Avatar of Qia


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3 days ago
Current What a blessing in disguise honestly.
22 days ago
Baby blue toes....na dat boi weird.
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28 days ago
Can't say I relate to that experience.
29 days ago
Not gonna lie. Drop kick has to be one of my favourite words. Top 3. xD
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1 mo ago
The least you can do is pm me the link to this rp. Come on now. =/


Hi, Qia here <3. I'm a gamer and RP fan just looking to have a good time.

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Amelia's initial shock at the unfolding situation intensified as Rhys's actions took a brave and unexpected turn. Her eyes widened, her heart racing as she watched him without hesitation leap into the bloodied water to save the woman. The sight of his selfless act resonated deeply with her, breaking through the paralysis that had momentarily gripped her. She had to do something as well!

Looking back towards the bar, her gaze locked onto a phone line, a glimmer of hope amidst the sudden chaos. Without hesitation, Amelia sprang into motion, her feet carrying her swiftly toward it. Her breath was shallow, adrenaline coursing through her veins as she reached the bar. With a determined grip, her hand closed around the receiver, and she hastily dialled the resort's emergency number.
Her anticipation grew as the dialling sequence played out, but her hopes were immediately dashed as a robotic voice filled her ear.

Thank you for calling. We are currently experiencing a high call volume and all lines are busy. Your call is important to us, and we apologize for the delay. If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please stay on the line, and your call will be answered by the next available operator. If you are not in immediate danger, we encourage you to stay on the line or try calling again later. You may also consider seeking help from nearby law enforcement, fire department, or medical facilities. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this busy time.

The words echoed in her mind, a stark reminder of the urgency of the situation they were all facing. Amelia looked back towards the pool area, where the others were working to rescue the injured woman. The chaotic scene contrasted sharply with the calm vacation atmosphere that had prevailed just moments before. She turned her back to it all in frustration.

Clenching her fist around the phone receiver, Amelia’s mind raced to find an alternative solution. What could possibly be the hold-up? Why now when they desperately needed help that was way out of her expertise? Could the situation be more dire than she originally thought?

She got her answer in the form of a shout.

Murder? She thought to herself, turning back to the scene in confusion. She’d been so caught up in her anxiety that she’d apparently missed that the scenario had taken a turn for the worse, noticing the injured woman now laying on the floor, something pointy she couldn’t make out from where she was embedded into her skull. What kind of hell had she suddenly descended to?

As the pandemonium unfolded and the party descended into disarray, Amelia's initial shock gave way to a rush of adrenaline. Her gaze darted around, taking in the now terrified screams, the scattered crowd, and the overturned chairs. She felt a knot of fear and discomfort in her stomach, her thoughts racing to comprehend the horrifying scene that was unfolding before her.

Wasn’t that the bartender lying on the ground with his intestines being torn out?

Amelia grabbed onto the bar to prevent herself from collapsing in terror. She forcefully willed herself to move, her muscles protesting against the fear that threatened to keep her rooted in place. Her wide, terrified eyes scanned the chaos, searching for a path to escape, a way to navigate through the growing horde of zombies.



Rina's response was a breath of fresh air, signalling a shift to a more relaxed and relatable discussion. Amelia maintained her attentive stance, taking in Rina's explanation of her perspective on extravagance and her rural upbringing. Nodding thoughtfully, Amelia found herself appreciating the depth in Rina's words—how experiences and origins could shape one's outlook on the world.

Amelia couldn't help but reflect on the contrast between their backgrounds. While Rina's roots were grounded in a simpler lifestyle, Amelia had grown up surrounded by a world of abundance. Her parents' affluence had provided her with opportunities she was grateful for, yet she understood the value of not flaunting it. It was an unspoken understanding that drove her decision to write under a pseudonym—a desire to carve her path based on merit, uninfluenced by assumptions about her background.

“I understand,” Amelia replied with a genuine smile, savouring the taste of her drink. Her gaze wandered briefly, noting the shifting dynamics of the bar—crowds thinning at the bar while the dancefloor grew livelier. The energy of the surroundings was infectious, and Amelia felt a flicker of temptation, a desire to immerse herself in the vibrant atmosphere that had started to envelop the space. As the alcohol coursed through her veins, warmth and a sense of openness began to settle within her. The thought of chugging her drink and diving into the pulsating rhythm of the dancefloor seemed inviting, the gentleman from before already one step ahead of her with that along with his new blonde friend. Yet, a lingering consideration tugged at her—a sense of consideration for her own companion. Would Rina be up for joining her?

There’s only one way to find out…Amelia thought to herself as she leaned in slightly to convey her thoughts. Her plan ended abruptly however once a shrill scream cut through the air. Amelia's head snapped in the direction of the commotion, her heart racing as panic spread quickly through the crowd. The urgency in a nearby woman's voice drew her attention to the pool area, where a shocking scene was unfolding.

An employee of the resort stumbled, their mangled appearance and the pool of blood staining their blouse providing a gruesome image. Their feeble attempts for help were quickly cut short as the person fell into the pool, their body painting a horrific picture with the water gradually turning crimson. Amelia felt a mix of shock and helplessness wash over her at the sight. This was far from the vacation ambiance she had been immersed in just moments ago.

As Rina's gaze remained locked on the horrifying scene, a surge of urgency slowly overcame Amelia's initial shock. She knew that in the face of such a grim situation, they couldn't remain passive observers. Turning towards Rina, Amelia's voice was urgent yet steady, a lifeline amid chaos.

"We need to find help," Amelia's words were clear and resolute, a call to action that cut through the shock that had enveloped them. Her eyes scanned the immediate area, searching for any signs of resort staff or medical personnel who could offer assistance. The urgency of the situation hung heavily in the air, propelling her into a role she hadn't anticipated.

“Is there a doctor here!?” she shouted at the crowd.

Interacts with: open to everyone
I imagine the posts will slow now that the zombies are here, since it was mainly a lot of banter going on. :)
@Vanny I was telling myself I'd get to it eventually 😆
In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Sophia’s heart fluttered with a mix of anticipation and nerves as she found herself now sitting across from the Director. His leather shoes clacking against the floor earlier had unnerved her, the sound echoing through the room mimicking her heartbeat. She was used to quiet moments, yet somehow, she still felt entirely out of her comfort zone. To calm herself down, the girl tried to focus her gaze on five small details of the room as she’d been taught before—the patterns in the wood, the way the light streamed through the window, the bolded nameplate on the desk, the phone positioned near it, and, finally, back to the director’s face.

It didn’t work.

Nonetheless, when the director finally chose to speak, she mustered a small, polite smile in response, her emerald, green eyes managing to meet his. She listened carefully as he explained the reasons for her temporary isolation, her fingers tracing the sunflower pendant hanging around her neck out of habit. His words were measured, and his discomfort in this situation was evident. She empathized with his unease, knowing that this was a new experience for both. The Director spoke of her group getting to know each other in the recreation room, and "Sunny" nodded softly, absorbing his words. She understood the reasoning behind the approach, though the thought of meeting the others made her heart race just a little faster.

Sophia's attention drifted as the Director fell silent. It was clear he was deep in thought, and she felt it was best to give him the time he needed to collect his words. Besides, she had a feeling that if she tried to speak right now, her voice might fail her. When he did finally choose to speak, however, she found herself sitting straighter in her chair, her eyes moving to the other person in the room to whom she could finally put a name.

Agreeing silently with the Director's guidance, Sophia pushed herself up from the chair's comfort and fell into step behind Grant. His confident strides set the pace as they ventured down the corridor, her mind a whirlwind of anticipation and curiosity.

The Recreation Room loomed ahead, a realm of possibility where introductions and impressions awaited. The girl’s thoughts took on a life of their own, spinning scenarios of acceptance and skepticism. She wondered about the judgments her newfound peers might pass on her. Would they dismiss her because her abilities seemed unassuming, overshadowed by more overt powers? The doubt threaded through her thoughts, tugging at her self-assurance. Her gaze dropped involuntarily to her outfit, a fleeting moment of self-consciousness creeping in. A soft cringe lifted the corners of her lips as she observed her choice. The green floral dress, a testament to her affinity for the natural world, suddenly felt like an unspoken statement. Perhaps, she pondered, it wasn't the best attire for this moment. But earlier, when she had chosen it, the dress had felt like an extension of herself—comfortable and genuine.

As they neared the Recreation Room's entrance, Sophia's fingers brushed against the delicate fabric of her dress. She took a deep breath, steadying herself for the interactions that awaited. As the door swung open, she stepped forward with a mixture of nervousness and a hint of excitement.

The former feeling increased dramatically once she heard the doors slam behind her.

Sophia's gaze flicked around the room, the faces before her seeming to blur together. A pang of unease gnawed at her, urging her to seek refuge in a quiet corner. She needed a place where she could sit, maybe even blend in, and fade away from this spotlight of uncertainty now on her. The doubts she'd pushed aside while saying goodbye to her parents now surged back, relentless, and overwhelming, and it took everything within her to keep her facial expression checked. Her fingers instinctively clenched at the edges of her dress, a physical anchor in the storm of emotions swirling within her. The fabric offered a familiar reassurance, a tactile connection to her own presence amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces and unspoken judgments.

Summoning a flicker of determination, Sophia navigated through the crowd, her steps guided by a silent need for solace. And then she found it, a sanctuary in the form of an unoccupied seat tucked away in a corner. It was a refuge inviting her to lower her head, gather her thoughts, and take a moment to collect herself. With a small sigh of relief, the anxious girl settled into the seat, her fingers finally releasing their grip on her dress. She lowered her head, her blonde hair forming a gentle curtain, shielding her from the world for a moment. The table in front of her seemed like a lifeline, a safe space where she could regroup and steady her nerves.

At least for now.
@Punished GN Worst characters somehow always turn out to be the best somehow :)
Big fan of fruits basket myself so I'm interested :). In terms of the plot, what were you thinking? Would it be the similar to the actual anime, where a human stumbles upon their secret?
Yea, I can't wait for the zombies to show up personally xD and how the characters are going to deal with the aftermath of the outbreak



Amelia's quiet attentiveness remained unwavering as Rina shared the reasons that had led her to Carabo Island. The straightforward declaration of seeking stress relief carried a weight that Amelia couldn't ignore. It was a sentiment that resonated deeply, as she recognized the complexities often hidden behind such simple statements. Yet, she also respected the unspoken boundaries that Rina had set, refraining from prying further and instead offering her understanding through a nod of support.

"I feel that. Going away to places like this is definitely the best way to put everything behind you, for sure."

Amelia's response was empathetic, carrying a hint of shared experience. She recalled the times when she had sought solace in new surroundings, letting the weight of the world slip away, if only for a while. Perhaps that was why she enjoyed being a writer so much and why she wanted to keep that part of herself hidden from the world around her. She could be anything she wanted to be, someone who had all the answers to questions encountered in their story.

As the bartender placed her drink in front of her, the woman offered a grateful nod before absentmindedly twirling her straw between her fingers. Rina's contemplative pause didn't escape Amelia's notice, either. It was as if the unspoken words between them lingered in the air, inviting a reassuring touch to the conversation, a gentle nudge toward a different avenue of discussion.

"Hmm, rich? In what way?" Amelia's question emerged as an answer to the tension. Her tone was gentle, encouraging—an invitation for Rina to share more of her thoughts, should she choose to do so.

Interacts with: @Vanny




Amelia continued to engage in the conversation with Rina, a sense of understanding seemingly settling between them. As Rina shared her experiences, Amelia couldn't help but appreciate the candidness in her words, recognizing the familiar sensation of feeling like an outsider in a new environment. How often had she felt like that in her travels? Too many times for her to really say for certain.

"It's perfectly natural to seek out the familiar, especially when stepping into uncharted territory. And don't worry, you're not alone in navigating the social currents of this place. I'm not 100% used to things myself," Amelia reassured her.

As Rina's attention shifted to the bartender and the activity around them, Amelia took a thoughtful glance around herself out of habit, her ears picking up the order of a non-alcoholic beverage from the man standing next to her new companion. Diabetes? Alcoholic past? Or simply trying to keep his sanity? she mused to herself out of habit.

No, no none of that. There was a reason why she'd left her notebook in her room tonight, and the woman shushed her ever-creative mind that was always in a hurry to make up a story out of nothing. Instead, her gaze returned to her interlocutor, her lips curling into a reflective smile.

"Change of scenery, I suppose. Life back home can feel too routine-like after a while, you know?" Amelia shared, her words containing a kernel of truth while maintaining a sense of privacy. It was a balance she had grown accustomed to.

Turning the focus back to Rina, Amelia's eyes glinted with curiosity. "And what about you?" she inquired, her voice gentle. "What's led you to this charming tropical escape?"

Interacts with: @Vanny
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