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Current I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I love PapaOso
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Those aren't laces. Those are my toe nails.
5 mos ago
I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I wanna be a cowboy, baby
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Most Recent Posts

Location: Edwards Estate - Drake's Party
Attire: Dress, Amulet
Interaction: @PapaOso Cassius @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @Helo Callum @Potter Olivia @Rodiak Zarai @JJ Doe Fritz @Lava Alckon Farim/Drake


Charlotte’s hand had flown to her mouth to stifle the laugh that bubbled up. However, by the time he had completed speaking to Cassius, she had taken ahold of herself. She smiled at the youngest prince and greeted him, "Good morning, Prince Callum."

The tension in the air quickly became suffocating as the conversation continued but when Calbert rose from his chair, he had made things a little worse as he always did. Her hands trembled slightly as she kept a steady grip on Lorenzo’s arm. But as Calbert's remark about her being an orphan came forth, Charlotte's expression darkened briefly.

Yes let's remind the girl who just lost her mother and the man who just lost his wife about such scenario as much as possible, shall we, Calbert?

It felt like an eternity away, yet like yesterday since her mother had been standing just beside them.

Emina had always insisted they attend each and every event when in Sorian. She could imagine her sharp gaze hovering over the two of them as the tall woman tucked every stray hair in place on their heads and chastised her and Lorenzo about giggling like children. Charlotte could practically feel it in that instant, the way her mother's gaze would shift over nook and cranny of her dress yet would never quite find her eyes.

The truth was that Calbert's words hadn't cut as deep as she thought they would. Though it had only been a year since her mother died, the woman who had died might as well have been a stranger to her. She had always been the ever-elegant and poised Duchess Emina Vikena, yet never did she ever seem like the sweet mother who had once littered her face with kisses. Still, Charlotte found herself missing both those women as the word orphan sunk into the depths of her mind.

However, her brain was set on a different track as Lorenzo spoke up. As he had begun speaking, the grip on his arm tightened slightly as if that may prevent the possible trainwreck on its way. Fortunately, this time, he handled the situation rather maturely after all. She found a smile growing on her face and she relaxed.

"Proud of you," She leaned over and whispered. Charlotte had tugged at her father's arm gently, her feet moving as she began to lead Lorenzo to the table, but she stopped after a few mere steps as someone else joined the fray.

”My my, such colorful words and tense expressions around! Perhaps some space is needed between parties or even a drink or two to ease the nerves?”

Charlotte turned her attention as Lord Drake Edwards' voice reached her ears. She observed for a moment as he spoke to Cassius, hoping to greet him as well. That was when she felt an arm drape around her waist. Charlotte's brain seemed to momentarily short-circuit. The sudden closeness made her breath hitch in a way she hadn't quite anticipated. She dimly registered Cassius inviting him and Callum to sit with them at the table, though she was too busy malfunctioning to speak up as she may have wanted. But when Cassius smirked down at her and gave her waist a reassuring squeeze, her heart leapt, and her mind blanked entirely.

“...What do you say, Lottie…shall we escape this circus for a moment and get back to the fun we’ve been having all morning?”

"I— I, um..." she stammered, her usual grace seemingly deserting her as she stared at the ground with flushed cheeks, "Y-yes, let's..."

Charlotte cleared her throat and straightened with a smile, averting her gaze to Drake and Callum rather hastily, "Happy birthday, Lord Drake. It would be wonderful if you and Callum joined us... I do hope you do not mind I threw in some sheet music I wrote into your gift. I thought the melody would rather suit your taste."

She then glanced around the yard, sudden enthusiasm crossing her expression as she caught sight of a table consisting of Fritz, Olivia, Farim, Zarai, and the princess. An empty table was situated right next to theirs. Without realizing it, Charlotte gave a little hop of excitement, tugging at Lorenzo’s arm as she started toward it, despite Cassius's arm still comfortably resting around her waist. "This way!"

As they approached the table, Charlotte waved warmly, her smile lighting up her features. "Hello, everyone!" she greeted cheerfully. Letting go of Lorenzo, she stepped behind Olivia and Zarai, wrapping her arms around them in a gentle hug. "It's so lovely to see you both again," she said affectionately.

Her gaze drifted across the table, catching the eyes of the others, and her smile widened. "Good morning, Shehzade Farim, Count Fritz! And of course, you too, Princess," she added with a friendly nod to Anastasia.

Turning back to Cassius, she excused herself with a gentle smile before moving to greet each of the men with a hug. When she reached Fritz, she leaned in slightly, her voice soft as she whispered in his ear, "I’ve invited Prince Wulfric and Lord Smithwood over tonight to discuss some matters. I’d love for you to join us, Fritz." Though she had considered offering Anastasia a hug as well, the princess's energy gave her pause as it always had. Instead, she simply offered her a friendly smile, deciding to leave it at that for now.

Finally, Charlotte took her seat at the nearby table, offering a reassuring wave to the group. "I’ll be right here!" she chimed and gestured for those who had followed her to join her at the table.

Time: Morning
Location: Drakes Birthday Party
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim @Rodiak Zarai @Potter Olivia

"My, my, my," Anastasia purred in response to Farim, her lips curling into a mischievous smile. Without missing a beat, she leaned closer, her voice dropping to a playful whisper meant just for him. "I can think of one place, and one place only where my beautiful self really, really wants to sit... But I suppose you're right. At the table will do... for now." She gave him a wink that was a little too suggestive for polite company, clearly unfazed by any potential onlookers. With her hand still intertwined with Farim’s, she swung their arms playfully as they approached the table. Anastasia’s face brightened the moment she saw the lovely Zarai, and with an excited squeal, she dashed toward her, exclaiming, "My little Rai of sunshine!" She kissed both sides of Zarai’s cheeks, then affectionately kissed her forehead. "How I’ve missed you, beautiful!"

After Farim had taken a seat, Anastasia casually, and without a second thought, perched herself on his lap, as though it were the most natural thing in the world. "I don’t believe we’ve met before, Miss Olivia!" Her amber eyes sparkled with interest as she looked at Olivia, then gasped dramatically. "Wow, you're stunning! Your face... it's like the Gods sculpted it themselves! Well, I suppose in theory they supposedly carved all our faces, but you know what I mean... Can I touch you? I mean, your cheeks!"
Duke Gideon Edwards,Duchess Victoria Edwards, Count Calbert Damien, and Countess Liliane Damien

Time: 10am
Location: Drake Edwards Birthday Party at the Edwards Estate Backyard
Interaction:@FunnyGuy Lorenzo @Helo Callum @PapaOso Cassius

“Ah, so this is the infamous younger Damien!” Duke Gideon exclaimed, his voice full of warmth and enthusiasm. “Your father has been speaking highly of you, and I must say, I’ve been eagerly waiting to meet you.” He then turned his head back to Calbert with the kind of smile that could light up a room, before adding jovially, “And look at that! A striking resemblance, indeed! You’ve certainly inherited your father’s good looks and presence.” Meanwhile, his wife Victoria’s eyes swept over him, her gaze moving slowly from his feet to his head, taking in every detail with a critical eye. Her lips pursed slightly, and there was a barely perceptible arch of her perfectly groomed eyebrow.

Finally, Victoria deigned to speak with just a hint of the cutting edge she was known for. “Still in shock that you have a son, Calbert,” she remarked, her voice dripping with veiled disdain. Her gaze remained fixed on Cassius, assessing him. “Fortunate enough to inherit your father’s looks, at the very least,” she added, the compliment so thinly veiled it barely concealed her true thoughts. Her eyes lingered on Cassius for a moment longer, as if weighing his worth in the balance of her judgment, before she finally turned her attention away.

Even before Calbert could properly greet his son, Lorenzo's voice rang out across the gathering, much to the horror of those within earshot. “Count Calbert’s bastard?!” The exclamation echoed, turning many nearby heads.

Victoria’s eyes flared with anger, her patience suddenly snapping as she turned her full attention to Lorenzo as she hissed immediately, “Duke Lorenzo Vikena, must you make a spectacle at every gathering! This is my son’s birthday, not a stage for your theatrics!” She huffed as her gaze honed in on Charlotte with disdain as she made her way to her father’s side as she always did when he made a mess.

Gideon had initially looked over with brows lifted, his calm demeanor masking the concern growing within him. However, the moment his gaze shot back to Calbert, any semblance of ease faded. It was clear that Count Damien was not taking it well at all. Calbert's brows were furrowed deeply, and the look in his eyes was one of barely restrained violence. His protective instincts were flaring as his son was publicly labeled a "bastard" in front of the Duke and Duchess and the entire gathering. His normally controlled demeanor cracked, revealing the fierce father underneath who would go to any lengths to protect his children.

The duke sighed inwardly, recognizing the dangerous tension brewing between them. He knew he had to intervene before things escalated further.

“Ah, Duke Vikena…” Gideon began as his eyes found Lorenzo’s once more, his tone smooth and a smile still on his face, “I understand your surprise, but let’s be mindful of our words, especially in such esteemed company. This is, after all, a celebration of my son, Lord Drake, and we wouldn’t want to cast any shadows on this joyous occasion.”

Before anyone could respond further, Callum’s voice rang out loudly, “CASSIUS VAEL, THE DAMIEN BASTARD?” matching the volume of Duke Lorenzo’s earlier exclamation.

“What an absolute mutt that Prince Callum is!” Victoria lamented angrily to Countess Liliane, who simply seemed concerned.

Gideon’s gaze shifted back to Callum and he felt his face twitch. He allowed the Prince to speak before greeting him kindly, “Hello Your Highness! It’s an honor to have you attending today.” His tone then took on an encouraging note as he addressed them all, “Why don’t you all take a moment to sit at a table, as Charlotte suggested? The heat can be overwhelming, and I’d hate for anyone to feel uncomfortable. ” With a bit of uncharacteristic edge underlying his words, Gideon added, “After all, Duke Vikena, it’s important to take proper care of those who rely on us, especially our young ladies.”

Victoria cast a withering look at Lorenzo, her voice dripping with icy contempt as she added, “Yes, perhaps some time seated will do you both good. We wouldn’t want any more… outbursts to mar the occasion.” She turned her attention back to the gathering, clearly eager to distance herself from the Vikenas as much as possible.

The soft sound of Calbert’s chair sliding back across the grass drew immediate attention.

His wife, Liliane, sensing the storm brewing within him, gently placed a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him. But Calbert, his jaw set and eyes dark, subtly brushed her hand away as he rose to his full height.

When he spoke, his voice was calm, yet it carried a seething undercurrent of fury that was impossible to miss. His gaze fixed on Duke Lorenzo with a look so piercing it could have frozen the man in his tracks. “I would advise you to choose your words with more care in the future. To address my son—my blood—with such a term is not only a grave insult but also a testament to your own ignorance.”

He paused, allowing the silence to hang in the air. “Cassius, regardless of the circumstances of his birth, is every bit a Damien as I am. He bears my blood, my name, and my respect. You will do well to remember that.”

Calbert’s gaze sharpened, his eyes narrowing with a chilling intensity as they bore into Lorenzo. “And let us not forget, Duke, that while you so freely label my son a ‘bastard,’ you have long played the role of father to an orphan girl who isn’t even your own flesh and blood. Yet, I don’t see you making that fact public at every opportunity. Perhaps, out of respect for her, you should refrain from using such terms when speaking of a man who carries my lineage.”

A tense silence followed. It was Victoria who finally shattered the quiet, her patience worn thin. She waited impatiently for a mere five seconds before blurting out, “Alright, that’s enough. You all can go sit far away now… And Lorenzo, don’t make me have you dragged out. You know I’d do it.”

Given the intensity of Calbert’s reaction and the growing attention this confrontation was attracting, Gideon decided it was best to defuse the situation. “I must insist as well, Lorenzo. After all, Lottie mentioned she wasn’t feeling well. Perhaps it’s best to find a seat and let this matter rest for now.” Putting back on the warm smile, he added enthusiastically, “I do hope you all enjoy the party! I am so pleased you’re here!”

Location: Edwards Estate - Drake's Party
Attire: Dress, Amulet
Interaction: @PapaOso Cassius @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @CitrusArms Stratya

Charlotte's eyes widened slightly in realization, her mind racing as she inwardly chastised herself for not immediately knowing someone as important as a Captain in Sorian. Nonetheless, she recovered and greeted Stratya with a warm smile, "Captain Durmand, it's truly an honor," she began, "And I must say, your uniform is exceptionally sharp. You look not only lovely but also... powerful. And if you ask me, there's nothing more beautifully feminine than that."

She couldn't help but let her imagination wander as she considered what would it be like to wear such an outfit; She had never worn pants like that in her life, and the thought alone made her feel both curious and daring. She glanced down at her own dress, the delicate lace and soft fabric so different from the Captain's attire, yet in her mind, she imagined herself in such a commanding ensemble. The woman's voice seemed to lower in volume, so she lifted her head to find the captain's attention had shifted. Her gaze followed hers, landing on the servants as well. She frowned and immediately called over, "Hello! Does anyone need help over there?" The servants dismissed her rather hastily with awkward smiles.

Her attention slid back to the Captain, her words registering in her brain. "Your gift sounds absolutely scrumptious!" she commented with delight. With a giggle, she added, " And it seems Prince Callum is certainly enjoying it! It must be really yummy."

When the Captain addressed her as love, Charlotte blushed faintly. "I'm having a rather splendid day so far, and I can hardly wait to discover all the lovely treats this party has to offer. "

“Count Calbert’s bastard?!”

The smile she wore fell. She spun around swiftly, her eyes darting between Lorenzo and Cassius. Her stepfather now had his hands over his mouth.

"Oh dear." She murmured. This time, she dared to look at Calbert, and she almost wished she hadn't. He had rose up from his seat and for once, Charlotte saw him drop his facade in the light of day before all. His brows were furrowed, and his expression was one of unbridled fury, as though he was moments away from lunging across the table to strangle Lorenzo.

"...Please excuse me." She said softly to Stratya.

Deliberately, she hurried to Lorenzo's side and looped an arm through his. "Let's go sit please." she announced, her tone just shy of pleading. "I feel a bit overcome by the heat, and I could use your help finding our way to the table." Her gaze then found Cassius, and she bit her lip, an apologetic look filling her eyes. She hoped he wouldn't be too angry as well; they had just started becoming friends after all.

Location: Edwards Estate - Drake's Party
Attire: Dress, Amulet
Interaction: @PapaOso Cassius @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @CitrusArms Stratya
Mention: @Lava Alckon Drake

The Edwards' estate was even more grand than Charlotte remembered. As Tempestes came to a halt before the sprawling manor, her gaze slowly swept over the majestic structure with admiration. For the Vikenas and the Damiens, Sorian was a seasonal retreat, a place to visit when the leaves changed or the summer sun beckoned. But for the Edwards family, this was their main residence, and they certainly made sure everyone knew it.

The pink-hued stone of the towering structure gleamed softly in the morning light, with its turrets and spires seemingly reaching toward the heavens.

As they neared the entrance, Tempestes slowed to a gentle trot. Cassius dismounted first, offering his hand to help Charlotte down. She accepted it gratefully, her feet touching the ground with grace. She didn’t release his hand immediately, taking a moment to absorb the grandeur that surrounded them.

"The Edwards have always had a flair for the dramatic," Charlotte remarked, her tone light yet appreciative. "Duke Gideon Edwards is not simply a Duke, but the Duke of Soralia—second only to the royal family in power. Sometimes, I forget just how vast their influence is until I'm standing before their estate."

A stable hand approached with quiet efficiency, dressed in neat livery bearing the Edwards family crest. With a respectful bow, he addressed them.

“Allow me to take your horse, my lord, my lady,” he said, his tone polite, his eyes respectfully lowered as he reached for Tempestes’ reins.

"Oh, thank you—just one moment!" Charlotte reached into one of the saddlebags secured to Tempestes. Her fingers brushed against the carefully wrapped package inside, and she gently pulled it out. The gift, wrapped in green paper and tied with a silver ribbon, was simple yet elegant. Turning back toward Cassius, she gave him a playful smile and raised her fist in the air. "Onward!"

Another servant appeared, leading them to the yard, where the soft melody of a band intertwined with the chatter of guests.

Charlotte's eyes swept across the sea of people already gathered on the lush grounds. Despite the early hour, the estate buzzed with conversation and laughter. "So many guests, and it's still early... Lord Drake is very beloved." Charlotte remarked softly to Cassius, her voice carrying a note of admiration. Her gaze drifted over the scene, pausing as she spotted her stepfather standing near a table that hosted Duke Gideon, the Duchess, and the Damiens. Lord Drake Edwards himself was seated nearby, the center of attention, as one might expect on such an occasion. Just beyond them, she caught a glimpse of Prince Wulfric departing with a striking horse.

"Your father's just over there... and Lord Edwards too," she continued, her tone warm and inviting. "We should go wish him a happy birthday." With a graceful nod, she subtly encouraged Cassius to join her in making their way toward the table.

As she approached the table of respected nobles, she steeled herself for the encounter with Calbert Damien. It wasn't her greatest desire to approach him at the moment, but it was best to get such an ordeal over with. As she neared, her gaze caught that of Duke Gideon Edwards, whose face lit up with a wide, welcoming smile at the sight of her.

"Good morning, Duke and Duchess Edwards. Thank you for the invite to this wonderful party, and good morning Count and Countess Damien."

The Duchess, appearing aloof, continued to sip her champagne as if Charlotte hadn't spoken. Meanwhile, Count Damien returned the pleasantry in a kind tone, though Charlotte couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze directly. His wife, however, offered a warm smile, whether genuine or not was difficult to discern.

Duke Gideon, on the other hand, was visibly pleased by her presence. His smile was not just polite, but sincere, as if seeing Charlotte brightened his day. "You’re always welcome here, Lady Lottie," he said, his voice rich with genuine affection and his trademark charisma. "Look at you! Walter would be so proud of the young lady you’ve become."

His words, delivered with such conviction, wrapped around her like a comforting embrace. She smiled genuinely. "Thank you, Duke Edwards."

Turning to face her stepfather, her grin widened as she caught his eye. "Fancy seeing you here, huh?" Charlotte greeted him affectionately, her tone light and teasing. "I don’t suppose you’d like to join me at that empty table in just a moment? I would like to wish Lord Drake a happy birthday first… Oh, and might I add, what a lovely suit. The color complements you wonderfully."

As she was about to approach Drake as planned, Charlotte noticed him already engaged in conversation with other gentlemen. Rather than interrupt, she allowed her gaze to wander, eventually settling on a striking blonde woman nearby. The woman’s attire immediately caught Charlotte’s attention—pants, unusually so, and apparel that suggested she was part of the royal guard. Charlotte couldn’t help but be intrigued. A smile played on her lips as she took a step toward the woman, her curiosity piqued. "Pardon me, my name is Lady Charlotte Vikena. I don't believe we've met."

Time: Morning
Location: Drakes Birthday Party
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim/Drake, @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @CitrusArms Stratya

After speaking with Callum, Anastasia returned to her room to prepare. She and Drake had never been particularly close, their personalities as different as night and day. Still, everyone in Sorian knew of the Lord’s fondness for green. With that in mind, she chose a pastel green off-shoulder gown, its bodice and skirt adorned with intricate floral embroidery. The delicate green was complemented by soft pink and rose accents. In her haste, she let her ashen blonde hair fall naturally down her back, though she did take a moment to pin one of the flowers from her dress into her hair.

Soon after, she found herself at Farim’s door in the guesthouse. Not in the mood to be alone, she especially missed the comfort of Farim’s company—he was always happy to see her. Without hesitation, she knocked on his door and impulsively invited him to the party. Thankfully, he agreed.

After a brief carriage ride, they arrived at the event. A group of well-dressed servants followed behind, each carrying large, elegantly wrapped gift boxes. The boxes were wrapped in deep green paper and tied with satin ribbons. The servants handled the boxes with care, though they stumbled under the weight of the gifts.

As Anatasia entered the backyard party, she approached the birthday boy first, while her servants carefully placed the gifts on the designated table. It was probably at that moment that Drake Edwards would have noticed the fluffy, mildly unclean cat in her arms.

“Yoohoo! Happy birthday Drakey!”

Without much grace, she held out an orange cat with wide eyes toward Drake. “ I got you lots of gifts but this one I wanted to personally present you—Jimmy! I saw him on the side of the road on the way here and thought that you just had to have him! He’s magnificent!”

She let the surprisingly calm feline plop onto the table before he could speak, then she haphazardly whirled around to gaze upon the group next to them.

The Edwards, the Damiens, Duke Vikena and Captain Banana Muffins.

“ Hi everyone! Wow Lorenzo nice pink suit!“

Finally she turned her attention back to Farim, “I am ready to find a table when you are, cutie.”
Princess Anastasia, Prince Callum and Prince Wulfric

Time: ~9am
Location: Danrose Castle

Anastasia had leaned against the wall with a huff above exiting the tea room. She wanted to be more useful, to go do something to figure out what happened to Darryn instead of going to some party. The first thing she wanted to do was try to find Marek again.

If she could just talk to him, he’d set the record straight and maybe he’d even help find out what happened. However, Marek wasn’t usually around during the day anyway, so perhaps it’d be better to try to distract herself as usual. It would be comforting to converse with people who cared about her, like Farim and Zarai, after the harsh night she had endured with Riona.

“Ana, can we talk? Just us?” Callum asked as he spotted his sister as he left the tea room. He continued walking toward his room, assuming his sister would follow, and wanting to get away from both Wulfric and Alibeth as soon as he could. “First off, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have accused you of snitching on Marek. It was a dumb thing to think.”

She turned to face Callum and smiled, then followed after him as she spoke. “Of course… And it’s alright. It made sense given that we were the only ones that seemed to know that she would ask. But according to mother, somebody else snitched.” Anastasia shrugged, then added sincerely, “...I would never snitch on Marek. Even if I thought he was the evildoer they think he is, I would always tell you first; I know you care about him too.”

Callum matched his pace to Ana’s. “I don’t believe Wulfric. I mean, I think maybe he believes what he said, but it can’t be true. I mean, what makes more sense, that Marek is secretly some evil criminal mastermind? And then he decided to blow his cover to murder a stableboy? When he could’ve liquified all the evidence?” He shook his head, there was nothing he believed about that story.

“Marek isn’t that dumb or obvious. You know what does make sense? A queen sending a lackey to kill someone, she admitted she wanted him dead, and using the murder of our friend to frame Marek. It’s exactly what she wants, make this all look like her and Wulfy are saving us from big bad evil Marek and solving Darryn’s murder.” He rambled on, outlining his own theory of what happened and only pausing to take a breath once he’d finished. “We should meet with him, let him know what’s going on.” Cal whispered.

“I don’t even know what to think.” Anastasia began earnestly. “But talking to Marek could be a good step. I at least want to know his side of the story and see if he knows what happened. Maybe he has evidence that could clear his name.” She frowned as a realization kicked in. “I stopped by his office near the warehouses the other night, but they didn’t let me in…” She sighed and glared up at the ceiling as if it were the root of her problems. “I don’t even know if he was in there.”

“It doesn’t make sense, to make such a spectacle.” The details were driving him crazy. “I feel bad, for the knight, she had to see that.” He added, once they reached his room he changed the subject. “What drugs did Darryn give you? Did you take them?” He asked, unlocking his door.

“The little tablets that make you feel really happy... Dunno the name, but yeah I did.”

“Was that out of the norm for him?” He asked, wondering why Darryn never gave him any drugs. He gestured for Ana to follow him into his room, he didn’t want to risk anyone overhearing what he actually wanted to talk about.

“What exactly happened with you and Riona?” He asked once the door was closed.

“No. He used to get me stuff all the time.” She hopped onto a couch. “Riona approached me at the tavern, and right away she started accusing me of being selfish and not thinking about Darryn or the consequences of my actions. She said I was only thinking about myself and didn’t consider how my decisions would affect Darryn, and she also told me that he was dead… It felt like she was blaming me for everything that happened, without even trying to understand my side of things so I got defensive. We both left the conversation unhappy to say the least.”

“If you’re blaming yourself at all, then you’d have to blame me too. But I don’t think his death is on us.” Callum didn’t sit down, he paced anxiously about the room, unsure of how to bring up magic. “Do you think, as a favor, you could not mention Riona during any family meetings. Or, really to anyone.” He asked.

Anastasia nodded and even parted her lips to voice her agreement. But he didn’t wait for an answer, “Magic isn’t evil.” Cal blurted out. “Unless you think I’m evil.” He paused, glanced at the fireplace as an idea formed. He had to prove it, and barely above a whisper, “Mutare ea quae videntire,” he summoned an illusion. His eyes glew red as an array of brightly colored butterflies flew down from the fireplace and filled the room.

Anastasia's jaw dropped in astonishment. She stood abruptly, her breath catching in her throat as she watched the butterflies. For a moment, she was lost in their vibrant colors. Slowly, a smile spread across her lips, her shock giving way to a sense of wonder. She reached up toward the butterflies overhead, her fingers brushing through the illusion. “Whoa…” she breathed, her voice full of awe.

After a brief pause, she turned to Callum, her expression softening. “I could never think you’re evil, Callum,” she assured him gently. “Even if you did decide to become an evil mastermind with a big top hat and evil twisty mustache, I'd still be on your side. You'll always be my little brother, and nothing will ever change that."

He breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, good, I was thinking about growing an evil twisty mustache.” He watched the butterflies for a moment. “It’s like me, people don’t get magic and they just assume something’s wrong with it. But it’s not evil Ana, it just is. Sometimes bad people might use it. Someone else here uses it. There’s a secret room in the library, I found a spellbook there, it had a spell to make the caster not get sick so much. You know how I was always sick as a kid, I thought if I was stronger he wouldn’t hate me so much.” He didn’t say who he meant, but it wasn’t hard to guess. “Now I don’t get sick all the time. It fixed me. And that’s a good thing, right?” He asked, finally taking a seat across from his sister.

Anastasia’s expression softened, “That makes sense... I am glad you feel better now.” She sighed, “I guess maybe there was just something wrong with her.”

“Who?” Callum asked. “If you still don’t want to say, I won’t ask again, but I wouldn’t turn them in or anything. I could help whoever it is, or they could help me.”

“... Charlotte Vikena…”

“Vikena? …And she threatened you and Edin? Huh, that’s not who I would’ve guessed.” There was no hiding his surprise. “Thanks, I’m glad we can trust each other. See you at Drake’s party?” He added as he got up and opened the door for Ana.

Only to be stopped by the sight of Wulfric, who had been about to knock on the door. “Ah, I am glad I caught you both.” He raised a palm, a request to stop them from leaving or protesting. “I am aware you might not wish to speak to me, but I only ask that you listen. Please.” He studied them carefully. “I see you have come to a resolution,” he commented. “If you are keen to solve Darryn’s murder on your own, or to investigate Marek even,” he guessed, because that is what the topic of their previous conversation had been, “then that is good. You are both adults, after all,” he acknowledged.

“Try to be careful, will you?” He had his own precautions in mind, but it would be helpful if they acted with forethought and caution. As unlikely as that was for either of them. “If you are ever willing to discuss your thoughts on how things should be, how we could rule more fairly - or on anything else, really - I will gladly hear you out. I do not think that my or our parents’ perspective is necessarily correct, and I would prefer to incorporate yours,” he concluded. He gave a final nod to each sibling. “Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to speak to you.” That said, he took his leave.

Anastasia watched him go and glanced at Callum. “I guess that was a good thing, right?”
“If he means it, yeah, good thing. I just…how do you think he’d react if it does turn out Edin or Alibeth are the real evil here? Not just Darryn, things even worse than that.” Callum asked, but he was already sure how that conversation would go; Wulfric would protect the family no matter what. His brother had basically told Riona that already. “We can’t tell him about magic. About me.” And then he mouthed or Charlotte.

“I believe that Wulfric would stand up against something like that... I mean, he’s well…Wulfric… but he does cares about us,” she said with a sigh, a wistful tone in her voice. “Sometimes, I just wish we could be a normal family.” She paused, then nodded with quiet resolve. “I won’t say a word to anyone…” With that, Anastasia gave Callum another brief hug and took her leave. “I am going to go get ready, I’ll see you there, Callum.”

“I guess we’ll see. I’ll give it a shot at least.” He said, it wasn’t a confident statement. Wulfric had given him a good opportunity to at least fake some cooperation. It was clear to Callum that he needed to keep getting invited to these family meetings, if only to get easy access to the information he needed to help his friends and the Thornbreakers.

Duke Gideon Edwards,Duchess Victoria Edwards, Count Calbert Damien, and Countess Liliane Damien

Time: 10am
Location: Drake Edwards Birthday Party at the Edwards Estate Backyard
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Drake @CitrusArms Stratya @FunnyGuy Lorenzo

As Lorenzo approached, his presence did not go unnoticed.

“Oh, for the sake of the Gods...” Victoria’s eyes narrowed. She exaggeratedly sighed as she murmured under her breath, “Who on earth invited him? ...And is he seriously wearing pink?” Her gaze zeroed in on the salmon ball in his hand, a look of disdain flickering across her features. Barely containing her irritation, she rolled her eyes dramatically and turned slightly away from Lorenzo, as if his mere presence was too much to bear.

Gideon, on the other hand, was pleased. His smile widened as Lorenzo approached. “Duke Vikena, welcome! I’m so glad you could join us today."

"I invited him, Victoria,” he added lowly, with a subtle glance in her direction, hoping to pacify his wife's visible discontent. “It’s always a pleasure to have you here.”

Calbert, meanwhile, masked his irritation. A smooth, almost too-perfect smile graced his lips. “Duke Vikena,” he greeted. "Please, why don’t you find yourself a comfortable seat and enjoy the party? There’s plenty to indulge in today.” Calbert’s intention was clear—he was eager to redirect Lorenzo’s attention elsewhere. Beside him, Countess Liliane gave Lorenzo a sweet smile that could melt even the coldest hearts. Their daughter seemed pleased to see him as well. “Oh, Duke Vikena, how delightful it is to see you,” she cooed, “I do hope you enjoy yourself today. If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

As the countess had greeted Lorenzo, Victoria had been the first to notice Stratya’s approach, “Who is this now?” She asked a little too loudly and irritatedly.

Gideon quickly stepped in to smooth over his wife’s rudeness. “Captain Durmand, welcome!” he greeted her warmly, his smile genuine and friendly. Both Calbert and his wife greeted Stratya with equal friendliness as well.

“It’s wonderful to see you here. Your presence is most appreciated. Thank you both for coming to celebrate my boy.”The duke said sincerely to Stratya.

Speaking of the birthday boy, he finally arrived just at that moment.

Victoria, despite her earlier stress, visibly relaxed at the sight of her son. “Drake, darling! Look at you, so handsome today,” she exclaimed, returning his hug. As he had been close, she reached up to straighten his collar. “I’ve been making sure everything is perfect for you. You know how these events are. They're going to love us-...you!”

Gideon embraced Drake with a firm, reassuring hug. “Good morning, son. I’m glad you’re pleased with how things turned out,” he said warmly. In response to Drake’s whisper, he nodded slightly, “Ariella should be here soon, don’t worry.” He then patted Drake’s shoulder, his pride evident.“You’ve grown into a fine young man, Drake. Enjoy your day—you deserve it.”

Subsequently Calbert accepted Drake’s handshake with a charming smile. “The pleasure is mine, Lord Drake,” he replied smoothly. “Have a splendid birthday, young man. My Lily and I have had the pleasure of watching you transition from a boy to a man and it has been an honor to be part of your audience.” Meanwhile, Liliane, with her usual warmth, had rose and walked over to greet Drake with a loving hug and sweet greetings.
Queen Alibeth, Princess Anastasia, Prince Wulfric, Prince Callum and Stratya Durmand

Part 2

Time: 8am
Location: A Tea Room in the Castle

Mention: @TPartywithzombiAriella

“Any success with counter-spying?” Wulfric inquired casually.

“No. They return either with nothing useful or they do not return at all.”

“Then we will have to change our approach,” he commented. Next, he turned to Anastasia, as what she had said regarding magic had caught his interest. “You have seen it? What do you mean that it is evil?” he wondered honestly.

Callum interrupted his brother’s question. “Captain, doesn’t it make sense to not focus on one, unverified, suspect? Better to keep options open?”

Stratya lifted her head from her thoughts, though she had been listening. She took a moment to consider just how she wanted to answer, before offering a deliberate reply, “While I agree, i’ would be best no’ tae ignorre otherr possibili’ies, I also nae think i’ wise tae ignorre such strrong suspicion. While action would be ‘ard to justify at this stage, as it soun’s, a deeperr, unbiased investigation into such an individual seems apprroprria’e. Alas, it soun’s like this ‘as also been frui’less. Therein lies the rub, huh.. hm.” She considered something over a sip of tea.

“Sometimes, ye jus’ have to rely on someone’s slip-up.” In an odd mirroring, in the investigation that lead to her knighting, her own old man had said something that had tipped her off, and had ultimately led her to making her hometown a safer place. She looked to Wulfric, empathetic. “His ‘ighness said something ye cannae ignorre, Prince Wulfrric?”

“Indeed,” he confirmed simply. She nodded slowly.

“Stratya has a sound mind.” Alibeth complimented with a nod. “Perhaps we do not have full proof of Marek’s involvement but we would be fools not to investigate with the evidence we do have all leading back to him.”

Meanwhile, Anastasia leaned back in her chair, her discomfort visible within her body language. Her gaze lowered as she took a muffin in her hands to pick apart. “When I was a child, I got into an argument with someone. Their eyes started glowing and then all this weird dark energy hugged her frame…” She shuddered as if it were happening before her in that very moment. “I felt so much dread standing near them. It made me feel sick and I had never been so afraid.” Wulfric hummed, intrigued.

“Who was it?” Alibeth demanded.

“I can’t say. It doesn’t matter.”

“When did this happen, then? Was it only the once? Have you ever seen anything similar anywhere else?”

“I was like eight years old, and it was once. Only ever saw something similar with Darryn.”

“Did this individual spontaneously manifest magic? Or did it seem as if whatever they did was purposeful?” It hadn’t escaped him she had mentioned an argument; it was likely the person had been another child. A woman around his sister’s age, then. A noble, perhaps.

“It formed as they yelled at me. They were threatening the King and me. I am sure purposeful or not, they were happy to frighten me.”

“And father didn’t execute her?”

“I did not tell father; he wouldn’t have believed me. I was the only one who saw, I think.”

Alibeth looked between Callum and Anastasia, then she scowled. Her temper was barely contained as she asked coldly, “Why do you two insist on defending random people and so easily turn on your own blood? Tell us who did it, Ana.”

At this point, Stratya turned her apparent attention to her muffin and tea, happy to blend into the furniture.

“Gonna torture me if I don’t?” Anastasia blurted back defensively. “Why not give Darryn a fair trial? Why did you lock our friend Ariella up last night?”

“Your father had Lady Ariella locked up for defacing his painting.” Alibeth said and rubbed her temples.

“For improving a painting.” Callum corrected, glancing towards his sister. “If you think it’s best not to name them, I support you.” He added, mostly to spite his mother. He wondered if he could get that name from Ana later, sounded exactly like someone he should talk to.

Captain Durmand hummed thoughtfully, washing down a bit of muffin with her tea. She held the cup thoughtfully in front of her, “I wonderr ‘ow much time t’..” she paused, glancing at Callum briefly, “firrst ar’ist spen’, crreatin’ tha’ pain’ing.”

“Exactly,” Wulfric agreed with the captain. “Regardless of how you feel about the subject of the painting, Callum, the piece itself must have required painstaking effort and hours of time to create. Nevermind the years it had taken for the artist to perfect their craft,” he added. “Now, as for a fair trial…” he leaned back in his chair. “Let us consider the first example: Darryn Fletcher. Even disregarding his involvement with the Black Rose, he was negligent in his duty. Specifically, he abandoned his tasks as a stable boy to go on and do something which he knew his employers would never approve of, and it endangered you all. Granted, so did the two of you, so if by ‘fair’ you mean treating each individual equally, then perhaps all of you should have been whipped. Or no one should have been,” he rolled a shoulder languidly.

“As you are aware, nobles and royals are treated differently, whether rightfully or not. Compare with the second example: Ariella Edwards. I do not know if due process was followed with the investigation itself, but she wasn’t put to trial, was she? I am certain her family would sooner accept a punishment kept in secret than risk anything so public, however. Regardless, had a peasant been suspected, they would have likely faced execution on the grounds of having destroyed royal property,” he finished, and let his siblings draw their own conclusions.

Anastasia listened to Wulfric’s explanation with a furrowed brow, her frustration building as he spoke. When he finished, she let out a sharp breath. She wanted to defend Ariella, but she knew little of what happened and she did not have a solid retort ready.

When it came to Darryn, she wanted to know what happened, but she had little faith that anyone here knew anything yet. Truly, she just wanted to get away from the conversation at that point.

“I have to get ready for that party.”

She pushed her chair back abruptly, the sound loud in the otherwise quiet room. As she stood, she glanced at Stratya and forced a small smile.

“Your muffins are really good. Thank you.” Before anyone could stop her, Anastasia hurried out of the room, the door closing softly behind her.

“You think the punishment for doing one’s job poorly, or failing at one’s duty, should be lashings, beatings, or torture? You failed to keep Darryn safe, should we have you lashed, Wulfric? No, because you’re royal. That wouldn’t be right. But somehow it’s right to do it to Darryn, even though no one died when he failed his duty. Ari, she ruined a painting, sure. So have her pay the artist not toss her in a rat infested cell for the night. It’s not like these stupid rules are beyond our control. It could be fair, we could rule justly, you just choose not to.” Cal made no effort to hide the bitterness in his words, his disdain for how his family ruled. He stood up, still making no effort to look in Alibeth’s direction. “I also have to be not here.” He said and followed Ana out of the room.

“Just so,” Wulfric affirmed with a pleased smile. But his brother was already hurrying out of the door when he said, “We should change.” Unfortunately, Callum wasn’t listening.

Stratya smiled, thankful for the compliment but also tempered with concern, “Thank you, Prrincess.” She watched Anastasia, and then Callum, leave, taking a deep, slow, weighty breath.

Alibeth fixated on a random spot on the wall as a silence followed. Finally, she glanced at the others and announced, “I have some processes already in place as well as plans I would like to share.”

The Knight’s attention turned, she nodded once, “Then I will ‘ave more tea,” and poured herself another little cup of tea. Tea cups are so small.

“The murder of Darryn Fletcher is only one symptom of a larger disease, one that we must root out before it destroys us. I’ve already taken steps to ensure our safety and the security of this castle, but more must be done.”

She placed her teacup down, then continued, “First, I have been calling upon magicae hunters to be utilized within castle processes, including our hiring process. They will ensure that every servant within these walls is free of magic use, and they will be making improvements to our documentation process. I already have four in use in the castle, and more are on the way from upper Caesonia. If either of you have met Torvi yet, she is also working closely with me, investigating… Furthermore, these hunters will eventually be dispatched throughout the city and placed at major events to secure our interests and root out any magical threats. I also hope to purchase enchanted objects from them and disperse them amongst our own guard as well. ”

Alibeth’s gaze shifted to Wulfric, her eyes sharp with determination. “Wulfric, you will be vital in this effort. The spyglass I gave you, do you still have it? I need you to use it to identify anyone with red, black, or large, erratic auras. Report any purples directly to me. You must continue to integrate yourself into the social circles of this kingdom as if you are simply looking for a wife—attend events, flirt when necessary, and keep your eyes open. Collect information, even if it seems trivial.”

“When it comes to the Black Rose directly, I want you to employ our spies and other trusted individuals to target the consumers of the criminal enterprises associated with the Black Rose. Sending individuals directly to their doorsteps has proven ineffective, so we will instead catch them at choke points. There are undoubtedly wealthy individuals enabling this system, and it is through them and these events that we may secure someone high enough to extract valuable information. ”

She paused, letting her words sink in before delivering the next set of instructions. “Stratya, I expect you to attend Drake’s party and other large-scale events, monitoring the situation closely and reporting any suspicious activity and collecting information just as I’ve asked Wulfric. Instead of sticking to the wall, socialize, become close to people… I have a feeling our enemies are closer than we think, just among us. In fact, if you would like, I think I’d like to inquire about providing you with some magicae hunting objects and a source of information. Do not fret as they are objects whose prices have already been paid… Using magic itself will remain strictly forbidden.”

“As for dealing directly with Darryn Fletcher, I suppose we could try to obtain information on what led up to his death, who he spoke to, and perhaps even inquire with this Riona if she knows if the substance she found could be used to trace back to someone potentially.”

With a sigh, she looked between them and asked, “Do either of you have any concerns, questions or suggestions?”

“Several,” Wulfric stated. He poured himself a cup of tea, for the first time touching one of the refreshments. “Firstly, let me address the Black Rose. You are correct that the enemy is in our midst, and of course, wealthy patrons are supporting the organization. Edin does, and unless we handle that, how far could our efforts possibly lead us?” he questioned rhetorically. “Calbert Damien is one suspected associate. Alexander Deacon is a known one. Then there are their connections to the Merchant Guild; the legitimate cover they use under an individual named Marciano Giordano,” he relayed. “So, we must establish alliances. We must seek all who would be willing to work against Delronzo. The more the better.” He paused to sip at his tea.

“Secondly, I wish to state that as far as I am concerned, if there is a ‘disease’, or corruption if you will, it is the festering criminal underworld. It is the fact that so many influential members of our society are enabling crime. I do not view magic as evil, to use Anastasia’s descriptor.” He looked from one woman to the other, then addressed his mother. “You are willing to use enchanted items, so you do not absolutely reject magic. Why not go a step further? If we were to train individuals who would judiciously and sparingly use magic when mundane methods fail us, we could more effectively combat the true enemy. The people who would spread unimaginable suffering for enjoyment and profit. People such as Delronzo,” he stressed.

“I am afraid we do not have the leeway to create more enemies. You would destroy those we could use, why? You would purge individuals based on the nature of their magicae? You would indiscriminately target magicals no matter their actions? Regardless of their potential for good?” He laid his palms on the table, leaning closer to the queen. “If so, you are overlooking far too much.” He shifted back into his chair. “I believe you should rethink your anti-magic agenda. Against criminals like Delronzo, who gleefully abuse magic, how can we prevail if we are never willing to so much as use a single spell? Where will we get if we keep tossing people aside? People who he would be more than happy to recruit for his cause,” he concluded.

“Then again,” he sighed, and drank the rest of his tea. “My idea is based on deplorably superficial knowledge of magic. So, why not share your experiences if you are convinced I am wrong?”

The Captain was glad to find she agreed so much with the Crown Prince. “Your Grrace, I must agrree with Prrince W’rrfrric. Things arre, themselves, scarcely evil. Any tool c’n be used wit’ ill inten’, c’n be used f’r evil. Guarding the tool c’n be tricky, ‘at’s true, but I'm nae keen to be givin’ ourselves such a disadvantage as choppin’ off the ‘and our opponent still ‘as.” She touched her hand to where a small scar adorned her chest absentmindedly. She'd saved her own life with one, once. A small, but fatal, injury.

Alibeth’s gaze sharpened as she weighed Wulfric and Stratya’s arguments, her voice steady but imbued with a cutting edge.

“Wulfric, let me clarify. I never suggested we indiscriminately destroy every individual associated with magic. However, those with black and red auras must be dealt with severely. Black auras indicate a deep entanglement with dark magic and cruel intent, while red auras often signify a loss of control that poses a danger to everyone around them. These individuals will need to be executed. As for purple auras, they signify witchblood—these people should be brought to me for evaluation.”

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing, her tone deliberate.

“But you still intend to eliminate individuals because of the colour of their aura. I am not sure about those with a black one, but a red aura signifies only an increased likelihood of addiction, does it not? No matter the colour of the aura, however, it does not necessitate that the person in question is even aware of or using magic. That is why I claim we ought to judge individuals based on their actions, not because of a hypothetical risk they might represent. Regarding witchbloods, if any are willing to serve us, that would be helpful, but if they are not, I would understand.” However, Alibeth didn’t comment. Lips pressing together, she moved onto the next point.

“You’re correct that the Black Rose festers like a disease within our society. Alliances are indeed necessary, but we must tread carefully. Aligning ourselves with individuals solely because they wield power, without considering how they obtained it is a dangerous path.”

“You speak of magic as if it were a neutral tool, something that can be wielded for good or ill depending on the user. But this isn’t simply about tools, Wulfric; it’s about the consequences of their use. The Black Rose doesn’t merely use magic—they compel others to bear its cost. Should we do the same, merely to avoid the erosion that magic causes to those who wield it? You propose training individuals to judiciously use magic against such threats, but consider this: who will train them? Who will oversee their actions? And how will you ensure that they do not become the very monsters we seek to eliminate?”

“Either we find those who can use magic and seem trustworthy, or we will have to oversee such efforts ourselves. There is no ‘ensuring’ anything - even the current system did not prevent Black Rose from taking root, did it? We simply have to implement as many fail-saves as we reasonably can. Since we cannot remove magic from the world, we have to find a way to work alongside it,” he argued.

“The current system is one created by your father, so that explains that… I agree with most of your points, but minimizing it as much as possible will remain my prerogative.”

Alibeth straightened, her voice firm and unyielding.

“Magic, particularly, isn’t just another tool—it’s a force that corrupts, that seduces even those with the best intentions. You may believe you can control it, that you can use it sparingly and wisely without succumbing to its allure. But history has proven otherwise. Time and time again, those who have sought to harness magic for the ‘greater good’ have ultimately been consumed by it, becoming the very evil they sought to combat. This is why magic is outlawed.”

“My stance against magic is not born of fear, but of understanding. I have seen firsthand how it corrupts, how it destroys lives and, more importantly, souls. I watched as it slowly devoured my own sister. I will not allow that to happen here—not to this family, not to this kingdom.”

“It is already happening. We should prevent ill-use of magic, even strive for overall minimization of its use, but would not a rigorous system which predicts its limited use as a last resort solve the problems you mentioned?”

“Magic nullification spells can assist in solving the problems… However I hope to eliminate it on a large scale.”

The words were quite a blow to the Knight in the room. Decays the soul? Devoured the Queen's sister... Stratya had known magic was not without a price, but, this… she sat back in her chair, gazing at her teacup.

Alibeth softened her tone slightly, though her resolve remained clear.

“That said, I recognize the complexities of our situation. My witch hunters, who are often witchbloods themselves, are trained from a young age to control and use magic discreetly. They follow the strict philosophies of their familial ancestors and are allowed to use a limited set of spells within this kingdom, spells I have personally approved. As a compromise, I am willing to share this list of authorized spells with our most trusted guards… ”

Her gaze slid to Stratya and she offered her a conservative smile, “To you, Stratya, if you so consent,”

Her name lifted her mind from itself, she drew a breath to steady herself, swallowed the lump in her throat. “Sorry, ma’am. I..” She didn't really want to get into it, and it didn't seem like discussing that old business had any real bearing on the current discussion. More importantly, she'd been asked something. Captain Durmand shook her head once and cleared her throat, resolving herself, “I was rrememb’rrin’ someone I.. think I los’ ta t’ same. I accept, Y’ Grrace.” A sip of tea, then the last bite of her muffin went into her mouth.

Alibeth rested a hand supportively and briefly on Stratya’s shoulder and simply nodded.

Wulfric nodded. “That is a reasonable compromise. And you mentioned that there is a way to train individuals to be responsible with magic? Is this method effective for adults, as well?”

“Witch hunters seemed to have perfected a way to use minimal magic; however I am not well educated on the matter. If you can find Torvi, she may be better able to answer that. Or perhaps if you encounter one of the hunters in the castle or a witchblood at all.”

“I will.” He would find the answers he was looking for. “One more thing. When you find any magicals, whether amongst the servants or elsewhere, will you try to recruit them first? Let me do so, even. We needn’t rush any executions. For those who are too dangerous, we may even find a way to seal their magic instead.”

“Very well, Wulfric, however you must think with your head and not your heart. If I deem them to be stable, I will send them to you to deal with.”

With that, Alibeth rose.
“I will dismiss you both for the Edwards party now… Regarding the King Edin dilemma, I do not know much just yet myself. I plan to confront my husband. Please keep things on the down low until more information is available, as I want to find out if Marek has any blackmail, and if it involves any of us.”

“I am sure he does,” Wulfric sighed. “Father did mention it is ‘too dangerous’ to oppose him. The more pertinent is the information of how we will mitigate those risks while dealing with him as we must.” He stood soon after the queen did. “As you say, however, it is time for the party.”

Ah, the party! The now-somber young lady had almost forgotten the event she was due for. It had been the first reason she was baking today, though she would have happily made bread just for the Princess’s (or anybody's) bottle ache. “I wouldn't dream o’ speaking of i’, ma’am. Ooh, speakin’ o’ t’ par’y, I think the cinnamon rrolls shoul’ be on t’ rrack by now.” Thinking about baking helped her find a smile, but also, “I'm gon’ ‘ave ta be verry rrestrrained.. I c’n ‘ave one.” She was telling herself, of course. She caught herself and her self-directed instruction and blushed just a bit before rising from her chair to excuse herself, ”I mus’ check on t’ rest o’ my bakin’. Prince W’rrfrric, I ‘ope you will ‘ave some o’ my breads at t’ par’y. They're delicious~”

He nodded, and took his leave as well.

Queen Alibeth, Princess Anastasia, Prince Wulfric, Prince Callum and Stratya Durmand

Part 1

Time: 8am
Location: A Tea Room in the Castle

Mention: @TPartywithzombi Ariella @JJ Doe Riona

The ticking of a clock permeated the air as Alibeth sipped at her morning tea. She and her daughter were seated in the upstairs tea room, awaiting her two sons’ arrival. A small crystal chandelier hung overhead, its crystals twinkling in the morning sun and the air was fragrant with the smell of the hot raspberry herbal tea.

“Tavern again?” Her tone was calm but carried an unmistakable edge as she observed Anastasia, who rested her head on her forearm sprawled across the table. With a resigned sigh, Alibeth swept a few stray blonde strands from the tabletop. Alibeth brushed her blonde hair off the table with a sigh.

There was no retort from the princess. “Do lift your head and sit up. I need you to pay attention to this conversation.” With a groan, Anastasia pulled herself up to lean her elbow on the table and her chin in her palm.

Callum arrived surprisingly punctually but looked expectedly unpresentable. The scent of the dungeon clung to his close, wine clung to his breath, and he had clearly not slept.

“Good morning, Ana, fun night?” He asked with a forced overly pleasant tone but a sincere smile. “And good morning, Your Highness.” He added without emotion or a glance towards Alibeth. He took a seat next to Ana and lightly kicked her to get her attention. “Elbows on the table? Problem child.” He teased.

“Good morning Callum. I’m happy to see you.” Anastasia turned her head to smile sincerely at her brother, but there was no hiding the sadness within her gaze. “... Cannot fault me for fulfilling my role in the family.” She teased back and reached out to touch his hand, leaning in as she whispered, “Are you okay? Did something happen last night?”

“Last night Edin and his infinite wisdom sent Ari to the dungeon for artistic expression-” Callum looked up as footsteps approached the tearoom. Anastasia had scowled immediately upon Callum’s words.

The sting was a sharp pain in Alibeth’s chest. Callum’s deliberate avoidance of a more familial greeting sliced through the composed atmosphere. As Anastasia spoke, Alibeth’s gaze lingered over her son. She swallowed the reprimand rising in her throat, choosing her battles wisely in a moment already thick with unspoken grievances.

“Good morning,” Wulfric arrived shortly after, impeccable as ever. He studied his siblings closely; both were in an awful state. “Why were you in the dungeon, Callum?” he questioned, recognizing that scent and finding it odder than if his younger brother had also been in a tavern.

“So I spent the night in the dungeon too.” Cal glanced at Ana with a shrug. “Am I not allowed to visit with wrongfully imprisoned friends?” He asked, turning to Wulfric.

“Who?” his older brother sought clarification on who had been imprisoned.


“Ah…” he acknowledged as he settled into his chair, recognizing Edin’s involvement in the imprisonment. He decided to move onto the next topic, however, and gave his mother a deep nod. “What is today’s business? The Black Rose?” That was certainly the subject he wished to discuss, so it was convenient that three of the people he wished to speak to were present.

“Good morning, gentlemen. I apologize for the early summoning.” Alibeth glanced at Wulfric and nodded. “I would very much like to speak about The Black Rose, however, there is another grim topic I wanted to speak with you all about as well… We are just waiting for-” The doors opened at that moment.

Stratya arrived next with a wicker basket on her arm, a plaid cloth laid over its top. She'd made sure to wake up early enough to prepare, though this meeting wasn't something she'd planned on. The servant that had brought her summons to her had caught her on her fife, sitting outside her house, waiting for the muffins to cool.

Conveniently, the princess was here, too, as the knight had hoped she might be. She and her basket smelled of sweet bread as her voice chimed softly, “A good morrning to The Rroyal Family. I jus’ finished baking, this morning, as luck would ‘ave it.” She lifted the cloth to reveal her banana bread had taken on a muffin shape, this morning. Her eyes settled briefly on the disheveled half of the room, “T’is a popular rremedy for bot’le ache in the region around my ‘ome village. Verry sough’ after durring ‘is week's festival.”

“Good morning, Captain Durmand. Your kindness is appreciated. Please help yourself to freshly brewed tea.“ Alibeth greeted her and gestured to the empty seat. Allowing a brief pause for her words to settle, her gaze swept across the room “I called you all here with bad news. However, I want to first acknowledge something. Callum, Anastasia—I am aware that there are times when you feel distanced from me, perhaps even distrustful. I regret the shadows that my decisions might cast on our relationship, especially concerning recent events…” Her gaze settled on Callum, “However, my hope is that Wulfric would have you two at his side when he becomes king and I’m no longer here… Please, all of you, continue to love and trust each other. My decisions are rooted in my desire to keep you safe, and for you all to have each other for support. Going forward, I would like the two of you present for serious deliberations, so that you are not kept out of the loop.”

She closed her eyes and sighed. “With that said, I fear you may blame me for the next thing I say, however, I wanted to be candid and tell you all as soon as I can… “ Alibeth opened her eyes and finally announced, “Darryn was murdered.”

Her gaze slid to Stratya, “Captain Durmand found his head behind the stables. I've summoned her to provide further details as we have initiated an investigation. Considering that a murderer may be at large and capable of breaching castle grounds, we must treat this with the utmost seriousness. Callum, Anastasia—if either of you spoke to Darryn, saw him, or know anything that could be relevant, I need you to share it here in Captain Durmand's presence.”

“I saw him the other day…” The words felt numb on her tongue. Anastasia looked at Callum, a tear streaking her cheek. “Before I went into the tavern we both went to… Him and I had an argument. He was mad at me for what happened… And he gave me some drugs.” She paused, her brows furrowing as she added, “His eyes were glowing red by the end of the conversation.” She could tell by the look on her mother’s face that she wasn’t surprised at all by such a thing.

Callum put an arm around his sister, who leaned into his shoulder, and tried not to react to the last thing she said. His eyes were glowing red, only meant one thing. He’d have to tell Riona that, oh gods, he’d have to tell her Darryn’s head was found in the stables. Just his head? Where was the rest of him? He suddenly felt very sick and acutely aware that Alibeth and the Captain seemed to think this was a good time for tea and banana bread.

“Last time I talked to Darryn, you were the one that wanted him dead.” Cal’s head gestured towards Alibeth but he didn’t look at her. Instead he watched Wulfric’s reaction, unsure if he’d be able to tell if his brother had anything to do with the murder but not wanting to miss anything. “Guess I should’ve specified how long I wanted Darryn kept safe for, huh?” He gave an equally bitter response to Wulfric.

“Fletcher was…?” Wulfric had initially responded to the revelation with surprise, then fell deep into thought. Upon being referred to by Callum, he turned towards his younger brother with a nod. “I should have never let him out of my sight.” That had been one of his many mistakes, to let Darryn run free without confirming for himself what he had seen at the after party, and how he had been involved. “Since I made that promise to you, I should have made damn sure I could keep it. Moreover, by now I do wish I had handled that matter entirely differently,” he confessed. “I was wrong.” As he said so, he met Callum’s gaze head on, calm and with genuine intent.

“I understand you suspect our mother, Callum, but if she had insisted on killing Darryn, it would have happened in the form of a public execution. Not a murder such as this,” he reasoned. “While you two may blame her, I believe the one behind this case was Marek Delronzo and his organization,” he sneered at that last word. “In case you three do not know,” he nodded at his siblings and the captain, “Prior to when he was brought out to be executed in the morning of the 21st, Darryn had been questioned. He revealed he had been working for someone else, that he had taken you to the party on another’s orders. Whose else but Marek’s then, whose party it had been?” he questioned rhetorically. Callum said nothing but made no effort to hide his eye roll at the mention of Marek and his evil plans to host parties.

“However, let us forgo our suspicions for the moment, and focus on the facts. Captain Durmand, if you will?”

Stratya had set her basket on the table, poured herself some tea and grabbed a muffin. She waited patiently as the royals discussed, and learned some very interesting things as she did. The identity of the party host was known, which certainly did cast a suspicious light on the man. She could see why Prince Wulfric didn't tell her previously. Still, though, having a name to put to all this helped her mind orient itself and find good footing.

When the Crown Prince addressed her, she set the tea cup she'd just been sipping from down and nodded, “Of course, Your ‘ighness.”

She took a breath and began, “As sta’ed, I found Darryn's ‘ead behind the stables. I found i’ with an executioner's blade nearby. The poor lad ‘ad been bea’en before ‘e’d been done in, too.” She shook her head, “I ‘ad an ‘ound follow the scen’ from t’ scene. It led me through town and intae t’ woods, where I foun’ wha’.. remained o’ the poor lad.”

The next part was going to be rough. She glanced between the two younger siblings and then to Wulfric. This was causing a lot of drama among the Royal Family. “I found ‘is body, to pu’ i’ briefly, melted. There was an inorganic substance foun’ in wha’ remained tha’ coulnae be identified.” She thought about having more muffin, but found her appetite lacking, just then.

While his mother turned to address his siblings, Wulfric engaged the captain in a private discussion regarding the murder’s details. “When did you find him? When is the estimated time of death? Have you assembled an investigative team already, or are you going at it alone?” He paused.

“Yesterday morrnin’, ser. Folks were complainin’ about a stench, and it led me rright to ‘im. Due to unfavorable conditions, time of death will be ‘ard to determine. The ‘ead is with the corroner, which woul’ be the best be’. The body, as you may guess, ser, is limi’ed in use. I ‘ave recrui’ed Riona, for the analysis.”

“Riona…?” he prompted. There was a sense of vague familiarity at the name, but he was uncertain who she was referring to.

“Oh, apologies. A castle servant with apothecary skills.”

After she answered his initial questions, he continued. “Has the sword been dusted for fingerprints? Was the scent the only tangible track which could be followed? Exactly which streets did the hound lead you through?” It was mystifying that the perpetrator had gone through the city. Then again, this was someone who had been able to enter and leave the castle’s premises undisturbed.

“Aye. Nae prints, and the rain had washed much evidence away. I was lucky to find anythin’ left of the body. The route, though, was quite bold. Right through town. Flora to Priscilla and right into the woods. Right past the enforcement centers. Insultingly bold.”

“By inorganic substance, do you mean that it was an unknown synthesized one? Or…” he trailed off, but did not mention magic.

“Unknown, and synthesized. Otherwise inconclusive. I've brough’ the report.” Wulfric extended a hand, and once she passed it over, read through the document detailing the analysis with rapt attention.

“Thank you, Stratya.” Alibeth began, and let her gaze slide to Callum. “I did want him to die.” She confirmed. “After he was interrogated, it became clear that his presence was very dangerous, and that he was betraying us to someone else, as Wulfric explained.”

“I will always prioritize the safety of the kingdom and our family… However…” Her gaze softened. “When you and Wulfric requested that I spare him, I fully intended to keep that promise. You may doubt my words, and I understand that. But if you truly care about Darryn, then you will acknowledge that gathering all the facts is the only way to reveal the truth. Evidence will clear my name more effectively than anything I say, though I want the focus to remain on finding the killer.”

“... You swear you had nothing to do with it, mother?” Alibeth glanced at her teary-eyed daughter.

Alibeth said sincerely, her gaze fixed, “I swear on all of your lives, and my own, that I did not kill Darryn.” Then something dawned on her. “You did not seem as surprised by the news as I thought you might. Did you know?”

Anastasia nodded. “Riona told me last night… She was really angry with me as I’m the one who asked him to take us to the party.” Her gaze saddened, “If I hadn’t done that, he’d still be here.” Callum glanced at Ana, a concerned look in his eyes but he didn’t say anything.

Alibeth stared at her a moment, and though perhaps there was sympathy in her eyes, she kept her voice firm as she spoke, “Your actions were impulsive and you did not think your choice through, Anastasia. A lot of important individuals followed you, trusting you to lead them somewhere they would be safe.” She told her. “Things could have ended much worse, for you, for your brother, for all those young women and men who made the choice to follow you… As a princess, you may not feel you are important, but to many you are. People look up to you. I think perhaps even Darryn did as well… However.” She reached out to touch her hand briefly. “We have reason to believe that Darryn would have led many to the party regardless. No one expects you to have foreseen that your decision would result in everything that followed, including Darryn’s death… No one could have predicted that… I’m certain Riona is just pained by the loss as you are. Grief often leads to a phase of anger.”

Anastasia lowered her gaze and a brief silence followed, before Alibeth’s gaze found Wulfric, as if to indicate she wanted to address his concerns now. “I take it everyone here is aware of the existence of magic?”

“Darryn’s gone and you want to talk about superstitious nonsense?” Cal mumbled, studying a single spot on the floor. There was no reason to admit to anything he knew about magic. “This meeting is a sick joke. Neither of you cared about Darryn, you just want to find a way to pin this all on Marek.” He kept his voice quiet, waited for Alibeth to tell him he was wrong about magic being nonsense, waited to get a glimpse of how much they knew.

Anastasia’s gaze darkened and she said to Callum softly, “Magic is real, Callum. I have seen it. ” Unease filled her expression as she quietly declared, “It’s… It’s evil.” Callum froze, his chest tightened. She’d said with such resolve, and it felt she was calling him evil in that same breath.

“A way to pin this all on him?” Wulfric’s laugh was as abrupt as it was dark. “Brother, you know as well as I do that if it were that simple, we wouldn’t bother with evidence, we would simply do away with him,” a mocking smile twisted his lips. “Do you know what the sickest joke is?” There was a strange glint in his eyes as he leaned closer to Callum.

“I spoke to Edin yesterday morning, and managed to drag out a kernel of truth from him. He told me I should leave your dear friend Marek well alone…” he sneered. “Because Delronzo and his Black Rose are an entrenched part of the criminal underworld. People forced to fight for the amusement of others, drugged out of their senses willingly or not, abducted, abused, enslaved, all of it for his sake,” he laughed again, a tad unhinged. “He believes your precious criminal lord of a friend is useful, helpful even.” As if an unknown switch were flipped, all expression leached from him. “So, if Edin finds him as someone good to keep on your side, and so do you, what does that tell you, hmm?”

Callum flinched. “Like I believe anything Edin says. Prove it.” He mumbled, not looking at Wulfric now either.

“Would that I could,” he shook his head. “But ask yourself this: What kind of evidence would you even believe? What reason would Edin have to lie to me?” Callum wouldn’t see it, but Wulfric was looking at him with a rare emotion: pity. “If you are so convinced in your own right, how could you ever see past your own preconceived notions?”

Anastasia couldn’t believe Wulfric’s words. If any of them had met Marek, they’d have seen how nice he was. Nothing made sense and at this point, she did not know what was true. Still, for some reason, she felt sorry for, and even a little protective of Callum, so she pulled him into a side hug.

Callum pulled his arm away and crossed both of them over his chest. “So what you’re saying is, you’ve got no proof? Got it.”

Stratya nodded to the Queen’s question to the room, and despite Callum’s apparent ignorance (feigned or otherwise), she would answer, “I am.”

Somehow, the knight’s mind had been dancing around the deeds they were looking at. Murder was just the tip of the iceberg, and she knew that. And she remembered why. To hear the misdeeds of their quarry laid before her set her into a thoughtful mood.

Alibeth’s eyes widened with genuine shock and she gripped her knees a moment. She had suspected something was very wrong in the way Edin turned a blind eye to so much. The more she considered it, the more she realized that it made a lot of sense. However, she had a feeling Edin wouldn’t be in cahoots with Marek just for the fun of it; there had to be something Marek had on Edin, and there was no telling if that would affect the rest of them as well.

There was also no telling what would happen if the information left this room.

Alibeth looked to Stratya suddenly, “...Captain, please confirm that you are insinuating that all that was left of Darryn Fletcher was a puddle… Because if that’s all that was left, then I doubt there is any way other than magic to reduce someone to such a state...“ She said firmly and looked to Wulfric, “Let Callum be. I want to divulge into your statements further with you, Wulfric, but for now keep the focus on Fletcher.” She held Wulfric’s gaze as if to warn him to be careful of what he spoke about in front of the company they had. Her son, who had already said what he had meant to, merely gave a curt nod.

Stratya considered the question just briefly, “Aye, tha's accurrate.”

“This is not the first time that I have caught little spies teetering on the brink of insanity with glowing eyes. Someone is sending them and it is evidently clear that someone is Marek.”
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