Avatar of rabidbacon


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2 days ago
Current A set up where a Bard lures people in and has their way with them, then lets the Assassin kill them in their sleep, and gives the bodies over to a Necromancer to make an army with...
3 days ago
can't wait for my friday beers 😩
5 days ago
@Donut Look Now I also did some work in Closed Captioning, and this is how companies shaft us now - they use AI to machine translate, then throw it at us for "proofreading" so they can pay us less.
9 days ago
Feel free to remind / message / tag me if you want faster replies!
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11 days ago
Curious to finally know what Krabby Patties taste like.


Welcome, stranger.

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Replying in a day or two!
Thanks! I'll flesh Riffolk out more as the RP goes, want to get a feel for the setting first.
YEAHHHH so happy there are characters older than 30 in this one! @IAmAugustReign

Will just wait for approval from @Archazen before moving Bane to CS List.
changed Bane to 47 because I feel like the picture looks a little too young for 57 XD
Small post is up. Feedback is appreciated.

Hi, are you still interested in a potential Abyssal Connection?
Fr tho! I pm'd Esty for some input towards my post already! That is equally a good question. So many interesting angles here!!

For some reason, Bastien's ability reminds me of Fallout New Vegas, because he'd have to go around collecting/finding cards, only more extra. As someone who enjoys tarot cards, it's an interesting addition.
So many questions, I look forward to the GM's revelations.

That said, do Wilds immediately recognize each other's presence?
Mimi looks like one, and so does Mercy, but Teresa can choose to appear human quite easily.
@rabidbacon Your poor little guy just wants a Happy Meal! 😢

He's of the Despair Meal party, but you're terribly correct.
You've reduced him to a hungry pup, I'm dying. 😂

Mercy followed the trail in the sky with his eyes, tracing the path. It was a sign that he would be full again, soon. The ground rumbled as he followed, but not before he swallowed his fresh kill. A thick sludge of gore spilled from his mouth, as he carelessly swung his head in the direction where more corpses were to be made.

He knew this, for the humans were always fighting over every little thing, and it was beautifully frequent too, for this world had very, very little. There were worse worlds to have been dragged into, Mercy always told himself, particularly on days where he fed well.

Eventually, he made his way to the outskirts of the erstwhile home his kind had found themselves in, and he stared at what he saw, his fiery mouth flickering in the shadows as he licked his lips. The humans were holding those things tightly, tiny fingers itching to deal death at every given moment.

Whatever the outcome, there was bound to be a body left behind. After all, the thorn-headed one and his group were just about as hungry as the Wild Ones were, when it came to bloodshed.

Mercy watched and waited, from a good distance, though his heft meant that he wasn't hiding either. There was no need to hide - even just the sight of him coaxed the tantalizing energies of terror and despair to pour out from many of the humans. And he was hungry, always hungry.
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