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@PaulHaynek @AzureKnight @Rezod92 @Crowvette @Nakushita

Skarsneek of the Red Hill

“Yea, thanks for the save.” Skarsneek thanked Takeshi before slapping Hinami in the back. “You too, really bailed me out.”

Honestly, he didn’t do much compared to the rest.

“But from the looks of it, where’s the initial prisoners? If they had joined in the attack, we would’ve been screwed.” Skarsneek said, wondering as he looked around. Maybe they split?

Then again, makes sense, information was far more important.

“We’ll need to move the villagers. They know our position, and can keep the pressure on us now.” Skarsneek suggested to Takeshi, he didn’t like their odds of holding this village on their lonesome and not without some aggressive raiding.

But it’ll just delay the impossible.

“There’s the fishing village we cleared, but that’s a temporary one. You don’t happen to know another hiding place? Like some hidden cave, harbor or mountains?”


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Being shoved away by another Varjan Elite had his smile widened, finally another fun one.

However, when the bee came and ordered him to take out the big rock thing, he gave a quick glance before focusing back on the Varjan.

He’ll have his fun later, winning the big fight is far more important.

So with that in mind, he lifted his axe and aimed for a wide swing towards the Varjan. An obvious and telegraph move with nothing but strength behind.

An obvious one that can be intercepted by another shield bash.

That’s when Gringor send both of his legs upwards, using it as a springboard and kicking off it hard enough to leave them splitting apart from one another.

Right into the big rock where the bee asked him to take down.

He turned and twisted once for extra power.

As to whether forged and long-used Demonic Silver metal hold, Gringor left it to fate as he put everything into it with both arms.
@PaulHaynek @AzureKnight @Rezod92 @Crowvette @Nakushita

Skarsneek of the Red Hills

That went better than expected as Skarsneek rolled back to his feet, in sync with Gringor as the two looked at where that crazy woman had fallen.

Hearing his wife called out to him, he turned his head and waved to them despite their situation. After all, it raised his morale in that regard.

“Atsuha, Hinami, we’re going to capture the prisoners back. Otherwise, they’ll flank and hit us from the back.” He quickly turned to the priority target, this area fighting was dying down so they need to put out the other fires.

“Lug head, deal with those catapults. Not too hard for you to get, yeah?” He rapped Gringor by the arms with his club, drawing an annoyed grunt

“Bah, don’t let those prisoner escape. They're ours.” Gringor swiped at Skarsneek horns even as he turned around, loose a flick of his wrist towards a Varjan straggler and knock them flat before continuing onwards.

He turned towards the sisters and nodded. “Alright let’s go. Honey, you’re going to restrain them with your webs and charms, me and Hinami will pin them down.”

With that said, the trio quickly went to the scene. Just in time as well, with Takeshi himself and Io already holding them off.

Spotting the two Varjan Elites, Takeshi and that enemy mage further back, a plan leaped to his mind swiftly.

“Hinami, like what we plan. Help Takeshi pin them down.” Skarsneek gestured to the two halberd wielders before grinning to Atsuha. “And restrain them.”

“I’ll keep that fancy armor mage busy.” He said, already recognizing the insignia and emblems. Just like before, one of those warrior mages. It won’t be easy.

“Alright, let’s go!” Once he had the two drilled in the plan, Skarsneek took a deep breath and moved. His footstep turned silent as he snuck to the sides, using the buildings and shadows to keep himself hidden.

Fingers darted around to a broken stick and pocketed a stone.

A few feet away now, Skarsneek tossed the stick upwards to distract the mage's eyesight go upwards.

Twisting and turning, he tossed a stone directly toward the helmet from a low to high angle.

All of that, to set up for a thrust, not to the mage but the arms to distract the shot.


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Grunting as he continued his path, noting the catapult's arc before making a beeline towards it.

Charging onwards like a bull, his eyes easily helped him navigate the dark alongside the strong scent of fire, oil, stone, and humans.

From far, he was rapidly approaching as the guards failed to notice him alongside the engineers preoccupied working the machine for the next shot.

Without a single word, he reached the line and slammed his axe towards the nearest people near the catapults, cut through them and their spirit energy. His feet skidded to halt his momentum before he turned toward the other engineers, arms moving like a piston. Axe blurring, giving him a bit more time to cut down more before the guards can notice him.
@Nakushita @PaulHaynek @Crowvette@Rezod92 @AzureKnight @Hammerman

Gringor & Skarsneek


"Shut it, hog!"

They argued even as Skarsneek sailed into Gringors arm, the latter aborting his attack and forced to catch the goblin by reflex.

Then when the dropkick came, Skarsneek raised his staff and took the full brunt of the attack. That, unfortunately, transferred to Gringor, sending him tumbling down with the goblin as his back met the ground.

Skarsneek then saw it, that crazy woman was already jumping high in the air and sword in hand.

"Get 'er!"

They didn't know who shouted it first, but both reacted simultaneously.

Skarsneek swerved to the sides, his club already in mid-swing ready smack Lorain right in the knee.

Gringor brought his legs upwards and its momentum sent him rolling backwards, and onto his feet in a smooth instant before he followed it up with a thrust right into Lorain, his axe having the far greater reach.

Double posting but I finally got my post up, sorry for holding everyone up.
[@Nakushita] [@PaulHaynek] [@Crowvette][@Rezod92] [@AzureKnight] [@Hammerman]

Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Gringor huffed and decided it was enough, intervening the moment a straight path was established between his quarry as he stepped in sight.

Minimal strength. He recalled most of Shizuka style of fighting.

He dug his axe into the ground, and with a flick of his wrist, threw back enough dirt and soil the intercept the fireball. Sending them into a wave of explosions as it buffeted the air.

Then as Losia view was obscured, Gringor wordless charged through the air, axe in both hands and swung it crashing down.

The head of it crashed right above the shield, combined with weight and strength, it forced her shield downwards before Gringor tore it away from her with sheer strength with the backhead of the axe, sending it away alongside the unfortunate corpse that hung from the front of it.

Distasteful. Gringor fury build and boiled but he let it flow through his entire body and maintained an iron focus on his head.

Going forward, he shoulder-checked Losia and followthrough with another strike to the waist. This time, the stolen armor giving far more weight to his push.


Skarsneek of the Redhill

There! He spotted new interlopers, and worse, it was deep in their lines. A scan reveal that there was no villagers at least.

Bad part, was that their prisoners was now freed and talking to them.

“They’re freeing the prisoners! Mages too!” Skarsneek hollered to whoever was listening, if they joined in the fight, it’ll create a wave that they can’t stop.

Looking to their own, he had a choice, stay here or get the prisoner.

Snarling, he had no other choice considering just how heavily undermanned they are in this.

Quickly descending down from his position, he saw the current tide and the battle here.

Damn that High Orc! Skarsneek didn’t hesitate as he took a deep breath and moved forward into her blind spots. In this chaotic battle, there was plentiful of them as weaved into the shadows and nary a sound.

Once he was past the two combatants, still unaware, he rounded back straight into Losia unaware back before snapping his quarterstaff for a sneak attack right of her knees.

He had no time to play around, they had to take this champion down, turn the flow of battle so they can focus on the prison break.
[ARC 2]


The East Blue, considered peaceful by many, still had troubled waters.

In a particular strait, a full storm churned with lightning cracking and flashing across the skies. Heavy rain fell, beating across the wide ocean and wind ferocious enough to send buildings flying in a flat plain.

Waves that ordinarily wouldn’t be higher than the knees, were now taller than large ships used for heavy cargo carrying. It’ll been suicidal as any ship that lacked the stomach, built or skill would’ve been swallowed into depths of the ocean.

Yet, almost against all logic, one ship that bore the Marines's flag, sailed across the waves. Skirting the lines as it moved unerringly.

“Keep the sails open or it’ll be the lockers for you all!”

Multiple men's muscles strained with seawater splashing them and soaked them to the bones. Yet not one person even balked away, feet planted and held firm as ropes pulled taut by the gales.

One stood out as the youngest among the crew, kept hold of one rope on his own while others took four to five. Freeing them up to other posts as they continued the grueling task before adjusting the sails again.

Haku blinked rapidly as more water poured down, both sea and rainwater, as it stung his eyes. The environment proved to be more of a challenge than any fight he had in the East Blue so far.

Or perhaps, it was far more accurate to say this is familiar to him. After all, this was the norm in the Devil Seas.

Still, he can feel the indignant burn continue within him. They had finally found some pirates and made good progress in taking them in until the storm brewed over them with the wind buoying the pirate's vessel forward.

Logic dictate the chase was over, as the pirates had them stuck in a dilemma. Either sink or slow down. By the time the storm is done, it was a clear getaway for the pirates with them disappearing across the seas.

But for Kirin, it’s crew, and captain, Cadog, this was unacceptable.

Hence, they’re battling through the weather in pursuit of their prey. Maintaining the gap as they’ll still be a day behind instead of a few days.

Still. Haku look onwards at the storm, wondering how on earth is Cadog able to keep the chase up. If he wasn’t familiar with the captain, most would've assumed that the man was insane to continue the pursuit in such a storm.

From the decks, Cadog watchful eye looked onwards without any worry despite the raging storm.

“Our target is bearing to port, 40 degrees.”

“Aye sir!” The helmsman next to him shouted in acknowledgment as he made a minor adjustment to the steering and threaded through two waves.

Haku eyes blinked for a moment before his eyes widened, followed by the crew as their ship tilted upwards from a gentle slope to steeper angle. He glanced to the sides to see the fading waves and confirmed his suspicion.

From a bird’s eye, the Kirin rode upon the back of a gigantic wave that churned underneath and sent them upwards.

“Get your feet planted, you sea dogs!” Cadog hollered past the wind, storm and echoing thunder. Beating it from sheer volume as the entire crew braced themselves.

Then lightning flashed and illuminated the skies, giving Haku a clear view of the oncoming drop. Perhaps it’s the shock, but he swore everything just got a lot more silent and there was a weird scent in the air.

As the Kirin teetered on the edge, their ship crossed it and into the empty air as they fell downwards like a rock. Haku felt a sense of vertigo in his stomach and a sensation of free falling before the Kirin hit the waters violently with a large splash and groaned across the seastone hull.

Seawater poured heavily as they swept across the deck, tackling everyone with the force of a river.

A moment of fear came as he turned around to Cadog, unnecessary but-

“Sound off and head count! Anyone overboard!?”



And on it went as everyone quickly yelled their number, scanning for anyone that was missing.

“All accounted for!” The Firstmate roared after checking twice before he sniffed the air, took a look at their mast and paled considerably. “Fire on the crow’s nest!”

That snapped everyone's attention as they turned upwards, true enough, at the highest point of the ship and its mast was a blazing fire.

“Calm down, you blithering barnacles! It’s just lightning! Maintain positions!” Cadog slammed his foot down as the shock traveled throughout the ship. “Cabin boy, get up there with a bucket and put it out! Call up two guys from the hold to replace his place!”

Haku sprung into action as he unhook one of the buckets, and raised it onto an oncoming wave, before jumping upwards to climb onto the mast with one hand. Fuelled by adrenaline and fear as the cold air now felt like knives in his lungs. He was outright flinging before reaching the fire in record time.

Throwing it harder than necessary, he doused the flame but the damage remained. Parts of it was outright frayed into pieces and the crow’s nest was all but gone, remnants of cinders and parts burnt outright despite the rain as wind continued to feed life into it.

Letting himself fall freely, he quickly land on his feet and rushed to get more water as the crew worked to keep themselves on course.

The storm would continue for hours throughout the entire night.

Light slowly graced the horizon as the waters was much calmer across the ocean, the edges of the sun signaling the coming of a new day.

Cadog took a deep breath of the air, letting the salt taste hang in his mouth before lighting up his smoke pipe.

Half a day. That was how much of a distance between their quarry, and in this part of the sea, pickings was slim.

But the routes and places available to hide was wider. So casting a net to catch the fishes wouldn’t work.

No, they needed blood to draw the sharks in.

“You should rest, there’s still a long way before we see any action,” Cadog muttered as he ignored the quiet shuffling of feet.

“And so should you, captain,” Haku replied with a nod of his head, looking at the remaining skeleton crew.

The two maintained their silence, opting to just look at the sea.

Haku head turned upwards, the storm had cleared most of the clouds and gave a great view of the blue skies that stretched onward like the seas.

Idly, he wondered if there was a ship that can sail the skies just like how theirs sail the seas.

“The clear skies won’t last long, another storm be coming by noon.” Cadog let out of long puff of smoke, the cool air making it more prominent as it left a trail behind. “We’ll be needing to fix that soon.”

Eyes turned to the top, the burnt ends of the darkened and charred crow’s nest.

“Will we be heading to a marine’s base?”

“Not in these waters, no,” Cadog waved his pipe towards the portside. “We’ll be there in a few hours, a quaint village Quiet, but enough for a temporary fix.”

“Understood, sir.”

The two continued to stand in silence before Cadog clicked his tongue and shook his head in resignation. He gave a last scan around their surroundings and decided to finally retire to his quarters until they reached the island.

With that, Haku smiled and finally headed down for his own rest, his task done for the day.

Hours passed, and once Haku was finally refreshed, he stretched his back, gave a quick wipe for himself before moving upwards to the deck again.

This time, he was greeted by the sight of the oncoming Island. Already, the Firstmate and Helmsman was together discussing busily with half of the crew moving for preparations.

Moving into place, he busied himself by assisting the crew and his duties but his sharp ears caught the name of the Island.

He wondered if it’s because it makes certain noises due to the winds, therefore calling it Melody Islands, or maybe due to its inhabitants being great musicians?

With a little smile and pep in his steps, Haku wondered and let his imagination drift in between his work.

“Lower sails and ready anchor! We’re making land!”

“Aye sir!”

Ropes and gears whirred as the Kirin speed slowed and came closer to the port of Melody Island.

From afar, Haku could see people pointing and looking as they came closer to the docks.

The Kirin must’ve looked intimidating as it's equipped with more cannons, and a hull of seastones that was a luxury reserved only for the larger warships. It was not unusual since theirs was built to deal with threats on the Devil Seas, but by comparison to normal marines warships in the East Blue area, it looked overkill.

Haku genuinely wondered how much of it was due to Cadog submitting the maps that allowed them a chance to safely navigate a passage secretly into Wano without going through the lift.

Though granted, Haku eyes twinkled when he recalled the much larger Battleship commandeered only by Vice-admirals and above. One day, he wished to be able to sail the seas with such a majestic and awe-inspiring ship.

Well, a boy can dream.

No, he will make it so.

To bring peace, justice and stabilize the world.

While riding the best ship that can be afforded to them.

It’s like being a pirate, but reversed.

A splash of water and chains rattling, signalling that the anchor dropped broke Haku thoughts as he quickly went back to work and setting down the planks as it the docks.

Well, here he was.

[Melody Island.]

I'm going to take more time on writing the post to set up the Melody Island arc.

I'm so sorry for the delay but I'm gonna need a bit more time before I can post.

Just been really hard to get my creative writing juice at the moment.
@Nakushita @PaulHaynek @Crowvette@Rezod92 @AzureKnight @Hammerman

Skarsneek and Gringor

"Thanks." Skarsneek replied as he took the scroll from Io. "Stay back and give support."

"Hmm." Gringor only grunted back, catching the scroll and putting in at his back of the armor. For one, he realized now that it was restricting but not as bad he thought it'll be.

So when Gringor saw the fight, one of them took his attention by sheer dint of having a strong backbone as she charged towards them.

Being a little slower as one of the sisters came to the fight first, Gringor felt annoyed but pushed it to the sides. It wouldn't matter anyways, this was the fight he wanted.

Which was why he walked at a much leisurely pace despite the growing chaos. Ready to spring into a charge the moment an opportunity presented itself when Hinami made one, as he swung his axe one to the sides and chopped one of the intruding Varjan aside. Draining his spirit energy and saving one of the defenders.

Skarsneek in the meantime moved to reinforce the sides, opting to leave the heavy fighting to the orc while he thinned the sides, and this was where he was most effective as he weaved in between the shadows.

Then striking from beneath or through small gaps of the defenders with his quarterstaff, packing enough force to knock one Varjan after another as he aimed for the head or chin.

After taking out enough to reach an equilibrium, Skarsneek idly looks at the top of the buildings and quickly climbed then up. Risking the shots and hugging close to the roofs, he spied and wondered if the ringleader for this was present.

At least that way, if they get him, there's a good chance the Varjan will be easier to deal with by piece meal.

Right, I finally got my arc and post done.

Sorry for taking so long.
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