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I'm somewhat interested but I want to ask how much knowledge of the TCG itself is required? I mean, I know the basic rule but I've only played casually, and I really last played during the synchro era
Carnatia de Luson & Gray Flame

Despite Gray Flame’s words, Carnatia did feel as if she should still check just for sure. Even if there were no illusion magic at play, the tree could still be an anomaly. There were enough rumours regarding this region that Carnatia felt it would be unwise not to investigate on the off chance.

Still…her disenchantment methods were not exactly the typical ones utilized by mages—or artificers—rather than discovering the true essence of the enchantment and then unravelling it based on arcane theory. Her method was more based on the school of thought from Eastern martial arts that Master Tokimune taught her. There, it was common for martial arts to have the philosophy of ‘severing the chains of fate’ or ‘cutting through karma’. In her case, she more ‘severed’ the metaphysical concept of the enchantment with her mana.

So ideally, they should probably also have someone else along who might identify it better than her for more information. But it was what it was.

And so, Carnatia replied, “I do think we ought to investigate it, Sir Gray, just in case.”

Led by Gray Flame, the two approached the peculiar tree.

Carnatia drew her rapier. She would not immediately strike at the tree, but as she had no idea what sort of arcane phenomenon she was dealing with—if any—she used her rapier as a focus, as she had her mana reached out to the tree.

As the mana reached the tree, Carnatia closed her eyes as she honed her senses, using the mana to ‘palpate’ any traces of mana and magical enchantment surrounding the tree.

‘Now then…I wonder what I might found here,’ she thought.

The tree, towering before them remained unchanged, neither was any layer of illusioned reality shattered around them. The Gray flame stood still, watching patiently.

"So, do you find anything?" Gray Flame asked her after a while.

Carnatia replied, “Well, as far as what I could perceive, there is no enchantment of any sorts. But I did the have the impression that this tree is special. The word that arose in my mind was ‘ancient’, and this tree is quite connected to the forest around us, or rather…perhaps even nature?"

Gray Flame nodded his head before replying, "Let's stop for now and try with a different intention."

He removed his glove and touched the bark. "Channel your magic, not as a means to discover, but as something.... well, like a greeting. Say: Im Carnathia, tele lema dareg insa lyenna. It means "I am Carnatia, I wish to afflict no harm upon thee."

In response, Carnatia sighed, "Sir Gray if you knew what this is, you could have simply told us. Though I confess to some degree of curiosity on my part, so…”

Carnatia then willed the mana to stop prodding at the tree, and instead but simply allowed it to gently touch the tree. She then repeated after Gray Flame, “Im Carnatia, tele lema dareg insa lyenna.”

They waited for, and it seemed there was nothing happened, at first.

But then, four meters above its roots the bark started to part, the branches swayed, and a face, as if it had been chiseled and onto the trunk started to take shape and move.

Carnatia reflexively put her rapier in front of her, starting to imbue it with magic, before the tree started to speak.

"Hrum, Hoom," murmured the voice, a deep voice like a very deep woodwind instrument. The ground around it trembled and a raven could be seen flying off from its branch with a noisy caw.

"No... no, no need to be sophis-ticated with me. You-- sounded like that she-elf from a long time ago. Nobody wants to remember her, neither do I, for barks and roots! No, no need to use your ancient language---"

Two upper gaps that were supposed to be the eyelids peered down and studied Carnathia with its amber-colored, iris-less eyes. The transition between its speech was slow, and the voice that came out from its wrinkled wooden lips was solemn. "Your ears--- they are round like the leaves of Northern Beech. Humans, hmm hmm? What a rare sight... Alas! not usually a friendly, or lucky bunch, what do you want?"

‘A talking tree?’ Carnatia thought.

When she was researching the region before taking the job, she had heard that elves ‘talked to the trees’ to retrieve lost adventurers. She had thought that was a turn of phrase or perhaps some form of druidic magic, but it appeared it was more literal than she had thought.

Speaking trees did exist in many myths and legends, in Westernant, there was even a tale of the rhyming tree, deep in the Great Evercoln Forest who had aided many heroes of myths and legends. Was this tree one such mythical creature?

Noticing the tree looking expectantly at her, Carnatia replied, “Apologies…er...Sir? Forgive me, I am not quite sure how to address you. We did not mean to disturb you. It was merely that we saw another tree that looked identical to er…your personage…? In any case, we meant to ensure that we did not come across illusionary magic intended to make us walk around in a circle.”

She then sighed again, as she glared lightly at Gray Flame,

“Sir Gray, it was unbecoming of you to spring this on us. As I said, since you seemed to be aware of this, you should have just told us.”

"Shit! The treee! It talks!"

There were some... words of fear heard behind them, and there was Vesemir, who stood at a respectful distance with his journal at hand, utterly amazed as he recorded the conversation.

"Yeah... about that," replied the Gray Flame meekly. As he looked back at Carnathia, there was a glint in his eye, something that indicated what he did was not merely for pranking, but for an important reason he could not share.


As the two were nearing the gates of Noble Heaven, Aelyeth spotted a familiar man...Christopher, if she remembered the name correctly. He was the one who recruited Ebthor and herself for this job. Christopher was sprinting frantically, making a beeline for Ebthor and Aelyeth. Clearly, something was amiss.

"Unhand me," Ebthor said the moment Christopher grabbed his arm. Aelyeth sighed as she shook her head lightly at—the now familiar—curt behaviour of Ebthor. Before she could say anything, however, Christopher continued, "Please, hurry. I don't know how much time we have," Christopher urged them before darting toward Noble Haven.

They better pay well. So, what do we do? Ebthor asked her through their telepathic link.

'We help them, of course.'

Aelyeth replied immediately as if that was the most obvious thing in the world. Then, realizing who she was saying it to, sighed, before adding, 'If nothing else, it would be a showcase of our ability to our employee, no? Proving our worth seems prudent to me.'

The two then rushed after Christopher to the gate, where they found him speaking to the warbeast they encountered on the road earlier, confirming Aelyeth's suspicion that he was part of the group hired by Simon.

Without even waiting for the warbeast's reply, Christopher rushed to the estate.

Knowing that Ebthor wasn't exactly the best person to make a first impression, Aelyeth approached the warbeast.

"Considering his rush, this isn't really the place for conversation, but I'm Aelyeth and my companion is Ebthor. I assume you're also asked to help out? Shall we then?"

Carnatia de Luson

“Are you perhaps a little envious, my dear Carnatia?” said Fia coyly. Fia continued to smile at the orange haired spellsword, tilting her head as though adding pressure.

"N-No, that is not what I–" Carnatia started saying. Though, just at that moment, her brain decided to betray her with a stray train of thought.

"Though given his build, his arms must be firm with rippling muscl–Ack! This woman is dangerous, she almost had me."

Fortunately for her, though, Forbann's next words killed all of Fia's momentum.

“I think you’re fine to go first, Carnatia. A bath wouldn’t go amiss, no,but unfortunately I don't think that most baths in Varenheim could fit me, especially the bath of a cabin in the middle of the woods.” he regrettably had to turn Fia offer down.

"So, unless you wish to use the thunderstorm to wash ourselves, I'll unfortunately have to decline." He joked, trying to abate any disappointment his rejection might have caused.

"He...cannot be this oblivious, is he?" Carnatia thought. Well, nevertheless, it spared her from Fia's teasing, so she did not have a single complaint.

Unfortunately, however, Fia was relentless, seamlessly transposing to her next line of attack.

Fia walked around the table towards the spellsword who took Fia’s place in line for the bath. She reached out and rested her index finger and thumb under Carnatia’s chin and cheek, pulling the two of them closer. “If size is the issue, then perhaps we two would be a better match.” Fia looked into Carnatia’s eyes for several seconds.

"P-Pardon?" Carnatia spluttered. She was not a stranger to being flirted with, but considering her former status as a high-ranking noble and most people whom she interacted with were nobility they were usually much more restrained. And after her exile...well, she mostly kept to herself.

Before long, Fia cracked a smile and her eyes closed shut as she chuckled. She pulled back dramatically and sat down on one of the loose chairs strewn around the table. Fia moved one of her hairs that got stuck on her face out of the way.

"Ah...a jest. I see. Haha, somewhat crass for my liking, but I suppose the use of levity is subjective as they say," Carnatia said, trying to laugh it off. She continued, "Ehem. Well, in any case, I will be partaking in the bath first then."

Carnatia then vacated the premises, heading to the bathroom, led by Nanashi.

Carnatia de Luson & Nanashi

"...In any case, no need for formalities Miss Carnatia. I am now just a mere commoner since my adopted mother died. I usually house chores back home, when I am out of the mission so my body moves on its own. Since you took Miss Fia’s spot, I shall guide you into the bathroom," Nanashi said as he led the former noble to the bathroom.

Carnatia nodded, “Ah. Sir Takumi then, since you refer to me as Miss. You say you do house chores often? That’s quite admirable, I do too, but…ah, I’m not that proficient at it, sadly. Though, enough to get by.”

Nanashi then led Carnatia to the bathroom, before allowing her to enter. After a moment, he hollered from outside the door, “Is the water temperature warm enough, Miss Carnatia?”

“It is, thank you,” Carnatia replied, letting out a small sigh of contentment as she soaked in the warm water, getting rid of the chills from the heavy downpour that beset the group earlier.

“So, who is your master and where did you meet your master? What is the purpose of you having him as a master since I recall that you are a noble.” Nanashi asked.

"Former noble. Though I suppose you noticed, well, to be honest, I'm not quite able to entirely shed my noble persona. It's not as if I am hiding it, I just opt to not mention it nowadays since my circumstances are somewhat complicated. So I would appreciate it if you do not bring it up, especially around the others," Carnatia clarified, perhaps there were others who hadn't realized that she was a noble, Carnatia coped.

She then continued, “His name was Wakita Tokimune. He was a travelling monk who was visiting Greydare—a city in the western part of Westernant—At that time, I was…not exactly in the best place, to say the least. Master Tokimune took me in as his student and taught me various things, combat skills or otherwise. I probably would not be where I am today were it not for him.”

"I see, as for me, I am once a war orphan before. People didn't want to approached me until that day, an elven woman approached me. I kept following when I was young, I never gave up and I was desperate. She adopted me and let me trained as a Shinobi. After that I served her until at the very last moment of her life. I was the one who made a mercy kill for her to ease her suffering. I decided to go here and let go her remains, as she wished,” Nanashi replied.

“…Well, Master Tokimune is not exactly my adopted father. But I am deeply indebted to him. So I do empathize with the great respect you had for Miss Eiko who—like what Master Tokimune did for me—helped you out when you were in a tough spot. Were it Master Tokimune’s wish, I too would embark on a dangerous journey to ensure he was buried how he wanted, not unlike what you are currently doing.”

“Is that so? Also, I didn't have future plans once I done it, to be honest,”

“Surely your particular skill sets would be in high demand? Ah, but I suppose if you do not wish to continue being an adventurer after this expedition, there are not many employment options that utilize such skills aside from being part of a nation’s espionage corps. Well, at the very least the pay for this expedition is large enough for you to live comfortably for a while. If you’d like my advice, perhaps take a sabbatical using the money to figure out what you want to do with your life next.”

Well, she assumed he was talking about future job prospects, rather than the grim tradition of the ritualistic suicide she had heard was practised by samurai and shinobi. If it's the latter...Carnatia wasn't exactly equipped to deal with it. And to be honest, she'd rather not, really. They had just met with no relation prior, so it did not really concern her nor was it her responsibility, though pragmatically speaking, a loss of manpower in this expedition would be regrettable.

“Well, I just came from the mainland of my country so I don't have any experience of being an adventurer. Speaking of money, I do have inherited money that currently deposited at the harbor's bank. It's quite abundant which gave me uncomfortable feeling when I boarded to a ship. Perhaps I could open some business but not in my country. I no longer able to go back there and yeah I keep that in mind, thank you for the advice,”

Fortunately for Carnatia, Nanashi indeed was talking about future prospects. Carnatia then replied, "In that case, I suggest opening a business that makes use of Eastern customs. Perhaps an oriental-themes restaurant, or an eastern tea shop, or perhaps a massage parlour. The exotic nature of it could help you penetrate the market and garner quite a bit of interest."

The two then talked for a bit more, exchanging business ideas since both of them had plans to open businesses after the expedition. While Carnatia would not exactly propose opening a business together since she barely knew the man, networking was never harmful, just in case Nanashi opened a successful business venture in the future.

Eventually, Carnatia finished her bath while Nanashi prepared the water for Fia.

Carnatia de Luson

The next morning, Carnatia noticed that no one had claimed the enchanted items yet. To Carnatia it seemed such a waste considering their utility, especially the brooch. Even were they to not use the items now, they could be potentially useful in the future. And so, Carnatia decided to take care of them for safekeeping. Of course, she would advocate turning them into the authorities once they came back from the expedition, and then as the owners were–presumably–dead, one of them could submit the necessary paperwork to claim it legally. She would if no one else wanted them. At the very least, they would sell quite a bit of money.

The problem was that while she could carry the brooch and the lamp with no issue, the blades were too cumbersome for her to carry with no intention of using them. Therefore, the best course of action would be to convince someone else to carry them. The obvious choice was Forbann considering his stature, however, Carnatia decided against it since due to his obliviousness he might not be the best person to deal with Engelbert and the Gray Flame who had been curiously protective of the items.

Her choice, eventually fell to the ex-soldier, Tillius. Not only did he have the build to easily carry them, but as a former officer in the Westernant army, and an orc at that, he must be experienced in dealing with unpleasantness. His disciplined and stoic nature, should be enough to rebuff Engelbert and the Gray Flame should they start asking.

After breakfast, Carnatia then talked to the orc, managing to convince him to keep all three items for safekeeping, just in case they would be needed later on.

The group then continued their journey, passing through the Village of Lindunn, into the ancient road that led into the forest. It was the infamous forest, spoken by adventurers as part of cautionary tales. Of hearing from so and so's friends–or acquaintances–who had been in an expedition through the forest who never returned, or return forever changed, their mind addled. Of course, as in many wild adventurer tales, the truth hardly can be ascertained.

Led by Gray Flame as their guide, they ventured into the forest, Carnatia acting as an outrider as usual, at least until it was decided that it would be too dangerous for her to ride separately from the rest of the convoy. She was now riding close to the wagon, keeping pace. Eventually, they stopped in a glade, not far from the oddly well-kept road, about to make their camp.

One thing, however, stuck out to Carnatia. It was the peculiar chestnut tree near them. As an outrider, Carnatia had kept a watch on their surroundings as per her duty, and so she vividly remembered this chestnut tree. It was the same one she encountered back when they first ventured into the forest.

"Tonight, Ser Vesemir?" Asked Engelbert with a slight tilt of the head, peering down on the map. It's... hmm, looked like it was actually close enough to feasibly reach, but a night march was an entirely different beast than daytime. "It would be quite dangerous, if only from the risk of someone tripping and breaking their ankle. May I know the reason why?"

Carnatia interrupted them, "Pardon me, Sir Engelbert, Sir Vesemir. While that is a matter of great import–and I too would like to know why we have to make for the ruins tonight–there is something else I would like to confirm first."

She then turned to the rest of the group, "Tell me, do any of you recognise the chestnut tree there? I could have sworn I had seen this very same tree when we entered this forest. Before we discuss our next step, perhaps it is wise to ensure we haven't been caught in some sort of illusionary trap, forcing us to walk around in circles. I had heard some ruins have traps of that nature."

@Randomness@Deide@Remuri v2@Conscripts@A5G@Mas Bagus

Carnatia de Luson

“I’m not offended, dear.” said Fia. She smiled at the spellsword. “It would take a lot more than that. I guess I’m just not mindful when it comes to the folly of politicians.” Fia shrugged her shoulders. She then shifted her gaze to the masked elf. It was hard to gate his state of mind or emotions due to the mask, but the way he shook his head dismissively was telling. “You know something, don’t you, dear? Something about the house, perhaps? The people in the picture? Is there a reason for not telling us?”

Well, if nothing else, Carnatia was glad she did not burn any bridges. She still thought Fia's earlier remarks simply served to exacerbate the situation, but regardless it was fortunate she did not take it personally. Furthermore, it appeared that both Carnatia and the sorcerer were of one mind regarding the Gray Flame and Engelbert's reaction to the photograph.

Perhaps having been questioned by two people, the Gray Flame decided to shed some light on the matter.

"Gray, You can call me Gray Flame. Without the 'sir' if you feel so inclined. That's what my colleagues in the Adventurers' Guild called me." the masked elf said ruefully, glancing at the young noblewoman. "I've been to Nuria several times, so I think that's how I earned the honor to be here. As for your questions, miss Carnatia, and Madam Fia, It seems the youngsters in that photograph had quite a reputation in Varenheim's special forces. Yeah, I believe I myself had heard about him because it was not every day they casually transferred someone from a different branch to The Sentinel. It is similar to Royal Guards in Westernant, so you know how prestigious the position is."

Carnatia couldn't help but feel that there was still more to it, but it was pretty clear that the Gray Flame was not intending to say more, and so further inquiry at this juncture would only serve to antagonize him, and possibly Engelbert. She would keep it in mind but for now...she would let the matter be.

Therefore, instead of pushing the matter, Carnatia nodded, "I see. Well, as long as it does not become an issue in our expedition, I shan't press further. Thank you for indulging me, Sir Gray."

Having settled the matter—for now at least—Carnatia's attention turned to the armoured man who had helped them by providing some sort of magical flames, as he introduced himself as Rezello Fulsteel-Ashton.

Shifting his weight as he took a step forward, Rezello began his own introduction. "I suppose I'll go next. My name is Rezello Fulsteel-Ashton. I was trained as a knight in the city of Scheel, in the northern frontier of Westernant. For those of you know, well, you know, and for those of you who don't... in the interest of time, it's not a story I'll go into now. Suffice to say, as of ten years ago I am no longer in service of the city..."

Ah, one of the surviving sons of House Ashton, then? Ten years ago, the inhabitants of the city of Scheel mysteriously disappeared. She was but a child in early adolescence back then, but she did remember the panic that swept across Westernant. Many nobles were especially concerned that their fief would meet the same fate as the city of Scheel. There were many speculations back then, that they were whisked away by the mythical fae of legends, or it was a magical experiment gone awry, or even some sort of a divine punishment. He remembered her father had commissioned various great mages and scholars to devise possible countermeasures to avoid the same phenomenon happening in their Duchy. In the end, it was for nought, no one had come up with any concrete theory and no similar phenomenon happened again, after some years, eventually the event was remarked as a mysterious anomaly.

As Rezello demonstrated his magical capabilities, Carnatia's eyes could not help but be drawn to his peculiar mask. the rest of his armour was somewhat typical of what one would expect to be worn by knights of Westernant—Carnatia recognised his armour as the armour of the Sten Corp knights, though Carnatia heard the order disbanded after what happened to Scheel—the mask looked particularly out of place, it was not something she had seen any Westernant knights wear before. And being the daughter of the most prominent knight noble house in Westernant, she had seen many Westernant knights, so it was peculiar that she did not recognise the mask.

Well, regardless, Carnatia had no intention of digging deeper simply to satisfy her curiosity and risk committing a faux pass. Therefore, Carnatia averted her eyes before Rezello could hopefully notice and instead replied, "I did hear what had happened to the city of Scheel yes, though as you did not bring it up yourself, I suppose it's neither here nor there. Regardless, I recognised your armour, it's gladdening to have a knight of the famous Sten Corps with us for this expedition."

The Eastern man introduced himself next. A shinobi by the name of Watanabe Takumi, whose purpose in joining this expedition was apparently to bring the ash of his adoptive elven mother. It was an unorthodox reason, but one that she somewhat understood. Taking care of one's parents' funeral was only right as a form of filial duty. It was somewhat complicated in Carnatia's case as having been exiled, she was technically no longer part of the de Luson family, and thus, no longer a child of her parents. Still...were something to happen that left one else capable of taking care of their funeral, Carnatia would probably acquiesce to take care of the matter. Despite everything she did owe much to her parents.

Watanabe then continued, explaining what he had meant by spirit.

"A spirit that dwells along with the house dwellers. They are those who protects the home, looking after the entire household spiritually.

I couldn't sense the souls of the previous dwellers here. It seems that they already departed into the afterlife."
he replied to the orange-haired noblewoman with a warm smile.

Carnatia nodded, "Ah. I see, that was what you meant by a guardian spirit. Yes, I suppose that would be an apt enough translation. My own master did hail from Eastern lands, the same as you. So I have heard of tales and legends of such creatures. The Zashiki-warashi or akashaguma, for instance."

Carnatia did not put any stock on their existence being real, herself. But from her Master, she did know that many people from the East believed in their existence.

"Well, in any case, a pleasure to meet you, Sir Takumi...ah, or perhaps Watanabe-san? Oh, and once more, thank you for preparing the bath."

Carnatia was not exactly fluent in their language, but through her old master, she did pick up the language. Including the preferred form of address. As so, Carnatia's former noble upbringing kicked in. Addressing someone with how their custom dictated was a common diplomatic tactic, as well as considered to be proper manners.

And with that, the rounds of introduction were over. Evelyn then spoke again, giving her assessment of what was to be done with the items Roxas found, as per the Gray Flame's request.

"Perform any necessary maintenance to return them to full functions, if needed, then give them to someone who can make the most use of each artifact; the brooch to-..." She paused briefly, her eyes looking to the side for a moment before returning to Gray Flame's eye slots, "-...a healer, the lamp to Sir Takumi, and the twin swords to Sir Tillius or you, Sir Gray."

"I quite agree. The brooch in particular would be of tremendous help, halving the mana cost for healing spells. It would help us avoid situations where we have people in need of healing but our healer having no mana left to cast healing spells. If nothing else, I would say that the brooch would be a boon in ensuring the survival of our group in the worst-case scenario," Carnatia remarked.

She then let out a sigh as she continued, "Now then...if you all would allow me, I think I will take advantage of the working plumbing of this house to take a warm bath."

Although...she turned to Fia, who was propositioning Forbann to take a bath together a few moments ago.

She coughed, her cheeks slightly tinged red, as she blushed, "Erm...yes, er...Lady Fia, if you have any intention of doing... ahem...licent—er..."

She stopped from saying 'licentious acts', considering the presence of Evelyn, who was but a child.

"...certain acts with Sir Forbann, then I believe it's common courtesy to have the rest of us use the facility first...yes? So if you do not mind..."

Her blush intensified at the rather awkward situation, before she composed herself by taking a deep breath, "I-In any case, I'm sure you do not mind allowing myself to use the bath first, yes?"

@Randomness@Mas Bagus@Remuri v2@Valkon@Izurich@Deide

Carnatia de Luson

"The house guardian wouldn't mind to use the house as long we maintain clean this shelter. It a bit angry to the elven woman for prying their stuff without it's permission. I too have guilt for going through the window but the spirit and I had already settle.

Anyway. Who's turn for the bath? I prepared a hot water for the bath tub and will boil some water again for the other's turn."

The eastern-looking man—seemingly oblivious to the somewhat tense atmosphere—suddenly joined the conversation with a non-sequitur of a warm bath. Something that admittedly sounded pleasant to Carnatia right about now.

Carnatia turned to the man, "I did not expect this dilapidated cottage to have working plumbing. Thank you for informing us, and preparing the hot water, sir...My apologies, I don't think we've been introduced. In any case, it might be a good idea to partake in a warm bath after we have ourselves settled. Though...who exactly were you referring to by 'house guardian'?"

Their conversation was then interrupted by Fia, who—understandably, Carnatia supposed—somewhat objected to Carnatia's previous remark regarding her.

“Unsavory? I barely said anything.” spoke Fia. She looked at the assortment of items that lay on the table. The flier caught her eye. Either the owner was a patron, or this building was a part of the route advertised. Fia reached over and picked up the clear case containing the hairpin. She looked at it as she twirled the case around in her hands. “Though, I suppose I am of the mind that if the previous owner is dead, what harm is there in repurposing goods that are will otherwise be forgotten?”

Once she finished her introduction, Carnatia replied, "Apologies, if I offended. It's not even that I am wholly against the idea, I do realize the pragmatism in your logic, but even from a utilitarian perspective, I do not think these...trinkets are worth it, no? As Sir Engelbert and I had alluded to, it would behove us to avoid trouble with authorities. This cottage does not seem to be that old, and considering the lifespan of an elf, it is not impossible for its owner to still live in other regions of Varenheim, or next of kin even. Either way, it opened up the possibility for us to be liable for unlawful seizing of property. While the chances are low that we would be accosted over these trinkets, as I said, such mere trinkets surely do not merit taking the chance? The swords Lady Evelyn found are another matter, and I suppose merit a discussion. In any case, our illustrious leader appeared to be against it, although..."

Carnatia then turned to the Gray Flame and Engelbert, "Pardon me, sirs. But it would appear to my eyes that you two were discussing something regarding the photograph Roxas found? In normal circumstances, it would not be proper of me to inquire into what is clearly a private matter, however...I would like to ask if it is something that might affect us during the course of our stay here or beyond. If so, I think we are at least entitled to some details given that it would affect us. Of course, I wouldn't demand you reveal it to us now, but I do hope if it is relevant to our situation that the two of you would reveal it before the night ends."

It was then, that Evelyn, who had been taking a look at the items chimed in with her reports.

"Everyone, please excuse my impudence, but may I take a moment of your time?" She paused to let her words sink in before continuing, "I've gathered what I could from these items, let me relay them to you."

First, Evelyn picked up the elven blade, "This sword is part of a twin pair alongside that one above the fireplace. It's enchanted with runes to reinforce its durability, explaining its pristine state even after decades of abandonment. The traces of dried blood revealed that the wielder was an elven man who was three decades old by the time the blood was spilt." She finished as she put the sword down.

Second, she procured the gold brooch with an emerald gem slotted in it, "This is an Arcane Focus, a trinket capable of improving various aspects of spellcasting. This one in particular is attuned to healing spells, enabling the caster to consume around half of the usual mana required for a specific spell. A great boon for any healers out there for certain." She set the brooch back down before moving to the next item.

Third, she held up the crystal-infused lamp, "This, for a lack of better words, is simply a lamp, although powered by mana instead of heat. When infused with mana..." Evelyn did exactly that to demonstrate, conducting a minor flow of mana from the environment into the lamp, causing it to illuminate, "It'll shine, providing illumination. A simple yet useful item for countless situations." The redhead shrugged lightly as she deactivated the lamp before returning it to the table.

Finally, she gestured lightly to the rest of the items; the dagger, quiver, hairpin, and pendant, "The rest are mundane objects, nothing outwardly notable about them, aside from any sentimental values, that is." And thus concluded her reports.

Turning to Evelyn, Carnatia gave her a small smile of appreciation before speaking again, "Thank you, Lady Evelyn. Splendid work. Now then, as to the matter of these items...while most of them are mundane trinkets with little worth, the lamp, blades, and brooch are of some use, therefore as I've said, merit some discussion on whether we should appropriate them or not. Now, the common parlance of 'Finder's keepers' does not, in fact, hold true in many civilized nations. In Westernant, for example, finders of abandoned items are obligated by the law to turn them in to the authority for a period of time, upon which the authorities would try to find the owner, before filling in the paperwork to claim the items. If I remember correctly, Varenheim has similar laws. Of course, we are not in the position to turn them in to the authorities, so in this case, I suppose it is legal for us to keep them and turn them over after we are finished with our expedition and return to civilized Varenheim's regions. They do seem useful in the journey ahead. Well, we can table this discussion for later and move on with the introductions."

Engelbert then moved the conversation along as the orc in armour introduced himself.

"For me, I am Tillius Battakka." Tillius spoke, his tone seemed normal if not a bit low for an orc, but it carried underneath a gravitas befitting his status. "Unfortunately, I do not bring with me magic or technological marvels, only strength and techniques." He paused and laid a hand on his gladius to briefly indicate the gear he was using. "I was an officer in the Westernant Army, but in case you worry, I am now retired, and is merely an adventurer, just like everyone else. I am more than confident and honored to be serving with you brave comrades into the unknown."

"A former officer in the Westernant Army you say?", Carnatia remarked. She then continued, "I was originally from Westernant myself, thank you for your years of service, good sir. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

@Remuri v2@Randomness@Mas Bagus@A5G@Izurich@Conscripts

Carnatia de Luson

Having the introductions interrupted by a brief altercation between the elven girl and Engelbert, Carnatia thought that while Engelbert could be more tactful in the warnings, it was not entirely unwarranted. Engelbert himself had taken off to speak with the Gray Flame after a look at the photograph. A clear indication that something was amiss. Something that Carnatia intended to ask the two at some point. She might not get an answer, but at the very least she could try.

On the other hand, the other party of the altercation, the elven girl was currently conversing with the tall man—most likely an oni—before said Oni introduced himself as Forbann Spiser, a Ferromancer.

"I am a ferromancer,able to shape metal however i see fit.Unlike most ferromancer, i specialized in Cursed metal, and before you worry, it's harmless to anyone i don't wish harm to as long as i'm touching it

Reshaping the metal rose back into the gauntlet, he continued

"Much like Engelbard,i would do best when in the thick of it, though i'm more specialized for attrition fights than fast ones. Furthermore, i know curses and how to deal with them, even if i must admit my methods are...brutish, to say the least.

"Interesting, it's quite rare to meet another who blends the arcane and martial arts. In any case, it is good to formally make your acquaintance, Forbann," Carnatia remarked. She then continued, as she turned to the elf beside Forbann, "You are Roxas, correct? As Forbann said, while Sir Engelbert most definitely should have been more tactful in addressing the issue, it is not entirely unwarranted. The morality of stealing from dead people aside, as Sir Engelbert said, it would do us well to not get into trouble with local law enforcement. It would reflect poorly on both our employer as well as our own reputation, which could affect future prospects. And while you may not be of the sorts that would do such a thing..."

Carnatia looked pointedly at Fia, "Given the...unsavoury remarks from our latest arrival, others are more unscrupulous. Or perhaps merely short-sighted."


Carnatia de Luson

Oh my~? What an interesting turn of events. At first, Evelyn believed that she was the last to arrive, but she was pleasantly surprised to be proven wrong. Two more interesting individuals made their presence known; the first one was an armored swordswoman riding a steed, a fellow human who shared a nearly identical hair color and style as herself, albeit her locks had an orange ombre to them and she sported amber irises instead. She was... gorgeous, for a lack of better words, at least Evelyn believed so. Little did the young girl know, she admired her father so much that she became subconsciously partial to people sharing his traits, and the warrioress who just introduced herself as Carnatia definitely qualified as one, small differences in detail aside. As such, without even realizing it, Eve found herself not-so-subtly staring at the exiled noble...

Just after Carnatia gave her greetings to her employer, she noticed the young girl who had arrived just before her looking curiously at her. The girl had introduced herself as Evelyn Theophania Konstantin. Carnatia, of course, was aware of the Helvetia Republic's ruling family. She was sure that their family—both being important families of prominent nations that border each other—has had some dealings in the past, though she, herself had never personally met anyone from the Konstantin family.

Of course, the question that ran through her mind—and probably most of everyone in the camp—was what a child her age doing here? Moral issue aside, there was also the political consideration that one would need to consider for being on this expedition with a child of such an important family. It did not seem like she was exiled like Carnatia, hence, Carnatia's other worry was what the repercussion and the political fallout would be if Evelyn was harmed or worse in the course of this expedition. She did hear that they had a daughter who was a tremendously prodigious artificer.

Before she could approach the girl, however, Evelyn turned around and started a conversation with the hooded elf—who apparently went by Gray Flame—and the heavily armoured knight who had arrived around the same time with Carnatia. It would appear that the Gray Flame was an acquaintance of Evelyn's father. Perhaps he was even here partly on behalf of Consul Konstantin to chaperone her daughter? If so, at the very least, were things to go south, the Gray Flame would most likely take the brunt of the responsibility. Of course, Carnatia wished no harm on the young Konstantin scion but alas, such were the considerations one would need to take when dealing with a prominent family. Of course, both on a pragmatic level of lessening the risk of political fallout and morally just by virtue of being comrades in this expedition if nothing else, Carnatia intend to keep an eye on the girl.

Although...seeing the young girl brandishing her rapier in a short exhibition of her skills, Carnatia could tell that the girl was not defenceless. There was that at least, although...being an adventurer involved more than combat ability. Carnatia couldn't help but cringe remembering her clumsy attempts at various other aspects of adventuring aside from combat—many of which would be common proficiency for commoners—before Master Tokimune picked her up as his student. Carnatia didn't know how much experience Evelyn had with those things, but well...perhaps she should keep an eye, just in case. Also, she was in that scenario before. Although, if it turned out this girl was actually more proficient than Carnatia was at such things, that...would be embarrassing...and mortifying.

Before long, they departed from their camp, starting their journey to Nuria. Being the only one who brought her own horse, Carnatia was tasked to be the outrider. A task that she acquiesced to happily, as she trudged along a few paces behind the wagon, enjoying the sound of the flute one of the elf adventurers was playing. Indeed, Carnatia was perfectly fine being the outrider. It was logical, and furthermore, she was getting paid a hefty sum of money, so she would like to pull her weight. There was nothing worse than someone who insisted on receiving unmeritorious dues, and she hoped everyone in the expedition shared that sentiment. They applied for this expedition with a huge reward, so it was only right that they turned in a performance that was worth the money they were being paid for.

As they continued travelling along the road, however, the weather turned foul as a fierce thunderstorm fell upon them. So foul was the weather that they were forced to stop their travel and seek refuge at an abandoned house. Carnatia was not exactly jumping at the idea of staying in such a dilapidated house, but she understood the necessity—especially in an expedition such as these—and it was a better alternative than camping in this thunderstorm. She just hoped the roof held and kept the wind and rain out. Carnatia got off her horse and had it settled.

Another of her fellow adventurers, Engelbert appeared to have taken it upon himself to take care of the horses. Carnatia had never personally met the knight, but given she was from a family who had a long tradition of knighthood, she had heard of the wandering knight by reputation. Giving the old knight a nod of gratitude, Carnatia entered the house, where she saw some of the adventures going to the upper level. Carnatia opted to remain downstairs. They did not need everyone to check the second floor, and it was important that we still have a lookout downstairs, and so she remained on the first floor.

After some time, Engelbert entered the house. Carnatia was about to answer his inquiry with 'Nothing much' when the eastern-looking man came down, asking for some flame for lighting before a newcomer entered the house, introducing herself as a member of the expedition who ran a little late. Carnatia would lie if she said it wasn't somewhat suspicious, but it was easy enough to confirm with Vesemir here, she assumed he had done a background check on the people he hired.

"Ahem! As we're finally in one place, shall we do a small reintroduction? It will be good to know each other better since we will be traversing into an infamously dangerous location soon enough. Jolly cooperation and all that, yes?" The knight-errant glanced around the room for a split second, continuing before anyone can sound an objection. "It is only fair for me to start. I am Sir Engelbert, but do call me whatever you're comfortable with. Old man, tincan, or just my name - I do not mind. As you can likely guess, I'm best at the vanguard. Scant few can penetrate my armor, and I'm strong enough that most things that get in range of my sword will likely have a very bad time. And... I believe that is all from old me. Nothing flashy, but it gets the job done."

Once again his gaze fell across the audience, as if encouraging someone to step up after.

"So! Who's next?"

As they all gathered on the first floor, the old knight introduced himself, before proposing a small reintroduction. It was probably a good idea, they hadn't properly gotten acquainted with each other, and now was as good of time as any.

Carnatia stepped forward, "Well met, Sir Engelbert. It is an honour to be working with such a decorated knight." She then turned to the others, "My name is Carnatia, all of you may call me how you wish. I do not mind as long as it is not meant to be derogatory or an insult. As for my skills...well, I am a fencer, of sorts, though I rely more on magic rather than sheer strength. I also have some skills in dismantling magical enchantment, though I am far from an expert. I look forward to working with all of you.

Roxas came down the stairs easily, and moved to the dining table. She set the items from the chest down, and the pamphlet for the business, then set the pendant and draft a little bit away. She looked up to the group. "Oi. I found all this upstairs. The quiver and other items were in a locked chest. This pendant, picture and draft.. were behind a locked bedroom door. Why it was locked, don't ask me. Anyone who can.. I suggest seeing if they're magical items, or if they can get information from them." She looked back to the items, the quiver pictures in particular. They looked so drastically different, but what was the time frame between them.

Carnatia then turned to the elven girl who just come down with various items, "I could try to take a look at those things you have to see if any are magical. Although..." She turned to Evelyn, "I presume Lady Konstantin there would be the one best suited for it if we are talking about magical items."
Carnatia de Luson

Carnatia scooped the last of her breakfast into her mouth, before wiping her mouth with a napkin. Each gesture was meticulous and deliberate in their graceful mannerism, something that betrayed her noble background despite her insistence on being 'a mere adventurer'.

She then smiled in delight, before her lips curved downwards in a small frown at some disappointment at the fact that it would probably be a while until she could sample such a delicious dish. Indeed, the Herb-Infused Morgia Jewels Pilaf with Saffron-Buttered Basmati Rice was just the treat she needed before she departed on the expedition to the Land of Twilight. Her stay in the most luxurious inn in town was costly, but well worth it. She...probably spent more money than she should have given that she could stayed at a cheaper inn, but alas, that was simply how things are.

She sighed, as she tried to justify her poor financial choices tactical financial choices.

'I-It's not as if I'm some sort of out-of-touch highborn. But as a former daughter of a Duke, my taste simply can't be helped. Were I to force myself to stay at a cheaper inn, I wouldn't be able to relax and recuperate as well, thus possibly turning in suboptimal performance on the expedition. Indeed. Verily! 'Tis all more for pragmatism absolutely not merely because I am a former noble. Not...entirely at the very least,' she thought, trying to convince herself more than anything.

Having settled things in her mind, Carnatia paid the last of what she owed to the proprietor, before heading out to the stable to get her horse. Between the inn and the new horse, Carnatia had but a paltry sum of money remaining. She did have a horse previously, but...she had sold it to make ends meet just before her last job. She could probably make do were she to rent a room at a cheaper inn, but once more, she's avoiding turning in suboptimal performance. Yes, purely pragmatism. Most definitely.

It's not as if she could not camp. As an adventurer, being able to camp was a necessity—though she had to admit she had no idea how to even begin camping before meeting her old master, the wandering Monk Tokimune—but really, should the chance arrive Carnatia would most definitely recuperate in luxury. It's really nothing different from some adventurer who likes to gamble in their downtime or go to the massage parlour or what have you. It was her money at the end of the day. Furthermore, as she would insist over and over again. There was a dimension of pragmatism here.

Getting on her horse, Carnatia held reins in her hands before starting to head to the rendezvous point. Before long, she reached the encampment outside the city limit.

She looked around for a bit, noticing that several individuals had arrived, before moving toward her employer, Vesemir Barandir, who had been referred to her by her Eldest Brother, Rodrigue de Luson. They had some contact via letters thanks to Rodrigue's introductory letter, but this would be the first time they met.

As such, for the moment, Vesemir was supposed to be the only one who had known that she hailed from a Duke household of Westernant. And she would like to keep it that way, for as long as possible anyway.

"Good day. Apologies for my slight tardiness. I am Carnatia, pleased to have formally made your acquaintance at last."


Aelyeth watched as the warbeast sprinted away from her and Ebthor. There wasn't really much to discover simply by watching, but the warbeast with red fur in a purple robe and decorated headwear made for a striking figure, at least. Aside from that, Aelyeth could notice a backpack that appeared to carry several pieces of equipment—which looked heavy, but then again not everyone lucked out with having their own personal pack mule as herself—the warbeast also carried his weapon in his hand, clearly a precaution were he to encounter the unsavoury sort along the road.

All in all, if Aelyeth had to make a guess, the warbeast was indeed an adventurer/sellsword. And considering they've been walking for a while and the warbeast is keeping some paces ahead of them in the same direction. Probably her initial deduction of him being a fellow hire is, most likely, correct.

The warbeasts...for better or worse, they had shaped much of this world's history, due to the existence of the Rose Holder. Nations were created—and conquered—by their battle. Nation lines constantly needed to be redrawn to the point mapmakers gave up. And yet, this violent period of blood and venom was brought to an end by another warbeast, Carleria the Rose Holder of Shadow.

Obviously, the warbeast ahead of them was not a Rose Holder—at least she hoped he wasn't, considering the sheer potential turmoil their mere existence could cause—but nevertheless, Aelyeth would be interested in getting his opinions on several interesting historical events pertaining warbeasts if time allows. The same with her other future coworkers, really. This Simon Henrich appeared to be collecting an eclectic group of people from all walks of life, all surely coming with their own perspective of things, which would be valuable—and intriguing—to explore.

With that thought in mind, Aelyeth continued the trek to Noble Haven

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