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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Haeo

Haeo One Who Listens Deeply

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Stabby @Zeroth

Femus found himself frowning. He had hoped this mess would be resolved efficiently, for his sake, and with minimal violence for the sake of his new ally. She seemed... a little too hung up on gentleness. But, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It was just... inconvenient in a dangerous place like this. Also... he didn't have a chance to try and make what he had gathered parts for. If he was right then he should be able to concentrate certain types of local mana into these components and then link them, though he wasn't sure how to accomplish that. That link might allow him to create an array that would concentrate mana and aid the magic recovery of those inside as well as any magical herb growing or perhaps item enchanting that might be needed. Hopefully the parts of this old tree would be enough of a start since the tree had a stronger than average mana level on its own.

But, his frown was doubling down as another pixie entered the picture with typical mischief and then proceeded to head in Femus's own direction. Was his luck really this bad or was this supposed to be a good thing...? Bah, didn't matter. Nira called for him to 'mess with' the thieving pixie. It was almost certain that he could knock it out of the sky with a mana orb right now but that wasn't what Nira seemed to be asking for. Oh, well. At least what he did with Lesser Force was less destructive.

He focused his Lesser Force into two actions that he would take as soon as the thieving pixie got close. The first would grab either the pixie's wing or hair and yank down hard. The second would strike a hard and focused strike up the line defined by the inner thigh, aimed at the crotch. Honestly, Femus wasn't sure that this would hurt any more than a strike to the critter's leg but it would be important to know this kind of thing and this attack would almost certainly hurt the critter and leave it alive. As soon as the strikes were accomplished he flashed an angry and territorial red as though he had simply been disturbed by the pixie's antics and was one more surly wisp.

Hopefully, this wouldn't escalate further. If it did, Femus really didn't have many non-lethal tricks up his... ... glowing ball sleeve.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Edward Marsh

No matter where they went, no matter how hard they tried to avoid it, trouble seems to have a knack at finding the Rat Party. When they finally thought that they caught a break and found a place they can make camp, there comes these bandits that thought similarly that the barrow would be a perfect place for their camp. 'Goddamnit.' Ed thought to himself as he deliberately slowed his movements to lessen the chance of him getting detected by the three big-eyed lizard humanoids and activated [Muffle II] to make sure that his chances of being detected were as low as he could possibly make it. Though, unwelcomed, they did pique the former human's curiosity. He heightened his [Beast Sense II] to focus solely on his sight to help the rat-man see in the low light conditions and allow him to perform [Monster Analysis I] on each of the three and determine whether or not they would be able to dispatch them before they can call to the larger and better equipped humanoids if they needed to. Their things were, thankfully, well hidden at the back of the burial mound; one could even easily mistake it as just a nest or bedroll of some kind in the low light. But retrieving items from it would make too much noise and would alert the creatures of his presence rather easily. So, as of now, he slowly crept his way to the entrance of the burial mound.

Hoping to whatever god listened to him that he could perform this action without being detected by their unwanted guests.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Poison magic did exist. The fact that Ash was able to confirm its existence, or the fact that she already had skills that used it, wasn’t particularly ground breaking, but it was another piece of information to add to what he had already learned today; it also allowed him to confirm a few other pieces of information pertaining to the different elemental types that existed in this world. The list of elements that were mentioned in his analysis of the Giant Rat was the most comprehensive yet and gave him a better indication of what magic was capable of and therefore what he was capable of.

Of the elements listed he already had spells that used the elements of Fire and Water, alongside spells using Air and Light; the fact that these last two weren’t mentioned in his analysis meant it wasn’t a complete list, which was also useful to know. Of the remaining elements he was already working on Ice and at least one of his party members had spells of Ice, Earth and Poison, meaning he had the ability to learn them via observation rather than blind experimentation. The remaining elements were then Metal, Lightning, Shadow and Curse; these were the elements he had neither knowledge of nor an immediate source of knowledge and were therefore going to be the hardest to learn. He also had no easily accessible source of metal or electricity to use as a base for spells of those elements and who even knew where he would find an inroad for Curse magic.

Ash brought him out of his thoughts, stating that she had some training she wanted help with at some point. “Oh, yeah, I’d be glad to help; I have some things I want to try as well. Thanks for the information.”

Moving away from the Pygmy Drake to stand by himself, Oberon looked around the camp to see what others were up to. Digbie had said something about a book earlier, but Oberon had been too distracted by his own thoughts after the fight and the fire to pay much attention, and right now seemed to be trying to use both Mana Orb and some kind of Earth spell at the same time; he seemed to be struggling to manage both at the same time, the orb flickering fitfully and the soil under his hand barely moving, but in practice it seemed to be possible, if difficult, to use two spells simultaneously. The Sprite mentally added it to the growing list of things to look into.

Torrent meanwhile was doing… something. Given her pose and what he had seen of her spell casting so far, she was probably trying to use or develop a breath-based spell, but Oberon couldn’t see anything that hinted at what the spell was for or using. Likewise, Ash was also practising a new spell, first firing a Mana Slice before summoning a caustic looking orb and trying to reshape it to match the crescent-shaped projectile; Oberon used Magic Analysis on the Poison magic, also inadvertently using it on Ash at the same time, whose eyes seemed to have a strange glint to them even in the waning light of dusk.

Everyone else seemed busy with their own tasks, which left the question of what Oberon was going to do with his time. Sleep seemed like a good option, it had been a long and tiring day after all, but now that the sun was setting he was finally in a good position to try and see what Shadow magic was all about. Then again, maybe he wasn’t. Unlike the other elements he had experimented with so far, Shadow was something that he had no frame of reference for; water existed, fire existed, air existed, even light was a thing that he could think of in terms of existing in the form of photons and energy. Shadow didn’t exist, it was the absence of something that existed, it was a lack of light, not a thing in and of itself; Shadow as an element, which existed separately and independently, wasn’t something he could really wrap his head around.

He flew over to the edge of the clearing, to the base of the trees where the darkness was deepest, and stood in the darkest part of the shadows he found there. Was this Shadow? Or was it just a shadow? Would he find traces of elements here that he could use to imbue his Mana Orb was Shadow magic, elements that only sprang into existence in places where the light didn’t touch and which was banished when light reached it, or was Shadow something else entirely? Was Shadow a kind of naturally forming substance that had nothing to do with the mere absence of light?

There was really only one way to find out. The Sprite raised his hand and formed a Mana Orb, in the same way he had every other time he began one of these experiments, and closed his eyes. He let his mind clear until he found himself falling into the kind of half-trance state he had used earlier when trying to draw water into his Mana, and then later on when trying to sense and pull air into it as well. If he reached out with his senses in this state would he be able to sense the shadows that he and the orb were bathed in, or would he just find more air? If he found Shadow he would attempt to draw it into the Mana Orb and then he would let it take whatever shape it wanted to, keeping just enough of a hold over the Mana that it wouldn’t break apart. He used Magic Analysis on himself to help guide the process using whatever information he gleaned from the results, including the spells name if it had one and was indicative of its intended use or shape.

He would continue this, moving to darker shadows as the sun continued to set if need be, until he felt he could go no longer. When he was done he would meditate to restore his Mana reserves before retreating to the cave and going to sleep. During the night he would find him sleep interrupted by something, awaking to the sensation of eyes on him only to see nothing of the sort; his companions slept peacefully and easily each time he awoke, and each time he used Magic and Monster Analysis on them to see if anything was wrong with them. Each time he eventually managed to relax enough to fall back to sleep, only to wake up again later on and repeat the cycle.

In the morning he awoke again, this time to dim sunlight at the entrance to the cave and the distant sound of a horn being blown. The air was damp and chilly as he exited, hands rubbing along his biceps as his lack of clothing made itself known. “I don’t think Sprite’s are built for this kind of climate.” He drank some water from the stream and ate breakfast from any remaining, unspoilt fruit they had gather the day before, still wary about eating raw meat. “System request: show Skill Tabs and Current Experience. Show Party Information as well.”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Asteria awoke to the commotion of unknown voices coming from the outside. She was immediately alert due to the danger, and looked around to assess the situation. Ed was nowhere to be seen. Where the fuck did he go?! To take a leak or something? Of all the times! However, until the ratman showed up in one way or another, there was nothing to do but observe and keep mother rat under control. Asteria focused her gaze on the two figures outside, trying to get a good look at them, and used Monster Analysis for help. Then, she put a paw on mother rat, and with the help of telepathy, conveyed a sense of cautious calm, of stillness and hiding, waiting for now. Hopefully that would be enough to prevent the other rodent from alerting the unknown figures outside by accident.

Somewhat tense, Asteria checked the insides of the barrow again, stealthily moving around, trying to discover if it were possible that the figures had been inside but had chosen not to disturb them for some reason. That did not seem to be the case however. Ed was missing true, but all their belongings were still there…besides, there were no fresh footprints that she could see. Just then, one of her paws touched something that had not been there. A mysterious gold coin, lying peacefully next to the fire pit where she’d made her offering the evening before. A supernatural event? But perhaps, the coin had simply got dislodged from the pit after she threw the bug meat in…or it had otherwise arrived there by a wind or something. Right. With a grimace, which exposed the full extent of her teeth in an odd rat-snarl, Asteria used her Mana Sense to try and get a read from the coin. Based on her attempts yesterday, this being a religious burial ground certainly did something to the environment. Still, if the coin seemed safe, she might as well take it with her as a souvenir.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

I was afraid.

I stood in the darkness of this nightmare as if it was a prison and I had no way out. All around me were shadows of fellow goblins, at first. Why? I'd only been a goblin for a little while, and now I was something different. Despite that, the goblins that were around me tread slowly towards a sea of even blacker darkness. What stood within that I could hardly describe.

Monsters, of all shapes and sizes. Even with what seemed like miles between me and their black outlines, I could still feel their presence. I was mortified. Some were as big as elephants, others were as small as bugs. Some were like humans, others like dogs. Some felt hot and humid on their bodies, and others felt freezing and slick. It was mortifying. It was even moreso when I felt that hand of someone like me rub against my shoulder, leading the others towards the darkness.

I clambered to my feet, staring back at the darkness. I could continue to go that way, join many others in the idea that to grow strong I had to fall to my darkness. I was brought back by a Demon King, so it would only make sense. Though, even with that, I could see my own shadow as it stretched towards the darkness, though, it wasn't like the others. The others were tangible, and I could touch them and feel their grainy goblinoid skin. My shadow was just that. A shadow, cast by a light coming from behind me.

So I turned around, and saw the light. Was that Jehanne's forgiveness for falling into the Taboo that I saw earlier? Was it sanctuary for someone like me to go and find? It didn't seem like there was a path, but as I kept staring, I slowly began to see my path in it. It was slim, no doubt tough for someone to travel, but it wasn't nonexistent. If I was careful, I could do it.

I took one last look at the shadows behind me. A goblin gestured for me to follow as I glanced, but their wishes I had to decline. I knew what I was going to do--what choice I would make--and going down the path of darkness wasn't on my schedule.

One foot in front of the other, I walked towards the light. I swear, I remember saying something as I walked down the narrow path of the light...

"Jehanne protect me... please.

~~~~~~~< The next day... >~~~~~~~

"... ngh..." God, sleeping on the floor was tough. Especially with dreams like that. Regardless, Digbie rose back up from the floor of the cave. Seemed like everyone else had gone back outside, save for Torrent, though from the way that things were going with her, he was scared to even ask what she was doing. That being said, Digbie only had one real thing on his mind. He grabbed his gear once again, slinging his Ratskin Pack over his back and throwing his satchel over his shoulder before he walked outside on his own. He had something he needed to do, and wanted to do yesterday, but couldn't. Hopefully today, he could manage to do what he was trying to.

After snacking on whatever things he could, Digbie stepped towards the stream, away from Oberon, away from Ash, and away from Torrent. At the shore, he began digging through his satchel and pulled out his prayer book and his Maiden Effigy, placing both down on the shore away from the water (as to not let them get washed away). He took a drink from the stream, wiped the remaining water off his mouth, and returned to his book, opening the page to the Great Fast.

... while he wasn't sure what the whole thing he needed to recite was, these books were normally meant for humans. Hopefully he could read something off before the Broken Tower tribe made it to Digbie and the others. If they made it, though, Digbie'd have to put this on hold just a little longer. Man, he hoped they'd take a bit more time...!

"Maiden, I have fallen to the taboo, and am no longer worthy of being called your child. Though I am only a demiblin, I wish to receive your holy guidance and blessing to purge this taboo out of my body, for my own safety, and the strength to provide the same safety to myself and my friends."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 7 days ago

Mibba once again listened to Lear, listening to his surprise about the pixie's magic, and Miiba's unusual amount of skills. When he mentioned them not really being anything strong, just run of the mill skills for most people, Miiba felt a little crestfallen. How could she protect anything or anyone, be a hero, if she didn't have any skills that would allow her to do so effectively? Miiba visibly pouted with her ears drooping as she followed Lear. She hopped that as she got bigger, she may learn something, but for her that seemed so far away. "Miiba get strong some day, make Mr. Lear proud. Miiba be big hero someday." she said, mostly to herself.

Miiba's eyes went wide when Lear mentioned this Scott fellow being her friend, and Miiba seemed to instantly switch from avoiding Scott to rushing over to him, crouching down at eye level with a look of glee in her eyes. "D-do Lear really mean it? Scott be Miiba friend!?" She then sprung up with a giggle as she passed through the gate with the two, running in semi circles with her arms out like an airplane, still laughing. "Miiba have friend! Miiba have friend!" She then ran up to Lear and hugged his leg as she looked up to him, probably with the happiest face he had seen since she arrived here. "Miiba always good, promise! Miiba no change! She said with a big smile, acknowledging what he said about behaving the best she could.

She let go of her embrace and now walked close to Scott. "Mira nice. Geir angry. Lear say mean well, so Miiba just be Miiba, nothing more can do. Miiba want be friends too, but no think they want to be friends... not with gob. Or not yet anyway...Miiba no know," Miiba said as she happily followed Lear.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
Humans? > New people /// Adventuring day 5 // Afternoon / Location - Forest

Ardur did what the large knight said and stopped before heading off into the forest. Asura also seemed rather curious of these two but both of them seemed hesitant and cautious. The younger one mentioned something about them and the dungeon as well as a possible poltergeist. His friend seemed just as confused as he was with the mention of that creature. “Don’t know, might be one of the others.” he spoke calmly while paying attention to his monster analysis skill.

Still, Ardur watched silently carefully watching both the boy’s movements and attacks as well as the older human and his armor. Even using Keen Sight I in conjunction with Materiel Analysis I to better understand what he was looking at. Examining every mark, every scratch, every mend, bend, dent, rivet, link of chain mail, and even the damage in their armor and weapons. He even payed attention to the cloth they wore and the images on their armor. The fight didn’t last too long, his inspiration spell surely saw to the bug bears quick death and a surprised look from the humans.

Now the battle was over and the humans didn’t seem to interested with attacking them or capturing them. It would seem they just wanted to talk. Looking to the oculus spider next to him he smiled, “Steve.” The spider was obviously on guard and he didn’t need her here to possible escalate things, “watch our backs make sure nothing sneaks up behind us but stay close.” He smiled to try to reassure her then turned back to the others and to his friend as he went through introductions.

“I am Ardur the Mighty, I serve the sun. Tell me what is your interest in Rattle skull?” The high pixie shifted slightly in his bone and beetle armor but otherwise stayed where he was.


Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 5 days ago


As Lear began to walk away from them, Scott immediately began to jog after him. “I’m aware that I’m weak, sir. It’s, ah, nothing new. Pixies aren’t usually very strong in our books, either.”

When the man mentioned Geir and Mirabelle, Scott nodded for a moment. Then a thought came up. “And do you plan to tell them? About us... being summoned? I really don’t know how this works. I could hide, maybe. That way you could break it to them cleanly, or you could-” He cut himself off. He was rambling. “I- um- sorry.”

His face turning red, Scott looked down at his feet. They were absolutely filthy, he realised. Well, of course, they were. He had been running barefoot this whole time, and he certainly hadn’t washed up since… well, since he was born. He idly wondered over the state he was in, and how he might go about fixing that. A shirt and shoes would be nice, at least.

“And, uh. To answer your question...” he mumbled into his chest. “Nobody can really say if demons exist or not. Monsters, too. Or if they used to exist but don’t anymore. Our gods are... mostly distant, I think. Some people don’t believe in any of it, but a lot of people do or want to. But the idea of demons and a lot of other monsters... they’re usually used by parents to convince their children to not do bad things.”

It was at that point that Miiba started to run around him and Lear, expressing her excitement at having a friend. That really did confirm it, then. She was childlike, even though Scott was probably around the same age as her in this world. A small smile appeared on his lips as she approached him.

"Mira nice. Geir angry. Lear say mean well, so Miiba just be Miiba, nothing more can do. Miiba want be friends too, but no think they want to be friends... not with gob. Or not yet anyway...Miiba no know,"

“Well, ah - I’m sure the two of them will come around eventually.” Scott told her. “Some people are just... wary of strangers.”

As he passed through the gate, ushered in by Lear, the pixie looked back over his shoulder at the forest.

“With good reason, usually.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Skill Gain: Charisma I (0.9>1.0)!
Your personality is almost a magical charm unto itself. You’ll have greater luck convincing others to go along with your suggestions, but only within their own natural reasoning. This skill may not work on those with stronger Wills.

"Hey, don't feel so down. Everybody starts somewhere." Lear said as he noticed Miiba's ears droop. "And you've still got a big head start on lots of other goblins. If you really were the first goblin hero," the big man grinned and patted her head, "Then I guess I'd be famous too for taking you in, huh? Ha!" The farmer smiled as Miiba became excited about the possibility of Scott being her friend. But the three talked a little more as the gate closed behind them, and they approached the house.

"Yeah, I plan to tell them, Scott." Lear said. "Mira's a smart cookie with proper Mage training, she might be able to figure out more of this mystery than I can. And I've gotta report this to the Guild--I'll try not to throw you guys under the ox-cart, but the fact that someone tried to perform a World Summoning means something big has to be afoot."

They entered the farmhouse to find Gwyn and the children gathered near the fire, with Geir and Mira patrolling near the windows with grim faces. When they saw Lear, everyone breathed a sigh of relief--until they saw Scott behind him.

"Sir, a Pixie followed you in. I've got it." Gier said, almost lackadasically as he grabbed a piece of firewood and held it like one might hold a rolled up newspaper to swat a fly...

"I'm aware. His name is Scott and he's like Miiba." The farmer held up one broad hand. The two Adventurers' jaws dropped, and the other family members looked confused and, in the eldest girl's case, a little scared. Reuben poked his head out from behind his mother's skirts to look at the Pixie with curiosity.

"Oh, great. More Demonspawn, then? That would explain why a mountain blew up." Geir growled. "Probably out here trying to breed itself an army..."

"No. From what they've both told me, I think they were Summoned here." At these words from Lear, Mirabelle's jaw dropped even further and she almost lost her glasses when she tried to adjust them with shaking fingers.

"Summoned? You mean, they're someone's Familiars or Tamed Beasts? Or..."

"No. I think it was a World Summoning...except their souls didn't end up in the right bodies." Lear held out his arm, and for the first time Miiba and Scott found their attention drawn to the kitchen, where a large white hawk had made himself a perch on top of one of the cabinets. The bird flew to the farmer with a trained precision and held out one leg, upon which a letter was already tied.

"I, I reported the explosion, and th-the general state of affairs." Mira stammered out. "I, uh, mentioned that we had captured an unusual Goblin that needed to be studied, but I didn't write anything about her...having a name...or any of that story she told us."

"Well, sit down and get some more parchment. We'll need to send another report." Lear motioned for Scott and Miiba to make themselves comfortable, while he plopped down in one of the heavy wooden chairs around the dining table and yawned. After several moments, as the others gathered around, he began to recount Scott and Miiba's shared tales and his speculation on what it might mean...

"Psst...hey! Psst!" Reuben poked Miiba and Scott in the back, leaning out from under the table and then disappearing like...well, like a child hiding under the table while the adults talked about important things. "If you guys got Summoned here, does that mean you're Heroes? Are you the Chosen Kind? Or the Re, reee...rebornded kind? Didja get to talk to the King?" The rapscallion's eyes glittered with interest.

Deep Forest

When Nira called for Femus to do something, her companion suddenly turned to look at her with an expression of shock. This was probably the first time it had ever heard a fellow Pixie speak anything like an actual intelligible language. It was so shocked, in fact, that it forgot it had to make the tilt and fly upward to continue pursuing the thief. With a soft thump, it hit the older Kao tree back first, then went for a short tumble through the branches.

Up above, the thieving fairy looked back over its shoulder to laugh at its clumsy pursuers--and then, its hair was painfully grabbed. The creature let out a yelp, just before Femus's Lesser Force slammed into its groin. The high pitched squeal it let out seemed to indicate that this one was a male, though you wouldn't really be able to tell from its doll-like form...did they have pouches like lizards or something? Where even was...nevermind. Somehow, Femus actually managed to manifest his anger in a color--he didn't just flash like many Wisps would, letting his natural color shine through, but turned an actual shade of crimson! Maybe this was a natural Wisp ability...but it was the first time he had managed it on his own. Between the blow and the blinding flash, the pixie was surprised...and began to plummet towards Nira down below, just as her first pixie follower was emerging from the leaves of the tree, still staring at her in surprise...

Ghost Party

As Danny searched for firewood, he mostly found only dry twigs and brown leaves on the forest floor. This was probably better anyway, considering he couldn't have hefted larger logs even if he did find them, and he had no axe with which to chop wood. He did find three larger sticks, however--two Forked Sticks and another Curved Stick. The curved stick was much like the one he already had, a decent length and width to be used as a short club or to be thrown like a boomerang, though it wouldn't likely come back. The forked sticks were roughly Y shaped, and a little longer than the curved sticks. These might be useful for crafting something, like a weapon, or propping up food once he had this fire built. Which was a question in and of itself. How would he even light what little kindling he found?

Minor Heal - This skill seems to involve attempting to use Mana to heal oneself or others somehow. Without a physical body it is difficult to stimulate natural healing energies.

Skill Gain: Air Read I (0.9 > 1.0)!
A sensory skill associated with the element of Wind. At this rank, you must remain still and activate it using MP. Using air currents around you, you will detect various objects or creatures. If there is no wind, this skill's effectiveness is vastly reduced. Depending on the strength of the wind or the sensory input (scents, for example) this skill may reach beyond the range of your other senses.

Jason approached the strange blossom he had noticed, and tore off the sap-filled buds from the stalk. His Ghost Touch skill caused his pseudopod to manifest with a shimmering aura like blue flame, but it didn't cause the plant to burn. Grinding it in his grip, he pressed it to the wound in Danny's back. The Poltergeist would feel a numbing chill pass through his wound, but then Jason began to chant.

"Earth guide my hand. May your will merge with my own." The Ecto Slime could feel his mana flowing into Danny. "Let this blessed union of nature and soul heal this wounded body." As he stated his intent, the ghostly blue flame increased in brightness. As the sap from the flower soaked into Danny's skin he felt the pain from his wound abating. The blood flow stemmed--soon it would dry, though it might be scabbed and itchy for a while.

Skill Unlocked! Spell Chant I (1.3) is now functioning again!

But while Danny had focused on gathering sticks, and Jason had ignored the Poltergeist's request to watch the goblin, the former spear-toting greenskin came to with a moan. Rubbing his head, the goblin pushed himself to a sitting position. As soon as he saw Danny--and the glowing blue form produced by Jason--he gave a start and jumped to his feet. Staggering like a drunk, the spear goblin turned to attempt to run into the bushes, leaving behind both his weapon and the corpse of his companion--!

Rat Party

Creeping quietly down the other side of the burial mound, Ed was able to avoid raising any alarms. The creatures were gathered up along the stone walls forming the burial mound's base, and against the flat face of its entrance they wouldn't see him unless they peeked around the corner. He could just barely see the tip of a snout and the hem of a cloak around said corner himself, thanks to the difference in elevation...

You used Monster Analysis I!
Small, reptilian creatures with odd primate characteristics like upright spines and grasping limbs. Quite similar to Goblins, often competing with them for the same territories and resources.
You aren't sure what this creature is. Its voice and manner of speaking, as well as its height, suggests a Goblin...but isn't its build a little too broad or tall for that?
---Analysis Complete!---

The Ratman safely made it inside, just as Asteria was investigating a golden coin on the ground.

You sense a faint, earthy Mana from this coin. It was not made by the coin itself, which has little Mana but seems to conduct it naturally.

Skill Rank Up: Muffle I > Muffle II (1.95 > 2.0)!
You are now even more effective at remaining unseen passively. Activating this skill by using Stamina will noticeably reduce, but not eliminate, the sounds of your movement.

Perhaps that meant the Mana trail was left from whoever--or whatever--had left the coin here? But...how did it get in and out of the barrow without triggering the Rats' Alarm skill? Was it just that sneaky? Or...?

Mother Rat nudged Asteria as if to draw her attention to Ed's entrance. She couldn't see far enough outside the doorway from where she was for her Analysis to trigger correctly, the System gave her an error message. Then the larger rat scurried over towards one of the darker corners of the room, no doubt seeking a place to hide. Based on what Ed had seen, it was likely that these bandits were just going to wait here until an unlucky target, perhaps a trader or lone traveler, came up the road from that lakeside town, or else from that village out in the plains...

PixieSlime Party

The knight let out a boisterous guffaw, and grinned at Asura before he answered.

"Indeed! Lectured by a Slime--have you ever heard the like, Squire?" The knight crossed his arms, taking them away from his weapon for the time being. "Well met, Asura. Forgive my assumption that you would not be well mannered. It's not often I meet creatures such as yourselves. I am a Templar, Zieglar of House Blackgate, and this is my Squire, Trent Bondeman of Bloominfield Village." The boy bowed at the mention of his name, but the movement jerked as he realized halfway through he was showing respect to monsters. He gave his mentor a confused look. But the knight had now turned his attention to the Hipixie, which was giving orders to its tamed spider.

“I am Ardur the Mighty, I serve the sun. Tell me what is your interest in Rattleskull?” Trent and Zeiglar looked at each other, some unspoken communication passing between them. The knight turned back to Ardur and seemed to take note of how intensely the Hipixie was staring at both of them.

You used Material Analysis I!
---Light Gambeson (Well-Made)---
A padded defensive jacket, worn separately, or combined with armor. It also doubles as a winter coat for wearers. Produced with a sewing technique called quilting. Usually constructed of linen or wool.
---Breeches (Average)---
Clothing covering the legs, usually stopping just below the knee, though in some cases reaching to the ankles. Normally closed and fastened about the leg, along its open seams at varied lengths, and to the knee, by either buttons or by a drawstring, or by one or more straps and buckle or brooches.
---Leather Gloves (Worn)---
A garment covering the whole hand. Gloves usually have separate sheaths or openings for each finger and the thumb.
---Leather Boots (Worn)---
A type of footwear and a specific type of shoe. Most boots mainly cover the foot and the ankle, while some also cover some part of the lower calf. Some boots extend up the leg, sometimes as far as the knee or even the hip.
---Thick Patched Cloak (Repaired, Heavily Worn)---
A loose garment worn over clothing that serves the same purpose as an overcoat; it protects the wearer from the cold, rain or wind for example, or it may form part of a fashionable outfit or uniform. Many climates favor wearing a full-body garment which is easily removed and does not constrain the wearer with sleeves.
---Leather Targe (Above Average)---
A smaller concave shield fitted with straps on the inside, one adjustable by a buckle, to be attached to the forearm, and the other fixed as a grip for the left hand. This one is fashioned from hardwood and covered with padded leather.
---Iron Arming Sword (Average)---
A straight, double-edged weapon with a single-handed, cross-shaped hilt and a blade length of about 70 to 80 centimetres (28 to 31 in). Possibly divided into further subtypes based on blade shape, taper, cross-section, and other factors. This one is fashioned with a larger ratio of iron; technically it is made of "steel," but lower in quality.
---Fluted Steel Plate Armor (Excellent Quality, Repaired, Enchanted, Full Set)
Armor made from iron or steel plates, which overlap in various pieces. A fully assembled suit will cover almost the entire body. Contrary to what one might think, properly fitted armor is not heavy at all, and allows the user full range and speed of movement. Fluted plate is not only decorative, but also reinforces the plate against bending under slashing or blunt impact. This offsets against the tendency for flutes to catch piercing blows. This armor seems to have some sort of magic cast upon it. You will need to Analyze this Item more closely to learn information on each Piece of the Set.
---Iron Maille (Well-Made, Enchanted)---
A type of armor consisting of small metal rings linked together in a pattern to form a mesh. Some call it "chain mail," but this is redundant in most cases. A better identifier would be the metal from which the rings are fashioned. Greatly reduces slashing damage. This armor seems to have some sort of magic cast upon it.
---Gatekeeper's Kite Shield (Excellent Quality, Repaired)---
A large, almond-shaped shield rounded at the top and curving down to a point or rounded point at the bottom. At least three feet high, it is constructed of laminated wood, stretched animal hide, and iron components. This one bears the banner of House Blackgate.
---Steel Half-Sword (Excellent Quality, Enchanted, Enhanced)---
A sword with a blade length equivalent to that of an Arming Sword and a similar style of guard, but a grip that is long enough to be used with either one or both hands. Sometimes called a "bastard" sword, especially the more its style differs from the traditional blades. This one is made from good steel. This weapon has been treated with some material to enhance its attributes, and has had some sort of magic cast upon it.
---Iron Flanged Mace (Well-Made Quality)---
A type of club that uses a heavy head on the end of a handle to deliver powerful blows. The head of a military mace can be shaped with flanges or knobs to allow greater penetration of plate armour. The length of maces can vary considerably. This mace is made of lower quality steel with a higher iron content. It is quite heavy.
---Steel Kidney Dagger (Above Average Quality)---
A type of dagger with a distinctively shaped hilt, with two oval swellings at the guard. Those who are less proper may also call this type of knife a "bollocks" or "ball" dagger. The guard is often in one piece with the wooden grip, and reinforced on top with a shaped metal washer. Carried as a last resort in battle, but sometimes considered a part of the belt and codpiece worn for status.
---Analysis Complete!---

You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 7! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please!

Unspent Skill Points: 5

Current Skills:
Shield II (2.225)
Lesser Flight III (2.325)
Minor Heal III (3.6875)
Physical Conditioning I (1.0) <CANNOT INCREASE WITH SKILL POINTS>
Fire Resistance I (1.4)
Taming I (1.85)
Fireball I (1.7)
Stronger II (2.2)
Crafting II (2.0)
Muffle I (1.3)
Inspire I (1.15)
Guidance I (1.6)
Spell Chant I (1.2)
Use Light Equipment (--)
Meditate I (1.2)
Point Strike I (1.1)
Monster Analysis I (1.4)
Keen Sight I (1.1)
Material Analysis I (1.7)
Keen Ear (0.3)
Alchemy (0.5)
Faster (0.6)
Magic Analysis (0.7)
Mana Orb (0.15)
Focus (0.6)
Throw Voice (0.1)
Mana Strike (0.9)
Charisma (0.4)
Soothe Song (0.7)
Harder (0.1)
Alert (0.9)
Reinforce (0.7)
Throw Item (0.5)
Stone Shot (0.6)
Iron Gullet (0.5)
Soil Manipulation (0.3)
Material Analysis (0.8)
Rabid Fit (0.5)
Lesser Cleanse (0.7)
Fire Fist (0.2)
Magic Resistance (0.3)
Minor Regeneration (0.1)
Flame Aura (0.1)
Warcry (0.1)
Immolation (0.05)
Spiritual Awareness (0.4)
Overwork (0.1)
Lucid Dream (0.1)
Blood Drain (0.1)
Dextrous (0.1)
Mana Sense (0.2)
Mana Drain (0.1)
Mental Resistance (0.2)

"The sun, eh? And just how does a Hipixie come to follow the likes of my Lord Galatine?" As Zieglar spoke that name, it sounded strange...but only to Ardur's ears. As he looked up at the knight, the fey reincarnate found himself distracted for just a moment. Then the knight shifted his weight subtly, causing a glimmer of sunlight to reflect from his armor. As Ardur blinked, the moment broke. It had lasted less than a second, and the knight was still speaking...

"But, nonetheless...Rattleskull, eh? And you, Asura, said you understood the Bugbear?" Zieglar turned his head to look at the puddled red slime. Trent walked over to stand by his teacher, but the boy was beginning to look less wary and more curious by the moment. He stared especially hard at Asura and Momma Slime, as if comparing the two. "Sorry, no need to answer--I'm thinking to myself. Allow me a moment." The knight cleared his throat, then began his tale anew.

"Rattleskull, if I am not mistaken, is also a Bugbear from this area. Though our last reports would indicate he was stronger than this one here." Zieglar pointed to Bear-Ate's corpse. "In the cave not too far from here, there was a tribe of Goblins. Between their natural predators, conflict with other tribes, and the general difficulty of survival out here in the wilderness, they usually weren't too much trouble. But, Rattleskull proved to be one of those Goblins who survive long enough to Transform into a stronger Monster." Zieglar's eyebrow quirked momentarily. His eyes shifted back from Asura to Ardur. "There are Humans called Adventurers who often come this way. To keep Monsters--no offense, I suppose--away from Human settlements, they make sure the Goblin tribes don't become too powerful. Rattleskull's tribe had been whittled down quite a bit despite his leadership...then, we had reports from a hunter traveling through the area that he and his Goblins were making camp outside of the cave. My Squire took on a request from the Adventurer's Guild to find out what Rattleskull was up to. If the Goblins were leaving the cave to go join another tribe or migrate, all the better so long as they don't come closer to town."

"And if they were preparing for a raid," Trent broke in, "I could bring warning and help everyone get prepared, or even bring out a suppression force before the Goblins got ready."

"And instead, we found that the Cave had been Transformed as well. When magic energy and other things change a place like that, make it more dangerous, we call it a Dungeon." Zieglar leaned in, looming over the party with a glint in his eye. "So, Ardur the unusual Mighty Hipixie, and Asura the unusual Amorphous Slime. How much of this did you already know?"

Monster Party

During the night, Ash observed the shape of the Mana Slice spell. When the spell began to take shape, she noted that for an instant it looked exactly like a Mana Orb. But as the crackling energy blossomed from her paw and took on its blade-like shape, a cube-like particle took its place at the center just like when she had adjusted the density of the original orb. But rather than form a second-rank Mana Orb, the Mana Slice caused two of the oscilating lines to attach to the "nucleus" particle. And these lines began to vibrate, faster and faster. The orbiting cloud of particles all began to shift along those lines, instead of floating freely like they did in the Mana Orb. The effect appeared somewhat like that of a chain-saw--perhaps that, and the increased density, explained the Mana Slice's ability to cut into objects?

She then formed Poison Splash, and took note of its magical structure that she had created before. Pulling the purple, pixellated atom into the center of the spell, the first difference she noticed was that the change in density was different compared to the Mana Orb. That spell shrank, as if it were being compressed. The Poison Splash, however, became...droopy? Almost like a semi-solid, or perhaps liquid mercury. It wanted to roll and flow, and didn't seem to float so well anymore. And when she tried to make it form the shape of a Mana Slice, it wouldn't "stick," it always just returned to its droopy state. Maybe she just needed to adjust the shape? Or perhaps creating a cutting force with Poison Mana would require a different structure compared to "normal" Mana?

Oberon used Magic Analysis as Ash formed the Poison Spell, as well as on the Pygmy Drake herself. Her eyes had begun to glow--was that a different skill or spell?

You used Magic Analysis IV!
---Poison Splash I---
Much like other elemental spells collecting trace elements, surrounding impurities and toxins are synthesized with Mana as a catalyst to produce this sphere of liquid poison. A creature capable of and familiar with producing poison within its own body might also use this spell to increase production without biological fuel, essentially substituting Magic Power for Stamina. Its nature as a poison causes severe nausea, vomiting, and caustic tissue damage. Upon impact, it splashes for a small Area of Effect. It may poison an organic target, and deals corrosive damage to most objects. If a target ingests the poison, the amount of damage it inflicts is roughly the same but the chance to inflict Poison damage over time rises greatly. If diluted with water or contaminated with other elements, especially earth, the poison's effectiveness can be greatly reduced. Attempting to burn the poison may cause volatile reactions.
Stunted, pesky cousins of greater drake species, the Pygmy Drake has a poisonous stinger on its tail rather than a breath weapon and glides more than it flies. Nonetheless it is somewhat clever, and mages sometimes keep it the way someone might keep a pet bird. They are more magically inclined than some other low ranking reptile species. You know this Pygmy Drake as Ash, a fellow Reincarnator. Ash has a number of Spell Skills and other magically oriented abilities, including Lesser Force, Magic Analysis, Meditate, Tremor Sense, Mana Orb, Shield, Mana Slice, Mana Shape, Mental Resistance, and Minor Heal. It seems like she is developing some kind of skill or spell to sense mana, and perhaps to see it as well, and her control over her magic is much greater than before. She is also developing several other Spell Skills, most of them offensive in nature like Mana Dart or Fireball.

A Pygmy Drake, being a creature capable of flight, is somewhat vulnerable to Wind, Lightning, and Ice magics. Its scales render Metal and Earth magics slightly less effective, but the creature's defenses cannot be compared to those of a true dragon. Ash's origins as a Poisonous creature render those magics much less likely to affect her even without a Poison Resistance. Her Dragon Affinity allows her to learn magics associated with Dragons, such as breath abilities, much more easily.

Inspired by what he had seen from everyone else, Oberon set to one more experiment before he turned in for the night. Like Torrent, he decided to attempt Shadow Magic--and, though he hadn't seen what happened to the Lesserwurm, he experienced a similar fate. When he tried to draw in the shadows, even while standing in the darkest corners, there was a moment where he felt like it was working. A great pressure began to build within his outstretched hands. But when he tried to harness the shadows themselves...

An unknown spell attempting to draw in everything in the surroundings. You are attempting Shadow Magic but this is not Shadow Magic. Warning, this spellcraft is unstable--

It felt like his eardrums burst and his throat spasmed all at once, as if he had tried to belch and breathe at the same time. He felt a strange resonation within his Mana, like a shortage in an electrical circuit. This seemed rather dangerous...and would require some thinking. What exactly was he doing wrong? Why was Shadow different from other elements?

Meanwhile, Torrent watched Oberon's attempt at using Shadow Magic and Analyzed him as well. She got much the same message as the Sprite had moments before he, too, was seized by some odd bodily hiccup. Had they both made the same mistake? Could they perhaps share their experiences and figure out what had gone wrong?

But, for now, rather than focus on her failure she decided to try something new. The Lesserwurm began playing with her more earth-aligned skills, perhaps unknowingly mimicking some of the spells that she had seen Digbie and Jason use at different times. Her earthen spikes, through fragile and small, held their form as they were launched up. They didn't fly very far though, and upon impacting the earth soon fell apart. They needed to be more solid, more earthen...rocks, rather than soil, perhaps. They needed more force behind them, too...what else could she adjust? Their shape? Their number? Would just trying to launch one work better than three?

You used Magic Analysis II!
---Soil Manipulation (Development)---
You are using the Soil Manipulation spell to shape earth into spikes, and attempting to launch them as an offensive spell. You have heard Digbie use a similar spell before, called Rock Spire. This Spell is now Developing.

Ash was now back in the cave. Dipping her claws into the poison and scraping them along the wall had much the desired effect, though perhaps lesser than Ash would have hoped. Still, it was obvious that just like her regular liquid poison, the magically created venom could still be used to coat a weapon, or in this case her natural blades. Her claws still couldn't cut stone yet--she felt they were like a very large, very angry housecat, or perhaps a larger predator like a lynx. Good for gouging out eyes and drawing blood, but not yet capable of rending stone.

Her last experiment saw an attempt to project some form of her senses outside of her physical body using magic. With her eyes closed and her breathing steady, Ash could mentally put together an image of her surroundings, but this was solely from memory. She knew where everyone else was, based on where they had been when they laid down. She knew the shape of the cave, the position of the moon shining through the doorway, and the general look of the area. Just her imagination was enough to bring the vivid details out of the environment. Feeling the magic flowing through and around her body, however, did seem to bring these images into greater clarity. Even despite the lack of light, it seemed like everything had a soft glow...

And before she knew it she was asleep.

Torrent and Digbie both had a dream-filled night, and Oberon woke up with a very unsettling feeling in the middle of the night.

You used Magic Analysis IV! You used Monster Analysis II!
Related to dragons, but still a cold-blooded reptile, the Lesserwurm burrows through the earth and fills the enclosed spaces around its prey with poisonous fumes. Its lengthy body is quite fast and deceptively strong, and its ability to shed its skin somehow allows it to heal more quickly. You know Torrent is a Reincarnator. Torrent has lower MP than you do. Lesserwurms can use magic but aren't particularly talented at it during their lower levels. Torrent has developed several spells and magically oriented skills including Fireball, Fire Resistance, Meditate, Tremor Sense, Soil Manipulation, Magic Analysis, Mental Resistance, Spell Cancel, Wurm Breath, Aqua Stream, Fog Breath, Wind Breath, and Frost Breath. She's also developing skills like Spiritual Awareness, Spell Chant, Focus, Gather Light, and others. She is also developing Dragon Affinity, which makes certain types of spells like breath weapons easier for her to learn. Being an underground creature, Torrent is more susceptible to spells of Light, Water, and Metal elements but more resistant to Fire, Lightning, and Wind elements. Her natural venom also makes it much harder to poison her even without a Poison Resistance skill. A strange force surrounds her as she sleeps, but she is unharmed.
Demiblins are Goblins that have been influenced by demonic energies, often committing acts that even make their brethren pause or else have been influenced by a greater demonic being. They are roughly the same size as normal goblins but tend towards the taller and more muscular side of the average. Their skin darkens until it becomes almost ink black, and they often develop strange magical sigils on their skin. They show increased aptitude for magic. Digbie is a fellow Reincarnator like you. There is something off about him, but oh well. Digbie has gained the Stone-Hardened variance, imbuing him with powers of the Earth element. He has also gained the Mystic variance, imbuing him with powers of pure Mana. Because of his Earth Affinity, Digbie has a vulnerability to Wind, Ice, and Metal. Because of his Mana Affinity, Digbie has a vulnerability to Taint. Because of his Demon Affinity, Digbie has a vulnerability to Holy, but it is very low because his Demon Affinity has not yet activated. His Earth elemental spells are strong against Fire, Wind, and Wood.

Digbie has several magical skills, almost all of them associated with the Earth element, and much higher MP than usual for a Goblin--in fact, his MP is almost as high as yours. He has spells and magically oriented skills like Stone Shot, Tremor Sense, Soil Manipulation, Sacred Ground, Rock Spire, Earth Affinity, Meditate, Earth Vein, Spell Chant, Magic Analysis, Mental Resistance, Mana Orb, Shield, Mana Affinity, Earth Wall, Minor Heal, and Guidance. He's developing spells like Fire Resistance, Spiritual Awareness, and several others. The developing skill Demon Affinity will make it easier for him to learn certain types of skills and spells. A strange force surrounds him as he sleeps, but he is unharmed.


The next morning Ash rose early, and went outside to practice with her spear. Using Lesser Force to wield the weapon, after a few thrusts and swings she tried to pick up the Smooth Stone at the same time. However, doing this consumed MP much faster than usual and was clumsy, even reducing her ability to manipulate the spear. It felt as if, without the Dual Cast ability, such a thing probably wouldn't even be possible. And even then, it was like learning to become ambidextrous.

After Torrent recovered from her dream, she remained within the shelter and once again tried to draw the shadows unto herself. Once again, she pulled at the Mana around her, searching for the distinct feel of a dark aligned element...and once again, her body convulsed and her Mana shorted out with a snort and a cough.

You used Magic Analysis II!
You attempted to use Shadow Magic again, but this is not Shadow Magic. This is similar to what Oberon tried last night. You were creating an area of localized pressure by drawing in the Mana around you, but there was nothing you would recognize as a "Dark" or "Shadow" Mana. This method feels wrong.

So, she had failed twice and Oberon had failed once--all with the same method. So...what did they need to do? Trying to draw in the "darkness" wasn't working, the way that drawing in water or air and pushing it back out had. Or the way that visualizing a growing heat within the body had produced fire. Why? Was there a reason the typical elemental manipulations didn't work on Shadow specifically? What were they doing wrong?

Oberon was the next up, slaking his thirst at the stream and shivering in the early morning chill. He asked the System to show him several bits of information...

Current Skills:
Minor Heal III (3.0125)
Lesser Flight III (3.0625)
Shield IV (4.03875)
Magic Analysis IV (4.4575)
Mana Orb II (2.775)
Mana Shape II (2.9)
Lesser Status Heal (1.2)
Mana Dart I (1.6)
Alert I (1.65)
Monster Analysis II (2.625)
Meditation III (3.08875)
Light Ring I (1.3)
Gather Light I (1.9)
Fireball I (1.8)
Plant Analysis I (1.0)
Material Analysis I (1.0)
Sacred Ground I (1.0)
Mana Slice I (1.25)
Overwork I (1.8)
Keen Sight (1.1)
Minor Heal All I (1.0)
Spiritual Awareness I (1.0)
Minor Regeneration I (1.0)
Spell Chant I (1.1)
Focus I (1.35)
Mental Resistance II (2.275)
Sensory Resistance I (1.0)
Faster I (1.0)
Aqua Sphere I (1.05)
Wind Break I (1.05)
Wall I (1.0)
Faster (0.5)
Charisma (0.9)
Light Affinity (0.8)
Fire Resistance (0.2)
Spell Cancel (0.1)
Mana Puppet (0.5)
Earth Wall (0.1)
Mana Drain (0.3)
Wind Break (0.7)
Flame Lance (0.7)
Stronger (0.1)
Mana Sense (0.2)
Air Read (0.3)
Mana Control (0.1)
Wind Resistance (0.1)
Ice Spike (0.4)
Gravity Well (0.1)

EXP: 92%

Party Information:
Current Members: Ash [Pygmy Drake], Torrent [Lesserwurm], Digbie [Demiblin].
Currently all Members seem to be in Good Health.
Increase Party Bond to access more Party Information.

Digbie awakened from his own dream feeling none-too-rested, despite whatever his Status said. Gathering his things and breaking his fast with a small few morsels before he left, he went a ways down shore from the others to have some privacy. Placing the book and effigy in front of him, the little goblin clasped his hands began to pray...

"Maiden, I have fallen to the taboo, and am no longer worthy of being called your child." The morning felt very still, and quiet. No birdsong, no wind...even the stream's babble became a whisper. "Though I am only a demiblin, I wish to receive your holy guidance and blessing..." As Digbie went on, the blue morning fog seemed to be clearing out faster than usual...the golden rays of the sun raced over the mountains to the west. Warmth fell across his back like a mantle. "...to purge this taboo out of my body, for my own safety, and the strength to provide the same safety to myself and my friends."

Digbie opened his eyes...and, sitting on the bank of the stream, right there in front of him, was a white, dove-like bird. It simply stared at him, ruffling its feathers just once. And when the Demiblin finally let out a breath, the bird startled and took flight...dropping something from its beak.

A small, almost perfectly round bead of something similar to glass, but not quite. Quartz or some other mineral, perhaps? The sight of it, and perhaps this whole situation of prayer and liturgical books and praying to a holy maiden...and perhaps, something else?...brought an idea to Digbie's mind...

A Quest is yours to receive: Fashion 8 Beads of Prayer

  • Beads can be made from a number of materials: stones, clay, gems, even wood.
  • Beads should be strung along a sturdy string or rope.
  • Wearing them around the wrist or neck is the most convenient method to keep them close

Do you wish to receive this Quest? Y/N
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
Avatar of Kazemitsu

Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Asura simply 'blinked' when the knight began to laugh. Well there was humor there, a monster telling a human about manners. Especially a Templar apparently. "I'd say more about my manners but I doubt you'd believe me." The red slime said, giving off the sense he was a lot older than he probably should. The boy had started to bow when introduced which made a mouth appear on Asura and quirk into a half grin. A subconscious reaction at this point given how often he gave himself a mouth.

Now there was religion talk, which got a quiet groan from Asura. He honestly shouldn't groan, but he always hated gods and how they were the answer to everything by lunatics. When his name was mentioned his attention came back to the knight. "It's strange but I seem to be able to understand languages. I've spoken, or understood, Rats, Lizards, Goblins, and Bugbears. Slimes talk telepathically through touch to each other." He said, deciding to give information freely. It was a gamble that giving information like this would keep their hands from their weapons.

The boy could probably be easily taken out through numbers and just overwhelming him. But the knight would just annihilate them easily. Asura 'glanced' at Trent who was eyeballing the pair of slimes. "Yes she spawned me...and has grown very attached." Asura stated simply while reaching over and giving Mother Slime a couple pats. Then Zieglar started to talk after gathering his thoughts. Spurring Asura to listen once more.

While the old Templar talked Asura played with the broken Source Crystal within him. Trying to use it as it was but getting a message that it was out of charges. It was clearly a magical item, so he pumped what little mana he had into it to charge it up to full. He owed that whisp an ass kicking for trying to take his fucking loot. Still, Examining the Source Crystal told him a basic description. So he used it on Zieglar and Trent to see what it'd reveal.

"They aren't gonna raid from what I figure. Rattleskull decided us smart monsters were too dangerous and tried wiping the cave clean. Which ended in some goblin deaths and the death of that overgrown monkey." Asura stated before raising a pseudopod to a surprisingly detailed chin for a slime. Yes he was playing with his body at this point. "Dunno what those green turds are up to right now, we left yesterday because of the place turning into an automated dungeon full of undead." He growled out, clearly displeased about losing such a good training ground. Well it'd only be good until probably the second evolution.

"As you can tell by my answers, pretty much everything but what your people did and do. The place was turning into a dungeon starting...a couple days ago maybe? If I hadn't used all my Stamina destroying the Dungeon Boss I'd have gone around and destroyed all the undead as well." He stated, clear grumpiness in his tone. "Sustaining four Skills at once is not good. He continued, more to himself than to the knight. "But yeah, Rattleskull dead, some goblins dead, dungeon began forming probably because of all the death happening, a slime like me only magical took over as boss, hurt Mother Slime, I drove him to the point he killed himself, ran into some undead and killed them before fleeing. Was quite the party that day." He drawled, purposefully leaving out anything Ardur or Mother Slime had done. If he was the potential threat they might leave the others alone as just unusual slightly strong monsters.

"Anything else you'd like to know? Asura questioned in the most amiable tone of voice he could muster. Which was a lot better than his usual grumbling and growling.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
Avatar of Rune_Alchemist

Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Temporary Campsite~

As the lizard idly played with the stone and spear, trying to flex her muscles, she thought idly back on the experiments of last night. To make Mana Orb into a Mana Slice, one had to attach the lines to the nucleus, thus creating what was effectively a small chainsaw it looked like. The increased density and the cutting motion would easily explain its cutting ability...but the poison splash was a whole different beast. When 'ranking up' the poison splash, it didn't shrink, but instead seemed to become denser as well...but since it was a liquid, it seemed to droop, warp and bend out of shape, and when she tried to make a Mana Slice out of it, the particles didn't stick.

Then what could she do to make it stick? It would be reasonable to assume different mana would require different shapes to function properly. Frowning lightly, she twirled the spear in the air, making jabbing and slicing motions and complicated, dexterous exercises. She did her best to simply keep the stone afloat, rotating it in the air before dropping and catching it again with lesser force.

What fascinated her most from her experiments from last night, however, was her meditative ones. Drawing in mana from the environment didn't yield many results, but it did yield some. There was an ever so slight uptick in Mana from Meditation that she could see. It wasn't much, but it was there, meaning there was something to it...which was why she was glad that dual casting Lesser force on these objects was eating up her MP at a faster rate. Even more curiously was her last one. She had a fairly good memory and eye for detail, she thought, so visualizing the cavern wasn't really a surprise. What was interesting was that slight glow everything seemed to have, if it just wasn't her imagination playing tricks on her.

Nodding, she decided the first course of action was to refill her MP again. Spinning the spear fast so its point was angled towards the ground, she made a motion to impale it on the ground, before attempting to toss the pebble at its hilt. Regardless of whether it hit or not, she'd try to draw mana from the environment again.

Observing her companions briefly to make sure none were about to do something stupid, Ash began focusing on the mana around her, activating Mana vision just to be certain she could observe the potential effects. She then once again, tried to draw the ambient mana to her. Like manipulating her own mana, but on a wider scale, she simply tried drawing any ambient particles to her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Jason watched the goblin as it ran off, it couldn't pose a threat at the current moment in time, and thus he felt no need to chase it down. Instead, he was more concerned on making sure Danny was alright. "Hey Danny--" he said using [Telepathy II] as he began floating back toward the flowers again, "Out loud, can you ask the system to display what your current status is? You can also do this for the skill list, and level progress."

Just as he'd done initially, Jason picked several sap filled buds, and crushed them with his pseudopod. But this time, rather than going directly to Danny, Jason approached the water filled gourd his ally had looted, the ecto-slime dropped the crushed buds into the container. Next, Jason would cycle his mana through the concoction, coaxing the natural mana of the plant to suffused and converge with that of the water. Once finished, he turned to Danny once more "Drink this Danny, it should help." he said with [Telepathy] handing his friend the concoction as he sapped a bit of MP. "I'm going to rest for a bit while you make that fire-- if you need me, hit the lump I'm under."

Burrowing the ground, Jason nestled himself within the soil's gentle embrace, beginning to [Meditate]. He pulled at the mana surrounding him, gathering it deep within his core; compressing it, condensing it. He would do this for several minutes before moving on to his next task; regaining [Tremor Sense]. He grasped at his memories of using the skill as he churned his mana, activating [Ghost Touch] just enough to truly feel the soil surrounding him, then gently, ever so slowly, he extended his mana; the very essence of his soul, into the surrounding soil...

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 1 day ago

Danny didn't find as much firewood as he had hoped but would probably be enough. After putting the forked and curved sticks away he created a Mana Orb, rather than just making a standard one he tried at first to limit the MP he used before going for a normal one. He didn't immediately throw it at the pile of wood and sticks but tried to remember what his magic analysis told about Fireball. Before he could get very far though Jason returned and pressed something against his back.

Danny briefly winced but the pain quickly decreased and the poltergeist also noticed how stressed he had been because he finally released some previously unnoticed tension in his shoulders. Just as he felt much better the Goblin got up and ran away, escaping. He briefly wondered if they should go after it, to prevent it coming back with reinforcements but Jason offered him a drink of some kind. Before trying it out Danny used both Plant and Magic Analysis on the strange liquid since he was curious. Afterwards he was asked something about contacting the system. If that was possible that would provide a lot of info. "Ehm okay, will do." "System, current status please."

As he waited for any kind of reply Jason told him that he was going to sleep. "Okay, but we'd better not stay here too long. I have no desire to get ambushed by another ten or so Goblins." As soon as the Ecto-slime disappeared underground Danny meditated to get his Mana back to full.

When his MP was fully recovered he went back to fire ball training. He reformed the Mana Orb. As he was doing so he remembered the chant he had prepared in case he would ever learn fireball, even if it would probably change over time like the one for Mana Arrow and wondered if it might help. Before he started chanting though he decided it would probably be wise to make sure he didn't burn himself assuming that was possible. That way he could test the basics for another skill. Using Lesser Force III he tried to keep the Orb in place as he pulled his hand away from it. Assuming that worked he concentrated on the feeling of sitting next to a campfire roasting weenies in the summer, the heat of the fire, the light of the flames and the smell of the roasting meat and tried to focus it on or into the Mana Orb. "Raising the heat of the flames, so that I can burn the target of this attack to cinders.Ignite, Fireball!"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Stabby
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Stabby Flicker/Fall (A Devourer)

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

. . .

To see her wild aquaintence turn around in shock and go for a short tumble through the branches because of it was definitely amusing, but a quick yelp followed by a high pitched squeal from above drew her attention back to the theiving pixie. Whatever Femus had done sounded like it had hurt, but she hadn't actually refocused her attention soon enough to see what had happened. After having already internally winced at the high pitched squeal, she only looked up in time to see Femus flash crimson and to see the theif soon plummet towards her from above.

Weighing her options, she decided to just get out of the way and let the theif plummet past. The last thing she needed was another pixie following her, be it by curiosity or otherwise. Turning to her wild aquaintence as they reemerged from the tree leaves after their tumble, Nira decided to take a good look at them before speaking again and asking the number one question on her mind right now.

Can you understand what I'm saying?



Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Torrent took a moment to regain her mana as she considered what had happened again. She thought about what she had learned when she'd failed last night, when Oberon had failed last night, and she thought.

She ignored Digbie as he started doing something, ignoring the others as they went about their business, and the approaching goblins.

She thought about what she'd been told in that weird state last night, when she'd been Told.

They were doing it wrong. She was trying to take something and make something when what she wanted was Nothing. That's what they said. If she wanted to be like Shadow she needed to be Nothing.

Torrent sat and she focused, and she worked not to bring in and create, but to remove. She worked to remove the pieces around her, using her own power to push away the various pieces she would normally pull forth to create. And instead she pushed her will, her energy, into the void left behind in her maw before she pushed out and used her Magic Analysis on whatever happened while hoping she wouldn't kill herself.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Haeo

Haeo One Who Listens Deeply

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Stabby @Zeroth

Well, that went well. Femus found himself mildly bemused. It would seem that pixies do indeed have those parts and they do indeed suffer greatly when... well... deprived of their limited dignity. He was also a little surprised that he had managed to mimic wild wisp communication so easily. Though, on second thought, that was the form of communication most native to this body.

Still, and more importantly, both pixies ended up falling. Femus and Nira would both have a clear chance to escape further irritations. He was looking forward to only having to deal with problems that simple force could solve. Even if it was less civilized and less 'human', it felt like this world demanded a certain degree of savagery from the weak. And Femus was weak. He could feel that much. They needed to get going. They needed to get stronger.

Wait, what was she doing?

Femus felt his glow softly and involuntarily shifting back to a deep and vibrant crimson as he realized that... after all their efforts to disentangle themselves from these pixies and their antics... Nira was trying to start up a conversation with one.

This...!? He was trembling with frustration. He really, really... really wanted to yell at Nira. He wanted to vent his anger and irritation. But, he took a breath instead and shifted back behind the cover of leaves. Once settled in place, he began to concentrate on continuing his earlier efforts. He contemplated the attributes of lightning and sought to make his mana take on those qualities. He intended to do this until Nira's... conversation... was finished.

He also concentrated on his breathing... and calming down.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Edward Marsh

Huh, so Kobolds are similar to goblins. That's good to know, System. Ed thought to himself as he slips into the structure. If they were like the goblins from the cave, they could be easily dealt with if they have the preemptive strike. Though he didn't get to see the other one. The system said that it was similar to a goblin as well, but was a little too broad and tall, so Ed could only assume that it was something of a variant or an offshoot of a goblin. Though he didn't dwell on the thought for long, the bandits were coming soon and their chances of being found out was increasing by each passing moment.

He approaches Asteria and whispers softly to her but, while doing so, activates [Beast Sense II] and focuses on his hearing and taking occasional glances to the entryway. "Hey. So, uh...I got good news and bad news. The bad news is that there are kobolds and a couple of armed dudes not too far away outside..." Ed pursed his lips inward out of embarrassment. "aaaaaand I kinda only noticed last minute that they were near." They did manage to get this close while he nodded off at some point during his watch. Probably when he convinced himself that he was warm and it was cosy up there. Probably. "The good news is that they don't know that we're here. So if we choose to hide, we can deal with them in their sleep and take all their stuff." Ed tried to look on the bright side of the situation. "But, before you get mad at me or anything, we should probably hide first. The bandits could enter any minute now." Ed looked for the darkest and most secluded corner the room had and quietly crouched in it. Only activating [Muffle II] when the bandits actually entered to avoid detection.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Ghost Party

Though it seemed no crafting or potion mixing skill had activated for Jason yet, mixing the strange buds from the sour-smelling plant with the water turned it a slight shade of minty green, diluting the smell until it was almost pleasant. Trying to infuse it with his own Mana caused the water to sparkle ever so slightly, but maybe that was just it reflecting the light of his aura. It soon stopped when he handed the gourd to Danny.

When the Ecto Slime buried himself in the ground--an easy task considering how seemingly intangible he was, although he couldn't use Transparency to fade all the way--he began to meditate. But he had already drained bits of Mana from Danny repeatedly, and drained the goblins, and filled his "stores" up multiple times to the point of receiving that Extra MP notice from the System. He was almost starting to feel "full," although being low on Mana wasn't anything like that ravenous hunger he had experienced before...

Mana Density increased.

He grasped at the earth, briefly activating ghost touch before resuming his meditation. He wanted to remember, to visualize, to imagine the feelings of touching the dirt once more. The sensation of soil on skin--or slime--and the vibrations passing through solid rock and loose dirt.

Down here under the ground, it was dark save for his soul sight. And even that could be forgotten if he wasn't thinking about it. As he meditated, calm and quiet, the darkness seemed to grow deeper. He was going...deeper...down...Like drifting off into sleep without realizing you were nodding off...

So, alone in the depths of the earth as he now found himself, it wasn’t quite clear to Jason when he started hearing things. Or if he heard anything at all. Or if it was really all in his head, a paranoid over-imagination...

“What is the Earth? Why pray to an Earth god? Why seek its stalwart strength?”

Meanwhile, Danny formed himself a Mana Orb and began thinking of a way to transform the raw magic into a fire ball. When Jason healed him before digging himself into a hole, the Poltergeist felt some of his HP trickle back. He examined the strange mixture of flowerbuds and water with a curious eye.

Current Status:
You are Hungry.
Your thirst is Quenched.
You are Somewhat Tired.
Your HP is around half.
Your MP is Full.
Your Stamina is getting lower.
You are Fine.

You used Plant Analysis I! You used Magic Analysis I!
---Kilm Tea---
Made from mixing Kilm Blossoms with regular water, this tea inherits pain killing and anti-inflammatory properties from the plant. This particular dose wasn't made with any particular skill and hasn't been heated, so it's rather thick and has a very bitter flavor.

And once again, Jason stole some of his mana. He had to meditate to restore it, and then returned to his experiments. He concentrated, and cast his mind back to more peaceful days--hotdogs over an open fire, on a sunny afternoon...

"Raising the heat of the flames..." The Mana Orb began to crackle as if it were a flame already, but its color and texture did not change, nor did its size. "...so that I can burn the target of this attack to cinders." Danny could feel heat beginning to rise between his palms. The Mana Orb began to lose cohesion, but it wasn't getting weaker. It was becoming more...energetic. "Ignite, Fireball!"

The Mana Orb suddenly turned red. There was a sharp snap, and the orb burst apart with a cloud of embers. The spell wasn't quite complete, but Danny could feel it--he was close to a breakthrough! The embers landed on his little pile of wood and grass, and there were enough of them that soon smoke began to curl up from the kindling. But if Danny didn't do something to help the smoldering flames along, they might soon go out...

Deep Forest

Nira floated to one side, allowing the unfortunate other Pixie to tumble past her. As Femus shrank back into the leaves up above, his attacker was stunned for several moments...and by the time it recovered, it was falling fast enough that it couldn't get its wings turned the right way...and it tried to twist its body but didn't have the time--!

The crunch on the forest floor signaled the end of the thieving Pixie's life, and its mangled body twitched only once before going still.

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 5! Your Max MP has increased! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please!

Unspent Skill Points: 5

Current Skills:
Monster Analysis I (1.3)
Mana Orb II (2.325)
Lesser Force I (1.3)
Levitation (--)
Meditate I (1.6)
Magic Analysis I (1.55)
Shield (0.6)
Suppress Presence (0.7)
Alert (0.6)
Faster (0.3)
Harder (0.1)
Soil Manipulation(0.1)
Mana Shape (0.8)
Mana Control (0.6)
Muffle (0.3)
Stealth Kill (0.1)
Charisma (0.3)
Mana Drain (0.5)
Iron Gullet (0.1)
Mana Sense (0.4)
Keen Smell (0.1)
Mana Dart (0.1)
Mana Burst (0.1)
Shock Round (0.5)
Fireball (0.1)
Plant Analysis (0.2)
Crafting (0.2)
Keen Sight (0.1)
Wisp Flash (0.1)

YOUR BODY IS BEGINNING TO CHANGE! You are undergoing Transformation! Based on your life experiences, your ability to survive, and the strength of your will, new paths have appeared! Choose carefully--there is no going back! WARNING. THIS PROCESS WILL LEAVE YOU TEMPORARILY VULNERABLE.

OPTIONS (* Indicates Suitability):
***(Adult) Wisp - More magical manifestation than biological creatures, Wisps nonetheless possess physical bodies. Their ability to cast spells from range makes them a foe that should not be underestimated by the novice. Wisps are magically oriented monsters, normally possessing two spells.
  • Slight increase to all Base Stats
  • Increase HP
  • Increase Potential

*(Immature) Poltergeist - This monster is still fueled by Magic, but its hold on the physical world has become stronger. Though its chubby, infantile body isn't particularly large, its grasping limbs, levitation ability, and its manipulation magic make it quite the prankster. However, its defensive abilities don't grow as fast as some other species. For the already physically frail mage-types, this can be a dangerous weakness.
  • Gain Arms w/Hands, Legs w/Feet, Head w/Eyes and Mouth
  • Increase base power-stats (reduced)
  • Increase Lesser Force (reduced)

***(Immature) Mana Spirit - A straightforward transformation for the Wisp, increasing their mastery over the fundamental spells that they use for their base interactions. At the same time, their physical body becomes more unstable. Rather than saying the body is weaker, it is more like...the fundamental self becomes more subject to change. Many mistake these creatures for true Spirit-type Undead, or Ghosts, due to their appearance.
  • Increase base Magic stats.
  • Increase Lesser Force (reduced)
  • Increase Mana Orb (reduced)

(Immature) Slime Mage - An unusual transformation for a Wisp. Their spherical body swells almost grotesquely, and they develop a slimy membrane as their former body dissolves. Slimes are normally of limited intelligence, but every so often one somehow learns magic. With its poor magic stats its casts are limited in number, but few expect a Slime to have such abilities. Having transformed from a Wisp instead, however, a Slime Mage's magic might be much more effective.
  • Increase all base Defense Stats
  • Increase Mana Orb (reduced)
  • Increase Shield (reduced)

Meanwhile, Nira slowly approached the other wild Pixie, which peered at her from behind a leaf. Why had it become suddenly shy?

"Can you understand what I'm saying?"

The Pixie tilted its head at her with wide eyes. Slowly, it opened its mouth.

"Caaaaahnyeeew? Kahn yeew?" It worked its lips several times, making gibberish sounds, then clapped its hands over its cheeks and laughed. It fluttered out towards Nira again and gestured at her, apparently listening intently for other words she might say. It seemed highly unlikely it had ever seen a fellow Pixie speak any kind of language before. Even if it couldn't understand, though, it recognized these sounds as some form of communication--maybe because it had seen or heard Goblins talking in their raucous voices. So now what would Nira do? Could she possibly teach this Pixie to talk, so that they could finally communicate?

Did she want to do that, considering how mischievous the creature seemed to be?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
New people > Getting to know each other /// Adventuring day 5 // Afternoon / Location - Forest

The amount of information he gained from material analysis was almost too much and very distracting. The two humans seemed to be going over introductions of their own when the first thing to break his concentration was a question by the Templar followed by a notification that he had leveled up. The name Lord Galatine, sounded strange in his mind for a moment almost as if it was important, “I worshipped many gods in my old life, the ones here in this world are much more receptive to prayer.” He seemed to trail off for a moment before returning his gaze to the man.

“Which one is that? I saw three in my vision they did not give me their names. All I saw was a beautiful women covered in fine silks and many jewels, saying she was the mother. Another rides a chariot through the sky wearing armor greater than any mortal could make, he is the protector. The last wears clothes that would be better suited for a desert wielding a magnificent sword with a bird of prey perched upon his shoulder, He is the King. Which one do you know as Lord Galatine?”

Ardur never lost eye contact with the Templar and instead quietly whispered where he wanted his skills to be placed, “three points into lesser cleanse, one point into alert, one point into mana strike.” Normally he would just grind out these skills because of how close they were but for now, he figured they were necessary and would provide a good foundation to build taller upon.

Still he listened, the others continued about the current threats in the region and the information being given to the humans about their quarry. “Well at least you don’t have to worry about those goblins at least for a little while. Rattle skull is dead, the last I saw a rather ridiculous wisp was using his skull as a home of sorts and flew away with it. As for the rest of the goblins, I think they lost about half their numbers through that fight and the last I saw a smarter goblin was challenging crispy for leadership. The other goblin that challenged could very easily be negotiated or reasoned with to a point. I cant remember her name but it sounded like a flower.” He figured that was enough information to give them on his part.

The pixie looked away from the humans for a moment seemingly trying to remember the events of the past few days; he was trying to think of a way to give them more information without sharing everything. “There was one other thing in that cave, something I wasn’t expecting and because of it I’m not too surprised that your armor is enchanted. There was a sword in there that talked to me. It said something about looking for a hero and I wasn’t strong enough yet. The sword could control water and honestly I don’t think we would have been able to get out of that cave if it hadn’t saved us.”


Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 1 yr ago


“What is the Earth? Why pray to an Earth god? Why seek its stalwart strength?”

For a touch of a moment, Jason was in shock-- did he just hear a voice? Questions raced through his mind; was it a trap? If he did answer, what was he supposed to say? What if the voice didn't his answer? Swallowing nervously, Jason decide that he would put his trust-- his faith, in the earth.

"I... don't exactly know much about the earth..." he began with an unsteady tone that became more confident as he continued on.
"I know that the earth is soil, and stone. That it is sturdy, heavy, and likes to gather instead of disperse... The Earth is that from which all life sprouts forth, and to which all life will one day return when things grow old and die.... I pray to the Earth, because unlike the sun, stars or moon-- the Earth does not abandon me. Regardless of where I travel or however far I go-- there is still Earth. It does not leave me. I seek not it's strength, but rather its ancient wisdom; that I may temper my judgment and do good for this world."

Letting himself sink even further into depths of the Earth, Jason awaited the voices reply...
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