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10 yrs ago
When the hell was this here?


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What in the hell was going on? One second the hologram flickered off and the second she reappeared looking like a peacock with those feathers. This must've been her quirk, some sort of illusion or projection based ability because she absolutely doubted that their teacher could teleport though that was not the important thing. There were now two more four star heroes than there were only a few minutes ago, two more people that she should take seriously as competition and of those two she was paired up with the other tomboy apparently against someone on the bottom rung of the Furious Five.

Well, even the weakest one could still be a threat, she thought to herself. After all, this Jace had to be capable if he was a part of the school's top five in the hero department though perhaps the pecking order was going to change soon.

Mischa looked at Jun and returned a confident smile. "It'll be done and dusted."

"I can think of a few people who would pay some serious cash to watch some people wear these outfits," Mischa mused to herself. She certainly was no prude and she certainly was proud of her body. After all, she had to have a strong, tough physique to withstand the strain of her own quirk when under high amounts of g-forces. However, she had no illusions that this was bordering onto being someone's thinly veiled fetish, but then again, a lot of heroes did wear skin tight unitards though she was certain that some heroes used them for their sex appeal.

However, it seemed like there was someone allowed to dress in their hero costume. Mischa did some practice kicks and punches to test the suit's flexibility and mobility when she saw that someone was dressed as, for lack of a better word, a bat. Well, inspired by a bat. Playboy millionaire? She chuckled to herself though her gaze certainly did linger for a bit longer than she intended. Doesn't look half bad either. Wouldn't mind a piece of that-

She clapped her cheeks hard with her hands loud enough that one would've thought she left hand marks on her cheeks. Mischa muttered to herself, "Focus, Mischa, focus! Spar now, thirst later!" Hopefully no one caught on to that.

They probably didn't notice due to the web slinger swinging his way through the training grounds. Wait isn't that the number one hero in Japan? He sounded so... young for lack of a better word. He couldn't have been much older than her. Why exactly was he here anyway? Well, whatever the case was she certainly could confirm one thing about him: he really did have quite the mouth.

Jun turned to Mischa and she could see the cogs turning in her head. Oh, she was most definitely going to be fun to work with. "Ms. Yatagarasu did say we don't have to hold back, so I can't imagine they are. Maybe drop a few buildings on some people for good measure." Mischa half jokingly said with a grin. "I think the Furious Five are gonna have to step it up to beat this Dynamic Duo."
Oh this sweet, sweet girl really was trying though she really was pushing herself to speak English for no actual reason. Mischa could communicate with her in Japanese, but now it felt like it would be rude to since Rin went out of her way to greet her in a language that she was not so familiar with. Mischa bore a warm, yet polite smile and said in perfect English, "Mischa Belic, a pleasure to meet you." Her eyes trailed to the desk that Rin pointed towards. Oh, that was her seat.

"Dankje," she nodded at Rin and was about to scurry over to her desk when a woman just appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the room. Technology like this wasn't exclusive to Japan; it was made use of in the Netherlands though while a teacher came out through a projection of light, prostitutes and brothels were advertised with holograms, among other things because Amsterdam is their Sin City. Frankly, it was more surprising to see a hologram used in a classroom setting, but the college must've been raking it in. Still, that was not exactly the real thing she was focusing.

Detention?! Can she do that?! We're in college! What in the fresh hell happened here that they felt the need to institute detention for adults?! Mischa screamed in her mind, staring incredulously at the weirdo that roused from his slumber. Maybe she should've gone to America instead.

Before she could even take another step, someone from the blue man group practically manifested right in front of her. Well, he was quite eager, like a golden retriever. A blue retriever. And at least he spoke to her in Japanese. "Not many Dutch girls enrolled here I can imagine," the Dutch woman said with a smirk though it was certainly odd? Did the school already give them her information? How much about her did they actually know?

The hologram turned to Mischa and at least was friendly enough to her. So this was her homeroom teacher. At least there's a face to put to the name. She nodded at the professor politely and made her way to her seat, her eyes glancing around the classroom to get a good look at the faces of her classmates. Mischa settled at her desk and made herself as comfortable as she could, leaning back in her seat with her to-go cup of coffee in hand as she listened to Ms. Yatagarasu explain their itinerary.

Sounds like a lot happened before She sipped her cup of coffee while she listened though her ears perked up at the mention of the 'Furious Five.' Wait, Furious Five? I thought they only had those kinds of nicknames for elite students in manga. They actually do that here? Sometimes reality really did imitate art. Or was it the other way in this case?

Speaking of art, it had not escaped Mischa's notice that the technical hiccup that revealed her teacher's collection of bl and yaoi. Mischa took a sip from her coffee cup apparently nonplussed. She's got good taste... Wait, was that one mi- No, do not acknowledge it. They can sense it.

And yeah, Otheon. As much as it pained her to leave Japan as quickly as she got there, being in Otheon wouldn't pose much of a problem to her. That was one of the perks of being multilingual and it's not like it would be her first time in the country. What was more of a concern was if her classmates would actually be okay or not.

Mischa raised her hand and when called upon said, "A few questions actually. First, while you said that this is an 'eduvacation,' will heroes not classified as four stars will receive temporary four star status to work abroad? Will those already classified as four stars be allowed to do hero work in Otheon? Also, in regards to sparring, are you giving us permission to go all out?"
--- Springwood Forest Outskirts ---

Late Morning / Early Midday

Well, that was anti-climatic. He wasn't sure why he made such a big show out of it. It was just a slime; he could have reached down with his hands and stuffed into his pot with no fuss. Not like he was exactly keen on grabbing the thing barehanded considering that the piece of wood that he used as bait made a noise similar to steam escaping from a tightly sealed pot. Speaking of tightly sealed, Brom kept his hand firmly in place on top of the lid. He could feel the slime slosh inside of the pot sluggishly though it did not feel like it would be able to escape anytime soon.

"That's that! Now we've got a pretty nice ingredient for ourselves. Oh, and don't worry Myrr, I'll be sure to let you have a sample before I prep it." Oh the things he could make with this! Brom grinned excitedly though he was most likely the only one who could ever be excited about eating a slime. The idea of eating a gelatinous blob was certainly not the most appealing of ideas, but to him there was always something appealing about the color and sheen that slimes had, almost as if like they were a jello based dessert. How could something so appealing not be edible?

Still, it was not like they, the settlement, had many sources of food and slimes were certainly in great abundance though he had to wonder if he could really convince the others to eat it or not. If nothing else, if no one was going to eat it then he had more for himself.

"Alright, let's continue shall we?" Brom happily led the way in tow with the slime in his pot thinking of all the things he could do with it.

Quick question. From Brom's experiments with slimes in cooking, is it like Dunegon Meshi or did he find a different method that worked? Like since it's acidic would Brom have figured out to remove it via baking soda?
In the stillness of the morning Mischa laid on her bed sleeping peacefully, perhaps too peacefully. She was sprawled out, the duvet was kicked off to the sides while drool rolled down the bottom left corner of her mouth pooling into and soaked up by her pillow like an unwilling sponge. Then the silence was broken by the alarm she set on her phone with the phrase we are fucking super stars. Mischa let out a snort and her hand reached out to grab the phone only to slap her nightstand a couple of times before she was able to successfully grab her phone and turn the alarm off.

She gazed at the time shone from her phone with sleep in her eyes and let out a loud groan as she buried her face into the pillow. "Oh God dammit. I have to go to school today."

Before Mischa could reasonably attend her courses, she was given a five days off by the college to get adjusted to her new environment and more importantly get over jet lag. Essentially, she had almost an entire week of vacation where she could just explore Tokyo to her heart's desire and she most certainly did that. She went to the Meiji Jingu, ate some dango, explored Shibuya, ate some authentic ramen, went to the Tokyo National Museum, ate even more tasty food, and the list goes on. "I really spent half of my time eating, didn't I?" She mused to her self, her gaze scanned her dorm room. It was spacious enough for one person, but she would've preferred to have gotten her own apartment instead of living in the college dorm, but her transfer was very much last minute so she couldn't complain. At least she was able to get a room to herself.

Mischa stood up and pushed the curtains aside to greet the bustling Tokyo morning. It was so much more different than Amsterdam; the architecture, the energy, and the people. It was just so much more massive than she could've ever had imagined that it almost made her head spin and yet there was something exciting about immersing herself in another culture. She smiled softly to herself as she leaned over the windowsill. "Let's make the most of it then."

With that, she got herself ready to face the day. A face cleaned from drool, a change into proper clothes rather than her oversized t-shirt, brushed her unruly bed head, and gave herself a once over inspection in the mirror hanging on her door. "Lookin' good, lookin' good." The Dutch woman finger gunned herself in the mirror before she lowered her head in shame. "Maybe don't do that in front of your classmates." She pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the time though arched her brow when she saw that she had a text from her mother.

"No idea, how I missed that," she muttered to herself as her eyes glanced over the message.

Hi honey, I hope you'll have a fun first day of class and make plenty of friends! Text me later! Love you!

Mischa grimaced, an odd mix of emotions sat in her stomach. Quickly she sent her mother a message.

I will mom. Love you too. She sighed heavily. Fingers flicking through her phone, she quickly checked her other messages and email though she saw something from her homeroom professor. Otheon? A trip to Otheon? Color ran from her cheeks as a feeling of dread set in followed by frustration boiling in her gut.


"Man, this campus is big. Maybe the professor will let me off the hook for today," she muttered to herself. The online tours really did not do this place justice. She had just had breakfast at the campus cafeteria and she left there with another cup of coffee in tow though she had not realized the scale of the college. To speak plainly, she was completely turned around and the only reason she was not as late as she thought she was going to be was because some other students from the other departments had mercy on her and pointed her in the right direction.

Eventually, she arrived outside of her classroom. Mischa took a deep breath and placed her hand on her stomach. "Don't do anything stupid. Don't show off. You're a guest in their country." Her hand grabbed the door handle and she pushed it open. The first thing that she heard were the words, 'FIGHT ME,' 'chains and cages,' and, 'Fuck yeah, Top 11 Wash! What a GOAT!'

Mischa looked at them with wide eyes and then stepped out of the room to look at the classroom plaque outside before she poked her head back in. "I, uh, I do have the right classroom, right? Class 1-B?" She said in very fluent Japanese, but her accent was quite different.


Why was he doing this? Frankly speaking, this shop was in such a sad state of affairs that he felt compelled to help out. Everyone needed a helping hand; he did when Professor Kalmia gave him Cecil so he should put out that same energy into the world. "Don't think too hard about it." He said as he watched Earl walk beside him and offered his expertise. It was lucky that he was generous with his time and knowledge or else this would have been all for naught.

Basil fished around his almost bottomless bag and pulled out the bountiful wealth that he had received from the nice lady from the berry garden. He handed her ten razz berries, ten nanab berries, and ten oran berries to work with. However, that was all he could do before he stood by on the sidelines and watched Earl help the shopkeeper develop recipes, twiddling his thumbs since he really had no idea how to cook let alone perform whatever alchemy needed to make those herbs into something palatable. However, the results were beyond expectation!

"Yeah, exactly like that! If you've got the recipes down you can no doubt sell a lot of these." He accepted the goodies full heartily, but he suddenly wore a stern expression on his face. "Patent these as soon as you can. Once word gets out, the Mercia family will try to release their own product and your efforts will go up in smoke," he said with great urgency.

"You've done your part. Now it's time for an effective advertisement campaign and I know exactly where to do it." Basil had a soft, yet knowing smile. To the Treehouse Arena!
It's a low-level forest slime that can't see, smell or hear. It has the vaguest ability to perceive things around it, but it's reflexes are hardly anything to write home about.ö The dorf chef could've walked over, grabbed th thing by its non-existent spine and shoved down into a pot, and that woulda been fine. No need for GM approval on something small like this.

Now, if there'd been a group of slimes, or some other monsters, then I might've wanted to orchestrate the whole cause-and-effect sequence. But not for this.

No need to worry. Things won't advance in my next GM post (this monday), but on the next one.

Brom is certainly a dorf.

--- Springwood Forest Outskirts ---

Late Morning / Early Midday

How perplexing, a herbalist that held a disdain towards lettuce. He pegged her for someone that would've liked all manner of greens. However, a meat pie? Well, that was something he would not be able to make for quite some time. It's not like they have the wheat milled nor did they have milk, eggs, fat, or any of the ingredients needed to make the crust. It was something to look forward to then! "Well, when we have the stuff to make it then you'll be the first to get a slice!" The dwarf said with a big grin as his little legs carried him forward.

However, the group stopped when something green sloshed out of the bushes, something jiggly and glistened in the late morning light. "Oho, indeed a slime. Funny little things they are. One moment they are sluggish and the next thing you know you have one going for the head, especially this kind." There were many a time when he came across this sort of slime during his adventures. Now the first thing one would think of when looking at a slime is indifference, or even think that it is pathetic. Brom? He wanted to know what they tasted like and had caught many a slime before with varying degrees of success. Varying the operative word. Slimes are sticky and get everywhere and sometimes if one forgets to wash their hands then it can get to places... It was best not to dwell on that.

"Don't make any sudden movements." Slowly, Brom walked over to the woodpile and grabbed a particularly large piece before gently tossing it towards the slime to act as bait, hoping that it would go for the path of least resistance. If it distracted the slime, Brom would gently slip his backpack off and detach the cast iron pot and lid before circling behind it where it was hopefully consuming the piece of wood without a care in the world. It was capable of having a care.

With a glint in his eyes, the hand holding the big pot would swoop down with the aim to scoop up the slime while using the lid to push the slime into the pot and then close it in one clean motion. Surely nothing could go wrong.

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