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2 yrs ago
Current i dont recommend getting a pinched nerve, especially in your leg
6 yrs ago
Just a few more hours and i get to dissappear for 10 days. The place we are going has some wonderful views.
7 yrs ago
wow talk about nostalgia. Things to do while your bored, look up "the cluefinders."
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
what? its already been a year here? *looks around* well other than loseing a bunch of wieght not much has changed.
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Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.

Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.

Most Recent Posts

Merik Roak

The enemy was in full retreat their chief dropped some foul liquid and ran in the chaos. Merik was quick to close his nostrils but kept going in his primal state. Few goblins escaped him his rage still burning and his teeth still chomping black blood dripped from his jaws and covered the front of his armor. Finally the beast could breath as the cloud dissipated.

His deep breaths helped to calm him down as the few stragglers were either killed or ran off back to the forest. Slowly the large lizard sat down on the stone wall his head easily able to see over it. The soldiers cheered and the goblins disappeared. Triumph slowly turned to exhaustion and dreary quiet. The humans now had their dead to take care of even Merik still had a couple jobs to do. Slowly he stood and stretched, the injured were being cared for or taken away and the able began to pick up bodies and debris.

The goblin bodies were unceremoniously thrown off the wall while the humans were lined up along the sides of the streets. Merik knew that the humans took special care of their dead and he knew to be respectful of it. Even if to him what was dead was dead and the spirit was gone leaving just meat and personal effects. The Lizard folk retrieved his sword from the wall making his way down towards where one of the large stones had landed nearby. The area it hit was damaged but he was able to roll the stone up to the gate and leave it against it. He only did this with one more stone as a way to help brace the door.

Either out of fear, exhaustion, or respect he no longer heard the men whisper about him they simply made way for him. It was an effect he had seen happen to many other humans who doubted him then fought alongside him. Action and honor spoke volumes more than some royal sigil ever could, as Acrius would say, seeing is believing. Merik still didn’t quite understand what was meant by it but was able to grasp the basics.

He lingered for a little while longer at the gate to assist with moving fallen debris or move the wounded. Only calling out to his friend after most of the dust had settled and the sounds of distant fighting turned to silence. “Ruduf, Merik go check rest of wall. Merik see you again later.” With a wave the Lizard trotted off down the wall looking for any trouble along the way. He might have been tired, sore, and he was sure that at least some of this blood was his but he kept going. with a full belly he showed off his immense stamina and desire to continue the fight. As he jogged off toward the south end of the town.
Hobgoblin Gird
Always on alert >> Run away! /// Day 0 // Morning

Gird took the skull from his friend and nodded, “thank you, lets finish this up and see where it takes us.” He was quick to continue his work the skull resting snuggly inside his breast plate. Using what seemed like almost all of his energy to get the last of the web walls set up and the final net up and working. Stopping for a moment to dig a few small holes for their large makeshift net at the end of their corral. The net used the strongest sticks Luz found and Gird was sure to double layer it. The plan was to raise the net after they crossed it and hold on to stop whatever they caught from escaping.

With a few deep breaths the hobgoblin looked around at the traps and then back to his friend, “remember if this doesn’t work we split up and jump or slide over or under the walls to try and get them to follow us and get stuck. I’m sure the goddess will be watching over us.” With a few more deep breaths the pale one steadied his beating heart with a few more deep breaths then stood. A feeling of light headedness almost brought him back down to his knees and he had to catch himself on a nearby tree. He shook the feeling from him and continued to the trees near the bats.

Pulling the skull from his chest piece he placed it up to his head and whispered a short prayer, this one acknowledges your plight and thanks you for your energy, it will not be wasted and you will be remembered by the goddess Duvelna. His energy spiked while the skull turned to dust in his hands. Taking the stone from Luz he nodded. “Remember get to the end, wait for the other, raise the net, and hold on.” Gird peered out from the tree and focused on the colony of bats above them.

His target was a mother with a child, protective instincts ran strong in most social creatures. This was the most likely way to get them to follow as he saw it. Raising the stone in his hand he threw the stone using Bloody Strike on the mother bat. A yell followed quickly after to try and goad the bats into coming after him, “FOR THE GODDES!” that was all he needed to turn quickly and start moving toward the other end of their trap. Like usual the variant hob was using all of his limbs to run. Pulling and pushing mud and stone to propel himself father and faster. He was glad that they cleared the path of sticks while making this trap. One thing was for sure, this hobgoblin felt alive with adrenaline.

Summery:@Jangel13 Gird finished the rest of the corral and the net at the end. at this point he is starting to get tired but @demonspade64Luz gave him one of the few skulls she still had. with the extra boost from the skull Gird said a prayer then used bloody strike on a mother bat to attempt to get the colony more attracted to him through their possible protective instincts. after shouting at the colony to get the rest to follow he took off toward the end of the corral.

@Jangel13 posts
Hobgoblin Gird
Setting a trap >> Always on alert /// Day 0 // Morning

Gird nodded to Luz and gave her a smile. He began to work with the webs he created from his fingers the silly string like substance flowed uncontrollably at first but the hobgoblin was quickly able to at least control how fast it moved from his hands. He didn’t feel like the webs would run out, he didn’t feel some strange reservoir he was draining from. Gird was sure this was going to pull from his strength or hunger eventually but for now he felt no ill effects.

Globing up a bit of the web high up on a tree he used this as an anchor wrapping the web tightly around the tree once without tearing the web and moved to the next tree slowly wrapping the web slightly lower. He was sure to weave two to three sticks in between each gap to strengthen it. He moved the web strands lower each time until each gap had three to four strands through it.

Aside from stopping and remaining alert, often stopping mid strand and looking, listening, and smelling for danger. Gird was sure to keep quiet and diligently work at setting up the walls, changing its direction or changing how high or low it was off the ground. Randomizing the big trap to be as confusing as possible. He was sure that the bats wouldn’t think to have to deal with these issues unless they ventured into the spider infested forest. At least here they could bring one aspect of the spiders to them.

It was going rather smooth so far, he wondered if it was because of the devils luck they acquired some time ago. Either way he was almost half way finished with the long trap and was beginning to feel hungry again. At the very least he knew what spending all this web did do him, but he was getting better at using it.

“Luz.” He whispered to his friend nearby, she had been doing a marvelous job at getting the sticks he needed for this. “I’m starting to get hungry but I think I can finish the rest of this with some energy left over. I will help you draw them in and trap as many as we can but I might pass out after, unless we run into a problem.” Gird was still whispering to her and looking around. “I know it’s dangerous and quite possibly deadly if we make a mistake, but I feel the closer I am to death the closer I am to the goddess.” He wanted to make sure that she knew why he was doing this and then continued onto making the rest of the corral.

Summary: @Jangel13Gird began using his web ability to start making the walls in randomized configurations to possibly aid with disorientating his prey. Gird is starting to feel hungry again after using the web for so long but is keeping alert and pausing occasionally to make sure there is no danger nearby. He did whisper to Luz@demonspade64 about why he wanted to help bait the bats into the trap even if he felt tired, saying it made him feel closer to death and the goddess before continuing.

Hobgoblin Gird
Another adventure >> Setting a trap /// Day 0 // Morning

Gird watched the bats carefully, there were many more of them then he thought there would be. On top of that the forest floor was a bit more open with some smaller trees but mostly the taller trees these bats where sleeping in. since the sunlight doesn’t reach the ground floor the plants didn’t grow as well. Only a few small ferns and sporadic large and small tree limbs dotted about.

Luz was quick to find him, at least she wasn’t being too loud. Gird knew they couldn’t take on the swarm with just the two of them head on they had to be smart about it. The hobgoblin didn’t say anything to her right away instead he was slowly looking around. Motioning her to follow the pale hobgoblin slunk back the way he came quietly trying his best not to awaken the swarm. He had an idea but it would take some prep work, but the payouts could be worth it.

Assuming that Luz had followed him back to a safe distance he still spoke in a hushed tone. I have an idea but we will need some of these sticks two or three our height or more placed between these trees between us and the edge of the forest.” His plan was going to be tricky and dangerous for sure, we will use the silk I can create, wrap it around the trees and the sticks. Create a sticky wall on both sides for them to get trapped in. the closer to the edge of the forest we get the narrower the passage until it’s just one tree length apart.” He paused for a moment to check their surroundings, “we will take the four best sticks we can find and weave them together and leave it laying just past the tree line so we can use it as a net to catch more of them. I’ll try to make a few more connections higher up the trees near the end as well.”

With a sigh he gave her a half smile, “don’t praise me yet because after we set it up there is one last thing we need to do. In order to spring the trap we need to piss them off. By throwing sticks or stones get them to chase us, then we get to figure out which one of us is faster like when we were born.” He hoped his counterpart was following along, if they did this and it worked they could come back with quite the haul and on top of that he already knew what this silk was capable of. He knew he couldn’t control it very well but he didn’t have to if he was just anchoring it around the tree by wrapping it around then weaving it through the trees and sticks at varying height’s. "if you agree then we need to get started just be quiet about it."

Summery: @Jangel13Gird found the bats and observed the vegetation, quietly falling back to tell Luz@demonspade64 his plan of making a spider web corral and net to trap the bats in after pissing them off and getting them to follow them (this was made by an assumption coming from his beast tamer skill to better understand beasts and how they will behave). Also told her how he was going to weave the spider silk in between branches and trees to make the walls stronger and about making a net at the end of the corral.

@Haeo i dont mind you just have to catch up to him. he wont turn away help but he wont wait for you either
@Hawthorne cant get rid of merik that easily
Hobgoblin Gird
a plan for the day >> Another adventure /// Day 0 // Morning

Gird watched and listened to the others especially the elder about growing stronger. Some of the others decided on getting an early start on things and already headed out. Some of the others looked like they were going to try team work. At least they looked like they would be ok for now. “ill be sure to bring back some food for you as well elder.” The hobgoblin looked down at the goblin that asked about seeing in the dark. “I have no idea, but they can see in the dark and if the spiders I ate gave me their web. Hopefully I’ll get their sight.” He was being honest he had no idea what he would get from the bats or if he could catch one in the first place.

The hobgoblin was still trying to piece together what he had witnessed earlier with the bright light and the sudden appearance of the strange sword in one of the little ones hands that they created. Was it a spell? Perhaps some kind of rare skill? He hadn’t seen anything like that before in this world so far and no mention of it in the books he was trying to read. Still Gird stepped up to the little one as she was cutting up the bunnies. “Your instincts are sharp, it took the rest of us at least a day to start figuring out how to use all of the parts of these animals. But I will give you two more things. One a warning, with that skill or spell you stand out and will be a target if others know. The second you will get when I return if we are still alive.”

With that he looked back to the others that were still around for a moment and nodded to them. “I’ll be off then. I’ll see you all soon.” Gird left the others to whatever else they had to do and stepped outside. As happy as he might be that they have new members he still felt crowded in that church. Gaining his bearings the hobgoblin only paused once to look at some small mounds of dirt where it looked like one of the others put some berries in the ground. Having a food source close to home was a good idea. If he found some more plants that looked useful or edible he would try to pick them up before coming back.

Quickly and with purpose gird set off towards the north and where he was told bats may reside in the trees.

Summery: Gird talked to the elder @Jangel13 and @SilverPaw, then he spoke to @Crusader Lord and gave her a warning and a promise of something else when they returned. Gird inspected briefly where berries where planted on his way out then headed north towards the bats.

@Jangel13 gird is in the church but will be haeding north after my next post.
ill be able to get a post up tonight or tomorrow.
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