Avatar of Qia


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2 days ago
Current What a blessing in disguise honestly.
22 days ago
Baby blue toes....na dat boi weird.
1 like
28 days ago
Can't say I relate to that experience.
29 days ago
Not gonna lie. Drop kick has to be one of my favourite words. Top 3. xD
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1 mo ago
The least you can do is pm me the link to this rp. Come on now. =/


Hi, Qia here <3. I'm a gamer and RP fan just looking to have a good time.

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I just took out the last part then
<Snipped quote by Xaltwind>

I can finally use a certain Youtube video in response to this, and I could not be more utterly dated happy. :P

good old hey arnold. I don't recall that scene at all tho xD



Amelia's heart pounded in her chest as they reached the elevator. A brief moment of relief washed over her, knowing they were close to escaping the horrifying chaos below. However, that relief was cut short by Rina's panicked cry, which pulled her attention back to the grim scene before them.

The sight of the bloody handprint on the metal wall sent shivers down Amelia's spine, a chilling reminder of the gruesome events that had occurred in the hotel. The zombies, previously absorbed in their grisly feast, abruptly shifted their attention to Rina as she approached the elevator.

Amelia followed Rhys's command to step back, positioning herself behind him with the broken chair leg in hand, ready to defend herself if necessary. Her heart raced as the two advancing zombies closed in, their grotesque forms and snarling faces a disturbing mockery of humanity.

When Rhys kicked one of the zombies, sending it tumbling into the elevator, a flicker of hope briefly lit up within Amelia. It was a short-lived respite, a brief moment of reprieve amidst the chaos. Nevertheless, she remained vigilant, keeping her eyes on the zombie advancing toward Rina and the one menacing Rhys.

As Rhys grappled with the zombie in front of him, Amelia steeled herself for action. Her instincts urged her to intervene, and when the opportunity arose, she swung the broken chair leg with all her might at the approaching zombie near Rina. The impact struck true, sending the creature staggering and buying precious time for Rina to regroup.

But as the battle with the undead continued, a heavy sense of dread settled in Amelia's chest. Delaney's anguished cry only deepened her apprehension. The chaos in the elevator and the loss of the keys felt like cruel blows of fate, leaving them vulnerable and uncertain.

Amelia hurried to Delaney's side, guided by her innate instinct to help those in need. She knelt beside the fallen woman, concern evident in her features, and offered reassurance in a voice that trembled slightly with anxiety. "Take a moment, catch your breath," she urged Delaney, her voice a source of calm amidst the turmoil. "We'll recover those keys together. Our survival depends on it."

Aria's eyes widened as she observed the bizarre spectacle unfolding before her. Bipedal rats, fur-covered and clad in tattered garments, had burst into the clearing. Her analytical mind struggled to process the sight of these rodent-like creatures, but there was no denying their presence. The creatures seemed just as surprised to encounter the human women as the women were to see them.

The three ratmen were an odd sight, with two of them clutching makeshift clubs and the larger, black-furred one wielding a crude spear. Their tiny eyes darted nervously between the three women, and Aria couldn't help but notice the guttural quality of their squeaky communication.

The tension in the clearing escalated as the largest ratman glared at them, baring its teeth and making aggressive noises. Aria's curiosity about this world and its inhabitants was now overshadowed by a growing sense of danger. She understood that these creatures were not to be taken lightly.

Aria, her heart pounding with adrenaline, knew she needed to act quickly as the ratman in the tattered red garment charged toward her, his crude weapon held menacingly. Drawing upon the newfound abilities granted by her peculiar costume, she focused her mind and invoked her power.

In an instant, as if following a video game prompt, a translucent window materialized before her eyes:

Skill: Moonbeam Barrage
Gathers moonlight which, when shaped into shimmering spheres, can be launched at enemies.

Aria took a deep breath, absorbing the information provided by the window. Moonlight. Shimmering spheres. Enemies. She had a vague understanding of what to do.

As the ratman closed in, she extended her hand toward the sky, feeling a faint, ethereal energy coursing through her. With a determined expression, Aria gathered the moonlight into her palm, shaping it into shimmering spheres of radiant energy.

Time seemed to slow as she released the spheres, launching them toward the approaching ratman.

Recently got into his music :)

Aria was taken aback as the electronic ringtone jolted her senses from within her mind. The sheer strangeness of a mental ringtone sent a shiver down her spine, making her feel like she'd stumbled into the twilight zone. She was grappling with this unprecedented experience, attempting to find some logical thread amidst the surrealism that now surrounded her.

As the envelope-shaped icon materialized before her, Aria's initial shock turned into deep-seated confusion. It was hard to concentrate on anything else, even as she noticed Sayu's rather embarrassing reaction to the unfolding events. She leaned into the message, though the overly cheerful tone was starkly contrasted by the absurdity of their predicament. Aria's inquisitive mind kicked into overdrive, firing off a barrage of questions about this enigmatic "God" and the bewildering circumstances that had landed them in this perplexing realm.

Only after the email vanished from her mind did Aria finally manage to pull her attention away from the bizarre message. She turned her gaze toward the red-hooded girl standing nearby, cheeks faintly flushed. Aria struggled to find words, her brain still reeling from the unexpected twist.

"Whoever this God person is," she stammered, her voice carrying a mix of amusement and bewilderment, "they certainly have a weird sense of humour." Like Sayu, she was also reluctant to believe that they'd been placed in some other dimension because...well, it was impossible, wasn't it? Yet...

Aria looked back at the now-damaged tree, biting her lip in thought. She couldn't help but wonder if there was some hidden purpose behind their situation, even if it seemed utterly implausible.

Before she could voice any more ideas, however, she noticed her new companion's sudden change of expression. To her question, she merely cocked her head to the side and looked around her.

"I don't hear anything in particular," Aria responded, her voice hushed as she scanned the forest. There was a lingering sense of unease, a feeling that they were not alone in this strange place. The chirping birds were still tweeting away, and the tension in the air had not changed for her.

"Perhaps it was...the wind?"
In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay


In that corner of the Recreation Room, Sophia's mind dipped into the memories of her high school years—a phase of life that appeared less tangled now than it did back then.

The hallways of those days were vibrant with the vitality of youth, a mix of laughter, conversations, and the echoing thuds of lockers being shut. In that bustling environment, Sophia could be seen ambling with a contemplative aura, her emerald eyes distant, fixed on an unseen point that had set her apart as a tad eccentric. Her classmates were particularly intrigued by her gaze, which was often directed out of the window where her desk rested, and there was a murmur about her oddness. Her silent laughter, too, caught on the wind's whisper from time to time.

But what the heck was the joke?

On a particularly sun-soaked afternoon, a defining moment unfolded in Sophia's life, etching the nickname "Sunny" into her identity. Standing by a window, bathed in the warm embrace of sunlight, she found herself captivated by a delicate bird that flitted just beyond the glass pane. The simple beauty of the scene drew a gentle smile to her lips, a fleeting expression that revealed a rare glimpse into her inner world—a world often shielded from the prying eyes of her peers.

Amidst the flow of students, there existed a mischievous figure notorious for her love of pranks and antics. Her words reached Sophia's ears in fragments—snippets like "Sunny," "out there again," and "loner." These fragments ignited a blend of feelings within Sophia—embarrassment entwined with curiosity. Could it be that they were discussing her? Uncertainty mingled with the stares she felt upon her back, leaving her in a state of puzzled contemplation. The jumbled snippets of conversation cast a spotlight on her as if a secret were shared about her that she wasn't privy to.

Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, she did not have to wait long to find out the secret.

Amidst the halls and classrooms, the transformation was immediately palpable. Sophia's presence was no longer accompanied solely by her birth name; instead, the corridors whispered with the weight of "Sunny." While a handful of her peers embraced the nickname with genuine affection, the majority wielded it as a tool of amusement. Sly smirks exchanged between students, shared glances laden with hidden meanings—it all served to solidify the rift that had formed between Sophia and her classmates.

With each utterance of "Sunny," Sophia felt an echo of her true self slipping away, replaced by the caricature that had been painted by her peers' perceptions. The name became a point of curiosity, turning her into an enigma among them. The girl who found solace in the sun's tender caress had inadvertently become the outlier, the one who seemed to revel more in nature's embrace than in the company of her fellow students.

And as time went on, the divide between Sophia and her classmates continued to widen. "Sunny" had become more than a nickname; it was a symbol of the divergence between her introspective world and the bustling currents of teenage social circles. Sophia found herself navigating the hallways not only as an individual but also as a concept in itself—a girl who was both seen and obscured by the sunlight that had birthed her moniker.


Sitting in the corner, Sophia's thoughts echoed with the reminder that she couldn't remain hidden forever. The idea of appearing "normal" eluded her like an unsolved riddle. The uncertainty of where to begin or what to even aim for was a constant companion. A soft exhale left her lips as she lifted her head, her gaze drifting across the room. Faces blurred into a tapestry of unfamiliarity, but within the crowd, a few figures stood out—seemingly more approachable than the rest. The idea of stepping into their world ignited a flutter of nervousness in her chest, but determination welled up within her as well. Gritting her teeth, Sophia mustered the courage to rise from her corner, her heart's rhythm a rapid drumbeat in her ears.

It was time to take the first tentative step toward bridging the gap between herself and these complete strangers.

Summoning her courage, Sophia's voice cut through the air as she approached a girl who sat at a nearby table, carrying a tinge of anxiety. "Hey," she began, her words a tentative bridge between their two worlds. As her emerald-green eyes met Haven's gaze, a sense of curiosity mingled with her unease. There was something about her, an aura of tranquillity that Sophia found both intriguing and inviting.

With a soft exhale, she continued, her voice carrying a trace of vulnerability. "I'm Sophia. Mind if I join you?"

Interacts with: @Skai
Izzy stood among the new guests, a sense of wonderment washing over her as she took in the breathtaking surroundings. The azure sky, the leaping dolphins, and the perfectly smooth water – it was like a dream come true. Her excitement was palpable, and her emerald green eyes sparkled with anticipation. The boat's gentle movement beneath her feet seemed to echo the rhythm of her heart, both in sync with the anticipation of what awaited on the island.

As Darren Delloro's welcoming voice echoed from the dock, Izzy's attention turned to him, her curiosity piqued. The owner's reputation had preceded him, and she was eager to see how the reality matched the legend. Darren's words were warm and inviting, painting a picture of hospitality and luxury that aligned perfectly with her expectations.

When Endolin Marx stepped forward, asking about rooms and the possibility of a library, Izzy's curiosity deepened. She admired Endolin's directness and the way they asserted themselves, even in the presence of someone as prominent as Darren. As Endolin's words triggered a visible response from the nearby plants, Izzy couldn't help but smile at the display of magic. It was as if the island itself responded to emotions, adding a layer of enchantment to the moment.

As Darren addressed Endolin's questions, describing the personalized rooms and the potential for them to be customized to each guest's desires, Izzy felt a renewed sense of awe. The idea of a room tailored to one's preferences resonated deeply with her – a place of comfort and familiarity even in a new setting. The mention of constructing a library also sparked a glint of excitement in her eyes. Izzy imagined a serene haven filled with books and cozy reading nooks, a place where she could immerse herself in stories and let her imagination run wild.

As Darren turned his attention to the rest of the guests, inviting them to introduce themselves and share their questions, Izzy took a step forward. Her extroverted nature couldn't be contained any longer. With a warm smile and genuine enthusiasm, she introduced herself, "Hey there! I'm Isabella, but you can call me Izzy. This place is absolutely amazing! I'm just wondering, do you offer any group activities or workshops? I'd love to experience everything the Seaside Shanties Getaway has to offer!"

Sorry if you're finished accepting people. I just thought I needed a relaxing, free rp :)
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