Avatar of Qia


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2 days ago
Current What a blessing in disguise honestly.
22 days ago
Baby blue toes....na dat boi weird.
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28 days ago
Can't say I relate to that experience.
28 days ago
Not gonna lie. Drop kick has to be one of my favourite words. Top 3. xD
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1 mo ago
The least you can do is pm me the link to this rp. Come on now. =/


Hi, Qia here <3. I'm a gamer and RP fan just looking to have a good time.

Most Recent Posts

In Ju-V 7 mos ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Interacts with Natsumi (@Kuro)

"Oh, no, that's not what I meant!" Sophia exclaimed; her eyes wide as she hastily shook her head in response to Natsumi's misinterpretation. "I'm just trying to understand why my parents sent me here and what this place is really about."

As her gaze settled on the movie's opening credits, Sophia found her thoughts drifting to her parents. Their unwavering support and encouragement had always driven her to embrace her abilities and believe in the good she could do. Yet, a twinge of sadness tugged at her heart, for they didn't seem to fully grasp the weight of their expectations or the depth of her failure.

Perhaps that's why they had sent her to the Aegis Centre. They must have realized their mistake.

Seeking solace in her friend's presence, Sophia glanced at Natsumi, a vulnerable expression on her face. "Don't get me wrong, I love them more than anything. But sometimes I wish I could just be a normal teenager, you know?"

Before Natsumi could respond, a sudden knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Sophia's curiosity was piqued as she exchanged a quick, questioning glance with her roommate, silently wondering who could be on the other side.

“It’s dinner time folks. Time to get moving,” A voice said from the other side.

Sophia's shoulders slumped. The promise of answers from their conversation would have to wait, and she couldn't help but feel a tinge of frustration at the interruption. Nonetheless, she forced a small smile as she turned to Natsumi. "Maybe we'll get a chance to watch the movie later?”
<Snipped quote by Qia>

That would be an interesting ability. Kind of ironic too if I kept the demonic experimentation. I mean I was planning having a physical healing factor as an ability. 🤷‍♂️ idk. The only other way I can envision him is having lived his prior years as something of a loser; the scrawny, bullied kid that needed to get tough to get by. That's more or less what I'm already working with. But I'd have to rethink his other memories to not be military experience.

Gotcha. Well if you need assistance with this, I think we have a pretty good group of people here that are willing to help :).
Maybe his personal memories are stripped? Who he was, maybe had a dog and a family at one point, but working life wasn't removed? That sorta thing. He'd be a cold hard shell like everyone else then. Almost creepier like that, imho.

But I mean, I get what you're saying. Figuring out what an actual power could be for someone like this, is a bit tough.

Maybe he's good with words and his imagination and uses a pen as his warder... whatever he writes/draws happens. Like a telekinesis type?

Aw jeez, I'm going to be floating this around in my head for awhile. D:

Ohhh dude I just thought of an amazing one for the paramedic. It could be like a soul siphon with the ability to heal others by siphoning their pain and suffering, but at the cost of taking on their emotional wounds and mental scars. It's like a double edged sword: the more they use it, the more they lose their sense of identity xD Idk. I'm just babbling.
I mean we're not supposed to have much in terms of memories to start off with anyways.

I've kinda of leaned into memories of his time in the service being the key memories to his power. It'd take some doing to re-imagine him another way.

Will having a few ideas help make this process easier? The closest ones I can think of that might offer the same link to some kind of traumatic event are: A survivor of a natural disaster (survival skills), a former gang member who joined it to survive on the streets (not military but has some experience defending himself/herself to a small degree), a former paramedic (faced a lot of death,similar to your previous character's time in the service), victim of some kind of crime. Those are what I can come up with. I hope it helps a little, that way you don't have to get rid of all your ideas :)!

What can I say. Still have Avatar on the mind. xD
<Snipped quote by Qia>

not-spiderman? lol loves it. k cool cools looking like we full up now fr.

tysm everyone for jumping in here and making this thing a thing lol.

Nopeee she's ant girl Black Viper.
This looks super interesting if there's still room!
This looks interesting. Will be making a sheet for sure

As Mia’s head spun, she absorbed the dizzying chaos surrounding her, her antennae flicking in agitation amid the uproar. Conflict raged within her, torn between the impulse to dive headfirst into battle alongside her newfound allies against the menacing gang of villains and the instinct to flee from the overwhelming madness. It wasn’t until she sensed her connection with her insect allies faltering that she had reached a decision. Determination set in as she resolved to retreat from the frontline, realizing that even from the sidelines, she could play a crucial role in the unfolding confrontation.

Using the cover provided by the giant boulder hurtling and crashing before them, Mia swiftly dodged and weaved her way through the tumult, her heart pounding with adrenaline. Spotting her clawed ally ahead, she winced as she watched them being flung into the air, leaving a grisly trail of blood as they skidded across the pavement and finally came to a stop on the opposite side of the street. Taking advantage of the distraction, Mia quickly assessed the situation and came to the realization that she hadn’t been noticed yet. Perhaps she could use that to lend a helping hand. Or a few.

With a swift mental command, she once again summoned a legion of ants from the nearby cracks and crevices, directing them toward Kraven. The tiny insects swarmed around the hunter, crawling over her boots and legs, causing her to falter in what looked like surprise. But Mia knew better than to use this moment to celebrate. If they wanted to counterattack, they needed to use this moment. Both of them. Come on, shake it off and get back up.

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