Oh, I'm sorry. I overlooked that part. Should I copy and paste it to here now? I literally just finished it.
Let me take a look I liked what I read so far so I might just accept, one sec.
Ok cool Accepted. No need to post in OOC. Thanks :)
I'm thinking of making another character who is essentially a robot created by Dr. Fang to join the Omega League and spy on them.
That sounds like it would be fun and create good story. For sure.
Since the vilianous teams are a bit underpopulated atm, I might make an evil character. I'm thinking a rogue AI created by the Light named Chauncey
That sounds ok but the Light would never create evil. The light is good. But if the A.I went rogue by it self that would be ok. Like if the A.I was created by Williams and he was teaching it how to be good and what not but then somthing happens to it and it goes rogue. Or somthing like that. ...:)