Avatar of Randomness


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I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.

I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.

I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.

One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.

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Soft interest. I like the premise, but have no knowledge of the franchise it’s based on. For vehicles, would we be designing our own or using existing machines?

Location: Unknown Open Field, Testing Grounds

Even with the increased fire power brought upon absorbing the very flames the techadons had unleashed, Houndoom was still unable to much damage. Unlike the large one’s smaller counterparts, this one was indeed made of either more durable or thicker plating. Such armor allowed its internal circuitry to remain within operational temperatures without fail. Where the smaller had to sever its own arm to survive, this one was impervious. Even from the distance Cyrus was standing, he could see that the most he was doing was softening the armor, if even that.

Shortly after the flames had died down, the one called Driscoll, the forever king, took charge and drove a blade that he was not wielding before now into the base of the neck. Cyrus could tell Driscoll was struggling against the mechanical working of their colossal foe. Impressive engineering this machine was capable of distributing the heat and energy output of fire and plasma. At this point, Cyrus resided himself to having done all he could. At least all he could unless he released those two. If it came to that, Cyrus would wait until every other option was exhausted.

Cyrus’s thoughts were interrupted when the ground began shaking again. Rhythmic thumps shook the ground. Strains of more metal accompanied the beat. Had the cursed plains sent another mechanical adversary to do battle against Cyrus and his new found abduction compatriots? Not by the air, but by land, were they to expect another larger machine? Quickly, Cyrus had in his hand another ball. Similar to the one that contained his fiery canine, Houndoom. Before he released what was contained inside, he looked puzzled as the new machine began to beat upon what Cyrus thought was its ally. It seemed to have caught the others off guard as well. Driscoll briefly halted his attack. Houndoom leapt off the large techadon and began circling the tyrantrum-shaped machine, barking at it with bits of fire and embers. It didn’t take long for the others to cease questioning the loyalty of the second machine instead refocusing to dispatching the downed one.

With new found power in which Driscoll hadn’t displayed before now, he managed to rip off the head of the techadon. Cyrus wasn’t in the best position to see what had taken place, yet he still questioned why this power wasn’t employed earlier. It didn’t matter much anymore. Cyrus’s attention immediately went to the bipedal mechanical dinosaur. He expected it to start engaging them as well, but was bemused when it became passive. Even more so when it obeyed Driscoll’s command. Whatever it was, it was unlike the war-machines earlier. The numerous differences were now more apparent with the threat to Cyrus’s life over. The only similarity was their artificial construction. Cautious, but no longer concerned with the new comer, Cyrus looked towards where Dricoll turned his attention.

Off a ways from their current position, but close enough at least one of those present should have noticed was some kind of window or arch. Surely it wasn’t there the whole time Cyrus questioned. Aside from the variety of persona and physique of the others brought to this place, anything else that rose above the flat vastness of the plain should have been noticeable. Shortly after seeing it, a swirl of color and shapes filled the interior space. A portal. This one reminded Cyrus of the warp panels from his HQ at Veilstone City. Similar enough to see a comparison, but vastly different. Cyrus wasn’t the only one either. Driscoll approached it and after a brief pause to comment, walked on through.

Wherever that portal leads didn’t matter to Cyrus. It was a means to excape the plains, and that was enough for now. Houndoom returned to Cyrus’s side, panting as the fire it had built up disipated. Its eyes ceased glowing and the heat that surrounded it had died down. It returned to a state where anyone else observing the beast wouldn’t be able to tell it was capable of breathing fire. Cyrus pulled out a ball. Half red and white and held it pointing the clasp to the hell hound.

“Return” one single word. A white blue beam escaped from the clasp of the ball, enveloping the beast in its glow. In mere moments, the shape and color of the once fired dog turned into the very same energy. Just as quickly, the energy returned into the ball, shrinking down to the size of a golf ball and put away. After having contained his companion, Cyrus started to walk towards the gate. The threat was over and he didn’t feel the need to aid any of the others in their own clean up. He walked by the little girl, Bonesaw. She seemed fascinated by the head of the techadon. Perhaps she was figuring a way to transport it. Her ingenuity in battle taught Cyrus enough that in some way or fashion, Bonesaw was taking that head with her.

Cyrus stepped through the portal. This one was built. Not by any means he recognized. A long hall with arches along the wall, evenly spaced going on forever. More gates, Cyrus assumed. Each one probably lead to other environments much like the one he stepped from. He wouldn’t be able to visit any though, not that he wanted to. The only gate that seemed capable of opening was the very one he entered from. Driscoll stood just through the gate, speaking with someone. A girl. A girl capable of flying under her own power. She levitated above the ground just enough to see eye to eye with the taller man in armor.

Another person capable of commanding the power of pokemon without the need of such.

Cyrus knew better to assume it was solely through the use of pokemon in one form or fashion that gifted these individuals their power. Even with how vast the world was, how diverse its people, those brought to this place would never fit in it. But the idea that these people came from other worlds sparked the possibility that he might as well succeed in his endeavors. But it also questioned the validity. If the inhabitants of his own world were the cause of conflict and strife within it, what of the inhabitants of these other potential worlds? A thought he would ponder later. He must first prove that these other worlds exist. Evidence so far seemed to support it.

Cyrus circled around Dricoll just as Terra had finished her question, “There are several others. Given a moment, I am sure they will be following through.” Cyrus stood feet slightly apart, holding his arms behind his back. He noticed that along with the girl, which he could see now dressed as eccentrically as Shadow Moth, there was also a young male. He was intriguing on his own, barely clothed wielding a large black sword, a little worse for wear. Cyrus turned his head to look at Driscoll and Terra.

“I am not privy to your earlier conversation, but if I had to guess, you were also taken to this place by powers unknown.” Cyrus held out his right hand down to his side down towards the ground. He put it onto his chest as he started speaking, “You may call me Cyrus.”

Location: Unknown Open Field

Cyrus spent several seconds gasping for air as pain radiated from his back. Despite how quickly it had spawned, the oak tree held firm and unmoving as though it were always rooted alone in the vast empty field. Cyrus stood up, grasping the trunk of the tree to keep himself steady until the soreness subsided. When his vision returned into focus, he saw that Houndoom had once again come to his aid. A green dome had been taking a beating as large energetic projectiles rained from above. With each hit, the fire beast visibly struggled to keep its protect up. It had plant matter and soil covering its coat, having no time to clean itself between impact and artillery. The dry heat emanating off it dried the soil and foliage tarnishing the once black sheen of its coat into a sickly gray-green color.

With his companion by his side, and he himself standing, Cyrus looked onward to their newest foe. A machine much like the earlier assailants, but this one towered over even them. Those allies whose armor had given them reach found themselves dwarfed by the imposing automaton. Unfortunately for the machine, it found it could not hold its shadow over the bunch for long. Shortly after Cyrus had seen it stand, it fell as strange acid devoured down its legs climbing up the torso. With a rumble, the ground beneath he and his fiery canine shook as dust billowed from the collapsed mech. If it was anything like the others, it would not stay down for long. He needed to act quickly before it had a chance to regenerate and duplicate.

With the robot’s collapse, Houndoom let go of the protect. It staggered obviously exhausted from how long it had to maintain the protect. Despite how tired it looked, Houndoom remained vigilant. After recovering from its limp, it shook some of the debris off its coat, keeping eyes on the fallen hunk of metal. Its mouth was pulled back as it growled.

“You, the one with the Hellhound. I assume you want to burn this machine? Fine. But don’t burn my babies!" a feminine voice spoke coldly. Cyrus looked up towards the top of the oak tree. Despite the barrage of energy, the tree remained mostly intact. The most damage Cyrus could see was several splintered branches and fallen leaves. The woman who had conjured it sat comfortably upon her leafy thrown, undeterred by the energetic rainfall that took place just moments ago. He couldn’t quite see what she was doing now, but it was most likely related to the plants.

Cyrus did not know what the red headed woman meant by ‘babies’, nor did he care to. Not dwelling on it any longer, Cyrus looked down to his fiery hound growling as it waited for its next command. Regardless of the woman’s permission, he had planned on having his companion continue to burn down these mechanized warriors. Blue embers flurried around the edges of the canine’s mouth with each exhalation. Its eyes still glowed. If not for the control over its own flames, Houndoom would have set fire the surroundings once again.

“Houndoom, I want you to incinerate its head. Let that be the end of it. Flamethrower.”

Houndoom leapt forward into a full sprint. The lose bits of soil flew from its hind legs as it jump over or around the smaller craters created by the energy artillery. It approached the side of the downed machine writhing along the ground. Houndoom pushed hard off the ground in order to get atop of what remained of its torso. In order to change directions quickly and avoid moment from carrying the beast too far one side, it landed and jumped off the back of Horus, who was hacking away at the waist working to halt the regeneration of any new legs. Houndoom ran up the torso and slid to a stop along the back of the machine, glaring down at its head. Houndoom took a deep breath, the back of the throat glowing white before releasing another torrent of white fire downwards. At least that part of the head was covered in fire. Heat radiated away from the beast focusing as much fire towards the machine head as possible.

Cyrus stood straight despite the wounds he sustained. He held his arms behind his back, he legs spaced apart slightly. He looked forwards towards his pokemon and the fires it was releasing. If the previous techadons had anything of note, is that the armor around machine’s interior was heat resistant. The head may have further protections. If the fire was not enough to incinerate the head completely, maybe it would be weakened enough to give another the chance to fully dispatch it. The flames would die down soon. That moment would be best when the metal was hottest and softest.
The GM is aware of the other character submissions. You’re not forgotten or ignored.

Location: Unknown Open Field

Interaction:@Mintz, @Crimson Flame

Cyrus initially leapt backwards as the barrage of energetic bullets pelted the ground. The bullet trail did not go unnoticed by his fire producing canine who immediately turned from the smoldering mess it had left to defend its master. Unfortunately, it would not get there in time. In less than a second, the barrage would be on top of Cyrus even as he ran the from the attack. In some regards, he was right. One of the energetic blasts cut through his jacket and shirt, burning the skin on his side. Cyrus ducked down after the initial hit, but since none of the other shots landed, he looked behind to see what had happened. The half formed war machine had fallen, the remaining bullets firing uselessly towards the sky. Shortly after its collapse, its structure broke apart as though it was being eaten by some kind of acid.

Cyrus’s attention was quickly drawn in by Driscoll who was still with the little girl, Bonesaw. Driscoll had commanded he lend aid to the woman who was also targeted by the robotic pair’s initial attack. Initially, Cyrus didn’t feel a need to have to help the woman, but given his circumstance, he sought to do as requested. Cyrus looked towards the other machine. He had ignored it after realizing that Houndoom’s flamethrower would not reach both of them, instead putting his attention to the one that melted and the spawn it had created. Only now did he realize that the flame covering the ground were not that of his Pokemon, but that of the second robot. Cyrus questioned why it would commit to such a tactic. Surely, another barrage of lasers would be enough.

The ground shook as below the lady’s feet sprouted some kind of tree. She sat atop the mighty oak ike a pedestal. How she was able to command the plant-life like that of a Pokemon escaped Cyrus as he watched the battle unfold in front of him. As if they were extensions of her very being, the branches of the oak bent and swayed with the movement of the redheaded woman’s arms. In seconds, the branches had grasped the fire spitting machine, surrounding it, crushing it even. The machine struggled, but Cyrus knew it would not hold for long.

“Houndoom, prepare. Get in there and use fire blast” Cyrus commanded. The black and orange fiend immediately charged forward once again. Not towards either the oak or the war drone, but to the inferno between them from the initial ignition of the robot’s flamethrowers. Without fear, the hound jumped into the roaring fire, lost behind the bright light. Then, the fire died down. At the heart of once flaming field stood Houndoom. Blackened field of ash and soot, the only flames that remained were those surrounding the canine. Blue fires flared from underneath its paws, radiating a heat not felt before now. His back to the oak, the stuggling war machine in front, heat continued to build. Its eyes glowed bright orange, visible even in the light of day. With a growl, Houndoom opened its mouth again and a ball of white fire was launched like it were a cannon.

Like a blur, the fire had burned through the branches of the oak, striking close to center mass of the entangled machine. Erupting from the ball of fire was an inexplicable, but recognizable shape to those from worlds with similar countries. A three stroke symbol in kanji that translated to English as ‘big’ (大). White fire, hotter than Houndoom's earlier flamethrower burned through the machine. With the binding of the oak, it had no time to sever a limb in another feeble attempt to escape its destruction. The fire quickly started to spread up the branches towards the tree, but were quelled as Houndoom howled its eerie howl once again, claiming victory.

A victory perhaps short lived. Once again, both he and Houndoom found themselves tumbling across the ground, slamming hard into the sturdy trunk of the oak tree. The second machine from the sky crashed into the fields below. It was much bigger than the others. Cyrus was too winded to do anything immediately.

Location: Unknown Open Field

The force of the crash landing was powerful. It sent Cyrus tumbling head over heels across the grassy field. Houndoom flew father than he, yelping as it bounced along the ground. Once Cyrus finally came to a stop, he was face down in the dirt. He saw a tall metallic figure of a man once he pushed himself up enough to look. If he wasn’t in immediate pain, Cyrus might have made another comment about suits of armor. He looked down towards the ground as craning his neck left him sore. His eyes shifted to just behind him where he spotted his fiery beast regaining its composure, shaking off the dust and debris the now covered its coat.

Cyrus staggered as he regained his footing. He stumbled forward, but was able to catch himself before he fell over once again. The initial pain subsided, leaving his muscles to only ache mildly enough for him to push through and ignore. He attempted to wipe off as much of the grass stains and dirt as he could in vain. After regaining his composure he saw that the others had started to engage the warrior. Driscoll held Bonesaw close, an energetic shield of sorts defending them. Shadow Moth dashed forward blade in hand, and Horus stood right by the crater’s edge, the patch of grass behind him clean of any airborne soil.

Before Cyrus made a decision on how to proceed, Shadow Moth made quick work of the assailant. This seemed like good news, but then something felt odd. If the machine could survive that impact intact, how was it dismembered so easily? As if to answer the question, the machine started to regenerate much like a starmie who had lost a limb. In place of one, four now stood. Whatever technology this was concerning. If one machine could create an army this easily when under fire, they would be quickly overwhelmed.

Cyrus’s eyes darted to one of the newly assembled machines. It had taken notice of him while the other seemed fixated on another. Cyrus didn’t have time to see who. The machine clone raised its hand and discharged a beam of blue energy. Cyrus braced, when suddenly a dome of green energy enveloped him. The beam landed true, but this force field was able to completely block the attack. Houndoom now stood in front of Cyrus, ready to charge, fangs bare. When the beam ended, so did the protective dome. The fire beast inhaled deeply, before craning its neck back delivering a loud eerily frightening howl.


Cyrus looked ahead at the pair of robots that had just fired their energy beams at him. If cutting them was not going to work, perhaps he could incinerate them, much like taking a torch to the severed heads of a hydra. Cyrus looked to his companion, and then to the machines. Pointing forward Cyrus gave out a command, “Houndoom, flamethrower.”

Houndoom ran forward, heat building as it did so. In just a few seconds, the black devil dog was in range. With another deep breath, it opened its mouth releasing a torrent of scorching hot fire towards the two machines. The grass below blackened as the immense heat washed over it. Fires sprouted along the edged of the fire stream. In mere moments, the metallic warriors were engulfed in fires capable of melting down iron.

Location: Unknown Open Field

Cyrus remained silent initially. While he was not one to shy away from making himself known, there was much confusion among those who had arrived. One large man with red hair even shouted a bit of frustration in being displaced to this seemingly endless plane of grass. He observed as each new entity was fully exposed from the light. No doubt each would have one reaction or another. Each new entity was further evidence that not only was this not the universe he intended to create, but it was none of theirs either. The demonic dog, Houndoom, just forward of him remained ready to attack at a moments notice, only snarling when others started conversing.

Cyrus had never heard of the Forever Knights. They might have been part of another region, but Cyrus didn’t spend much more thought on it. He held out his hand, the fiery beast calming, the air around him cooling significantly. It brought its legs together and shook its body to help loosen the once tense muscles. This respite was short lived as it took a defensive stance as heavy steps shook the ground. Another suit of armor had walked by and stood before the group of different individuals. The man’s suit was unlike that of the supposed Forever King, Driscoll. It was more ornate and bulky. It was something that no human would have been able to move on their own. He was an imposing figure, but his speech was calm and almost reassuring. With how he presented himself, it didn’t seem likely for this man to have any enemies capable of doing anything significant to him.

Houndoom calmed once again as Cyrus took a couple steps forward. The one who first spoke up called himself Shadow Moth. An odd name to be sure but ultimately not important. Cyrus held his arms together behind his back, feet firmly pressed into the grass below.

“You may call me Cyrus. I am the leader of Team Galactic. Much like yourself, Sir Driscoll, there is no meaning in that name I am sure.” Cyrus gestured towards Driscoll with his right arm, looking him directly in the eye, “By means you would not comprehend, I sought the existence of a new world. This is not that world. I can assure you I have had no part. I am unsure of what this place is. Be that as it may, Shadow Moth’s suggestion is not an unreasonable one.”

Cyrus lowered his arm to his side. A small breeze brushed by rippling the grass in long sweeping waves. It really was empty plane for miles around. Perfectly flat, it seemed artificial. Yet the smell of the grass, the touch of the wind, and the texture of the dirt below felt real. If it were not for the others in the same position as he, Cyrus would have considered this the first step in the creation of his new world. Unfortunately, this was not. Given how imposing some of the others were presented, now was not the time to begin again. But assuredly, Cyrus was going to begin again.

Location: Unknown open field


Small flash of embers escaped either side of bared fangs. A large black dog lowly but decidedly paced forward through the grass. Its fur was black and shiny; bony protrusions like ribs ran down its back. The creature looked like it had come from the devil’s lair. The pointed tail and curved horns atop its head certainly didn’t help dissuade the notion. Eventually it came to a stop, legs spread and head lowered to the ground. It continued to growl deeply, its snout wrinkling as its face tightened revealing its collection of sharp teeth. The air surrounding the creature warped as a mysteriously aura of sweltering heat surrounded it. Dark eyes pierced forward, glancing at each new entity that formed within the light. It looked like it would pounce at any moment, but something was keeping it at bay.

Close behind the beastly looking animal, a much more calm and collected individual stood. This gentleman was seemingly unaffected by the heat in such close proximity. The man held his hands behind his back, standing perfectly still with feet partially apart. He stood watching the same lights as his flame producing companion. He was dressed in all gray slacks, long sleeved shirt, and collared sleeveless jacket. A yellow stylized ‘G’ rested proudly over his left beast. His eyes were deep and focused while his cheeks sunk in slightly. His bow sat furrowed over his eyes, and his mouth was closed with a slight upward arc. He had a look of one who had not given a moments thought to anything other than his goals. Cyrus was in command of the powerful canine. It stood waiting for a command as Cyrus stood in thought.

This is not the universe I had hoped to create. I do not know where I am, but my plans have not changed. Whatever it is that brought me here has done so foolhardily. I still have the red chain. I still control the masters of time and space. Yet…

The people who had come from the light were nothing like he had seen before. He has seen a variety of peculiar people. Those who dressed as Pokemon. Those who wore armor even. But these people, even those in normal attire, were off-putting. The perfect world, the perfect universe, Cyrus had hoped to create. There were not meant to be human spirit, but these people still expressed it. The little girl could only do so much to contain whatever fantasy she was dreaming in her head. As new light illuminated the grassy plain for each new individual to show, it left Cyrus with a new question.

Who are these people and where did they come from? Surely it was not Dialga or Palkia who brought them here. In any case, I will still have my perfect universe.

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