Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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@The Savant, sorry for the delay in my reply and thank you so very much for your offer. I'm certainly open to any guidance, including a writing buddy. To be frank, I simply wasn't sure how to begin, went awol and spent a couple days just devouring books, and have just now revisited the site(oops).

Let us know your ideas and we can see how we can work them into the plot and the cast :)

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Early Morning

Sya was short. Yes. You could miss her and she guessed the Prince had missed her being someone else, some of the older children were taller than Sya was, the ones with a decent diet anyway. Sya never had and why she ended up so small. Sya quietly and without making almost any noise stepped into view and faced Prince Flynn without her hood, something she had not really done before. He looked tired, no… there was something and her eye was very very perceptive, he definitely looked like he was less composed.

She hoped Becky would join her on a trip to the market. She could leave the Inn for a short time if it meant sorting things out before the Prince set the whole town into some kind of situation. Such announcements were rare and it had to be important. “I'm here my Prince, we have a carpenter who volunteered to make a new door. Just a misunderstanding and accidents happen here.” Sya decided to not rat out Ivor and he knew closest to her native language, very few here could speak it.

“No one was hurt or damaged bar the door., It was handled before the guards arrived by Lord Coswain and his companions.” Sya said and decided to not drop everyone into the hole, however her view of the guards was a little unreliable for rapid response.

Blightborn had to look after each other and she looked across a little giving Olivia a smile and gesture of support. She probably did not need it but Sya was counting on her staying In town and hopelessly liked this woman if she admitted to it. Not that she would say that infant of the Prince.
“If I may say your Your Highness, there's at least one person here looking for work, with skills you might find valuable. If you excuse me, have business to conduct before the gathering.” She said, cautiousLy but informing that there had been new arrivals seeking work and that he might have to get them on some of the projects going on around Dawn Haven. She also figured that someone might owe her a favour and that never hurt.

Who knows what life throws your way?

Sya left at that and just waited if Becky wanted or was able to join her. She seemed to love cooking so she thought she would not turn down a chance to get her baking materials. Also it got Sya away from Prince who she still had a wary…. Caution around the Prince, thankful but not going to get caught in any potential Webs.

@The Muse@amorphical

Sya no rat out Ivor !

Lord and lady Coswain

About Dawn Haven

Persephone had seen far stranger things in her life and just smiled slightly, Maybe the stable hand had a night time friend as she was dressed very casually and her hair had a I have been doing activities look. She didn't let it show overly and remained polite.
“Thankyou, a hot meal and rest and il be fully fit in a few days. Does not stop my partner worrying about me. Im sure you known the feeling.” Persephone said without passing judgement. I'd they wanted to do it, do it, though you might get a bonus in the form of a baby!

She had made that one twice, the fun part was fun but the other part was rather painful. The family she did not regret and despite being separated by duty they had made it a challenge.

Persephone followed the woman in and she called for Taru in the back room no less, perhaps she was right and could have a little fun. “Taru” She managed to sound out getting the name correct, not a oo but a u. Persephone made sure to close the door properly and snugly to keep the warmth in, Lunaris was used to dealing with winter and how to keep warm.

“Hello Taru, I'm Persephone, my horse the feisty black Lunarian Heavy last night, I needed my saddle bags. I arrived in a rather bad state, they have all my gear and spare clothes etc.” Persephone said and carried on. “Before the town goes mad with Princes announcements. I did not want to take them without checking and thinking you had been robbed.”

She then turned a little more light hearted and could not help but have a little fun with them. The whole situation was too interesting and the Throne Agent was bored, bored Throne Agents were a bad thing. She did not miss a thing and though she was not sure it was correct, a little fun for herself. “I never got your name, Mrs Taru? Is it? Thankyou for helping me.” She dropped the question casually and remained entirely calm.

“I do apologise if I interrupted something, let me know where my bags are and I can leave you to your recreational activities.” She said genuinely though the mischief did reach her eyes. She stayed a respectful distance but did not raise her stern mask or work face and was more a relaxed woman, older , more confident and entirely unphased by the attire or fact they might have been engaging in before she arrived.

Persephone kept herself from breaking up, her smile was hidden to minor mischief.

@The Savant
@The Muse

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Early Morning

Sya morning was busy. To say busy would be an understatement, chaos, pure organised chaos and Sya danced about the chaos like she was born to do so. The busy heart of the Inn was soon beating and Sya smiled softly when she paused feeling the energy of the place. It felt…Good. Healthy.

Thanks to recent events the small tavern mistress had a bounce to her step and was easier going than before, the mood was not forced and reached her exposed large eye, visible for people to see more confidently.

she heard bustle in the kitchen and the sounds of.. Becky. She wondered if they needed to rapidly work on a second kitchen as the Small one they had was not exactly a large affair. They really needed more space to work.

“I happen to be the keeper.” Sya said cheerfully coming over happened to be the server, she had to do as much work or more than everyone else and she was the one who also had to keep everyone safe, happy and drunk. Sya was short and sometimes you could not see her over the crowd, it was an hazzed of being Barely 5 foot. She returned with his drink and food, dropping softly a bowl of thick hot porridge, a side of thick brown bread and some salted meat. It was a meal that should keep a man fed and so given the harsh weather they faced at times.

Looking at the grizzled old knight she made a look of thinking and paused for a second to answer his questions. “Market is up the road, or ask for Sunni, he does alot of trading. As for work, have a talk with Prince, though if you're good, we have plans laid down to add 2 wings to the inn, basement, loading Docks and triple the capacity including a suite of rooms for myself. There's other buildings going up too.

Thank you, we had a…incident last night. The Lunaris soldiers helped, the town guard seem to be blind or deaf.”
Sya said as she did wonder why the town guard had not even seemed to check on the inn yet despite the damage to the door…

She realised she was openly showing her Blight born traits but Sya had been inspired by a certain woman upstairs to do better, if she wanted to deserve Olivia she had to be the best she could.

Sya left him to his meal and moved round bouncing on her feet, till she found herself in the kitchen. The kitchen smelled good, fresh bread and more, a time ago she would have watered at the mouth though Sya was now unable to do so, such food would make her feel il uncomfortable or violently ill, she had found her body had now got to point normal food was entirely hostile. Drinks where fine, wine even. But food, food no more.

“Becky, Becky” Sya reached out a small hand to pause her mid way, the woman had energy but Sya had to try and keep up with her! “For one, due to a room. Relocation… we may be able to find you space. I have a smaller room with a balcony spare.” Sya said she could shift the two coach men to the Best, hand Becky the back room and get her out the basement. Her blush could not be stopped though at exactly how the room came available, nore the smile.

“Anyway” She said with more emphasis than needed, Sya doubted Becky cared who she slept with, she was already a reborn emberkin. “This…is, I have to take your world for it, food draws no benefit for me.” Sya said and explained why she had not tried any of the food, it was not an insult just her changed nature.

“I thought I'd be closed till after the speech” Sya said as the place just got busy anyway, Dawn Haven just followed its own rules and did its own thing regardless of what you or anyone else wanted.

“give me a few minutes, I Have plans and we can talk on way,” Sya said as Becky clearly had an idea she needed more gold for. A trip down to her strong room and she had a heavy pouch securely on her person, her knife and for good measure one in her boot. Sya was used to living on the streets too long.

Her return from the basement she headed back up noting Becky was a tidy sort. “We can go to market, and il direct you to post office, Prince has a speech planned, we better do it sooner than later. I want to spend some time in the hot spring too beforehand.” Sya said as she had worked hard and taking part of the morning off was her privilege she earned.

She did not bother with a cloak, the cold did not bother her and just wore her normal tavern dress though the design did not hide a red mark on her neck and shoulder she wore without shame. The only really necklace she even owned was a small hammer on a leather cord and hoped she could get more vibrant fabrics.

Then of course Olivia had to make her heart practically stop when she came down dressed in red and black gown that was both fitted like a princess and floated out widely with skirts that softened and made it so very beautiful. Her brain decided to stop and blinked at the woman before it came back to thinking again. “One moment.” Sya said to Becky, an idiot could tell Sya liked this woman.

Her heart beat harder as she walked over unsure what to do or say but her kind made up before she could protest its own plans. Sya was plain and … she was not able to be this… this. To not ruin her makeup, Sya took Olivas hand and kissed it before holding it, a gesture that seemed to have started all this. Her big blue eye seemed to glow a little more with her stronger emotions and Could not hide surprise.

“You look, … wow“ Sya word had failed her and added. “I feel I should not be next to you so beautifully, but I good luck, you'd not be so unless it was important. We can talk more when we have time.” Sya gave her a short peck for good luck, deciding that if the town wanted to gossip they could do it for something good rather than if she was a monster… Her self control only went so far, blight born instincts made her impulsive at times.

“One day I might be So…” Sya said idly as she caught self and mind slipped. It did it alot around Olivia… “I'm off to the market and hot springs. Also, I am mistress, you are my… You get what you need, just ask and it will happen. If not, they answer to me. My lady.” Sya said with more surety to the end, if Olivia wanted to live here it would be her home and she would have all the courtesy of it. Their relationship was not exactly defined but she was more than a guest and Sya would treat her as such with all that she deserved. Her voice gained a small growl when she said that she would expect the staff to treat her with appropriate courtesy like they would Sya.

Sya stood up, her My lady had a little more purr to it than was appropriate for normal nobility. Sya knew she was higher born, she could handle it, they could discuss it later as it seems she had important businesses to conduct.

“Grab a cloak Becky, let's find you some sugar before the whole town turns to madness. If you need some time?” Sya said with a more business like tone but could not quite hide her cheerful demeanour and fact she was rather much pleased with herself and proud.

The loud sound outside was jarring, it wounded like a whole tree was being dragged I'm through the streets.. surely not. No one was strong ernough unless they had a whole team of cart horses. Unless... She glanced over but the Royal guard who had arrived and took a spot by bar eating did not seem concerned as yet so Sya was not.

Really though it was jarring, whatever was moving or being moved must have been huge to generate such a noise and a low rumble as it did so. Maybe they where building a heavy palisade around the town and hauling in some thick hard woods to use? The town guard where numerous but feel safer with a solid barrier and if the Door incident was to go by the town guard reacted rather slowly. Too slowly. She would have to depend on the knight and his men at the Inn it seemed.

Dawn Haven. Well this was Dawn Haven she thought.


@SkeankySnack Ivor
@amorphical Becky, Olivia, Morcan
@The Muse From the drawings of the buildings they look really well made. I'm sure its just Marcons way of being old and wanting to have things done his way. ^^

Cant wait for the two to meet! I'll make an Olivia post shortly. She is a late riser but has some help. =)

Thr Inn is well made...just rushed.
Like its build solidly but thr timbers not the cleanest beams or so in my view. Like things are strong, but speed was prioritised over highest quality finishes.

The goal was to get things built up and weather right than making sure every beam was perfectly shaped or rvery board is perfectly flat and level.
Banned because now I'm wondering if Shush qualifies as a palindrome if written with the correct technique.

Banned for turning this into English language debate.
Not sure. I'm still about if it takes back up .

Lord and lady Coswain

About Dawn Haven

“Il be fine” Persephone said waving off an worry and returned down tightening up fur lined boots, durable leather to suit the Lunarian terrain, rocky, thick soles with metal studs. Lacking her saddle bags she only had uniform and what she was carrying, hopefully she could locate that stable master before this speech. She doubted the town Would be anything but crazy after the event.

It was warm by Lunarian standards so she had left her fur coat behind in the room, not a foot of snow or walls of sleet and ice in your face. It was a good day. “Il see what about, there has to be something to keep busy.” He was rather feeling… odd, no Major orders, this down had barely anything… The guards all answered to the Prince, his own men, so did the squires and so. Coswain did not know how many but suspected he had more than he was smart and knew exactly what he intended. He was sure their was much to learn about this place. Adonis was smart in his own way, he was not alive for being stupid, he felt this town had something about it worth paying attention to.

She left the Inn, its door was rather broken and did not open as easily as it should. The dent in the middle was massive, blight born where considered a major threat for a reason, this one has dented thick hard wood door, not pretty but very much solid. Everything about this place was less refined but more solid and durable against the frontier. It was refreshing though, more honest…least on the surface.

He leant back and thought he would make a plan first. First he had to work on finding this Sunni perhaps, maybe the blacksmith, he least ws said to be. Well normal? Yes. That was his plan.

Taking a roundabout path Persephone walked past the lake shore, boots crunching on rocky gravel and saw. She was not sure what she saw, movement but then soon gone and vanished, there were many strange things and aquatic ones where stranger still. She had not got time to wonder when she followed a hooded figure, a woman by her shape to the marketplace and where the stables should be off that central point. The woman seemed intent on her business so left her be and ran a hand through her red hair, it was growing longer and wondered if she should bother cutting it shorter, given how she might have to merge with a more civilian lifestyle this winter.

The hooded woman did make her a little curious, she was very much one who seemed to have a dangerous grace or some kind of small thing that alerted her mind. She was different, she was someone of note rather than a non threat. Her instinct was pretty good for this kind of thing especially since the endless night had uncomfortably magnified her abilities.

There… He was not at the stable but saw a similar looking figure dart past to a another way, another building, perhaps they had a seperate home of some kind or other duties to durfull alongside the one she knew. Persephone was used to tracking people and had a fast eye as she moved purposefully following his most likely trail from signs and 20 some years experience.

Another glimpse she kept her distance but confirmed he likely was her mark. She knocked raptly on the wooden door, waiting as she waited, buffing some missed dirt off a metal plate on her shoulder. waiting was boring but something she entirely used to. Persephone could definitely wait.

“Hello. I'm looking for a stable master. Tarooo? Taru?” She called out and enquired politely and waited.

Coswain would wait a little; he left a note that he would be out and headed out, trusting his comrades to sort out thr border fort issue and went looking thr smithy or the construction site.

@The Muse@The Savant@AliceInRedHeels

Lord and lady Coswain

Eye of Beholder

“Come on lazy bones, before pwople take good stuff Seph” Coswain laughed as he helped Persephone up, they had woken up and had never changed, the woman was not a morning person, her … abilities meant that ever since the endless night Persephone had dreams that where.. rather vivid and very much unbecoming to a good night's sleep. She always had abilities but the endless night had maximised the Lunarian powers dramatically. For some it was more disturbing than helpful.

They were dressed in their standard wear having left the armour elements sat in a neat Stack, though coswain could not help but wear his sword. He did not feel right without it. They had things to do, including what was left on her horse. Her other kit, clothes and so on were left on her mount's saddle bags.

“Fine Adon. let's go, I do get hangry” She said with a smile. The room they had was not great but it was better than soldiers had been billeted before and they had managed then, separate and together. Heading down they found the innkeeper was not about but breakfast was not hard to find and the kitchen was pretty clean.. especially the oven and its metal door. There was cold meat, cheese, some older bread and more than enough to make a good breakfast for a Lunarian. They were well used to making do with what they had and what selene chose to give you. You just made the best of it.

“Prince is looking to make an announcement, must be big news for someone to leave these over town” Persephone read the document that was left at the Inn and reread if she missed a context or between the lines details. There was none, it was pretty much a benign note all considered. No hidden court trickery, plots or evidence of manipulations… boring really for Persephone who was used to the capital's rather labarathyine nature. “Nothing spicey. Listen to a Prince, no seeming plots” Coswain agreed as he read the note he was passed, it was far less intrigue than the life they lead before this.

“Pregnant?” Persephone mused maybe the marriage had paid off or it was something entirely dull like a new clock or so. The town really did need a clock thinking about the fact. It was morning but what morning? How did people even arrange to meet when they not even know the time?

“Who knows. well done, I had sex, we had much sex and made a baby. Its not hard, rather fun, but still.” Adonis said about the whole announcement subtext and found it pretty odd, however important the child Is.

“That's…” Persephone could not help but burst out laughing at the whole comment, the announcement meant exactly that if you really dug down. It might not be the most polite but the inn was quiet and they were at a private spot near the counter. “Moon measurements. very accurate.” She said with a logical point that had Adonis just nodding, someone better tell him to buy a clock before winter.

“Stable man, we need to find. I hope he knows his horses, mines…” Her horse was not the most tame and took rather firm hands to keep under your control, half the battle of such a horse was earning its respect so it accepted you. They were fickle too, you Had to find a horse you could work with. A skilled stable master could do the job, but she hoped he was.

“Able to be a pain in the purse, ass and I also love you despite it” Adonis said with a lazy grin as she slapped his arm not walling doing much to the leather padding. “I claim the concussion that I said yes, and said you where handsome.” She replied back with good nature.

“Aye, I think I know him by sight and where it is. We can go find him Seph. About 20 years too late love. You used Lady Coswain already.” It was strange getting being reunited, a good strange as duty had kept them parted for years of their not marriage when they added it up, duty had come first and they had served. Maybe being send here was not as much a exile as it could be. "I think priest would drown us than marry us. The old clan ceremony, only need a lunarian noble." They talked for a while, wandering topics, from banter to more serious and practical including asking Sya if she allow Persephone to use the oven to bake at times, even Throne Agents needed hobbys.

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Early Morning

Sya eye crept open, the "morning” was dark, same as every other morning and this had caused great distress and confusion at first until people found a rhythm of a sort, people went to bed, there was a morning though everyone had their own perception and version of the perceived time. This morning was different to others as she was entangled in another person, no, woman as they felt too light and curved to be male. Olivia, Oliva had joined her in the night and she smiled, waking up to another person next to you willingly was not a pleasure she had in over a year.

sleep came at her again… Sya fell back to sleep and snuggled back up deciding to get a few more minutes rest, she closed her eye and pressed herself into Olivia drawing comfort.

She finally woke up properly the next time she found wakefulness moving on her, unsure how much time had passed and looked around realising it was not a dream with somewhat of a giggle and content sigh. She had no desire to disentangle herself and did with regret and without hurry, placing slow lingering kiss on her bed partner's lips as a good morning before she pulled away regretfully looking around for where her clothes were kept and the comforting weight of her long dagger on the bed side table.

Stretching as she sat, she was a little sore from the prior day and an idea came to mind. “I'm gonna go to the hot springs, I can be open for late morning to lunch, one day I can hire someone, Becky. I need to talk about a potential job. I'll see you tonight if not before.” Sya said softly with a smile at the end, even if they were busy it seemed they would have time at least at night.

“No rest for the emberkin” She said with more humour than it deserved, her local Birth term for a blightborn, two she knew out of…how many ... .and she was the only one of those two alive she knew existed.

Sya moved to get dressed, first braiding her hair into a French style deliberately choosing the one that showed her more as a woman than a worker. she had more to her life now, more to show the world that she was more than the one who kept them fed and drunk.

Clothes she had less choice, her wardrobe was somewhat limited but of good quality for her place, if a bit boring and dull. Bright beautiful colours and styles and material others wore she was yet to be able to afford. One day, just not today.

She paused in the bedroom. door, her more sensitive hearing picked up the signs that people were beginning to wake up and start their day, people were moving and she would have to too. She had to put a note on the door, check on Becky, the kitchen before she could go to the hot springs …

Sya however left her hooded robe behind, she felt not the cold and had no need of its warmth, but its concealment and she decided that she no longer wanted to do that all the time. Her hair ran down her back in looser branded curls and eye glittered a bright blue with her pale ear tips poking visible against the brown.

She paused at the door handle in her small pale hand and took 30 seconds to compose herself before she faced the outside world.

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