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2 yrs ago
Current i dont recommend getting a pinched nerve, especially in your leg
6 yrs ago
Just a few more hours and i get to dissappear for 10 days. The place we are going has some wonderful views.
7 yrs ago
wow talk about nostalgia. Things to do while your bored, look up "the cluefinders."
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
what? its already been a year here? *looks around* well other than loseing a bunch of wieght not much has changed.
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Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.

Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.

Most Recent Posts

Victor Astorio

Cassandra was laughing, but sobered up some when faced with Count Astorio. She had mixed feelings about him, being the brute that flung her friend across the practice yard. On the other hand, she had seen him in closer quarters since, and she didn't recall that Salem had ever complained of treatment at his hands.

Ultimately, she allowed herself to be twirled, and when she came back around to face him she was wearing a social mask as well as a literal one.

”Do Astorios serve others?” she asked with a sly smile of her own, ”I’ll have to confess that you catch me off guard.”

Her question didn't seem to faze him, his smile staying the same. Pale skin almost blending in seamlessly with his mask, “Some do, others let their pride get in the way. But I serve the queen and the council, as well as whomever I wish to.”

Slowly he led her toward the dance floor with that same smile, trying not to put on too much of his vampire charm, “So care to dance then? I'm a good fighter and i have good footwork when dancing too,” letting go of one of her hands and gesturing towards the dance floor where the sea of people moved and swayed with the music.

”Well, I'll have to dance with someone," Cassandra took his hand again and followed.

Was that lame? She was going for dismissive acquiescence, but her head was swimming. Was Lilie right about drinking? She suddenly felt a weight of social obligation, and it seemed like it would be better to keep her with sharp. Marivaldi mage and Astorio Count. Did anyone know who they were? For that matter, did he even known who she was? Cassandra realized she hadn't returned the introduction; she had assumed he knew her by sight, just based on the noble association, but it was too late to turn around and offer her name. She would have to hope he took it as deliberate.

That simple acknowledgment was all he needed to assume her consent about stepping into the frey. Wherever she lacked during this dance he would not hesitate to fix or correct anything she may mess up on given her drinking. It was only necessary so the rest of the others moving around them did not trample them.

The two danced for some time, making idle conversation as they moved and danced with music. They both stumbled here and there, yet they continued for some time. Victor was enjoying himself and for once just living in the moment. That was until he felt a slight pain in his arm, it was not uncommon for a slight pain like he felt to happen during regeneration but this slight stabbing pain wasn’t going away and only getting worse.

With his smile, fading the tall vampire led his partner to the edge of the dance floor and bowed. “It has been a lovely evening with you miss, I hope you have a glorious evening and maybe someday I’ll see you again.” Tipping the edge of his large hat Victor made a hasty retreat to the outside balcony for some air.

The night air was cool and crisp, exactly what he needed. Now that he was away from most of the others, he could think clearly and try to figure out what he was experiencing. It was as if his instincts were on high alert being within all those people at one time. Even if the occasion was supposed to be relaxed, it felt almost like enemies surrounded him. Looking around at the few others outside with him minding their own, he still felt like he was in between fights. Did his encounter with the princess really affect him this much?

Feeling like he needed to get away to calm down the count quickly shifted into a bat and flew up to a ledge near the top of the building. He figured it would not look as conspicuous if he did that rather than climbing up there. Shifting back, he sat on a ledge with a nice view of the area and simply just attempted to get into his meditative state in an attempt to ease his mind. In only a few more minutes, his mind and body relaxed as it listened to the natural ebb and flow of the world around him.

The pain had faded and he finally felt calm again when he opened his eyes, “what is wrong with me?” he whispered to himself. The ‘training’ session taught him a lot about himself, his training, the world around him, humility, and just how weak he was compared to some others. Perhaps he would seek her out again, when it was more appropriate and apologize to her.

His train of thought was cut short when he caught the faint smell of blood. He didn’t think that he spilled anything on him tonight, it didn’t smell like any of the drinks any ways or Salem for that matter. His nose and curiosity eventually lead him to an unnerving sight. A human carefully tucked behind a nearby ledge.

The faint scent of blood told him it belonged to a mage. Unsure at first at how this boy met his demise until he saw his neck. The draining of a human did leave some rather unpleasant damage to the vascular system, bruising and other damage quick to be seen. He had been stashed here recently obviously, but without other injuries or look of being robbed. This wasn’t revenge or emotional but cold and heartless. A predator.

Victor was quick to steel himself, quickly pulling out the small durable brick of a Nonkia phone praised for its simplicity and near indestructibility. Skipping down through his contacts, he eventually found the emergency contact line for the facility and hit the green button like Salem said. At least one of them understood technology.

The phone rang only a couple times before someone answered he was simply glad he did not get an automated message. He only let the operator get out the basic “what’s your emergency” line before he interrupted her. “I am Count Victor Astorio, Council agent identification number H15737117. I am currently above the east entrance to the ballroom by the cliff. There is a mage here who is unresponsive, no heartbeat, is cold, and Rigor mortis is beginning to set in. It appears to me that the mage in question was drained by a vampire. I will wait here for security.” He stayed on the line for a little while longer to hear if there was anything else.

The count carefully followed his own footsteps back toward where he came from trying not to disturb the crime scene any more than it already was. He took the time to also take his mask off as well. As far as he was concerned, he was working now.

Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
Once More unto the breach >>> Home sweet home? /// Adventuring day 5 // Late Afternoon >> Evening / Location - Cave Entrance

“Well that wasn’t what I hoped it would be but at least I know there’s a difference between purified and cleansed. Maybe that knight can tell me more about that one." “One more question how do you purify something. I’ll ask again when we get back.” he seemed a bit rushed with the rest of the party beginning to enter the cave now.

Asura’s comment about transformations to the knight and the man’s shock at hearing this made him think again. He thought about speaking up for a moment and adding his opinion. As he saw, it the worst that could happen was they would be hunted but even then it would just be more experience right? These two did not seem like the kind to just try to attack or capture them at random.

Yeah I did too, started as a pixie, chose high pixie because it was more robust and I could keep the wings. None of the other choices really stood out to me.” Ardur paused for a moment again thinking of how he should continue as the others began to go inside. “I asked you about the age thing because we have only been here for what? Like three weeks maybe?” he was not asking a question it was just how he worded his sentence.

The high pixie didn’t wait for a reply and took his place in the party line up as instructed. Steve looked a little tense but so was he. This cave felt off now, without the light from the holes in the ceiling and the mana crystals, it was dark and gloomy. The ambiance of the place put him on edge. It was entirely too quiet, too stale, like nothing breathed or moved without being coaxed. “Stick to the plan Steve and we will be fine.” He whispered while stroking his friend a few times to calm her down.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕆𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕𝕝𝕪 ℂ𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕟

Well at least that part was still familiar. For whatever reason he remembered someone or something calling it that. Maybe with this they might even be able to secure this place later as a foothold or stronghold. At the very least Ardur did intend to return here at some point to see it again.

“I think the old goblin bonfire was in this direction but it’s hard to tell with how dark it is in here now.” He whispered. His navigating interrupted by a couple small flashes and a system message indicating an encounter. Quickly he attempted to use Monster Analysis I on the two wisps and the rat before thinking of an attack.

“Steve go for the wisp on the right.” He commanded while he readied himself with the betel mandible in hand for the other one coming at them. He figured Asura could handle the rat for now and could only wonder as to what the boy would do. this would also seem to be a good test as to what their little formation could do.


Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
Game plan > Once More unto the breach /// Adventuring day 5 // Late Afternoon >> Evening / Location - Forest >>> Cave Entrance

“Do you wish to receive this Quest? Y/N”

He answered with a mental and verbal, “I accept” taken back shortly. Ardur pondered what it might mean and wondered if it could have something to do with his new skill Lesser Cleanse. The quest itself specified purifying an item and he did not have the water or materials to do it that way. Only thing he thought to be concerned about was just how much mana it would take and how much he had left, not to mention what item to do it on.

Ardur noticed again while he spoke last that the two seemed to be talking to each other like soldiers would talk to each other with body language and hand signals. Perhaps they were using some form of telepathy like the kind Jason used on him just the other day. This would definitely be something to look into later, right now he had no way to tell what skill or spell was being used all he could do was concentrate on them when it happened and maybe he would get some sort of skill from it.

Again, the Templar spoke this time answering his questions regarding transformation and evolution. 3 weeks to a month to reach maturity for most goblins, then 3 to 6 months for adult and a year to their first transformation. However, on average 2 or 3 years until they peak. All of it is useful information however, for him all it did was raise more questions about himself and where he stands on the subject. They are growing rather quickly, two weeks to maturity, three days to transformation. Clearly their growth was simply another off thing.

Before long, it seemed it was time to go back to that cave that was at one time their home. Right when they were beginning to leave Ardur decided on what item he would attempt to purify that may help at least him out the most. Casting Lesser Cleanse I on his Bone Breastplate in an attempt to purify it. This would tell him if he could purify something like this or if he would have to do it during item creation. Whatever the outcome, the High pixie would then focus his efforts on Meditation I while they walked to regain mana. Being in the company of the two humans made him drop his guard for now.

Assessing that the cave entrance was safe, if not a little gloomy, He again sat down and attempted to use Meditation I. This was his way of preparing both his mana and his mind for the fight ahead. Zieglar seemed to be busy giving Trent a pep talk and final bits of advice. Sure, he was a squire but even the mightiest kings need some words of encouragement sometimes.

Having finished what he could for mana recovery, Ardur joined the others at the mouth of the cave Steve In toe. The boy’s plan was rather simple and hopefully would prove effective in the given terrain of tight tunnels and rocky outcroppings. “Alright Steve, do as the nice human here asks and if you get too hurt come back to me. Focus your web and that eye of yours on slowing the enemy down and entangling them. Asura you might want to go over the plan with Mother Slime again just to make sure she understands her role. But I’m ready when you are.” Holding the beetle mandible in his right hand.


Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
A trip down memory lane > Game plan /// Adventuring day 5 // Late Afternoon / Location - Forest

The pixie didn’t seem to move much, just shift his balance from one foot to the next. Clearly, he had not gotten sooth song up to where he wanted it yet. His arms crossed over his bone armor and his eyes sort of just looking off into the distance while the two humans talked. Ardur was quite happy to ponder his thoughts paying attention only slightly as the boy took his swing at Asura. He did not watch the slime take the hit, mostly his eyes intently examined the boy and how he fought, how he moved, how his armor moved around him. Taking in every bit of information, he could so that one day he may apply even simple and mundane things to his own knowledge.

Moving slightly away from the others and into a beam of sunlight that just so happened to make it the ground near him. The light in the forest was growing darker still; it was late afternoon now hopefully this excursion wouldn’t take too long. Standing quietly in the light, simply enjoying its warmth was enough for him but he was doing this to use Guidance I. trying to piece together what he remembered of the pieces of information and assumptions of the holy spirits he had been given so far. So holding his hands out in front of him while the others talked he whispered.

“The sun makes everything grow; its warmth embraces us and protects us. It watches over us while it rides across the sky on its great chariot. The sun chases away the evil in the darkness and helps us band together, protecting the frail behind the plate and mail. The sun, the guardian, the protector, Lord Galatine I simply ask how I may serve you? So that I may do the same thing I already died to do, protect the weak and frail.”

He ended his quiet prayer while the Templar was still going over what to expect in an undead dungeon. It seemed it would be a fight of attrition. Perhaps lesser cleanse would keep the dead from rising again. Ardur was still pondering what he would do when he approached his friendly slime and used Minor Heal I on him. Still listening to them talk he kept quiet until they seemed to be done and this boy would be the temporary party leader.

“Well if we are going to work together then you should know a bit more about our abilities and the way we fight so far. Asura here is the tank and so far focuses on crowd control and just doing standard tank stuff. Mother slime over there is also a tank but is our heaviest hitter; sometimes it can be like talking to a child so use small words and simple commands. Steve so far is mostly been used as our scout but also holds a support role, her use of web spit and web control allows her to slow or entangle our opponents. She is my tamed creature so if I tell her too she might listen to you but I’m not sure on that.” Pausing for a moment to look around before continuing. “And yeah I’m the healer and spell caster but I don’t like to sit still. I do my best work in the air and when I’m moving. That and the extra momentum can make it easier to deliver some hard hits.”

Figuring the boy could figure out the rest of the plan from the information given the pixie again looked to his slime friend, “don’t forget you said you were thirsty, and I will need to meditate before we go in so I’m full up on mana.”

Turning back to the two humans for a moment as if he remembered something, “and one last thing before we go. Just out of curiosity, do you know how long it normally takes a goblin to evolve to a bugbear or hobgoblin?”


Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
just a short detour > A trip down memory lane /// Adventuring day 5 // Afternoon / Location - Forest

Ardur stayed quiet as the others talked, taking note of the questions asked of me by not just the boy but also Asura as well. At least for now, he did not sense any hostility from these two and he did not think that what they were saying was lies or had some other intent. Perhaps with the aid of this one this small rag-tag strike team could maybe do something about the undead threat that lays within that cavern.

“Huh, a desert… that sounds hostile for a pixie such as myself. Perhaps I shall venture there someday just to see.” He seemed to trail off for a moment before getting a questioning look on his face. “It was the heart of a deer that we killed, the strongest muscle given up to the spirits as their share of the kill. Now that you explained what these spirits represent a bit more I can see why I was being called to in that direction… forgive me if I’m being to blunt but tell me, how does one such as yourself pray or give sacrifice to Galatine?” His question was out of pure curiosity, he had found out by accident how to give penance to one but not the other two.

Then came the question from the knight and Asura about the dungeon core and Jason, the curiosity in his eyes faded and his facial features turned sterner in the face of the question. “Yeah I was there when he threw himself upon that crystal; it hurt him bad and changed him. Sure he was always trying his best for more power but I almost felt like he wanted to leave eventually then strike out on his own.” The high pixie trailed off for a moment remembering the fight and death of the slime as well as the betrayal of trust from attacking him. “But that core made him want to stay and protect the cave, he wanted to build it better. Make it more than what it was.” He figured he was going a little off topic but continued.

“I spent my past life as a healer of sorts and I want to continue doing that in this life, those undead… those abominations. They were a mockery of life and all that I had worked for, he was controlling them to an extent and I attacked them with the help of Asura here.” He seemed to shrug as if that explained his actions, “After he died the mana crystals that were once abundant in the cave all cracked and broke. The dust was drawn to the back of the cave in Jason’s burrow where he had first met the core. After a few more minutes of fighting zompixies and skeleblins a large greyish slime charged toward us but we were able to get away.” Again, he seemed to trail off, lost in his thoughts.

He figured that was all he had to say until Asura raised his shield once more this time at the boy and asking him to hit him, “he’s trying to increase his resistances... Well I feel that the dungeon should be our current concern, maybe after we clear it your friend won’t have to worry about undead getting into his land.” Again he just shrugged and looked on at the two deciding to study the boys attack if he did so to try and gain further insight while singing softly, applying some mana to his throat to attempt to augment the song in some way.


Victor Astorio

It had taken longer than he wanted to arrive at the ball; the leather armor of the costume he was wearing for the occasion was mostly decorative covered by embroidered cloth garments. He was regretting choosing this costume but it was too late now, he had not expected to be putting this thing on while regenerating his left arm. At least he found it funny explaining to Salem why vampires do not fight mages at their full capacity because this can happen. The simple prosthetic he was using to help support his slowly regrowing arm was mostly a shell over his weakened arm. The prosthetic simply made it look like his arm looked normal enough when covered by a sleeve and glove.

His costume was fitted for him and brought along with his other things. Elegant and decretive, the armor was difficult to put on by himself with a bad arm and it had made him show up to the dance later than he expected. Honestly, he was never one for these kind of gatherings, but he figured he might as well show up. Being one of the largest people at the school, Victor did not bother with a supper extravagant mask figuring it would be easy to recognize him regardless. However, he did splurge a little by getting something out of character for him. A very large hat adorned with feathers and playing cards tucked into the band.

Met with a short line and already a few tipsy humans was all the invite he needed to proceed into the sea of people dancing and prancing through the place. He was not the only one there wearing dark colors but it would seem the majority went for lighter colored costumes and clothes. Not as many super large hats though, Victor seemed disappointed at this. Yet with a sigh, he waded into the sea of people and made his way around the edges of the gathering trying to pick out those he might recognize.

It was not long before he had already grown tired of the gaggle of dancers in the ball room. Again, he was not used to such things and found the experience more than a little uncomfortable. Not only that but after his last training session his instincts and anxiety have been getting the better of him. Being put in a position where the predator becomes the prey seems to have knocked his invincible arrogance down more than a few pegs. The noble soon found himself picking up a glass and walking toward one of the balconies outside, maybe then he could regain his composure before stepping back inside.
Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
Getting to know each other > just a short detour /// Adventuring day 5 // Afternoon / Location - Forest

He could not help but tilt his head slightly at the mention of the names and what they represented as the knight spoke. From what he could tell, his guess about what each god or Holy Spirit represented was surprisingly close. The high pixie did not say much more seemingly lost in his own thoughts about what he had said about the holy spirits and what he continued to say after as well as what Asura had to say.

“Thank you for thinking about my needs but I’m fine with whatever.” Smiling to the slime next to him that was showing off some surprising shape shifting abilities. “Returning to the dungeon and destroying the core is also something I would like to do. I feel that I am not solely responsible for its death affinity but still responsible for it. Correcting my wrongs there would set my mind at ease for the time being.” He spoke truthfully this time looking from the slime to the human and reaching out to shake his hand after Asura did.

“However, I have been using guidance all day and it has been pointing me this way.” He stops for a moment to look south towards were the signs have been pointing toward. “I feel like whatever its trying to guide me toward is close and it’s only the afternoon. I would like to venture that way for a little while just to see at least what’s over there before heading toward your friends homestead.” Looking from the human and back to his slimy friend, “if you’re up for that, could be something useful.” He shrugged and looked back to the knight, “besides these humans here don’t seem to intent on destroying us, so what do say? Would you like to go for a stroll for a little while longer before turning back to meet your friend?”


Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
New people > Getting to know each other /// Adventuring day 5 // Afternoon / Location - Forest

The amount of information he gained from material analysis was almost too much and very distracting. The two humans seemed to be going over introductions of their own when the first thing to break his concentration was a question by the Templar followed by a notification that he had leveled up. The name Lord Galatine, sounded strange in his mind for a moment almost as if it was important, “I worshipped many gods in my old life, the ones here in this world are much more receptive to prayer.” He seemed to trail off for a moment before returning his gaze to the man.

“Which one is that? I saw three in my vision they did not give me their names. All I saw was a beautiful women covered in fine silks and many jewels, saying she was the mother. Another rides a chariot through the sky wearing armor greater than any mortal could make, he is the protector. The last wears clothes that would be better suited for a desert wielding a magnificent sword with a bird of prey perched upon his shoulder, He is the King. Which one do you know as Lord Galatine?”

Ardur never lost eye contact with the Templar and instead quietly whispered where he wanted his skills to be placed, “three points into lesser cleanse, one point into alert, one point into mana strike.” Normally he would just grind out these skills because of how close they were but for now, he figured they were necessary and would provide a good foundation to build taller upon.

Still he listened, the others continued about the current threats in the region and the information being given to the humans about their quarry. “Well at least you don’t have to worry about those goblins at least for a little while. Rattle skull is dead, the last I saw a rather ridiculous wisp was using his skull as a home of sorts and flew away with it. As for the rest of the goblins, I think they lost about half their numbers through that fight and the last I saw a smarter goblin was challenging crispy for leadership. The other goblin that challenged could very easily be negotiated or reasoned with to a point. I cant remember her name but it sounded like a flower.” He figured that was enough information to give them on his part.

The pixie looked away from the humans for a moment seemingly trying to remember the events of the past few days; he was trying to think of a way to give them more information without sharing everything. “There was one other thing in that cave, something I wasn’t expecting and because of it I’m not too surprised that your armor is enchanted. There was a sword in there that talked to me. It said something about looking for a hero and I wasn’t strong enough yet. The sword could control water and honestly I don’t think we would have been able to get out of that cave if it hadn’t saved us.”


Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
Humans? > New people /// Adventuring day 5 // Afternoon / Location - Forest

Ardur did what the large knight said and stopped before heading off into the forest. Asura also seemed rather curious of these two but both of them seemed hesitant and cautious. The younger one mentioned something about them and the dungeon as well as a possible poltergeist. His friend seemed just as confused as he was with the mention of that creature. “Don’t know, might be one of the others.” he spoke calmly while paying attention to his monster analysis skill.

Still, Ardur watched silently carefully watching both the boy’s movements and attacks as well as the older human and his armor. Even using Keen Sight I in conjunction with Materiel Analysis I to better understand what he was looking at. Examining every mark, every scratch, every mend, bend, dent, rivet, link of chain mail, and even the damage in their armor and weapons. He even payed attention to the cloth they wore and the images on their armor. The fight didn’t last too long, his inspiration spell surely saw to the bug bears quick death and a surprised look from the humans.

Now the battle was over and the humans didn’t seem to interested with attacking them or capturing them. It would seem they just wanted to talk. Looking to the oculus spider next to him he smiled, “Steve.” The spider was obviously on guard and he didn’t need her here to possible escalate things, “watch our backs make sure nothing sneaks up behind us but stay close.” He smiled to try to reassure her then turned back to the others and to his friend as he went through introductions.

“I am Ardur the Mighty, I serve the sun. Tell me what is your interest in Rattle skull?” The high pixie shifted slightly in his bone and beetle armor but otherwise stayed where he was.


Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
Bring her down > Humans? /// Adventuring day 5 // Afternoon / Location - Forest

Ardur’s hit to the bugbear’s knee was satisfying. The shield spell still worked at least how he somewhat wanted it too. Turing around after his pass he stopped himself before attempting to strike again. He could see now what the brute was running from, “Humans?” thinking aloud in this situation was not the best idea given their circumstances. While he floated there for just a moment longer, he used Monster Analysis I on the humans, the bugbear, and the rest of his party. Honestly, he shouldn’t forget about the skills he has gained so easily.

The high pixie slowly fluttered down to his slime friend to cast Minor Heal I on him, “Let’s go this way” suggesting they go south towards were guidance told him to go earlier. “It’s downhill; water will be down that way most likely.” His eyes never left the two humans, mostly the younger one who seemed a bit more jumpy then the other.

“Come on Steve.” He called to his spider friend while slowly making his way to the meat he had dried. Picking up the meat and eyeing the two humans, “Come on let’s leave the humans to play with the bugbear.” The high pixie began to slowly make his way away from the group and the near unwelcome visitors, “Hey Kid.” Pausing for a moment before continuing south. “May the sun protect you and guide your blade.” He did this while using Inspiration I hopefully this would help them out and maybe brand them as non-threatening at the very least. waiting for a moment for his friendly slimes before continuing south.


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