP quickly discovered that it paled in comparison to what her girlfriend was capable of. Thus, by the time she and Kar’is arrived at the Industrial District, Penny was already well on her way to finishing off the remaining wendigos single-handedly. “Wowie zowie~” MDP murmured in awe as the rainicorn pegasus gently lowered her and Kar’is to the ground before dissipating in a puff of glitter. “Penny Wenny is, like, soooo super duper amazing wazing~” she sighed, her face taking on an exceptionally dreamy expression. For several seconds, the whimsical girl was content to simply admire her girlfriend’s breathtaking prowess, but it was only a matter of time before her painfully short attention span got the better of her.

“Oooh~! There’s Oliver Woliver~!” she exclaimed happily as she caught sight of her ghostly friend. “And there he is againsie~! And over theresie, too~! Like, there are lots and lots of Oliver Wolivers heresie weresie~! (giggle!)” She observed with a cheerful smile, her childish mind taking great delight in the fact that there were now so many of her friend. “Oh~! And, like, there are some other people weple over theresie that Magical Dream Princess hasn’t ever wever seen beforsie~! Maybe waybe they’ll want to be friendy wendies with Magical Dream Princess, too~! (giggle!)”

With that new thought fully dominating her ADHD addled mind, MDP skipped over to where her potential new friends were waiting, blasting back any wendigos that came near her with prismatic beams from her whimsical wand, almost as an afterthought.

To Gaia’s great relief, it appeared as though her and Miko’s words had convinced Caroline to depart in search of her sister. However, only a moment later, and all their efforts were undone by the arrival of a strange, but also somewhat familiar, serpentine young woman. While the snake-like maiden had started off in a polite, and even somewhat regal manner, she soon devolved into hurling crude insults, before basically challenging the clearly unhinged Caroline to a fight. Yes, despite her drastically altered appearance, Gaia quickly realized exactly who this person was…

Sakura… You are such an idiot… Gaia seethed, while squeezing her eyes shut in an attempt to maintain her usually serene composure.

“M-Miss Sakura?!” Connie exclaimed, before gasping in fright as Caroline darted off to engage the new arrival in frenzied combat.

Meanwhile, and to the surprise of no one who knew her, Ronin prepared to race to her sensei’s aid, only to be restrained by Miko. Still, despite her calmer and more cautious sibling’s concerns, the teal-clad samurai was adamant in her desire to help. It was then that a visibly desperate Miko glanced toward Gaia and Connie.

Gaia’s mind raced. She knew full well Miko’s concern for her sister, as Gaia felt the same for Connie, who even now looked torn between preparing to flee in terror and rushing forward to help her friend. Taking a deep breath to focus herself, the verdant maiden exhaled a weary sigh. “Please, allow me to handle this,” she announced in a voice both tranquil and commanding. “Clearly there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding here, so I believe a small time-out is in order.” With that, the botanical beauty raised Nature’s Blossom and pointed the staff at the two combatants. From the flower at its tip sprouted a second, smaller bud, which opened to disgorge not a beam of emerald energy, but rather a thick cloud of sedative spores. With luck, both Caroline and Sakura would be knocked unconscious in seconds, allowing the remaining foursome time to figure out their next course of action…

Olivia listened with rapt interest as Lucette described the encounter with her sinister doppelgänger. “Gosh, that must have been incredibly unnerving!” the bespectacled brunette exclaimed once the story had concluded. “But that was really smart thinking, Miss Lucette!” she added with an excited smile. “What with deciding to detransform and all. Oh, but I guess that’s not too surprising, considering how experienced you are,” she conceded with a nasally giggle/snort. While the creature the veteran Magical Girl had fought didn’t sound particularly cute, it was certainly interesting to think about. For instance, what if Olivia were to face her own dark reflection? Would her darling Xolys also be duplicated, and if so, what would he look like? It was definitely something for her to think about and make sketches of, but for now, it seemed that Lucette would be leading them onwards. However, they hadn’t even left the park when the peaceful and clear day abruptly changed it guise.

In what seemed like the blink of an eye, the formerly fair weather had shifted to far stormier conditions. A fierce wind howled, propelling ominous thunderheads, while luminous, serpentine tendrils of jagged lightning darted through the charged atmosphere. And as it soon became glaringly apparent, the increasingly hostile meteorological conditions would be the least of the quartet’s worries, as each flash of lightning illuminated the menacing shape of a towering figure, which loomed out of the roiling clouds…

“Achoo!” Olivia sneezed as the rising wind agitated her allergies. “W-Wow, the weather changes so quickly here!” she marveled, before gasping at the sight of the monolithic Pageless. “T-Then again, maybe it doesn’t have anything to do with the weather at all…”

As sheets of torrential rain fell upon the foursome, a shivering Olivia closed her eyes in concentration, focusing on the power locked deep within herself, the power bestowed upon her by a tale as old as time…

In a flash of azure light, the scrawny, bespectacled brunette was transformed into a stunning blonde maiden of surpassing beauty, and beside her towered the nightmarish form of Thyerg’Xolys, eldritch Master of Xhar’doth.

“Please stay behind me, my sweet,” the Lovecraftian beast instructed as he moved forward to place himself between his beloved beauty and the looming Pageless. “You as well, Miss Wilhelmina,” he added, mindful of the fact that the maritime maiden lacked much direct combat ability. “As long as you remain at my dearest Olivia’s side, you shall come to no harm.”

“Thank you darling!” Olivia gushed, while clasping her hands over her heart. “I just know we have nothing to fear, now that you’re here to protect us! Oh!” she added, turning her attention to Wilhelmina. “Are you perhaps going to summon some of your ghost sailors now?!” she inquired eagerly. “I would very much like to take a closer look at them, if it isn’t too much trouble, of course!”
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