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I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I wanna be a cowboy, baby
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Mentions:@Tae Marius

Flames engulfing a house with ravenous hunger on par with starved hyenas
Smoke billowing into the sky for all the world to see
A scream of ear-deafening despair

There was not much Emelie could do to escape these flashes but it was always that scream that rescued her from them. The hot air caressing her skin felt the same as it had at that moment. She leaned her palms on the counter-top, watching as tendrils of smoke emerged from the pot as the soup heated on the stove. Her hair was tied up in an overly neat bun and a frilly white apron laid over her blue dress. She lowered the heat and took a few steps away from the stove to move to the fridge. The container she pulled out from the back of the freezer did not contain ice cream like one might have hoped. After pulling a glove onto her right hand, she opened the container and took out a small, cold heart.

She gripped the heart of a frog in her gloved hand soon enough just as tightly as she held on to everything else in her life. In her other hand, she clasped a small bracelet, one of the many trinkets and gifts Marius showered her with. All she had to do now was cast the spell. These were the gifts she had given Marius nightly: dinner and a love spell. With each spell, she could feel a hole in her heart grow with the same force the love hit Marius. His words, his gifts, and his hugs all slowly filled the void less and less yet it felt like stopping would only break her heart into a million pieces. The feeling was like a vice on her heart, squeezing with just enough pressure to bring continuous pain.

Would it be from the dark magic? Or would it be from the fact she had to force this on him?

This was a cold, ruthless member of a vampire mafia. Had he really had ever loved anyone? He could never truly love her. Each time she cast the spell and the man went over heels for her, it was a reminder of that. Their life together was just a hopeless dream that she was too scared to wake up from. Millie had been casting these spells as if she had been taking sleeping pills to keep herself in this dream.

She deserved to be happy. After everything, there had to be someone that stayed at her side. Everyone she had dared let herself grow close to would always disappear even after she gave them everything. Marius seemed happier like this: not hurting anyone and just spending his days in the blissful glow of love. This was better than the violent life he had lived. He lived a life with a girl who would do anything and everything for him.

This is our peace.

Her mind went through the same circles nightly, trying to rationalize a way to run away from the guilt.

Teardrops fell on to the items in her hands, puddling in small clear pearls on top of the heart. "Why am I always hesitating?" She whispered under her own breath. Who was to say this did not count as real? What was real love anyway? If it made them both happier, why was it wrong?

That was when a voice from the past echoed in her mind. "Love is when you are willing to put others before yourself."

Millie bit down on her lip. She had tried so hard to forget that voice and yet here he was, surfacing in her mind to make things harder just as he had always done. Putting the other person hadn't worked out the time she had gotten that advice.

Maybe I'm just unworthy of love.

Glancing down at her shaking hands, she finally threw the heart on the ground and slid back against the island counter to sit on the floor, still clutching the bracelet. There was only maybe another half hour before the spell would wear off on Marius. There was no denying the pain this was bringing her and would ultimately be brought to the man she loved if she continued this selfish charade. The chance he'd just kill her when he found out was there and perhaps that was for the best.
For those looking to make characters here is what is welcomed:

1. Night order vampires --> Lawful Good Vampires
2. Circle of Ancients witches --> Lawful Neutral witches
3. Sanguine Moon vampires --> Neutral Evil vampires
4. Sinclair Foundation --> Chaotic Neutral vampires (Mafia)
5. Vollmund Kinder --> Neutral good werewolves
6. Holy Savior Hunters only --> Religious witch hunters


Location:University Art Exhibition

"You have no idea."

This boy seemed much more perceptive than the rest of the room, catching on to the sadness of the subjects and even to the perverted tastes of Alexander Drake. She had sighed with her response, folding her arms and rubbing them. Her mind threatened to reel her back into flashes of iron bars and blood on concrete but ironically Alexander's voice was the one to firmly grip her back to reality. He was leaving. Good riddance.

She glanced his way to watch him exit. This could be her chance here. She stepped forward as she heard Finn speaking dimly in corner of her mind only to halt as she noticed men entering the room. Her eyes were locked on the men as two stayed near the entranceway. She had been right to be paranoid. Something was very wrong. A feeling of dread overcame her. If she wanted to pursue her vengeance, she had to potentially leave these people to die. The men were dressed casually and to most everyone else, they'd probably assume it was nothing. Angel knew it wasn't. She had recognized the face of one of them from her time in Sanguine Moon's blood farm.

“Fuck." Angel muttered aloud and blinked, remembering Finn was there. She turned to him, his previous words echoing in her mind as she finally digested them and felt the corners of her lip twitch before her instinct to pull away could truly kick in. Someone really wanted to hang out with her? Her cheeks flushed. She usually was confident and a massive flirt, but the whole situation caught her so off guard that she felt like her stomach was going to plop out of her mouth on top of the handsome boy trying to spend time with her.

"Those men are weird!" A voice interrupted before she could reply.

The color drained from Angel's face as she turned and saw Remy. The word "no" was chanted so many times in her mind she felt like it was going to explode. "Remy! Why are you here!? You can't be here right now!" Angel cried, thoroughly stressed out. She should have known from the crayon fiasco that it was Remy's work. Angel tried to wrack her brain to start working correctly. They did not have much time. She glanced around as her eyes caught sight of a fire alarm.

A woman's voice then interrupted this time, appreciating Angel's dress. She looked over. It was the lady who had been talking to Alexander. She had assumed this was another vampire. She was calling her out now. What did this mean? She grinned at her simply, keeping her cool best she could. The woman started addressing the blonde boy with her which made her feel even more uneasy. Angel followed Finn's gaze. The men were coming toward them.

Finn started to claim that he had superpowers to Remy while Angel took her shoulders. "Remy. Go to that fire alarm over there and pull down that lever with all your might. After, get on that skateboard and make a run for the door. You need to get help. Find Sean or Valentin."

This was really happening here and now. Angel felt her heart sink as screams filled the room. It was soon replaced by a sense of fury that seemed to set her very being on fire. She ravaged through her purse for a dagger. There was not a day in her life that she left the house without a chemical-v soaked dagger. She removed it out of a bag and glanced back at the blonde. It became clear quite fast that he was more than capable of handling himself. Of course, he was a werewolf. Her luck.

She quickly went to work cutting a slit in the lace of her dress to increase her mobility. She kicked off her heels as well. Her head tossed back and forth a few times until she locked onto a target in the chaos of the crowd. A vampire had taken hold of a woman and was going to town on her neck. Angel moved across the floor as fast as her vampire foes and jabbed her dagger into the back of the vampire, sinking it in viciously. She waited a few seconds before yanking it out and watching the limp body hit the ground with a thud. She comfortingly rubbed the lady's shoulder as she hysterically cried, pointing her to a corner to hide in.

When Angel glanced back over in the direction of the boy, she did not find him. However, she did notice a gigantic wolf sinking their teeth into vampires. She had no idea how to feel about the situation. She had never spent much time seeking out werewolves, but Operation Humanity had taught them all about their man-eating tendencies. It seemed like he had been out to protect Remy and the other humans here, so she was going to put aside her opinion for now. Angel had been glancing toward Remy every so often to make sure she was okay.

"Everyone! Get behind me and Cujo here!" Angel yelled. Like it or not, the werewolf was probably the difference between life and death. The room was chaotic and people were all rushing around the door. It was too late for that and they were in the way of Remy getting out of here. Some of them thankfully started to listen and ran to stand behind her. She fixed her grip on her dagger and began to set her sights on her next victim. As long as she breathed, no one was dying here.

Location:University Art Exhibition

It was funny how alcohol could make the most boring event much more entertaining. On her search to find Alexander, she had picked up on a lot of interesting individuals. She was halfway through her third glass of wine when she noticed some guy tipping at fedora. She bit her lip to restraint a burst of laughter, clutching her glass with both hands. Though, he was quite a catch despite the poor fashion choice so she winked at him while passing on her way, just for fun. Angel tended to enjoy chaos especially when she was inebriated. However, she was not drunk enough to completely forget how pissed off this whole thing made her. She was going to need more. A sudden thought crossed her mind and she paused. What if this was poisoned or something? If this guy was a mad-man enough to paint his victims and display them proudly, who knew what he would put in the drinks or even the food?

As if on cue, her eyes finally caught sight of him. There was no way she could forget the face of this man and she was sure it was him, dressed to the nines and talking to some other rich woman. The beautiful woman glanced her way and Angel averted hers quickly to avoid eye contact. She went to glance back towards the area after counting to ten in her mind when a voice startled her. She inhaled sharply, a little of her wine spilling on the floor as she whirled to look at him.

”So, you like the artwork? My personal favorite so far is the one with the mustache. ”

Angel quickly composed herself. Putting her hand on hip, she met the eyes of the young blonde man, she smiled at him as she replied bluntly, "No I hate it." The few who had spoken to her tonight had been shocked to hear her harsh criticism toward the paintings. Her intent had been for the distaste to catch on. "Literally the worst. However..." She tapped the mustache that was so clearly a new addition. She had overheard people talking about how they witnessed some kid draw on it with a crayon, "This is and only this is art."

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Hall

Malachi watched her curtsy thoughtfully. The girl inquired his name and took his hand, to which he gently held and moved upward while taking her by her waist with his other hand. "Hagmer." If anyone thought that Malachi wouldn't come prepared with at least eleven random names, they thought wrong. He carefully followed her gaze to see who she looked at. Another female elf and a fairy were her choices. His gaze locked on her ear for only a split second before he met her eyes. This was all he needed to look at for the moment. Without care to be nearly as charming with the question, he stated questioningly, "Name? And what brings you here?"

He wasn't interested in formalities. She was either friend or foe. Until he knew she was an ally, he wouldn't waste unnecessary breath. Dancing made him feel uncomfortable and he wanted this all over with already. This whole ball was just for them to pass information around then get out. Besides, he found the less information he gave out, the more the other person spoke in hopes of uncovering the mystery.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time:Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Hall

Risa smiled sadly at the faun's initial words as they came together for their dance, intertwining her hands with his. The young boy had been brave to tell her these words and to seek involvement. Their goal had been to find allies here but she found this was only tugging at her heartstrings. She squeezed his hand gently as he spoke, whispering in her ear.

She did not respond right away. This was more internally conflicting than she had planned for. She supposed she would weigh out the possibility that he was tricking her since he had been so forward so quickly but she had a nagging feeling deep in her heart that she could trust him. There were lives on the line and she knew they had to take what they could get. If this boy was set on his involvement and she could tell by the determined look in his jade eyes that this was true, then she knew there was no changing his mind regardless. The feeling was all too familiar.

"My darling if is this cause your heart is set on, then I will stand by you as long as I live."
Though perhaps he might have felt that he was supposed to be the one that should stand allegiance to her side, Risa's mind did not flow in that direction. It was his words that had moved her to want to stand by him as the cause was his cause as much as it was hers. Her voice was hushed as she spoke gently in his ear, "If you follow the coast up northwest from Roshmi, you will find a small port town. We will be meeting there on the coastal outskirts. Spread this message to any allies you know of. "

Risa wanted to know so much about him such as who he was and why his heart had brought him in this direction. She could not help but feel drawn to him for reasons that were difficult to put into words. Their time was unfortunately short and made shorter by the well-dressed elf who approached them from behind the faun. He whispered something in his ear that Risa could not quite catch. It left a bad taste in her mouth and she decided to read her new friend's expression to try to figure out the nature of it. The attire the elf wore was that of a high-status individual. Usually, light elves were not too keen on Aklenroth and more likely to be trusted to be on the rebelling side, so she hoped that was the case with this one and maybe he had approached to speak to her in order to help somehow. If this was the case, it was important they spoke, but not until she finished her dance with the faun.

Hello there!" Risa greeted the elf warmly, "Whatever matter you have to share with either of us, I'd very much like if you were to hold it until we finish our dance please."

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Hall
Interactions: @Tae@Potter

Malachi felt his paper tug in his hand and sighed. He glanced up at Corvina and Kenia, "Be safe, please. Meet back here after."

If anyone hurt those two, he didn't know if he could control himself. He let go of the paper reluctantly and watched it fold into a butterfly and flutter into the air with disinterest. The theatrics were unnecessary and with everyone's papers fluttering in the air, it was difficult to keep track. He folded his arms and followed it like a grumpy child being forced to go somewhere by his parents until he came up to a blonde young woman in a short red dress. The outfit was definitely more revealing than he was used to but he knew this was a more recent style in Avalia and times had changed. She seemed young and he was sure he'd be able to pick up on her emotions and motives fairly quickly. He greeted her simply with a bow, already analyzing her for her facial expression and every slight movement. Malachi was good at doing this without being too obvious about it. He extended his hand for a dance with the woman without a word, his eyes meeting hers.

Location:University Art Exhibition

Stepping into the room to find a huge painting of Alexander Drake was entirely not what Angel expected. She had halted only after taking a step into the exhibition to glare at it. If only looks could kill. Chills went down her spine thinking that such a vile creature was lurking in this very room. It was as if her blood was made of gasoline and it had been set aflame by just looking at the man's face. Though it had been so long since she had seen him, she was sure she'd recognize him or at least maybe catch a sniff of the stench of evil. A woman next to her who was puzzled by her intense distaste inquired if she did not like the painting to which Angel replied simply, "If you see this guy in here, stay away. He's diseased." The woman was, of course, a little startled and confused, so she just moved away.

Angel rolled her eyes and proceeded to watch the other visitors admire it with a grimace. They had no idea what this man was capable of. Operation Humanity was perfectly fine with not doing anything about this since there was too many people here to witness, but Angel had essentially shrugged them off and went here anyway. If she could not do anything, she could observe her enemy and make sure these people were safe. She had seen what he did to people first hand and there was no way in hell she'd let him walk freely through a room of humans. He was not going to hurt anyone here on her watch.

Still, this whole ordeal rose up old feelings that she had never been quite able to bury very deep. She decided to pull her gaze away and move into the center of the room. It was becoming more and more clear the more she noticed the attire of those around her that she was significantly overdressed. Her dress was a bit too dressy and definitely a bit too revealing. She had on a pretty silver necklace with jewels, high black heels, and her hair was up in an elegant bun. Her goal had been to dress to blend in with the crowd but she seemed to be catching attention. She had thought this would be some stupid socialite event but everyone seemed to be quite casual besides a few here and there. Clearly, she watched too much TV. This fucking sucks. Maybe they'll think I'm some dumb snob or something. Angel thought to herself with irritation.

Thankfully, there was an arrangement of cheeses and wines in the center of the room. This was a much more welcoming sight. Angel immediately started going to town on the cheese and went as far as to put some in her purse for later; this pulled in a few pairs of eyes, but Angel neglected to notice. She poured herself some wine and began to make her way through the rooms. The paintings made her feel sick to her stomach. All of them each had the same sadness in their eyes. They were clearly human prisoners he had. Everyone was just gazing upon them with absolutely no idea what kind of pain those people had gone through. Angel worried she might see her own family here, however that didn't seem to be the case. A painting of a beautiful dark-haired woman was popular as well as a painting of a mother and a baby. The latter was popular for a different reason clearly. As she approached the painting to glance at it closely, she smirked. Someone had drawn mustaches on them. Though she worried about the fate of the person who had done this, she enjoyed the idea of Alexander's sadistic paintings being ruined. Angel would have liked to stay and laugh at it and start horrible rumors amongst the guests, but it was time she found Alexander himself so she continued on her way, idly sipping at her wine.

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