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“...I can explain.”

“You have a minute.” Cadog's fingers tapped his pipe as he took a match to light it, eyes bristling as he leaned forward with one arm on the table.

As the air filled with the scent of tobacco, Haku's eyes turned to their surroundings, not hearing anyone close to them and scanned for any escape routes.

“A month ago, the storms hit Gosa village hard and while there weren’t any pirates to take advantage of it, they’re still left devastated.”

A hum from Cadog was all that passed from his mouth, eyes closed as he brought the pipe to his mouth. Both First Mate and Haku kept a neutral expression, one that the latter already knew prior due to his investigation.

“So with that, I…gave the order to distribute supplies to them discreetly.”

Haku sympathized with that feeling, starvation was not a pleasant thing to see and worse to experience. Frankly, he too might have considered doing the same if he was placed in the captain's shoes.

But unfortunately, the rules are rules.

“Those supplies are for your men and this base so you can carry out your task of fighting pirates, patrol and keeping the peace.” Cadog said coldly as he waved his pipe and gestured to the base. “You can’t fight on an empty stomach, and they’re provided freely from central.”

“What happens if a pirate crew comes, puts you under siege and you no longer have any provisions? Or that the mayor swindled you and pocketed the profits from your supplies?”

“He won’t-”

“You’ll be court marshaled, trust will be lost, and most of all,” Cadog continued as he stood up from his seat, the similar scent of whisky intensifying around him. “An injustice to the people.”

“I’m from Gosa village, sir.”

“Additional charge of conflict of interest.”

“-!” The 77th Marine bit down on whatever comment he wanted to say and clenched his fist tightly at that.

Signs of resistance came but he put ir aside, any struggle was futile and he knew it. They have the same rank but the two might as well be continents apart in terms of strength.

“You’re done, your days in the marine are over.” Cadog delivered his verdict like a judge with a grim face as he let out a long blow of smoke. One that was mirrored by The Firstmate and Haku, the latter in particular, let nothing showed on his face.

Yes, this was supposed to be how it’s done.

Shouldn’t there be more? Haku knows what will happen. The man will be replaced and the crew reshuffled with a new one, Gosa village will go through hard times but things eventually go back to normal after that.

But was it really justice?

This man was still doing justice, wasn’t he? No one deserves to starve and he helped the people he had sworn to protect.

Can he really stand and let nothing happen?

”...If I may?” Haku finally spoke up, drawing the attention of the First Mate and 77th Captain but Cadog kept his eyes forward. A brief puff of his smoke pipe and wave indicated that Haku can speak his mind.

“According to the law, he should be punished and lose his position but as it is, it won’t solve the current problem with Gosa village.” Haku led with that explanation first as he exchanged glances with the guilty man.


“I propose, as part of his responsibility, to fix the mistakes and earn those supplies back while also helping out Gosa village in the day-to-day work. It’s lacking in fishery but there are still unclaimed areas that can be turned into farms or poultry raising.”

“...No overstepping of boundaries, and still within procedures” The First Mate replied after a moment of thought and running through the legal system in his head as he tapped his chin thoughtfully. “A modified version of the precedent set before, as per article-”

“Not good enough.”

Haku kept his lips tight, as if struck physically by Cadog’s rejection while the latter stood up even from his seat which took all of their attention with breath held.

“If a man transgresses this much, such punishment is not enough.” Cadog rolled his shoulders and stretched his neck. “You think the Marine laws is that simple? The law is the law, it’s what keeps the peace here in East Blue.”

“Letting it lax, even for a moment, will invite disaster. So an example must be set." Cadog thumbed the end of of his pipe and cut out the air to snuff the slow burning tobacco.

“So your punishment will be to dedicate your entire life to the marines and the village. Until death, only then, can it be enough.”

Haku eyebrow rose, doesn’t that mean-?

“Additionally,” Cadog finally turned to Haku and met his gaze before returning to the 77th Captain. “Giving things out for free is taboo, but that’s a different case if you’re trading it for services.”

“...Beg pardon, sir?”

“You, captain, are simply giving those supplies out as investment and future. Future for Gosa village youth as they’ll one day join the marines just as well.”

Haku took a moment to process what’s going on at that, wasn’t it the same and Cadog frowned on it?

“Ah, a deposit sir?” The First Mate followed up immediately as he straightened his back, finally getting into Cadog’s scheme. “Then yes, article 126, subsection 9. Similar to how the World Government and above does things.”

Haku scrunched his head before recognizing that one after a moment. There was a missing keyword, one that all present won't and can’t say it out loud without getting into a mire of contradiction especially since it wasn’t that long ago that the law was changed.

After all, falling under the status of a slave often meant being closer to being classified as property.

Distaste flowered in his mouth but in this case, Haku kept quiet about it as the 77th Captain also looked conflicted at that.

But it was an exit.

“The pay will still come from you and your marines but!” Cadog held a fist and smirked. “It won’t be against the law.”

The 77th Marine looked on with a frown at first before it widened to a small laugh as he saluted at Cadog. "Thank you sir, this worthless marine will dedicate his life to others!"

“Now hold on, we’re not done yet-”

Gosa village, previously quiet for the day before, was much busier as Marines from 77th base was currently helping through the village. From catching fish, repairing buildings, and making clearings for chicken raising.
“Alright, boys, move those right there! Chop chop!” The 77th captain, bereft of his coat, and uniform, was working hard with the Mayor, sorting things, and placing his men where they benefit the most.

After all, even as marines, they still had to maintain parts of the base and some had experience from family trade.

Usually, they had to patrol the waters and looked out for any threats but they had time for now and focused on putting all their manpower into this. Alleviating most of the troubled folks as everything was brought back to full operation.

From afar and into the seas, from the deck of the Marine battleship Kirin, Cadog observed the men working from the poop deck dispassionately as he leaned over with one arm. His smoking pipe lit but not taking a puff from it.

What a troublesome person. He idly thought, giving him so much extra work. A moment later with a click of his tongue, Cadog stretched his neck as another person joined him at the top.

“Sir, we have sent our latest request to headquarters. They’ve approved it.” Haku quietly said as he crawled to the top without anyone noticing. “Extra supplies, due to our presence being extended and because of extra training to be given to the 77th Marine base.”

One that he had to write the report, request and then send via Den Den Mushi. Though what surprised him was the response, HQ had agreed to Cadog’s request without much argument.

“Hmph, then we better do our part. You memorized the patrol routes?”

“Yes, all routes, areas and potential places for pirates to make a hideout, sir.” He quickly replied as Cadog broke his train of thought. While it was already mapped out, it's still worth taking multiple looks to ferret pirates out to make a mistake and he hadn't been part of the operations just yet.

“Good, you’ll be the first on each landing.”

“Very well, sir.”


“Yes?” Haku halted himself as he looked towards Cadog, the latter looking much more relaxed than usual.

“What you observed?”

Eyes turned towards the village, it was certainly more lively and will be getting into shape faster as he squinted his eyes. “...The men working?”

“Speed of the operation and time this was resolved.” Cadog’s sharp voice returned as his eyes rolled at Haku’s answer.

“Fast, decisive, and acting on proper information. The speed was also quick as HQ was more receptive than expected.” Haku listed out his deduction before a thought crept to him from earlier. “Do you often do this?”

“Hah, investigation? No, not all the time.” Cadog chuckled at that as he threw his head back at that and lowered his hat. "But training? Oh yes, I whip the east blue lads so they’re worth the salt whenever I can!”

“I see.”

“But this could’ve blown up into a storm. I still have half a mind to kick that man out of the Marines and I have to ensure reports on him come in regularly because of that.”

Gosa village was helped thanks to you, and as you say, more people will come to the Marines now,” Haku replied at that, repeating Cadog words back as the latter just grumbled annoyingly.

“And thank you for listening to me.”

“You’re still green,” Cadog mumbled as he looked to the skies. “Don’t go thinking everyone is like that.”

“Understood,” Haku repeated as he stood straighter, knowing just how treacherous the people that lived out there. Some by choice, others forced due to circumstances.

So to see people who still truly want to help, even if it meant going against regulations, was heartening. The world needs more of them, after all, if only more people had helped back then perhaps his mothe-

“But still, thank you.” He cut himself short and gave a deep bow instead of the salute. “I’ll make sure to keep the lesson in mind, observe, gather information, decide and judge.”

“Executing judgement doesn’t end there. You need to pick the pieces up afterwards.” Cadog added. “If only some of the Marines understood this-”

Haku pretended not to hear that part and closed his eyes at that, he had heard enough...’feedback’ about the state of the Marines and World Government to last a lifetime.

Good thing that Cadog was saved due to his achievements and slurred his words when he was drunk, an advent that was now significantly harder thanks to his devil fruit.

“You get all that, you sun-dried squid?”

“I will ensure that the pieces will be indeed picked up, no matter what.” He replied without missing a beat as Cadog ended his rant and bowed slightly, it wasn’t a promise but a statement. One that Haku intend to follow through no matter what.

“...Aye, you’ll do that. Good. That’s good.” Cadog said as he took his flask, and nearly emptied it in one swig as he drank it akin to water and not a high grade of whisky that would’ve floored normal people. “If only every problem was just like this. What do you think of East Blue so far?”

“It’s very peaceful,”

Soft. This wasn’t a place where conflict was always just around the corner, its seas and people reflected it.

“Not used to it?”

Weak. He can hardly imagine pirates that are strong enough to stand up to them in a head on fight in this seas if the 77th Marines are the standard.

“No.” Haku replied before glancing at the shrinking island of Gosa Village.

But camaraderie of the 77th Marine base, people, and kindness. It was a taste of home and an oasis where he longed for it after years.

He smiled warmly in return. “But I don’t dislike it.”

“Hah!” That earned a laugh from Cadog before he slapped Haku on the shoulders and turned towards the crew beneath him. “Alright, that’s enough loafing then you sea dog! All of you, full speed ahead! We have plenty of area to cover!”

“Aye aye, captain!” The Kirin crew replied as one, swinging into action as Haku was already down below to help the crew unfurl the mast. Some of them even sang and hummed as one.

Cadog took one last glance at Gosa village before turning his back and onwards to new horizons in this ever-blue sea.

[First Arc Completed]

Gonna keep it quick this week!

Rico/Anna/Morgan and Valery/Sol are still trapped in collaboration. @Daxam did start Luna's current arc and will hopefully post again around the 12th. I'd love to post for Coriander around the 13th but we'll just have to see what happens. @LostDestiny and @Yankee have kept in touch about posting with Maxwell and Suiten. @Restalaan is probably being bullied by work, so I haven't heard from him in a minute. I'm on the edge of my seat for more posts, so keep going at your own pace all!

Yea, sorry about that. As you guessed, works just kicking my ass atm.
@Nakushita [@PaulHaynek[ @Crowvette@Rezod92 @AzureKnight @Hammerman

Skarsneek and Gringor

“Bah!” Skarsneek said as he missed his chance to learn more about the mission, contrasted to the already grinning Gringor as the latter rolled his shoulders at the prospect of a fight drawing.

“I’ll hold this side, go wherever you want, orc.” He annoyedly said, and got ready, already thinking of what they need and places they can use to defend the temple.

“Then I’ll stay here.”

That earned a glare from Skarsneek before a moment of thought before shrugging his shoulders.

“Don’t embarrass yourself then.” He waved his hand, thinking more on the strategic side.

The one heading out to the other side already has an archer, a frontliner and assassin. No need for him or Gringor to assist the other since this side lacked the head on fighter, distasteful as it is, he suppose he’ll have to work with the high orc on this matter.

“Atsuha, Hinami, take care of whichever side you want,” Skarsneek said, the two of them will handle this area.

Gringor picked this area simply because it was more fun, he had wanted to see how Nobutada fight again but that would mean sharing the fight.

He want it all.

Even if it means fighting next to the goblin and he can just opt to ignore the annoyance for now.

“Alright, saddle up! Choose your post, fight together, watch each other backs and don’t die!” Skarsneek barked out to the task force before looking at the area for any civilians.“Pile anything you can find and block the side road except for the main one! Then evacuate to the temple!”

Skarsneek turned to Ayu and Takeshi before speaking in a much quieter tone. “If things looks to be lost, you two take the civilians and your colleagues to run. We’ll serve as rear guard.”

With a point of his stick, he tapped Gringor's thighs. The latter growled in annoyance at that.

@PaulHaynek @AzureKnight @Rezod92 @Crowvette @Nakushita

Skarsneek of the Red Hill

Shifting, Skarsneek moved to bounce around in case Hinami was still not in her right mind.

Thankfully that was unnecessary as Hinami looked to be finally back, just extremely exhausted.

That’s when Atsuha came in, and finally helped by inscribing the proper seals. He made sure to memorize the seal words, process and burned it into his mind.

When it was done, Skarsneek finally let go of Hinami and placed her in a more comfortable position.

“Right, let’s head out then.” Skarsneek said as he opened the door for everyone to head out.

Idly, he wondered what’s going on with everyone else. This was already quite the eventful day for him and with how much things went south.

Surely, it can’t get worse?

Though the moment that crossed his mind, he slapped the back of his head.

He just made it worse, didn’t he?

With that in mind, he wondered where everyone was before meeting them all at the temple.

Skarsneek waved a hand upwards and gestured to them. “Hey, what I missed?”


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Gringor snorted in annoyance, looks like that too was another bust.

“Youz got any technique like that?” He asked, so far, it looks like he’ll have to copy the heavenly strike and unfortunately, he only saw the motions but not the deeper aspect.

Then again, maybe Boss Shizuka got something like that?

“Hmph, good talk.” Gringor waved his hands in thanks as he walked. “Try to do something, sitting all day not good for legs. Go see underboss Takeshi, always getting into a good scrap."

With that, he walked along and picked a direction to walk. Nowhere in particular as he just needed some time to think.

Unbeknownst to him, his wandering took him right back to the temple where everyone had gathered.

“Another scrap coming?” Gringor asked as he noticed everyone gathered around.

“Why the hell are you dressed like that? Wait, isn’t that-Did you take Kalaj armor?”

“I found it sitting with no one wanting it, so it means it’s mine.”

“That’s mine you mean! I won that fair and square-! Oh never mind, whatever, at least make sure you color it differently.” Skarsneek annoyedly rubbed the back of his head as he glared the High Orc, one that Gringor returned with a hand on hip and axe rested on against the shoulder.

Ah shoot, well that's something to keep track of. Quest have a time limit (Though then again, we have been severely neglecting that quest.)

Right, I'll try to get something soon.
Just to check, Takeshi took his own quest for pre-emptive quest or is it due to time limit, the quest itself has progress and is coming to us instead?
For those wondering, the last post was cut off on purpose. The next scene is in the next post.

Also yea, I apologize for the slow pace.

The afternoon sun came as men moved, moving crates inside a mansion quickly as they wore hats. Both to protect themselves from the harsh sun and prevent others from seeing their faces with work continuing in near silence.

A brief gust of wind came across them. No one considered it unusual and even welcome it.

Hence no one noticed another new presence that had just walked in brazenly like he owned the place.

Haku strolled in quietly, looking around before ducking into an empty hallway and aimed to quickly find evidence. Even if there are no papers to keep track of, there are always bound to be some documents or ledgers.

This was familiar territory for him and in such a mansion, there’s always bound to be a clue there.

Faint footsteps approached from the second just as he reached the modest but strong oak staircase. Prompting Haku to duck into a blindspot to keep himself hidden, breath nearly stilled and mind blank.

Quiet, soft, and favoring one side. He idly analysed as the footstep got louder, and descended the stairs as it came closer and closer.

From the corner of his eyes, Haku saw the shadow as an elderly man with white hair moved past him, with a monocle in one side of his face and was dressed rather casually despite the rings that he wore.

The Mayor. Haku recognized from the briefing and photo shown to him on board the Kirin. He was on the right track then as he waited for a while longer before he resumed moving upwards.

It didn’t take long for him to find the office as he checked for traps first before pressing his ears against it, then slowly but firmly, he twisted the door handle to avoid making any sound.

Once opened, he smoothly moved inside the room and closed the door behind him.

Taking a look around him, the place with filled with books, a wide carpet, and wooden oak desk that served as the centrepiece, piled with numerous papers and an abandoned cup with a small amount of leftover liquid alongside traces of camomile scent lingering in the air.

Haku glanced through the papers before he placed them back in the exact position as he ran through all of them systematically. Most of It was reports of the island's current supplies stock, requests for help, trade deals, and numerous messages for urgent deliveries to neighbouring villages.

He now has an idea of just how desperate the situation was, that yesterday's complaints seemed subdued compared to the reality of it all.

Haku shook his head, a crime’s a crime. The Mayor turned to crime for understandable reasons, but all it’ll do is let other problems flourish.

Still, this isn’t enough.

Checking the drawers swiftly revealed a few small books, stamps and postcards. The books had nothing beyond torn pages, used perhaps as scribbling rather than anything concrete.

Haku stopped as he reached a certain section, it contained numbers and alphabets. Random perhaps, but he knew better.

It looked like Marine’s code, one that is reserved for commissioned officers but had a few modifications done to it.

Did someone teach it to a civilian? Haku thought as he quickly memorised it, checked for any more codes, and put it back.

He can only decipher parts of it, the rest has to be sent to Cadog. Acting on partial information was dangerous, and the one who knows this best was Captain Cadog.

Though it didn’t escape his attention that these are explicit instructions on how to move things and the amount expected.

From the open seas, fast breeze filled the sails of a marine battleship to its fullest and moved at top speed. Marines moved around the deck as they kept it at top condition and eyes open for any threats.

Cadog tapped his smoking pipe, looking at the horizon and the weather carefully. While his navigator was doing the same, it didn’t hurt for multiple eyes keeping a lookout for it.

He moved the tobacco pipe to the corner of his mouth before letting out a puff of smoke, as they passed through Gosa’s Village sea route.

“Report.” Cadog said without turning his back as a thump of a foot and salute came. That earned a few looks from the crew before returning to their work.

“I uncovered a set of messages Marine coded, in the Mayor's office,” Haku replied back, almost like he had always been there the whole time before the latter handed him a notebook.

Cadog frowned and ignored the damp state of his clothing, focusing on the report instead as he flicked through the pages quickly. Prompting Haku to continue his report.

“Marines from the 77th base were also spotted, offloading supplies and outside of uniform.”

“Hmm.” Cadog hummed as he closed the notebook with a snap of his wrist and slipped it in his pocket, then reached for his flask and took a brief swig of its alcoholic content. “How many are involved in this?”

“Four to five, perhaps more.” Haku continued reporting on the number of possible collaborators. “But they could also be paid and not told of what they’re doing.”

“Still involved,” Cadog said with finality as he turned to issue a new order. “Navigator, full speed back to base.”

“You heard the captain! Full speed to the 77th Marine Base!”

“Aye, captain!”

Haku quietly took his place and headed to join the crew but a cough from Cadog stopped that as he went back to attention.

“And the people?”

“Shortage of food, prices went up, and there’s rationing. But there weren’t any overt crimes, nor did the Mayor look to be embezzling or profiting from these.”

“Never assume,” Cadog chided as he adjusted the steering slightly, turning an oncoming wave crash into a gentle slide against the hull of the ship instead. “Remember, a crime’s still a crime.”

“And that captain of the 77th Marine Base?” A hard tone came as the strong scent of rum intensified. “If this is true, then that’s multiple levels of breaches. That blistering barnacle will be lucky to be alive at the end.”

Haku kept silent about that as he glanced away momentarily before he looked back to Cadog. “And his subordinates?”

“All of them will be investigated.” A moment of pause from Cadog before the latter added. “But those found innocent will be reassigned, kept under strict probation but that’s about it. We’re only aiming for the ones responsible.”

Haku let out a sigh he didn’t realize he was holding and quickly nodded at that decision, that was as fair as it’ll get.

“In the meantime, get out of that getup. You stick out like an albatross in a bowl of soup.” Cadog grumbled as he turned away.

Haku will never understand why as he filled out the dress quite nicely. He had thought Cadog would be proud that he managed it all the time and with so little resources as well.

Perhaps it was too obvious to tell from Cadog's perspective?

Oh well. Guess I’ll have to do better. Haku quickly went inside below the deck to dress back in uniform and cleaned himself up in the process.

77th Marine Base

Currently mostly devoid beyond the skeleton crew left behind, as everyone was expected to take three days off due to the presence of Captain Cadog and the Kirin’s crew.

This was why when the Kirin moored in the afternoon, no one suspected anything out of the ordinary.

Cadog, the Kirin’s first-mate, and Haku, all of three went towards the 77th captain's office. They kept to a leisurely pace as Haku moved behind the first-mate as per protocol and carried most of the incriminating documents.

With a quick rap on the door by Cadog, the latter entered without waiting to be invited as the first mate and Haku filed in together.

“Ah, Captain! Back from your patrols?” The 77th Captain rose from his seat and quickly gestured to Cadog for a seat even as he went to the cabinet to get the latter a drink.

“Aye.” Cadog shrugged and took a seat across the table, letting the 77th captain finished pouring as he too returned to his seat. “So, is there anything? I doubt you brought those two for pleasantries.”

Hands waved towards the First-mate and Haku.

“Nothing much.” Cadog commented as he took the glass, swirled the contents, and downed it in one gulp. “It’s about your activity of sending your supplies to the mayor without permission.”

The air couldn’t get colder than some of the winter Island in the Devil Seas as the accused paled so fast that Haku wondered if the man had a devil fruit that allowed him to turn that white.


Skarsneek of the Red Hills

“Ah, right. Thought you meant another.” Skarsneek quickly corrected himself as Yurine mentioned the kind of seal, which honestly befuddled him. This sort of arcane wasn’t his forte.

But he had a good memory, so Skarsneek had to trace the character out and look for the numerous seal that actually fit the bill.

Yurine was already ahead of him as she placed another seal on Hinami, stating that it would put her in a docile state.

Skarsneek shrugged and only tightened his hold gently around his sister-in-law should anything happen.

“Hinami, you okay?” Skarsneek gently asked after Yurine stuck the piece of seal on her.

Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Gringor gave a thoughtful as he heard about this chi shield requirements.

“Can’t do peaceful but can do calm. Like hunting.” He waved his hand, besides, those Dragon Warriors used it in battle. So it was possible to be used in battle, that alone was enough to make it worth learning.
Though when he heard the other requirement, he furrowed his brows. That would explain why Yurine got the drop on them.

But at the same time, did it mean he could’ve just grappled them down to the ground the moment they used those shields?

Something to do later.

“A moment or instant is enough, can use to block or become hard when enemy charge.” Undeterred, Gringor said as he figured out different ways to use it offensively.

“So, what I need to do?” He open his arms wide, wondering how this works.
A broken record, but I'll need more time.

This entire month is rough, between getting a new position, guiding new guys, and getting my ass kicked by my boss, I really am just not in the mood to write until Monday or so.
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