Avatar of Qia


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3 days ago
Current What a blessing in disguise honestly.
22 days ago
Baby blue toes....na dat boi weird.
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28 days ago
Can't say I relate to that experience.
29 days ago
Not gonna lie. Drop kick has to be one of my favourite words. Top 3. xD
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1 mo ago
The least you can do is pm me the link to this rp. Come on now. =/


Hi, Qia here <3. I'm a gamer and RP fan just looking to have a good time.

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i enjoyed your post, seems like we're all a bunch of isolationists if King continues the trend :p

Which is interesting, because they seem much closer in the future xD It will be nice to see how they open up to each other eventually, for sure :D
3 Years Ago, New York City

As the screeching of tires filled the air and the two cars collided, 16-year-old Nina Hughes felt a surge of panic wash over her. “Please be okay, please be okay,” she whispered under her breath, her heart pounding in her chest. The sight of the accident unfolded before her like a nightmare, but she couldn’t stand by as a mere spectator. Driven by an unwavering urge to act, she didn’t hesitate for a moment.

Ignoring the surrounding chaos, she raced toward the scene with a singular focus. Her eyes were fixated on the backseat of one car, where she had glimpsed a little boy just before the impact.

Nina was desperate to find him, to help him.

As she approached the wreckage, her mind raced with worry and determination. The injured child’s safety became her sole mission. Nina was focused on the boy who had smiled and waved at her, even though there were many concerned onlookers around.

Though the surroundings quickly started to fill with sirens and cries for help, Nina’s mind tuned out the noise as she continued searching fervently for the child. Finally, her eyes met his, and relief washed over her. He was scared and in pain, but he was alive. With gentle yet resolute hands, Nina reached for him, offering as much reassurance as she could give. To her astonishment, however, the moment her hands contacted his arm, an extraordinary sensation washed over her. An overwhelming wave of emotions flooded Nina’s senses, as if she was experiencing the child’s fear and pain as her own. A sense of peace then came over her and she comforted the child.

“I know you’re scared, but everything will be okay,” Nina insisted, pointing at him, then at the stuffed bear held tightly in his hands, “For you, and for him.”

At that moment, an unexplainable connection seemed to form between Nina, the little boy, and the cherished stuffed bear. It was as if the emotions swirling within her were being mirrored by the child, creating an unbreakable bond between them.

With each gentle word and comforting touch, Nina felt a unique and indescribable energy emanating from within her. She had always been an empathetic person, but this was different—this was something beyond mere compassion.

In the days that followed the accident, Nina couldn’t shake the profound impact of the moment she had shared with the little boy. It felt as if she had tapped into a wellspring of empathy and understanding, reaching deep into the heart of another human being. But that wasn’t the only extraordinary thing she noticed. As she tested her newfound abilities, Nina realized that her connection to others went beyond just comforting emotions. She discovered that she could concentrate and focus in ways she had never experienced before. It was as if a veil had been lifted, allowing her to perceive the world with heightened senses.

In her classroom, she found herself able to tune in to the smallest details of her surroundings. She could concentrate on the scratching of an overly anxious classmate’s pencil as they wrote, erased, and wrote again during a test. The sound of his heartbeat quickening in his chest became evident to her keen ears, revealing the depth of his nervousness. Even the glances of the girl seated behind him were no longer mere glances; they conveyed unspoken thoughts and emotions. It was as if Nina had unlocked a hidden language of unspoken cues and feelings, revealing the true essence of those around her.

But oh boy, did her powers have some drawbacks.

“You look like you fell down your stairs this morning, more so than usual,” her friend Lisa had joked one day.
Nina had mustered a smile, trying to brush off her comments, but deep down, she knew there was a grain of truth in it. Her empathetic nature was both a blessing and a burden. She had learned that if she used her abilities too much, she became vulnerable to absorbing the emotions of those around her, and it could take a toll on her own well-being.

On days when her friends were stressed or overwhelmed, Nina found herself carrying the weight of their emotions as if they were her own. Their anxieties, sadness, or frustration clung to her like a heavy cloak, leaving her feeling drained and exhausted. It was like she was an emotional sponge, soaking up the feelings of others without even realizing it. The incident of the accident, which had occurred weeks prior, still lingered vividly in her mind as well. It was as if she was a passenger in those cars, experiencing the collision and its aftermath repeatedly. She couldn’t escape the replay of emotions, reliving the fear and pain of that moment as if it were her own.

One morning, Nina even woke up with a scream stuck in her throat, her heart racing, and her pyjamas plastered to her body with sweat. She had spent the night plagued by vivid dreams and restless sleep, as if the emotional residue of the accident had seeped into her subconscious.She prayed for it to stop eventually, which it did.

Yet from that day onward, as much as Nina valued her ability to connect with others on a deep level, she realized that she needed to find a way to protect herself from being overwhelmed by the emotions of those around her. It was a delicate balance; one she was still learning to navigate. In moments of emotional intensity, she would remind herself to take deep breaths and ground herself in the present. She sought solace in music to stop herself from processing the emotions she absorbed from others.

Nina also found comfort in spending time alone, away from the hustle and bustle of the world. Nature became her sanctuary, offering a respite from the constant stream of emotions she encountered in her daily life. The peace and serenity of the outdoors allowed her to center herself and regain her inner balance. In the serenity of nature, she could clear her mind and find solace in the gentle rustling of leaves, the soothing sound of flowing water, and the melody of birdsong. The natural world provided her with a sense of peace that was hard to come by amidst the bustling city streets.

Yet, it also, she realized too late, caused her to isolate herself from her friends until, well, she had none left.

Present Day, The Immortal Hills

Unfortunately for Nina, she found herself drawn back to the headphone boy. Despite her initial reluctance to engage with him after his display earlier, the allure of unique abilities was impossible to resist.

Magic was not a foreign concept to her, but she had always felt isolated within this extraordinary world.

Nina observed the scene with a mix of intrigue and unease. The boy’s ability to control blood was unlike anything she had encountered before. As much as she tried to maintain her composed facade, her curiosity got the better of her, and her sharp gaze fixated on the tendril in his palm. She tried to sense his emotions almost automatically with her empathic senses. But just as quickly, she reined in her abilities, wary of prying into someone’s emotions without their consent. The last thing she wanted was to intrude on his privacy or make him feel uncomfortable.

He seemed confident in his demonstration, showcasing the extent of his power. A part of Nina marvelled at his ability and the potential it held. But another part couldn’t help but feel a pang of worry, imagining the immense responsibility such power carried. Blood control seemed a formidable ability, capable of great good or devastating harm. Her sarcastic nature momentarily took a back seat as she considered the consequences of wielding such an ability. The thought of the potential for misuse weighed heavily on her mind. She understood the burden of having unique powers and how they could be both a blessing and a curse.

As the boy finished his demonstration, Nina forced a nonchalant smile, trying to hide the mixture of emotions churning within her. She carefully responded, aware of the impact of discussing abilities.

“Blood control, huh? That’s quite something,” she remarked casually, hoping to maintain an air of intrigue without delving too deeply into the implications of his power. “Seems like a pretty powerful ability to possess.” She hesitated here, not really wanting to say what she could do herself. Not unless she had to, of course.

“My ability is more mental than physical, so I can’t really show you it,” she revealed instead, deciding to be honest while still maintaining a sense of privacy.

Nina couldn’t help but chuckle at his remark about the goat-like creatures. She nodded in agreement as she eyed them, her gaze lingering on their unusual appearance.

“Definitely not a common sight in New York City,” she quipped, a hint of amusement in her voice. “We’re more used to taxis and skyscrapers than farm animals roaming the streets.”

I'll have my post up by tomorrow night ^^
In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Sounds good. I'll have the one I've been working on for bit in soon :)...real soon. . If she's accepted, I suppose I could say she stopped to sniff some flowers on the way because it would be so like her xD
In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
I noticed that the rp has already started but the status is still lit green, so is it too late to post a cs? o.o
This seems interesting o.o If I apply, I'm thinking of either doing a banshee or a vengeful spirit (that can take human form). :D
As the blood-red knight reached behind his right shoulder to stow his tablet, Zephyr watched intently, her head nodding in acknowledgment of the gravity of the task ahead. Her heart quickened with anticipation for what was to come, and as if in response the ground below her feet started to rumble and quake. The portal erupted with life as humanoid green monsters surged out, their high-pitched screams piercing the air. She felt the vibrations in her bones as they echoed all around them, an overwhelming symphony of chaos. As the thought of fending off the beasts came to mind, she caught a glimpse of the armoured knight signalling for them to hold back. He was always quick-thinking, and at that moment, she knew he had a plan.

Zephyr watched in awe as Ethan ran his sword through the goblins, slicing them apart effortlessly. His movements were like a dance of death, a symphony of destruction, and he cleared a path toward the tent with incredible speed.

Before either she or her companion could join him, however, she noticed in horror a pair of skeletal hands reaching up from the portal. The ground beneath the two trembled even more violently as the elder god finally made its entrance. Its presence was immense, filling the air with an overwhelming sense of dread. Despite having a prior understanding of what they had to deal with, she had to admit the malevolence radiating from them sent shivers down her spine. The wind whipped violently around them, carrying the eerie cries of the demi-goblins and the foreboding presence of the elder god. Time seemed to slow down entirely as if the very world was holding its breath in anticipation of what was to come.

Wasting no time, Zephyr took out her tablet, her familiar spell already on her lips.

“Don Graph Van Graph Un Ur”

As her consciousness merged with the ancient essence of the god, Zephyr found herself in an ethereal realm, a mental battlefield where her will clashed with the malevolent intentions of the powerful creature. The struggle felt like an eternity, but with unwavering determination, she prevailed, asserting her dominance over the god's mind. In less than a minute, she subdued the formidable entity, forcing it back into submission.

Returning to her physical body, Zephyr felt an overwhelming wave of exhaustion and disorientation wash over her. The mental strain had taken its toll, and she struggled to keep her composure, battling the urge to vomit. She steadied herself, drawing on the strength within, knowing that there was no time for weakness in the face of such a perilous situation.

As the adrenaline coursed through her veins, Zephyr felt a surge of power within her, a connection to the ancient forces of the universe. With a focus that bordered on the divine, she channelled her psychic energy through her sword, infusing it with the essence of her being. The blade glowed with an otherworldly light as she swung it with unparalleled precision, severing the god's skeletal hands from its body.

The psychic energy sliced through the air like a celestial arc, and the god's hands fell to the ground, writhing with dark energy before finally succumbing to stillness. The ground beneath them trembled, responding to the disturbance caused by the severed connection between the god and its manifestation. With the god weakened and its grip on the portal broken, the chaotic surge of goblins slowed, and the portal itself began to close. The once-booming symphony of chaos dimmed, being slowly replaced by the soft whisper of tranquillity returning to the realm.

With the portal finally closing, Zephyr and Adrith surrounded Ethan, providing him with a shield of protection as he carried the wooden crate containing the dangerous artifact. The ground beneath them steadied, and the chaotic energy that had filled the air slowly dissipated. Once Ethan reached their side, they all exchanged a quick nod, their unspoken communication clear. Without hesitation, their respective spells activated, closing the rift to the otherworldly realm. The glowing portal shrank until it disappeared entirely, leaving no trace of the havoc it had unleashed moments before.

With the immediate danger averted Zephyr felt relief wash over her. The battle had been intense, and she was still catching her breath, but the knowledge that they had successfully thwarted the elder god's manifestation filled her with a sense of accomplishment. As the adrenaline subsided, the sorceress glanced at her companions, seeing the weariness in their eyes. They had faced a powerful and ancient evil, and it had taken a toll on all of them. But they had come out victorious, and that was what mattered most.
"We did it," Zephyr said, her voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and triumph as they finally disappeared from the sandy desert.

PRESENT DAY: New York City, New York

Where Nina once stood in her study there materialized a bright white portal. The air crackled with energy, and a strong wind emanated from the swirling void, causing loose papers and books to lift from their shelves and float in mid-air.

The Immortal Hills

As Nina approached the group of people nearest to her, her curiosity was piqued when she noticed a strange, blue-skinned creature approaching them. Its appearance was unlike anything she had seen before, and its manner of speaking was equally unusual, with a melodic quality that seemed to resonate in the air. Her eyebrow shot up in confusion as she tried to make sense of the creature's words. Its language was unfamiliar to her, and she couldn't quite grasp its meaning. However, the creature's body language and gestures seemed to convey a friendly demeanour, and it didn't appear to pose any immediate threat.

At the creature’s gesture while in conversation with a boy with a pair of headphones on, Nina turned to where it pointed.
“I’m guessing…we go that way?” She noted, realizing too late that she’d spoken aloud.

The creature's eyes, however, seemed to sparkle with amusement as it nodded in response to Nina's guess. It seemed that she had correctly interpreted its gesture, and it was indeed indicating a direction for them to go.

"E’ys, o’yu ollo’fw ha’tt oa’rd," the creature replied, its melodious voice resonating in the air. Nina gave a small smile in return.
“Thanks for your help,” the girl said, before following the path indicated by Tell'sa, paying no mind to her previous interlocutor. She didn’t know how he could even have a conversation with those things on. Also…it seems kinda rude, she thought.

Thus, her first impression of Ethan was made. And it was not a good one.

The landscape around her seemed to shimmer with mystical energy as she walked, and Nina couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and curiosity as she ventured further into the unknown. As she walked, she found herself lost in the beauty and wonder of this magical realm. Other strange and fantastical creatures crossed her path, each one just the same as the last. Some greeted her with stares, while others simply went about their own business. She didn't mind either reaction. Her journey had only just begun, either way.
curious question for everybody. i have a sport idea for this story called Mazechase, it's like the third task in the triwizard cup in Goblet Of Fire but turned into a sport, there are 5 people: 1 on the entrance of the maze and 1 on the exit who are called the Wagemakers who are in communication with each other as they bet their class grade percentage points on how long it takes a 3rd person who is on neither team called the Maze Racer whose sole job is to get out, but on the Wagemaker's teams are 1 other person who's job it is to keep the Racer in the maze called the Runcasters who are allowed to use their magic for this job. my question is, do you guys want this in the story, or should i leave it out?

I mean it sounds like a lot of fun :) would that be like an entrance test or something lol? Or just a sport that's in the school?
Ok to reflect that this isn't the school then I edited it to be just a random building reflective of the style of buildings found near the school/ in the town.
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