Avatar of Qia


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2 days ago
Current What a blessing in disguise honestly.
22 days ago
Baby blue toes....na dat boi weird.
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28 days ago
Can't say I relate to that experience.
28 days ago
Not gonna lie. Drop kick has to be one of my favourite words. Top 3. xD
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1 mo ago
The least you can do is pm me the link to this rp. Come on now. =/


Hi, Qia here <3. I'm a gamer and RP fan just looking to have a good time.

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Orion stood at the edge of the gathering, his fiery eyes fixed on the enchanting dance of the elementalists in the heart of Nexustead. Luminara's brilliant ascent in the sky bathed the town in a breathtaking, silvery glow, while Lunis, the Dreamer's Moon, still held its place in the early evening firmament. The celestial display was nothing short of magical, and it stirred something deep within Orion's fiery soul.

As he observed the elementalists' graceful movements, he couldn't help but be captivated by their mastery over the elements. Fire, water, earth, and air swirled and twirled in harmony, a visual symphony that resonated with his very being. The elementalists' dance was a testament to the beauty and power of the elemental forces they wielded.

But beneath the surface of celebration and wonder, Orion, like Zephyr, felt the subtle tremors that hinted at the looming darkness of the Abyssal Convergence. The proximity of that malevolent force gnawed at his thoughts, a constant reminder of the peril that threatened their realm. He knew that as a guardian of the Elemental Enclave, it was his duty to protect their home and preserve the delicate balance of the elemental planes.

Orion's fiery temper flared, but he quickly quelled it with a deep breath. He shared knowing glances with some of the other elementalists, acknowledging the weight of destiny that hung in the air. The whispers of ancient prophecies and the rumours of elemental imbalance couldn't be ignored any longer. It was time to act.

Stepping forward, Orion approached Zephyr Thornweaver, his fiery presence contrasting with Zephyr's cool turquoise hues. "Guardian of the elemental nexus," he greeted with a nod of respect. "I sense the same tremors, the same unease in the elements. It's as if the very fabric of our realm is trying to tell us something."

He paused, his gaze briefly shifting to the Abyssal Convergence on the outskirts of the enclave. "We must uncover the mysteries of this darkness, Zephyr, for the sake of Nexustead and the elemental balance itself. The threads of fate are converging, and together, we may hold the key to unravelling the enigma that threatens us."

When the cacophony of magic subsided, Aria's breath caught as she took in the sight of the ratman. His once-brown fur now bore the scars of her moonlight barrage, singed and matted in patches. The tattered remnants of his garments clung desperately to him, like relics of a past battle. He remained frozen in a dazed stupor, seemingly struggling to comprehend the sudden turn of events. In a moment that verged on the surreal, he wobbled precariously before finally succumbing, collapsing to the side with an almost comedic gracelessness. The crude club he once brandished lay beside him, now a forsaken tool of aggression, forgotten and powerless.

Aria's initial relief morphed into a turbulent mix of emotions as the dust settled. It was a stark reminder of the power she now held, the potential to alter the course of life with a mere thought. She couldn't deny the necessity of her actions, but it weighed heavily on her conscience. This ratman...person...thing was not a faceless enemy but a sentient being, a creature capable of thought and emotion. The remnants of his appearance told a story of struggle and survival in a world that was apparently as unforgiving as she was now.

Aria's mind raced, grappling with the implications of what she had just done.

Turning to her companions, Aria sought solace in their faces, seeking understanding or reassurance. This world was a puzzle, and they were its unwitting players, forced to make decisions with consequences they couldn't fully fathom. She couldn't help but wonder how this experience would shape not only her but each of them. The forest seemed to close in around them, the once-familiar sounds of nature now a haunting backdrop to their newfound reality. The weight of their situation pressed down on her, urging her to find strength in the face of uncertainty.

Aria's attention then shifted to the larger, black-furred ratman. It lay near the tree, clearly injured and struggling to move. Watching the creature attempt to stir, a pang of compassion welled up within her. Her mind immediately began to churn with questions. What should they do next? They had already dealt with the other two ratmen, but now faced a dilemma regarding this injured one. It was a challenge that demanded careful consideration.

Killing it seemed like the most straightforward option, considering the threat they had just faced. But as Aria studied the wounded ratman, she couldn't help but hesitate. It appeared so weak and defenceless now that the thought of ending its life felt like a weighty decision.

Communication was another possibility, but how could they even begin to communicate with a creature from this strange world? The language barrier alone seemed insurmountable.

Aria turned her gaze back toward her companions, her expression reflecting the uncertainty that clouded her thoughts.

"What...should we do with it?"

Race: Elemental Savant

Gender/Sex: Male

Birth Region: Elemental Enclave, a hidden realm where elemental magic flows freely, and each enclave is dedicated to a specific elemental plane.

Appearance: Orion's appearance reflects his affinity for the fire elemental plane. He stands at an average height with a fiery, copper-toned skin that seems to flicker with inner flames. His eyes are a burning, ember-like orange, and his hair resembles a cascade of molten lava, flowing down his back. His hands emit a warm, fiery glow, and his body is adorned with intricate tattoos that shimmer with elemental energy. When he invokes his fire abilities, his entire form blazes with intense flames.

Background: Born into the Emberflare enclave of elementalists, Orion's affinity for fire was evident from a young age. He was trained by the enclave's elders in the art of controlling and harnessing fire's destructive and purifying power. As he grew, he became aware of a prophecy foretelling the return of a great fire elemental threat to the world, and he now carries the responsibility of preventing this catastrophe.

Personality: Orion is a focused and determined individual, driven by a sense of duty to protect his realm and the world from elemental chaos. He possesses a calm and analytical mind, always strategizing and thinking several steps ahead. However, his connection to the fire element has also given him a fiery temper, which he struggles to control when provoked. He is fiercely loyal to his enclave and friends, often putting their safety above his own.

- Pyrokinesis: Orion can manipulate and control fire with precision. He can create fireballs, fiery barriers, and unleash devastating firestorms.
- Heat Resistance: Due to his elemental nature, Orion is resistant to extreme heat and fire-related damage.
- Magma Walking: He can walk on molten lava without harm, allowing him to navigate treacherous terrain.

- Flameforged Blade: A sword crafted from a rare fire-resistant metal, it can channel his fire abilities, turning it into a fiery blade in combat.
- Enclave Robes: His robes are woven from special fire-resistant fibers, providing protection from heat and flames.
- Elemental Amulet: An amulet passed down through his enclave, it enhances his fire manipulation abilities and provides insight into the elemental threat he must face.

Goals/Objectives: Orion's primary objective is to prevent the return of the great fire elemental threat mentioned in the prophecy. To do this, he must journey beyond the Elemental Enclave, seek allies, and unlock the hidden secrets of his elemental powers. He also seeks to understand the broader implications of elemental balance in the world.

Backstory: Orion grew up in the Emberflare enclave, where he received rigorous training in mastering the elemental power of fire. As he matured, he began experiencing vivid visions and dreams hinting at the impending elemental threat. These visions led him to leave his enclave and embark on a quest to uncover the truth and prepare for the looming danger. His journey will take him through diverse elemental realms, challenging his mastery of fire and forging alliances with beings of different elemental affinities. Along the way, he will confront his own inner fire and learn to harness it for the greater good.

this is what I got, with a few tweaks by me. Chatgpt loves elves so had to tell it to change it xD:

Race: Elemental Savant

Gender/Sex: Male

Birth Region: Elemental Enclave, a hidden realm where elemental magic flows freely, and each enclave is dedicated to a specific elemental plane.

Appearance: Orion's appearance reflects his affinity for the fire elemental plane. He stands at an average height with a fiery, copper-toned skin that seems to flicker with inner flames. His eyes are a burning, ember-like orange, and his hair resembles a cascade of molten lava, flowing down his back. His hands emit a warm, fiery glow, and his body is adorned with intricate tattoos that shimmer with elemental energy. When he invokes his fire abilities, his entire form blazes with intense flames.

Background: Born into the Emberflare enclave of elementalists, Orion's affinity for fire was evident from a young age. He was trained by the enclave's elders in the art of controlling and harnessing fire's destructive and purifying power. As he grew, he became aware of a prophecy foretelling the return of a great fire elemental threat to the world, and he now carries the responsibility of preventing this catastrophe.

Personality: Orion is a focused and determined individual, driven by a sense of duty to protect his realm and the world from elemental chaos. He possesses a calm and analytical mind, always strategizing and thinking several steps ahead. However, his connection to the fire element has also given him a fiery temper, which he struggles to control when provoked. He is fiercely loyal to his enclave and friends, often putting their safety above his own.

- Pyrokinesis: Orion can manipulate and control fire with precision. He can create fireballs, fiery barriers, and unleash devastating firestorms.
- Heat Resistance: Due to his elemental nature, Orion is resistant to extreme heat and fire-related damage.
- Magma Walking: He can walk on molten lava without harm, allowing him to navigate treacherous terrain.

- Flameforged Blade: A sword crafted from a rare fire-resistant metal, it can channel his fire abilities, turning it into a fiery blade in combat.
- Enclave Robes: His robes are woven from special fire-resistant fibers, providing protection from heat and flames.
- Elemental Amulet: An amulet passed down through his enclave, it enhances his fire manipulation abilities and provides insight into the elemental threat he must face.

Goals/Objectives: Orion's primary objective is to prevent the return of the great fire elemental threat mentioned in the prophecy. To do this, he must journey beyond the Elemental Enclave, seek allies, and unlock the hidden secrets of his elemental powers. He also seeks to understand the broader implications of elemental balance in the world.

Backstory: Orion grew up in the Emberflare enclave, where he received rigorous training in mastering the elemental power of fire. As he matured, he began experiencing vivid visions and dreams hinting at the impending elemental threat. These visions led him to leave his enclave and embark on a quest to uncover the truth and prepare for the looming danger. His journey will take him through diverse elemental realms, challenging his mastery of fire and forging alliances with beings of different elemental affinities. Along the way, he will confront his own inner fire and learn to harness it for the greater good.

Sounds interesting :)
Honestly, this sounds weirdly interesting. xD I'm in just to see where it ends up
In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Sophia's anxiousness was met with a glimmer of relief as she approached Haven's table. The girl's small smile acted as a soothing balm to her nerves, and the sight of someone seemingly approachable made the endeavour of striking up a conversation less daunting. As Haven pushed her backpack aside to free up space, her gratitude was reflected in her eyes. "Thanks," the shy girl replied softly, mustering a faint but genuine smile of her own. She felt a twinge of surprise at how Haven seemed open to engaging with her, despite the unfamiliarity of the situation.

Sophia's fingers instinctively smoothed down the fabric of her floral dress as she settled into the seat across from Haven. Listening intently, she nodded as Haven introduced herself. The name carried a certain sense of strength, fitting for someone with the wings that Sophia had glimpsed.

"Nice to meet you, Haven," Sophia responded, her voice tinged with a mix of gratitude and curiosity. As Haven's question lingered in the air, Sophia took a moment to consider her answer. The truth was tinged with a touch of vulnerability, but something about the atmosphere Haven created encouraged honesty.

"I... didn't exactly volunteer," Sophia admitted, her gaze momentarily drifting downward before returning to Haven's hazel eyes. "It's a bit complicated, I guess. I was kind of brought here." She offered a small, self-deprecating chuckle, hoping to alleviate any tension that might arise from the seriousness of her response.

Sophia's heart rate had gradually eased since entering the room, and as she looked at Haven, she felt a rare warmth of connection. The idea of making a friend, especially one like Haven, was an unexpected ray of light in her world of uncertainties.

Haven's expression didn't change as she listened to Sophia speak. The only indication that she was processing Sophia's words was her lips pressing together for a brief moment before she nodded once. "I was voluntold as well." Haven murmured with a wry smile.

Sophia's fingers fidgeted slightly with the edge of her dress as she spoke, her emerald-green eyes reflecting a mixture of apprehension and a touch of vulnerability. The need to clarify her parents' love was evident in her voice as she continued, "I mean, they really do care about me. My parents. It's just... they believed that maybe here, I'd have a chance to be around others who understand, who share something similar." Her words danced on the edge of the defence, her tone not only directed outward but also inward as if she were reassuring herself just as much as explaining to Haven.

Emotions shifted in Haven's eyes as she seemed to struggle to find words. In a matter of seconds, she dealt with an inward battle and her eyes settled into a soft stare. "I'm sure they mean the best for you." She shrugged lightly. "It doesn't seem awful here, so far."

"Yeah," Sophia replied gently, her voice conveying gratitude. "I think they do mean well. It's just... sometimes, it feels like they want me to be something I'm not. Like they expect me to fit into a mould I was never meant for." She sighed softly, her fingers absently tracing the delicate pendant hanging from her neck.

"But you're right," she continued, her tone brightening a bit. "It doesn't seem too bad here. And I guess we have each other now. That's something." Her gaze shifted around the room, and she realized they were slowly becoming a part of this peculiar community, whether they had chosen it or not.

Haven had a soft smile on her face as Sophia turned back to her. "I have to admit, I thought it was going to be difficult to find friends here." She shrugged before continuing. "I'll introduce you to Wes when he gets back. He popped out to wash up a little."

"Wes, huh?" Sophia mused, her curiosity piqued. "What's he like? And the others here, what are they all like, so far? I...got here pretty late." She leaned in a bit, eager to learn more about the people who would become a part of her life in the days to come.

"Uh... well," Haven started, her eyes flicking towards the others briefly. "I haven't met any of them but Wes." She looked a little uncomfortable as if there were things she wanted to say but chose not to. "Some of them I feel are just anxious to be here, so they haven't spoken to anyone yet... or they've already acted out and gotten in trouble." Her shoulders straightened and her voice dropped just low enough for Sophia to hear. "The younger-looking girl gave everyone that already lives here an introduction when we came in. It seems like there's only one person I think we should avoid." Haven's eyes moved behind Sophia for a moment.

Sophia noticed the subtle shift in Haven's gaze, directed toward a certain individual in the room in conversation with two others- a redhead and a little...kid? She couldn't help but feel a shiver of discomfort as she observed the man in question, even from a distance. His athletic build, the tattoos that adorned his face and neck, and the way he carried himself all hinted at a past filled with darkness and mystery. His aura was not one of approachability; rather, it was a palpable force that seemed to demand submission from those around him. Sophia had seen individuals like him before, people who thrived in an environment of confinement and control, where power dynamics played out in subtle but influential ways.

Sophia couldn't help but wonder what kind of person he was and what role he played in this peculiar gathering. It was a curiosity tinged with apprehension, a sense that this man held secrets and an unpredictable nature that made him an enigma in this already bewildering environment. She couldn't deny the allure of unravelling this man's story, but she also sensed that some things were better left undiscovered. It was a delicate balance, and Sophia found herself on the cusp of a choice – to delve deeper into this enigma or to tread cautiously and preserve whatever sense of safety and comfort she'd managed to find with her new friend.

As Sophia turned her gaze back to Haven, she leaned in a little closer, her emerald eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern. She asked in a hushed tone, "Who's that guy?"

"Personally, I'm not sure. He was eyeing up every new arrival like a hawk, though." Haven's eyes flitted between Sophia's. "I think in some way you already know just by looking at him, but The Kid, that's her nickname, told us he could read anyone like a book. I'm guessing he doesn't use that information kindly."

"I don't want to find out if I'm right, either, so I'm hoping to stay out of focus for as long as possible."

Sophia couldn't shake the shiver of trepidation that ran down her spine as Haven laid out the extent of the man's abilities. Like an open book, the notion of being so easily read was chilling. It left her feeling exposed and vulnerable in this already strange and unfamiliar environment. However, in a peculiar way, she couldn't deny that there had always been a part of her that longed not to be misunderstood by others. She had often wished for the power to convey her thoughts and feelings more effectively to her old classmates, but really never could.

It was a strange paradox to long for understanding, yet fear the consequences of such a revelation.

As she absorbed this newfound knowledge, Sophia's gaze flicked back toward the enigmatic man, her expression now laden with a mixture of wariness and curiosity. He stood as a figure of uncertainty, both alluring and foreboding to her. The girl couldn't help but wonder about the stories hidden behind his piercing gaze and countless tattoos, and the experiences that had sculpted him into the person he was now. It was a tangible reminder that every individual here bore their own narrative, their own struggles, and their own secrets.

Turning back to Haven, Sophia offered a grateful yet subdued smile, appreciating the insight she had shared. "Thank you for letting me know," she murmured, her voice a blend of appreciation and introspection, " and for making this transition a little less daunting. It means more than you know." Her voice held a quiet sincerity, a genuine appreciation for the kindness she had found in this unexpected encounter.

Sophia knew she needed some time to process all that she had seen and heard, to find her place in this intricate tapestry of lives. With a gentle smile, she added, "I think I'll take a little time to explore and maybe find a quiet spot to think. But I'm sure we'll run into each other again soon. And maybe I'll get to meet Wes then. Thanks again, Haven."

With that, Sophia mustered a small, hopeful smile and turned to navigate the bustling room, her heart a mix of anticipation and trepidation for the journey that lay ahead.
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