Avatar of Psyker Landshark


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25 days ago
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4 mos ago
best I got's a microwave burrito and a handle of popov, straight
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7 mos ago
when you smash ron after someone else calls riichi for one han just to make sure they get nothing
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1 yr ago
To this day, I regret not being able to try pre-nerf four loko
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1 yr ago



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Is this yuri?

domestic abuse
Salvator Rasch

All of the questions only raised further concerns in Salvator's mind, but he knew better than to voice those at this point. After all, it wasn't as if the commander unit was going to actually listen to a grunt. That data was probably worth more than their entire squad, he'd admit. Still didn't make the situation any more palatable.

At least they were being properly outfitted, and-

A loud interruption. And the kid was alive. And talking. Christ in Void, he was too old and too underpaid for this shit. At least it didn't seem like there would be any negotiations for her to fuck up this time. Really, Kleo and diplomacy should be kept as far away from each other as possible. Fine. He'd try and sort this out as best he could before they deployed. Was the least he could do, for the sake of the squad.

"None further from me." Salvator replied to the commander unit. At some point as the briefing ended, he would turn to Kleo, tilting his head in the direction of a corner of the room.

"Kid. Kleo. A word?" He spoke quietly. "I don't have your file, but I can make some educated guesses. You get press-ganged into this? My condolences." Salvator said sincerely before his voice hardened. "I get it. You'd rather not be here, and you don't trust all the shitty, spooky aliens, myself included. Doesn't change facts, though. Like it or not, you're stuck here for the moment. Now, bitch out the commander unit all you want, I don't care. Hell, I probably agree with you most of the time. But if you piss off our support, who're probably all or mostly non-humans, given our track record, the same way you did with the rebels on the last drop? You're pissing off people we're entrusting our lives to. So if only to cover your own ass, just don't be a prick to them this time, would you? Not saying to hold hands and make nice, just don't piss them off. Appreciated."

Nakajima Ageha

So, this was the world of the living. Loud, noisy, garish, and confusing. Small wonder all of the recently dead she'd met were off, some moreso than others. Ageha brushed off Mei's obvious hazing, taking the situation in.

Sealed to a quarter of their strength. Annoying. What was the difference between them being too slow or weak to intercept a Hollow in time to eat a human, and possibly harming some from their spiritual pressure?

Two on the water. The pacifist was already dropping down towards them. She'd leave him to it. Multiple hollows emerging from the ground. Her Shikai wasn't exactly the best at dealing with that, not in the open. Ageha could feel Tetsu Moya's displeasure at her regarding the thought, but she brushed it off. They'd had this conversation more than once already. He would learn to live with it, because she wasn't budging on this argument. Nonetheless, she continued looking over the situation.

The largest Hollow in the area was climbing...some big metal thing. Whatever that was. Regardless, she'd found her target.

"The large one is mine. I will help reinforce when I'm finished with it." Ageha stepped forward, and started plummetting full speed towards the crane, sword drawn.

"Rend and bite, Tetsu Moya!" Ageha released her Zanpakuto moments before she made impact, counting on the increased strength and larger blade from her release as she slammed her dadao down in a vertical cleave straight for the Hollow's mask.
Ranbu no Izayoi

Two days later, the Kirins gathered at Hien's request once more. With the addition of another person. Seated at Hien's right at the table was a scruffy, ragged man in an eyepatch and tricorne, clad in a crimson coat far more elaborate than the rest of his getup.

"Thank you for coming. It took some doing, but I believe we've found a solution to your transport woes. May I introduce the good Captain Bikke, whom I'll turn the floor over to."

"Thank ye kindly, milord Hien." Bikke grinned, lighting a pipe taking a few puffs before continuing. "Now, I be hearin' from our mutual friend here that ye be in need of transport. Yarr, I'll keep it short: got a crew and ship in me possession, but there be a frigid wench in charge of the local n'eer do wells. Mizutani Tane be her name, heard a few of ye be familiar already." A pointed glance in Izayoi's direction, who glowered at the obvious pirate.

"Me and me boys been running errands fer ol' Hien here fer quite some time. Valheimr be a pain in our arses too. But given that we ain't quite official registered sailors with th' local authorities, we pay a little helper's fee to that resident crime lordess t' take care of that problem, as it were. Though it seems that arrangement ended on her part. Cunt be demandin' exorbitant fees just tae let us stay in port, threatened to tip Valheimr warships off if'n we made a break fer it." He leisurely blew out a few smoke rings before going on.

"Yer all seemin' like smart lads 'n lasses, can see what I'm gettin' at here. Gimme Mizutani Tane's head, an' ye'll get free passage tae Costa del Sol. Yarr."

"And there you have it. Apologies for the runaround, but there truly are no better options." Hien gave a rueful grin. "We don't have much on the woman's movements, but she still lives exactly where you knew her last." His sentence was punctuated with a glance in Izayoi and Ciradyl's direction.

"Understood." Izayoi bowed her head to Hien before turning to face Galahad and the others.

"Her manse is in the trader's district, to the southwest of where we are. Our best chance of actually catching her there will be to assault under cover of night. Unlike with the prison, we've no further information in terms of blueprints or inside information. Any more intelligence will have to be gathered on-site. We ought to depart at sunset."


Garishly opulent and several stories tall, Mizutani Tane's mansion stood out among the spires of the market district, a walled garden blocking off the riffraff from the manse itself. As they approached from a side street, Izayoi scowled up towards it.

"For years, I had put serious thought into simply walking through the front door and putting everyone within to the sword. But that was back when I was unassailable. We will need more forethought than that." Her gaze turned towards Galahad and Esben, being the two other main tacticians of the group thus far.

"As I am aware, there are multiple points of entry once we clear the walls. Either we scale the exterior, or infiltrate through a side entrance. That, or we do as my younger self would have and charge through the front, as foolhardy an idea as that is."
I lied, it's up now
Grandmaster Safina

"Sound off. Is everyone here?" Safina planted her hands down on the table in what passed for a war room within the Concord's Odonfield cell hideout. Nigh on a dozen hardened veterans of thievery, assassination, and espionage of varying races voiced assent back.

"Good. Try not to make any trouble for the Odonfield cell while we're here, we're occupying enough of their space as it is. Now, on to business. Our illustrious employer wants the target's vault emptied. Kaput. Of course, she didn't specify what to do with that lucre after. Pull this off, you'll all be getting no small share of the loot. Incentive. And motivation to not screw this up. We clear?"

A round of nods across the table, with more than a few eyes glinting in mixes of avarice and caution born of experience.

"Right. We'll need a few things. First, a man on the inside. Can't risk more than one, it'd be too obvious. We'll need our best social adept on the job to blend in, get us a lay of the land. Rhinecliff is out of town, distracted with our client's other ventures. This gives us a brief window to get the job done. Those little pets She keeps ran afoul of him, probably."

Roles were given, plans were made, and tasks were set. Just another job. One more difficult, complex, and daunting than most the Concord undertook, but it'd be a cold day in hell before Safina said her people couldn't do this.
In SPIRITUM 7 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Kalina Kovalic

Kalina nodded along passively to the princess's explanation of Vangar internal politics, her eyes kept straight on the road. Convincing the Emperor to make overtures at peace was all well and good, but that implied Rassvet would even be willing to trade any amount of their most important strategic resource to a nation that had just been trying to conquer them. Money was one thing, but even if Rassvet mercantile interests were stupid enough to try, the military would sort that out in an instant.

She would have thought further on this, but the appearance up the road of a sudden wreck put a kibosh on that. Kalina frowned, parking the truck some distance away in case there were hostiles. The RV was of no concern. Stray fire could set the Etherium fuel tanker alight, probably taking the Barghests and hanger-on in the explosion if they were close enough.

She exited the truck, gunblade in hand as Justice gave her orders.

"Roger." Kalina nodded, checking the chamber of her weapon before stepping forward. Ideally, they'd try to drive around this whole mess. The truck could handle a bit of offroading, and surely the leaked fuel plus the tanker didn't cover every single bit of path they could drive through, right?
Alright so we determined we aren't doing a collab this round, I'll have an update post on my end within a day or three, sorry for the delay.
I believe we are just waiting on the Psykers x ERode collaboration now?

Not for another few days afaik
Renar Hagen

Fortunately, Thrinax hadn't attempted to waylay any of the distraction team as they moved into place. Unfortunately, the dragon went for the next worst target possible: the captain. At the very least, the aforementioned along with Gerard and Rolan were already reacting quickly, giving time for himself and Fleuri to move.

Renar caught Fleuri's eye from a distance away as Gerard dashed forward, nodding to the former.

"Do as you did with the griffin!" Was all he had time to say before charging forth, moving to help encircle the dragon and hoping Fleuri got the point.

The front, flank, and one hind leg were under assault. It was distracted. Regardless, Renar held no illusions of being able to land a telling blow without risk. Against a dragon, that was a fool's wish.

“There are too many things in the world that can attack you even if they leave themselves open to injury. Magic armour, vampires, wild monsters in general…”

“Most of what the Iron Roses deal with are normal humans or similar. But you’ll need to be ready for those that aren’t, who won’t be impaired the same way. How you learn to deal with that is up to you, but try not to learn on the spot. Doing it that way hurts.”

Perhaps not all of Tyaethe's advice was applicable in this situation, but he parsed the gist of it. Renar made for the dragon's hind leg on the opposite flank as Gerard was attacking from, closing the distance as quickly as he could while Thrinax was still otherwise occupied. Instead of attacking from the ground, however, he slung his poleaxe up across his back and leapt up, attempting to climb atop the dragon using its scales as hand and foot holds. They wouldn't get anywhere presenting a credible threat from the ground alone, and thankfully the only member of the Roses that had any amount of experience with mounting flying beasts wasn't otherwise engaged yet.

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