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2 yrs ago
Current i dont recommend getting a pinched nerve, especially in your leg
6 yrs ago
Just a few more hours and i get to dissappear for 10 days. The place we are going has some wonderful views.
7 yrs ago
wow talk about nostalgia. Things to do while your bored, look up "the cluefinders."
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
what? its already been a year here? *looks around* well other than loseing a bunch of wieght not much has changed.
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Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.

Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.

Most Recent Posts

Hobgoblin Gird
A new day /// Day 0 // Morning

A gentle morning breeze blew through forest, a lush green landscape full of strange wildlife and curious plants. One such animal was a small brown and white rabbit, its defining feature being a sharp pointed horn protruding from its skull. The small creature was quick to move from bush to bush. As beautiful as the landscape may be danger and predators could be lurking around every corner. The horned rabbit was taking its time nibbling on what grass or leaf’s it could get to and moved on to the next bush.

A blur was all the rabbit would see as it seemed to be devoured by a bush. A small squeak came from the rabbit as it fought to break free from the bush that seemed to stand up. In between the branches and leaves one could make out the form of a humanoid. Sharp white teeth tightened down just behind its back. One might think that the humanoid missed but as it pulled its mouth away from the bunny a small white wisp seemed to be pulled away from the animal. With one last jerk the white wisp was pulled from the rabbit and swallowed.

The bush shook itself free of several of its branches revealing bone tied together with web strands and dried tendons over pale white skin. Several scars showed through the pale skin, black marks over its chest and torso with paler ones across its head and thigh. The pale skin and goblin scent of this rather ghost looking hobgoblin was covered and concealed with mud, grass, and pieces of the bush he was pretending to be. Quickly he made his way back toward the church with three rabbits as his morning catch for the young ones, he already ate the first one he found.

The church was always a comforting sight. Not only was it made of stone like the cave they started in but it had giant doors and it was almost as tall as the trees around it for a vantage point. On top of that it held many secrets still to be found. His memory of the night they cleared out the church and the skeletons that they had to destroy flashed through his mind. After that he woke up like this, hell they all woke up to be different.

Hobgoblin Gird walked confidently through the main doors of the church to find the goblin elder helping the newest additions to their group. One could see some differences right away but for some they just looked regular. Hopefully they could become strong members of the tribe. “Goblin Elder, I have returned with three rabbits for food. I did not clean them hopefully some of these can do something with them.” Gird set the rabbits down next to the elder and nodded, “I split up from the others I don’t know what they will bring back.”

@Jangel13 one last question and then I'm good to go. are we starting immediately after the hobgoblins evolved or a few days after. or are we just starting fresh...ish?

@Shovel i figured you would go with something involving a shovel lol
No prob. I wanted all the old players to go and go through their characters if they planned to use them. Look into all the things you learned as a hobgoblin and use it

oh i just added the skills up to the hob gob transformation, should i add back the couple things he learned up until ghoul transformation?
@demonspade64 he said that we are starting kind of over. The ppl fromthe last rp start as hobgoblins and keep their skills and one legacy item. But other than that everyone is starting at the old church.
oh look we got like 8 people so far. hopefully it doesn't dwindle down to three like last time lol

I will get mine in later today
Victor Astorio

Victor remained silent through this whole thing, again he found this annoying but still continued to try and learn from it. He had begun to rub his fingers over his hands while he listened and thought about what was being said. Not once did he realize he was manipulating small amounts of blood in his skin. He was after all trying his best to accelerate the blood control ability he was showed some time ago. The count did this so often he sometimes forgot he was doing it in the first place.

The countess surprised him and garnered his attention for a moment at the mention of the queen and the terrorist that attacked. If she was trying to get a reaction he was sure that the Eve would respond but he wasn’t entirely sure how, as Victor did not remember seeing the count at the dance. So many masks even in here. Eris’s recount of the current events seemed to answer his question before he asked. Then there was another remark about Salem. He didn’t want to say much about the underground fighting rumors in front of Eris he already knew that was a bad idea but perhaps he could sway the conversation on a different route.

“If I may interject for a moment. In regards to your comment about Spellman, I have found that he has grown and adapted quite well to both his new training regimen and the etiquette classes he has been taking.” He paused for a moment, Victor did like to pause occasionally while he was talking. This time it was a bit more deliberate but only just, mostly to take away the focus off the countess even for a moment. “If it were not for the leadership skills he has been showing during his training sessions with his fellow mages and his overall actions during that last test of ours. I can assure you he would be on a shorter leash.”

Again he paused for a moment and looked toward Ben, “Benjamin, If you don’t mind my personal thoughts on Miss Dionne, I have been watching her grow from the moment I met her. From my observations I can say that Count Eve here has done a very good job in her physical training as well as her magical practice.” Again he glanced at the Marivaldi countess for a moment then looked to Varis with a bit of a smile. “Again these are just my observations purely on combat and physical ability not politically obviously. I would bet on Miss Dionne in a test of swordsmanship that she could beat even the Starag now.” Another pause before continuing, he was sure this might be a bad idea but he was curious how Varis would act.

“You have done a marvelous job retraining the boy to how a Sinnenodel house would be run but I’m curious. Do you intend on letting the boys talents falter in some areas and only use him as a political tool? I have noticed from the first time I saw him that his muscle mass has dropped. I would suggest this could be malnourishment but judging by the condition of his skin and hair I would say this is not the case more so the lack of physical exercise.” He only paused for a moment this time before continuing again. “With his light magic and swordsmanship he would be a great protector. It’s a shame really light and metal mages are truly spectacular when trained to be a protector but I’m sure he will adapt to mental magic.”

Victor wasn’t entirely sure if his insult was too subtle or too blunt, or if Varis would simply scoff at the comment and carry on. This political game was entirely too bothersome and had too many variables. Perhaps he would learn more here than when he is in class. He was well aware that he wasn’t here to make friends but he didn’t mind being the wild card in these situations. He only hoped that Arron was listening to what was said about him, subterfuge could be fun sometimes as well.

Now it seemed that it was time for the next round of blood, a small smirk appeared on his lips for a moment as he could hear the blonde boy prepare the next batch of blood. He got this blood specifically for this gathering, fear and adrenaline brought forth a particular flavor from Spellman. A specific taste for a distasteful gathering one that he hoped would get the two of them kicked out early but now he wasn’t so sure. Thats unless he was so lost in his thoughts that he completely missed salems blood serving. First he had to wait for how the others responded since he did just insult Varis and slightly Eris. Or at least he hoped he did.
Grikgar /Grik/ Seeker

// Unggoy Ultra // Demolitions and Artillery // Location: Enemy Stronghold

The rebels on the high ground were quickly dispatched once they lost their support weapon. The others down below seemed to be working through them rather well. This Ryker Spartan was impressive, the grunt wasn’t too surprised. The humans were determined to fight till the last man and fight they would. Grik’s shield had charged back up again and he quickly rejoined his squad mate on the high ground only to come under fire by another rebel with another support weapon.

Their commander was determined to end this quickly and ordered Tatsuma up to pin down the remaining enemy. Once the behemoth shook up the last of the defenders and got their focus off them Grikgar began his side of the counter attack. Flaring the orange shield to life with one hand and swapping out the fuel rod cannon for a plasma pistol he began to lay down a stream of green plasma shots down onto the enemy. Normally plasma pistols wouldn’t be this effective but grunts were more than capable of firing off the semi auto weapon just as fast as a plasma rifle.

@Darked13 lich or lich varient was like endgame
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