Avatar of Qia


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2 days ago
Current What a blessing in disguise honestly.
22 days ago
Baby blue toes....na dat boi weird.
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28 days ago
Can't say I relate to that experience.
29 days ago
Not gonna lie. Drop kick has to be one of my favourite words. Top 3. xD
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1 mo ago
The least you can do is pm me the link to this rp. Come on now. =/


Hi, Qia here <3. I'm a gamer and RP fan just looking to have a good time.

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Amelia's nod in response to Rhys's agreement conveyed a silent understanding that transcended words. His willingness to put his trust in her judgment amidst the turmoil was a small but poignant gesture, offering a glimmer of solidarity amid the chaos. As he swiftly secured a knife from the bar, her eyes briefly lingered on his decisive action, recognizing the value of quick thinking in their dire circumstances. However, her focus quickly shifted back to the other two women – Rina, clutching the makeshift tiki torch, and Delaney, both exhibiting a remarkable resolve despite the palpable fear that had enveloped them all.

In a curious twist of fate, Amelia found herself assuming an unforeseen mantle of responsibility for the safety of this diverse group. Bound together by the shared terror of their predicament, they had become an impromptu team, united in their common struggle for survival. The weight of this unspoken duty settled on her shoulders, a reminder that their collective strength would be their greatest asset as they navigated the unknown dangers ahead.

With each step that carried them away from the pool pavilion, the pandemonium intensified, drowning out all semblance of normalcy. The symphony of terrified screams merged with the frenzied cacophony of hurried footsteps, punctuated by sporadic crashes and ominous noises that underscored the precariousness of their situation. During this chaos, Amelia's thoughts raced, mirroring the tumultuous world around her. She couldn't help but wonder what trials awaited them, what unforeseen challenges they would have to confront, and whether their fragile alliance could withstand the relentless barrage of uncertainty.

Thankfully, Rhys's inquiry about their destination served as a grounding force, drawing Amelia's attention back from the maelstrom of emotions swirling within her. The question was both practical and indicative of his concern for their immediate survival, a reminder that they were all in this together. Amelia's voice, though tinged with the urgency of their situation, remained unwavering as she provided the vital information that could determine their fate. "The staff rooms are actually situated on a dedicated floor for the employees. It's a few levels above us. They're intentionally separated from the guest areas," she explained, "When I was there, the employee used a key to access the elevator and selected the button marked with a star. It's our best shot at reaching the staff area." A quiet unease laced her words as she muttered her hope that the elevators remained operational amidst the chaos that had engulfed the once pristine hotel.

As the group navigated the now disarrayed corridors of the hotel, Amelia's gaze swept over the remnants of the once idyllic setting – the overturned furniture, discarded belongings, and signs of hasty retreats.

Well, things went to shit fast, didn’t they?

Da'Niyah's straightforward approach and calm analysis provided a stark contrast to the prevailing panic, and Aria found herself paying close attention as she listened to Da'Niyah's reasoning. She nodded as Da'Niyah pointed out the lack of pain or drowsiness, her logical assessment bringing a glimmer of reassurance amidst the surreal situation.

"Da'Niyah's right. We should try to stay calm and figure things out," Aria added, her voice steady as she glanced between the two girls. "And... yeah, none of us seem to be in pain, just... really uncomfortable." Her cheeks flushed again as she gestured to her own costume, a mix of embarrassment and agreement in her expression.

Aria's gaze flicked to the other panicked girl, her eyebrows lifting slightly at the directness of the question. But before she could respond, Sayu's outburst cut through the air, laden with disbelief and urgency.

Aria's lips parted, torn between understanding Sayu's panic and trying to offer a counterpoint. "I know this seems crazy, but maybe there's another explanation we haven't thought of yet," she offered tentatively. "I mean, we all woke up in this same place, right? And it's not like we can run from here without knowing where we are." She looked around at the unfamiliar trees, her uncertainty evident. "Maybe if we work together, we can figure out what's going on."

Aria's voice was calm, a touch of reason trying to find its place amidst the storm of emotions and confusion. It was a surreal situation, but she couldn't help but feel that there might be more to it than a simple kidnapping.

As Aria's gaze meets Sayu's, she's met with a momentary wave of panic that soon gives way to a heartfelt urgency. Before she can react, Sayu lunges forward, gripping Aria's hands tightly. The sudden contact startles Aria, but she quickly senses the urgency in Sayu's touch and words.

"Hey, calm down," Aria says, her voice soothing as she tries to steady Sayu. "Kidnappers? What are you talking about?" Her eyebrows furrow in confusion as she takes in the other girl's worried expression and the intensity of her grip.

Before Aria can ask more questions, her attention is diverted by another girl's voice. She turns her gaze to see Da'Niyah approaching, her eyes scanning the treeline with a sense of caution. Aria's thoughts race to catch up with the situation, her mind struggling to grasp the reality of what's happening.

Listening to Da'Niyah's words, Aria glances at the other girls who are now gathering around. Her cheeks flush with a renewed awareness of her own attire as she realizes that they're all dressed in equally outlandish outfits. Aria's fingers unconsciously fidget with the shimmering bow atop her head, her discomfort evident.

"Yeah, it looks like we're all... wearing something weird," Aria responds with a self-conscious smile, her voice tinged with a hint of awkwardness. "I'm Aria, by the way," she adds, extending a hand towards Da'Niyah, a gesture of camaraderie amidst their shared predicament.

Slowly waking up, Aria blinks against the sunlight filtering through the leaves above. The trees rustle softly, and the sound of birds chirping fills the air, helping her shake off her sleepiness. She groans softly as she sits up, her eyes widening in confusion as she takes in her surroundings.

"Where am I?" Aria mutters to herself, looking around the unfamiliar clearing. The grass beneath her feels different, and the flowers around her are strange too. The trees have a funny color to them, and the leaves are unlike any she's seen before.

Then, her heart skips a beat as she notices the other girls nearby. She blinks again, thinking she might still be asleep and dreaming. But the reality of the situation sinks in quickly, and her cheeks flush with embarrassment and disbelief.

"No way, this can't be real," Aria mutters, her voice shaky with anxiety. Her eyes shift to her attire, her gaze settling on the pink bow on her outfit. It's like something out of a fantasy story, and she can't help but feel ridiculous.

"This... this can't be happening. What kind of cruel joke is this," Aria mumbles, her voice a mix of shock and awkwardness. She bites her lip, her logical side trying to come up with an explanation. But looking around, she realizes that logic might not work wherever she is now.

In the midst of her own disbelief, Aria's attention is drawn to another girl, Sayu, who appears to be in a state of frenzy. Aria observes as Sayu shakes another girl awake, her own bewilderment mirrored in her actions.

Feeling a mixture of reassurance and a common sense of puzzlement, Aria takes a few steps closer. Her gaze shifts between Sayu and the other girls, her expression a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. Taking a deep breath, she decides to break the ice, her voice soft but carrying a hint of nervousness.

"Um, h-hello there?" Aria's words are tentative, reaching out in an attempt to bridge the gap of the unknown.

Interacts with: @Hammerman
I know Amelia stated she knows where it is (cus it felt fitting to her character) but is there a planned location next? :) I didn't want to put a random one just in case. If it was the basement I can edit my post :P



Amelia watched as Rina took charge of the tiki torch, a determined look in her eyes. She couldn't help but admire Rina's courage and resourcefulness in such dire circumstances. Beside her, Amelia held onto a broken chair leg she had found near the bar, a makeshift weapon that felt oddly empowering and terrifying in her grip. As Rina twirled the torch and took a deep breath, Amelia's own grip on the chair leg tightened. It was surreal, being thrust into a situation where survival depended on actions she had never imagined herself taking.

The sight of the others finding a set of staff keys, however, brought a glimmer of hope to the chaotic situation. At least they now had a chance to explore their options, to find a place where they could temporarily find safety and regroup.

Amelia's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts as she considered their next move. She knew more about the resort's layout than she really wanted to let on. In fact, she was aware of the true location of the staff rooms due to a small private interview she had conducted there for her upcoming book. The realization that she possessed a crucial piece of information weighed on her, and she chose this moment to reveal her knowledge to the group, though not its source.

"Actually, the staff rooms aren't in the basement," she said with a hint of resolve, her gaze steady as she locked eyes with the group. "I know where they are. Follow me."
I'm pretty free as well ^^
Ok done @Xaltwind
@Xaltwind Fixed. Sorry, I misunderstood a few things while working on it. Originally I had the name above the sheet as well but I've moved it since it was hard to see anyway.

Height: 5'6"
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Chestnut Brown
Name: Aria Everhart
Age: 16
Nationality: United States
Occupation: High School Student
Gender: Female

Aria is a curious and determined individual, driven by her insatiable thirst for knowledge and discovery. Her analytical mind is balanced by a kind and empathetic nature. She values logic and reason but also recognizes the importance of compassion. Aria is also patient and methodical, often approaching problems with a calm demeanor. Her love for stargazing and astronomy has instilled in her a sense of wonder and awe for the universe. While she can be reserved at times, she's quick to open up to those who share her interests and passions.

Her costume makes her feel ridiculous and she can't shake the feeling that she's playing a part in some bizarre theatrical performance.

Aria is a high school student known for her curiosity and dedication. Growing up near a university observatory, she spent countless nights stargazing with her father. Her passion for astronomy led her to excel in school, and she often impressed her teachers and peers with her knowledge. Despite her academic prowess, Aria faced the same challenges as any other high school student—balancing homework, extracurricular activities, and friendships.

One evening, while studying for her final exams, Aria noticed a strange phenomenon in the sky. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the celestial display, and as the voice beckoned her, she found herself transported to a fantastical world.

Costume Overview:
Type: Hybrid (Caster/Warrior)
Source: Sailor Moon
Imagery: Magical Moon girl

Auto-Cleaning: Aria's costume cleans itself daily, ensuring she always appears pristine.
Auto-Repair: The costume repairs itself daily, ensuring it remains intact during battles.
Pajama Party: Consists of a soft, silky white nightgown with a V-neckline and short, fluttery sleeves. The same blue bow from her original costume is still tied around her waist. The gown also falls to her ankles, and the fabric is adorned with silver star patterns.
Stat Boost (minor):
First Skill/Spell: Moonbeam Barrage
Aria gathers moonlight into her hands, shaping it into shimmering spheres. She launches these spheres at her enemies, inflicting minor magical damage and possibly causing a temporary daze or confusion effect.

My fav is kit kat/milk chocolate Cadbury
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