Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Yes. The classic.
Banned for a having a profile picture that has someone doing a heart with hands the right way

Banned as turtles do not wear hats
@Lu Cassandra and Butternut are adorable! And we finally got a seamstress, let's go!!!

Sya does need a pretty dress or 2. :)
Sorry everyone, the fiancé was very sick then I changed jobs and everything was just a little chaotic

Life does get in the way.
It happens to demand life things
I'm still here.

Lord and lady Coswain

About Dawn Haven

*Before he left, he was making Move to leave the post office.*

Lord Coswain was on alert around this woman, his sense was usually correct and he had a feeling that she was far more dangerous than the regular towns folk. “Market likely for dry stock, not far away from here. Seller on right shady, fake castle forged.” He said not wanting people to purchase that kind of rubbish, he deserved to not have any customers, they were liable to be made from some scrap rather than steel. He knew what castle forged steel was and that was not it. Prince might need guards to cheek more detailed gate duty.

“Sunni. Trader, or so the eye folk say can get that.” He said as was alone, only a fool started a fight, not sure you could win if you had a choice, cheat, dirty tricks, anything you could to level or make the odds in your favour. Much as the religious caste might be Zealots, soldiers like that died young, they leveraged intelligence, tactics, cheated and used any advantage they had. Sometimes you just had to go with the situation you found yourself in.

He had to be smarter than stupid, the situation was everything but normal. If that meant using his diplomatic skills more than his sword arm, that's what it took to complete the mission. You worked with what you had and with 4 at most, he has a much smaller deck of cards.

He headed out closer to the lake, finding the book, he began some experimental strokes with the new Pen, seeing how it behaved and sketching out the form of a lake island, wild and entirely unbothered. The local terrain was mapped but not in detail and he would correct that, understanding your area and its nature was one of the first things a soldier needed to do.

Preparation kept you alive.

Persephone left the house following Taru though the dark streets, perpetually dark streets, the only light came from the moon and the artificial Sources people gathered around like moths and flames. They used the light to fend off the constant and ever pervasive night. “Today you are, we do not know what tomorrow brings, in times present we just have to make the best of our lives.” She said but did not push the topic, they would make a fine pair though it seemed I'd they chose to.

She was a little dramatic but also bored as the adrenaline filled arrival turned into a Town that was more constructive than constructions completed. The stables were normal, well built but normal and headed over to her large black horse scratching its ears and pulled a brush from the bags of equipment for horse and rider. “Hey Agmar, relax, I'm safe.” She began to slowly brush out the large animal's deep black hair and ran a hand over its tall and heavily muscled back. She had a strong bond with this horse and the much larger animals was now calm, calm itself.

“Please take good care of him, he is somewhat feisty though. His name is Agmar A launariam Heavy, and loves apples.” She kept massaging the back and shoulder of her mount. “Am I allowed to take care of my own horse alongside your services? I did it when time allowed back home.” She asked and decided it would at least keep her busy and give something to do, besides the act of Brushing out Agmar, braiding and such was therapeutic. The dirt and leaves that were hidden fell to the ground.

Her saddle bags could wait a little as she brushed her hose down and took care of it, seeing as they arrived in all rather the rush it could easily have been overlooked but the town guards to inform what irs situation was. She did not expect miracles out here, she knew this town was barely a town as yet.

Given the quality of some here, quite the collection of horses. From basic Cart pullers to the larger military mounts, personal horses and others were quite wide.

@The Savant
@The Muse

Lord and lady Coswain

Healers Home and Post Office

Lord Coswain nodded, he saw the quality was hardly what he got in cities but it would do the best, the ink was probably weaker but it would function. He had worked with such things in the past and was not a man who blames his tools. “This will do, frontier life. You make do. Lord Coswain spoke easily now he shook the influence, he must be a rather powerful blightborn.

lunarian, he was asked and nodded. “Lunaris… yes. Lord Castellion Coswain, Royal Guard Order Militium Capitaline Lance veteran Company. I have a town house in the Capitol.” He spoke, seeing no reason to hide his role, name and so, he was not going to start the fight If the Postmaster was not a direct threat. His status and so would be evident on his armour he planned to wear later if trouble came, he expected this announcement could get interesting. He would ask Hector and Daphne to be ready for trouble, hope for the best, plan for worst, he had spent far too many days on crowd control, security duty and so on in a tense capital. The King in recent years had not been the most conductive to that. He hoped the Auralians knew what doing but would not count on it.

“Il take them” He said, dropping the appropriate amount of coin into a counter bowl looking at the prices and placing the items carefully into a satchel bag, the quill went into a softer Leather slot to protect it, it was certainly different but a strong quill and quite large. Its point looked well honed and shaped well for precision. “Good quality” He remarked to himself as he turned to leave, having placed the items away with a level of care of an artist not quite a match with the soldiers expectations. "Good day Postmaster" He said a little stiffly, he was a Blightborn, but he refused to look like a savage in front of him and stuck to the Diplomatic answer.

He turned to leave getting the clear dismissal.

“I'd rather not end up discovering if the town has a jail yet.” Persephone said easily. Not wanting to cause a drama by just claiming her bags, especially when they start a whole hunt for a thief that did not even exist.

Glancing at his hand, her expression turned a little more serious and was used to seeing all kinds of injuries and dealing with them herself as required to stay alive. “A good job indeed. You know your craft Miss Eris” approving of the bandaged application having seen far worse in her years, the town has a good healer and where they where they might just need such services.

She picked up on the Miss, no one had denied being a couple though or said to be already married etc. They were older than her kids and they knew what they were getting into. She could appreciate the comfort of a lover in this place, so far from home, civilization and so close to danger. “Thank you, I would appreciate it, a lot easier than having to find them myself. Lead on Mr Taru.”

The woman turned to her and seemed nervous, no… embarrassed, nervous and more mixed. She shook her head softly. “I am not really sure what my role is. I arrived from the Fort seeking aid, I happened to find my partner Lord Coswain was here, but I hope in the best way, it remains more social than a professional meeting.” She really hoped she did not end up needing a healer for a while, once was enough and she had been pretty out of it when she arrived.

“Thankyou Eris.” She said using her name to show she remembered it. “If you need help, you have it. I am not a formal healer but I learned enough from 2 kids, a grandchild and my service to at least help.” Persephone could help with that, she had to treat everything from a battlefield wound to a scraped knee, she was not trained formally but life had thrown so much her way you just had to adapt.

“Handsome man, bit too young for me, keep hold of thaf one.’ ” She said so quietly that only Eris could hear her before turning to follow Taru, she had a good perception of people and Taru seemed to be one of the good ones and did not raise alarms, probably hard working and skilled to be chosen as stable master.

@The Savant@The Muse

Lord and lady Coswain

About Dawn Haven

When the man…bird…blight born hybrid came down Lord Coswain schooled himself to an neutral expression he tended to adopt when dealing with senior command and others of the sort. He did not like blightborn, he had seen men ripped apart, killed and personally slain in single combat. Still they were stretched and one day Lunaris would snap if they carried on too far, they had to admit their own limits.

He was reminded of a whole thing that we t round the Capital a few years ago, I'll omens, giant mountain eagles reported migrating to near the city. They tended to dwell in the highest ranges and most inaccessible peaks, that had been a whole weird time, people had been jumpy and the guard was pulling duty on keeping people calm. The blight and then the birds had people rattled.

Shaking his mind free from that time, he felt calmer, something was blunting his alert he had from the woman, he shook his head again concentrating on something he could fix his mind to like a lighthouse. “Aye, good ink, a book, papers suitable for landscapes and maybe a few portraits. Been a habit since I joined the guard a lifetime ago and had long hours waiting for things to happen.” He found himself saying before he could catch it.

“Just that. ” He managed to sharpen himself back up, he recognised the powers of a blightborn and he suspected how had caused his mind to slip and ruthlessly re anchored his mind like chains of a ship. It was not a skill that all had, only his experience and prior meeting of blightborns had given him an understanding of when they did so.

“Just those for now Postmaster.” He managed to restore his capital tone and clarity and neutral tone. He pushed himself to think of being sat leaning against one of the tower parapets watching the sun fall against the jagged mountain ranges and sketching out the view from the keep to the far horizon in graphite. He was technically probably not meant to be up their but people forgave a Lord Captain by that stage some eccentricity and flexibility to engage in personal activities as long as you did not interfere with duties. He was on alert and his aide would run him if the raid was finally launched. He remembered leaning in his armour, back against the wall, weapons laying across a barrel of arrows with a proper up pole arm.

Somehow this man brought his mind back to odd places. He reentered again and found a tight spot that he finally found himself.

This was why he had a rather wary opinion of such beings.

@The Savant

Lord and lady Coswain

About Dawn Haven

Lord Coswain walked across the mud, he pulled his leather sword belt right about his waist tightly, an old soldier's habit was to keep his weapons tight and close. He walked across seeing the light Wells of buildings and torches that lit up the gloom, the moon hung lazily in the sky casting a light that reflected off the lake illuminating the forests and mountains. It was beautiful though he did miss the sun. It had not risen for months, months of darkness, months of cold.

“Exile.. is hard” He kicked a rock across the path with his boot and walked on, passing a stall selling some knives claimed to be castle forged steel, but looked to be more iron than steel. He shook his head and moved on, having discarded them as typical market stock.

The construction sites were quiet and he honestly wondered what on earth his role would be here. He was sworn to a Princess who did not want his service, he was sworn to a king who exiled him. He was sworn to serve, he was sworn to so many things.

He needed ink, he could least draw perhaps and work out how plans, help work on maybe the Eye of Beholder. they seemed to be uncaring major construction work or preparing for it, digging, stone, timbers… major job. paper, yes, paper, this lake looked a rather good spot to sit and draw for a few hours. Perhaps the post office might stock such supplies and materials.

He pushed into the post office, he thought it was the post office, it was tall, a several story structure that looked rather much like a tower that matched the description a passer by had given him anyway. He passed a woman who raised his hairs on the back of neck who seemed to have more grace than a human.

The woman had been dressed in dark clothes with very pale skin if his view of her hand was correct, hooded, Cloaked and clad in furs. She gave him an automatic urge to move his hand to hilt but made no such movement. The woman screamed danger? His gut feeling said it was dangerous, and he never ignored his gut feelings. “Postmaster? you around?” He was curious about the whole thing, people said the postmaster was a monster, a man, a bird.. many rumours but what was the truth?

“You stock ink, paper? Thick papers? Suitable for drawing? Perhaps a artsists book... parchment book? Somthing for dawing?” He called out in his capital Lunarian accent, if he was short on work, and he was going to be exiled. He could work on at least one skill and use his time to achieve something. His duties, he would protect Octavia when the time came, she did not want him but he would not renege on orders. He had been ordered to serve. He would serve.

@The Muse@amorphical

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Early Morning

Sya gave a slightly flicker of thoughts before she decided how to reply, she thought the hint, would that even still work? Sya felt like further blightborn evolution was going to happen at some stage, just a strange feeling that something was affecting her. Dripping that one Sya almost did not want to taste such things to know what she lost and what she could never really enjoy. Her whole body rejected things that used to keep it alive, sunlight was…well gone, Sya felt the night was almost like home, her vision gave her the ability to function without pause even if the darkness faded into an almost different spectrum of light. Only under light of fired etc did colours properly resolve and come to life, the rest was shades of the lack of it.

“Fun. I remember getting in so much trouble for that”
Sya giggled and smiled showing she was blighted, but still a woman who had not given up her desires. “A handsome stable lad during the harvest celebrations.” Sya remembered the happy moment that she tried to not let the darkness take hold of.

“Don't worry, I have enough gold. Can run a test menu and see how much return i see, you really might be overestimating what we have!” Sya said but with no harshness, Becky seemed rather cheerful vs the other Lunarians she had met, they seemed more dour but Becky was more a bright glowing fire of energy and good emotions.

“Where I grew up, we were lucky to get them at the Lord's feast. But we brewed some really good local Shine of Selene. We traded it pretty widely in borders. ”
Becky had obviously grown up and lived in a far more prosperous place than Sya and would not hold it against her, her lover was a noble lady but had so far just wanted intimate companionship and mutual treatment of each other.

Sya lack of a coat was not a issue to her, cold weather never had been an issue and just stayed in her tavern attire, the long skirt kept the wind off but did not have heavy fabrics, magnetic for comfort when winter really hit but this was a balmy day for a blightborn.

“it will be fine.”
Sya waved her worry off and began to head out the eye, the fire burner almost constantly and they had now burned down yet. “A large hot spring, natural, has a public and more private area. It feels really nice to just stretch out in the water. It's a luxury for sure. your skin feels so much better and aches all vanish..” She said with a soft sigh.

Sya held no such fear of the dark and strode out into the night with no apprehension, she had at least two knives on her though and was hardly helpless. She blinked and soon adapted to the changing light as the whole world resolved into grey shadas far into the distance. “I'm sweet ernough I'm sure.” Sya said with a cheeky statement, she was feeling more like her old self, unsure how that was a thing.

“Relax, I can see perfectly, just all..greyish bluey green”
Sya said, hooking an arm with Becky seeing as she was less sure so they would not get separated. Sya waved To Ivor, seeing him with a whole tree and spoke in a more guttural and harsher mix of border languages with Lunarian, Auralian and other loaned words. “Good morning, There's a big town clan meet, moon. Half way. Western sky. You might not have got and too few of us know this one, If you have spare firewood, I might need more, we have a baker to support Hunter Ivor.” Sya said to him and gestured to Becky next to her before she turned to lead them to the marketplace, much as it was one. Sya sounded almost more natural in that version than the common tongue as she had spoken the border language since she was a babbling baby. Sya was comically smaller than the giant woodsman though she had come to know his massive size was not intending harm to those maliciously.

Sya had no fear as she wound her way about to the stalls and traders set up in the early morning. Flicking torches lit the wares and lamps of various kinds. “So, what do you think Becky? Anything you can work with?. The hot spring that way, post office is the tall structure, umm.. the postmaster is…Embrkin, however Pilades…is an acquired taste” Sya said with all honesty, he was perfectly hospitable but very much you liked him or you hated him.

She waved a hand to the market, it was not at its most busy but traders were already setting up and coins were already changing hands. “Lead on, its a adventure.”


You can also have your character be awkward like Celine and go for a dip in the hot springs before moving in XD

Sya is off to their, she had her eye on a rest and relax before the day goes mad.
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