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In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Outskirts in the trees not far from Roshmi Hall

Risa's eyes narrowed as she listened to him ramble about her friends. He spoke so ill of them yet knew nothing about them. Elsea had been calm and had done so well this week. She had been in complete control of her power and Risa felt with all her heart Elsea and she would meet again. When it came to Kyran, she was not even sure what he was talking about. It sounded so strange to the point she wondered if he was making it up. She'd find him again too. Who he was decide their fates? He would never convince her to stop believing in her friends. He continued on to talk about his grandparents and how her family exiled them all. She felt a pang of sadness for him but it seemed like he just was trying to one-up her instead of understanding how she felt. If he lost his whole family, no matter who to, then he should understand why she'd want to fight to not lose her family.

"My destiny has always been... to take it all back, and I'll do it. With or without you."

His words sunk into her deep as she covered her ears to block out the random scream. He tossed her upward and she quickly fluttered her wings to keep herself up as she watched Elthrael move toward the scream and where the stick had come from. It felt like all the pain she had been carrying was transferring into anger as memories of all her encounters with him went through her mind. When he kissed her cheek when he claimed to "love" her while trying to touch her on the beach, all the times she felt doubt about his words... He was nothing but a selfish opportunist. No longer would she ever consider him with even a drip of respect. Risa had lost her patience with him.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Risa clenched her fists, watching him create poison to drop down on whoever was below. She then reached into her dress and began to search through it until she took out a small pouch. The usual empathy that would push her to try to understand his side was gone and her fingers trembled as she picked out some seeds from it and tossed them in the air. Risa knew it was a risk and that she was not so adept at chlorokinesis, hence why she carried seeds. Spawning them from thin air was tricky for her, but her practicing would hopefully come into good use tonight.

Risa focused on him as vines sprouted from them and began to twirl toward his wings with intent to entangle them as well as towards his ankles. He had been focused on the enemy below and unable to hear well. Risa knew this since she had struggled to hear any words that had come after the scream herself. Fairies were unable to manipulate another's magic while in use, but possibly he could detangle himself once she was done manipulating it. Luckily enough, what she was going for would make him fall before he could detangle himself, separating the two of them.

"You underestimate my friends and you underestimate me. Your desire for power will be your downfall before you can even get it. "

Her words felt icy and they felt foreign coming from her own mouth. It reminded herself of the moment she had turned on the dark elves that had killed Cloud with a feeling of fury. She gave him a look that could kill as she had spoken, staying in her spot for a moment to keep the vines' movements to wrap around him ongoing. If the vines had somehow missed, then her focus would be to circle them back around to try again for round two. He surely could cushion the fall or detangle himself before he hit the ground, but it would buy her some time. She fluttered past him and downward toward the ground, intent on helping whoever had been there. Risa made her way through the canopy, struggling to dodges twigs and branches and began scoping the area with hope to find Kyran at the least.

Risa eventually knelt down by a river to rest a moment and drink some water, huffing and exhausted from the long night.

@Tae coming through with her twin sister

My roleplay Ember Grove might have what you're looking for! @Metronome


Check the OOC and scroll to see the rules set for vampires, werewolves, etc.

It is sandbox so anyone can jump in any time and the history so far is not needed, but can be summarized for anyone who wants.

Location:Ember Grove Diner

Millie leaned her head on her palms as she listened about the attack on the art exhibit. People had apparently died. She furrowed her eyebrows. If attacks were going on in this town so close to Marius, she needed to investigate it. Millie would not stand for it. She smiled sweetly at her and thanked her for the information briefly as the screws began to turn in her head. She tuned out the conversation until she heard Ylva address her again and glanced at her, returning the smile back.

"Of course Ylva. I'm here to be your friend!"She told her and patted her hand gently.

Ylva had expressed her want to see her other places and Luke also politely asked her to show her some places after their meal. She met his eyes and frowned immediately. He was acting so friendly yet in his eyes was something Millie knew all too well. She wanted to ask why but figured it was best to let him share on his own terms. Millie gave him the friendliest of smiles she could muster. This poor man must have been having a bad day. She could most certainly spare some time for him and Ylva and spend the second half of her day investigating the art exhibit. Besides, she could easily just come up with a story that would persuade Ylva gently to give more information.

"Luke, I'd love to show you some places! Both of you."Millie told him with a warm and cheerful tone. She inhaled as the food was finally brought over and she excitedly pulled over her blueberry pancakes. With a fierce and determined expression, and took her fork and knife and began going to town on them.

Millie was only a few bites in when she noticed two young women walk through the door. She fixated on them nervously, picking up on that the red-haired woman seemed to be avoiding eye contact. She frowned a little as her thoughts started to spiral a bit paranoidly. She picked up her teacup and began to pretend to drink from it as she whispered under her breath, "in mentem."

She set it down as new emotions began to tiptoe into her head. Millie first looked at Ylva. She had not been counting on intruding on her ner friends' emotions but since they were strongest by her, it was best she made sure they were satisfactory. Ylva seemed happy, but perhaps a bit suspicious of something. Her gaze made its way over to Luke.

Curious. He is not happy nor is he sad.

Millie met his eyes and gave him another smile, "How is your food?"

She made a subtle glance towards the women again but found nothing threatening from them so she turned her attention back to Lucius to pick up on his emotions as he spoke. She wanted to get as much as she could before the spell wore off.

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Outskirts in the trees not far from Roshmi Hall

"She needs you? Who does? Your friends? There are things you can and cannot do princess. Your friends such as Elsea are beyond any help which may be given right now, you know these words be true. Foxboy even turned into some frenzied beast."

Risa's expression broke. She had almost forgotten Elsea. Her heart was racing and now her thoughts were being pulled in three different directions. A sob almost escaped her lips. She could not stop thinking of the three of them and then seeing Dionaea that way. His words of not being able to give help were no comfort as it was all she could think about at the moment. No one deserved to be left behind, especially those she cared about. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she listened to him continue. It was easier to listen than to try to conjure her own thoughts up just yet. Elthrael continued about the importance of her living to claim the throne and how it was her destiny.

She could not find it in her heart to care about destiny at the moment if there even was such a thing. She had never been one to believe things were written in stone. Her grandfather had always said the future was a blank canvas that had not yet been painted and it could become whatever she chose it to. If that was the case, then she needed to find a way to compose herself and think without panicking. Her friends were counting on her and Elthrael just did not understand that.

"As of now Risa, I am the only one who has not abandoned you. I will not allow them to harm you. You are under my protection now."

Risa stared at him as they met eyes, her violet alighting with anger and passion. That anger was enough to bring her to some sort of sense in her despair. It had been so long since she felt this emotion that it felt like a release that had been waiting to be unleashed for many years. He asked her if she believed in destiny and narrowed her eyes, "I believe in creating my own destiny. Nothing is written in stone for me. You have abandoned me twice now, Elthrael."She started lowly, her voice rising as she spoke, "My friends have not abandoned me. I am NOT abandoning them in their time of need! What kind of queen would I be to take the throne if I run in when adversaries appear? It's one thing to become a queen, but it's another to become a queen people will follow. "

She placed her hands on his arms and began struggling to push herself up, frustrated tears dripping down her cheeks, "Elthrael. I want to work and trust with you, but I need that back! You have to understand Kyran and Dionaea I have known all my life and I have spent day and night with Elsea the last week. I am not going until I know for myself there is nothing I can do. You must have loved ones and understand how I must feel right now!" Risa was not sure if Elthrael was scared or if he maybe he knew more than she and things were truly hopeless. She knew she was weak. It was clear she was not cut for battle and she was just a stupid, little girl but she did not care. Risa was willing to fight.

"We create our own destinies, Elthrael,"Risa looked back at him again, ready to fight against even Elthrael if she needed to. She had been about to try her best at conjuring vines at some branches to stop their movement or at least slow them down. It was not her strong suit but she had been practicing lately and could have possibly pulled it off. A loud, piercing scream reached her ears, causing Risa to instinctively put her hands over them. Then, something came flying towards him from below suddenly.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Roshmi Hall

Malachi was not surprised to see the fiery woman, with hair as red as her flames, he had met yesterday, jumping on the table and bravely speaking out. She seemed to have nothing to lose and it was certain Avalia lucked out in receiving someone so willing for the cause. He was not happy with her revealing herself nonetheless. She could have gotten away with just posing as a rebellious light-elf; there were enough of them to go around for it to be very believable. He groaned audibly. Younger beings of all dimensions were all the same. He could not help but lean his hands on the back of his head, staring with annoyance as another human girl also jumped on the table and threw her false elf ears down too. The spirit and bravery were only admirable if it did not result in their deaths. What are you girls doing?! Oh, Solaris and Lunathea!

A large string of curse words started to go through Malachi's head as he listened to the two of them back to back unravel on top of tables without a second thought. There was nothing he could even do to stop them. He glanced down at Corvina, having had just hugged her and gave her a look that said "if you so even dare..." His eyes were stern and filled with more ferocity than he had ever displayed to her. He took a moment to then scout his surroundings. People were agreeing with the human women and seemed ready to fight. Though this would normally be a good thing, what the girls had done could not be undone: Aklenroth and his followers were surely present tonight and going to react. Absolute madness was about to unfold and no one was guaranteed to get out alive.

Corvina thankfully was not an idiot. She caught on right quick and started voicing her want to leave. He rubbed her shoulder when her voice cracked and glanced down at her. Risa's words about the humans had been echoing in his head ever since she spoke. The humans had not asked to come here and yet he had a direct hand in bringing them here in pursuit of saving the land and had not really given them much thought. Corvina was so young too and here he was, the one who had personally dragged her here to fight. Had she even caught on to him lying to her? For her sake, he hoped not. He needed her to trust him and Kenia. His thoughts went to Rei and he hoped they could even get back to him after all this. If they did not make it out of here, would Rei be all alone?

Kenia's grip on his hand pulled him out of his thoughts. He listened to her as she spoke softly. They had apparently been on the same wavelength. She voiced concern over getting separated and again tonight he had to see the fear in her beautiful eyes. Malachi bit his lip as he felt her tighten her grip on his hand and he took her other hand as well. He considered this next decision could be a mistake but who knew if they'd ever see each other again. Malachi pulled her in to kiss her on the lips gently, but not without passion. He let go of one of her hands and rubbed her cheek with his thumb, "Kenia..."His voice drew off as some old elf started talking, rudely interrupting him.

Malachi turned to glance at the balcony, glaring at him. He raised a brow as the elf spoke and then proceeded to turn into a disgusting, over-sized monstrosity of sorts that started spewing blood on people as he shifted into it. He made several different faces of disgust as it happened, but thankfully it was not too long an event. "I hate demons."He muttered.

Next, a winged demi-human started to fly into the air, crystal in air. It was surprising to see a demi-human aligned with Aklenroth, but he supposed it was fitting for her to just be an oversized insect. Malachi moved in front of Kenia and Corvina and pushed them backward. This is bad. As everyone watched the rift open, Malachi began glancing around at the exits. There was definitely some sort of barrier outside the place for them to plan the attack. They were trapped. It was very possible they were in for a battle of life or death. Another demon started peeking its head out of the rift on the ceiling, it was just as bad looking as the other smaller one but this one was just huge. Malachi stared with widened eyes for a moment but he was soon disenchanted by it when it started going on a stupid, dramatic tirade about Lilith and blood. He was glad to be reminded that demons were imbeciles like everyone else, just oversized at times. Though their size was clearly a big issue and not to be underestimated. It went to town stomping and eating someone right away. Malachi wasn't too upset as it looked to be a filthy dark elf.

To make matters worse, Malachi spotted the child that had disturbed their afternoon prior and groaned again, distracted from the giant demon for a moment. He really disliked this boy and was not surprised to find him here. His eye lit up a bit as he watched the child turn into some freakish beast as well and may have clapped his hands together if he had not been intent on holding Kenia's hand for dear life. Malachi had been on to that kid and even in this madness, he had to take the satisfaction, "Told you."

It was not a matter to linger on long as it was imperative to him that the demon not kill any humans if he could help it. He kept pulling Kenia backward with him towards a safer area as he took a moment to try to think through a plan, but it was almost impossible with all the crowds pushing at him and all the screaming. The room was in complete disarray, screams filled the air and people were banging on the windows and doors. Windows were broken only for the people to find themselves banging on barriers. Attacks were being made against the giant creature with even dark magic to Malachi's surprise.

A girl soon bumped into him and he did not make much of it until she looked up at him. He softened a little as he noticed the sadness in her eyes. It was the girl who had jumped up on the table earlier to speak after Elsea. Malachi bit his lip as her face seemed to flash into that of his wife's before his eyes as she stared up at him pleadingly, rain hitting her face and the background becoming a battle-torn elven town. She told him with blood and tears dripping down her skin just as the girl speaking to him now did:

"I want to go home."

The image and voice all snapped away as he looked back up at Kenia and then down again at the girl. His choice was to find a way out for himself, Kenia and Corvina, or to think of the others as well and stay and fight. Malachi rubbed his temples as he noticed Corvina was now missing. He glanced at Kenia, "Go after her and get Corvina out of here. If we cannot meet up again after this, then I promise I will find you at the Port. Go there. I have to stay... I put them in this situation and I have to get them out." He told her, squeezing her hand tightly, "Stay alive. Please." His voice cracked a bit and he stared at her with a degree of intensity. He let go of her hand reluctantly as the crowd seemed to liven up around them. The moment he let go of her hand had felt like a heavyweight had just crushed down on him.

He knew they would be separated at this moment either by death or distance. A tear spilled down his cheek.

Please let me find you again...

With a sigh, he knelt down and hugged the blonde human. "Just stay close to me and I'll protect you with all I have."
He could hear another girl yelling out for humans to fight. Her words were heavy as they spoke of no mercy for those who sided with him. The room was torn with battle and chaos and many had chosen to stay and fight against all odds. Malachi decided he liked the dark-haired girl speaking.

Malachi noticed then that people were now able to exit. The barriers were down. This meant Kenia, Corvina, and everyone had a good chance to get out now. He now too jumped on a table and bellowed, "The barriers are down! Everyone leave as fast as you can if you are not prepared to fight!" He moved fast to get back down to the blonde girl's side, "If you want to leave, I'll understand. Go find that blonde woman I was just with if you can. I am going to stay and try to help as many as I can." Malachi knew his actions were uncharacteristic of him. Staying was obviously the stupider option with an escape route right then but he could not pull himself from this fight.

The black wolf creature that had previously been a child went rushing past him towards another creature. Considering that thing was certainly evil, he had a feeling that the white creature may possibly be deserving of help. Apparently I have lost my mind. He thought, irritated with his sudden rush of empathy. Malachi formed a ball of light magic in his hands and thrust it toward the black fox determinedly, trying to wave over the white demon towards him as he made the move.

Time: Morning
Location:On the road from OH HQ

Sean had turned the music back on and Angel had a deja vu moment. The memory had proven difficult to dig up but the nostalgia had still set in. She watched him go with a pang of guilt, glancing forward again. She reminded herself it was easier this way and began to put the car back in drive. Angel had gotten so used to having no filter and just letting the most aggressive words tumble out of her mouth the moment she felt them. She just wished that after acting as such she did not feel bad about it each time. It had gotten easier with time, but she wished things could be different.

The sounds of a tummy rumbling made her remember suddenly Shay was still there that whole time. "Had to get him to go."Angel told her simply. She changed the radio station to a lighter song. It would take some time before the girls arrived at the diner, but eventually, they did, thanks to Angel probably needing to slow down.

After parking, she hopped out of the car and turned to speak to Shay, "Don't leave any lasting impressions."
Angel moved into the diner, asking for a table for two with a yawn. The waiter replied that it would be ready in a few minutes. She took some time to glance around the diner. It was not too busy this morning thankfully; there were not too many people. She noted a rather odd trio seated nearby, deciding to completely ignore their existence.

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