Avatar of ReusableSword


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2 yrs ago
Current i dont recommend getting a pinched nerve, especially in your leg
6 yrs ago
Just a few more hours and i get to dissappear for 10 days. The place we are going has some wonderful views.
7 yrs ago
wow talk about nostalgia. Things to do while your bored, look up "the cluefinders."
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
what? its already been a year here? *looks around* well other than loseing a bunch of wieght not much has changed.
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Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.

Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.

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@Searat... your characters going to be interesting to interact with but go ahead and put some one else as your friend my character is going to be a new arrival... but ill pm you about it lol

what's wrong with two friendly hunters? one leaning towards more of a deputy with the other being more of a butcher/leather worker? if that's ok with you ill get a profile up by monday.

Also Hi Ed


but no other races other than the four?
Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
Ambush! >>> so far so good /// Adventuring day 5 // Evening / Location - Old Goblin Camp

Ardur took the time to fly back up above the party and scan their surroundings for a moment while speaking. “Trent you’re up against a Hob bones, more speed and intelligence less strength and same durability as the skeleblin over there. Asura yours is a necro slime, its acids are stronger because of bacteria and rot otherwise it’s the same stats as a normal slime.”

The high pixie then hovered above Mother Slime and the skeleton she was fighting. She seemed to have everything handled and overpowered the smaller skeleton. Still, Ardur hovered above waiting for an opening. If one were to show itself, he would drop from his position to plant the heel of his foot into the skeleblin’s skull. One less enemy would be a good thing at this rate and he wasn’t about to risk using magic on the other enemy’s because they were so close. If the opportunity would not arise the high pixie would simply remain in the air on alert for any enemy reinforcements. At least Steve seemed to be doing good so far.


Victor Astorio

The line for the enchantments formed and one by one vampires were blinded and guided away. In the beginning he was all for it but then hesitated waiting for most of the others to go first before it was his turn. The feeling wasn’t what h expected, being blinded like this was different and not being able to find his internal compass was troubling to say the least. Even the sudden sense of vertigo caught him off guard making him stumble for a moment. Victor then decided that it wouldn’t be that big of a deal to let the others see him as clumsy, could give them an edge.

The mage that was leading him was polite but he could still sense that they found it funny. Even as she said that Salem was too his left he tripped and fell as the others were picking on each other. “Well this is an interesting feeling. I’m sure by the time I’m done none of my clothes will survive my clumsiness.” He said with a laugh taking his time to stand up slowly. Grasping what he hoped was Salem’s shoulder, “this will surely be fun.”

The teachers began talking again this time about the rules again. He never really liked teleport spells but he supposed it was because he couldn’t control the entry point. Then again he can’t control anything right now. “Hold your breath Salem, sometimes this can knock the wind out of you.” He whispered to his mage. At the very least he could follow his heart beat.

The mage in front of them finishing the incantation and suddenly feeling of vertigo returned once more. This time it wasn’t that bad, he still couldn’t see though which was uncomfortable but he would just have to deal with it. The smell and sounds of the forest filtered into his senses. The cold ground felt moist, kneeling to pick up a handful of pine needles and dirt. Smelling, tasting, and feeling. All things he did with it then rubbed the dirt into his hands.

“Salem, before we begin take a few minutes to listen and see. Feel your surroundings, listen to the song of the forest. Try to make out what every little creak and snap might be but don’t let you imagination get the best of you. I don’t smell or hear anyone or anything in our current area. Now that we are alone I’m going to think about how we can move through here while you get acclimated.”

A few thoughts of how they could traverse this forest went through his mind. He definitely did not want some sort of leash, holding hands was practical but still a little weird. He didn’t truly understand the spell just yet so trying to follow the boy through sound or following his heart beat wasn’t a definite option to him either. Then Victor had an idea and looked back toward Salem with a smile on his face that said “I thought of something fun.”

“I have an idea of how to get through this quickly. I will carry you.” He paused for a moment to let it sink in. “you can wrap your arms around my neck and use your spell. This will conserve energy and hopefully be quicker. Instead of barking directions you can just, I don’t know… push or grip onto my left or right shoulder to turn me. Yes I do believe that might work, I don’t get tired and we could possibly cover a lot of ground.” Again he smiled towards the boy.

“However, this will also be a sort of test for you. I don’t particularly want others to know that I carried you and let you… drive me. So it will be a secret and this way I can better judge how well you keep secrets. Even from Lillie." again the count paused for a moment. " And one more thing… if you think it would be funny to drive me into a tree just remember I’m more likely to go through it then bounce off of it and you are coming with me.” this was definitely a challenge, a challenge he would enjoy.

Victor Astorio

The reaction from the other count made him laugh and smile. But waited for him to finish speaking. Turning his head away from the count and spitting out some blood from what he drank earlier. The taste making him grimace for a moment.

“Well while you decided to use your words and voice your complaints directly to the princess. I took a different approach.” Turning back to him still smiling, “now I was at revel and I do agree that the security detachment there was rather… lacking.”

“So my approach this time after hearing about the improved security measures? Test them.” Turning his attention to Ryner. “I brought with me 48 blades and knives, all but one hidden among my person. Your security inspector unenthusiastically found all of them. That is why I don’t have shoes, they were confiscated because they had too many blades in them. That and with what I can see right now.” Turning to point out the royal guards and security teams.

All of them are as well trained as I am. The only thing that can get passed them would have to probably be a specialized team of assassins. Even then, they might be able to break the perimeter but they wouldn’t get far.” Rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck he still smiled. “Im sure if you look hard enough you may even find Nox out there patrolling the perimeter. So I do have to admit that the princess here out did herself. Wouldn’t you agree?”
Victor Astorio

The practical exam had gotten him excited since they told everyone what was going to happen. Victor hadn’t had his senses magically altered for some time. These trainings were always good to get the blood flowing make you really get a sense of dread or danger. An emotion few vampires felt during their daily lives. This was going to be fun.

The trip there wasn’t that bad, Salem kept to himself but at least he sat through the couple quick lessons he was able to give the boy on land navigation. A crash course really. Even though they had been focusing on physical training he was still able to get a few survival tips in here and there when it came to the outdoors. He wasn’t all too worried about his mage, he knew he would be quite capable. This would be a good test to see what his training has accomplished so far.

The hulking Astorio was quite aware that the guards would find his hidden weapons, but to him it was less of trying to get things past the guards and more about testing them. It didn’t hurt that he might get a good laugh out of it too. He could see that after they arrived that a few people had things confiscated from them. Mostly lights, a few compasses here and there, maybe a map or two, and a lot of phones. Finally it was his turn as the guard stepped up to him.

The look on the guards face as he starred at him was one of first, “I don’t get paid enough for this” turned quickly to a “What the?” as he looked up at the count. “No weapons Astorio. leave them with your other belongings at your seat and you can get them at the end of the test.”

Victor could see the guards facial expressions change again as a few others glance over at him. “What do you mean no weapons?” The guard’s expression was funny for a bit as Victor pulled a pocket knife out and placed it on the seat.

“All of them. There is no reason for you to have 47 knives and blades on you in the first place.”

Victor smiled and held his hands up, “alright you got me.” He then proceeded to empty every secret and obvious pocket of blade after blade. Most of them small, others strapped together in a bandolier fashion, and he also put his shoes and socks in the bin as well. His shoes containing at least 6 blades each. each item was left in the seat closest to the wall. “Did I get everything?” he asked.

“The Amulet too.” The guard answered.

A small laugh as he shakes his head and takes his family’s crest off his neck. Pulling on one of the sides to reveal a small blade before putting it with the rest.

“And the flask.”

He hesitated for a moment holding the flask in his hand. Taking one last swig of the contents he closed it and put it with the others.

“Move along.” The guard ordered.

Victor smiled then carried on as the guard just shook his head. “At the very least I can try to make your night interesting.” Speaking towards the man while walking out of the bus and into the crowd of gathered vampires and one very heated looking Varis. Ryner didn’t seem like she was going to be putting up with any of his crap for this one. Looking around for a moment he noticed the atmosphere of the place. Most of the other vampires seemed very worried, annoyed, or down right scarred of the uncertainties that come with being blinded like this. At least a few looked excited like he was.

The tall Vampire could see one opportunity to get under some ones skin a little and stir the pot so to speak. Making his way up toward Varis and Ryner at the front of the group he paused nearby to say something. “Although I do understand where you are coming from Varis, it is after all, perfectly natural to be scared in this situation. But do not fear the unknown, for there’s more than one way to see. I’m sure we will all have a lot of fun.” Speaking with a smile on his face while he bent down to roll his pant legs up and off the ground, digging his toes in to the ground with a sigh. “We all know what it means to not participate, those rules were very clear.” after he said what he did he realized the count may very well attack him, "well at least it was worth it." he thought to himself.
Victor Astorio

Dates: September 21st - October 7th

Dates: October 8th - November 4th

Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
These fire fly's suck >>> Ambush! /// Adventuring day 5 // Evening / Location - Cave >> Old Goblin Camp

Ardur was satisfied with his hit too the wisp. It was somewhat strange to him to think that these undead were literally throwing their lives away just for the core. At least for now the fighting seemed to have stopped, Asura had taken care of the rat and the two wisps were taken care of. Mother slime didn’t look to happy about her placement but oh well. Steve seemed rather animated when he turned his attention to her. It looked like she was waiting for her next job when the Taming skill finally leveled up.

Taking a moment to ponder the skill and its explanation as the others talked. Hearing Trent talk more while the continued made him ponder more, “Well we didn’t know their names but knew something was there, at least I did. I hope you can forgive our blunt ignorance on such things, we are still learning.” Looking again to Steve as they traveled further into the cave, “don’t worry Steve, stick to the plan of using your web to slow enemy’s focus on rats pixies and skeletons.” He wasn’t entirely too sure how much the spider understood but hoped she at least wouldn’t waste her energy on wisps and slimes.

They soon found themselves in a familiar place. The old abandoned goblin camp marked only by scraps and ash were the fire once was. Ardur took this opportunity to fly a bit higher up to get a better view while the others were still getting to the center. He wasn’t too sure what he would learn while using Keen Sight I into the darkness but who knows maybe he will pick up dark vision or something.

It didn’t take long for things to start happening, a yell from Trent and a rather odd looking skeleton soon appeared in front of the group then ran off into the darkness. Ardur wasted little time to start using Monster analysis I on that skeleton, the one coming from the side, and the darker ooze coming up from the fire pit. From his aerial advantage he began calling out targets, “Skeleblin coming in from our left, Steve slow it down. Black ooze coming up from the fire pit towards Asura, be careful it could be the black slime that forced us out the last time. Don’t know where the bigger one went, unlikely that this is it. Ready yourselves for an ambush!”

Ardur had to admit that he wasn’t a tactical genius so the best he could do was give them accurate information regarding their opponents. Taking the opportunity before the fighting really started the high pixie dove back towards the group. He was hoping to use the added momentum from how height up he was to swoop down quickly and cast Shield I on both Asura and Trent then return to his flying position slightly above the group.


Victor Astorio

Victor continued with his defensive posture and side stepped her advances all for the sake of buying time. He knew help had finally arrived when the ambiance of sirens and flashing lights stopped and the utter silence that came with it encroached on the two. Still, just before this girl was going to try to strike him again he heard a familiar voice.


The distraction was exactly what he was waiting for. The princess had her entire attention allowing him to step closer to Ryner to see how things played out and turned off the phone in his pocket. Slowly drawing the thick but short knife he had concealed and waited, he could tell by the way she was talking that she was going to leave this to him, and he could barely wait. All he needed was her approval for him to continue, it wasn’t long before he had it and the woman lunged at her with a knife of her own.

Normally Victor would draw out a fight like this but not this time. This Valentina had killed some of his classmates and carelessly killing mages pissed him off. If only Ryner hadn’t told him to make it quick. At least this one was enraged and not thinking maybe if she was she would have seen the flash of silver from metal glinting in the moon light in front of her, she would have felt him grab her leg and spin her around. With a second flash of silver she hit the side of another A/C unit.

He figured that in her near blood drunk and rage induced stupor that it would take the girl a few moments to realize what just happened. The first thing she might notice would be the fact that victor was still holding something in his hand, the glint of sharpened steel in the fading moon light tinged with a dark red stain that dripped to the floor. The second, was that he was holding something large in his other hand. Something that once belonged to her. Her entire right leg dangled from his hand, tendons cut with precision and practice. Then the last thing she could notice, was a hand holding a blade at his feet.

“Dismemberment is an acceptable form of capture and I do enjoy picking apart my prey.” Victor dropped her leg then picked up her knife. She began to say something or just to scream again, he will never know. As with the simple flick of his wrist, her knife impaled through her throat. “I think we have heard enough out of you today.” The sadistic side of victor was starting to show through now.

Valentina in an act of pure rage and desperation drew the blade from her through and with her remaining good limbs lunged at him with strength and furry. Yet she was still sloppy. Victor easily side stepped her thrust and in two more strikes cut off her arm at the elbow and her leg at the knee. She was but a torso with a few stumps now, in time she could regenerate, but he wasn’t going to let that happen.

“Usually I would draw a fight like this out, but she did tell me to hurry.” The girl before him still wiggled and squirmed. “My position within the council does grant me some discretion when it comes to my targets. If they are too dangerous to be left alive, I can choose to be their executioner.” He paused for a moment as he kicked her onto her back placing his boot on her chest. “Doesn’t happen very often but it can happen.” He took a moment to look to the sky and over towards were Ryner had left and sighed.

“You already showed us that you are too dangerous to be left alive. Not only for what damage you can cause against the crown, but the council as well. For that reason as well as many others I will carry out your sentence right here and right now.” He was well aware that this part wasn’t necessary or true, but he didn’t get to do it that often and always liked doing it. That and if his memories were ever looked at he had this to at least show that he tried.

“You stand accused of murder, assault, heresy, and treason. How do you plead?” the look in her eyes was all he needed to carry on, knowing full well he destroyed her vocal cords. “By the power given to me by the Crown and the council. I, Count Victor Strigois Asterio, Council headhunter holding the rank of operative, sentence you to true death by dismemberment and sunlight.” Kneeling down he placed one knee on her chest and the other on her head forcing her mouth open with one hand the large vampire took his knife and began to cut her fangs out.

“Born of blood.” Victor spoke as he tossed her fangs aside, it was an old Asterio punishment for those that disgraced the family or crown. With his good arm he began to dig his hand into her rib cage slowly breaking through cartilage and old bones. “Risen from ash.” He could feel her shriveled heart now a pool of dark and bright colors of blood surrounded them. “This is your end.” He gripped his strong hand around her heart and looked into her eyes, “you will be dust.” Ripping pulling and tearing, blood spewed from her with a gargled scream. Her heart torn out of her and crushed in the Asterio’s hand.

His one final act against her to make sure she wasn’t getting up was decapitation. The scene on top of that roof top was now one of gore and death. Pieces of vampire and pools of old and new blood scattered. There was nothing more for victor to do now, he picked up her blade and left in the same direction Ryner went. He figured at the very least he should talk to her before heading home. He could only hope that his mage wasn’t involved in this mess as well.
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