Avatar of Qia


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3 days ago
Current What a blessing in disguise honestly.
22 days ago
Baby blue toes....na dat boi weird.
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28 days ago
Can't say I relate to that experience.
29 days ago
Not gonna lie. Drop kick has to be one of my favourite words. Top 3. xD
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1 mo ago
The least you can do is pm me the link to this rp. Come on now. =/


Hi, Qia here <3. I'm a gamer and RP fan just looking to have a good time.

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As the sun's last vestiges succumbed to the embrace of night, a sombre glow emanated from within Castle Dracula. The soft flicker of candles, their light more arcane than illuminative, played upon the walls, casting shifting shadows that seemed to dance to an otherworldly rhythm. And into this mystic ambiance, a procession of vehicles wound their way, arriving at the castle's foreboding entrance. Within these vehicles, harboured in the shadows, sat an assembly of formidable beings - an assembly of the supernatural, the elite members of the Council of Night.

Among them was Aria Nightshade, her spectral presence wrapped in an aura of melancholic elegance, as she slowly emerged from one of the vehicles. Her dark attire seemed to meld seamlessly with the night as she walked, a testament to her mastery of shadows. Sunglasses shielded her ethereal eyes from the faint light, an unspoken necessity in the presence of the moon's pale glow. Her heart, despite its centuries of existence, quickened with anticipation and a touch of uncertainty. Dracula's message had carried an urgency that transcended time and distance, a siren call that had drawn the council members from diverse corners of the world to converge upon this clandestine gathering.

The banshee's gaze swept over the assembly, each member a representative of their own unique breed of darkness. Werewolves, vampires, creatures of lore - all united under the Council's banner, all bound by an alliance that straddled the fine line between coexistence and chaos. Aria felt a kinship with them all, an unspoken understanding that stretched beyond words.

With a steadying breath, Aria’s ghostly form glided gracefully over the ancient stones. Her voice, hauntingly beautiful and imbued with centuries of sorrow, remained silent for now, held in reserve for the moments to come. The air itself seemed to whisper in reverence as she traversed the threshold of Castle Dracula, a testament to her millennia-long existence and her role within the Council of Night. She made her way to the Council chamber, the large doors opening as if by magic once she was near.

The banshee often chose silence in a realm where words held immense weight. It was a choice born not of timidity, but of reverence for the gravity of a situation. Instead of verbal greetings, she offered a subtle incline of her head to her fellow council members seated inside, acknowledging their presence in a manner that transcended language. Her steps were nearly soundless against the polished floors as she walked to her seat, placing her glasses on the table once seated and awaiting the Count’s appearance with familiar patience.



Amelia Knight stood at the edge of the event pavilion, a sense of excitement in the air as she took in the lively scene before her. The DJ on the stage spun tropical house music, its infectious rhythm infusing the atmosphere with an undeniable energy that set the tone for the night. The catchy beat seemed to seep into her bones, and she couldn't help but tap her feet in time with the music, a small smile playing on her lips. Her raven-black hair, which was gathered into a carefree bun, caught fleeting glimmers of light that danced across its surface. Her enigmatic brown eyes swept across the dancefloor, her gaze tracing the energetic moves of the crowd. A soft chuckle escaped her as she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, momentarily lost in the carefree spirit of the moment. Watching the joyful partygoers, a part of her yearned to join in, to surrender herself to the music and the collective euphoria. But a hint of reservation held her back, a lingering trace of her typically introspective nature reminding her of the walls she often kept around herself.

That won’t do. You’re on vacation… was the thought that crossed Amelia’s mind at her hesitance, but she knew that she would need more than mere determination to break free of her mental self-constraints. So, she pivoted away from the pulsating dancefloor, her destination clear. She weaved her way through the gathering, a glint of purpose in her eyes as she made her way to the bar. The vibrant ambiance seemed to shift around her as she sought refuge in this new quieter corner of the festivities.
Leaning against the bar, Amelia caught the bartender's attention with a friendly smile. "Can I get an umm...” Her brain short-circuited for a moment, the woman coming to realize that she hadn’t given a thought to what she wanted. Thankfully, an auburn-haired woman seated beside her spoke up then, ordering a mai tai.

“I think I’ll have that too,” Amelia said, her voice regaining its usual composure. With a newfound sense of assurance, she watched as the bartender deftly mixed the requested drinks, skillfully pouring and shaking with practiced ease. As the clinking of ice cubes and the tinkling of glass accompanied the bartender's movements, her attention drifted back to the patron beside her. She took a moment to study the auburn-haired woman before giving her a friendly nod.

“Great choice, by the way.”

Interacts with: @Vanny
Amelia Knight
Amelia Knight

30 | Female | Writer (Under Pseudonym)


Amelia Knight has a distinct aura of creativity about her. With a slender frame, standing at 5'7", she exudes an air of quiet observation. Her wavy, raven-black hair cascades down her back like ink on parchment. Her enigmatic eyes, a deep shade of brown, hold the wisdom of a storyteller who has travelled far and wide, a hobby that is valuable when it comes to her writing.

During her vacation on Carabo Island, Amelia prefers attire that allows her to blend in, often donning flowing, tropical print maxi dresses with subtle patterns. She also has a penchant for accessories, often seen with delicate silver bangles adorning her arms.


Amelia is an enigmatic individual, guarded about her identity as a writer. She is introspective and tends to observe her surroundings keenly, drawing inspiration from the smallest details. Her creative mind is also a treasure trove of stories waiting to be woven, the new environments she explores often allowing her to provide intricate settings to them.

As a writer, Amelia is gifted with a command of words that evoke emotions and transport readers to distant lands. While reserved in social settings, her written words are her gateway to express herself fully. She enjoys discussing literature and storytelling with similar people who share her passion for the written word.

Amid chaos, Amelia remains surprisingly calm, her vivid imagination assisting her in finding creative solutions to her problems. Her inquisitive nature also serves her well when faced with unexpected challenges, allowing her to adapt and overcome obstacles in pursuit of her goals.


Amelia Knight's life is shrouded in secrecy, both on paper and in her daily existence. Born into a family of artists and writers, Amelia grew up surrounded by creativity and storytelling. From an early age, she knew that words were her most excellent allies, and she began crafting stories in hidden notebooks in her room.

As an adult, Amelia pursued her dream of becoming a writer, but she chose to adopt a pseudonym, wishing to separate her private life from her public persona. Under her pen name A.E.Phoenix-a mythical creature featured heavily in her first novel- she gained renown for her enigmatic and evocative prose, captivating readers across the globe.

Drawn to the mystique of Carabo Island, Amelia decided to take a much-needed vacation, seeking inspiration from the island's beauty and folklore. Little did she know that her skills as a writer would soon intertwine with reality, as she faces a night of terror with the undead menace that emerged.


Dialogue color: Magenta


A weathered leather journal, where she scribbles ideas, character sketches, and fragments of stories.

An antique quill pen, a cherished gift from her late grandmother, symbolizing her connection to the art of writing.

Fun Fact: Amelia is fascinated by myths and legends, often incorporating elements from various folklore into her stories.

General Background: Amelia Knight is a celebrated writer, known by her pseudonym, who finds solace in the art of storytelling. She embarks on a vacation to Carabo Island, seeking inspiration for her next literary masterpiece. However, as the undead threatens to shatter the island's tranquillity, Amelia must draw upon her imagination and creativity to survive the night, blending reality and fiction in a struggle for her life and the lives of her fellow vacationers.
In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Sophia Montgomery March 12th (17 years old)Female
"In the quiet moments, I find my strength."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

◼ HEIGHT | 5'6"

◼ WEIGHT | 130 lbs

◼ BUILD | Petite and athletic

◼ HAIR COLOUR | Blonde with natural golden highlights

◼ EYE COLOUR | Emerald Green

◼ 'VOICE' TEXT COLOUR | #87CEEB (Sky Blue)

◼ OTHER | A small tattoo of a sun on her left wrist, a subtle reminder of her inner strength.

Sophia, also known as Sunny, has a simple and serene appearance. Her blonde hair falls in soft waves with natural golden highlights, reflecting the warmth of the sun. Her emerald, green eyes convey kindness and understanding, making others feel at ease in her presence.
Standing at 5'6", she has a petite and athletic build, a result of her active lifestyle and connection with nature. Sophia's body language is also graceful and reserved, reflecting her introspective nature and empathic spirit.
Her clothing style tends to be comfortable and earthy, often opting for flowing dresses with floral patterns that mirror her love for the natural world. She also occasionally wears a sunflower pendant necklace.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

Sophia's journey began in a world where metahumans were a topic of heated debate and division. As a young girl, she grew up in a peaceful home with her parents, surrounded by the calming embrace of a small forest located just behind their house. The serene sanctuary of trees and wildlife became her haven, and in the company of nature, she found solace from the chaos of the world.
From a tender age, Sophia exhibited a deep connection with animals and the natural world. She would often spend hours in the forest, observing the creatures and communicating with them in a way only she understood. Unbeknownst to her, her metahuman abilities had a unique animal-centred aspect.

One day, as she ventured further into the forest, she stumbled upon a wounded deer. Driven by an instinct she couldn't explain, she reached out and touched the animal, feeling an immediate connection. To her astonishment, the deer's wounds began to heal, and it looked up at her with grateful eyes before bounding away. It was then that Sophia realized she possessed a special gift – the ability to communicate with animals and harness nature's healing energies.

Amidst her shyness and introspective nature, Sophia found comfort and strength in her peaceful place, the small forest. It was where she could fully embrace her metahuman abilities, away from prying eyes and judgment. The trees whispered secrets, and the animals became her friends, providing her with a sense of belonging she couldn't find elsewhere.

As she grew older, her understanding of her abilities deepened, and she discovered that her powers also allowed her to sense emotions and communicate with animals through an unspoken language. Her bond with the creatures of the forest became unbreakable, and they became her confidants and companions.

The turning point in her life came when her parents encouraged her to attend the Junior Vigilante Programme at the Aegis Centre for Metahuman Rehabilitation. At first, she was hesitant, fearing that her shy and animal-centred abilities might not fit the program's mould. However, her parents saw the potential for her to make a difference with her unique gift and convinced her to take a chance.
Sophia's heart was torn between the comfort of her forest sanctuary and the opportunity to explore her metahuman abilities in a community of like-minded individuals. The decision weighed heavily on her, and for a time, she hesitated, unsure of the path she should choose.

In the quiet moments spent in the forest, Sophia sought guidance from her animal companions, listening to the wisdom of the trees and the songs of the birds. The natural world seemed to encourage her to step outside her comfort zone and embrace the possibilities that lay ahead.

As she stood at the crossroads of her journey, Sophia knew that a new chapter was about to unfold. The Aegis Programme represented a chance for her to discover her true potential and perhaps find her place in a world that desperately needed harmony and understanding.
With a mix of trepidation and determination, Sophia "Sunny" Montgomery made the life-altering decision to embark on a path that would forever change her life.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

Sophia's driving force is to use her unique animal-centred abilities and gentle nature to bridge the gap between humans and metahumans, fostering understanding and compassion in a world torn by conflict. Her motivation springs from the deep empathy she feels towards all living beings, and her desire to create a harmonious coexistence for both humans and the natural world.

Witnessing the tensions and misunderstandings between humans and metahumans, Sophia is determined to show that even the shyest of voices can make a difference. Her experiences in the small forest behind her parent's home have taught her that every being, whether human or animal, holds intrinsic value and deserves respect and kindness.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

Animal Empathy: Sophia possesses a unique and innate connection with animals. She can sense their emotions, understand their needs, and communicate with them through unspoken language. This ability allows her to foster a deep bond with the creatures of the natural world and bring comfort to distressed or injured animals.

Nature's Healing Touch: Sophia's empathic powers extend beyond animals to encompass the flora and fauna of the natural world. When in contact with plants or animals, she can harness nature's healing energies to soothe wounds and ailments, aiding in their recovery and promoting harmony within the ecosystem.

Active Listening: Sophia's introverted and empathic nature makes her an exceptional listener. She gives her full attention to others, making them feel heard and valued. Her ability to actively listen allows her to understand the underlying emotions and perspectives of both humans and animals.

Empathic Sensitivity: Sophia's ability to sense and understand the emotions of animals and plants can become overwhelming in emotionally charged environments. If surrounded by distressed creatures or intense emotions, she may find it challenging to maintain her composure and focus on her healing abilities.

Reluctance to Intervene: Due to her shyness and introspective nature, Sophia may hesitate to use her powers, particularly in situations where emotions run high or when faced with hostility. Her reluctance to intervene might delay her from providing immediate assistance or healing when needed.

Overwhelmed by Responsibility: Sophia's dedication to fostering harmony between humans and nature can sometimes lead her to feel overwhelmed by the weight of the world's challenges. She deeply cares for all living beings and can struggle with the pressure of wanting to make a significant positive impact on a fractured world.

Fear of Rejection: Her shyness and vulnerability make her sensitive to the fear of rejection and judgment from others. She may fear that her animal-centred abilities are not seen as valuable or significant in a world dominated by more overt and powerful metahuman abilities.

▼ N O T E S:

Sophia's Parents: Her two parents have always been her unwavering pillars of support. They encourage her to embrace her unique abilities and believe in the positive impact she can make on the world. They provide a sense of belonging and acceptance, reminding Sophia that she doesn't need to carry the weight of the world alone.Test

TBD | Test

TBD | Test

Tranquil Grove: The small forest located just behind Sophia's parent's home serves as her primary stomping ground. This serene sanctuary is where she feels most connected to nature and her animal-centred abilities.

Sunflower Necklace: A simple necklace adorned with a sunflower charm, symbolizing her deep connection with nature.

Journal: A cherished journal in which Sophia documents her experiences and insights during her interactions with animals and nature. Through writing, she finds solace and self-discovery.

@Vanny I was thinking mystery/thriller
In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
@Retired happy to be here :) I'll join the discord once I'm home from work
In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
<Snipped quote by Qia>

Apologies for the long wait.

This all looks great (although I'm almost scared to unleash someone so gentle amongst this rabble )

If you are still interested, let me know. Sunny has been approved. Might be such an entrance point coming up - "Play nice, Fritz..."

Sure I'm still interested :)

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