Avatar of Qia


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3 days ago
Current What a blessing in disguise honestly.
23 days ago
Baby blue toes....na dat boi weird.
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29 days ago
Can't say I relate to that experience.
29 days ago
Not gonna lie. Drop kick has to be one of my favourite words. Top 3. xD
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1 mo ago
The least you can do is pm me the link to this rp. Come on now. =/


Hi, Qia here <3. I'm a gamer and RP fan just looking to have a good time.

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Unexpectedly, Alayna had spent her break trying to be a lot more courageous than usual. She'd taken the time to get to know both of her roommates, beyond just knowing their first names (or, in Maggie's case, finally knowing what they looked like). And while she is still pretty much her anxious self, her daily goal has always been to improve on yesterday, her progress resulting in two new friendships with girls she knew she could trust.

Yet, while her social situation had slightly changed, the witch still kept up her usual morning walks and can be found presently replenishing her stomach with a light snack under a tree near the main house. From her position, she can see the house and its grounds, some of her fellow witches roaming about or sitting on the front porch chatting and drinking the tea served that morning. Alayna herself had been tempted to linger in the main house, but the sun outside had seemed too good an opportunity for her to remain inside. Not even the tiredness she'd felt this morning because of the previous night's camp sesh could keep her in, although she is no late sleeper.

As if taunting her, a yawn escapes from the corner of her mouth, making the girl wince. Her walk had given her, at least, the energy to shower and dress, her hair done up in its usual bun and her shoes a pair of simple black flats. But the rest of the day she can already tell is bound to feel like a day-long vigil. Oh why, oh why did she not simply ask to go in early? Because that would be strange obviously. We're trying to make ourselves appear less strange to others, remember, her mind reminds her. She may have developed a good relationship with her roommates, but with the rest of her peers, a lack existed. Still, that could always be changed with a good push, no?
"Right then," she accidentally says aloud in response to this thought, surprising the elder that had approached her without being heard.

"Oh...I'm sorry," Alayna mumbles, her cheeks heating, "I'm guessing I'm needed somewhere, huh?" And needed she had been, her face filled with excitement once she'd made it to the meeting place and heard the assignment being read out to her. Vampires, for a fire user such as herself, should surely be a piece of cake. Or, at least, that's what she'd thought at first. But, upon further reflection of Sister Deborah's warning, fear leaks into her veins and she's rendered into speechlessness as Calypso provides the details given in her team's folder.

It is only when in the privacy of her room that Alayna allows her hands to tremble and a few tears to fall, ones that she quickly wipes away to avoid any evidence of her state of doubt. All that she can think, as she stuffs a small bag with necessities for the trip, is that this may be too soon and things were bound to go wrong in some way.

The young witch could feel it in her bones.

Seeing Calypso's flustered look and with only a little help from Dakota, Alayna bites her lip, still unsure herself what Caleb had meant by his words. Her confusion quickly turns to an understanding of the situation she is in now however once the conversation becomes more of a two-way street rather than a four-way stop. Thankfully, this only lasts for a short time, the mention of the elders providing her the chance to enter the conversation once again.

"Yea, it is," Alayna agrees, nodding her head at Caleb, "It almost makes me wonder if I'll ever be as strong, to be honest with you. The fire element has always been my specialty, and I guess I'm ok with the other elements as well, although not as good. Everything else though is...a lot harder. Your ability sounds...pretty awesome."

Talks to: @Danvers

With permission granted, Alayna's eyes lighten and she gives Bast a big grin as the cat saunters over to her, rubbing her head against her legs in approval. The witch, letting go of her suitcase, bends over to pet her, a small giggle escaping her mouth before she can stop it. It can't be helped though. Cats were always so adorable and it was obvious Bast was trying to make her feel more at ease. They were supposed to be good at picking up on emotional gestures, after all. "Thanks for that," she whispers, scratching said cat under her head, earning another soft purr.

Her attention is only diverted once Caleb moves to lean against the wall, a curious frown playing on her lips. How long had she zoned out for? What favor was he referring to? Alayna looks from him to Calypso before silently cursing herself. If she wanted to make friends with her peers, she had to focus on them a little more, no? But once again she finds herself feeling like the outsider, being the outsider, and she only has herself to blame this time.

Ah well, can't be helped I guess, she thinks to herself, getting up and grabbing her suitcase handle.

"Uhh...what are we talking about here, exactly?" she whispers to Dakota, "I got a little...distracted."

Speaks to:@Hitman

The blonde blinks in response to the other's strange reply. Had she not been clear with her words or was this Calypso's way of rejecting her offer? The question lingers in her mind a moment longer before she opens her mouth to speak again, fully intending on expressing her confusion. However, before she can get a word out, a small force rams into her, almost knocking her from her feet. A light cry of surprise leaves her once Alayna realizes what is happening, and she struggles inwardly to hold back a ferocious blush from creeping up her cheeks. The girl was never one for close contact with others or-her eyes dart from Dakota to those around her she could see.


Attention from a room full of people who either didn't know her or hated her is the last thing she needs right now. Thankfully, for both her and her now slightly syrupy hair, Calypso pulls away, steering the conversation into the realm of introductions and away from...whatever that hug had been. With a straight face, Alayna nods her head at Dakota's question, biting her lips to suppress a laugh. Dakota's laugh is both annoying and, in some way, endearing, although she wisely chooses not to express this opinion.

Instead, she finds her attention once again being drawn somewhere else, this time in the form of what can only be her male twin from another life. Her eyes instantly fixate on the boy's scar, having never seen one like it before.

"Scar...that is a pretty good name actually," she finally says, her eyes now settling on the two furballs wrestling on the ground. She'd always wanted a cat but between practicing her magic and keeping up the mirage of a normal life, she'd never had the chance.

"Umm, can I, maybe, pet her?" the witch asks then, a hint of a smile hovering around the corner of her lips.


Once Sister Lark would make her way over to Alayna's chosen sleeping spot, she would have been surprised to see the young witch's sleeping bag already rolled up and placed neatly beside a pink suitcase. You see, the girl had developed the habit of taking a run every morning, and would have been found, instead, leaning against the bark of a tree, gulping down some water in a little pink bottle. While the night had been primarily chilly, much like the afternoon of her witchy becoming the morning had brought a sweltering heat that was hard to ignore, as well. So, there she had been, dressed in grey sweatpants and a white tee, her hair tucked into a long ponytail. The forested haven would not have seemed deserted like the night before either. On the contrary, the trees seemed thicker with leaves and the birds appeared loud and cheerful, poised on the branches above her and only flying off once she made a move to leave her post. She could only ponder what had occurred between Hana and her for so long.

As Alayna had originally thought, she had really felt that raindrop, the skies that had been so clear suddenly opening up with tears. Thankfully, it had only turned out to be a drizzle, the two witches resorting to standing under one of the many big trees, chatting about things like plans for the summer, and so forth. Really, what else were they going to talk about, though? Hana couldn't be any more different from her. Still...she'd been nice enough that the blonde knew she'd been handed a chance at making a good friend without being told. Now, if only she could find another reason to hang out with her again.

With that wish in mind, perhaps this is why the young witch now feels a crushing blow of disappointment when she sees who she's rooming with. Although she has no qualms about either of her roommates, it is hard to ignore the feeling of starting all over again. She cannot even, if she's being completely honest, recall what Maggie looks like. Still, she manages a small smile of her own in return to Calypso's and even considers going over to her for a moment. It is best to start off on the right foot, she figures, and with pancakes in one hand and suitcase in her next, she begins to make her way over to her new roomie. Her footsteps slightly falter, not in fear but in nervousness, once she sees Dakota in conversation with her. But she doesn't stop until she's in front of her and the tension in her chest is so high it almost hurts.

"Hi..." the girl chokes out, her mind racing. She would have given a wave if her arms had not been occupied and felt like they would fall off at any given moment.

"I guess I just wanted to say that um..." She stops, unsure of where she is going with any of this. This is completely out of her comfort zone, but what choice does she have?

"If you ever wanna hang out then...let me know."

Speaks to: @canaryrose
Mentions: @Hitman (since she doesn't directly address her, lol)

Play nice for one night? Way too challenging for newly formed teenaged witches, is the thought that drifts across Alayna's mind that she reluctantly shares, albeit worded much differently.
"Well, the whole thing between Summer and Dakota...that was bound to happen eventually, I think," she replies, sticking out her hand pensively. Was that a raindrop she'd just felt or did she simply imagine it? She brings the fire in her hand closer to her, almost as if she is the flame itself about to be wiped out by unexpected forces. The heat that radiates from the glowing embers, however, both calms her and reminds her of her earlier experience during the ceremony.

A strange feeling. Yes, it had been the same for her. Except the feeling she'd experienced had also been familiar and much softer than how it had felt the first time. The scar on her left arm twitches a bit, as if it still remembers the event, but much more clearly than she preferred personally. Reaching out a hand, she rubs it gently as her eyes trail to the ground once more.

"So, you like to take care of everyone, huh?" Alayna asks, seemingly unaware of how odd this exchange might be, considering this has been the longest the two girls have ever spoken. How could she possibly know anything about this girl?

"I didn't really have any trouble if that's what you're concerned about."

Speaks to: Hana@Akayaofthemoon

Alayna gives her new companion a look of amusement but chooses not to argue with her. The other's words may be a little cheesy, but they do hold some truth to them. She's never been alone in the woods this late at night, so who knows what she might come across. Instead, she motions Hana forward with her head and turns to lead the way, looking back once or twice to make sure that she is following.

The trees are quiet tonight, not a whisper of movement anywhere in sight. Even the crickets seem to have fallen asleep, their chirps no longer audible as they were at the campsite. Alayna's breath is a cold mist on the air as she walks, and she keeps her head ducked low as if in contemplation. In reality, however, the girl is too busy trying not to make eye contact with the person beside her.

"So...what do you think of all of this so far?" the young witch asks, breaking the quiet of the night finally, "Did you also have a weird experience during the ceremony?" Alayna herself did not, but she cannot recall spotting Hana in all the havoc.

Speaks to: Hana @Akayaofthemoon

When Alayna hears a voice call after her, she is tempted to ignore it. But it is so unexpected, the idea that someone would want to keep company with her, that she comes to a stop either way. She turns back, coming face to face with Hana. The orphaned girl. This person she'd always tried to remember the name of, although the two had never really talked outside of the coven.

But still. It is a lot easier on the mind to remember the name rather than the circumstances.

"Um," Alayna starts, unsure of how to proceed at first and then, "only if you really want to. I am a witch, after all. I think I can handle myself." There's a moment of silence before she adds a slight smile, hoping that the other girl would not take her words as a rejection but as a way out just in case.

Speaks to: Hana @Akayaofthemoon

At Maggie's advice, Alayna begins to shake her head. She opens her mouth to argue otherwise, that certain species of fish can only be seen at night as well and that it is just a matter of having a source of light if necessary. But when Charlie gives his quick agreement, the words freeze on her tongue. An argument is not something she wishes to have, especially if she's trying to develop a good relationship with her initiate group. Still...

A feeling of disappointment creeps in, the witch looking down in case it is noticeable on her face. The thought of fishing had, unfortunately, brought up memories that she'd long ago purged from her mind, or so she'd thought. Yet, here she is now thinking about the close moments she had shared with her father as a child, with a father that is now gone, at least emotionally. She supposes she should be grateful that he is still with her physically, but for the life of her, she can't bring herself to do so.

When an argument breaks out between Dakota and Summer, the girl is tempted to step forward to make the situation better, mostly as a distraction to calm her troubled heart. Alayna can honestly say she doesn't care about what is happening, and finds both reactions from the persons involved to be ridiculous. As there are others to fulfill the role of the mediator, however, she thinks about Charlie's words about there being more to do instead.

"I...think I'm gonna take a walk," the girl says softly to no one in particular, bending down for a stick on the ground and lighting it afire with a flick of her hands. Without waiting for a response, she moves off and into the nearby patch of woods.

She desperately needs some air, and the cool night is sorely welcoming.

On the way back to the party, it is mostly quiet between the two of them. Various conversations are happening around them, and it is hard not to listen in to them despite having been at the ritual herself. It is astonishing to Alayna that her experience was nothing compared to some of the others. From passing out to having a panic attack, the burning sensation she'd felt seems almost normal. Then again, when she'd accidentally burned herself the first time, her mind had not been as clear as it was during the ritual. Perhaps she is merely lucky, and the girl wonders now how Kate might have fared during the whole thing.

No...I can't ask her about it, Alayna thinks, glancing at the other person as they examine their wrist closely. She searches her mind for a good conversation topic, something to keep her companion entertained, but it's difficult to find a thing to discuss with someone like her. Someone's who's never really taken the chance to open up to the rest of her initiate group.

So, in the end, the two initiates part ways once back at the site of the party, Alayna making way for Kate's parents as they rush over to them, giving them congratulatory hugs. A feeling of envy washes through her briefly at this display, the girl looking away instinctively and scanning the area for her parents. When she spots them at one of the round tables set up for the family of the initiates, she makes her way over, an expression of hope on her face. The expression turns into one of confusion, however, once she spots her small pink suitcase on an empty chair beside her father.

"Now don't tell me you forgot already," her mother pipes up then, her voice strained with exasperation, "You're lucky I checked your room after you stormed off before. You would have had nothing clean to change into, stuck in that sweaty dress of yours."

"Well, at least you still seem to be in one piece," her father adds jokingly, his eyes sparkling as he gets up and approaches his daughter, pulling her into a tight hug.

"And I think what your mother means to say is that we're both very proud of you, darling. We work you as hard as we do because we love you and we know you're capable of so much as a witch."

Alayna has to bite her lip hard not to retort with a snarky comment at her father's excuse. She'd already said all that she had to this morning when they'd fought, and she'd rather not have a repeat of it now and make a scene. Instead, she places her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes as she hugs him back tightly, imagining that he truly loves her unconditionally as he says.


If she'd known that a "possible stayover" meant sleeping outside rather than inside, Alayna would have packed something different to wear. Stuck in a simple white tee tucked into her most comfortable grey pajama pants, she is more than ready to be under the sheets in one of the main house's beds. She'd only ever stayed over once before during one of her summer breaks as a child, but the experience was not one she'd forgotten. It's not every day you got to see some of the coven leaders laid back and relaxed as they were at the time, after all. Instead, the girl knows she is in for a slightly uncomfortable and cold night, surrounded by people she barely knows. Her hand instinctively shoots up then, hitting a mosquito that had landed on her arm.

Oh, yea, and bug spray for the annoying bugs that can't help but love the taste of her blood. She would have walked with that too.

Well, it could be worse, is the thought that occurs to her then, spotting Calypso in her onesie. It's a cute one, but it's also bound to catch a lot of attention, and Alayna is certain that attention is the last thing that the other witch desires after her earlier debacle. With the hood up, she would be easy to miss too if it weren't for her familiar damply tangled black hair. Alayna reaches up to pat her own, now in its usual bun at the top of her head.

At the mention of ghost stories and fishing, the witch's eyes widen. Alayna had never been in the forest, in the dark and this time, before. But...She glances at her hands briefly before smirking. She could always just light the way if needed, right?
Her hand reaches up and bats another mosquito away from her arm, a frown crossing her face as she says, "I'll join for the fishing. Not the drugs." She blinks then, catching herself.

"If...that's okay."

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