Hobgoblin Gird
A new day /// Day 0 // Morning A gentle morning breeze blew through forest, a lush green landscape full of strange wildlife and curious plants. One such animal was a small brown and white rabbit, its defining feature being a sharp pointed horn protruding from its skull. The small creature was quick to move from bush to bush. As beautiful as the landscape may be danger and predators could be lurking around every corner. The horned rabbit was taking its time nibbling on what grass or leaf’s it could get to and moved on to the next bush.
A blur was all the rabbit would see as it seemed to be devoured by a bush. A small squeak came from the rabbit as it fought to break free from the bush that seemed to stand up. In between the branches and leaves one could make out the form of a humanoid. Sharp white teeth tightened down just behind its back. One might think that the humanoid missed but as it pulled its mouth away from the bunny a small white wisp seemed to be pulled away from the animal. With one last jerk the white wisp was pulled from the rabbit and swallowed.
The bush shook itself free of several of its branches revealing bone tied together with web strands and dried tendons over pale white skin. Several scars showed through the pale skin, black marks over its chest and torso with paler ones across its head and thigh. The pale skin and goblin scent of this rather ghost looking hobgoblin was covered and concealed with mud, grass, and pieces of the bush he was pretending to be. Quickly he made his way back toward the church with three rabbits as his morning catch for the young ones, he already ate the first one he found.
The church was always a comforting sight. Not only was it made of stone like the cave they started in but it had giant doors and it was almost as tall as the trees around it for a vantage point. On top of that it held many secrets still to be found. His memory of the night they cleared out the church and the skeletons that they had to destroy flashed through his mind. After that he woke up like this, hell they all woke up to be different.
Hobgoblin Gird walked confidently through the main doors of the church to find the goblin elder helping the newest additions to their group. One could see some differences right away but for some they just looked regular. Hopefully they could become strong members of the tribe. “Goblin Elder, I have returned with three rabbits for food. I did not clean them hopefully some of these can do something with them.” Gird set the rabbits down next to the elder and nodded, “I split up from the others I don’t know what they will bring back.”