Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Alchemy Chambers
Eris smiled as Taru joked about dying of infection, though she couldn't help but wonder who, in fact, would take care of the horses if something happened to him. Taru did it so well that it was hard to imagine anyone else taking over. Her own steed, a young black dapple, seemed so happy under his care despite her sassy attitude. "Perhaps Amua can take over for you." she joked back, glancing up from the bowl of paste with a playful look in her eyes as she tried to spot where the squirrel had gone. Hopefully, it hadn’t ventured into any of the potions or herbs scattered about. There was no telling what might happen if a creature got into the wrong potion.

Satisfied with the thickness of the herb paste, Eris walked across the room, her gown trailing along the wooden floorboards. She reached for a linen square and some bandage wrappings from a shelf along the wall, then sat down beside him at the small table. She set the bowl of paste down and dipped the cloth into it. "This might sting a little, but it’ll be quick, I promise." she warned as she gently turned his hand to get the best angle. Using the cloth, she carefully spread the paste over his wound, making sure it covered the entire area. When she was satisfied, she set the linen down and reached for the bandage. "Wear this for at least a day and don’t get it dirty or wet, okay?" She unrolled the linen bandages and began to wrap them around his hand.

A knock at the door made Eris look up, pausing in her bandaging. She glanced at Taru inquisitively. Who else could it be? It was still too early for the other sages to start their work. Another injured person, perhaps?

"I’m sorry," she said, setting the roll of bandage cloth down and meeting Taru’s dark eyes. "I’ll be right back."

“Hello. I'm looking for a stable master. Tarooo? Taru?”

Barely hearing the voice from down the hall, Eris raised a brow. Someone was looking for Taru? How did they even know he was here? Was something wrong with one of the animals? She hurriedly left the room and headed for the door. Upon opening it, she was met with the face of the woman Ivor had helped rescue yesterday. "Oh, hello," she smiled. "I’m glad to see you’re feeling better," she said genuinely. As the cold air seeped into the warmth of her home, Eris suddenly realized how she was dressed. In her hurry to help Taru, it hadn’t crossed her mind. Now she was greeting a second person like this?! The thought brought heat to Eris’ cheeks, but she refused to address it aloud, despite the judgmental look she assumed the Lunarian woman was giving her. "TaruUU," her voice cracked and she cleared her throat, stepping back to let Persephone enter the alchemy chambers. "Taru is here," she clarified, closing the door behind the woman. "He’s just down this way." Trying to ignore her growing mortification, Eris led the way down the hall.

"Taru, you have a guest." she forced a smile as she returned to him at the table and picked up the bandages again, focusing on her task as her cheeks continued to burn.

Interactions: Taru @The Savant, Persephone @PrinceAlexus
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Sunni-@The Savant

Elara felt it all before she saw any clues. The tension in the air was palpable, wrapping around her like an invisible shroud. Her heart pounded fiercely within her chest, each beat echoing the growing sense of unease. As she approached the front door of the wooden cabin, the world seemed to hold its breath.

Then she heard it. The odd silence.

It was deafening. An oppressive stillness that only served to amplify her anxiety.

Elara had half a mind to turn around and conjure up some pitiful excuse as to why she couldn't work today or attend the meeting. Instead, she found herself pausing at the door, her hand hovering over the wooden handle. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever awaited her on the other side, and with a gentle push, the door creaked open.

The cabin remained eerily quiet as Elara stepped inside, the air thick with unspoken words and lingering emotions. The dim light provided by the moon filtered through the windows, adding to the sombre atmosphere. In the kitchen, she found Sunni standing alone, leaning heavily against the counter as he slowly ate his food. His expression was distant, eyes unfocused, lost in a labyrinth of thoughts. The plates of food, covered with cloth, also seemed to hint at the recent turmoil that had disrupted their lives.

This was far from normal. Her princess was almost always the first to rise, her hums a melodic sound that filled the cabin as she prepared breakfast. The scent of freshly baked bread and brewed tea would usually waft through the air, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Even the prince, with his usual morning routines, would have been up by now. The absence of these familiar sounds and sights was jarring. Furthermore, someone would have surely made the effort to greet a guest, familiar or not, in the early hours of the morning. These were all clear indications that something was amiss.

Elara’s stomach tightened at the sight but found herself moving closer either way, her silver hair shimmering in the dim light filtering through the window. “Sunni,” she said softly, her voice carrying a note of concern. “Are you alright?” She glanced again at the covered food before her gaze returned to him, her mouth shooting out a barrage of questions regarding her charge now. “Is the princess not hungry? Is she unwell? Or is she simply tired?”

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lord and lady Coswain

About Dawn Haven

Persephone had seen far stranger things in her life and just smiled slightly, Maybe the stable hand had a night time friend as she was dressed very casually and her hair had a I have been doing activities look. She didn't let it show overly and remained polite.
“Thankyou, a hot meal and rest and il be fully fit in a few days. Does not stop my partner worrying about me. Im sure you known the feeling.” Persephone said without passing judgement. I'd they wanted to do it, do it, though you might get a bonus in the form of a baby!

She had made that one twice, the fun part was fun but the other part was rather painful. The family she did not regret and despite being separated by duty they had made it a challenge.

Persephone followed the woman in and she called for Taru in the back room no less, perhaps she was right and could have a little fun. “Taru” She managed to sound out getting the name correct, not a oo but a u. Persephone made sure to close the door properly and snugly to keep the warmth in, Lunaris was used to dealing with winter and how to keep warm.

“Hello Taru, I'm Persephone, my horse the feisty black Lunarian Heavy last night, I needed my saddle bags. I arrived in a rather bad state, they have all my gear and spare clothes etc.” Persephone said and carried on. “Before the town goes mad with Princes announcements. I did not want to take them without checking and thinking you had been robbed.”

She then turned a little more light hearted and could not help but have a little fun with them. The whole situation was too interesting and the Throne Agent was bored, bored Throne Agents were a bad thing. She did not miss a thing and though she was not sure it was correct, a little fun for herself. “I never got your name, Mrs Taru? Is it? Thankyou for helping me.” She dropped the question casually and remained entirely calm.

“I do apologise if I interrupted something, let me know where my bags are and I can leave you to your recreational activities.” She said genuinely though the mischief did reach her eyes. She stayed a respectful distance but did not raise her stern mask or work face and was more a relaxed woman, older , more confident and entirely unphased by the attire or fact they might have been engaging in before she arrived.

Persephone kept herself from breaking up, her smile was hidden to minor mischief.

@The Savant
@The Muse
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Early Morning

Sya was short. Yes. You could miss her and she guessed the Prince had missed her being someone else, some of the older children were taller than Sya was, the ones with a decent diet anyway. Sya never had and why she ended up so small. Sya quietly and without making almost any noise stepped into view and faced Prince Flynn without her hood, something she had not really done before. He looked tired, no… there was something and her eye was very very perceptive, he definitely looked like he was less composed.

She hoped Becky would join her on a trip to the market. She could leave the Inn for a short time if it meant sorting things out before the Prince set the whole town into some kind of situation. Such announcements were rare and it had to be important. “I'm here my Prince, we have a carpenter who volunteered to make a new door. Just a misunderstanding and accidents happen here.” Sya decided to not rat out Ivor and he knew closest to her native language, very few here could speak it.

“No one was hurt or damaged bar the door., It was handled before the guards arrived by Lord Coswain and his companions.” Sya said and decided to not drop everyone into the hole, however her view of the guards was a little unreliable for rapid response.

Blightborn had to look after each other and she looked across a little giving Olivia a smile and gesture of support. She probably did not need it but Sya was counting on her staying In town and hopelessly liked this woman if she admitted to it. Not that she would say that infant of the Prince.
“If I may say your Your Highness, there's at least one person here looking for work, with skills you might find valuable. If you excuse me, have business to conduct before the gathering.” She said, cautiousLy but informing that there had been new arrivals seeking work and that he might have to get them on some of the projects going on around Dawn Haven. She also figured that someone might owe her a favour and that never hurt.

Who knows what life throws your way?

Sya left at that and just waited if Becky wanted or was able to join her. She seemed to love cooking so she thought she would not turn down a chance to get her baking materials. Also it got Sya away from Prince who she still had a wary…. Caution around the Prince, thankful but not going to get caught in any potential Webs.

@The Muse@amorphical

Sya no rat out Ivor !
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Hidden 3 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It was unnervingly silent in the house unlike last night when it was silent. This was not peaceful or welcoming. Today's silence was filled with tension and negative emotions which the redheaded man did not appreciate. He regretted staying the night and experiencing one of his best friend’s martial arguments and fights — why was Flynn not being truthful? They talked about it, Flynn seemed to shrug him off and not want to talk about it, but he knew the truth now. Flynn and Octavia were fighting. Somewhat? Personally, he had seen worse fights passing the baker and his wife in the local area he lived in Aurelia. At least they were not as bad as plenty of the other couples he had witnessed though this one felt a little too familiar. He did not know the others who fought but he cared for his friend who did.

Not hearing the door open was one thing, being surprised by Elara was another, since he was so focused on staring off into the distance — Sunni jumped out of his skin. “Ga-G–Good morning Elara,” There were plenty more things that wanted to come out of his mouth but he suppressed everything to not yell oddities at the woman that he embarrassed himself of last night.

Good morning,” This time it was stated confidently and calmly unlike his initial reaction seconds before. He did not realize that someone simply saying his name would spook him out of his skin so badly but he was now realizing how on edge he was from Flynn and Octavia’s fighting. The stress on his body seemed to disappear a little when his amber eyes focused on Elara as a whole. She was so pretty —- I don’t want to be alone with her! The small bit of panic flooded his system as the realization of how badly he humiliated himself last night set in seeing her again.

Looking at his food, he nodded, “I’m fine. Good. Well. Somewhere in the positive,” He chuckled while he sighed before pushing the mixture of eggs, meats, and vegetables around in the bowl. It was clearly not the full truth since he was jittery and jumpy. “How are you?” His eyes flicked up to her again when he asked this. The man felt like his chest was tightening and it was hard to breath though he was masking his emotions pretty well.

Oh…” Sunni began while he looked towards where Octavia’s room would be and he shrugged. “I…” Was he supposed to talk about this? Elara was her trusty handmaiden, he could talk about it, but he felt sick in his stomach at the thought. He only heard most of the vocalities of the situation, not seeing the emotion, physical actions, or the rest of it. Flynn didn’t come back inside and Octavia stomped into her room with slamming doors.

Shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head while he thought and looked at his food — was he even hungry at this point anymore? He had no clue — another sigh left his lips, “I think Flynn and Octavia are fighting… I really don’t know the entirety of it but they went through the house and out the front door. Flynn hasn’t returned and Octavia slammed doors and stomped through the house. I think she isn’t happy…” The fork began to push the food around in the bowl as he looked up at Elara again. Then he glanced at the plates that were left out for Flynn and Octavia. His eyes moved to the skillet that was still half full.

Uhm… Do you want some? I just made it. If you are hungry,” Sunni gestured to the skillet half full of food. “I can get you a bowl or plate,” He reassured if she didn’t want to intrude, he was offering, and he put the forkful of food in his mouth as he tried his best to silently chew in front of the woman.

Interactions @Qia Elara
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by amorphical
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Olivia Eye of the beholder 7am-ish

Then of course Olivia had to make her heart practically stop when she came down dressed in red and black gown that was both fitted like a princess and floated out widely with skirts that softened and made it so very beautiful. Her brain decided to stop and blinked at the woman before it came back to thinking again. “One moment.” Sya said to Becky, an idiot could tell Sya liked this woman.

Her heart beat harder as she walked over unsure what to do or say but her kind made up before she could protest its own plans. Sya was plain and … she was not able to be this… this. To not ruin her makeup, Sya took Olivas hand and kissed it before holding it, a gesture that seemed to have started all this. Her big blue eye seemed to glow a little more with her stronger emotions and Could not hide surprise.

“You look, … wow“ Sya word had failed her and added. “I feel I should not be next to you so beautifully, but I good luck, you'd not be so unless it was important. We can talk more when we have time.” Sya gave her a short peck for good luck, deciding that if the town wanted to gossip they could do it for something good rather than if she was a monster… Her self control only went so far, blight born instincts made her impulsive at times.

Olivia felt her tiny bats all flutter when she saw Sya approach. The trappings made her feel like she was a prisoner tied to a role she never asked for yet never really questioned until now, until her. The corset she wore feeling like the hand of some giant slowly squeezing her making the tiny bats in her chest panic and flap harder. While outside she maintained the regal decorum she had been taught so long ago inside she was a screaming nervous mess. All she wanted to do was to go back to the simple brown garment she arrived in and pull her tavern love into her arms, encircling her waist. Instead the ruby eyes woman sat there like a marble statue with just the hint of a smile like that famous painting she never knew existing.

As Sya came closer it felt like the dress continued o shrink about the waist and the waist alone how deeply she wanted to leave the trappings behind her. To take the womans hand and rush back to their secrete place together up those stairs and forget the day. She could not, did not. Even as the lovely Sya took hold of her hand and pressed those full lips to the surface igniting all those bats into a chorus of fluttering wings she sat still. Oliva simply giving the hint of a smile. That massive gorgeous eye shining upon her threatening to expose her for the shy love starved creature she truly was under the mantel of regality, behind the demonic blood soaked nightmare. The woman she always wished she could be.

"I would like that." Her voice monotoned in its regal indifference. Seeing her love walk ways made the tavern room and even the entire world feel colder if only a little. The red eyes glancing about to see the others reaction and ensure her mask never slipped. People will use your relationships to hurt you, her father would say. How she hated him more when he was right...

"Where is Sy—" Flynn paused, his eyes landing on a woman in a stunning gown, her red eyes matching her dress but starkly contrasting against her pale skin. She stuck out from the rest of the crowd, clearly a woman of noble blood who sat among the commoners. He froze for a moment, locking eyes with her. She had to be the Lady of Durnatel, judging by her attire and the way she held herself, but … she was obviously blight-born. Had Lunaris' last large town fallen to the blight as well? And their baroness survived, reborn as something new? This would have been news to him.

When their eyes locked from across the room she rose and gave the expected meek curtsy. Holding the pose until he came closer. For who else could it be to dare approach her in this of all places but another royal. He was handsome yes and young, her eyes soaked in all he was and had to offer yet found her heart a barren tundra for his outwardly charms. Still she kept the mask and the feint smile it held to greet him. Waiting for him to speak first as he stepped closer her inner demon smirked behind the false trappings of an aluring woman. Images of his scared face beneath her predator brought the left eye brow to rise, slightly.

"Lady Olivia of Durnatel?" he asked, approaching her at the corner table. Suddenly, he was acutely aware of his disheveled appearance. This was not a Princely thing to do at all. Meeting a Lady in such a state would have earned him days of reprimand and lessons in etiquette from his mother.

"It is a pleasure to have you," he said, bowing to her out of respect before taking a seat opposite her. "I apologize for..." he gestured to his clothing with a sheepish smile, "Busy times in Dawnhaven, as I'm sure you're aware." He met her gaze, those piercing red eyes staring back at him. "How fared your journey?"

Hearing him address her, Olivia gave her head a slight bow of acknowledgement. "Prince Astaros..." As he sat The white haired woman was only a half second behind him taking her own seat. So young, she thought to herself. She presented the look of slight surprise at the mention of being busy. A look like so many others she had practiced in her youth to the girl in the mirror a thousand times before until it was flawless even to her father, the devil of deception himself.

Returning to her warm smile, "Yes it was a rather, arduous journey. You have quite the developing little hamlet here, charming. I would have preferred to speak to you in a more... limited venue, about matters that could favor Dawnhavens development. I have families in need of work in my domain. They could benifit your growing realm greatly with labor and trades, yet I am hesitant with the current state of things. My people are always in need of trade partners at the least and for the time being I would be willing to send Dawnhaven wagon trains of supplies. These goods would be sold to you for a reasonalbe price and hopefully encourage commerce. However, I would need a minor almost trivial assurance from you to the protection of these heavy laden trips from bandits and worse. If you could grant me aid in this matter, I think we could help one another in building this new Dawnhaven into a respectable kingdom. I am willing to even relocate myself to this part of the world to quickly resolve any issues with my part of the agreement that may come up for the duration." Olivia paused letting her words sink in and see what the price would say to her proposal. Olivia's back was strait in her court pose the ruby eyes glaring at him intently as she sat patiently in her web.

Mentions/ interactions
@The Muse@PrinceAlexus
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Lu
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Lu She Who Brakes for Butterflies / \3 \3 \3

Member Seen 27 days ago

Anathema Dunn

Time: Early Morning, Location: Traveling to Dawnhaven / Communal Hotspring

She climbed off the stagecoach, weary from the long trip to Dawnhaven from her childhood home. She was still on the outskirts of town and would be walking the rest of the way. The stagedriver unceremoniously dropped her two bags on the ground beside her pointed in the direction of Dawnhaven with only an "umf". She was about to offer him her thanks when he whipped the horses in motion. Her clothes were rumpled, and her hair was unruly after the long trip. Anathema attempted to smooth her dress and coat, a new, blue-grey, woolen bulk to which she had not yet become accustomed, and attempted to tame her frizzled curls before giving up. She would just have to hope that her ruffled appearance would be forgiven today and forgotten tomorrow. Sighing, Anathema patted her journal, safely stored in the generous pocket of her dress, and gathered her minimal luggage.

She began to meander in the general direction of her new lodging. Anathema tried to make a mental map, tried to be aware of her surroundings, tried to know where her feet took her, and oh how she tried. She was tired and her body was stiff from the hours spent in the jostling stage. In a way, the walking felt good--restorative. She made no mental map, she was largely unaware of her surroundings, she wasn't sure where her feet were leading. She stopped. Her honey eyes surveyed her surroundings languidly, her feet had led her to a hotspring.

'Maybe...' the thought faltered and trailed off before its full formation.

The air surrounding the hotspring was warm and humid. For the first time since she had left Aurelia, the home of her birth, Anathema felt the swelling knot of homesickness catch in her throat. She wondered if Dawnhaven would become home. She promised herself to write to her parents when she settled for the night, they would like to know she arrived safely. They hadn't been happy when she had told them she was leaving; there had been tears, yelling, even begging. Anathema thought of the sunny, silken scarf her mother had gifted her at their parting. Yellows and oranges, trimmed in gold tread, to remember Aurelia--and them.

'Maybe my feet knew I needed to come here.' she finished her earlier thought, moisture beginning to collect on her brow.

She dropped her luggage and shedded her new coat, her shoes and stockings, leaving them neatly gathered on the bank of the spring. She stepped into the spring, rewarding her feet for having brought her here. Then, as she flexed her toes in the water, she noticed someone else at the hotspring not so far off from where Anathema stood now. Anathema's face grew hot from under her skin.

"I am so sorry." She balked, sweeping her dress up in once hand to keep it above the water as she waded closer to the someone else, "How rude of me! I am Anathema."

Céline @SkeankySnack

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by SkeankySnack
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SkeankySnack Uncle Dr. Beast

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Communal Hotspring

Céline relished this moment, this pure and simple bliss of steaming water upon aching legs and feet. Ever since her turning certain sensations had become muted and dulled, cold most of all. When the heat was concentrated like this, where it penetrated deep into her calves, she almost felt normal again. That word itself was funny though, normal had an odd way of changing definitions. As if it's normal that the land is blanketed in eternal night, how it’s normal for there to be feral, flesh eating, blood drinking creatures, how it’s normal that the sun may never rise again. In Céline’s case, it was having long ears and a constant craving for the emotional energies of those around her. It felt like a constant tug and pull of knowing it was wrong to hurt others, yes so desperately craving all the wicked screams she could muster out of them; it was torture.

So lost in her own mind that Céline barely registered the crunching snow some few feet to the left of her. Her entire body froze, her heart pounded against her chest, her breathing was shallow, quick, quiet. Everything in her body told her she needed to run, to flee, that she was going to be killed by whatever ‘thing’ was about to pounce upon her. Céline wrested control though, able to identify where the animal ended and her own personal intuition began. In the end, rational thinking won the day and she opted to remain perfectly still, unsure if whoever was there even noticed her sitting there or not. Perhaps if they didn’t, they would simply leave? No such luck as what sounded like articles of clothing were being removed before footsteps broke the water's surface, splashing subtly as the figure moved through it. Céline chanced this moment to turn her head just enough to get her eyes onto whoever was now here. A woman with thick auburn hair stood still in the water, seeming to take it all in like she had done only moments before.

Before Céline could consider her options for a moment longer the figure finally took notice of her presence. The woman apologized so quickly it startled Céline from the abruptness, causing her breath to catch and heart to stop for a moment. The hare eared woman already had a foot out of the water before she even realized it, but the intuitive side stopped herself, curious to see where this went. The woman who called out to her was already wading her way in the water, “Anathema..” Céline whispered to herself, committing the name to memory. She seemed so candid, confidently approaching the blightborn in front of her. Were her ears not that off-putting? Maybe she didn’t see them yet and would scream as soon as she did? Céline considered the possibility that Anathema might also be a resident of the town, and that would at least partially explain why she felt comfortable enough to approach. Taking in her surroundings though, Céline also had to wonder if the woman approaching her even knew that she was coming towards a blightborn? Even assuming that she didn’t know, there was no way to hide away her ‘physical extremities’ without it being painful. Regardless, what felt like an eternity passing, Céline replied to the woman’s greeting.

“Hello Anathema, my name is Dr. Moreau, but you may just call me Céline,” she smiled, shifting her weight on the rock and readjusting her pant legs, “actually it is probably I should be apologizing. I only just arrived in your town and found myself near these springs. The water seemed so inviting that my aching feet couldn’t help but to accept.” Standing up from her position, despite having heard a woman would find a more androgynously dressed individual with a slightly too big and loose fitting shirt, slightly oversized and baggy wool pants, rolled up just below the knees. Atop her head, the two ears twitched and rotated independently of each other, twisting with each new minutiae of sound, but keeping wholly focused on the conversation in front of her. “I assume that you reside here, yes? I was hoping to move and live here, but I’m hoping to speak with whoever is in charge first..” she paused after that, considering her options for a moment, a question eating her at the back of her mind and fear kept it there. Shaking her head she resumed asking, “Perhaps you’d be willing to introduce me?”

Interacting with: Anathema @Lu
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Sunni-@The Savant

“Good morning,” Sunni repeated, this time more confidently and calmly.

“Good morning,” Elara replied softly. Her calm and reassuring tone was like a gentle breeze, easing the tense atmosphere ever so slightly. The man appeared to be responding more positively to her presence now, his initial wariness giving way to a tentative sense of trust, though a hint of unease still lingered in his eyes. At least he didn’t run away, she thought, taking solace in this small but significant sign of progress.

As he listlessly pushed the food around in his bowl, Elara did her best to offer a warm, encouraging smile, hoping to break through the cloud of discontent that hung over him. It was evident that something significant and troubling had occurred before her arrival, casting a shadow over the morning. “I’m doing alright,” she replied, her voice gentle yet probing. “But I’m more concerned about what happened here. It seems like it’s been a tough morning.” Her eyes searched his face for any clues, trying to understand the depth of the situation.

It couldn’t possibly be about that right?

But it was just as Elara feared, her heart sinking at Sunni’s words. She dropped her gaze, her hand instinctively playing with a strand of her hair in a nervous gesture.

Octavia had been honest with Flynn, just as the handmaiden had asked her to be.

Regret washed over her almost immediately at this realization, a heavy, suffocating feeling that settled deep in her chest. She should have just kept her naive mouth closed, as was expected in these kinds of personal matters. Now, the consequences of her well-intentioned honesty loomed large, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that she had made a grave mistake.

“This…might be my fault,” she admitted, surprising herself with the confession. She lacked the courage to look up and gauge the other’s reaction though, her eyes remaining fixed on the floor. “I’d encouraged Octavia to be honest with Flynn about something, and now… now everything seems to be falling apart.”

“I don’t think I can honestly stomach anything right now.”

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Becky Eye of the beholder 7-8am

“Becky, Becky” Sya reached out a small hand to pause her mid way, the woman had energy but Sya had to try and keep up with her! “For one, due to a room. Relocation… we may be able to find you space. I have a smaller room with a balcony spare.” Sya said she could shift the two coach men to the Best, hand Becky the back room and get her out the basement. Her blush could not be stopped though at exactly how the room came available, nore the smile.

Becky was between two orders and three pans holding the spatula in her teeth, "Thus fune..." She tried to talk through the wooden handle. Her hands adding peppers and herbs to the eggs making them really special. Her eyes caught the hourglass on the counter about ready to be empty, she reached for a hand rag and bent over to open the stove. Grabbing the tray of fresh muffins she thought, 'blueberries' as she took out the tray and set them on the counter behind her. "Thuney!" She said muffled through the wood thinking honey should be a more simple matter to get around here. At least she hoped it would be. There were simply too many things the young cook took for granted back home. With a sigh she turned back quickly from the counter and the muffins to the three pans all sizzling. spitting out the spatula the raven haired woman smiled, "Order up!"

“Anyway” She said with more emphasis than needed, Sya doubted Becky cared who she slept with, she was already a reborn emberkin. “This…is, I have to take your world for it, food draws no benefit for me.” Sya said and explained why she had not tried any of the food, it was not an insult just her changed nature.

“I thought I'd be closed till after the speech” Sya said as the place just got busy anyway, Dawn Haven just followed its own rules and did its own thing regardless of what you or anyone else wanted.

“give me a few minutes, I Have plans and we can talk on way,” Sya said as Becky clearly had an idea she needed more gold for. A trip down to her strong room and she had a heavy pouch securely on her person, her knife and for good measure one in her boot. Sya was used to living on the streets too long.

Her return from the basement she headed back up noting Becky was a tidy sort. “We can go to market, and il direct you to post office, Prince has a speech planned, we better do it sooner than later. I want to spend some time in the hot spring too beforehand.” Sya said as she had worked hard and taking part of the morning off was her privilege she earned.

She did not bother with a cloak, the cold did not bother her and just wore her normal tavern dress though the design did not hide a red mark on her neck and shoulder she wore without shame. The only really necklace she even owned was a small hammer on a leather cord and hoped she could get more vibrant fabrics.

Taking a double glance she saw Sya with the one big eye and for a second was really taken back. How did she not notice it last night? Shaking her head thinking how tired she was after being literally carted off from her home. The poor woman, the deformity was really different but hey she knew Captain Jack and though he had only one eye from a battle with a debt collector it was hardly anything new. Lots of people she met in Lumanis had only one of things that should have been two. Either from fights, accidents, or gambling people seemed to be kinda careless. The thick baker thought it might have been due to the loss of the sun light. Shaking her head not wanting to be rude to the woman who despite it all was running possibly the only respectable place in this new town smiled at Sya with a nod. "Food has many benefits. Sometimes its just nice to taste something that rekindles a fond memory from the last time such a morsel graced your lips. Sometimes its the discovery of a new flavor or food that sparks ...creativity." She blushed slightly thinking of the delivery guy and something to do with the honey. Or that new hire with the red hair and how she had the silver laugh when ever they rolled the dough together, and the playful fight over flour after. "Well yes, there are many benefits to food." Rebecca said in a more hushed tone looking more at her work of plating the last orders for the breakfast rush.

Wiping the bacon grease and sweat from her hands on the cloths she nodded at the sweet tavern owner. "Yes! I'll be right there just have to douse the oven and we can let these muffins cool. I would like to stop at a market. I'll need honey, and blue berries for next time. I'm not sure of your budget but it will be a good investment, I promise they will sell like, oh hot cakes! Did you ever try them? You must they are flat wide cakes with butter and honey are simply amazing! We can add some fruit on the side for a little extra." She giggled, excited about getting more ingredients to add to the dishes. The extra is always how taverns got you. Well them and bakeries. She would always insist on asking if the customer would like the little extra, most of the time they wanted it and only needed the question to indulge themselves in the adding of sugar for a few copper more. She smiled deviously.

Taking off her leather apron and patting the sweat from her face she followed Sya's movements out of the tavern. Talking on the way sounded great! Becky wanted to get to know her boss more. Her eyes glanced at the marks on the woman's neck with a knowing smile. Seemed she wasnt the only one cooking up things around here. It was nice to know someone had taken interest in the poor woman. Until she wondered what her partner looked like assuming it was some town drunk that had a wooden leg they could laugh and talk over their bonding of having only one of things. He must really love her the baker thought sweetly about the two love birds. "Okay.." Sounding a bit uncertain. Seeing the stove was done smoking out the last of the doused fire. "Dont want the tavern to burn down while we're out. I'm ready Sya."

"Hot springs?" She wondered if it was to do laundry but then Sya brought no bundle. With a care free shrug she smiled at her companion. "Sure I've never been to one of those sounds like it could be an adventure." Her voice full of optimism. Without laundry it must be something non work related and after the rush she was ready for anything non work related.

Grab a cloak Becky, let's find you some sugar before the whole town turns to madness. If you need some time?” Sya said with a more business like tone but could not quite hide her cheerful demeanour and fact she was rather much pleased with herself and proud.

The loud sound outside was jarring, it wounded like a whole tree was being dragged I'm through the streets.. surely not. No one was strong ernough unless they had a whole team of cart horses. Unless... She glanced over but the Royal guard who had arrived and took a spot by bar eating did not seem concerned as yet so Sya was not.

Really though it was jarring, whatever was moving or being moved must have been huge to generate such a noise and a low rumble as it did so. Maybe they where building a heavy palisade around the town and hauling in some thick hard woods to use? The town guard where numerous but feel safer with a solid barrier and if the Door incident was to go by the town guard reacted rather slowly. Too slowly. She would have to depend on the knight and his men at the Inn it seemed.

Dawn Haven. Well this was Dawn Haven she thought.

Becky grabbed her cloak with the rabbit lining she had gotten in a barter for some pies. Following her boss out the door of the tavern and into the dark street. Growing up in Lumanis, this was nothing new to her but at least the guards were more open then they were hear. Sparse would be the word that came to the bakers mind. The knife in her boot was giving her a little comfort but Sya was seemingly unfazed by the commotion so the thick raven haired woman just went with it. Keeping closer to her new companion never the less as they moved through the town. "I'm ready, lets get going. I cant wait to show you all the amazing things we can do with more sugar." She smiled and winked at the double entendre.


Sat eating the hot stew and looked about. The woman with the giant eye was very concerning but no monster. The woman in the red dress was as pale as death and certainly the ruby eyes was cause for concern but albino people he had heard of in his travels thought the rumor was they lived in the frozen north. Being well traveled he had seen many things that would shock a lesser learned person but not this warrior. The one truly shocking thing was the boy who was by the over heard conversation the Prince of the town. And the lady seemed to be a noble from Durantel? He had heard of the region but never had the business or reason to go there. They were actually holding a court in a tavern? He smirked and shook his head. How the new generation really let the old ways fall so far to the way side. Taking another bite of the stew he watched the meeting with some interest.

This prince really needed a better head on his shoulders Marcon thought. Glancing about he noted the two red haired fellows that also seemed to be taking an interest to the corner conversation. Brigands by the look of them, yet the old knight didnt really see any fight to them, in fact they looked a little frightened he thought. The Princes guardsmen must be waiting for his return outside. Surely they would be too late if someone inside decided to make a move against the monarch. The prince wore no armor or a notable weapon, another bite of potato as he tried to size up the seemingly care free youth. Either he was confident in his security or he really was no idea how fleeting the life of nobility could be. Truly most built large keeps built to the sole protection of a single person, or their family line, yet here there was no such construction even being started. Which would fall in line with the towns laughable defenses. A good walk around the edges of town might be due the old champion thought. Shadows had a way of lurking at the edges of towns and kingdoms. He had to admit, at least the stew was really good.

No armor, a single sword, hopefully out numbered would be a great way to start the day. Flexing his hand before his face he felt the stiffness of his knuckles from being broken more than once yet still answered the masters call if a bit rusty to react. Images of honor and glory filled his mind with the many opportunities this Dawnhaven presented to the grizzled knight like honorary gifts laid before his table. The smirk returning to his withered face as his hazel eyes narrowed into slits of excitement of finding bandits or even better a real monster! Most had the know all to build on the outskirts of a forest but this time they choose to build in the very heart of it. Sure why not surround the helpless with a dark forest until now people had no reason to venture and better yet bring only a handful of trained guardsmen to defend it while the walls wheren't even built. It was all so amusing to the old warrior. Yes, getting a lay of the land and the edges of town would be the very next thing to do. Maybe they would have more need of his skills as a seasoned knight then a carpenter.

Marcon watched the tavern girl with the malformed face speak freely to the prince with little courtly trappings or etiquette to know how brazen her act truly was. The prince also seemed to be less interested in courtly trappings and etiquette himself so maybe he was the type to over look it. The knight would have to remember this when it came time for his own dealings with this ...man. Letting out a quiet sigh he took the mug of ale to his face as the mans steely eyes kept Marcon alert to the surroundings. Waiting for his turn to speak to the Prince.

@The Muse Prince Asteros @PrinceAlexus Sya
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Every time he saw an encouraging or brightening smile from Elara, he could not help the goofy smile that appeared on his face, more like a crooked smirk, but they did not last for long at all. His thoughts kept grabbing him away from the control of his expressions though he would brighten each time from Elara’s visual urging. The man noticed the lingering awkwardness in the room between them and he couldn’t help the thought crossing his mind — She is awfully sweet.

Those thoughts went through his mind as his amber eyes met her ocean blues, the connection almost made him feel self-conscious and guilty, so he looked back down at his food. Why was it so difficult to look at her? Everything felt so complex and he knew it shouldn’t. They barely knew each other’s names yet he had a hell of a time talking to her for the past two or three months. Honestly, he felt horrible about that. As she spoke about the situation, he found himself relieved that he was not the only one worried, but he felt like others shouldn’t know. Elara was the princess's handmaiden and he was Flynn’s best friend. Others shouldn’t be catching wind of their fights.

Sunni had a complicated time controlling his emotions when Elara’s expressions changed. She was filtering through different ones and he was trying to analyze her to understand what might be happening behind those beautiful eyes. While hers filtered, he began to show worry in his eyes, concerned furrowing of his brows, sincerity on his lips, and seriousness lingering in the whole of his face. Lips parted before closing to hear the rest of what she had to say. All of his emotions began to disappear into a pool of confusion and not fully understand the woman.

His body language appeared off in some way as he absorbed her words. Encouraging the princess to be honest with Flynn? What the hell was she not being honest about? The thoughts began to race through his mind with all the possibilities of what a princess could lie about. They were honestly going darker than he wanted. Everything was beginning to swirl down the drain in his mind while his mind began to take in everything else she had to say.

Elara…” Sunni sighed with a reassuring smile before putting down his food. “Have you ever heard the story about Enu? You might not have. It’s an Aurelian tale about a desert fox. They are small. Very tiny,” He explained as he made sure he properly put his plate and fork down and began to talk with his hands.

Glancing at Elara, “My father used to tell me this story a lot. I do not know why but it was about this clever little desert fox named Enu. The fox lived amongst the dunes of the desert and liked it that way. It was peaceful and quiet. One day, Enu noticed that the desert was filled with anger and hate. It was the tribe of the eagle owls and the clan of kangaroo mice at each other’s throats. They were blaming each other for the yearly drought, pointing fingers, and at disagreements.

For some reason, Enu believed that it was his fault and that he could fix it though these two groups have been at odds and ends since the beginning of time. Enu approached the eagle owls in fear because they could eat him. He decided to be brave and tell the eagle owls that he had a possible solution and he felt like this was his fault for not doing something earlier.

The eagle owls told him that a single little desert fox couldn’t do anything worse than the group of kangaroo mice. They appreciated his attempt to communicate but shooed him away.

Enu decided to go to the kangaroo mice clan and talk to them. He informed them that he felt like this anger towards the other clan was because of something he might have done or might not have done.

The kangaroo mice told Enu that he nor anyone else did wrong. That the eagle owls needed to fix their mistakes and pay for them. Then they shooed him away as well.

Enu decided that there was one thing to do. He searched around for an oasis or a cave that would have collected water. He searched and searched. Almost losing hope, Enu found the source of water he was looking for.

The little desert fox went to both tribes and they told him to go away. They appreciated his words but didn’t want to hear his ideas. They didn’t want to continue seeing him in between their war for water. Enu begged to be listened to but neither clan did. With his ears drooping and his thoughts saddening, Enu decided to wander back to the little oasis that he found, and he stared at his reflection.

Tears began to form before they dripped into the little bit of water that might have helped things. Enu was startled by an unfamiliar voice, and an ancient tortoise decided to sit right beside him.

She asked, “What is wrong child?”

Enu explained the situation between the eagle owls and the kangaroo mice. How they didn’t want to listen and they were blaming each other for the drought. How it was all his fault that this fight between tribes was happening.

The wise tortoise laughed at him. She asked if he truly believed it was his fault.

He confirmed.

She began to tell Enu a story about how two tribes did not get along before she hatched out of her egg. She explained how they had always been mad at each other. From generation to generation, they could never agree.

She asked if Enu believed that was his fault too.

Enu replied “No, that would be silly to blame myself for such a reason,”

And the tortoise laughed, “I was thinking the same thing about the story you just told me.”

And Enu realized that the problems that were happening between the others in the desert were not his fault. They never were but he would constantly be wrapped up in them by association.
” Sunni shrugged his shoulders when he told that story. He was hoping that it took her mind off what was happening but he didn’t blame her for Octavia and Flynn’s issues. If either of them were hiding something from the other and the other found out and got upset — that wasn’t anyone else’s issue.

He sighed at the thought, “You might have encouraged Octavia to be truthful with whatever it was. I kind of do not want to know. I’m sure I will hear it all from Flynn later tonight when we play cards again. If he feels like it, I promise you whatever emotions happen from it. They are not your fault. Do not blame yourself for others' doings, Elara or you will shortcut yourself each and every time,” Sunni hoped that his words helped to an extent but he had no idea if they would.

You might be unsettled from all the negative energy in this house,” Sunni chuckled while looking around. It felt heavy and tense. This house was not happy with what was happening within it. He wondered if he should check on Octavia or encourage Elara to, but he decided against it. “Would you like to go for a walk? With me. I wasn’t able to yesterday but I enjoy walking by the lake. It’s pretty and peaceful, and you might feel hungrier afterwards,” He explained feeling somewhat like an idiot after telling her a child’s tale that he used to be told when he was little. It was a story his father and his pseudo-mother would tell him constantly. Along with the many other bedtime stories.

Interactions @Qia Elara
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Eye of the Beholder
“I'm here my Prince, we have a carpenter who volunteered to make a new door. Just a misunderstanding and accidents happen here. No one was hurt or damaged bar the door. It was handled before the guards arrived by Lord Coswain and his companions.”

Flynn looked up to see Sya, who seemed to materialize out of thin air, having been obscured from his view by a wooden beam in the middle of the room. Notably, she was not wearing her hood, which made him happy to think that she was beginning to feel more comfortable with herself. Sya was one of the more docile blight-born that he had met thus far and he was grateful for her assimilation and great contribution to Dawnhaven.

The Prince smiled faintly at her, the exhaustion evident on his face. "Thank you, Sya. I am glad to hear it." He truly was relieved; he didn't have the energy to think about assigning someone to fix the door right now. At least someone had already stepped up to offer a hand without him having to send orders.

“If I may say your Highness, there's at least one person here looking for work, with skills you might find valuable.”

“Oh?” Flynn glanced around the room beyond Sya, wondering who she was referring to.

“If you excuse me, have business to conduct before the gathering.”

Before Flynn could ask her to point out who was looking for work, Sya was out the door with a woman he had never seen before on her heels. Glancing around the room again, he recognized familiar faces—mostly his Aurelian guard with a few guards from Lunaris sprinkled in. Then his gaze landed on an older man sitting alone at a table, their eyes meeting each other for a brief moment. Flynn didn’t recall speaking with him before, though he had spoken to so many people over the past two months that he wondered if he was starting to lose track. For now, Flynn returned his attention to the red-eyed blight-born noblewoman in front of him.

"I would have preferred to speak to you in a more... limited venue, about matters that could favor Dawnhavens development.”

For a moment, Flynn wondered how the Lady had even known he would be arriving - she had seemingly been waiting for him, but he had never sent for her. He had stormed out of the house so quickly that he had barely even thought about what he was doing before leaving. Perhaps his squire had gotten too eager after seeing Flynn leave the house and ran to let her know that Flynn would be on his way in the morning. He’d have to reprimand him for such impulsive actions, surely. Nonetheless, Flynn decided not to react to her impudent comment. It did not appear that Lunarian’s were used to holding their tongue when it came to speaking to royalty, unlike the people of Aurelia. Most Lunarians here seemed to speak frivolously and without forethought.

“I have families in need of work in my domain. They could benefit your growing realm greatly with labor and trades, yet I am hesitant with the current state of things. My people are always in need of trade partners at the least and for the time being I would be willing to send Dawnhaven wagon trains of supplies. These goods would be sold to you for a reasonable price and hopefully encourage commerce. However, I would need a minor almost trivial assurance from you to the protection of these heavy laden trips from bandits and worse. If you could grant me aid in this matter, I think we could help one another in building this new Dawnhaven into a respectable kingdom. I am willing to even relocate myself to this part of the world to quickly resolve any issues with my part of the agreement that may come up for the duration."

Flynn listened intently, feeling relieved that she had agreed to support Dawnhaven. Providing her cargo with protection on the journeys could be costly when the winter became worse, but it was not an unreasonable request. He raised an eyebrow as the woman offered to relocate to Dawnhaven, which he found intriguing. Though she presented this as a generous offer to him, he knew that she was seeking refuge—just like all the rest. A noble woman fleeing her home and status was highly rare. A blight-born noble woman on the other hand… If the King of Lunaris were to discover her condition he would surely have her killed and her house usurped by someone of his choosing. This was not only a gift she was giving him; this was a trade for her safety.

“Very well. I am eternally grateful for your support.” He held his warm diplomatic smile as he locked eyes with her, bowing his head slightly in a show of respect. “We can assign guards to your cargo. The Lunarians here know the mountain paths well and can ensure their safety. In fact, I will speak with Lord Coswain, who arrived yesterday. He should be able to assist you in this matter.” He glanced toward the Lunarian guards scattered among tables in the tavern. Though fewer in number than the Aurelian guards, they were valuable for their knowledge of the land. He would send a mixture of Lunarian and Aurelian guards with each cargo train—the Aurelian guards would need to learn the ways from their new Lunarian brothers.

“I do have one requirement, however, if you are to live here.” he stated, returning his emerald eyes to her red ones. “We will have a formal interview before I allow it.” He studied her for a moment, letting his request sink in. “We must discuss… your condition.” he said, gesturing to her and meaning her obvious transformation into a blight-born. Although she was the Lady of Durnatel, she did not simply get a pass without having to go through the same scrutiny that all the rest did. The aura she gave off was intimidating, especially with those piercing eyes staring at him, but he did not let her appearance deter him. Ivor had been just as intimidating, if not more so, yet he had assimilated into their society quite well. If the Lady could control the last large town from Dawnhaven while maintaining proper behavior and continuing supply trades, it would be ideal.

Word would likely get out fast now that Olivia had revealed herself to the people of Dawnhaven, but she would be protected under Dawnhavens sanctuary. If the Lady of Durnatel could behave herself, Flynn, at least, would keep his mouth shut.

“Can you stay another day? I have much to attend to today. We can have our interview tomorrow, perhaps?”

Interactions: Olivia @amorphical, Sya @PrinceAlexus
Mentions: Lord Coswain @PrinceAlexus, Becky & Marcon @amorphical
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Eye of the beholder

“Very well. I am eternally grateful for your support.” He held his warm diplomatic smile as he locked eyes with her, bowing his head slightly in a show of respect. “We can assign guards to your cargo. The Lunarians here know the mountain paths well and can ensure their safety. In fact, I will speak with Lord Coswain, who arrived yesterday. He should be able to assist you in this matter.” He glanced toward the Lunarian guards scattered among tables in the tavern. Though fewer in number than the Aurelian guards, they were valuable for their knowledge of the land. He would send a mixture of Lunarian and Aurelian guards with each cargo train—the Aurelian guards would need to learn the ways from their new Lunarian brothers.

“I do have one requirement, however, if you are to live here.” he stated, returning his emerald eyes to her red ones. “We will have a formal interview before I allow it.” He studied her for a moment, letting his request sink in. “We must discuss… your condition.” he said, gesturing to her and meaning her obvious transformation into a blight-born. Although she was the Lady of Durnatel, she did not simply get a pass without having to go through the same scrutiny that all the rest did. The aura she gave off was intimidating, especially with those piercing eyes staring at him, but he did not let her appearance deter him. Ivor had been just as intimidating, if not more so, yet he had assimilated into their society quite well. If the Lady could control the last large town from Dawnhaven while maintaining proper behavior and continuing supply trades, it would be ideal.

The marble colored woman sat there and listened intently to the Prince. The mask near flawless except for the slight flex of her jaw at the mention of an 'interview'. 'Discuss your condition'... her condition? He wanted no, insisted to talk to her about her condition? Was it a game to him?! Sitting there all warm and rosy cheeked, breathing, ...alive like it allowed him the right to poke the demon across from him in such an open venue. Her eyes gave the slightest of squints. Was this his plan? Was it why he was meeting her here? Caging her in the trappings of decorum? Did he really think it would keep him safe? It would, but inside she seethed hearing the voice of her father telling her how she was just out maneuvered at least in this matter. No... her people needed this alliance.

He was the ruler of this land and his word was law, just as Olivia's was in her domain. If this fell apart now, then people would suffer, loose hope, and she would never again gain access to see Sya. He had agreed to the trade and even guards for their protection. The cost for troops was a steep one so that alone had made the negotiations a success. Now her people would have work and trade to sell their wares.

Olivia committed the name Lord Coswain to memory. Keeping herself so isolated in her domain over the many years had cost her dearly in networking, and information. The lady had no memory of ever hearing that name at court while her father ruled. The pale lady's mood was only tempered by the thoughts of her beloved Sya. Olivia did have the two coachmen but against a blight borne they would be of little true value so kidnapping her treasure was a definite no. The ruby eyed woman knew tearing her from the tavern was impossible as well. Olivia found herself bound by invisible chains and Sya was the base.

The Lady detested his request. Knowing anything about her condition would weaken her and who was to say the prince could be trusted to keep his tongue? What if more persuasive persons were to gain the knowledge. "I am grateful for your time in these matters as I am sure you are quite busy. I understand. It is your right, I will not go into detail in this setting my many reservations on that caveat. I would respectfully ask you reconsider your position. For now I would be disinclined to acquiesce your request. I apologize for not being able to be more, gracious to you in that regard." Her tone was still like a the surface of a reflecting pond. The woman's face was the faint hint of a smile. She would not be that easy to rest her throat in his talons, no it would take more than that. He was the prince to the king, yet he was far from home, so many dark things lived in the forest. Who would be able to say which one made the final blow. No... Nothing like that she told her dark self. She may have done things for her people but his death would not be among them. There would be another opportunity to gain a foot hold in Dawnhaven. Olivia would just have to be patient and wait for an opportunity to manifest.

Word would likely get out fast now that Olivia had revealed herself to the people of Dawnhaven, but she would be protected under Dawnhavens sanctuary. If the Lady of Durnatel could behave herself, Flynn, at least, would keep his mouth shut.

“Can you stay another day? I have much to attend to today. We can have our interview tomorrow, perhaps?”

"You do me much honor with more of your time." She gave a slight bow of her head to him for the generosity. "May I have the particulars of our next meeting? For the discussion of the convoy details, at least. Then we may revisit possible conditions for developing a private retreat home for myself here in Dawnhaven. I wouldn't be opposed to paying you directly of course for the privilege. Your tavern..." She motioned to the room about her, "while ..charming, lacks certain amenities, most of all rooms for extended durations."

She would rise and curtsy meekly, after prince Astaros had given his reply and taken his leave of her, holding her smile as she bowed her head slightly. The second he turned his back to her she would motion for the two coachmen to follow as she walked briskly up the stairs. At the top she had the two move into their room. Her face a clear pout. "It seems we have much to do, or rather I do. The two of you will take the carriage and return home. I will send word to Jaylen later in a very long letter. I thank you for your service to me." Without warning she bowed her head to them. As quickly as she could the Lady returned to her room and shut the door having little patience she used her shadow leap and poofed out of her dress to a few feet away. A feat Olivia had to learn how not to do when she moved about in that manner. It was quite the incentive to honing one of her powers. The ruby eyed monster wasted no time in donning the common trappings of brown blouse top and black ankle skirt. The knee high boots and simple black hair tie before fetching the big black bear cloak. she didnt wait to tidy the room or place things back in the chest. No she needed to get out into the town and find a dry good store, a courier, and Sya.

Alex looked at his brother and sighed both still standing in the room. "Well brother we seem to be done with this job for our Lady. Looks like we will need to go back. Though without her protection we might need to quicken our pace a bit." He smirked at his brother who smirked back shaking his head.

"I guess so.. Glad we stayed for breakfast." John said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Ill get the horses you do a carriage check. If we rush back we can make it in a few days. The horse should be well rested for the journey back." By the early afternoon they would be turning their back on Dawnhaven and the monster they had brought to their door step. Wile John gave a look back from inside the plush carriage, Alex said a silent prayer for the town peoples fortunes.

Olivia would venture into the town and search for the dry goods store, stopping to inquire from a guardsmen as to where to purchase writing material and the location of a courier. She stayed under the black cloak deep inside her cave not even to look out to see his face. She was alone now and felt nervous, but not for her own safety.

[/b], Sya, Royal Guard of Lunaris: Adonis Cowain @PrinceAlexus, Prince Astaros @The Muse
[/b] Lord Coswain @PrinceAlexus, Courier: Willis Philips @BOOM
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
Avatar of PrinceAlexus

PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Early Morning

Sya gave a slightly flicker of thoughts before she decided how to reply, she thought the hint, would that even still work? Sya felt like further blightborn evolution was going to happen at some stage, just a strange feeling that something was affecting her. Dripping that one Sya almost did not want to taste such things to know what she lost and what she could never really enjoy. Her whole body rejected things that used to keep it alive, sunlight was…well gone, Sya felt the night was almost like home, her vision gave her the ability to function without pause even if the darkness faded into an almost different spectrum of light. Only under light of fired etc did colours properly resolve and come to life, the rest was shades of the lack of it.

“Fun. I remember getting in so much trouble for that”
Sya giggled and smiled showing she was blighted, but still a woman who had not given up her desires. “A handsome stable lad during the harvest celebrations.” Sya remembered the happy moment that she tried to not let the darkness take hold of.

“Don't worry, I have enough gold. Can run a test menu and see how much return i see, you really might be overestimating what we have!” Sya said but with no harshness, Becky seemed rather cheerful vs the other Lunarians she had met, they seemed more dour but Becky was more a bright glowing fire of energy and good emotions.

“Where I grew up, we were lucky to get them at the Lord's feast. But we brewed some really good local Shine of Selene. We traded it pretty widely in borders. ”
Becky had obviously grown up and lived in a far more prosperous place than Sya and would not hold it against her, her lover was a noble lady but had so far just wanted intimate companionship and mutual treatment of each other.

Sya lack of a coat was not a issue to her, cold weather never had been an issue and just stayed in her tavern attire, the long skirt kept the wind off but did not have heavy fabrics, magnetic for comfort when winter really hit but this was a balmy day for a blightborn.

“it will be fine.”
Sya waved her worry off and began to head out the eye, the fire burner almost constantly and they had now burned down yet. “A large hot spring, natural, has a public and more private area. It feels really nice to just stretch out in the water. It's a luxury for sure. your skin feels so much better and aches all vanish..” She said with a soft sigh.

Sya held no such fear of the dark and strode out into the night with no apprehension, she had at least two knives on her though and was hardly helpless. She blinked and soon adapted to the changing light as the whole world resolved into grey shadas far into the distance. “I'm sweet ernough I'm sure.” Sya said with a cheeky statement, she was feeling more like her old self, unsure how that was a thing.

“Relax, I can see perfectly, just all..greyish bluey green”
Sya said, hooking an arm with Becky seeing as she was less sure so they would not get separated. Sya waved To Ivor, seeing him with a whole tree and spoke in a more guttural and harsher mix of border languages with Lunarian, Auralian and other loaned words. “Good morning, There's a big town clan meet, moon. Half way. Western sky. You might not have got and too few of us know this one, If you have spare firewood, I might need more, we have a baker to support Hunter Ivor.” Sya said to him and gestured to Becky next to her before she turned to lead them to the marketplace, much as it was one. Sya sounded almost more natural in that version than the common tongue as she had spoken the border language since she was a babbling baby. Sya was comically smaller than the giant woodsman though she had come to know his massive size was not intending harm to those maliciously.

Sya had no fear as she wound her way about to the stalls and traders set up in the early morning. Flicking torches lit the wares and lamps of various kinds. “So, what do you think Becky? Anything you can work with?. The hot spring that way, post office is the tall structure, umm.. the postmaster is…Embrkin, however Pilades…is an acquired taste” Sya said with all honesty, he was perfectly hospitable but very much you liked him or you hated him.

She waved a hand to the market, it was not at its most busy but traders were already setting up and coins were already changing hands. “Lead on, its a adventure.”


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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lord and lady Coswain

About Dawn Haven

Lord Coswain walked across the mud, he pulled his leather sword belt right about his waist tightly, an old soldier's habit was to keep his weapons tight and close. He walked across seeing the light Wells of buildings and torches that lit up the gloom, the moon hung lazily in the sky casting a light that reflected off the lake illuminating the forests and mountains. It was beautiful though he did miss the sun. It had not risen for months, months of darkness, months of cold.

“Exile.. is hard” He kicked a rock across the path with his boot and walked on, passing a stall selling some knives claimed to be castle forged steel, but looked to be more iron than steel. He shook his head and moved on, having discarded them as typical market stock.

The construction sites were quiet and he honestly wondered what on earth his role would be here. He was sworn to a Princess who did not want his service, he was sworn to a king who exiled him. He was sworn to serve, he was sworn to so many things.

He needed ink, he could least draw perhaps and work out how plans, help work on maybe the Eye of Beholder. they seemed to be uncaring major construction work or preparing for it, digging, stone, timbers… major job. paper, yes, paper, this lake looked a rather good spot to sit and draw for a few hours. Perhaps the post office might stock such supplies and materials.

He pushed into the post office, he thought it was the post office, it was tall, a several story structure that looked rather much like a tower that matched the description a passer by had given him anyway. He passed a woman who raised his hairs on the back of neck who seemed to have more grace than a human.

The woman had been dressed in dark clothes with very pale skin if his view of her hand was correct, hooded, Cloaked and clad in furs. She gave him an automatic urge to move his hand to hilt but made no such movement. The woman screamed danger? His gut feeling said it was dangerous, and he never ignored his gut feelings. “Postmaster? you around?” He was curious about the whole thing, people said the postmaster was a monster, a man, a bird.. many rumours but what was the truth?

“You stock ink, paper? Thick papers? Suitable for drawing? Perhaps a artsists book... parchment book? Somthing for dawing?” He called out in his capital Lunarian accent, if he was short on work, and he was going to be exiled. He could work on at least one skill and use his time to achieve something. His duties, he would protect Octavia when the time came, she did not want him but he would not renege on orders. He had been ordered to serve. He would serve.

@The Muse@amorphical
Hidden 3 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Alchemy Chambers
“I never got your name, Mrs Taru? Is it? Thank you for helping me.”

Eris looked up as she finished wrapping Taru’s hand, her blue eyes widening as the Lunarian woman referred to her as Taru’s wife. WIFE?! Eris barely knew the man! Sure, Taru was easy on the eyes and kind enough, but his wife? Against her will, Eris’s mind began to imagine what it would be like if she and Taru were a couple, which only made her cheeks burn hotter.

“I do apologize if I interrupted something, let me know where my bags are and I can leave you to your recreational activities.”

“Oh, uh, N—”

No, you didn’t interrupt anything. I just needed my hand bandaged to make sure no infection occurred.

Before Eris could formulate a sentence, Taru jumped in and explained the situation, to which Eris nodded in silent agreement. Her eyes fixated on Persephone, seeming to search the woman's expression to see if she believed Taru’s explanation. They truly had nothing to hide, but it made Eris so uncomfortable to think that Persephone might not believe them. What if she reported this to the Prince? Would he think Eris was slacking off on her duties to the crown? A chill of anxiety rushed down her spine at the thought. The Prince seemed to have a mild temperament, but his father, the King, did not. She could not risk looking like such a fool again!

‘Stupid, stupid, stupid.’ she scolded herself inwardly for being so careless. She should have at least dressed properly before rushing out the door! What had she been thinking? The urge to blurt out that she had never even imagined being with Taru began to inch its way to the tip of her tongue, but thankfully, Taru changed the subject before she let the feeling overwhelm her.

I do appreciate your help, Miss Eris. What will this cost? An I.O.U.? Money?

Eris, red-faced, turned her attention back to Taru and shook her head. “Oh, nothing at all, Taru. I couldn’t possibly. You take such good care of my mare, that is more than enough.” She smiled warmly at him, genuinely meaning that she did not want any sort of payment.

“Plus, it’s my job! And the Prince pays me well!” She said cheerily, holding her smile. Although healing wasn’t technically her job, Eris had come to Dawnhaven knowing that her healing knowledge and skill would be greatly needed. That, and she truly was happy to help. It always felt good to be useful to someone.

Eris looked towards Persephone as she stood from the table, feeling the silk gown slide around her bare legs. With her right hand on her chest, mostly to cover any exposed cleavage, Eris bowed to both of them. “It’s a pleasure.” She stood upright again, her eyes meeting Persephone’s. “My name is Eris, by the way. I’d be happy to help any time.”

Interactions: Taru @The Savant, Persephone @PrinceAlexus
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lord and lady Coswain

About Dawn Haven

When the man…bird…blight born hybrid came down Lord Coswain schooled himself to an neutral expression he tended to adopt when dealing with senior command and others of the sort. He did not like blightborn, he had seen men ripped apart, killed and personally slain in single combat. Still they were stretched and one day Lunaris would snap if they carried on too far, they had to admit their own limits.

He was reminded of a whole thing that we t round the Capital a few years ago, I'll omens, giant mountain eagles reported migrating to near the city. They tended to dwell in the highest ranges and most inaccessible peaks, that had been a whole weird time, people had been jumpy and the guard was pulling duty on keeping people calm. The blight and then the birds had people rattled.

Shaking his mind free from that time, he felt calmer, something was blunting his alert he had from the woman, he shook his head again concentrating on something he could fix his mind to like a lighthouse. “Aye, good ink, a book, papers suitable for landscapes and maybe a few portraits. Been a habit since I joined the guard a lifetime ago and had long hours waiting for things to happen.” He found himself saying before he could catch it.

“Just that. ” He managed to sharpen himself back up, he recognised the powers of a blightborn and he suspected how had caused his mind to slip and ruthlessly re anchored his mind like chains of a ship. It was not a skill that all had, only his experience and prior meeting of blightborns had given him an understanding of when they did so.

“Just those for now Postmaster.” He managed to restore his capital tone and clarity and neutral tone. He pushed himself to think of being sat leaning against one of the tower parapets watching the sun fall against the jagged mountain ranges and sketching out the view from the keep to the far horizon in graphite. He was technically probably not meant to be up their but people forgave a Lord Captain by that stage some eccentricity and flexibility to engage in personal activities as long as you did not interfere with duties. He was on alert and his aide would run him if the raid was finally launched. He remembered leaning in his armour, back against the wall, weapons laying across a barrel of arrows with a proper up pole arm.

Somehow this man brought his mind back to odd places. He reentered again and found a tight spot that he finally found himself.

This was why he had a rather wary opinion of such beings.

@The Savant
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Hidden 3 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

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