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Current I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I love PapaOso
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I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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Charlotte & Cassius

Part 2

Time: 9:15am (Earlier than starting point)
Location: Lover’s Lake

Cassius had moved swiftly after that, cutting and cleaning the fish he had caught. Charlotte could tell easily from his technique that he was skilled at the task as she watched on.

Luckily, there had already been some gathered wood once he had finished preparing the fish. Soon, a small fire was crackling to life beside the water and the smell of smoke mingled with the breeze. The fish crackled as its skin crisped over the flames.

Charlotte had taken the opportunity to lay a napkin over a nearby log, creating a makeshift seat for herself. She sat gracefully, her skirt carefully arranged as firelight played across her features.

He glanced over at Charlotte out of the corner of his eye, taking in the sight of her perched elegantly on the log. His gaze lingered for a moment longer than intended, a soft smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Look at you…" he teased, turning back to the fire as he adjusted the fish over the flames. "Sittin' there like some proper lady out for a picnic." He shot her a playful look, those storm-gray eyes glinting in the firelight. “I’m beginning to wonder if I’m underdressed, princess.”

With another blush, Charlotte laughed, “Do you usually dress to the nines when you invite others to join you for some fish roasting?”

Cassius chuckled, the sound of his voice was low and warm as he kept his firelit eyes on her. "When they’re as pretty as you are, maybe I do." he replied smoothly.

With a statement as direct as that, she couldn’t quite ignore it. With a nervous giggle, she lowered her gaze and smiled at the ground. “Thank you… That’s really nice of you to say.” Her voice lowered in tone and the smile on her face turned a little lopsided. Admittedly, Charlotte wasn’t so used to receiving compliments as much, especially as her reputation had soured.

Cassius watched her closely, noticing how his compliment seemed to have struck a chord. The way her gaze dropped and her smile turned a little shy only made him more curious. He finished up the fish, letting the silence hang in the air just long enough to keep the moment alive between them.

“You’re welcome.” he murmured, a bit softer than before as he took a piece of the perfectly cooked fish onto a fork. He brought it to his lips, blowing on it gently to cool it down before turning his attention back to Charlotte.

With deliberate slowness, Cassius leaned in a little closer, holding the fork out to her. “Here, try this,” he urged her, his voice inviting, the hint of a smirk still playing on his lips. “Tell me how it tastes.”

Charlotte hesitated for just a moment, a bashful look on her face. Then she leaned forward slightly, taking the bite off the fork. A rich and smoky flavor filled her mouth, and she let out a pleased hum as she chewed. “That’s better than I thought it would be!” She exclaimed enthusiastically, and added teasingly, “I understand the reason for the slaughter now.”

He watched Charlotte’s reaction closely, his smirk broadening into a genuine smile as she hummed in delight. Seeing her enjoy the product of his effort made the endeavor all the more worthwhile.

“I’ll take that as a massive compliment.” He teased right back.

As he turned his attention to the fire once more, tending to the rest of the fish, his mind wandered back throughout the time they had spent together thus far that morning. Something about it all had felt so…easy. However, it was the memory of when he first arrived that found him curious. She’d been talking to someone…or at least that seemed to be the case.

He glanced over to her, his expression gentle. “You know, Lottie…when I first saw you this morning, it sounded like you were speaking to someone.” he remarked lightly, trying not to pry too much. “Perhaps you were simply praying…but I’m not sure I buy that.”

Her gaze lifted to meet his briefly before falling back to the flickering flames. “I was talking to someone,” she admitted, her voice softening as her smile turned bittersweet, tinged with both sadness and nostalgia. “I lost my father some years ago, and when I find myself missing him terribly, I like to believe he’s still somewhere close, listening to me.” The corners of her mouth curved slightly, though her eyes remained fixed on the fire. A gentle, almost wistful laugh escaped her as she added, “It’s rather silly, I suppose, but sometimes I even sing to him, just as we used to. We would sit by the fire, much like this, with his guitar, and we’d sing together for hours.”

Cassius paused for a long time, almost long enough to make Charlotte worry. His eyes too fell to the flames. Finally, he spoke. “I would spend what felt like little eternities with my mother as she played piano for me. I remember nights like those that would last until the sun came up. Just us, the piano, and the sound of her voice as she sang to me.” His words carried a hint of sorrow yet were full of earnestness. “I can still hear the songs in my dreams.” He paused again, but this time only for a moment before his eyes found her face once again. “I’m sorry for your loss, Charlotte. It’s hell, isn’t it?”

Charlotte hadn’t met his gaze again until the very last words. When she did, her eyes were warm with understanding as she offered him a small smile. Gently, she reached out to take his hand tenderly, “It sounds like she really loves you.” She sincerely told him. “Music, at least to me, is a language of the soul for us musicians—a way to express our deepest emotions, our passions, our dreams, our love… For her to spend hours at the piano, playing through the night just to see you smile… Well, I don’t need to have met her to know that she absolutely adored you.”

As she spoke, Cas’s eyes dropped to take in the sight of her hand in his. The gesture was kindness in its purest of forms. He could feel the connection of that kindness from her touch alone. He hung there, at that moment for an instant…seemingly going elsewhere in his mind as he processed the weight of her words. A weight that perhaps he was not yet prepared to burden. Acknowledging her reassurance with a nod, his eyes slowly climbed up to meet her gaze.

“I can tell you adored him by the way you honor him with your words, and I would die on the hill that your father felt the same.” He spoke honestly. “And you’re not alone, sometimes I find myself talking to my mother much the same as you were to him. There is a comfort there that I understand deeply.”

“I know he did.” She agreed with a smile. “It is rather comforting… I sometimes talk to my mother too whenever I’m alone… Our relationship wasn’t as good as it used to be in her last years, though I do miss her very much.”

“You lost them both? Lottie…I’m so very sorry.” He replied solemnly, his own grip on her hand tightened in hopes of comforting her. “How old were you, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Her expression softened as she felt the warmth of his hand, “Not the best hand to be dealt, huh?” She replied gently, with an almost teasing tone. “My father passed when I was ten years old, and my mother just a year ago…” She put a hand over her heart and smiled with fondness, “But don’t worry, I’m not alone. I have my stepfather Lorenzo.”

Cas nodded with a warm smile, his eyes still tinged with weight. “I mourned the idea of having a father when I was still a boy. It still feels odd to think that all this time, he was right here living his noble life in the lap of luxury while we… He stopped himself with a strategic little chuckle and turned back to the fire and after a small pause, he continued. “As for my mother…tomorrow will be a month.”

Charlotte’s smile faded. Cassius hadn’t needed to finish the sentence for her to fill in the blanks. She wondered if Calbert had known all that time. With how dreadful of a personality he had lately, it was hard to give him the benefit of the doubt. Finally, she spoke sympathetically, “I’m so sorry. That must feel so fresh still… If you ever need anything, as I’ve said, I’m always right next door.”

Cassius nodded slowly, appreciating Charlotte's sympathy. “Thanks, Lottie.” he said with a soft smile. “And the same goes for you. If you ever need anything, you know where to find me.”

Aware of the time, he shifted the conversation, not meaning for the wonderful mood to grow too heavy in the first place. With a glance at the fish, he let out a light chuckle. “But enough about that! No point in roasting these beauties if we’re just gonna let ‘em sit.” His tone was casual, but there was warmth in his words, a gentleness that not everyone got the opportunity to see in him.

“ You’re right. Let’s dig in!” Charlotte responded enthusiastically. After that, she ended up kebabing some of the fish on a stick to enjoy. As time passed and the two finished their meal, she stole a glance at the sun rising in the sky. “I suppose I better make my departure for the party…”

He thought about the party, and how his father asked him that very morning to attend, but he could not help taking the opportunity to be a bit cheeky. “Well, if I’m to accompany you to this grown man’s birthday party…it would indeed be wise if we left soon.” Cassius teased playfully, his words caked with charm. “Can’t have us being late for our second date now, can we?”

Charlotte arched a delicate brow, her smile softening into something both sweet and teasing. ”Date?” she echoed with a playful lilt, though her action betrayed her as she rose, then led Tempestes over to him. “Well then, we mustn’t keep everyone waiting, must we?”

Cas approached Tempestes with a calm and steady presence, his hand reaching out to slowly stroke the horse’s mane one more time. “Hey there, big guy.” he whispered. Carefully, he leaned down, bringing his forehead to rest against the animal. It was a brief, almost instinctual gesture, but one filled with genuine respect. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting the horse get used to his scent and energy. He could feel the warmth of the animal’s breath against him and the subtle shift of muscle under its sleek coat as he petted it in a calming motion.

Turning his head to look up at Charlotte, he smiled. “He’s a beautiful horse.” Cas stated with reverence. Shifting away from the animal, Cassius allowed room for Charlotte to take her place on the mount and offered his hand to help her up. “Shall we?”

Charlotte watched Cassius interact with Tempestes, her heart warming at the gentle way he approached her beloved horse. There was something so endearing about the way he quietly connected with the animal, a tenderness that she hadn’t quite expected. When he looked up at her and smiled, complimenting Tempestes, her own smile grew soft and genuine.

“He is, isn’t he?” she replied. As Cassius offered his hand, she took it with a graceful nod, feeling a slight flutter in her chest. “Thank you,” she uttered softly, allowing him to assist her onto the mount. Once she was settled, she looked down at him and it finally registered in her brain.

Cassius would be sitting right behind her, close enough for her to feel the warmth of his presence. Her cheeks flushed at the realization, and she found herself momentarily flustered, her hands fidgeting with the reins.

Her gaze flickered to Cassius, who was preparing to mount behind her, and she quickly looked away, her heart beating just a little faster. They didn’t have another horse, so it made sense, she told herself.

Without hesitation, Cassius swung himself onto the back of the horse behind her. As he settled in, his hands naturally found their place around Charlotte’s waist. He could sense the subtle shift in her posture, and could almost feel the flutter of her nerves as he did so.

His own heart rate began to rise ever so slightly at their newfound proximity, and with a playful little grin worn proudly on his face, he leaned in just slightly, his breath warm against her skin. "Comfortable?" he asked, more than satisfied with himself.

“It’s as if I’m in a bed with hundreds of pillows.”

And with that, they departed to the party.

Duke Gideon Edwards,Duchess Victoria Edwards, Count Calbert Damien, and Countess Liliane Damien

Time: 10am
Location: Drake Edwards Birthday Party at the Edwards Estate Backyard

Setting the party further for: @Silverpaw @Lava Alckon @Rodiak @PapaOso @Potter @Helo @FunnyGuy @CitrusArms @JJ Doe @Tpartywithzombi @Infinite Cosmos

As the clock struck ten in the morning, the celebration of Lord Drake Edwards' birthday had begun in the opulent gardens of his estate. Guests had already started to arrive, filling the garden with the rustle of fine fabrics and subdued conversations. Noble birthday parties were always all the rage; attracting huge crowds, especially an Edwards party. Notoriously, the Edwards were always over the top, and their gatherings were often described as art to behold.

Everything was already lavishly setup, the tables, the specially folded napkins, the air was alive with the sound of a classical band and the servants were walking about with appetizers and drinks… All that was needed was the birthday boy himself.

Duchess Victoria commanded the space immediately upon entry in extravagantly detailed attire. Dressed in a gown of shimmering green silk with golden embroidery, she exited from her home with a parasol, which had been turned into a statement piece with its embellishments of lace and crystals. She smiled and waved to onlookers, but the smile did not last long at all as she came upon a table with forks and knives on the wrong side of the plates.

She paused right by the table, her heels sinking into the dirt beneath the grass and her seething expression decorated by the shadows of lace cast by the sun through her parasol. Finally, she grabbed the wrist of a servant girl walking by, who she knew had been one of those tasked with table set up.

"This arrangement is simply unacceptable! Look! The fork’s on the wrong side! We're hosting nobility, not farmhands. Fix it! Ensure everything is demure." Duchess Victoria commanded and clapped her hands in her face. "Be. very. mindful.”

It was then Duke Gideon approached with a smile, his attire equally splendid though more subdued, complementing the Duchess's vibrancy. "Victoria, everything looks marvelous. Let's enjoy the fruits of your efforts, shall we?" he suggested gently, guiding her away. " Please do not upset Drake, this is a very special day for him, and it’s in the midst of his courting season as well.”

Gideon had been leading her to their table, but Victoria paused to look upon the gift table, elegantly set under a canopy and draped in velvet. Duchess Victoria scrutinized the mountain of gifts that had already built up, adjusting a ribbon here and a card there.

"Look at them, Gideon. They are dazzled, as they should be. This day must be perfect," Victoria whispered, a hint of pride lacing her words.

"It is perfect, Victoria. Just like you envisioned. Now, let's enjoy the party," Gideon replied, his voice reassuring as he led her to their table, where Count Calbert Damien was seated already with his wife and daughter Crystal.

"Good morning, Count Damien… Thank you for coming. Do you know if the Monets and Duchess Petit will attend?” " he inquired, his voice echoing genuine curiosity and a hint of concern for the completeness of the guest list.

Count Calbert Damien, adorned in his finely tailored suit, responded with a charismatic smile and a firm handshake. “Good morning, Duke Edwards! Truly a lovely party thus far. Ah, no, I believe they are returning home this morning.”

Turning to Countess Liliane Damien and her daughter, Gideon and Victoria extended their greetings. "Duke, Duchess, it's wonderful to see you both. This garden looks like a dream under the morning sun,” Liliane greeted, her voice soft and melodious.

“ Where’s the wonderful Lord Drake Edwards? I’d love to wish him a happy birthday personally.”

"He’ll be sitting at the table just right by us. Right there.” Duke Edwards pointed at a large table adjacent to theirs. The layout was thoughtfully designed so that even though each table accommodated only four seats, they were positioned close enough to allow for easy conversation across the tables. Meanwhile, many guests took the opportunity to stroll about anyway, mingling, enjoying Hors d'oeuvres, and admiring the scenic views, as the meal service had not yet begun.

🎉 Join Us for Lord Drake Edwards' Extravagant Birthday Celebration! 🎉

All nobles are cordially invited to the grandest event of the season: the celebration of Lord Drake Edwards' 24th birthday in the luxurious gardens of his estate. Please come to the backyard entrance, over to the large white gates between the hedges. Come inside the backyard to the meticulously manicured garden and find tables all decorated in Drake's favorite color: green! The tables will have four seats and each adorned with folded napkins in the shape of flowers, birds, or stars. A classical band will be there to entertain your ears as you feast on delicious hors d’ouerves and enjoy the atmosphere. The celebration is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. and will continue until 3 p.m., allowing guests to enjoy the festivities throughout the day.

💎 Exclusive Ceramic Bracelet: Upon arrival, each guest will receive a beautifully crafted ceramic bracelet as a token of entry and a small gift from Lord Drake himself.

🍷 Open Bar: Enjoy the finest spirits and liquors at our open bar. Guests are encouraged to drink responsibly while savoring the exquisite offerings.

🍫 Chocolate Fondue Fountain: Indulge in a decadent chocolate fondue fountain, surrounded by an array of fruits and treats for dipping.

🌸 Florist's Corner: A florist will be available to make miniature bouquets for anyone interested. Each table has a vase for such a bouquet to preserve it and guests may take them home.

🐴 Private Horse Viewing: Visit the designated area where the family’s private horses are housed.

🎶 Live Music & Entertainment: Delight in an classical outdoor band featuring woodwind instruments. The ensemble will feature woodwind instruments such as flutes, clarinets, and oboes.

Lord Drake Edwards will also perform a solo piano performance for all!

🍽️ Delectable Cuisine & Hors d'Oeuvres: Savor a selection of gourmet dishes including Drake Bell Peppers, Edwards Risotto Milanese, and Sorian Salmon Rolls. Throughout the event, indulge in a variety of hors d'oeuvres such as seared scallops, seasoned beef jerky, deviled eggs, and stuffed mushrooms.

Drake's Birthday Song

Good morning! It's now 10 am!
It's going to be a sunny beautiful day!

Regarding any unfinished business for Sola 24th, please be clear that you are writing in for the night prior still, or mark it as a flashback.

Count Landon Monet, Prince Wulfric Danrose, Lord Leo Smithwood, Count Fritz “Ryn” Hendrix, Lord Drake Edwards

Part 3

After those exchanges, there was a prolonged moment of silence brought upon by the heavier topic. The atmosphere did lighten a tad once Count Hendrix’s order arrived, since the group was momentarily occupied by sharing the snacks and hot beverages. Though the Varian count had ordered nothing pastry related, two snickerdoodles arrived with the order nonetheless. Wulfric felt his lips twitch into an amused smirk as he met Fritz’s gaze. The man returned the smirk, shrugged, and took a bite out of one without comment. “I still owe you all a strange experience, do I not?” he questioned rhetorically. He had tried a sip of spiced apple cider. It was a sweeter drink than he’d usually prefer, but he had picked it for variety’s sake.

“My anecdote is from ten years ago, and it takes place one night in Kimoon. It was a week or two before the Festival of Lights. I was on the way to Qishu for the festival, but the preparations for it were already in full swing across the whole region.” His eyes briefly closed as he recalled that festive atmosphere. “From the tiniest of villages, to the remotest of shrines, and even to the densest of forests, they all saw unusual activity. Lanterns were being painted and set up, candles were carved into most intricate designs, children and adults of all ages worked together to create wondrous ornaments.” He took another sip, pausing long enough to allow the men to imagine the scene he was describing.

“So, one evening, I was taking a walk, as I was wont to do. It was in the middle of a lively night market which had stalls set along the road stretching well past the city proper, drawing in far more guests than usual. Merchants were hollering at each turn to advertise their wares, buyers were haggling, youths were being rowdy, drunkards were singing or getting into fights. The usual,” a faint fond half-smile formed. “Then…” his voice lowered, building anticipation. “I took a turn into an alleyway, and it was just like any other alleyway. And yet,” he suddenly snapped his fingers, a loud and startling sound contrasting to the quiet, suspenseful cadence his words had taken. “Between one step and the next, in between one moment and the following one, on the way from one path to another. Just like that, all of that sound - gone. All of the people, gone.”

Wulfric’s smile appeared more sinister as he leaned in to continue the thrilling tale.

Drake’s eyes narrowed as his lips curled upward. “Preposterous! You mean to say everyone just vanished?” The young man spoke in honest surprise - albeit perhaps a touch exaggerated by the nature of the tale and his level of intoxication.

Leo’s attention remained on Wulfric. Finally, the sort of story he’d hoped for albeit not one of Caesonian strangeness but an odd tale nonetheless. His eyes widened slightly at the snap of the prince’s fingers. “And where was it this alleyway had taken you?” he asked.

“Oh, yes,” the prince chuckled deeply. “Everyone had disappeared. Each and every living soul vanished, except for myself. The oddest thing was that I was still in that very same town - or so it appeared. Naturally, my first reaction was to stop and look around. The way I’d come from looked the same as far as I could tell, except uninhabited. There were the same stalls I’d passed by, the same inns and taverns, the same homes and street signs. Even the wares on sale were at least convincingly similar. I had retraced my steps of the past few minutes, but…” he shrugged. “Somewhere along the way, it was as if the paths conspired against me, turned me around, and I ended up where I’d begun at the ‘vanishing’ point.”

“Therefore, I proceeded onwards. I walked along unfamiliar streets, turning around ever new corners. Initially, there was an eerie silence, the only sounds my echoing footfalls, my overly loud breathing and racing heartbeat. I heard no animals, no people, not even the creaking of buildings or the crackling of fire…” Idly, he leaned back into his seat, momentarily canting his head up as if recalling the details. Then, with a secretive smile, he looked from man to man. “It was as if the world’s own voice had been kidnapped, and I feared I might lose mine as well.” He took another sip of his drink.

“While its disappearance had been abrupt and total, sound returned in strange, startling increments. First, the howling of winds. Then, the jingling of dozens of wind chimes. The rustling of leaves, the call of an owl, the rattling of window shutters. The farther I went, the more I heard, though there was nary a sight of anyone. Coins clinked as if trade were still taking place, the whispers of inaudible conversations flickered into and out of existence. High pitched laughter here and there, a knock on a nearby door, the spine-chilling brush of a breeze as if a presence had passed me by. It was like someone or something was playing tricks on me, though I did not feel as if it was all only a product of my mind.”

Wulfric poured himself a glass of water, abandoning the sweet apple cider for something cooler and more refreshing. “I exited the city, but the carts, the wagons, the stalls and the tents appeared to extend far, far beyond… I caught sight of a great forest to the left, a lake I knew to be unending to the right.” Closing his eyes, he savored another mouthful of water. “A myriad of blue fireflies swirled by, cavorting carelessly. The eternal firmament pressed down, at once freeing and oppressive. I stared up at all those stars, glimpsing utterly alien constellations, and realized ‘Ah, this is another world’. As soon as I had that thought, I was…returned, for a lack of a better world. Imagine my complete and utter befuddlement when I found myself at the next village over, and it was the dawn of the following morning,” he laughed a tad dryly as he shook his head.

“And this really happened?” Leo asked. It was almost unbelievable except for the convincing sincerity in Wulfric’s voice and demeanor. “Were you drugged?” He immediately followed up his question with the only logical explanation he could think of. Unless this strange occurrence was related to magic, not a topic he was willing to bring up at the table.

“As far as I could tell, it did,” his shoulder twitched in a tiny shrug. “I was not drugged according to the local physicians, but that certainly was one of the explanations I considered.”

“Pfft. Count Monet made a noise under his breath as he glared down at the table for no apparent reason. It was not hard to deduce he did not believe the prince’s story but it was also questionable if he had even heard the whole thing as he kept occasionally glaring at a man across the room, who was scowling back at him.

“Is that someone you know, Count Monet?” Ryn asked.

Drake was still enamored with the story that he hardly noticed Monet’s demeanor until Fritz had brought it up. Perhaps the Lord had a few too many drinks at this point to be missing such obvious social cues but he had been through quite a night. So he gestured for his glass to be topped with some fine whiskey and leaned forward to speak in a hushed tone.
“Your story borders, nay, is paramount to the supernatural. What an experience! I am tempted to visit such a place myself one day.” His eyes wandered over to Count Monet. “Something troubling you, good sir?”

“No... The count said and finished off his whiskey, throwing his head back as he had done so.

“Did you ever figure out,” Leo glanced over at the man Count Monet kept looking at. “What happened, how…” The other man mirrored Monet’s soured face. “You’ve been weird all night, Landon, what’s going on?” Leo asked as he signaled for his and Monet’s glasses to be filled too.

“Weird? I have not been weird.” Landon retorted rather defensively. “You’re the one that looks like a flamingo.”
“Not quite,” Wulfric answered Lord Leo. Then, he regarded their drunk surly companion. “Count Monet, you and that stranger are raring to go at each other.” Idly, the prince wondered if it was to fuck or to fight…maybe both.

“So why not do it? Challenge the fellow to a duel,” he voiced the socially acceptable option. “I would not recommend fighting drunk, but at the very least you have sober company to prevent the worst.” Who knew, maybe they would get a little something extra to spice up their evening.

Ryn, however, felt a pang of sympathy for the hapless stranger—an innocent victim of an ill-timed glance or cunning provocateur. Regardless, a duel with a drunken count surely had not been penciled into anyone’s evening plans. Inwardly, he braced himself for whatever chaos might ensue.

”A duel without context is a dangerous endeavor, Wulfric. Even if I am admittedly interested in the mysterious nature of our supposed watcher. Landon - be this enemy, rival, or stranger?” Drake posed his question, drink in hand already half emptied.

Leo smacked an open palm to the table. “Excellent idea! This summer is overdue for a proper duel. Landon, if you need a second, I’m in.” The young lord wore a broad smile at the idea, it was exactly what the night needed. “Maybe a victory is exactly what you need to resolve your strange mood.” He added, raising his glass to Monet before drinking.

Count Landon Monet’s face flushed a deeper shade of red with each passing second as he listened, barely containing his anger. Suddenly, with a loud scrape of chair against the wood floor, he surged to his feet, nearly knocking over his drink in the process. Eyes blazing and nostrils flaring, he stormed over to the well-dressed man who had earlier dared to compare him to his despised father.

Loudly, Landon began his drunken, aggressive rant. “Ow dare you! Ow dare you compare me to zat man?" he shouted, jabbing a finger towards the man’s chest. “I am nozzing like 'im! Nozzing!" His voice escalated with each word.
Landon loomed over the man, his face inches away, his breath heavy with the scent of whiskey. “You zink you know me? You zink you know what I am or 'oo I am because of 'im?" His words slurred together as he ranted.

The man tried to back away, but Landon grabbed his collar, pulling him close.
“Lizzen well, monsieur, because I will not say zis again. I am Count Landon Monet!" His grip tightened, the fabric of the man's shirt twisting in his clenched fist.

“My…” Wulfric raised an eyebrow at the sudden outburst. He had judged the count drunk enough that he might entertain the notion of a duel, but hadn’t expected such a vitriolic attack. If the other gentleman reacted similarly, the two idiots were bound to cause far too much trouble indoors. With a sigh, the prince smoothly stood up, and strode up to the two. “Now, now,” he laid a calming hand on Monet’s offending arm, urging him to let go. “If you intend to fight, then issue a proper challenge and step outside,” he stated firmly, and took a moment to observe the stranger’s reaction. “If you care at all for your image and reputation, you ought to observe the proper protocols for a duel. Without that, your actions would be but a lowly assault. However, you are a better man than that, are you not?” he smiled at the count, sharp and cool.
Drake furrowed his brows and sighed. Even with the creeping buzz of the alcohol he felt himself more rational than what he was witnessing. The man finished his drink and stood up - a slight terse tone to his voice. “If you are so drawn to fisticuffs then I would heed the Prince’s warning, Count Monet.” He decided to ignore that he was more or less brushed off and focus more on trying to contain whatever brawl may erupt in a place like this.
Leo stood and followed behind Drake, drink in hand. “Well, now we know what’s got Landon all wound up.” He lifted his glass to Drake before drinking. It seemed that Landon would lay down an official challenge or the Count would end up in an embarrassing bar fight. Either way, it would make the night more fun and add pressure on Landon. Served the Count right; Leo hadn’t missed the man coughing ‘cheater’ when he’d won the hand.

“The nerve, to crash Count Monet’s event just to insult the man.“ He added, looking at Drake but speaking loud enough for Landon to overhear.

Landon pushed the man back abruptly, releasing his grip as he straightened up, chest heaving. "A duel, zen! Let us settle zis wiz honor, if you dare!" He declared loudly after receiving the suggestion.

“Oh, absolutely, Count Monet. Dueling in the noble district? What a splendid way to get acquainted with the local guard!” the man retorted.

“Argh!” Landon exhaled sharply, shooting a glance at the Prince and the others before flopping back into his chair with a dramatic sigh. He then snapped his fingers at the waiter, “Bring me a cigar.”

Wulfric hmmed as he eyed the unknown man. “It would be fine if you both agreed to it, if you did not disrupt anyone else, and if it did not result in death or maiming. It is a shame there are no arenas within convenient distance.” His gaze swept the room, considering. “If you were truly intent on doing it, the stage could be cleared. But you two would become quite the spectacle in that case,” he chuckled.

Throughout the exchange, Ryn’s focus remained fixed upon the man who had drawn Count Monet’s ire, observing his every gesture and expression. He stepped forward, one hand raised in polite interjection. “If I might interpose,” he began, “if the aim is to resolve this contention through a decisive contest, must it assume the form of a duel? Given the veritable cornucopia of options at our disposal”—he gestured expansively at the establishment’s offerings—“surely, there are alternatives. But if you gentlemen are intent on a contest of physical mettle…” He adopted a pensive stance, one hand cupping his chin. “Perhaps something like a speed eating contest or arm wrestling?”

The young lord nodded in agreement. “Something that is less likely to….esssscalate into further deadly combat is alwaysssss an alternative in my book. He furrowed his brows as he realized he was hanging onto some of his ‘S’ sounds far longer than he should. “Forgive me. My drink has been heavy tonight. What say you gentleman? Be it arm wrestle, a drinking contest, or an all out brawl. Since this duel of sorts seems inevitable...” Drake clunked his glass onto the table and forced his sobriety to rise for just a moment as he met the two with a straight-faced stare.

“Then you both best stake your honor on it as gentlemen.”

“Eet’s not inevitable! I’m ovair 'im! I am waiting for my cigar.”
Landon snapped. Luckily for Count Monet, the waitress brought over a platter of cigars for all to reach for at that moment. He snatched one up and swiftly bit off the end. After lighting it, he took a long huff, the smoke curling around his face as he exhaled.

Leo took his time looking over the remaining cigars. “You’re a more merciful man than I, Landon. I could never let a man continue to slander my name like that.” He said with a shrug as he finally selected the right cigar, carefully trimmed the end of it, and lit it savoring the taste. He tried to exhale his annoyance with Hendrix and Drake for talking the Count out of the duel.

“Oh, well, I suppose it is for the best,” Wulfric commented, slightly disappointed there would be no duel after all. “To a peaceful night,” he toasted with a non-alcoholic drink.

After that near debacle, the party dispersed as each gentleman was drawn to their own activities, whether it was smoking like Landon and Leo, conversing with the guests like the prince, or otherwise finding a way to engage themselves until they chose to depart.

Olivia, Charlotte, & Zarai

Mention:@ReusableSword Roman

After what felt like a small eternity of loud iron and wood creaking under them like a roaring dragon soaring through the skies that almost drowned out their screams, the ride was over. As the cart came to a jumpy stop and the wooden groans under them as everyone got off, Zarai offered her hand to Olivia once she was out.

“That was… so fun!” Zarai said once they were out of the cart and on the main walkway. “Should we search for Charlotte, or should we let her cozy up to Lord Ravenwood?” She arched an eyebrow at Olivia, wiggling it with a knowing smile.

If Olivia's eyes could have popped out of their sockets, they would have. The thrill she had experienced was unmatched. Olivia had held her breath throughout the ride and now released it. She took Zarai’s hand and turned to her. The corners of her mouth were beginning to hurt from smiling. ”That was fucking awesome!” She exclaimed. A few nobles glared at her, but she ignored them. ”That was the best thing ever!”

At the mention of Charlotte, Olivia snickered. ”Dear me. I would hate to interrupt such a lovely discussion. Maybe we should see what those fuckers are up to now. I don’t wanna leave her behind.”

Olivia led Zarai off the rollercoaster platform and toward where they had seen Charlotte last. She glanced around and then shouted, ”Charlie Harlie!” This did nothing to improve the glares she received, which she stubbornly ignored.

Charlotte hurried over to where Olivia and Zarai were standing, “Livvy Bivvy!”She remarked with a playful grin, her eyes sparkling with amusement, and her eyes slid to Zarai. “And Zarai… My pie!” After a brief giggle at her own joke, she asked, “How was the ride, girls? …Was it thrilling?”

”Thrilling down to the bones!” Zarai grinned back, hooking her arm with Charlotte and motioning for Olivia to do the same on the lady’s other side. ”So, was your talk just as exciting?” She teased as she wiggled her right brow at her.

When Charlie used her nickname, Liv grinned, and listened eagerly to her friend speak. Once it was her turn, her eyes widened even more if possible. ”Fucking. Awesome!” Olivia exclaimed and punched the air. She looped her arm through Zarai’s and Charlotte's so she would be sandwiched between them. She faced the ladies and grinned. ”Well give us the details and leave nothin’ out.”

Charlotte's eyes followed Olivia’s raised fist, her lips curling into a delighted smile as she caught the contagious enthusiasm from her companions. She then looked between the girls with a graceful nod, “Well, I must say it went rather well. I wanted to ensure he was in good spirits, and indeed, he appeared just that.” Her expression softened slightly, and she folded her hands, her brow furrowing in genuine concern. “What was written about Lord Ravenwood in this morning's paper was positively bizarre... They claimed he charged at the city guards during his own ceremony. Can you imagine? It simply doesn’t align with the character of the gentleman we know him to be.”

”Those papers are often filled with exaggerated, twisted, and ill-intend events made only to ramp up sales with sensationalized events.” Zarai exclaimed, shaking her head tightly and rapidly. ”Lord Ravenwood is like a nice bear, like the ones that eat bread and sunbathe. He’d never do such a thing!” Her nostrils flared up, and the corners of her lips turned down as her mind continued to run laps. ”They are just a bunch of nasty gremlins who dishonor the very nature of journalism. Just nasty gossip!”

Olivia listened to both Charlie and Zarai with contemplation. Roman acted so differently than what Charlie had described. Hadn’t he mentioned the ceremony to her? She struggled to remember but let it go for now. In the back of her mind, she remembered reading the papers they’d find in trash bins and laughing at what was written. Now that she was hanging out with the nobles, Liv scowled and clenched her fists. It was injustice; the way they twisted everything was nothing more than pure garbage and the worst of Sorian. Olivia nodded in agreement with both of them.

”Bunch of bullshit if you ask me, like some of the people in this stupid fuckin’ city.” Liv remarked. A smile appeared on her face as she sought to lighten the mood. ”We shouldn’t be focusin’ on the lowlives of Sorian. Let’s go have some fuckin FUN!” She let out a loud cheer. It earned her a few glares- Olivia responded by sticking her tongue out at them. She giggled and turned back to the girls after the disgusted reactions.

Charlotte giggled, amused by the two girls, especially by Zarai’s statement. “A bear eating bread? That’s a funny little idea! Have you perhaps witnessed such a sight before?” Her gaze slid to Olivia and she smiled warmly. “Oh yes! The night is young, isn’t she? Now let’s see…” She clasped her hands together thoughtfully, her eyes scanning the lively scene around them.

“We could partake in a ride upon the ferris wheel, enjoy the thrill of the bumper boats, or perhaps engage in some games of chance…” She trailed off, rising onto her tiptoes as she twirled slowly in place, surveying their options. Her gaze eventually settled on a nearby outdoor bar along the boardwalk, and then on a small folk band playing to an eager crowd that had gathered to dance. “Or, we might stroll along the boardwalk and immerse ourselves in the music of that charming band.”

”I’m keen to the idea of strolling past the band for a short break. What do you think, Olivia? We couuuld get something to snack on along the way.” Zarai’s stomach growled quietly, thankfully the sound of chatter and laughter covered it up. ”Have you ladies seen those giant turkey legs? Don’t they scream ‘eat me!’?” She could already taste it, ”Or should be go for something sweet?” Funnel cake was something else she longed to try.

Charlotte’s eyes lit up with delight as she giggled again, “I hear them! The turkey legs are calling to you, Zarai! ‘Come, eat me, I’m warm and delicious!’” Her voice carried a playful note.

Olivia contemplated their remarks. She glanced around the loud amusement park and the nearby beach and boardwalk. The amusement park was loud and thrilling, though she could tell Charlie wasn’t an adrenaline rush fan. Perhaps they could get her to ride something later? ”The band might be a nice break - the crowd looks fun- buuut I definitely could go for food first!” She glanced at Zarai’s stomach who rumbled and grinned. Olivia could almost taste the food now as her gaze wandered back to it. A glossy look covered her eyes. There. Was. So. Much. Food! She had to stop herself from wandering over to it.

”We can get BOTH the funnel cake and the turkey leg, whaddya think? And if that’s too much food at once we can get one now and open later! I think the boardwalk and beach would be fun!” The noise from the amusement park, coupled with the sudden feeling of starvation, were becoming too much for her. She glanced at Charlotte and then to the food vendors.

Charlotte’s eyes sparkled with delight as she clasped her hands together, a sweet smile spreading across her lips. “Yes, let’s go! I shall indulge in some cotton candy!” She giggled softly.

Zarai’s chest swelled in her as the corners of her vision began to slowly blur like frost on her windows during a winter morning. This is all I ask for. She thought to herself, smile drooping to the side just a tad as they made it towards the source of those warm and delicious turkey legs.

Later, as the trio found themselves on the dock. The soft sounds of the water lapping against the wood created a peaceful backdrop. The gentle breeze carried the salty scent of the sea, and the moon cast a silver glow on the surface of the water, making it shimmer.

Behind them, the folk band had transitioned into a lively jig. The dock beneath them creaked softly with each movement of the people dancing behind them.

Charlotte leaned against the railing, a stick of cotton candy in one hand and a blissful expression on her face. She took a bite, her eyes closing briefly as the sugar coated her tongue, “Mmm, I love these yummy little clouds,” she murmured, her voice filled with quiet joy.

She glanced over at Olivia and Zarai, who were both enjoying their own snacks, and her heart swelled with contentment. “There’s something so magical about this, isn’t there?” she said softly, her gaze drifting out over the water. “… It’s as if we’ve stepped into one of those perfect moments you find in books, the kind you wish could last forever.”

Things had been insane, to say the least, lately in Charlotte’s life, but tonight, in the warm summer air, she had made a conscious decision to ignore it all for a moment and hold on to hope. And at the least, by staying with Olivia tonight, she knew she was safe. All she could do was hope that everyone else was too.

After that, the girls spent the night chatting away. At one point, they sprang up to dance, twirling in a joyful circle with their arms entwined.

Count Calbert Damien, Cassius Vael, Shahzade Munir al-Kadir, Doctor John Williamson

Part 2

His eyes traveled between the two men as his response was for them both. “Indeed, I’ve left boot prints across Eromora. There are few lands that I have not witnessed with my own eyes, and those that have eluded me thus far will not do so forever. You see, until recently, I was among the top sellswords in the world…a member of the Iron Wolves mercenary company. I know it isn’t humble of me to say so, but I was the best in the world at what I did.” Cassius explained, confidence and conviction spewing from every word. His focus turned more specifically to Munir as he continued. “And trust me, things such as these disputes rarely happen without the authorities being in the know. These oligarchal merchants think of themselves as princes in your deserts, and their pockets may as well be bottomless pits of endless wealth. It’s just the way of these things, my friend.”

“True enough, I suppose, Mr. Cassius.” Munir’s tone a little colder and quieter than before. It is true that trade disputes happen all the time and peasants die by the droves daily. Such is the harsh reality of the world. Munir also understands that the enforcers of the laws of his country, while numerous and adept at their work, cannot cover all corners of the kingdom. Certain things are surely to slip under their ever-watchful gaze and go unheard. However, the accusations of the authorities being in the know but doing nothing about it and the merchants essentially benefitting from bloodshed does not sit lightly with Munir. But, having an understanding of the environment he is in, he decided to accept that answer for now, and bring it up with his father, and perhaps his cousin Farim, later.

“Such as it is the way of the world, I suppose. You know, I wonder how it would be to live life constantly on the move, and also having to be in consistent danger. That sort of life cannot be easy, yes?” Munir said, genuinely wondering how Cassius carries on with his day to day.

John sat watching the two men converse about their occupation. Two very different men, the rich and powerful versus a so-called lowly sellsword, or mercenary as the legal term dictated. His attention was piqued at the mention of being in constant danger, how it must have felt for this prince. For John, he wasn’t constantly on the move, but being in constant danger was a common thing. Even though hospitals are known to be a place of nurture and saving lives, it is also quite dangerous. Diseased individuals are everywhere, and one is always at a high risk of suffering with them. Not to mention sometimes doing disease control work is always ‘fun and exciting’.

But there is also another kind of being in constant danger.

John nonchalantly glanced over to Count Calbert, who had been sitting mostly quiet for the time being. He knew the guy wanted to make a move on the doctor. What could he be thinking right now? Even more, what is this guy like as a person?

“Count Damien, we haven’t had the opportunity to know each other better. Do you have any hobbies you would like to share?” He probed. ““I play board games in my free time. Chess and backgammon being my favorite.”

Noticing the shifting of Munir’s tone, Cassius could not help but wonder if the Shahzade had been raised to see his own nation through rose-tinted glasses. It had been his experience that those with a stake in sovereignty and its design often found their fingers off the pulse of reality. Truly interesting, though, considering he had assumed that a man of Munir’s specific brand of reputation would see through the cracks and façades of authority. Perhaps he did, however, something about this topic certainly struck a chord with the man all the same.

“Indeed, easy is not a word that I would use to describe such a life. Though it was thrilling, fulfilling at times, and dangerous at every turn… It taught me more about this world than any book or orator ever could.” In truth, it had not even been that long since Cassius had left that life, yet already something about it felt as though it was a lifetime ago. “But now I find myself enraptured by an entirely different purpose. One with which feels rather foreign to me still…yet perhaps just as perilous in its own ways. I wager a man like me could learn a thing or two from someone such as yourself, Munir.”

"Ah, games are a delightful pastime, aren't they? I am an avid lover of games." Calbert replied with a smooth smile. "Chess, cards... they offer a certain strategic pleasure, don't you agree?" He leaned back slightly, his eyes glinting with interest. "Beyond that, I find hunting, falconry, and fencing to be rather stimulating pursuits."

With a measured pause, he folded his hands, directing his gaze towards John. "Tell me, Doctor, have you been engaging in chess for long?”

Munir nodded along, taking occasional sips from his cup as the count talked about some of his hobbies. It seems the games played are similar across the world, as Munir himself is familiar with the games being mentioned. However, when the count mentioned falconry and hunting, Munir leaned in a little more than before, having more interest in those activities than the less active games the good doctor had mentioned. “No no, Cassius, I have no lessons to offer as I am but a mere student myself. I’m still learning and stumbling through these perils you mentioned.” Munir responded to Cassius’s previous statement.

“It certainly does!” John pointed at Calbert in agreement. “It keeps your brain active, and it gives you that sense of pleasure beating your opponents, like you said. I’ve played recreationally against the common folks in my hometown, and I’m telling you, they’re pretty strong.”

Munir didn’t seem particularly interested. John would like to inquire about the Alidasht variation of chess, in which the pawn’s initial two-step move was absent, whereas Sorian and Varian chess had it. En passant and castling were also removed, so Alidasht players tended to play slower but more decisively than normal players. If they liked to entertain that, it could be a nice thing to keep the conversation going, but for now, it’s Calbert.

“Though I don’t play it professionally or anything. It’s hard to make it in chess, not worth the free time I barely have.” John said, finishing the rest of his drink, pondering if he should ask for more. “The players…also have a warped sense of intelligence too, from what I’ve seen. It’s not a quality I admire.”

“Ah, Doctor Williamson, I can see your view. ” Calbert began, his voice carrying a warm, inviting timbre. He adjusted his posture slightly. “Many do mistake their intelligence after a few fleeting victories, as with many games not limited to chess… However…True mastery of chess does not merely arise from memorizing strategies or securing those fleeting victories. It requires an astute understanding of one’s adversary and the finesse to anticipate moves not yet made. Excellence, therefore, lies not within the confines of the board but in the nimbleness of thought and the depth of perception. I dare say this mindset applies to much more than chess, perhaps life itself...”

He grinned at John, ”I find it quite riveting to deduce an opponent’s tactics and predict their next moves. It’s akin to understanding the deeper layers beneath surface interactions, wouldn’t you agree?”

His question hung in the air a moment before Calbert turned his attention to the wider group. “And speaking of layers and strategies, I’m curious about how everyone’s courting endeavors are faring this season. It’s a game of hearts, after all, isn’t it? Each of you playing your part on a grand emotional chessboard. How have you gentlemen found the experience?”

Cassius gave a nod to Munir’s response and then leaned back in his chair, swirling his bourbon thoughtfully as he considered Calbert’s question. A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes.

“Ah, the game of hearts,” Cassius began, his voice dripping with a blend of sarcasm and charm. “I suppose it’s a game much like chess in its own right…though instead of pieces on a board, you’re maneuvering emotions and pairings that could last a lifetime… No pressure, right?” He smiled and took a sip of his bourbon, savoring the burn before continuing.

“You know… I have been a fortunate man to learn such a great deal about the arts of pleasure and seduction from all corners of this world. But this... this dance of courtship and marriage somehow feels foreign to me. In honesty, I’ve yet to come to terms with my true thoughts on the matter. It is, however, something I imagine is now expected of me.” He stated, turning his gaze to meet his father’s eyes. As he spoke, his mind occasionally became flooded with thoughts of one particular woman, but he forced clarity and wore his alluring smile with pride.

“I expect that it would do you well, Cassius. The world is always easier to take on with a partner in hand… However, I do not expect you to rush your pace or your life for my sake.”

“Mm. Yes. A game of hearts indeed. As I am not first in line to inherit the Sun Throne, I would say I’ve had an easy go at it.” Munir quipped briefly. “All of this palace intrigue, all of this gossiping and spreading of rumors of who was seen strolling the gardens with who and who approached who during the evening’s ball surely has its appeals but to me, it is just that. Rumors and gossip. For me, as you gentlemen may have known given my reputation, I’m simply here for the festivities and to broaden my own horizons. I do not believe I will find a wife this season.” Munir’s tone was a little drier than usual as he ended his sentence.

Taking a sip of his iced mead, he gave a small pause to the conversation before continuing, tone lighter once again. “With what has already taken place, I feel as if I’ve experienced enough and I can return to Alidasht a smarter man than before. However, I don’t think my father would be very pleased with me if I just went home, back to the sands and sun. So here I am, in the company of fine gentlemen like yourselves” Yes. Munir was babbling at this point. His mind kept turning towards Mina, and what has recently taken place.
It ached him to have said what he just said. To not be able to loudly announce his feelings and having to redon his armor of being a rake and one who is simply here for his own pleasure.

“It does. Watching my opponent suffer does give satisfaction…” John enigmatically said. “Games of hearts aren’t as similar though. I don’t deceive or break people psychologically.”

Calbert simply chuckled at John’s response.

Cassius didn’t give much indication to what was going on. It seemed like he had someone in mind, explaining why he felt that way. As for Munir, he tried his best, but John could sense the salt dripping from his words. There was one woman John knew he was dabbling with.

“Hmm, I find it…enlightening.” John stared at nobody in particular. “Overtime, I see every woman I met as a potential romance partner, but more like people that need company. A friend you may call it. Life in a castle can be lonely. And if they want to proceed from there, they can.”

“I don’t have the same pressure to find a loved one as you gentlemen though, but isn’t it a good thing though, that your wife is also your best friend.”

“Indeed, gentlemen. The courting season is still very early.”

Count Calbert Damien, Cassius Vael, Shahzade Munir al-Kadir, Doctor John Williamson

Part 1

Count Calbert Damien had seated himself first at the table, expecting his son to follow. Instead of the blue suit he wore earlier, he was now dressed in an expensive black suit, his long hair perfectly laying down his back. With a smile on his face, he calmly picked up the menu and turned to glance over to the side, expecting his son to seat himself beside him.

Cassius was not tailing his father as closely as the man had expected. No… Instead, Cas had stopped to chat up a hostess that had crossed his path shortly after they entered the establishment. He was a creature of habit after all. As he parted ways with the woman, she was left with a charmed smile and cheeks that were flushed with a rosy, red hue. His eyes turned back towards Calbert just as the man’s glance was searching for him. Making his way over to the table, Cassius took his seat next to the count.

“I quite like the look of this place. It’s almost too posh for my bastard blood…and yet there’s just enough rakish appeal to suit my tastes.

Calbert met his son’s eyes and gave him a warning glance, despite the smile that graced his lips.

Munir hopped out of the carriage, dressed in a suit that fit the setting of the evening. He took a moment to smooth out the coat of his suit and shook his hair out. For the evening, he chose to wear a simple black suit, matching black slacks and a cream colored shirt with the top two buttons undone. In terms of accessories, he also chose to be very simple. His hair was tied into a loose pony tail, secured with a small golden circlet engraved with the sigil of his house, but without any jewels. He also chose to wear a simple gold braided necklace with a small onyx scorpion pendant that is hidden underneath his shirt.

Upon his entrance into the building, Munir gave the hostess a small nod and kept moving. “Count Damien. How refreshing it is to see you here. Allow me to get the first round of drinks for the table, in advance to what is surely to be a wonderful night of conversations amongst men. And you, sir. I do not believe we’ve met. I am Shahzade Munir al Kadir, pleased to be in your presence…”

“Your Majesty!” Count Calbert rose to give Munir a gallant bow. “Shahzade Munir Kadir, the pleasure is truly ours. It is especially wonderful to be graced by your presence this evening.” He gestured to Cassius. “And this is my son, Lord Cassius. “

Cassius gave the Shahzade a charming, yet much more subtle bow than the one his father offered as he introduced himself. “The pleasure is all mine, Your Majesty. During my travels to the Alidasht I heard many tales about you and the royal family. To put a face to the name, and find myself standing among you this evening is quite the honor…I must say.”

John’s arrival followed a few minutes after. A complete coincidence but how fitting is it that he wore the same outfit as when he found Violet with Calbert. Now he wondered if his arrangement tonight was predetermined, but oh well, John is going to have some fun with this.

For now, he kept a neutral friendly face to both Munir and Calbert.

“Good day, gentlemen. I see familiar faces.” John looked over to Munir. “Shahzade Munir. Peace be upon you. I hope you’re doing splendidly.”

Seeing Cassius, John gave him a light bow. “I don’t think we’ve properly met. I am Doctor John Williamson of Varian. Though John suffices.”

Calbert’s eyes fell swiftly on John like a hawk spotting its prey, but the pleased look on his face had not changed. In fact, the count had smiled at the doctor kindly as he allowed the conversation between the younger men to continue.

Offering the good doctor a firm handshake, Cassius responded with a captivating smile of his own. “I remember you from the beach, doctor. It’s wonderful to fully make your acquaintance. I hope we are all prepared for whatever gentlemanly escapades are in store for us this evening. I, for one, am quite ready for a drink.

“Indeed.” Munir offered a short, but curt response. Munir raised his hand and hailed over a waitress “Please bring me a bottle of iced mead, and whatever libations these gentlemen requests” Turning his attention back to the table Munir continued “Please, at least for the event, dispense with the titles. We’re here as men, to have a conversation and share the joys of each other’s company. For the evening at least, I’m simply Munir, a man amongst men.’

“Very lovely to see you again, Doctor.” Calbert finally greeted as well, wearing the same warm smile on his face as always. He turned his attention to a waitress, “A glass of fine brandy, please, madam.”

“Oh, I don’t think any of us are lacking gentlemanliness here.” John gave a mostly harmless and positive joke, as he accepted Cassius’s invitation, his handshake weaker than Cassius’s, but still firm. “Very lovely to see you again too in much better circumstances.” He greeted Calbert back with a genuine and charming smile.

“An apple cider, please.” John made the order short without looking at the menu. Given their light bow before departure, they had it.

Cassius greeted the waitress with a sly grin. The two shared a knowing glance as it was the same woman he had been chatting with upon entering the cabaret. Putting his menu down, his eyes traveled between each of the gentlemen at the table before giving his order. “Tonight feels like bourbon. And love, please bring the bottle.” As the waitress took her leave, Cas addressed the table once more. “A Prince, a Count, a Doctor, and a Bastard walk into a bar…sounds like the setup for a terrible joke.” He stated with an amused smirk.

“I thought we were dispensing with any titles this evening, Cassius. Yes, our lives are as different as the drinks we’ve ordered, but we need not discuss that, I feel. We’re simply here to enjoy one another’s company, no?” Munir quipped, leaning back lightly against the finely appointed leather chair. Munir also took the moment to survey his surroundings, to take in the decor of the place. Back home, places like this would have light music playing from a live band, lively conversations being shared among patrons, drinks of all types being consumed and flavored herbs being smoked. Munir’s name, and his tab, at these establishments, were stuff of legends. Not simply because he is the prince, but also how he conducts himself. This specific establishment, while similar in decor and atmosphere, was unknown to Munir. He had been so focused on one specific person these past few days that he did not really take the time to familiarize himself with the sights and sounds of the city.

“Of course, Munir. It was but a humorous thought. In truth, I am glad those of us from different worlds can gather here and simply enjoy a nice drink as well as the comradery that comes with it.” Cassius quipped back. “Speaking of comradery…shall I offer some congratulations? I believe I read in the paper that courting season is going rather well for one Munir Ibn Raif al-Kadir, is that correct or just more tabloid rumors?”

By this time, the waitress had quietly dropped off their drinks of choice. Munir picked up a glass of iced mead and took a small, but still very refreshing, sip. “Mm. It’s just rumors, I assure you. I’m here just to enjoy the season and all that it has to offer.” Munir responded with a dry smile. Setting his drink down, Munir continued “I must say, having ventured North on my father’s orders, this trip thus far has been eye opening. All this Northern hospitality, and the beauty, you know what I mean. “ Munir finished with a sly smirk.

John’s drink was dropped off, but he took out his handkerchief and cleaned his hand, then he leaned his cheek on his hand holding the handkerchief.“I’m glad to know you are impressed, Munir. I too am impressed, even as locals. The terrain is like that in myths and fairy tales, without the unicorn, the fairies.” Only then would he take a sip of his cider. “Have you passed by my hometown, Kolonivka?”

After giving Munir a knowing smile and wink in understanding, Cassius cut in with gentle enthusiasm. “Ah, Kolonivka. I spent time there during the solstice. There are few things more magical than a proper Varian celebration. Never saw the spirits myself, but that feast was special.” He commented, leaving out the fact that he had been there on a contract with the Wolves to subdue and interrogate a rather vile human being that ended in the man finding himself in a rather icy grave.

“Mm. Yes. No, John, I have not been to Kolonivka. I do wish to make a trip there sooner rather than later. Such wild country, what with all the snow and wind. That begs the question. Have you gentlemen been to the Land of Sand and Sun?” Munir said after taking a small sip of his iced mead, the cooled honey wine flowing through his chest, bringing about a sense of joy and the taste of sweetness. At the mention of Kolonivka, Munir did his very best to hide his frown, having recently been through the ordeal with Mina and Count Sebastian…

“Hmm, glad to hear we have been treating you well.” John said, letting the flow of the conversation dry up his throat a little more. “Not yet, but your openness has been encouraging me to take a personal visit myself, although…” He swirled his hand, gesturing towards his overly stuffed attire. “I’d imagine I would need to be more careful.”

His jokes aside, “I’m planning a vacation there to coincide with their, I believe it’s called, Sands of Unity Festival. I’ve heard that scientists of both our kingdoms are predicting a comet coinciding either in the evening of Ventu 15 or early morning of Ventu 16.” It would also be a great time to be learning about Alidasht astronomy. Their desert lands were home to a lot of beautiful astronomical events.

“And as for me…” Cassius stated, beginning to answer Munir’s question. “I have graced the Alidasht with my presence a few times over the years. The natural beauty of your land is almost unparalleled in my humble opinion. And the good doctor is right…I spent a few months under contract quelling a trade dispute that turned far bloodier than necessary, and even amongst that chaos I could not help but be in awe of that magnificent desert sky every night as I laid my body down.”

“Under contract you say. You’ve stopped some bloody trade disputes? While I’m glad you were in the employ of someone else, I wish you had brought that to the attention of the law enforcement we have in place in Alidasht, Mr.Cassius Vael.” Munir said, tone slightly different as it seems to him that Cassius implied that he had killed folks during his quelling of the bloody trade dispute. However, given the current atmosphere, Munir left the matter at that, deciding not to pursue it further.

“You seem quite the traveler, Mr. Cassius. Quite a negotiator too.” He said, laying his cheek on his palm. “May I ask what you do exactly?”

The doctor was also curious about the Bastard label he gave himself earlier too, but he decided to keep quiet on that for now.

Part 5

Time: Later on... 10pm
Location: Meeting room in a mansion in unknown location in woods
Mention: @PapaOso Cassius @FunnyGuy Alexander @Potter Olivia @Helo Callum @Silverpaw Wulfric @samreaper Kazumin

“Everyone below the rank of Knight, you are dismissed. Thank you for your presence.” Marek stated firmly, his voice leaving no room for hesitation. As Marek’s words hung in the air, the room filled with the shuffling of chairs. The servants moved swiftly to clear the table as this occurred.

The lesser members exited the grand meeting room one by one, leaving an air of anticipation behind. When the last of them had left and the doors were securely shut, only the most trusted remained: the Knights, Mr. Solomon, Marciano, and Alexander.

Marek’s gaze slowly swept across the remaining figures before landing on Mr. Solomon. “Please begin with your concerns.”

Mr. Solomon set his steely gaze on him and then began, “My first concern, my King… While the last party indeed brought a satisfying level of chaos, I must raise a concern about the lack of precautions for who was allowed entry. The Alidasht royals, for example, became a significant variable. Their presence and any potential harm coming to them drew far more attention than we would have desired.”

“I strongly advise that for any future events, we implement tighter controls on only allowing the guest list. We should avoid allowing royals—or anyone of similarly very high profile—inside. Sending any royals back in a poor state, physically or mentally, only increases the risk of unwanted scrutiny. The aftermath has shown us that too much attention was drawn.”

Marek listened, his expression unreadable at first. “You make a valid point, Solomon,” he began, his tone thoughtful. “The presence of the Alidasht royals did indeed complicate matters...” He paused, then leaned back in his chair, a slow, malevolent grin spreading across his face. “However, I am not concerned. The so-called investigations they launch…They’ve always failed, and they will continue to fail. Their efforts are laughable at best.” His eyes had a sinister gleam as he added, “In the end, they’ll find nothing.”

Then, Marek looked at the rest of them. “Any comments on the dilemma?”

“I agree with Solomon… I would avoid allowing royalty to enter for now.” Marciano stated.

“I think I’d like to attend the next one and see what all the fuss is about.” Felix mused, leaning back in his chair.

“Excluding royalty sounds safe but what would even be the objective of these events if we did such a thing? The parties were designed to sew disorder within those that hold significant influence. Information. Blackmail. Entertainment. You’re not getting nearly as much of those from doctors or the daughters of dukes.” Alexander shrugged. “Setting a limit may be the solution.”

“I’ll consider having someone monitor the situation on a case-by-case basis. However, I’ve greatly enjoyed the chaos and confusion that’s ensued, and I see no reason to curb it. As Alexander suggests, I’m open to setting some boundaries, but I insist that the Caesonian royalty remain welcome. Their presence adds a certain… flavor to our gatherings.”

“And I’ll be there this time so everything will go perfectly naturally.” Felix jested with a snicker, pulling a chuckle out of Thomas.

Dr. Solomon's gaze shifted to Marek as he spoke once more, “I imagine this ties back to Prince Callum… What exactly are your intentions for the boy?”

Marek's smile widened and there was a glint of malice in his eyes. “Naturally, it does. My goal is quite simple—I intend for him to take Prince Wulfric's place as the next King.”

Everyone's attention snapped to Marek, curiosity and unease flickering in their eyes.

“I do not foresee Wulfric ever treading a path of my design… Callum, on the other hand, will be far more malleable, a suitable puppet to lead the kingdom. I suspect that one day, Callum and I will see very eye to eye.” Marek’s dark chuckle reverberated through the room.

“...The boy may indeed despise his family, however, that doesn’t mean his heart is as dark as those in our midst. I’m certain he would recoil at our less-than-savory activities… ”

“Oh, I quite agree,” Marek replied, his tone laced with anticipation. “But the more Callum taps into the power of dark magicae, the more he’ll transform into someone far more agreeable to our cause.”

Mr. Solomon’s lips curled into a faint smile, then he glanced down at his notes. “And how can we be certain that Cassius Vael is worth the effort? All we have are stories and hearsay.”

“A valid question,” Marek replied with a nod. “Felix, you’ll oversee Kira’s efforts when it comes to Cassius... As for Cassius, I intend to put those rumors to the test, both mentally and physically. We’ll see if his reputation holds any weight.”

“My next concern revolves around the lists of names you’ve compiled. Are all these individuals truly enemies of the Black Rose? Many of them are rather high-profile figures.”

Marek’s smile remained, but his eyes narrowed slightly. “You’re right to question that. They’re more so Count Damien’s enemies than ours. Though I must admit, I might have crafted a similar one myself. It aligns perfectly with a little plan I’ve been brewing—a personal one if you will. I’ll share more details with you later.”

He paused briefly, letting his words sink in before continuing. “The Count approached us just last night, seeking our aid with his dilemmas. He ultimately decided to strike fear into the hearts of those on that list. It seems the girl Olivia and her companion Kazumin have given Damien the impression they’re targeting him and his family. After an incident involving arrows through the Damien estate windows and an escape utilizing the aid of magic, the two took refuge in the Vikena household. Olivia, once known as Persephone, attempted to alter her appearance, but it was a futile effort. I’ve made it clear to Calbert exactly who she is. Rather than pursue legal action, he’s chosen to have them tormented instead. It seems Calbert and I share a certain… appreciation for inflicting suffering.”

“Why not outright kill them or frame them as a scapegoat for one of our activities? Could even make them into slaves. Besides a few matters of circumstance, those two bear no significance.” Alexander argued before taking a sip from his glass.

“Count Damien is known for his games, Alexander, as I’m sure you’ve heard. For him, it’s always about power—a constant struggle for dominance… As for me, what happens to any of them matters little. However, this will all matter to Lady Vikena… Killing them too soon would be too abrupt. The isolation phase must endure for some time longer.”

“Charlotte…” Looking off, Alexander let her name hang in the air while a pleasant grin spread across his lips. I hope I get a chance to taste her before she becomes- Alexander's eyes met Marek’s. “I guess she does give value to the two. I stand humbly corrected, King.”

Marek’s smirk deepened as he drummed his fingers thoughtfully before glancing at Mr. Solomon. “Oh, and, Solomon, continue your research on that family. I’d like to find the last of them before they reveal themselves… That’ll be all for now.” He rose from his chair, signaling for the others to follow. “Marciano, Alexander, Solomon—reconvene with me late tomorrow evening.”

As Marek made his way out, he paused beside Alexander, leaning in to speak lowly in his ear. “If you think you’d enjoy her, I encourage you to take what you desire from this world... The more she suffers, the better it will serve our purpose.” His words left Alexander with eyes brimming with excitement.

I am interested! :)
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