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3 days ago
Current What a blessing in disguise honestly.
23 days ago
Baby blue toes....na dat boi weird.
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29 days ago
Can't say I relate to that experience.
29 days ago
Not gonna lie. Drop kick has to be one of my favourite words. Top 3. xD
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1 mo ago
The least you can do is pm me the link to this rp. Come on now. =/


Hi, Qia here <3. I'm a gamer and RP fan just looking to have a good time.

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Just so you know the image I used was just a reference. Don't feel pressured to go off it completely. I just needed something to look at lol xD

Outside, the wind howled relentlessly, its invisible hands attempting to sting my eyes and gnaw at my skin. Yet, amidst this struggle for dominance, I, Zephyr, remained the victorious observer—my hooves firmly planted on the ground. With an untamed spirit, I watched a male human hurry towards a destination, his every movement driven by an urgency that radiated through his thin body. In his hands, he carried an oblong wooden box, its weight evident in the strain etched upon his face.

The gusts buffeted against this determined creature, threatening to snatch the box from his grasp. But he held fast, his grip unyielding, as if channelling the tenacity of the elements themselves. With each step, his resolute energy brushed against my ethereal essence, intertwining for a fleeting moment. There seemed to be a temporary unspoken camaraderie between us—a shared understanding of purpose and determination.

As he reached the entrance of the tent, he deftly parted the canvas with a resolute motion, the fabric billowing and swirling in response. Curiosity stirred from somewhere within my being, urging me to witness the secrets that lay hidden within the depths of that shelter. With the freedom of the wind coursing through my mane, I craned my neck and continued observing from my vantage point to note anything else that was important.

Yet, as I stood there, my equine form tethered to the earth, I felt a profound detachment. And slowly this human's journey, the understanding of his burdens and aspirations, no longer resonated within my existence.

“I found them,” a young woman in a black garment and light armour said aloud then, her eyes opening and creasing in fortitude, “but we need to hurry”.


In the heart of New York city, a young girl sipped away at her iced coffee, looking at the people passing her by. The one thing she loved about her city was that it provided her with the opportunity to partake in one of her secret hobbies: people-watching. Amidst the vibrant streets and bustling crowds, she found herself drawn to observing the intricacies of human behaviour.

From the cozy cafes to the sprawling parks, every corner on her block held a wealth of stories just waiting to unfold. The city, with its diverse tapestry of individuals, also provided her with an endless array of characters to observe. The laughter of friends sharing a joke, the contemplative gaze of a solitary artist lost in their thoughts, and the tender exchanges of lovers wrapped in an embrace. She revelled in the details of it all—the way a person's eyes crinkled when they smiled, the determined stride of a businesswoman rushing to her next appointment, or the carefree skip of a child chasing their dreams.

In the city's vibrant tapestry, Nina Hughes found inspiration and a sense of connection that was difficult to find in her current life.

Letting out a sigh tinged with disappointment, she found herself once again fixated on the screen of her phone. The words illuminated in bold white letters mocked her with a bittersweet reminder of dashed plans.

"Sorry girly. Something came up. How do you feel about next Friday?"

The text lingered before her, a painful reminder of yet another cancelled rendezvous. As her fingers traced the edges of the device, Nina couldn't help but feel a wave of melancholy wash over her, and with a swipe of her finger she closed the message without responding, tucking her phone and her disappointment away. As she stood from the small table she had occupied for the past two hours, a sense of restlessness gnawed at her core. The temptation to unleash her power, to sweep away the disappointments with a mere thought, tugged at her like an addictive force. But she knew the dangers that lurked in giving in to such desires, the slippery slope that could lead her down a treacherous path that was hard to come back from.

Instead, with a determined flick of her wrist, Nina discarded the empty carton into a nearby bin, symbolically discarding the weight of unfulfilled expectations. She felt the weight of her backpack press against her shoulders then, a weirdly comforting reminder of the mysterious envelope's presence buried within its depths.


While reading the letter for the first time, Nina had been seated in her favourite spot: the cozy study of her family’s home, surrounded by shelves of old books and trinkets collected over the generations. The flickering flames in the fireplace had cast a warm glow, illuminating the room as she held the apparent invitation in her trembling hands. Outside, the soft sound of rustling leaves and chirping crickets did nothing to soothe her despite the ambiance it created. If anything, it was an infuriating backdrop, a cruel reminder about the world she was about to leave behind.

She’d been caught off guard in the most annoying way.

Nina’s irritation simmered beneath the surface as her eyes scanned the note. No sooner had she finished reading the last line did she see the world around her dissipate, as if someone had taken a wand and turned everything into smoke. She’d been initially disoriented, the haze only clearing as her eyes came to adjust to the suddenly bright colours around her. You’d think they would put a warning before opening the envelope that you wouldn’t be able to say goodbye to your loved ones…but no, she complained to herself sullenly, glowering at the now blue sky above her as it if were to blame for unceremoniously dumping her into this new world. The sand beneath her feet did not make things better either, invading her delicate bunny slippers and causing her to squirm with each step she took toward the newly formed stairs before her.

Really, none of this should have been a surprise to her. It was only recently that she’d found herself with abilities that none of her classmates could perform, at least as far as she knew. After all, it was not the norm that she could just know-just feel- what they happened to be thinking at a particular time. The dread for an upcoming exam; the excitement bubbling up the closer they got to the end of class; the hidden sadness lingering behind a few of their smiles.

Her abilities already felt like they were far too much.

As the unfamiliar voices and vibrant energies mingled around her, she felt a surge of vulnerability. She instinctively crossed her arms, as if seeking solace and protection within herself. Her oversized t-shirt, once a comforting garment, now served as a shield against the unknown faces around her. Summoning whatever courage, she could, she took a tentative step forward, reminding herself that at least she was not going to be alone in this new journey.
As Nina ascended the newly formed stairs, each step filled her with a mix of trepidation and exhilaration. With every upward stride, the veil between her world and the unknown grew thinner, drawing her closer to a realm steeped in mystique and wonder. The air crackled with electric arcane energy as if it were charged with the anticipation of what awaited her at the summit. As she neared what she assumed was the top, her senses were instantly overwhelmed by a kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and scents.

Before the young sorceress stood a seemingly unoccupied castle-like cottage, a charming and whimsical structure that seemed to have been plucked from the pages of a fairy tale. Its walls, adorned with intricate stonework and delicate vines, exuded an aura of enchantment. Tall, arched windows invited the warm sunlight to spill into the cozy interior, casting playful patterns across the polished wooden floors. The building was also embraced by lush green gardens and towering trees that whispered secrets of centuries gone by, their branches reaching out as if to offer their own brand of enchantment.

Yet, amidst the splendour, there was an air of intrigue that caught Nina's attention. As her gaze scanned the home's exterior, she noticed a subtle movement, a flicker of motion that stirred in the corners of her vision. Curiosity piqued, she peered closer, her eyes searching for the source. And there, nestled within the lush greenery, she caught a glimpse of small, beady eyes peering back at her.

A mischievous smile played on Nina's lips as she realized that hidden within the cottage's beauty, there were mystical inhabitants observing her every move. It seemed the structure had a life of its own, with magical creatures that dwelled within its walls and gardens. The small pair of eyes that she saw, though fleeting, spoke of a world teeming with enchantment and the possibility of unexpected encounters.

As her mind entertained thoughts of the magical inhabitants, Nina couldn't help but add a playful remark. "As long as I'm not on its dinner list," she murmured to herself, a wry grin tugging at the corners of her mouth.
Yes working on my post. Hoping to have it up by tomorrow if not too tired from work :)

she's accepted :) though a little nitpick, there's not going to be any wands in this roleplay, i saw mention of a wand in the sample post and wasn't sure if it was an expression or you thought that wanda were a thing here

Naa just phrase of expression lol :)

Hello, I haven't done this in a good while so I'm a little unsure. Is this rp open to everyone? It looks super interesting :)
Finally on a break from college so def interested, assuming this is still happening. :)

A scowl dots her face after the vampire's remarks, but the witch does not respond. Instead, she tries to concoct a plan that may get her out of this and able to assist the others. If she can somehow bait the vampire close enough to her, she may get her with her necklace, but that idea does not come without its risks. Still, she doubts the vampire will give her time to get help from the surrounding others.

With this thought, Alayna gathers some fire in her hand, waiting for her opponent's attack. When it does as another leap, however, she throws it at her opponent's feet once she's close enough, throwing her off enough to land the blow that she needs to. The other does not give her time to celebrate though as she quickly counterattacks, kicking her in her stomach and knocking her onto her back. The air in the witch's lungs bursts in a loud gasp, her eyes widening as the female vampire pounces on her, her arms in the air to give yet another blow.

"No!" Alayna screams, blocking her face to protect it from the incoming attack. But, to her surprise, it doesn't come, and a sigh of relief escapes her as she takes in the new situation.

[@anyone that wants to be Alayna's knight in shining armor.]

There had been much discussion on how to proceed with the mission, but never did Alayna imagine that it would be such a boring affair for this long. Her eyes are drooping, her body not quite used to being awake at such a late hour. Being surrounded by the dead and the completely silent living isn't helping either, a part of her wanting to say something, anything, to break the monotony. Although, the witch supposes that there was a certain comfort in knowing that everyone is as tense as her. If the vampires were to show up now, they should have the element of surprise. To take that away from her team would be to play this whole thing off as a joke. And that surely may cost them a significant advantage, her eyes widening as the sound of an unfamiliar voice reaches her ears.

The hair on Alayna's arms rises as the two vampires appear before her and her group, making their way in their direction. Her hands instinctively reach for the weapon hanging around her throat to quieten the sound of her heartbeat, her eyes sticking on the vampire that seemed to be the oldest of the two. The bigger threat. The one that could ruin everything for them. The older ones, after all, have a much keener sense of smell for magic, invisibility cloak and all. Yet, as long as they are not visible and stay out of the older one's path, her group will still have the first blood advantage.

So when the invisibility cloak suddenly drops, Alayna feels her heart rate plummet, her body growing cold as the night air that wraps around her. Hana. Hana is in danger, is the first thought that pops into her mind as she hears a small shriek not far from where she stands. Before she can react, however, a smaller female figure appears before her, startling her with the speed of her attack. The witch barely dodges the blow aimed at her neck, words of a simple fire spell already on her lips as a counterattack. Instead of aiming it at her opponent, she places the small wall of fire between the now injured Hana, who thankfully was able to defend herself somehow, and their undead offenders, effectively separating her from the situation.

For now, Alayna thinks, wincing slightly as she feels a sharp pain in her right cheek and blood trickling down her neck from the small gash she'd apparently sustained. Any lower and her neck might have been taken right off. Yet, hopefully, the light from her fire is enough to warn the others in the car of the imminent danger her group is in.
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